Page 1: OUTREACH Magazine - Thank You Issue, Issue 1 - 2012

2012 Issue 1 |


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“Don’t give up!”

Carding’s STORY

Fighting Hunger in the Philippines:

Got Water Buffalo?

Your GIFTS in Action

page 4

special edition

Page 2: OUTREACH Magazine - Thank You Issue, Issue 1 - 2012


ON THE COVERJonas gives thanks for his hen and all she represents: protein for the children in his village; free, organic fertilizer to grow more food; pride for parents who chair the community poultry project; and real hope for a brighter future.


THE QuarTErly MagazinE for friEnds of ouTrEacH inTErnaTional

cHairMan | Harry ashenhurst

PrEsidEnT & cEo | Kevin Prine

dirEcTor of coMMunicaTions | andrew Bettsand MarKETing

EdiTorial dirEcTor | susan Medler

dEsign & ProducTion | Picante creative

WHo WE arE Outreach International is a nonprofit international humanitarian organization dedicated to ending poverty, one community at a time.

Founded in 1979, Outreach International began its work because of the relentless compassion of Charles Neff and others within the Community of Christ. More than 30 years later, those founding values continue to guide our work. We uphold the inherent worth and dignity of all people and stand in solidarity with those suffering the injustice of poverty.

Outreach International has a proven record of success working with our global neighbors to create lasting solutions to the persistent and often life-threatening challenges presented by extreme poverty, including access to clean water, education, income generation, sustainable agriculture, heath care...and hope. We call our work Sustainable GoodSM.

Outreach International has been awarded the Independent Charities Seal of Excellence for meeting the highest standards of program and cost effectiveness; fewer than 0.2% of U.S. charities have earned this Seal. In addition, Outreach International is recognized as a Four Star Charity by Charity Navigator and is a Better Business Bureau accredited charity, meeting all 20 standards for accountability set by the BBB.


Every donation you make, every dollar you fundraise and every goat you give is invested in people to create meaningful,

lasting change. Carding’s story on page 6 shows how.

{why it works}


KEVin’s MEssagE 1TriBuTE & MEMorial gifTs 8

sTarT a MoVEMEnT 9TraVEl WiTH PurPosE in 2012 13


Got Water Buffalo?

Your Gifts in Action


Carding’s Story


ouTrEacH inTErnaTionalPO Box 210 Independence, MO 64051 USA 816.833.0883 888.833.1235 Toll-Free USA 816.833.0103 Fax

Page 3: OUTREACH Magazine - Thank You Issue, Issue 1 - 2012

The poet Edwin Arlington Robinson said there are two kinds of thanks: the quick emotion we feel for what we get, and the larger gratitude we feel for what we give.

I hope the stories on these pages – and the stories we’ll be sharing throughout 2012 – connect you with that deeper feeling that comes when our giving is connected to our core principles.

The principles that drew me to Outreach International years ago as a supporter are the same values that lead me to serve the organiza-tion as its President and CEO. Because we are just beginning to know each other, I want to share these principles with you – standards that Outreach International embodies every day in our commitment to end poverty for vulnerable children and families:

WE TAKE INITIATIVE to create big transformational change in the world. Our actions are spurred by a vision that surpasses reason.

WE WORK HARD. Never let it be said that others in the world suffered or failed to reach their potential because our thinking was just too small.

WE ARE CONNECTED. In our partner communities and with you, our supporters, we commit to each other and honor our mutual dignity and humanity.

And, WE ARE GRATEFUL. We feel blessed by the beautiful con-nections to our community members around the world. Our volun-teers, field teams, advocates, staff and partners teach us how to be

better human beings. And we are thankful for each one of you – we are inspired by your creative, compas-

sionate and contagious commitment to real change, right now.

For myself, I wake up each morning grate-ful for the chance to be part of a movement that intelligently creates permanent transformation, like the change taking place in Vida’s commu-

nity (page 2) and Carding’s life (page 6). Our approach to sustainable

change works. Now it’s time for us to continue expanding the number of children and families who partner with us. We bring a unique perspec-tive of personal transformation to the work of eliminating extreme poverty. With your help, we are changing the world.

Thank you for all you give.

Kevin PrinePresident and CEO

Dear Friends and Partners,

More of your gifts in action: 1) bucket water filter; 2) improved stove; 3) tree seedlings for reforestation and food; 4) water pump; 5) community medical clinics; 6) women’s leadership training.







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In Burol, Philippines, Vida’s water buffalo is a lovable cash cow that

gives nutritious milk, too

INTERVIEW BY Ami Dasig Salazar

Research and Documentation Unit

Outreach Philippines, Inc. (OPI)


Outreach International recently made a multi-year commitment to

partner with the community of Burol, Philippines. Filth, hunger and a

startling lack of resources once characterized the desperately poor

community. But after three short years, Burol is completely transformed.

Of the 43 development projects led and managed by community

members, the Water Buffalo Dairy Project is one of the most impressive.


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AMI: Vida, what motivated you to begin working for change in your community?

VIDA: When Outreach International began partnering with Burol, I decided to be part of the working group because I wanted to have a latrine. I never imagined that our efforts would expand and eventually include other projects like the Water Buffalo Dairy Project.

AMI: So it started with latrines, but here you are leading the water buffalo project.

VIDA: Yes, I really wanted the group to succeed, and I thought, “If I refuse to work for the group, who else will?” I believe that once you are tasked to do something, you have to accept that responsi-bility and fulfill it with everything in your capacity. So I accepted the nomination to become a leader. To encourage others, we named our group SAMANATayo, which means Let Us Join.

AMI: What difference can a water buffalo make?

VIDA: The main goal was to provide a source of income for our community members. We needed more income in order to pay for our children’s school fees and to buy food, especially during lean months and calamities [like flooding and typhoons]. A water buffalo calf can be sold for $465, and an adult cow can be sold for as much as $1,000. Not only that, families can use the milk for their children, and extra milk can be sold for even more income.

AMI: What challenges have you faced?

VIDA: When we allowed ourselves to dream of owning a water buffalo, many of our neighbors were cynical. They said it was impossible. But we received funding from Outreach International,

and several of us attended all the required training seminars. We gained knowledge about the proper way to milk a water buffalo, and we learned how to plant napier grass as fodder for the animals.

AMI: It’s been a year since you received your water buffalo. She’s healthy, happy and recently gave birth to her first calf. Will you sell the calf?

VIDA: When we organized SAMANATayo, we decided that each water buffalo recipient would give three calves back to the organization so that all our members can have an animal of their own. When my calf is a little older, it will be given to the next group member. My water buffalo, on the other hand, has been artificially inseminated and will soon bear her next calf.

AMI: Your hard work has paid off – this must be a great feeling.

VIDA: Yes, I am very happy with what we have achieved, but mostly I am proud because these achievements do not just benefit us personally. They benefit our entire community for years to come.

