  • 8/7/2019 Our Town October 31, 1930


    NARB ERTHe 0 :1'11,1 U;1I TY L IB RARY ,

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ / v ~ ~ . OUR TOWNVolume 17, No.4 Narberth, Pa., October 31, 1930 Price, Five Cents

    Narberth Club Hostto County Federation

    How Well Can You Spell? Hemphill Victory Predicted in LowerAnswered at Club Contest Merion and Narberth on Eve of Election

    Discusses Political Issues andPresents Movies of South

    Seas Trip.


    \Vith thc election only four daysaway, indications point to a Hemphillvictory in Lower ~ , f e r i o n and Narberthwith the Sta te -w ide resul ts still verymuch in doubt. Predict ions have beenmad e t ha t H emph il l would carry theMain Line by a two-to-one votc,Local political leaders , unlike those

    o f Phil adelphia, have made n o 1110\"Cto break away froln the straight Rcpublican ticket a lt hough the ir a tt it udetoward :\11'. I'inchot might be described as lukcwarm. At a meeting ofthe County Republican Committee atNorristown on Tue sd ay , a tt cn ded byover SOD, including c ou nty l ea de rCharles Joh nson and !\Ir. Pinchot,,upport of t he s tr ai gh t ticket wasurged.Th e political situation locally as

    well a s t hr ou ghou t t he S ta te h as bl'envery confused. "This is an electionwhcre the o rgan izat ion is not t el li ng

    Mrse Pinchot Speaksat Narberth Meeting

    WOMEN PLEDGE SUPPORT)'lrs. GilIord Pinchot was the sched

    uled speaker at a meet ing yesterday(Thursday) afternoon in Elm Hall,X arbe rt h. Sponsor ed b y a committeeof Repuhlican womcn in the borough,t he mce ti ng included presentation ofmotion picturcs of the South Seas,f ilmed by the Gubernatorial candidateand his party on t Iwi r c ru is l' last year.Assurances of many votes for ),11',

    Pinchot were given hy women whoa tt ended the mee ti ng . They declaredthat the local petition f or hi s nomination, which was c ir cu la te d b efor e t heprimary , bore nearly 300 signatures, including names of educators, women'sclub workers, professional mcn, churchworke rs and ministers, business men..bankers and officials of patriotic orders.Strong efforts a re b ei ng mad e by t he

    Pinchot supporters in the borough toround up a l arge vot e nex t Tuesday .E xc er pt s f rom M rs . P in ch ot' s p re

    pared speech follow:". . . There must be regulation of

    utilities. So Mr . P in ch ot plans t o s etup a ' Fa ir Rat e Board' that shall beelected by the people-sectionally-andto this board wil l bc given the authori ty t he Public Service Commission hasmisused-the right to regulate rates,"Not only will the Fair Rate Board

    have the power to prevent new r ateraises that arc unjust, b ut they willalso havc the r ight to review rates atpresent in operation. I f these arcshown to be unjust they will h av e t heright to reduce them..


    To Speak at C. E. MeetingvVade Smi th , evangel is t, who willconduct special servi ce s nex t week atthe Narber th Pre sbyter ian Church,will be t he speaker at t he Chr is ti anEndeavor Soc ie ty on Sunday eveningat 7 0 'dock.

    To Give ConcertTh e Lyric Trio will appear in a concert at the P enn Athletic Club onTucsday evening, November 4. In th etrio ar c Ernestine Bacon, sopr ano;Florence Haenley. violinist, and Dorothy Power, harpist .

    Annual Gavel DayTuesday morning at ninethi rty theJ un io r H igh School wi ll h ol d its an nua l Gavel Da\' when all t he n ew oftieel's of the stu;lent hod\' will bc sworninto office. Thi, ccre;nony is uniqueand worth s ce ing ( rom man y standpoints, The p ar en ts a nd friends oftill' students are ill\'ited to attend.

    St. ) ' Iargaret ' s Guild was organizedt his w ee k at a meeting ' held at thehome of ~ rs. Pierre Laird, AvonRoad, Narberth. Th e officers are Mrs.e. J. Goodyear, president; Mrs. F. X.Purcell, vice president; )'Irs. Mark E.),torgan, secretary ; Mrs. J. J . Cabr ey,t re as ur er , a nd Mrs . John M. Townsend, cha irman o f hos te sses . Mee ti ng sof th e Guild will be held the firstTuesdays o f each month at 8:30 P, M,in t he b as cment of St. )'largaret'sChurch.Th e Guild will gh'e a card party int he l ib ra ry of St. Margaret's Schoolon )"Ionda\" at 2 P. ),1. As this is th efirst party' hcld under the auspices ofthe Gui ld , i t j,; hoped to have a largeattendanf:e.Plans are being made for a rummagesale to be held on Nov embe r 14 and15 at 105 Xorth Narberth Avenue, :Mrs.\Villiam J. Butler is th e chairman.Anyone wishing to con tr ibut e a rt ic le sfor t hl ' sale is request ed to call Merion (jOO.

    Lower ),1 erion continued its marchtoward another suburban championshipi n foo tbal l when they defeated Lansdowne High la,t Saturday hy a 24-to-0score. Th e winniug points were scoredby the ),1 ain Lincrs in three of thef our p er io ds a nd e ach t ou ch down wascarried over hy a different hack. I'erh ap s J oh n Pennypacker', long run of95 yanb was t he mos t s pe ct ac ul ar ,a nd mos t o f the credit io r h is fea t wasdne to Bob Taylor', pretty interference, Bob out ra n "Bee" Rust, whowas speed ing a ft er the Lower ),lerioncaptain and overtook him on Lan,downc's th irtyyard line. He hurledhimself in front of t he Lan sd owncback and b rough t him down a, he wasjust a bout t o tacklc th e Maroon cap tain. It was a bcautiful play fro II Istart to finish,Lower Merion did no t look particularly impressive in this victory, bu tt he y wer e p la yi ng und er w ra ps mos t o fthe game. Thc tcam will have to worklIIuch mor e smoothly to win againstAbington tomorrow,

    St. Margaret's GuildOrganized, Officers Chosen

    How to Mark Ballotto Vote Split TicketIn \ ' i e \ ~ of thc fact t ha t many

    split ha ll ot s a rc a nt ic ipa te d onTucsday hy election authorities thewarning has hecn sounded thatballots carrying a cross in twoparty squares will be declared void.:\ Rcpub li can who wishes to\'llte the straigilt ticket wi th th e

    exception of one oftice may do soby marking an X in the Republi can party s qu ar e a nd ano th cr Xop po sit e the n ame of t he candi date h e w is he s to support in thesecond column of the ballot.Thus an X in the Republican

    square in the first column and anX oppos it e t he n ame of John !\LH l 'mph il l a s Liberal or Democratwould he a \ 'o te for all Republicancandidates with the cxception ofPinchot and a vote for Helllpliill.:\ ] ) ( ~ m o c r a t , likewise wishing to\'ote his straight t ic ke t h ut supp or ti ng P in ch ot for Governor,wou ld check the Democra ti c partysquare and also t he n ame of Pinchot in t he second column.This pra ctic e ha s bee n r ec ognized by the Courts for the past

    ten yea rs coming under the "I ntent o f t he v ot er s; a ct ."

