
Vk ^ j



Of all the candidates in the field we doubt if there is one more popular with range people than W. J. Bates, the present deputy sheriff and candidate for the Republican^ nomination for sheriff. "Billy" Bates, as he is familiarly known, has been traveling over this territory since long before the range cities were thought of. He Came to St. Louis county from Chippewa Falls, Wis., twenty years ago, and for about five years followed the vocation of a timber Cruiser and scaler of logs. He then secured employment as deputy sheriff and has since served continuously in that capacity. Like the depu­ties in all public offices, much hard work and 'numerous trips over the county have fallen upon him. and with his experience, no person in the county, we dare say, is as thoroughly competent as he to fill the office of sheriff. It has been said that since he has been in the sheriff's office so long it is time for him to cut loose and give some one else a chance. This assertion is both unfair and misleading, for, while Mr. Bates has been doing the hard work, he has not been draw­ing the sherite's salary by any means. What he has been getting as

i^.deputy sheriff he has earned by as faithful and honest work as any man ever did. The fair-minded man will say every time that since he.has done the hard work so long, it is no more than justice that he be promoted. But there is no question about the sentiment on the ranges. W. J. Bates is the general favorite and will get more votes than all the other candidates for sheriff combined.

JJOD McDONALD, B Attorney at Law.

Practices in all courts. otnpt attention given collection?.



roHN M. MARTIN, Attorney and Counsellor

at Law Ldmltted to the Supreme Oowrt of the U. 9.

Supreme Court of District of Columbia and Supreme Court of Minnesota.

Practices la United States Land Office VIRGINIA, MINN.


Real Estate and Mining Options. Virginia, Minn

PfORVILL B. ARNOLD, Attorney at Law.

Will give special attention to bnsi : ness of Virginia clients


Louisiana Purchase Exposition.

j>t. Louis, May 1 to December 1,1904, the largest and grandest expo­

sition ever held.

The Great Northern Railway

ATitl sell excursion tickets at fa^or-i : able rates with suitable limits.

Friday, September 16, 1904.

Entered at tbe Post-Office at Virginia, Minn., as second class mail matter.

Terms. $2 Per Year, in Advance

„slative District, assures er* of ^ district that^f noigiua and'elected' the interests, of stil t people ahd the interests of the en­tire district will tie faitnfully cared for. No sectional feelings or fights will be permitted to influence him/ and his whole time, energy-and ef-v fort will be given to the promotion of the varied interests of this, the largest, wealthiest and most import­ant district in the state. Tour votes are respectfully asked at the pri­maries September 20th. Vote for* Mallory. „ •

'.'\j County Treasurer. L. H. WHIPPLE, the present in­

cumbent, cbmes before the people as a Republican candidate for county treasurer. The record he has al­ready made speaks for itself, Hfid ia ai guarantee that if hq is elected the interests of the taxpayer^ will be fully protected.

Political Announcements.

j?or further particulars see your lo-| cal agent of the Great.North-

• era Railway, or address F.I.WHITNEY,

General Passenger and Ticket Agt., St. Paul, Minn.

The Best and Cheapest.

Concentrated Chinesfe

NOT MADE OF AOID. j-;*It takes out the yellow and wakes the clothes white without ^injury to the garment( It excels

quality and in the perfection pits work.'



Register of Deeds. M. C. PALMER, of this city, is a can­

didate to succeed himself as Regis­ter of Deeds of St.Louis county. Mr. Palmer is the only range man'hold-ing a general county office at this time, having filled the position in a most satisfactory manner since his election two years ago. The atten­tion of range Republicans is' spec­ially directed to his candidacy for the nomination at the primaries on September 20th.

Auditor. ODI& HALDEN - I h e r e b y a n ­

nounce myself as a Republican can­didate for renomination as auditor of the county of St. Louis. If nom­inated and elected I shall endeavor to discharge the duties of the office in future, as in the past, with ear­nestness and with the interests of the taxpayers ever in view.

Judge of Probate. J. B. MlDDLEGOFF—I am a candi­

date to succeed myself in the office of judge of probate of St. Louis county, and seek a renomination as a Republican at the primary elec­tion to be held Sept. 20. If my ad­ministration of the office during the past two years has met with the ap­proval of the people I shall be pleased to serve them again.

Legislative--49th District. P. E. DOWNING, of Eveleth, Minn.,

announces himself as a candidate for the legislature from this forty-nintji legislative district.

C. O. NELSON—I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the Re­publican nomination for represen­tative from the forty-ninth legisla­tive district. I have been a resident of what is the Duluth end of the district for the past eighteen years. My business record speaks for itself and if the voters of the district sup­port me in my candidacy for repre­sentative I shall endeavor to al ways be alive to their best interests, and work faithfully to protect and foster them.