Just one year after Vida received her water buffalo, a calf was born (below). Today, the calf is strong, healthy and nearly old enough to be donated to the next group member, where the sustainable gift of a water buffalo will keep giving for years to come.

Read the full feature story by Ami at Just search on the keyphrase “Got Water Buffalo”

Nearly 8 million Filipino children are underweight,

by some estimates. It’s a

big problem, but the solution may have been staring

families in the face. Water buffalo milk is now touted as

“the most complete food.”

Compared to cow’s milk, water buffalo milk has more calcium, phosphorous, magnesium,

protein, Vitamins A and C, and antioxidants.

Plus, it contains more milk solids, making it a good

energy drink. So, got water

buffalo?* SOURCE: Agriculture

Business Week, DVF Dairy

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Fabian and Teresa have 7 children. They are farmers living in the rural village of Zimwanda, in Northern Malawi, one of Africa’s poorest nations.

Before you began working with Outreach International, how did you feed your family of 9?We cultivated groundnuts and soybeans. And of course we planted corn, for our daily meal of nsima. But because our corn yield was so low, we would run out of food in December or January. And then, until April, we would suffer. During these hungry months, we had to send our children to work in order to buy food.

What has changed for your family and community?When Outreach International came to our community, they brought hope. We began to learn new farming techniques and new ways to earn income.

What has made the most difference?Our community goat project. We saw the benefits and decided to have goats of our own. Now, if we have no food, we can sell a goat and use the money to feed our family. We also are able to use the income for our children’s school fees. Three of our children have finished high school!

What’s next?Some of our neighbors at first did not want to be involved. But now they have seen the benefits – not just for our family, but for the entire community. We want to help them share in this goodness.

...A Goat


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...Hand-washing StationsDeMichel School is located in Carrefour, Haiti, a desperately poor suburb of Port-au-Prince. For the 100 boys and girls attending the school there – all survivors of the 2010 earthquake – water had become a curse.

Tropical rainwater snaked through the streets, mixed with shallow groundwater and pit latrines, swept up fecal particu-lates, and became a river of contamination. A year after the earthquake, these kids now faced another killer: cholera.

So Outreach International’s Haiti Field Team – on the ground to direct the reconstruction of schools damaged or destroyed by the earthquake – set engineering plans aside and stepped up to help lead the response to the recent cholera outbreak.

Team Haiti led dozens of sanitation seminars and distributed more than 200,000 water purification tablets,

bars of soap and oral rehydration packets. At DeMichel School, students took time from their usual studies to learn how washing hands saves lives, but the school itself had substandard sanitation facilities…and no facilities for hand washing after using the toilet and before meals. As a result, all of the children at DeMichel were threatened by preventable disease. Seven were infected by cholera.

But thanks to gifts to Outreach International and a partnership with Just a Drop, DeMichel students now have a fighting chance at good health.

Improvements have been made to the existing toilets, and a new water tank harvests rainfall for an innovative catchment system. Students now have a filterable source of drinking water and love sending germs down the drain at their new hand-washing station.

With school improvements come more students. Already, enrollment is up nearly 25 percent at DeMichel, where water is no longer a curse but a blessing.

...Soap and Hygiene EducationStudents in Cite Soleil, Haiti, say “thank you” for the simple gift of soap and the chance to learn how hygiene helps in the fight against cholera.

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Until recently, Carding provided for his wife and four kids the only way he knew how — as an illegal logger in the Sierra Madre mountain range of the Philippines.

I met Carding during my visit to the Philip-pine island of Luzon, where Outreach Inter-national first began its work to break the cycle of poverty in some of the world’s poorest and toughest communities.

PROGRAM SITE Rio Chico, Central Luzon,


15.364977315698585, 121.05216979980469

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My decision to make the 23-hour flight to Manila was made when I accepted the invitation to chair Outreach International’s Board of

Directors. I made up my mind then to visit – at my expense – as many of our partner communities as possible. Including this one, Rio Chico.

Nestled at the foot of the Sierra Madre mountain range, 75 miles north of Manila, Rio Chico is an environmental hot spot. The mountain’s once lush forests of wild giant palm trees have been stripped by illegal logging, threatening Rio Chico’s existence with flash floods, mudslides and the loss of income.

The illegal loggers face other dangers: serious injury, accidental death, steep fines and imprisonment. But for landless peasants living in extreme poverty, telling them to stop logging is like asking them to stop eating.

Carding was one who didn’t have a lot of options. Most of the arable land in Rio Chico is owned by a few wealthy landlords. So he turned to cutting and selling “hot logs.”

He admits that this wasn’t how his life was supposed to turn out. His parents had had high expectations for their first son, the fifth of 10 children. They were determined that Carding should graduate from school and attend college. But they were very poor.

“I remember my first year in school,” Carding says. “I had one pencil and one piece of paper to my name. But I made it through high school and was even on my way to college. Then my father died.”

Carding’s dreams for a better future were buried with his father. Not even 16 years old, Carding was now the head of his family. He went to the Sierra Madre mountains and joined the thousands of others there working as illegal loggers. It’s dangerous work. During his 20 years on the mountain, Carding has seen a number of close friends die as a result of accidents.

That might have been Carding’s fate, too, if Outreach International hadn’t begun working in Rio Chico. The develop-ment worker, Liezl, was organizing meetings, bringing villagers together to identify their most pressing problems. Amidst initial protests from his wife and family, Carding stopped going to the mountain and started attending those meetings.

The first major challenge for Carding and his neighbors was land rights. The peasants of Rio Chico were essentially squatters, but Outreach International helped families obtain land titles and begin farming.

Just a few years later, Carding is giving me a tour of his land and telling me about his success with goats, water buffalo, rice and other crops. Here are just a few highlights:

• Carding is a beneficiary of a community goat project, organized with Outreach International’s help. He started with a breeding pair of goats and now has a herd of 40. The sale of goats is an important source of income for the family.

• He now farms about 4.5 acres. There, he grows squash and more than 60 fruit trees. Each tree produces more than 40 kilos of mangos, which Carding sells at market.

• A community water buffalo project has increased the productivity of Carding’s farm. From sharing a single water buffalo, Carding has now raised 20 buffalo. By selling some of the stock, he purchased 3.5 more acres and is now a successful rice farmer.

• Carding’s family has enough income for food, clothing, medicine and school fees. And there’s enough left over to reinvest in the future. He recently purchased 2 acres of land in the hills, where his son will one day farm.

Along the way, Outreach International helped Carding and his neighbors gain the skills and confidence to network with local and provincial government agencies and to write and present proposals on behalf of their village.

Carding told me about his first meeting with the local mayor. He had practiced his speech for days, but standing face-to-face with the elected official, Carding choked. He completely lost his voice. “I was devastated,” Carding says, “but I didn’t give up.”