    Radnor-Lower Merion toUse Villanova StadiumTh e Radnor-Lower ),Ierion footballgame will be played at the VillanovaCollege St;\dium this year. This moveha s be en contemplated for sOl lie t ime ,but Lower Mer ion was not willing tomak e t he s te p last ycar. Radnor lfig-hSchool desern', credit for institutingthis Inove and thc news wi ll he w e l ~come to all the followers of the twoschools. \ \. 'hether th is will be continned next. year is undec ided , butpopular opinion will probably urge acontinuance, Radnor does not ha vethe facilities to accommodate a goodcrowd at their tiel

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town October 31, 1930







    Phl ln PR .

    October 31, 1930



    P ~ ~ : a i d $3.48A wonde rful m ix tu re o f Giant F l o w c r ~iog Tulips embracing a complete rangeof rich an d ~ h o w y colors. Plant themNOW! They will give a glorious dis p la y in you r ~ a r d c n ear ly next spring .F in e fo r h cd s or p la nt ed i n t he percn'nial horder. Top'sixc bulbs, guaranteedt o b loom nex t s pr in g.11::1 1I11rpee n l ' l ~ .

    asMaintainYour Party StatusRepublican



    Mark it twice and then you're throughThat is al l you ha ve t o do!Prize the deed as one well doneGlory in the f ight that's won!


    Mark Your Ballot TWICE

    DO THIS and you have protected the RepublicanParty from the schemes of Pretender Pinchot, whois not a Republican, and whose only interest in theParty is to use it for his own selfish and seethingambitions.

    Make Two Marks On The BallotThat makes yOfI a Republican voter u"der therules of the Party

    That makes you a real Pennsylvanian, vitally interestedin the Progress and Prosperity of YOllr State

    2. Pu t another X after the name of John M. Hemphill, Liberal, in the second column of the ballot,under ~ C G o v e r n o r . "

    1. Put an X in the Republican Square in the firstcolumn.

    Stand Guard over the savings which are invested I ttPublic Utility Companies-Stand Guard over the livelihoods which will be in perilif Pretender Pinchot gets in-Stand Guard so that the Republican Party will no t bewrecked by Radicals who care no t whom they hurtso long as they get their own wilful way!



    FreshCountryCidergat, 49c

    moderate in price, andthe best of this fall'scrop.


    FRIEND Husbandwill enjoy hisdinner more withou r f resh frui ts andvegetables, and Youwill get a s tep \ lheadof you r grocerybudget too. Among::> u r mon ey 'sav in gprices for this Fri,day and Saturdayare these:

    SATISFACTIONAND SERVICE209 Haverford Avenue-Opposite the S ta tion

    Phone Narberth 2855 for Prompt Delivery

    Page Two

    30-pound Basket of LongIsland POTATOES 75c

    s. & S. Market

    Juicy FloridaORANGES . doz., 22cCELERY bunch, 10cSPINACH ~ - p e c k , 10cSnider Sweet TablePEAS 2 cans for 25cTOKAY GRAPES SEA TROUT4 Ibs., 25c 2 Ibs., 25c


    Predict Hemphill Victory lo f Philadelphia, have added to the tur-j Stacey B. L loyd , :Edwa rd J . LYons, e ra ti on o f Ch ur ch es. L unc he on will. L M d N b h moil o f t he campaign. The r es igna tion Eff ingham B. Morns, Ardmore; C. E. be served at 12:30.In . . an ar ert f \XT WA t t b f R d pr sl'_Il\forris, Haverford; George Munson, -------'v. er ury, 0 a nor, e . ,. B H f C ,.d f h PI' R 'I d IMenon; J. Joseph . \l cHugh, ala; aver ord ollege s v ic to ry was aCONTINUED FROM THE FIRST PAGE ent 0 t e ennsy vama al roa , G P k d V'll ., Ed d C welcome bit o f news to the Main Linefrom the Republican National Com- eorge ac a r , I ano\a, wa r . f ol lowers of the Scarletthe voters what to do," one of the Inittee, and the avowal of his support P ag e, B ryn Mawr; E lmer H. ROden-I .local leaders said yesterday. "Frankly, I of Mr. Hemphill was the forerunner baugh, Ardmore; R. E. ~ o b e r t s , Brynwe a ll are being told wha t t o d o by the of a landslide of defections fr om t he 1Iawr; George V. SmIth, Ardmore;voters. Officially the organization i s Repub li can ranks. Frank A. Schrepfer, Narberth; ~ a l t e rbacking the Republican t icke t as such. S I M V I' f V'll 1Thayer, Overbrook; James D. Wmser,In actual practice the cho ice o f Pin - . amue. ' auc a111, 0 I anova , Jr., and F. K ing Wainr ight , A rdmore .

    H h 'II', b' I f I 111 some Side remarks at a recent meet-chot or emp I IS emg e t to t l e . f h R C" A . . . , " Ill!\" 0 t e osemont IVIC SSoctatlon I ..I11dlvldual. I predicted that Mr. Hemph il l wou ld b e AUXIliary to Mee tFrom. t 1 ~ i s a ~ other s imilar . s tate- ' the nex t Governo r. Thc Womcn 's Auxiliary of the Nar-

    m e ~ t s , It IS ~ v l d e n t that ~ ~ r . ~ l I 1 c h o t , The formation o f an executive com- berth I 'resbyter ian Church will meetwhile n?t facmg open hostl.ltty 111. Lo\\' - mit tee, pledged to the active support on Thursday. Novemher 6. The meeter Menon, can count on ! tt tl e aid and of :Mr. Hemphill's candidacy, was an - ing wil l be from 9 :30 to 2. Mite boxessuccor from. t ~ e . local w o r l ~ e r s . In nounced last week by Howard R. will he collected at t he t im e as there ismany cas es I11dlvldual, Repub!l cans a re \Va tt , c ampa ig n cha irman of t he L ib - an urgent cal l f or the con tent s, whichfrankly ou t fo : the Liberal ticket, ~ n eral Party in ~ I o n t g o m e r y County. It wi ll he givcn to the Main Line Fed-are prophesYl11g an overwhell11mg includes the following l\f ain Line and ~ - - - - - - - - - l..!::============il:!.number o f split ballots. Bala-Cynwyd residentos: \Villiam J.

    I t has been pointed ont by those in- Bicswanger, Ardmore; F. H. Bohlterested in getting out the vote that l'n, Bryn ?I awr; Marechel Brown,people who are not r eg is te red may Bryn Mawr; J. J. Cabrey, Narberth;vote b y affidavit p rovi di ng t hey h av e J os eph Car so n, B ryn l \l aw r; P er cy ved in their election district for at Clark, Cynwyd; 'Walter Clothier,leas t s ixty days and have paid either a \\'Yllnewood: Howard H. Ellison,State or County Tax within two years , Viilanova; Raymond C. Eyl er , ArdThe affidavit is taken before the Judgc more; Charles Fanslow, Ardmore;o f E le ct io n and is a matter of o nl y a \Vi ll iam God fre y, Ardmore; Forde F.minute or two. Hansell, Haverford; Dr. S. HamillResidents of the Main L ine, promi- \ Horne, Bryn Mawr; W. \"1. Hepburn,

    nent in the business and industrial life I Villanova; A. J. King. Ardmore;

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town October 31, 1930


    October jl , l!1JO OUR TOWN Page Three:Gubernatorial Candidates and Issues at Stake on Tuesday

    SERVICE-Prompt delivery, twice a day, f rom City Line to Haverford-and the best meatsmoney can buy-are what y o ~ f ! t when you telephone us. The number ;s Rittenhouse 7070

    I :


    iWii7ilt l ~~ _ _ . . ._,. ~ _ v ~ _ .

    prices and high quality-or you'l l be missing a real treat!

