Page 1: Photo: Bob Parks December 29, 2019 / The Holy Family Saint ...Dec 29, 2019  · uno de nosotros por el sacrificio voluntario de su único Hijo por nuestros pecados y ofensas. Ese bebé

MASS SCHEDULE Weekends Saturday....5:00 pm; (7:00 pm, Spanish) Sunday .....9:00 am, 11:00 am; ( 1:00 pm, Spanish)

Weekdays Monday - Friday 8:00 am; (7:00 pm Spanish) No Spanish evening Mass on the last Friday of each month. First Saturday .... 8:00 am Holy Day of Obligation Masses 8:00 am, 6:00 pm, (8:00 pm Spanish) Confession Saturday ............ 3:30 - 4:45 pm Sunday………… ... 7:30 - 8:30 am Or by appointment Baptism Preparation

English: Call 307-256-9814 to register Spanish: 1st & 2nd Sat., 2:00 pm (Scanlan) Baptism English: 4th Saturday at 9:00 am Spanish: 3rd Saturday at 9:00 am Marriage Preparation English: Contact the Parish Office Spanish: Contact a Deacon Anointing of the Sick First Friday during 8:00 am Mass

Call Parish Office for home/hospital


Eucharistic Adoration Tuesday - Friday......9:00 am - 7:00 pm

Last Friday of the Month, 9:00 am to

Saturday 6:00 am

Mission Churches Mass Schedule Saint Paul’s - Hurricane (171 S. Main) Sunday Mass—12:30 pm San Pablo Mission - Beryl Junction (721 S. Highway 18) Sunday Mass—9:00 am Saint Christopher’s - Kanab (39 West 200 South) Daily Mass—8:00 am, Sundays— 9:00 am Zion Park - Springdale (Canyon Community Center, 126 Lion Blvd.) SCAP………….....Sundays at 8:00 am Palm Sunday through December 1st Church Office 157 North 200 West / PO Box 188 St. George, UT 84771 Ph:435-673-2604 / Fax:435-688-2704 Email: [email protected] Office Hours Monday - Friday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Closed from 12 noon - 1:00 pm, M-F

Saint George

Photo: Bob Parks


December 29, 2019 / The Holy Family

CATHOLIC CHURCH Rev. David Bittmenn, Pastor

Rev. Sébastien Sasa Nganomo Babisayone, Parochial Vicar


Families can be challenging. As much as they can

be places of love, growth, and life, they can also be

places of hurt, conflict, and despair. What has been

your experience of family? There is no way around

it: being human requires family life. We have to

learn how to celebrate and embrace as well as for-

give and understand. Virtue is required. Saint Paul

asks us to “put on heartfelt compassion, kindness,

humility, gentleness, and patience.” We are asked

to bear with one another and forgive one another.

These are tall orders for anyone, but they are not

impossible achievements. If we keep our eyes on

Jesus and trust in God as the Holy Family did,

Saint Paul’s vision is obtainable. Our families can

take on a sacramental character and become places

where God’s love is revealed.


Las familias pueden ser desafiantes. Por mucho que puedan ser lugares de amor,

crecimiento y vida, también pueden ser lugares de dolor, conflicto y desesperación.

¿Cuál ha sido tu experiencia familiar? No hay forma de evitarlo: ser humano

requiere vida familiar. Tenemos que aprender a celebrar y abrazar, así como a

perdonar y comprender. Se requiere virtud. San Pablo nos pide: "Pónganse,

pues…la compasión tierna, la bondad, la humildad, la mansedumbre, la paciencia."

Se nos pide que nos soportemos y nos perdonemos mutuamente. Estas son

órdenes difíciles para cualquiera, pero no son logros imposibles. Si mantenemos

nuestros ojos en Jesús y confiamos en Dios como lo hizo la Sagrada Familia, la

visión de San Pablo se puede obtener. Nuestras familias pueden asumir un

carácter sacramental y convertirse en lugares donde se revela el amor de Dios.

The Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God

Wednesday, January 1—Holy Day of Obligation

Saint George Masses

8:00 am—English

6:00 pm—English

8:00 pm—Spanish

San Jorge Misas

8:00 am — Inglés

6:00 pm — Inglés

8:00 pm — español

Hurricane Mass

6:00 pm—English

Page 2: Photo: Bob Parks December 29, 2019 / The Holy Family Saint ...Dec 29, 2019  · uno de nosotros por el sacrificio voluntario de su único Hijo por nuestros pecados y ofensas. Ese bebé


Gratitude in Action: Our Way of Life / Gratitud en Acción: Nuestra forma de Vida

We are at the threshold of a new calendar year. What

might the new year hold for each of us? Could a move to

another city or state be around the corner for us? Maybe a

new job awaits our discovery and decision. Marriage, a

baby, a new home or car are all very real possibilities. We

may face serious illness, even death in the new year.

The dictionary identifies revelation as “the making known

of something that was previously secret or unknown”, and

“a surprising and previously unknown fact, especially one

that is made known in a dramatic way.”

What revelations might God offer? Will that which He

makes known to us come in a dream? Will the revealed be

made known in a dramatic way, in a loud rumble, a

thunderous roar, or in a subtle manner as that of a

whisper? Will God’s revelation come through hearing

Scripture, or might it come during our reception of Holy

Communion, or while we are before the Cross during

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament? Will it come through

our simple, daily prayer?

“The cross of Jesus doesn’t just reveal God as

unconditional love; it also reveals how vulnerability is the

path to intimacy. . . . God is absolutely and utterly

nonviolent . . . God’s vulnerability, . . . is a power for

community with God and with each other.”1

When we choose to follow Jesus, embracing the Cross of

Calvary, we witness one of God’s greatest revelations –

His unconditional love for each of us by the willing

sacrifice of His only Son for our sins and offenses. That

baby born in a state of poverty on Christmas Eve, laid in a

manger of straw with ‘lowly’ animals at His bedside

witnessing His birth, chose a path of vulnerability to

which we also are called. Vulnerability allows us into

communion with God and with each other. It strips us of

the sinfulness of pride.

“Our faith is a beautiful, developing drama, a beauty

whose end we cannot see. Starting with the first day of

creation, the Word of God has been slowly emerging down

the ages. The Word has become visible in the Incarnation

and will reach its full revelation when Jesus returns in

glory on the last day.”2

May who we are and all we do glorify and honor God, the

One to Whom we will one day account!

1The Passion and the Cross by Ronald Rolheiser, OMI

2From the essay “John Duns Scotus: His View of Christ”

by Friar Jack Wintz

⁓Carole Drake

Pastoral Assistant and Community Outreach

Estamos en el umbral de un calendario de nuevo año.

¿Qué nos depara el año nuevo para cada uno de

nosotros? ¿Podría un traslado a otra ciudad o estado

estar a la vuelta de la esquina para nosotros? Tal vez un

nuevo trabajo espera nuestro descubrimiento y decisión.

El matrimonio, un bebé, una casa nueva o un automóvil

son posibilidades muy reales. Podemos enfrentar

enfermedades graves, incluso la muerte en el nuevo año.

El diccionario identifica la revelación como "dar a

conocer algo que anteriormente era secreto o desconocido",

y "un hecho sorprendente y previamente desconocido,

especialmente uno que se da a conocer de manera


¿Qué revelaciones podría ofrecer Dios? ¿Lo que nos da

a conocer vendrá en un sueño? ¿Se dará a conocer lo

revelado de una manera dramática, con un fuerte

estruendo, un rugido atronador o de una manera sutil

como la de un susurro? ¿La revelación de Dios vendrá al

escuchar las Escrituras, o podría ocurrir durante nuestra

recepción de la Sagrada Comunión, o mientras estamos

ante la Cruz durante la Adoración del Santísimo

Sacramento? ¿Vendrá a través de nuestra simple oración


"La cruz de Jesús no solo revela a Dios como amor

incondicional; También revela cómo la vulnerabilidad

es el camino hacia la intimidad... Dios es absoluto y

absolutamente no violento... La vulnerabilidad de

Dios,... es un poder para la comunidad con Dios y con

los demás”1.