Following a typhoon in 2009, and the government’s bro-ken promises to repair roads that linked poor farmers with the markets, Carding spoke passionately at a large public gathering with the mayor’s office. “At first,” Carding recalls, “he just blew me off. But I didn’t leave until I had a verbal promise to fix the road. Three days later, the repairs were done.”

Carding’s eyes sparkle as he speaks. At times his voice breaks with emotion. This is a man truly transformed. He is a successful entrepreneur. He has emerged as a respected leader of his village. He is consulting with nearby hamlets, sharing what he has learned from Outreach International. For these fellow Filipinos, Carding has an impassioned message:

“Don’t give up on your dreams. With Outreach Interna-tional as your partner, you can take control of your life. You can be the person you were meant to be.”

“Don’t give up on your dreams. With Outreach International as your partner, you can take control of your life. You can be the person you were meant to be.”

More stories, video and photos at

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TRIBUTES & MEMORIALSAnniversary GiftsEldon and Ruth DickensEldon and Ruth DickensHarold and Linda SmithRalph W. RockettJerry and Cynthia Van RossumsPamela R. Barton

Golden Anniversary GiftsDavid and Joyce BlairRon and Marty SherrardJames and Ann CarsonMrs. Alyce C. GreenDr. and Mrs. Larry HoaglandYvonne and Herb HammerRon and Marty Sherrard

Birthday GiftsSue Ann AllenRichard ConlinCatherine Clemens and

Daniel SpethDonna EllefsonLaura Michelle FleisherRobert Gala and Hana

Kabeleova GalaPeter and Karen MichaelsenSusan RobertsJacqueline SiegelCora and Frank TrujilloRagnhild CarlsonJon and Delanne CarlsonJames R. Cummings, Sr.Jim and Kathy CummingsEldon DickensRuth DickensLeona EichnerBarbara and David McHuronRoger ElkinsJoyce ElkinsJoan FloodZola JohnstoneMargery GodfreyDonna ToozePeter HayseValora LongDoris J. HeathDwight HeathRaymond HogueFrances and William GageAnn HogueZola JohnstoneJoan FloodDonna KegleyLola KegleyMarlene R. KruegerChad Krueger, Kelly, and DashiellMike MartensPeter Martens and WynellChris and Terry ScottKatie McClaranJoan FloodGene McIntoshMarlene McIntoshDarrell and Connie O’KelleyMatthew NaylorJanet MarkSadi NegaardChristina NagelMargaret PhiferKathy WingardMelody TanTania de SouzaApril WeissBryan and Marilyn Schempf

Florence WelchJim and Venessa GodfreyJohn and Patricia Hice

Birthday MemorialRodney E. RiekePaula and Rodney Rieke

Christmas GiftsRon and Onalee BaldwinBill and Pat MinerGailyn and Evelyn NevillWayne and Dorthea BarentineJudi BembenekMrs. Barbara J. BrockVern BrockAlfred BrydonDeb BrydonThe HaresMs. Cindy CampbellElena, Blaze, Zachary, and

Noah BarbreMr. Ken CampbellElena, Blaze, Zachary, and

Noah BarbreJeff and Anne ChapmanBarbara and Don BreshearsSharon ClothierMike and Julie BoverFlavio CobianchiMom and Nonna Betty Elizabeth ListerIano and Grazia CobianchiMom and Nonna Betty Elizabeth ListerChase ColeRyan ElbinRogene ColeSandy ColeNorman and Kay CoxRenee LorraineKathryn A MesiasBill DamaschkePatty AntonElizabeth DarlingMary Ellen and Arthur GlazeSteve DarlingMary Ellen and Arthur GlazeJohn and Vikki DeetsJohn and Karen DeetsJanet DellingerAnita ColvinRichard and Lois DickermanEldeen ChurchCarol Elaine (Johnson) DoddsCharles W. DoddsMarjorie EarlySarah Davis and Jeanette EarlyMr. and Mrs. Jonathan ElfstromAmy LewisBruce and Collene EllisDave and Wanda TalcottJoan FloodKatie and Ray McClaranDeb FrieszShirley V. RemmengaChester and Marjorie FryerNoel, Sallie, Summer, Charles, and

Victoria PhilbrookZoe and Fatima FultzKen and Carol AndersonDick and Fran GabrielsonSarah DavisJeanette EarlySharon GernaatBob and Holly PranaatNora HagerTroy and Patricia Markham

Lynn and Rick HodgesLisa Elbin, Megan and RyanHilda HorsleyDave and Joan BrownDoreen and Jerry HorsleyZola JohnstoneJoan FloodIrvin and Lois JonesChristina NagelTom and Judy Jowett FamilyJohn and Eloise SniderMr. and Mrs. Gary LemmonIrene LemmonMr. and Mrs. Jacob LemmonIrene LemmonRay and Katie McClaranJoan FloodJohn McIlweePatty AntonAurora MeakMom and Nonna BettyElizabeth Liston Frank and Nancy MendenhallJon and Nancy MendenhallJoyce Meredith FamilyJohn and Eloise SniderRon Millard FamilyJohn and Eloise SniderMs. Gail MillerAmy LewisMs. Evelyn R. MincerSandy ColeBill and Patricia MinerGailyn and Evelyn NevillConnie and Jeff MuslerFred and Stacey KeenanMerwyn and Kathy NashJerry and Vivian NashDoris NegaardChristina NagelKirsten NegaardChristina NagelSadi NegaardChristina NagelGailyn and Evelyn NevillBill and Pat MinerPaula S. O’NealAnn and Rick ZiegerChuck and Polly PetzKen and Carol AndersonMr. and Mrs. Gary PremoeIrene LemmonBarb RemmengaShirley V. RemmengaGreg and Shari RemmengaShirley V. RemmengaKurt and Danise RemmengaShirley V. RemmengaMarta RemmengaShirley V. RemmengaMike and Norma RockholdJon and Nancy MendenhallFather Tom SchmiedDaniel A. WedelPaul SchultzDaniel A. WedelNancy SchurleChristina NagelGordon and Ena SearsPaul and Beth SearsWilliam and Melodie ShererJerry and Vivian NashRick and Jane Shipley FamilyJohn and Eloise SniderBen and Patty SimmonsChristine L. GuintherDoug and Dorothy SkuttBill and Pat MinerGailyn and Evelyn Nevill

Tribute gifts offer a meaningful way to honor friends and family at special times throughout the year. Gifts of $35 or more are recognized in OUTREACH Magazine, and honorees receive a personalized greeting expressing the significance of your gift. Give online or call us toll-free at 888-833-1235.