    They Stand Forhat

    RUMP STEAK,lb.Note our LAMB Specials forthis week:

    Note These-RIB ROAST of BEEF, 2 2 cth ick end , lb.

    LEGS lb. , 35cSHOULDERS lb. , 20cBREASTS fine forStewing .. lb., lOc

    Main Line Republican Women Hear JudgeSoffel Tell of Russia's Five-Year Plan

    Hemphill Ad'Vocates- Pinchot Ad'Vocates-John 1\1. Hemph il l favors t he repeal Gifford Pinchot is opposed to any

    o f t he Eighteenth amendment, t he Yol - mod if ic at io n o f t he Eigh teenth amend-ment, \ 'o ls te ad a ct , or Snyder-Arm.stead act and the Snyder-Armstrong strong law. He s tands forth as alaw. Be helieves in putting an end t o s up po rt er of the contentions of thethe boot leg t ramc. with its consequent Anti-Saloon League. A main contencrimes and promotion of disregard of ti on is that a weakening now on the

    Vol st ead l aw wou ld undo t he prohibilaw. He is an out -and -out enemy of tion work of t he las t ten years.prohibition as a dcvice that has iailed Pinchot advocat es more d ra st ic reg-aftl'r a ten-year period. ulation of Jlublic utilitics. He promisesHemphill opposcs tlw vit'w of the lower gas. power. wat er a nd transJlor

    rival candidate ill the matter of public t at ion rates . His r ef orm program oft 'I't ' II ' I ' t I . inllustrial and utilitv regulations in-u I lIes. . IS appea IS 0 luslness men . .. . ., volves changes in the personnel of thewho s ~ m hnll a less menacing Gov- Public Service Commission. Heernor 111 m a ~ t e r s relating to utility and charges that this cOlllmission hasother franchIses. Hemphill defends the I tl t' t tl. . sen'e{ le corpora IOns a le expensePubhe SerVIce COll1mission. of the puhlic.Hemphi l l s tands for the mod erniza- Pinchot added to his platform a

    tion of the \Vo:kmcn's Compensation Iplank e xp lo it in g t he ne ed o f Republiact. He pronllses to work for an can regularity as a future asset in allamcndment to provide coverage for oc- matters of government. Th e defectioncupational d i s e a s ~ s . fo r injury to Chil'l o f Va re , Ha.ll and f or ty -s ev en o f t hedren u nd er wo rkI ng ag e a nd for cer- forty-eight Philadelphia ward leaders,tain accidents that are now uncompen- a s well as \\T. \\T. Atterbury's resigna.satahle. Ition as Repuh lican National Commit-Hemphill pledges t he Democ ra ti c I teeman. and other holts gave occasion

    party to take favorahle act ion on the If or thi s appeal.o ld age pension question. Pinchot sponsors old age pensions.

    Gifford J 'inehot , Republican candidate for ( ;overnor . was born in Simshury. Connecticut, August II , 1865.He was graduated f rom Yal e in 1889and s tudied fores try abroad in France,GermallY. Switzerland and Austria.Retnrning to thi s country he hegan

    thc first sys temat ic fores try work inthe t, n ited S ta tes at Biltmore, NorthCarolina. in 1892. He was appointeda nlembcr of the National Forest ryCOlllmission in 1896. He served as aforester and l at er a s chi ef of the Forestrr division in the U. S. Departmentof .\griculturc f rom 1898 to 1910."Internat ional Relat ions," an inter- ' this time and all eyes wer e t ur ne d toesting and vital topic, was p resent ed the 1' n ited States f or i ts f in anci al sup- :\ member of lIumerous eOll1missionshy Judge Sa ra M. Soffel, of Pittsburgh, port. on forestry ancl conservation, Mr. Pin-in h er a dd re ss t o a large audience at Finally, emerging frol1l thi s per iod, I cllllt hecame coll lmiss ioner of fores trythe lI leeting s pon so re d b v th e L ow er t he w or ld h eg an to see light, and en- in l'ennsvh'ania in 1920. Three years~ [ e r i o n - X a r b e r t h Councii of Repub- t ere d u po n all era of bet te r under - . .lican \\ 'ol l1en in the Township Build- standing and greater financial stability. I ~ t e r he W:IS elect.ed Governor of theing, Ardmore, on Frllay evening. Emphasis on peace was made at this State. servlllg unhI 1927.

    In her talk Judge Soffel divided the time and t he Kel lo g Peace Pact was ~ I r . Pinchot was a l Il emhe r of thepost-war period i nt o two five-year eras. a dopt ed . S in ce t ha t t im e w e ha: 'e had U. S. Food Administration during 1917She ga ve a brief resume of the first many plans for the. reconstruc.tlOl1 of an

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town October 31, 1930


    Page Four OUR TOWN October 31, 1930



    John McCormack ComingTo Narberth Theatre onThird Anniversary ProgramURTOWN

    LIVINGSTON PUBLISHING COMPANYA Cooperatiye Community N e ' I V s . M a g a ~ i n e , Jounaea in 1914 by the Narberth

    Ciyic Association, ana publishea eyery Friday at Narberth, Pa., by the


    Dean of Taxi Men, 'IPat Donahue, Passes;!WellKnown Figure Died of Ap. i

    pendicitis LastFriday.

    IIII "The Big Housc." thrilling drama ofIpenitentiary life and of a j ai lb reak , isi t he Nar be rt h Thcat re 's feature t h i ~PHILIP ATLEE LIVINGSTON, President and General Manager I Friday and Saturday. The cast in-ROBERT MOORE CAMERON, Editor j e1udcs ~ o b e r t Montgomery, Ches tcrTHOMAS A. ELWOOD, A$sociate Editor IMorris, Wallace Beery, Lei la Hyams