JOHN SAARI—I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the Re­publican nomination for represent­ative from the forty-ninth legisla­tive district. I have resided on the range for the last 12 years, my rec­ord acitizen and a business man is before you, and if you, the voters of the district, deem me worthy for your representative, I shall endeav­or to serve you honorably and do iny utmost for the interest of the dis­trict. I sinjcerely solicit yourvote in the primary election on Sjept. 20.

v • Coroner. / DJJ. H. P. WEIRICK.—I hereby an-

nerance myself as a Republican can­didate for the office of Coroner of St. Louis county. I am a resident of Hibbing and am the present dep­uty coroner here, under Dr. S. H. Boyer, the coroner of St. Louis Co. If I shall be ^tominated and elected it will be my ambition to discharge .the duties of the office promptly and efficiently. 1

——— . "*\ Superintendent of Schools. S. W.. GILPIN, of Virginia—I de­

sire to announce myself as a candi­date for the Republican i nomina­tion of County Superintendent of Schools at the primary election on September 20th.

I am a graduate of a normal school and a university, and have had eleven terms of experience in teaching and supervising schools. During the pa^t four years I have had charge of the schools of Dis­trict, No. 22. If nominated and elected I will give the schools of this county close and active super-, vision.

Dr. H. R. Weirick


Dr. H:R. Weirick, of Hibbing, is confidently looked upon by his many friends on the iron ranges and in Duluth as the next coro­ner of St. Louis county. He is a Republican candidate for the nomination at the. primary elec­tion to be held on September 20, and his many friends are rally­ing to his support in all parts of the county. Dr. Weirick is one of only two range Republicans who seek general county offices this year in this^jlivision of the state, and nobody disputes that the ranges are entitled to at least two general county offices. Dr. Weirick is chief of staff at the Rood hospital at Hibbing. This hospital is the third largest in St. Louis county, and high quali­fications aire, required at thlfc in­stitution, as well as in most all of the range hospitals. Befpre coming to Hibbing he was police surgeon in St. Paul. He has been a deputy coroner for three years under Dr. S. H. Boyer, the present coroner, and has always discharged his duties with a promptness and thoroughness that have won for him a reputa-%

tion not often achieved by a depputy. It was, his zeal and prompt attention that induced his tfriends to urge him to make the race for the office this year, Dr. Boyer having decided not to run again. Dr. Weirick is popu­lar and has the happy faculty of m&king^firm friends and retain­ing them. At the outset of the campaign the office of coroner was conceded to the range, and it was understood that there would be no candidate for the office come up from Duluth. However, a candidate for the of­fice did appear, but t&ie^ general sentiment of £>uluth is to stand by the promise made early ia the season, and it appears that the voters Of the Zenith City will give Dr. Weirick their hearty and loyal support.



I this increase $13,000,600 ia upon uftning property, while $5,000,000 is ttpCm the balance o.f the general as­sessable property in the county, .The total shrinkage throughout

the-state has been ab<?ut $2,000,000, but hadmot St. Louis "county come So nobly to the rescue there would h&Ve been a shrinkage/of over $20,. 000,000 over the figures feet by the board of equalization two years ago. , • , ^StatefAuditor Iversdn" addressed Ij&ejboard, presenting his figures upon the^ total state returns and capng especial attention to the de-cr^ase in the .assessed value of prbperty. , IvThe valuation of property' in the various counties shows some re­markable figuries. In Hehnepiri county acre property is valued ait, $41.28 an acre, Whereas two years ago it was $41.36.

In Ramsey county the decrease has been much more marked. The valuation this . year being $30.82 against$32,75in 1002. •> ...... -..StI Louis county shows a still further reduction but it is account­ed for by the fact that over 1,000,000 acres of new,land bas been added to the tax roll since 1002. This land is worth very little at present and the low average valuation of it has brought the general value Of St. Louis county land down from $32.43 to $27.59. . ^ The counties down the western Aide, of the state show a general in­crease in farm land values and in many counties the increase is marked. Kittson, Norman, Wilkin, Traverse, Big Stone, Stevens, Grant, tied Lake, Becker and Lac qui Parle all show great increases. '

Along the southern tier of coun-ties the values are less than before with the exception of Mower where the average value this year is $17, as compared to $15.34 two years ago.


S. W. Gilpin Reports a Bright Outlook for His Candidacy.

S. W. Gilpin has been doing a goodly amount of hustling during the week in his candidacy for the Republican nomination for county superintendent of schools and feels that his changes of success, from all f^cts which he can glean, are ex­ceptionally bright. :

Mr. Gilpin was for four years sup­erintendent of schools of Distrct No. 22, and won a place in the minds pf ^Sidgjo|BjBtthig city and,Eveleth, which l&Ster.6ity was for a major portion bf the time included in the district, which assures for him a heavy vote in these two cities, and he reports everything looking well in the Hibbing, Buhl and Chipholm districts, while at Mt. Iron, Biwabik and,other Mesaba points his reputa­tion as an educator is so well known as to assure him a worthy consider­ation at the hands of the voters.

He has also visited the Vermilion cities, and finds the educators heartily in favor of his candidacy.