Cuando elegimos seguir a Jesús, abrazando la Cruz del

Calvario, somos testigos de una de las mayores

revelaciones de Dios: su amor incondicional por cada

uno de nosotros por el sacrificio voluntario de su único

Hijo por nuestros pecados y ofensas. Ese bebé nacido en

un estado de pobreza en la víspera de Navidad, acostado

en un pesebre de paja con animales "humildes" al lado

de su cama para presenciar su nacimiento, eligió un

camino de vulnerabilidad al que también estamos

llamados. La vulnerabilidad nos permite entrar en

comunión con Dios y entre nosotros. Nos despoja de la

pecaminosidad del orgullo.

“Nuestra fe es un drama hermoso y en desarrollo, una

belleza cuyo final no podemos ver. Comenzando con el

primer día de la creación, la Palabra de Dios ha estado

emergiendo lentamente a través de los siglos. La

Palabra se ha hecho visible en la Encarnación y

alcanzará su plena revelación cuando Jesús regrese en

gloria el último día”.2

¡Que quienes somos y todo lo que hacemos glorifiquemos

y honremos a Dios, Aquel a quien rendiremos cuentas

algún día!

Page 3: Photo: Bob Parks December 29, 2019 / The Holy Family Saint ...Dec 29, 2019  · uno de nosotros por el sacrificio voluntario de su único Hijo por nuestros pecados y ofensas. Ese bebé

A vision of family - Slightly superficial and

sugar-coated versions of family are

prevalent this time of year but this article

offers another vision of family. A good

place to start this description is literally at

the beginning, through a meditation on

Genesis 2:23-24. This passage comes after Adam named

all the birds of the air and all the wild and tame animals,

but still felt a lack and a loneliness. It was then that the

Lord made Eve and Adam rejoiced: “This one, at last, is

bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh…”. Some of

Adam’s thanksgiving has to do with the fact that in order

to understand and develop ourselves we need to relate to

other people. Physically we depend on others for food,

clothes, shelter, etc., emotionally we depend on other

people to remain healthy, spiritually we depend on at least

one other person if we are to experience anything of love,

and the list continues. We were made to be with others

even if these same others cause us sadness, grief, and pain.

There’s a complementarity associated with our need to be

with others. The fact that people are different in some

way is part of the reason why we are able to help each

other grow, develop, and find ourselves.

Complementarity suffers when one person dictates most

everything to other people because individual unfolding

and development is seriously stunted. Complementarity

suffers when people are considered equal in most every

way because then we can only give what others already

have. To be sure, all people have equal dignity and all of

us are in the image and likeness of God, but our capacities

and insights differ quite a bit. Observing that different

capacities and insights may lead to strife, competition,

and unjust deprivations of the dignity of others should not

justify attempts to insist that these differences are

intrinsically bad.

Families are critical

incubators of the

experience of


Intimately and freely

adults depend on each

other in times good and

bad to help care for children and children understand in so

many ways that they do in fact need other people, even

occasionally “mean” adults. If families struggle with this

dynamic, we do what we can to help them re-establish

this dynamic and we count it a tragedy when such efforts

are unsuccessful.

Families introduce and reinforce human truths: we do

need others and their differences. Part of being holy is

recognizing these basic truths in light of the One Who

Made Us.

Una visión de la familia: en esta época del año

prevalecen versiones de la familia ligeramente

superficiales, y recubiertas de azúcar, pero este artículo

ofrece otra visión de la familia. Un buen lugar para

comenzar esta descripción es literalmente al principio, a

través de una meditación en Génesis 2:23-24. Este pasaje

viene después de que Adán nombrará a todas las aves del

aire y a todos los animales salvajes y domesticados, pero

aún sentía una falta y una soledad. Fue entonces cuando el

Señor hizo que Eva y Adán se regocijarán: "Este, por fin,

es hueso de mis huesos y carne de mi carne..." Parte de la

acción de gracias de Adán tiene que ver con el hecho de

que para comprendernos y desarrollarnos necesita

relacionarse con otras personas. Físicamente, dependemos

de los demás para obtener alimentos, ropa, refugio, etc.,

emocionalmente dependemos de otras personas para que

se mantengan saludables, espiritualmente dependemos de

al menos de otra persona si queremos experimentar algo

de amor, y la lista continúa. Fuimos creados para estar

con otros, incluso si estos mismos otros nos causan

tristeza, pena y dolor.