    Office-258 Haverford Avenue, Narberth Iand Lewis Stone. As a n added attrac-Patrick F. Donahuc, known fami!- Ition, anothcr of Knute Rocknc's foot.-iarly to practically evcry resident of Telephone-Narberth 2545; if no answer, Ardmore 3100 1bal l " ta lk ic s" is schedul cd ; it is cal led:-Jarberth as "Pat," the dean of the I"The Last Yard."station service corps, dit:d at the Pres- SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: $2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE i Commcncing Monday of nex t week.hytcrian Hospital on Friday morning , It ile borougll theatre \\'1'11 celebrate I'ts,'()f l as t week at 9 oclock. a v ict im of I Entered as second-cIa"!' matter. October 13, 1 91 4, at the Post Office atappendicitis. 'Narberth. Pa., under the Aet of March 3, 1879. !third anniversary, It s p rogr am o f fincA Solemn Requicm Mass for h i Ishows for Novembcr 'includes Johncternal repose was celebrated on T u e ~ - October 31, 1930 IBarrymore in "Moby Dick" ; Georgcday morning of this weck at St. Mar- I B fI/:arct's Church bv Rcv. F, X. Mc- i 10 ' rien in "Last 0 the Duancs"; \Val-liinty, assistant rcctor, with the : tel' Huston in "The Bad Man"; Joe E.Rev. Cha rle s M. Diegel of Ar dmo re a s A Community Asset !Brown in "Maybe It 's Lov e"; AnllDeacon and R R b t F H . I' . I Harding in "Girl of thc Golden West,", ev, ,) er . ayes, SCIence again makes a step toward t 1e preser\ 'atlOn 0\ 11Ullan ' sub dcac I I tc t d t. . . I ,. and Jack Oakic in "Sal) fro nl S ~ ' l ' a -..s - 01 . n I'm en was ma e a' lIfe w ith t he perfectIon oj t hc marve lous "1l1echall1ca lung, an ap - JSt. Denis' Cemeterv, He is survived cuse" and "Let's Go Native."hy immcdiate famil): of thrcc llaughtcrs paratus to pro\ '!de prolung'cd ar ti f ic ial r ~ s p i r a t i o n . on e o f wh ic h , ~ r i l l Of especial intcrcst is the featurcand thr ee sons. :-11(111 he plaC('d In t he B ry n :\'Iawr HospItal thrt;ll1gh th e co-operatIOnC I 1) '1 I I I' n c ~ t l\f onday and Tuesday' John Mc-* * * :uf th e l 'nited Cas Impr o\ 'cmcn t ompall\ ' anc th e hI ac (' p 1Ia ' . . .It was as quite a sma ll lad that Pat- : Elect r ic Cumpan \'. - i ~ ~ r l l 1 a c k . , cclebrated ~ . n s h teno:, II Itrick Donahuc arrived in this coun- '['I . .' I . I . l' 1 I '1')1'1 I I I ' I: Song 0 My Heart a bcauhfulh'lry from t he Emcrald I sle in 1884. go- li S resplratur, \\' lIC 1 IS lCl l1g P acee 111 tc n '1 1 at e p l la a n( '[ I I f 'I I . -ing to s chool in Ph il ade lph ia, and it :'lIbllrbal1 hospital:-;. is th e in\ 'ention of Dr. Ph il ip Dr inker . a s on o f. recol'l e( f d ~ : m a 0 re and II I thcwas about a d oz en y ea rs later that he Philip S. Drinker, oj :\reriol1. an d a hrother o f Ph il ip S. Drinkcr. 11'.. :course 0 \V Ich many popular hatladscame out to Narberth to work fo r h is also of ~ r e r i o n . . arc, sung. , " .hrother. Joseph F. Donahuc, who had \\ihile it is lInlikeh' that man\ ' residents of th e section will e\,er , Next .Wednesday s and I hursday ssucccedcd to the station-cab business of -. I t tl F I d "1'1J I C ha\'c t h e nece s si h ' of tcstinL," th e valne o f th is al)!)aratus. it s worth ,ea ur.e IS. Ie r, com.e Y. . Ie.0111 'alhoun, by whom Joseph had " .,1 I D I I I I Iprevillllsly bcen employed. can llu t b e qUl:sti;lIH'd if. a \Villiam H. ' r ado r , president of th e :, a t n m o l l l ~ >c{, lIl :v lIC I ,I yanOut he re in the ninelies it can be Phi lade lphia Elect r ic Compan" s ai d, i t s ho ul d h e th e means o f s a\ ,- I ashman IS t h star. 1 he plot con-surmised that hauling pas sengcr s to iug' on c human life a year. . cerns the t ~ x p e n e n c e s of a French gen-a nd from t he s ta tioll was no t a h ighly " I ' l l " 'L-t'I!It). CU'll1']),-1111'es tll.'lt -.lrc l)ro\,!'tll'llg' tIll' f I tlen.lan about town \I.'ho meets with allIncrati\'c enterprisc. with its five and ., sa cgnart arc to d I I Itcn-cent fares, and Joseph Donahue.' he c ongr at nl at ed u pon t he ir publ ic - spi ri t ed ac tion. accl ent a l ~ ( oS,es us memory,. evcnl-who con tinues to livc in Narberth. re- ' ' ually awakmg WIth more than hIS sharelains many a mcmory of the days when rrBuy Now!" of wives, families and affairs.the tota l re ce ip ts did no t reach a half, Jack London's great talc. "The Seadollar. Exi st en ce , t hen, had to be ' T he "B uy N ow " campaign. inaugurated this week by the Ph iladc l - i Wolf" is coming to Narberth nextdrawn irom other sourCt'S. and a gen- phi a Chamhe r o f Commerce . and w.hich ha s been spreading like wildfire ' w e e k ~ e n d in " ta lk ie -mov ie" fo rm, andt'ral del ive ry bu si ne ss was t he answe r. I I I I I I I I f I1\'I'tll a frame I li e d t b 'Id t lroug'wut t Ie country. la S rCCClvec t 1C leart" en ( orsement 0 t 1 e, with ~ 1 i 1 t o n Sills in his greatest and( s a ) an S orage \11 - \ I ' CI 1 f C ., I .. . .. i '" '. ing Oil whal is IlOII' the Cottcr corner . n more lal11 )e r 0 Ol11merce, A genera bUY1l1g campaIgn 15 the ' l as t rolc as t he sea-farmg star.of I-iaverfunl and Forest :\'fenucs. In : one t h ing that c an i nd uc e t he return of normal prosperity to th e coun-,(\ne c . o u r ~ e Joseph came to own the

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town October 31, 1930


    October 31, 1930 OUR TOWN Page Five


    TelephoneCynwyd 97

    MILK-A n entirely new prod'uct, rich in the sunshinevitamin ' , , an excellenttonic for both young andold.

    Narberth, Pa.

    Produced andDistributed

    Exclusively by

    Vitamin D is one of na'ture's greatest safeguards tohealth. Penshurst Farmfor the past two years hasbeen experimenting withthe G. E. Bresette processto produce certified milkcarrying Vitamin D inlarge quantities.




    Results obtained byphysicians after repeatedtrials demonstrate beyonddoubt excellent results fromthe use of Penshurst Certi ,fied Vitamin D Milk incases of both children andadults.The benefit of summer

    sunshine can now be ob,tained in milk. We will bepleased to explain this newproduct to you or to yourphysician.

    George A. WittePaperhal lging al ldlJecOI'atillgESTIMATINGNarberth 4135W



    Main Line DistributorsRALPH S. DUNNE

    NARBERTH 2430-2431


    Courtesy is on e o f t he first requirement s o f ou r delh'ery sen'iee. With ou rdr iv(,rs-courtesy, eonsiderll t ion an dcarefulness constitute a creed.Ou r delivery service will please you-sowill ou r coal . . Prepared by a new prucess, ou r Anthracite is th e highest (I llalit y obtainable. I t i s c le anc r, 10w

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town October 31, 1930







    October 31, 1930

    ""t"t l t l l lnn"unkManayrltlk 4244


    Belmont Ave. &River Rd .

    regular prices.For yours. cal l -

    better coal at

    our ReadingAnthracite-

    years-Robert E. Pat ti son, whowas first elected in 1882 and againin 1890.