Mr. .Gilpin, aside from being recognized as ani educator, is also recognized by Virginians, where he is best known, as a citizen .embrac­ing many sterling qualities and will, if selected to the important position to which he aspires, devote his entire time and attention to the duties j»i the office. He has no other business to detract from the time and attention which these du­ties should receive. He was not brought onto the a desire to attain the office, but as an edu­cator, and the people of the ranges will make no mistake by granting him their favor on Tuesday next.

• • » — Nobby and fresh line of neckwear

at Hall's.

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For several weeks the story has been industriously spread over the county that L. H. Whipple, who aspires to succeed himself ais the Republican candidate for county treasurer, made to Mr. W* A. Holgate, who wants to exchange his present job in the' Duluth city hall for the treasurer's office, a definite pledge two years ago that he would not be a candidate for the office in 1904. \ "There­fore," says Mr. Holgate, with an air of injured innocence, "l am clearly entitled to4the nomination.'*- '

This sounds plausible, and has doubtless fooled many people who have not taken the time to think it over. But as a matter* of fact would Mr. Whipple or any other man be apt to make a pledge of this character unless the man to whom it Was given- did some­thing in return for it. Yet Mr. Holgate in his newspaper articles and letters to voters has as yet failed to refer to any consideration or favor that he gave or intended to give Mr. Whipple. It is there­fore clear that there was nt) consideration or it would doubtless haye-been written and shouted to the voters from one end of "the county to the other. It takes two to make a bargain in politics as in business. The fact is that Mr. Holgate has magnified an in­formal expression by Mr. Whipple that he did not expect to again be a candidate into an iron-clad pledge that he Would not be a candidate. Would Mr. ^Whipple have been apt to feel under, obli­gations to Mr. Holgate for the strenuous efforts he made and con­tinued to make until the last minute two years ago to defeat him? Was that the consideration that Mr. Holgate gave in return for the pledge? Think about it, ̂ lr. Voter, and yo«\ will see how ab^ surd the whole story is, and upon which story alone Mr. Holgate is waging his Whole campaign. ,

In the meantime Mr. Whipple is asking the support of thfe par­ty on the strength of a record that can be read by everybody—a record of efficient and faithiuJ service thatisa eredittortlie cdun-ty and dn honor to himself. " f ^

. <»,


See our new line of wjnter under­wear. Hall. f




Boosts Assessment Figures of fax-able Property to Top Notch.

St. Louis county has saved tbe state this year, according to the fig­ures presented to the boar<$ of equalization. , ^ ^

Values all of ex the atate, both in personal and real property, have ex­hibited a startling shrinkage dur­ing the past two: years. * St Loni6 CQunty has been the brilliant ex-

'• Meeting of the trustees of School District No. 22, held July 30,1904. v Present) Trustees Roskilly, Bailie and Butler. s <

On motion of Trustee Bailie the following^ bills were ordered paid: Silver, Burdett & Co., books $ 3 15 W. E. Hamiaford, printing ,

and publishing............ 11 37 Virginia Light & Water Co.,

light. 1 00 Lake Superior Heating Co.,

on contract...... — . .. . . . 3000 00 Nels Anderson, labor ' 45 00 First National Bank, iiiter-

est on bonds....'. 1503 75 D., M. & N. Ry. Co., freight.. 54 92

On motion of Trustee Bailie meet-ingadjourned.- 7 C- C. feuiXER,

t ^ '• * ' ̂ Clerk. - Specif meeting" of the board of

^rtist^es of School Disthct No. 22, held Aug. U, 1904. _ , -;

- , Present, Trustees SoBkiUyl Bailie and Bu4e|.,||g^ ^

-V t X Si

T" 1H % $

On motion of Trustee Bailie the following bills were ordered paid: W. E. Hannaford, printing. .$ J 5 00 Henry Hughes & Co., mdse. 40 D., M. & N. Ry. Co., freight:. 86 36 Frank Stahl, cleaning closet 4 00 John Donlin, on contract... 5000 00

"On motion of Trustee Roskilly Fred Hill was chosen, janitor of . the Roosevelt high school building.

The following bids were submit­ted for painting the primary school building:

John Jones . $276.00. Peter Byrne 225.00. Jas. Sullivan .... 215.00. On motion of Trustee Bailie the

contract was awarded to Jas. Sulli­van at $215.00.

On motion of Trustee Butler the meeting adjourned.

C. C. Sutler, x Clerk.

Wedded at St. Paul. P. E. McCormack, one of the best

known traveling agents on the road who has hustled life insurance .on the ranges for years past and has built up a list of friends of which' he may well feel ptoud, *ras on the 31st ult.. united in marriage to Helen C. Murphy, of St. Paul, the cere­mony being performed at St. Luke's Church. The bride is a daughter of'Patrick Murphy, also a knight of theT grip and who has business in1-

terests at Eveleth, and. the congrat~ ulations and best wishes of all friends are extended to the young eouple.

Mr. McCormack came up on Sat­urday, and states that he will doubt­less make Virginia his headquart­ers during the coming winter.


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