John Snider II FamilyJohn and Eloise SniderJim and Fay StraitValora LongBryan, Courtney, and

Mia TalcottBruce and Collene EllisDavid and Wanda TalcottBruce and Collene EllisThe Children & Grandchildren

of Roy and Marie TroehStan and Grace TroehBrooke WadeChristina NagelEric and Kerri WadeChristina NagelAnn and Wade WallaceLisa Elbin, Megan and RyanChuss Wallace del Barrio

and GirlsLisa Elbin, Megan and RyanLillian and Wendell WallaceLisa Elbin, Megan and RyanMark del Barrio WallaceLisa Elbin, Megan and RyanSandy WedelDaniel A. WedelJon R. YtellShirley V. Remmenga

Christmas MemorialsMary Jane CarterDavid GoehnerHarley and Letha ChatburnRuth and Gary ChatburnBrian J CrosserDavid and Carla Crosser-

HarringtonChester and Pauline GrayHolly Small-DaleyAlbert and Beverly SmallKevin W. SmallMitchell and Barbara SmallTamara J. SmallMaureen O’KelleyDarrell and Connie O’KelleyWilliam G. RimesLarry and Pamela MillerRobert E. WelchFlorence WelchTimothy WelchFlorence Welch

Father’s Day GiftsDonald CashDavid and Susan (Heaviland) CashOren HartnellLori HartnellJames A. Carl HeavilandDavid and Susan (Heaviland) CashGene McIntoshConnie and DarrellJames NevillGailyn and Evelyn NevillParis, TN Community of Christ

FathersParis, TN Community of ChristRalph W. RockettHarold and Linda Smith Johnny SimsRollie and Beth MarolfVince StowellDoug and Ione StowellJim WhiteBrett and Dianne Webberley

Father’s Day MemorialsJames A. Carl HeavilandDavid and Susan (Heaviland) CashLarry ShortDick and Shyree Kirkpatrick

In Appreciation The Susan Gregory “Marathon”Linda and Leslie BartonGwen Osborne

In Honor Richard AllshouseKnoxville, TN Community

of ChristWanda M. AndersenDavid and Susan BrouseJim and Pam AshTom and Karen AshWhit and Carol BrooksJackson ZippayWarren BuffettJimmie RadliffMiss Emma CarlisleGlenn R. CarlisleGlenn CarlisleJanie CarlisleRagnhild CarlsonJim and Lisa CarlsonDan and Elaine CochranLarry and Maridan ChristensenHale and Barbara CollinsMary E. MaxwellThe Edd DeTray FamilyMarilyn Van TrumpNorman F GlennHenrietta JaquesMargery GodfreyJanice GlassSusan GregoryCynthia MosserPatricia B. RenskersDee RobinoLisa RobinoCherl RushtonLynn and Kathy SharpHolly Abel GrimmGlenn R. CarlisleErnestine KiehlGlenn R. CarlisleChuck and Lisa KnightFrank and Nancy MendenhallKent and Patti LancasterLarry and Lynette BurroughsLouise LewisMarvin and Milda LewisEd and Nancy MartinJeff and Cindi RogersMcCurdy FamilyPenny McCurdyKenneth and Suzanne

McLaughlin and FamilyJoseph PostnikoffJon and Nancy MendenhallFrank and Nancy MendenhallScott MendenhallFrank and Nancy MendenhallCarl MesleAnn MesleAudrey MoneyChet and Valerie AnandaRoger ReidRoger and Marianne ReidDavid RichGerard Quinn

continued on page 10

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Last July, fighting poverty got a lot more

personal. Just a few weeks after launching, your personal fundraising

pages were helping thousands of women, men

and children gain hope, dignity and self-reliance. Congratulations to these

top fundraisers in 2011:

Wally’s Birthday Wish Wally Smith started with what he thought was a big goal – help 82 people in honor of his 82nd birthday. More than $19K later, Wally’s friends made his birthday wish come true and proved “that an old guy like me can still make a difference!”


Kassandra’s Dreads Must Go Ready for a new ’do? Kassandra Unger was, and she decided to use the occasion to “bring attention, awareness and a little aid to those suffering from poverty.” She asked her friends to get behind her and helped style a new life for 156 people.

Alex Townsend Birthday Fund Alex would have turned 23 on August 12, 2011. In celebration of his life, Alex’s family asked for gifts that could help another young person reach their life’s full potential. To date, Alex’s birthday fund has raised enough to touch the lives of 139 others this year.


$19,598.17People Helped



$2,352.90People Helped



$2,095People Helped


THANKS TO EACH ONE OF YOU WHO STEPPED UP AND JOINED THE MOVEMENT. Now the challenge is on for 2012. Remember, every $15 you raise offers a year of hope for a woman, man or child facing extreme poverty.

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Mike and Norma RockholdFrank and Nancy MendenhallFrances RouthBryan and Marilyn SchempfVicky SchofieldThe Jeff Montgomery FamilyMickey SeemanAmanda KingDale SerigGlenn R. CarlisleWilliam and Melodie ShererJudy DempseyJerry and Vivian NashRadine and Don RychardRay Shumate, Sr. and FamilyBoyd ShumateRobert and Jean SmithGlenn R. CarlisleStephen and Kathryn SparksFrank and Nancy MendenhallKassandra UngerDiane LuckhartJane WatkinsRocky Mountain Mission CenterDavid and Wanda WelchFlorence WelchJerry and Barbara WileyDick and Sandy WoodTom and Joyce ZajacJim and Judy Vogenthaler

Memorial GiftsVirginia AllenDon and Arlene WinslowDick AndersenDavid and Susan BrouseGladys ArnoldLoretta FieldsLinda BaileyPeggy Gough & Steve and

Cherry KoehlerJoseph E. BaldwinKenneth and Cheryl BaldwinBebe Black BallantyneDavid and Mamie NelsonMr. William C. BallantyneRex and Judy BoswellEarl BanksBill and Shirlee PooreMaggie BarlettaEdwin and Georgia TowersLaurel F. BarnhardWarren and Barbara GoseCarol BassettEssie BassettLeroy A. BeckhamMaxine BeckhamHerby BeitzelGlenn R. CarlisleVirginia BennettGlenda and James WhiteMarilyn BensonDiana and Richard YtellMr. Robert H BillingsFred and Shirley FingerRoger and Helen BillingsIrene G. HaynieTom BillmanStella, Leslee, and Michael

SterlingAlan BinkleyChristine L. BinkleyCarol and Dick BrabyBarry BorenPaul and Bobbie CrinziSandra and Dean HubbardGregg and Sue McDonaldDavid W. BowermanLes and Mid CanningFrancis E. HansenMarjorie StowellKaren BowmanFlorence Welch