    .Member Federal Reserve SystemNarberth National Bo1tk

    The Squirrel Has theSense to SaveDURING the past few weeks have you noticedthat the squirrels have been busy providingfor the lean winter days that lie ahead?We humans can well profit by this instinctivehabit of thrift. Let us save while we can so thatwe will not be in want in later years.

    Begin a Savings Accotlnt today.Illterest lit 4% on all thrift ({ccomlts.


    Your Fuel CostsNoMore because its


    ping out the Commission.Another plank in Mr. Pinchot'spla tform calls for the cqualiza tionof taxation. He claims th at bigcorporations do not pay a jus t shareof thc taxcs. ] n a form letter sentout to voters of Phi ladelphia las tThur sday . the candida te assertcdthat the Pcnnsylvania 1{ailroad didnot pay a cent of taxes on the irrcal estate holdings in that city.(This assertion immediately wasdenied by Thomas \V. Jlulmc. ofSt. Davids, vice prcsident of theroad, in charge of real es ta te.who said: "The Pennsvlvania Railroad paid the city $-1,274.000 intaxes on real estate for the year

    1929. Railroads pay taxes on all'heir real estate outside of rights ofway.")

    1\1 r. J 1e1llphill has no t gone into'his matter in any () f his speechesto date.Thc candidates arc farthest apart)11 the subject of prohibi tion. Mr.Hemphill s tands squar el y fo r therepeal of the E ight eenth amendment, the Volstead ac t and what he:al ls the "iniquitous" Snyder-Arm, tr ong Sta te cnfor cement act. Mr .F'inchot says he is as dryas he everwas, and lets it go at that. HeJaims that prohibition is only a sideissue in the campaign, ra ised by hisencmies to befog thc real issues. Hehas re fused to be drawn into a dis:ussion of thi s subject ,Mr. Pinchot proposes to have theStatc Highway Dcpartment takeovcr 20,000 miles of roads and havethem rebuilt, and says it can be donewithout increasing taxes. MrHemphill denies that this can bedone and also opposes the plan onthc ground that it would take "homerule" from the townships andfur ther add to the centralization)f power a t II arrisburg. IMr. Pinchot bit terly assails what Ihe caJls the Phi lade lphia "Gang ." Iand cIa!ms. that if his opponent b i\!elected It will mean that that "gang' .wiII he in control at Harrisburg IIThis Mr. IJemphiJl denics most em- IphaticalIy. He says that he has made: Ino deals with Philaddphia Repuh- IIl ican leaders; that if he be elected II,Governor he will he control led byno one. IThere are minor issues, of course, Ibut the real fight is bcing waged onthe "regularity" of the Republicancandidate, the atti tude of hath candidates on the Public Service Com- i


    Page six

    But 4 days rcmain until the culmination of the bit terest pol iti ca lfight that Pennsylvania has had formany years. On Tuesday, November 4. the electorate of the State willdecide whether Giflnrd Pinchot, Republican nominee fur ( ~ o v e r n o r , orJohn Mickle He11lphiIl, Democraticand Liberal ca ndidate, wil l occupythe Guberna to ri al cha ir at Harrisburg for the next f ou r years f romthe f ir st Monday in next;. January.The on ly fight is be tween Pinchotand Hemphill. There is no doubtthat the balance of the Republicanticket, headed by James J. Davisfor United States Senator, wil l havean overwhelming majority.Mr. Pinchot is making his fighta s t he r egula rly nominated cand idate of the Republican party, whichwithout any possible argument, heis. He defeated Francis Shun\.Brown and Thomas \V. PhilIips a'the primaries by a plura li ty of over

    20,000. So much fo r that.His opponents in his own parh'claim th:lt he is no t a Republican'that he l ef t the par ty , deiinitely, inT

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town October 31, 1930


    Page Seven


    Lilyall T a shman in d mostamusillg French comedy:uThe Matrimonial


    'V ...h'' 'H,lo) nn dl 'h" .....lny '

    Milton Sil ls in his greates t role:uThe Sea Wolf"

    . 'rilln) nn dSlIt"rolR)"

    SERVICE COMPANYFrank H. Seely, Jr., Prop.5 BALA AVENUE, BALAPhone, CYNWYD 877

    -n o dirt-no dust-we'llclean your coal or heater at moderate cost.Just call

    Your FumaceVacuum-Cleaned

    'The Linf, Between Forest and Home

    Narber tH



    No. I-Washington Red Cedar Shingles, 18, 20 and 24inches, vertical grain.No. 2-Johns-Manville Asbestos Shingles in many lovelycolors.No.3-Asphalt Shingles in various blends and sizes.

    Choose the one you p re fe r f or you r house t op , and con.suIt us f or prices. The weather is ideal , labor plentiful ,Shingles and Zinclad Nails in stock-all the essentials of areal, good roof, under which you will be s af e f rom o ldKing Winter.

    C OM IN G D U RI NG N O VE M BE R -J oh n Barrymore in "Moby Dick,"George O'Briell ill "Last of the Dualles." Joe E. BrowlI ill "Maybe It'sLove" and Anll Hardillg ill "Girl of the Goldell West."

    Shu ll Lumber Company

    The world's greates t tenor in the picll /reof Irelalld that you've bem waiting to see.Don 't mi ss i t!

    John McCormackin ~ ~ S o n g 0 ' My Heart"

    HOW ARD C. FRITSCHJustice of the PeaceREAL ESTATEFire Insurance-Best CompaniesPhono 4049-W \lUi Haverford An .

    offers, in celebration of its THIRD ANNIVERSARY,November 3, a month o f good entertainment. asconsistently good as you will f ind anywhere-the type forwhich the NARBERTH THEATRE has become noted,and which it intends to maintain.

    This Friday and Saturday:Chester Morris, W a l ~ a c e Beery, Rob ~ ~ T h e B1eg House"ert Montgomery, LeI la Hyams alldLewis S to ll e in the thrilling drama:

    Knute Rockne's Football Picture: "T HE L AST Y AR D"


    I J t t ; ~ ~ s t ~ ~ ? s : ~ I SITreatment at home of patients by a ppointment. Special t reatments as spe. cifled by phYlSician8. Re:

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town October 31, 1930



    Sheet MusicTelechron Clocks

    F or M us ic StudentsWe have 15 fine u p r i ~ h tpianos that we have repossessed because the purchaser could no t afford to makethe necessary payments.We will loan these fine instruments to any worthymusical students for thestoral\'e costs.Applicant must be wellrecommended.

    in the Beaut i fu l

    El(ceptionol enter lu it l1ng facilit ies .. forT r ~ o s . Cord Parties. Banquets, Dances. Eto:.BENNETT E, TOUSLEY, Manager



    Dinner and Supper DancingEvery Evening Except Sunday,7 to 9 an d 10 to closingHUSTON RAY in Person

    and his Hatel Warwick OrchestraExcellent parking space directlyadja.cent to hotel; garage adjoining. Reservation: "Paul," Pennypacker 3800.