Existe una complementariedad asociada con nuestra

necesidad de estar con los demás. El hecho de que las

personas sean diferentes de alguna manera es parte de la

razón por la cual podemos ayudarnos mutuamente a

crecer, desarrollarnos y encontrarnos. La complementariedad

sufre cuando una persona dicta casi todo a otras personas

porque el desarrollo y el progreso individual se ven

seriamente atrofiados. La complementariedad sufre

cuando las personas son consideradas iguales en casi

todos los sentidos porque entonces solo podemos dar lo

que otros ya tienen. Sin duda, todas las personas tienen la

misma dignidad y todos estamos a imagen y semejanza

de Dios, pero nuestras capacidades e ideas difieren

bastante. Observar que las diferentes capacidades e ideas

pueden conducir a conflictos, competencia y privaciones

injustas de la dignidad de los demás no debe justificar los

intentos de insistir en que estas diferencias son

intrínsecamente malas.

Las familias son incubadoras críticas de la experiencia de

complementariedad. Los adultos, íntima y libremente,

dependen unos de otros en momentos buenos y malos

para ayudar a cuidar a los niños y los niños entienden de

tantas maneras que de hecho necesitan a otras personas,

incluso ocasionalmente adultos "malos". Si las familias

luchan con esta dinámica, hacemos lo que podemos para

ayudarlas a restablecer esta dinámica y consideramos una

tragedia cuando tales esfuerzos no tienen éxito.

Las familias introducen y refuerzan las verdades

humanas: necesitamos a los demás y sus diferencias.

Parte de ser santo es reconocer estas verdades básicas a

la luz de Aquel Que Nos Hizo.

Pastor’s Message / Mensaje del padre: Father David Bittmenn

The Holy Family / La sagrada familia

Page 4: Photo: Bob Parks December 29, 2019 / The Holy Family Saint ...Dec 29, 2019  · uno de nosotros por el sacrificio voluntario de su único Hijo por nuestros pecados y ofensas. Ese bebé

EVENTS and MASS INTENTIONS Please visit our website for more announcements or email us at [email protected] for questions or submissions.