Patricia BradshawKaren AndersonThomas and Janice DouglasAndrew GiftRuth and Bill HornShirley A. JohnsonLinda R. MoserScott and Denice ReesRonald and Julie ReesPeg and Dan SageMrs. Judy Haslee ScottHoward and Thelma SheehyLouis and Betty ZonkerFlorence BremerPat and Don SibbaldJames Scott Browne IIAndrew and Jewell BoltonNancy BrowneAlexis BuffumByron ConstanceRuth and Mark HamptonRonda Harvey-ShaheenDave and Linda KohlmanJohn and Ruthann SiebertCarol Norris VincentJoy BrownePatricia Heady WinholtzR. Edwin BrownePatricia Heady WinholtzEdward BrueggemannDenise O. NimsTabatha BryantEssie BassettVerda BryantRuss and Kathy GodfreyBarbara and Warren GoseLane and Ruth HaroldRay and Katie McClaranKen and Wendy MinerMarjorie RoarkHoward and Thelma SheehyViola BuntzBill and Shirlee PooreLorna BurdekinGrace MurphyJames F. BurgessMildred J. BurgessLogan CharleddisLloyd and Nancy KempHarley and Letha ChatburnDennis and Sharon WoodAdelena ClarkGladys and Evan CoxBerneice ClarkCarol and Dick BrabyRuss and Kathy GodfreyBarbara and Warren GoseRoland and Maxine JensonChristina NagelDorothy Van OrnumJean Beaulah ClarkChristina NagelLinda Marie CloughCommunity of Christ – SterlingDelbert E. ColemanRev. William D. MainHarold H. ColemanMatt and Sandra SchubertRussell ColemanWest Portsmouth Community

of ChristMr. Lee R. CongerSally and Chuck BaldwinDorothy BrownDirk and Sharon HutchesonVernon and Virginia MartinChristina NagelMax and Judy PinkstonHoward and Thelma SheehyPatricia R. TaylorAaron CriswellStella, Leslee, and Michael


Patricia CrownoverGlen and Vivian CampbellJohn and Betty CampbellLila CrownoverCarl and Colleen LeonardPhyllis LeonardEmma Lou WeisRuth CrowtherSteve and Debbie CampbellJerry CurtisDonna HughesJim and Rita SmithDoris ThompsonRobert L. DaviesDr. and Mrs. A. Dorman LewisWalter W. DavisLaurel Club, Community of Christ

AuditoriumJerry and Sandra MoggHoward and Thelma SheehyEtha DeckerBryant and Ebbie DeckerElsie DickinsonNorman and Barbara BernauerCarol Elaine (Johnson) DoddsCharles W. DoddsBarbara SabolJim DourWilma McNeillBud DowneyLaurel Club, Community of Christ

AuditoriumMarjorie DowneyAlan and Nancy ConditSteve EaganElbert and Joyce HeathClayton EdstromLeo and Carole CaesarBryan and Marilyn SchempfMable ErrettJim and Marcia BrougherClaudia FabioDan HuberBill FaheyFran FaheyDee FingerJerry and Jim LewisKenneth G. FisherJeanne and Greg MannRobert G. FisherCitizens for Effective LeadershipByron ConstanceArdis and James EverettCarl and Linda FennRon and Carol GillilanMartha HammTerry and Betty SnappDora E. WalshBob FrieszShirley V. RemmengaMr. Ronald M FryKay and Edd DetrayKelly FryerBill and Shirlee PooreRon and Marty SherrardGerald GaiserFlorence WelchVirginia GarciaJanice HaleBob GarrettMartha HammWinnie GatenbySandra and Dean HubbardNorman and Darleen SwailsMatthew GaumerBob and Sandra BeckettLauren GileMaxine L. WaldenBonnie GlandonMike BarnumThe Larry and Cathy Beeble

Family Evalyn and Tom BrandtThe Essex and Chamberlain


Bill and Nancy ClossonRon and Carla CriscoJim and Kathy CummingsLinda and Barry Dangerfield &

children Whitney, Jena, and Kylie

Edwin and Rozanne DowellDiana DuhlJoseph GlandonRon and Rita JuliusBeth and Ed FeganJohn and Janet FergusonVernon and Namar FosterMary FoulkesShannon, Chris, Christina, and

Stephanie GuayJames and Connie HackworthNora Hager and familyMary and Marshall HoeflerKatie, Carl, Carter, Tristan, and

Tyler HoytKay and Carl HoytKeun and Jae HyunMichael HyunCindi and Karl KlamarLisa Leszynski and Kate FennerRoger MackenderKim and Don McclainKenneth and Suzanne McLaughlinNorma MercurioBernard Guilkey and Fannie

MoorePat MyersJohn and Lori OberleKeyBank – Employee ServicesBetty L. PorterJackie PreveyLillian RockwellRobert and Candice SawyerKathleen SommerEleanor St. ClairStella, Leslee, and Michael

SterlingDavid and Beth Stone and FamilyDave and Christie Trewhitt Jan TrewhittTom and Meg TrewhittJohn and Gloria WeeseMichael and Sharon WhiteheadDenise WilkinsConnie YerianDr. Lawrence Good, D.V.M. and

Mrs. Mary Storm Good, R.N.Diana HarterLaurel Club, Community of Christ

AuditoriumHelen Irene GorleyWayne and Donna ChurchJessie GraffeoAlice WardArlon L. GrayRuss and Kathy GodfreyMr. Paul E. GrossTom and Mary Lou BoltBlanche GuenotEldon and Ruth DickensMargery Godfrey and Nadine

PowellRobert and Darlene LowryNancy Mcmurchie, Wilma and

Pat, Paul, Megan, Matt, and Kaitlin

Nadine PowellFlorence WelchOlga GuestDalvin and Jean BooneMarilyn DudleyThe HamptonsConnie and Darrell O’KelleyRichard and Alice ShagleyDarlene and Raymond SillsRichard and Candace WilliamsJames and Jane Wood

Lance GundersonHaydn BournAshiq ChakaSwetha KomatreddyBob SmithLarry and Marcia TrompSara D. GustafsonLaurel Club, Community of Christ

AuditoriumNancy GuthrieLola KegleyEmerson HallPhillip and Doris SkladGlenn HallWest Portsmouth Community

of ChristClarice HamiltonElizabeth HagertyScott HartmanJerry and Jim LewisRocky Mountain Mission CenterMr. Bruce Robert HarveyCharles W. DoddsDon and Kay EwingElna HarveyJean and Carol HollowayHerbert HavensThadd and Cindy KoonceDick HawesPaul and Bobbie CrinziMr. Earl F. HaywardAlma, MI Community of ChristBill and Charleen AyresTom BatchelderMildred BatemanSusan and Bob ChaffinCarl and Donna ConleyJohn Crees and Patty DoyleJoanne GilbertDon and Joan GodfreyLucy GulickJoAnne HaywardHillcrest School – FriendsHillcrest School – Social