    15 PianosFREE

    Address Instruction Bureau1312-14 Chestnut StreetPh'ladelphia

    . - - - - ~. ,:ZIT, ~ ~ ~~ Enjoy a DelightfulSundayDinner inPhi ladelph ia

    R. C. A. RADIOLA

    ._- - - _ . ~ - - -_.- _..._---_ .._-_._-_._- - -_ ._ .


    Fo r Those Who Pre fe r t he Super-Heterodyne Circuit

    OUR TOWN October 31, 1930Caught in t lte Ac t



    ----- -_.- . _- - - -_ ._- - - -_ ._- - - - - - . ~ ... _ - ~ - _ . -_., - ~ - _ . , -

    For Those Who Demand Tone Quality Supreme

    44 West Lancaster AvenueArdmore 2556

    " T h e Maitl Litle Music Storc"


    Page Eight

    -_ ._ - - - - - - - - - - .-

    Girl Scouts LeadersInspect New

    ------ . _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ . -

    A Power fu l Radio of the Hixhcst Qllalit,.STROMBERG-CARLSON RADIO

    With Home Reco;-dingThe Complete Musical Instrument for Home Entertainment

    With Victor Records, Giving You'the Music You Want WHEN You Want It

    The New Victor Radio Electrola

    /'lell>/iIlY /i/I' of lit,' Hllylish Sillf/I 'rs, who 1('1'1"(' hcard il l fLconcel"/ /)11 Wedn/'sday II I G o od / ll l rl H a ll , nj ' l / l I !llcI'lOi' Collc{f/'.T h e i r . ~ ' / / l a . ~ Ihl' .firMI o r (/ '

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town October 31, 1930


    Page Nine



    239 Haverford AvenueNARBERTH

    Phone:- Narberth 3799OPEN 7 A. M. to 1 A. M.


    c/lnnouncestha t its bar for

    Toasted Sandwiches andDelicious Cream Waffles

    is now openII has been instafled for the greaterconvenience of bus ines s fo lk f orlunches in day.time, a nd f or thosewho enjpy a bite to cat at nighttime, after the show.


    Mystery and Detective Stories"Appointed Datc," by J. J, Farjeon;

    " So ut h F or el an d 1 Iu rd er ," by J, S.Fletcher.


    Address ,__ .. _

    PHILADELPHIA MEMORIAL PARKLewis Tower Building, P h i l a d e l p h i ~Please mail me illustrated Booklet WilhoUI obligauun.Nam, _._. __ . _.. '" _. . . . _

    of a few Dol1ars, The Balance may be paid overaperiod of 24 months, with a total cos t as l ow as$175. There a re Lot s at other prices up to$2000 for t he finest Burial Estates. Thcre is noExtraCharge for Perpetual Care as this is providedfor by a l iberal Endowment Fund.To learnabouttheGardenofMemoriesand themodern "Before Need Plan"-simplymail th e coupon.






    Broad vistas similar to the world,famous Gardensof Versailles-with great green Esplanades, shimmering Lakes, sparKling Fountains, quiet Paths,meditation Chapels, and a Tower of MemoriesPhiladelphia Memorial Park (without tombstones)will be as different from old-fashioned gloomygraveyards as Day is from Night. Here is depicteda Beginning and not an End.Equally modern and helpful is the unique"BeforeNeed Plan" which avoids all the unbearableburdenof sudden and unforeseen expensein that vital hourof need. This unusual "Before Need Plan" makesir possible for you to secure a FamilyResting Placein this Garden of Mcmories foran initial payment


    t hc G ir l Scouts uy ~ l r s . Nelson 'vvar-Irick. Th c Community Health anddlOO 000 to Welfare Civic Association. will have t w .":in-I'P , I dow demonstratIOns, the VlsltmgI--- I :\urse and HOllsillg, thc l atte r bc ingBok and Horatio Gates Idone hy 1!iss Helcn MacCoy.IL10yds Donors of~ 5 0 , O O O Each.

    October 31, 193()Main Liners GiveMrs.


    New Books Added toInjuries in Auto Smash I Library During OctoberFatal to Cynwyd Man: . .. N o n - ~ i c t i o n ." \ ankec Irader 111 the l,old Hush,"hv F. A. Bnck; "Crusadcrs of Chel1lTIHHlIas Dill Irwin, oi 370t Bala Ave- i sl I' y, " hy J. :\ . Leonard; "jl-lovingnllt' , C 'ynwy,!. an inyestn len t hroker Forward," by Hen ry F or d; "John\\ ' ith the openin!-,: of the te nth an- with l>nices at 1420 \\'alnnt Stred, died Dcth," by Conrad : \ iken; "Conquestnual \Ve)f"rl' Federation driyc on of Happiness," hy Bcrt rand Russell ;at the Bryn ~ I a w r l Io sp it al a t 10:30 "Ant"," by Julian. Huxley; "Since:\fonday, two gifts frolll Main Line A, :\1. 011 Saturday as t he r esul t of a Theil," In' Phi li p G ibbs ; "Boswc ll 's

    residcnts were announced totaling fractured skull "ustaillcd in an anto, l.ifl' oi' Samucl ) ohnson, 1.1 ..D.,"mobile accident nil Friday night. ahridged by :\1. H . \Va ts on ; . "New$100,000. !ill's. Edward W. Bok, of Catholic Dictionary," cd, hy IC. B,Funcral services were hel d ou \'ledncs- .1-'llalll'.11, -I , ,I. \\"'Ilne alHI others.:\1e rion , was th e do no r of $50,000 and . , J .)day at 1 P. M, fromllis late rcsidence Fiction:\fr, and :\1 rs. Horatio Gates Lloyd, of and in St. .I ohn ' s E pi sc op al C hu rc h, "King's ~ inion," by Haiael Sahitini;1Iaverfonl. also )' 'a Ian arner;Headquarters have heen opened for P.:\1. IIItl'rtnent was private. - "Thcy Thought They Could Buy It,"the :\1 ain Linc division at t he c or ne r b\' D. \ \ '. C arme ll : "Foo l of the Fam-I rw in an d his wiie \H'rl' nturning ii_v," b_v :\1 argaret Kenuedy; "Saturdayof Lancastcr Avenuc and Ri ttcnhousc fl" 'Irom a we, ,hng With Robert 'I . ( 'au, Life," by Radcly tl 'e Hall; "Pursuit,"!'Iace, Ardmo re , whe re t hc executive in I'anl's tnnring car. At I J :20 on bv Rol an d l ' er twee; "Gold Shoe," uvwor k o f t he c ampa ig n is handled aud Frirlay night I'aul ClIlli,kd with a (;, L. Hill; " ~ I o s a i c , " by C;. B. Steni;where cont r ibut ions may h e m ad e. parked auto ll l l,h ik on ~ l o n t g o m l : r y "\\'(\man Under Glass," h y VirginiaAn ' nUl' Ill'ar "'istar ({oad, " '"nlll ' - Hersch: ":\1\.' Own Fa r Towers," byAnnllUnCemellt of the following .wood. \'lhen thc cra"h "ccmred Irwin ~ I a t h i l < k Eiker; "\'agabond