PARISH EVENTS Monday 10:00 am Everyday God (1/6, 1/20, 2/10, 2/24) Scanlan, FL2

7:00 pm RCIA Scanlan, FL2

3:30 pm Holy Rosary—please join us Hurricane

Tuesday 9:00 am Marian Hour - Our Lady of Peace Church

12-4 pm Bridge Group-Room at the Square, St. George

6:00 pm CCD Scanlan

First Tuesday

6:00 pm Knights of Columbus (Library) St. George

Second Tuesday

1:00 pm Women’s Group Lunch at Harmons Santa Clara


12:00 pm Bulletin Deadline (11 days prior to publication date)*

6:30 pm Holy Spirit Prayer Group Scanlan, FL2

7:00 pm Holy Hour of Reparation Church

7:00 pm Neo Catechumenal Way Scanlan, FL2

7:00 pm Clases Biblicas CERS Scanlan, FL2

Third Wednesday

6:30 pm 4th Degree K of C Scanlan, FL3

Thursday 9:00 am Prayers for the Unborn Church

6:00 pm CCD Scanlan

Second Thursday

1:30 pm Mass at Sterling Court, St. George 324N 1680E

Friday 7:00 pm Holy Hour, Spanish Church

First Friday 8:00 am Anointing of the Sick at Mass Church

6:30 pm Women’s Group (Sept-June) Scanlan, FL2

Last Friday

9:00 am Eucharistic Adoration begins Church

Saturday 7:00 pm Neo Catechumenal Way Scanlan, FL2

First Saturday

8:00 am Mass in Honor of Our Lady Church

9: 30 am Walk for Life Bluff & 600S

After last Friday 6:00 am Eucharistic Adoration ends with Mass Church

First Weekend

At all Masses - Renovation Fund Collection

Third Weekend

At all Masses - K of C Food Drive

Sunday 9:00 am CCD Scanlan

11:00 am CCD Scanlan

5:00 pm Rosary Church

First Weekend

At all Masses - Renovation Fund Collection

Third Weekend

At all Masses - K of C Food Drive

*Early deadlines through January 12


Saturday 12/28 5:00 pm Alfred Jankus

Earl Johnson

Audrey Johnson

Brett Johnson All military service personnel, living and deceased

7:00 pm (Spanish) Pro Populo

Sunday 12/29

9:00 am Rita Hoffmann

Fr. Corey Litener

Tom Walsh

11:00 am Patrick Bondad Family

Generational Healing of Families

1:00 pm (Spanish) Pro Populo

Monday 12/30

8:00 am Kristina & Elvira & Ivica by Lidija

7:00 pm (Spanish) Pro Populo

Tuesday 12/31

8:00 am Patti Hoffmann

7:00 pm (Spanish) Pro Populo

Wednesday 1/1

8:00 am Carlos DuBois

6:00 pm Evelyn Romero

8:00 pm (Spanish) Pro Populo

Thursday 1/2

8:00 am Adele & Mac McDaniel

7:00 pm (Spanish) Pro Populo

Friday 1/3

8:00 am All Souls by Cy & Margaret

Howard & Donna Soli

7:00 pm (Spanish) Pro Populo

Our Lady of Grace Candle

burns this week in memory of

Fred William Fray

Page 5: Photo: Bob Parks December 29, 2019 / The Holy Family Saint ...Dec 29, 2019  · uno de nosotros por el sacrificio voluntario de su único Hijo por nuestros pecados y ofensas. Ese bebé


We are one community nourished and transformed by the Eucharist.

As the body of Christ, we are led by the Holy Spirit to know, love and serve God and one another.

Somos una comunidad alimentada y transformada por la Eucaristía.

Como cuerpo de Cristo, somos guiados por el Espíritu Santo para conocer, amar y servir a Dios y unos a otros.


Pastor ....................... Rev. David Bittmenn

Parochial Vicar ......... Rev. Sébastien Sasa Nganomo Babisayone

Retired……………… Rev. Glenn Dare


Business Manager .... Don Drake ([email protected])

Bookkeeper ................. Barbara Harrison ([email protected])

Receptionist………...Nora Escatel ([email protected])


Rigoberto Aguirre ...................... 628-9107

Rogaciano Tellez........................ 652-9219 Baptismal Preparation Registration (English)

Kathy Snyder…………………....307-256-9814—call to register

Pastoral Assistant and Community Outreach

Carole Drake………668-9202 ([email protected])

Religious Education Coordinator

Mariana Lawrentz …720-227-8319 or 673-2604

([email protected])


Online Giving Link …….please visit our website

Bulletin Ministry………[email protected]

Thrift Store………673-1029 Gift Shop…………688-1948

Newman Catholic Club

Veronica Gonzales, President: [email protected]

Maintenance……..Call Office (673-2604)

Weekly Collection Report

Collection (12/15) ..…..…….......................$ 15,288

Capital Improvement Project (November)

Renovation and Improvement Fund ....... $ 404,288

Restricted Fund—Kuzy Hall Pledges $ 64,453

Renovation Fund Collections …………... $ 14,319

ANNOUNCEMENTS and REPORTS Please visit our website for more announcements or email us at [email protected] for questions or submissions.


Dec 24 Gift Shop closed—re-opens 1/7

Dec 31 Parish Office/Food Pantry closed until 1/3

Dec 31 Thrift Store closed—re-opens 1/2

Jan 1 Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God

Jan 4 Pro-Life “Walk for Life” 9:30 am

Jan 6 “Everyday” God, 10 am-12 noon, Scanlan

Jan 25 Taste of Carmel: Carmelite Spirituality

Group, 2:15 pm, Scanlan, FL2

Prayer Over the City

January 1st at 12 noon

St. George Tabernacle

(Main Street across from Wells Fargo)

Mass In Honor of Our Lady

Join fellow parishioners at Mass

in Honor of Our Lady

at 8:00 am, on the first Saturday, January 4

Next weekend’s second collection benefits the Saint George Catholic Church

Renovation Projects

If you have Building Fund envelopes, you may use

them for this collection. You may also contribute to the

Renovation Projects fund through our online giving.