CommitteePaul Kayaian, Mosaic Enterprises

LLCDean and Dolly King Thomas KunzKenneth and Bette LeBlancRollin and Ruthellen McCurleyHarlan and Marsha McClellanJohn and Rosalee MinthornMary Rickman MoseleyEllen and Kim NewsonGeorgann ReppertRobert and Phyllis WegnerNeil and Phyllis WilcoxJames A. Carl and Thais

HeavilandDavid and Susan (Heaviland) CashCarleen and Gerry ShetlerFrank HechmerJohn and Betty WellerJohn B. HedalLeo and Carole CaesarStan and Beverly CorringtonDean and Gladys CoxPaul and Bobbie CrinziHarlingen, TX Community of

ChristCarthage R-9 Administrative

OfficeStanley and Ruthann HuntDr. and Mrs. A. Dorman LewisMyrna and Bob LoganBill and Beth McFarlinJimmie RadliffJohn and Betty WellerMary M. HeideRocky Mountain Mission CenterJoe HelterbranEric and Sandra GloverLynn and Kathy Sharp


Page 13: OUTREACH Magazine - Thank You Issue, Issue 1 - 2012

June1, 2011 – December 31, 2011Bold type indicates recipient.

Plain type indicates gift donor.

Donald Gene Henrickson, Jr.GMS Music DepartmentsBill and Shirlee PooreRon and Marty SherrardMarilyn TurnerBonnie HentzAnaheim, CA Community

of ChristKim and Tony BroughJeffrey and Deanna HergesDavid and Sheran LongOrlando, FL Community of ChristLarry and Dorcas WilkinsonLaura J. HerdmanTerry and Karen AngelMelanie BlevinsClint and Jennifer BorgstadtLora and Cliff BorgstadtColbern Rd, MO Community

of ChristDennis and Penny CrullArdis and James EverettRobert and Evelyn GasperMonte and Julia KottmanJohn and Teresa MajorsGary and Devona MartinIna Lou MyrickJohn and Patricia PearsonJohn SchieszerDougald and Martha ThrutchleyNathan and Kari TwomblyAaron and Tracy TwomblyBarbara HigdonWilliam MorainBill and Cyndra NormanNancy WallaceMargaret L. HoffHelen and Harmon HaysRobert HolmanKyle Martin and Barbara AbramsHelen CarneyRalph and Cheryl CoueyLee and Sandi EckerWarren and Barbara GoseGary and Linda GrahamWil and Mary Ann GraybillJames and Donna OverlyLaurie J. PolochkoVicki RossEleanor St. ClairJackson ZippayDavid HoodlessDenise O. NimsLois HoustonDoris L. CasterBarbara and Warren GoseJeffrey and Deanna HergesMaxine and Roland JensonJohn and Dorsey ParrishMarian PikeLarry and Dorcas WilkinsonShirley HowardDorothy BirkyAlfred and Jane BrydonPhylis CarleThe Virginia Coughlin FamilyJerri and Vernon DeanFort Madison, IA Community

of ChristJim and Linda HaldaneDana HeagyHenry County CourthouseHiawatha, IA Community of ChristGary and Kathy HoskinsMarilyn HoskinsRuth KirchnerCathy KloubecBeverly and Willard LynchWayne and Patricia MarzolfCheryl McCullaghBeth McFarlane

Doug and Susan McFarlaneMary McKenzieJodie MilbrathBrenda and Meredith MitchellJerry and Betty NaylorRoger and Marianne ReidSue and Ronald ReiderRonald P. Roberts, Sr.Rebecca and David SeleneSusan Shaull-ScheerNorman and Darleen SwailsSusan and Lee WakefieldJanet and Robert WebsterBradley and Monica WeselyLucille HuggettRuth AndersonDaniel and Jerilyn ConslaGrace EbelingMr. and Mrs. James A. EverettPleasant Heights, MO Community

of ChristMerlin HutsellMaxine and Roland JensonChristina NagelDr. B. Charles JenkinsMarina, CA Community of ChristJim JohnsonMargaret FlippinPatricia JohnsonLeo and Carole CaesarAlan JohnstoneBrenda Allen and Family Doug and Diana BackusClaudia BlumLinda Olson BongersHugh and Iris BoswellDebra and Jay BratbergWayne and Garnet BratbergLinda BrungardtLarry and Lynette BurroughsCentral Mission CenterRonald and Diane ClarkJean and Don DavisChloe ElefsonDon and Kay EwingYour Library Friends: Linda,

Karen, Nicole, Stephanie and John

Warren and Barbara GoseRay and Alice GunnRose and Jim GutoskiTom, Carol, and Hugh HaleJoann HamannFrancis E. HansenHeaven’s Hands, Inc.Ruth and Bill HornSandra and Dean HubbardRoland and Maxine JensonBradley and June JohnsonShirley A. JohnsonJohnstone ConstructionClifford D. JonesEarl and Ardyce KoonceLaurel Club, Community of Christ

AuditoriumRosemary LentellJeanne and Greg MannRay and Katie McClaranSheryl McClaranPenny McCurdyGordon and Mary Ann PankratzRoger and Betty ParrishJohn and Dorsey ParrishScott and Carol RobersonKenneth and Cynthia SchnellMary Ellen ScottHoward and Thelma SheehyDave and Voni SimonsLouise and Larry SmithKenneth and Betty StobaughVince Stowell

Marjorie StowellCathy Woodstock-Striley and

Doris WoodstockKenneth and Joyce SwailsLill TwiningUSD High School Faculty FundMarilyn Van TrumpCarol Norris VincentDan and Alice WaiteMark and Nancy WannemuehlerDenzil WestDan and Beth WhittemoreJane WightDoris WoodstockGary and Janice ZimmermanGarrett JonesCarol Norris VincentArnold E. JorgensenMatie JorgensenRaymond and Darlene JousmaJim and Marcia BrougherZelpha KemmererHerb and Karen BrighamSusan and Lee WakefieldDr. Theodore KierschMarilyn Van TrumpDoris KilburnMadison, WI Community of ChristKurt (Hermey) and Vicky MartellSusan SheetsMarvin and Evelyn WhiteakerDouglas KinseyWayne ThompsonBetty KnittelGeorge and Kay AdamsLetha CookNancy EllisBetty FarmerHardy, AR Community of ChristTom and Sherry HillearyScott and Susan HinderksDan HuberAlice and Bill HyattAlice JewellDoris M LeeNorman and Harriet MallicoatJeanne and Greg MannKeith McMillanOlathe Housing AuthorityJohn and Pamela O’NealRuth PotterShirley V. RemmengaMrs. Judy Haslee ScottWilliam and Terry ShinkleJoann SlaterBarbara WoodDonald KnittelDan HuberAudette KnutsonJoe and Betty WellingtonMs. Frankie L. KuhnGlenda McClainDonald KyserDave and Voni SimonsIva Berniece LanceBonnie SparksDoug LandahlEdward and Shirley MossSam LandisMargaret Landis, Marnie, Bill,