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town October 31, 1930


    Make Two Marks On The Ballot


    October 31, 1930


    Judge Sara Sollel PraisesRussian Five-Year Plan




    'V e CIIII l ind Delh 'erPhone: Narberth 2564

    Try JOE ALMAN105 EHHex A"eJ l l l e-Nenr 'tile

    NlIrhcrtll PONt Offiee

    Fo r DlIn ,. P re" sln , ,; Service I.) 'tile IIlnln L i ne '" O h le "t


    W. P. MIESENCarpenter . : . Builder . : . JobbingPhones:Day-Narberth 3973-MNight-Narberth 2890R

    100 N. NARBERTH AVE.

    IMrs. Pinchot SpeaksI at Narberth MeetingI CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 problem or marketing goods h ithertoI "When, years ago, he bega.n t o t al k Iconsumed here. Other countries, espe-~ = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = : about the forests, the people of Amer. . c ia ll y Great Britain and Russi a, con ica did not know wha t i t w as all about, Isidered th e new tariff l aw,and a ~ o p t e dbu t th e men who were exp lo it ing the m e ~ s u r e s t(). protect t)le II1du.stnes of. theIr respectIve countnes. Bnand, theforests knew and they were bIt te rly. F rench Premier, a ls o con si de red t hehostile. In spite of thi s, Mr. P incho t plan of forming a United S ta tes ofI kept on, year after year, educating t he Eur ?p e, T h e s ~ countries. are chal-IIpublic and he put this program over. l e n g ~ n g the Ull1ted States In the eco-T d I . . f h f nomIc field.o ay, li S preservation 0 t e orests Since 1928 Soviet Russia has beenIof America i s accepted without ques- engaged in ~ exper iment known asItion by eve ryone. Later, be fo ug ht th e F iv e-Ye ar Pla n. The object offor the conse rvat ion o f natural re- this plan, which is the precurseur of

    ., a Fifteen-Year Plan (now in t he proc-sources. That, too, met ()Pposltlon ess of elaboration), is to supply Rus -every step of the way. sian industry and agriculture with a"Still l at er , he became interested in ser ies of def inite objectives, controlledthe preservat ion of the water power and planned by a cen tr al p lann ing. TI I I tl I agency. Every maj or a sp ec t o f eco-sItes. lese . >e o n to 1e peop e. nomic life is dominated by trusts andT h ~ : l : ' were bell1g gIven away to ~ h the trusts are co-ordinated by thep o h t l ~ a l l y favo:ed few-fo.r noth1l1g State. The result is to p ut Ru ssia inand 111 perpetuIty. Mr. Pmcho t o p- . . f . I .,t l ' ltd d tl t t a pOSItIon 0 bCII1g' t lC only natIOn 111pose l I S - l ~ cotn ebn e e lfa t h w a b ~ r the world which is attempting to regupower was gomg .0 e 0fn 0 e Ig late all of its economic life on a nasources of p o ~ e r m the uture. . After t ional basis. This is a factor which isJ:ears o f f ightmg he succeedehc .oI?lI1lon that Will said t ha t t he re were two widely sepnot tolerate theIr ndmg I'()ughshod arated schools of t h o u ~ h t on the pohtiover the interes ts of all of us. I f the cal future of Herbert Hoover. One beutilities do not accept real regulation, lieves that his administration wil l hejust as surely as. the sun will r ise t? - I come increasingly unpopul ar and t ha tm o r r ~ w there WIll be a m o v e m ~ n t m Ihis difficulties will multiply after NoAmenc!! for Gvernment o w n e r s ~ l p and vembe r; t ha t his personal prestige willthey \\':11 lose the contr?1 of ~ ~ e ! r own diminish and that by 1932 his inepi tudeindustries. I f the Publtc Utili t ies de- as a personal leader WIll have beell

    f ~ a t the effort to secure proper regu.a- convincinglv demonstrated and he willt ~ o n and allocate to themselves the be a onc-tenn PreSident. The othernght to !>e ~ b o v e the law, th en the is equal ly f irm in the opinion that, withpeople 'Ylll :Ise up and Gover nmen t t he tinal recovery of business, whichownership WIll be come a real danger. the 11I0st pessimistic concede cannot be

    delayed ov er two years, all the criti-"The utility companies want to de- cism of Pres ident Hoover wil l disapfeat MI'. Pinchot . They say his scheme pear, and before 1932 his wisdom ando f regul at ion would ruin. t ~ e i r busi- strength wi ll be madc manifest.n e . s ~ and cut ~ o w n !he diVIdends on Judge Soffc1 made it clear that theutlhty. stocks m. w h l ~ h many o us Prohibi tion quest ion will have to behave mvested. 1 hat IS untrue. 1 hey Isettled definitely by both part ies in thecan prosper on. a much less rate than Iyear of 1932; and such a questionthey are. gettll1g. If . t he .Supreme should be looked upon dispassionate lyCourt deCIdes tha,t 8% IS a fair r a t ~ of Iby the members of both parties.i n t ~ r e ~ t on an I11vestment, certamly As to t he presen t political situationit mdlcates that 500 , 1000 and ~ O O O % in Pennsylvania judge Soffcl wouldprofit must be based on extortIOnaterates. Mr. P in ch ot s ta nd s w it h t he CONTINUED ON PAGE 18Supreme Court. I f h e is r ad ic al andunsound, th en t he Su pr eme Cour t isradical an d unsound. It is !lot the when men .111d women who had ins tockholders who profit by the great, vested in hi s securities wer e g oi ngam ounts made on these mvestments./ bankrupt.IHow many of us have made 100% on "I t is t he mak ing of such excessivean y stock we own? Yet the Federal Iprofits by a very few men, at t he ex Trade Commision has shown t ha t t he pense of the great mass of the people: insiders in the Public Utili ty game are Iwho are charged exorbitant rates, that'and have been making it. The la rg e Mr . I 'i nc ho t w an ts to do aw ay with.i share of the p rof its go es t o tl1e little He wants to regulate profits in accord-gr ou p o f manipulators, the fillanciers ance with the decisions of the Supremewho take the profits long before t he y Cou rt. T hi s p ro gr am will not depressreach the individual stockholder. A Istocks. I t will not preven t anyoneutility man in New York made a If rom making hones t profits on hi s ins tatement during the peak o f the stock vestments. I t will i nsure everyonemarket panic, saying that he ha

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town October 31, 1930


    .IOctober 31, 1930 OUR TOWN Page Eleven

    STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIERMAIN LINE S T O R EMon tgomery Avenue and St. James P la ce - Ardmore

    Opening Up 11,000 Square Feet ofAdditional Floor Space, November 1stThis additional space is on the L ow er M a i n Floorand provides for three new departments and th eexpansion of all the present sections o f that floor.This in cr ea sed space means some th ing more thanbetter shopping facilities for our M a i n Line customers - i t is an evidence o f increasing prosperity,of our faith in the future, and of t he undev ia ti ngprogressiveness o f our M a i n Line Store.