Pro-Life “Walk for Life”

First Saturday, January 4

The Pro-Life Ministry’s monthly “Walk for Life”

is Saturday, January 4 from 9:30 to 11:30 am, at

the corner of Bluff Street and 600 South.

What a great opportunity to offer up a sacrifice for

the cleansing of the Church and at the same time for

the protection of the tiny babies in the womb.

If you can’t stand, bring a folding chair. If you can't

stay for 2 hours, invite a friend to take your place

when you leave. We need a good turnout. Please

come and remember to bring your Rosary. All for

Jesus, Amen!

Misa en Honor a Nuestra Señora

Únase con sus feligreses a la misa

en Honor a Nuestra Señora

a las 8:00 am, el primer sábado, 4 de enero

Page 6: Photo: Bob Parks December 29, 2019 / The Holy Family Saint ...Dec 29, 2019  · uno de nosotros por el sacrificio voluntario de su único Hijo por nuestros pecados y ofensas. Ese bebé

Scripture Readings for the Week of December 29

Sunday: Sir 3:2-6, 12-14/ Ps 128:1-2, 3, 4-5 [cf. 1]/Col 3:12-21 or 3:12-17/Mt 2:13-15, 19-23

Monday: 1 Jn 2:12-17/Ps 96:7-8a, 8b-9, 10 [11a]/Lk 2:36-40

Tuesday: 1 Jn 2:18-21/Ps 96:1-2, 11-12, 13 [11a]/Jn 1:1-18

Wednesday: Nm 6:22-27/Ps 67:2-3, 5, 6, 8 [2a]/Gal 4:4-7/Lk 2:16-21

Thursday: 1 Jn 2:22-28/Ps 98:1, 2-3ab, 3cd-4 [3cd]/Jn 1:19-28

Friday: 1 Jn 2:29—3:6/Ps 98:1, 3cd-4, 5-6 [3cd]/Jn 1:29-34

Saturday: 1 Jn 3:7-10/Ps 98:1, 7-8, 9 [3cd]/Jn 1:35-42

Next Sunday: Is 60:1-6/Ps 72:1-2, 7-8, 10-11, 12-13 [cf. 11]/Eph 3:2-3a, 5-6/Mt 2:1-12


FORMED Is Now Available

On Your Smart Television!

Look for the streaming app

through Roku, Amazon Fire TV, Apple TV, and Android

TV. Also, signing up for FORMED has become so much

simpler. You no longer need a parish code or password.

Simply go to—>Click Sign Up —>Select

“I Belong to a Parish or Organization” —>Find your

parish by name or zip code —>Enter your name and

email and you are in! Or if you already have a

FORMED account, visit Click Sign In —>

Enter your email —> Click the link in your email —>

You’re in! No more passwords! Learning about your faith

has never been so easy: at home, on the go, or from any

internet connected device. Discover thousands of

CATHOLIC books, audio talks, movies, documentaries,

and studies… there is something for every member of the

family to help them grow closer to Christ and His


If you have questions, call Kim Jones at 435-862-1354.

God Bless you on your journey!

“Caminata Por la Vida”

Sábado, 4 de enero

La "Caminata por la Vida" del Ministerio Pro-Vida

es el sábado 4 de enero de 9:30 a 11:00 am, en

la esquina de Bluff Street y 600 South.

¡Qué gran oportunidad para ofrecer un sacrificio

para la limpieza de la Iglesia y al mismo tiempo

para la protección de los pequeños bebés en el


Si no puedes pararte, trae una silla plegable. Si no

puedes quedarte 2 horas, invita a un Amigo para

tomar tu lugar cuando te vayas. Necesitamos una

buena participación. Por favor ven y recuerda

traer tu rosario. Todo para Jesús, Amén!

Our Knights of Columbus

Honor Guard team took

part in the Wreaths Across

America ceremony at the

Tonaquint Cemetery on

Saturday, December 14.

Pictured left to right: Toby

Force, Mark Meredith, Joe

Soto, Earl Decker, Rod

Rising, and Judd Pippy

(Honor Guard Commander)

La segunda colecta próximo fin de semana

Será a beneficio de los proyectos de la Iglesia

Católica de Saint George.

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