Sammie, and GrandkidsHoward and Thelma SheehyMr. Earl LehmanLoretta AngererDiana LehmanRonald E. LentellMarie and Teresa CrawfordVickie Crawford HonchenArdis and James EverettFrances and Audrey JamesMaxine and Roland Jenson

Roy and Meurial JonesLaurel Club, Community of Christ

AuditoriumTodd and Dee VinsonEleanor B. LordLes and Mid CanningKathryn and Norman CoxFrances H. DavisJean and Don DavisEdwin and Rozanne DowellCindy FrerkingSandra and Dean HubbardJune and Bradley JohnsonPenny McCurdyMary Ellen ScottKen and Betty StobaughCarol Norris VincentDan and Alice WaiteDenzil WestJane WightGary and Janice ZimmermanDavid MalaneyBill and Shirlee PooreJames Monroe MalonePeggy and James MaloneTrudie MalonePeggy and James MaloneNancy MasseyThomas and Christy BarronJohn and Betty CampbellCarol CummingsJohn and Donna FletcherMarilyn GeigerRichard and Diana GuthrieSandy and Dwight HamannVernon and Elizabeth HarshfieldKieth and Marilyn HiestermanJoan and Harold HoldingLarry and Judy HoskinsonG. E. HuttonDouglas H JonesRoy and Patricia JuliusLloyd and Hale FamiliesSally RothRobert E. MaxwellMary E. MaxwellAlan Dayl (A.D.) McClainGlenda McClainDot McCurdyRonda HutchisonJames McElderyLaurel Club, Community of Christ

AuditoriumFrederick L McKane JrWayne and Pamela JaegerWood River Community of ChristBob, Lori, and the Piepergerdes

FamilyBill and Shirlee PooreMs. Zora Belle McKiernanLawrence and Dorothy BoyceDoris BreezeRay and Alice GunnHeritage House Residents Orga-

nizationLaurel Club, Community of Christ

AuditoriumMs. Betty L. PorterRuth PotterMyrtha RobinsonChris and Terry ScottMary Lou ShawKenneth and Betty StobaughVince StowellDan and Alice WaiteJohn and Betty WellerDorothy WrightThera McLainCharles E. McLainIrene MelhamAndria Melham

David MellendorfThadd and Cindy KoonceOthelia MengelBill and Nancy ClossonMary JowettJohn MercerAvanelle and Jerry MercerFranklin MethnerLarry and Cheryl BuntingConnie HenzeMarian MethnerPat and Don SibbaldAlbert MillardRon MillardJoan Strom-MillardRon MillardJohn and Eloise SniderBeverly “BJ” MillerRichard D. MillerMary E. MilnerAl and Donna BarrDoris and JodyLewis MohrEleanor St. ClairEllis and Cora MurdockMatie JorgensenLyle NagleWilma HulsePat and Don SibbaldMargaret NaylorHoward and Thelma SheehyJane WightLeland NegaardChristina NagelMamie NelsonKathleen AwtryBill and Lela AyersJohn and Barb BearAlex Becker and Holly

Nelson-BeckerJudy and Ron BoswellEverett and Beverly BoydDr. David Carmichael, Jr.Jean and Don DavisViola L. DavisThe Becker FamilyJim and Dinah JonesGerry KnoellerPatricia MarmoyMesa, AZ Community of ChristDavid and Betty NipperSally and Gerald OehringBetty PearsonLillian and Murlyn RonkMary and Chris VenemaDan and Alice WaiteRachel YoungRogene NestmanDenise O. NimsHarry NetterGeorgenn ButlerDonna and Gary CraigTara and Jeff FitzpatrickLou GreenFrancis E. HansenRuth and Bill HornRon and JunAnn HortonMary Bell and Dwain JonesShirley JuliffMargaret KelleyDavid and Doreen NetterAlice NichollsAnna Lou and William NichollsPleasant Heights, MO Community

of ChristCarol and George Radmall Howard and Thelma SheehySammy NeumannBryant and Ebbie Decker

continued on page 12

Page 14: OUTREACH Magazine - Thank You Issue, Issue 1 - 2012


Velda L. NevillHarry and Laura ElwellGailyn and Evelyn NevillEverett G. NielsenLinda K. HardyPenny and Tim TinsleyLavonne NielsenDavid and Nancy NielsenDixie NordbeckPat and Don SibbaldMaureen O’KelleyGene and Marlene McIntoshPercival R. ParrishCindy JohnsrudJerry and Vivian NashBetty PayneDon and Radine RychardMatt and Sandra SchubertMr and Mrs. Ronald WoodwardRoger ParsonWarren and Barbara GoseLeigh PaschallMaria PattersonConstance ThatcherPatty PashonCommunity of Christ – SterlingJeanette PattersonHoward and Thelma SheehyFrancis PechtJames and Jerry LewisAlice PennistonCarl and Donna ConleyLila CrownoverMr. William L. PhillipsCarl and Gloria CarpenterSteve and Kelly GabrielsonCherry MillerMike and Virginia PelicanBill and Shirlee PooreTed and Joan SweetsCharlene WardJameson Angelo PiedimonteGlenda and James WhiteRichard PomeroyRobert C. BeckPeggy EslingerSteven and Karen FrenchRodney F. RaetherFlorence PoolePat and Don SibbaldRobert A. PotterTom and Gail SundellWanda RalstonShirley J. JesterRoxie KirkEd and Georgia TowersNeil I. ReedJohn and Mary Lou NobleDulcy and Ronald SilverthornVera ReedHelen GreenPatricia RichardsDoris JenkinsRudolf RichterCharlotte RichterVeda A. RickelRebecca RickelErnest Roberson, Jr.Valerie and Gene AustinMark and Dianne BallantyneLois BrownDavid and Vicki CampbellBill and Susan ChapmanChloe ElefsonArdis and James EverettMrs. and Mr. Alice Fugate Mrs. and Mr. Thelma FugateMr. and Mrs. Warren Fugate Russ and Kathy GodfreyBarbara and Warren GoseJoann HamannFrancis E. HansenPattie Harris and FamilyHome Instead Senior CareRoland and Maxine Jenson

Shirley A. JohnsonSusan and Russ JonesBill and Judy KramerLaurel Club, Community of Christ

AuditoriumRosemary LentellRay and Katie McClaranMcDonald AutobodyBillie Jo MeadBill and Sandra NaylorMr. and Mrs. Robert NyeJohn and Dorsey ParrishLaine and Ed PassmanRobin and Ronald PfannenstielBill and Shirlee PooreMax and Sue RidingsPaul L. Roberts, Jr.Howard and Thelma SheehyLloyd and Joan SlaghtLouise and Larry SmithDan and Alice WaiteRod and Pat WalshGeorge and Martha WarnerCarolyn and Lysle WeeksThomas and Patricia WileyYour Benton FamilyLeola RobinsonLarry and Dorcas WilkinsonVere RosburyRon and Marty SherrardJerry RoseEarlene BarnesJuan Tabo Branch, NM

Community of ChristChristy Dawn RothacherGlenn R. CarlisleFrances RouthCarl and Donna ConleyBonita ScarberryLola KegleyDr. Roy H. SchaeferJean BrookensRay and Ann HogueDonna ScrantonOpal Woods ArmstrongMaureen and Wayne ClarkRichard and Lois HillmanShirley JuliffMargaret KelleyGlenda McClainChristina NagelGerri RathbunNavigator TeamNorman and Darleen SwailsEd SeamsterFlorence WelchRobert M. SeeleyRamona SeeleyLarry ShawPeggy and Tom AllanRichard and Elizabeth BarbourRay and Lillian BarnesGene and Lanelle BellJaneen BlakesleyTom and Denise BuscavageJeanne CrewsDecatur, AL Community of ChristViolet GeibBarbara GilmanCarl and Trish HopeWard and Donnie SerigBill and Jean YoungRuth SheltonNick and Lynda SandersWayne Ross ShieldsCommunity of Christ – World

HeadquartersMarvin and Carol ShulerLaurel Club, Community of Christ

AuditoriumRalph ShumateLarry and Lucy BaxterFelipe SiyBarbara and Warren GoseRuth Skelton

Glenda and James WhiteJohn B. SkoorRichard and Therese WaughAnn C. SmithGladys SuttonRonald C. SmithMary Lou AshLarry and Sylvia ChapmanMr. and Mrs. R. M. ChurchChuck and Barbara DahmerPat DahmerEast Alton Community of ChristEast Wenatchee, WA Community

of ChristRuss and Kathy GodfreyGlenda McClainPerry and Dianne MorrisLois ParksGertrude RohlmanKay WellsJohn SparksJames FarrisMildered J. SpearmanDecatur AL Community of ChristMuriel SpencerLeslie Boyns and Diane BehlinsHomer SpiersChristina NagelJoanne SpragueOren W. SpragueAnna Spurling-SundayHarriet and Steve KoliasShirley StankeLeo and Carole CaesarAnn StearnsRobert and Kathy FelknorGeorge StewartChristina NagelEula StoynoffRobert, Richard and Yumiko,

Nelson and Massumi, and RuthWillard Charles SwofferMartha HammHoward and Joan TaylorCharles and Lois HarrisLaurel Club, Community of Christ

AuditoriumChristina NagelSandra and Billie NaylorMax and Sue RidingsJerome R. SeegerDoris TaylorJoan TaylorBeth and Paul WikoffKeith and Mary ZimmermanThomas TeasFanny HansenHelen TenosAnonymousJody BarnhartKaren and Alva BarnhartBrian and Polly CaugheyCoburg Papa’s LLCSue ColemanRobert and Barbara DobkinsRoy Freeman and JeanniePeggy and Mike GrohsFred and Dianna IversonJerry and Vivian NashLillian NunheimerChris and Linda OsbornDale and Karyle PayneSandi SchubertMary StreeterMr. Thomas W. Thatcher, Jr.Mary and Lee BeckwithCharles and Donna ConstancePatricia C. ConstanceIna Z. FiteScott and Susan (Fite) HinderksBarbara KutcherKaren SchembreJudi and Pat SpillmanBonnie ThompsonJerry and Jim Lewis

Donald TuckerDalton and Dorothy KlausNorma TuckerRuss and Kathy GodfreyWayne and Marliene HamGlenda and James WhiteMichael TurnerJimmy and Marjy GoffLoetta L. TylerSharon and James HannahJean, Gail, Sherry, and FamiliesPolly LeshMyrtis RohrsBryan and Marilyn SchempfDon and Audrey StrongerDr. Ronald W. TyreeKatharine and Arne BjorndalMarian ClarkArdis and James EverettThomas Fine and Joy

Weydert-FineCraig and Nancy FratzkeGeorge and Janis GarlockSteve and Laura HollowayHerbert and Angela IlesDonna JohnsonIrene Saur JonesBeverly KoshatkaDoug and Susan McFarlaneJim and Connie OlsonCarolyn and Dick OtisWilliam and Doris PreucilRoger and Marianne ReidPat SchroderAnna StranieriAlan and Gladys TyreeBeverly TyreeSusan and Lee WakefieldPamela WhiteRoy VandelBryan and Marilyn SchempfWilliam VanFleetLouis and Betty ZonkerEarl VeerSonia and Joe StuderMarianta Blumenschien-VogelRebecca RickelDoreen VoltmannKen and Shirley GreenRobert VoltmannKen and Shirley GreenAnna Mae WadsworthLinda and Barry Dangerfield &

children Whitney, Jena, and Kylie

Stella, Leslee, and Michael Sterling

Ardyth WaggonerLola KegleyRobert WaglerDonald WaglerAlberta WaltonGeorge and Sally WaltonNewton WardFlorence WelchSandra WatfordJerry and Jim LewisRobert E. WelchFlorence WelchTimothy WelchFlorence WelchRaymond A. WhitingLea L. WhitingLeslie E. WhittemoreRocky Mountain Mission CenterCraig, Sandy, and Kevin SpillmanRichard WhittemoreLouis and Betty ZonkerHerb WilkinsonRuss and Kathy GodfreyDavid L. WilliamsDale and Pam HendricksonBill and Betty Lou HenryPhoenix Central AZ Community

of Christ

Bill and Eleanor RuedemannRobert RuedemannJack and Gail WilliamsDonna J. WilliamsMerlyn E. WilliamsMaryellyn WilliamsStanley and Judy BurgerWilma and R.W. BurgerSuzanne GodfreyDale and Pam HendricksonBill and Betty Lou HenryMickie and Galen KabanceDebra LinkBill and Eleanor RuedemannDwayne WilliamsJames WimmerJerry and Jim LewisGeorge WolfeMaxine WolfeRuth Joanne WolfePleasant Heights, MO Community

of ChristMargaret WongJeanette WongLouis ZiegeHazel Ziege

Mother’s Day GiftsJean BorowScott HartnellJanet HartnellLori HartnellVivian NevillGailyn and Evelyn NevillKay RichterJames RichterSusan Fisher SlaterWillie and Milton HoukNancy WhiteBrett and Dianne WebberleyRuby WittBrett and Dianne Webberley

Mother’s Day MemorialRuth LeightonMaxine Schall

The above listing represents Tribute and Memorial Gifts received between 6/1/11 – 12/31/11. We make every effort to accurately acknowledge our donors’ contributions. Corrections may be emailed to our Donor Services Team at [email protected].


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