    Thi6 i" the Entrance to the Enlarged Lower Main Floor , Opening Novembe r 1


    Cotton FabricsSillts PatternsLinens TowelingDecorative Linens


    Sheets & Pillow CasesC).tina Lamps

    GlasswareKitchen Ware"

    Upholstery Fabric"Bath R oom F ix tu re .


    NelDDepartll1 ell ts

    TO Y SC O F F E E S H O P

    andC A N D Y

    O u r M a i n L i n e S t o r e wil l be open S a t u r d a y evening,November 1" until nine o'clock, to give everybody an oppor...tunity to see how tLis Store has expanded within six months.ALL DEPARTMENTS PR.OFIT by tile EXPANSION of the LOWER. M.AIN FLOORThe Juvenile Shop, t he Fashion Depa rt ments, th e Lingerie and Corset Departm e n t s - a l l profit by th e acquisition ofmorespaceforthe large reserve stockswhich th e in -

    creasing business obliges us to carry. I f salesar e signs-then itis evident, beyond adoubt,that the Main Line needed a S tore an d thatit ha s welcomed Strawbridge & Clothier.

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town October 31, 1930


    Supported by wonderful cleanliness, low Bacteria andsupervised by four J,1ain Line Boards of Health



    October 31, 1930


    The beautiful Guernsey Cow producesnlore FOOD VALUE


    Frid,;s ~ Jesus." Spccial musichy chorus choir ,Iirected hy Mr .I 'eter :-tal11, J r . The JuniorChurch will j,,;11 in this service.S :30 I '. ).1.-SUp\Hr conference at thechurch fllr all Christian \Vork-

    Page Twelve





    ex -

    SM I TH

    DairiesPI/(lIIe lV") ' IJe 1121

    C .Evangelist


    11 a. m. and 7 .45 p . m.on Sundays

    Nov. 2nd to 9thWADE

    Every wee kd ay e ve ni ngcept Saturday at 7.45

    Windsor Avenue a t Grayling

    " ..I Complel", Depelldof,!e f)d;ry Sen;.... Brookmead Guernsey

    SPECIAL MUSICunder direction of Mr. Peter Starn, Jr. Come add you r

    voice in the singing of the old hymns.1 . -. ----\-----I\


    Twenty Y cars' Prodllctiu)l alld Distrihllliolt 011 the Main Line

    gives you greater fOOD VALUE,Finer Flavor, tha t "Golden Color"and real Ee< >I10111Y by actual test.

    Sou l St irr ingMessages

    Pun'kin Face


    .\ l'PIUH! an d !-:olden wrighty load.lHetho:1isl Episcopal Church ~ y Daddy brou!-:ht to our abodl.ReI". Salllll"l ~ I a c : \ d a l l l s . ~ l i n i s t e r , .\ ' landy pUIl'kin, cost a lot.Sl1lldal', :\0\'('1l1her 2: But \\"orth it when a face it's got.1):45 ,\ , :--1.-Sull(la' School. \Ve got a knife and s ta r tl 'd in11 :00 :\ . ~ I , - ~ l o r n i ; l g wor"hip. The' To p ro he t hc inside of its skill,sal'l 'allll'nt of Holy Comn1l1niuu, "You bet we had a heap of fun,( 1 : ~ 5 1', ~ 1 . - - E p w o r t h ' Leagul' de""- ' YllU ought to sec it. now i t' s done,

    tiona1 llIl'l'!ing,i : ~ 5 ", ~ I . - . - I ' : \ ' l n i n g \\"orship. "SOIl l l" \\"e lir,;t cu t ofT a slice un top,"l'I'till"nt I'rohihition Rellec-: To nlake th e cap that gets so hot ,lion,; " a\ \" then wc scooped ou t all t he s eed" .~ I O J l ( ! ; I " . :\O\'l'lllhl'r 3. HI ' . ),1.- :\nd s tu ff thc !-:rowing pun'kin needs. ': --I"dint.: ; ,f thl' Uili, ' ia l Ilo;m\. ; :\ow all was ready for th e face. i, Internationally famous evangelist, author and artist,Tue;da\', \ on ' ndwr ~ 8. 1'. ),1.- This is the Illost excit ing place, I:--Icetint.: ;,f th" SIlIl'la\' School Hoare! .' [ n mak in g Jack o' Lantern eye", I i llus trates h is talks with his unique "Jetts" cartoons.\\"ed1\('"'!;I''' :\"""lldlf'r S. H 1', ~ I . - .. ' Y"n 'l I mak e t hem l au gh if you an':

    1 ra\' cr m""i ing , \\'15l' .. Thursd'l'" "", ,"Ih, ' r II12 :30.(, :,)0 I', ~ ' I , ,\ nl:l1 "I "y,,\cr ,111'-' Th,' IW"" is l 'a "y ttl cu t throu!-:h,per at thl' I[Olll l' io ' the ,-\!((.,\, i Th e I llouth i" harder, thoug-h. to ,In,IklJlIl l ll t all,1 Fdgl'ly ..\ Yell I l l ' ' ' , : \\'l' cut somc teeth an d made him !-:rin.Philadelphia, : This funu)'. jolly Pumpy-kin. .i:30 P. ) ' I . -Thl ' regular monthly' ; \ candlc l ights the whole thing up , ;EVERYB 0 DYlIll ,e ting of the Junior Standard To "care our crazy long-ear c d p up ,Dearers at the home nf ).( j,;,; To sa\' \VE manc it. i sn' t t rue ,,\ line Chalfant. 12R Chl'Stllut I just 'keep watch 'til Daddy's- through, :AYCIlUc. G. E. T. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ! ! ! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~l-

    l ' r ~ .i:OO J', )'I.-]oillt l11eeting" of th e F" CI I f Ch' Scientist 1three Endeavor Societ ie" ad - Irst lurc 1 0 nst,dreS"ed hy ~ 1', Smith. :\ t hen" and Lil lw ," ,d :\ \ " l ~ " .. ; \rdmore,i : ~ I', ) ' f . - E ~ ' e n i n g worship, Ser- Reading Room. I' i \Ve"t Lanca"tern:oll hy ~ I ; . S l ~ ~ i t h .. on. "1 \I y :\vellnl. open dai ly . 10: 30 :\ . ),1. toIn.S ' ' and \ our", S1I1g1l1g b ~ ~ : 3 0 1',).1. \Vedne"day evening". 9:15chortl" c1wir. tn 9 : ~ ; ; ,Evangeli"tie l11eetings will be held S I ' I I \ 'Iin th is ehurch e\ery e\"l'ning from N0 - " nn , ay "l'1'\'lel'" ;,, ' . an d X

    "ember 2 to :\oyembel' 'I. excepting' I , ~ I , " 'Saturela\', at i:45 o'dock, RC\'. \Vadcl 1he "ubJert tor t he B ib le leS"on "n(', Smith will hring" the m es"a ge s at i I,noll io r ..Sullelay i" "Everl

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town October 31, 1930


    Adelizzi Bros.TAILORS ' , CLEANERS ' , DYERS220 BOlla Avcnuc, Cynwyd

    Phone; C}'nwyd 92:1 I

    Page Thirteenth'e answer to a very apparent need,an d that an increas ing ly la rge numberof lives will he spared through its u ~ e .If th e provisions we have made shallresult in t he s av in g o f a s iugle humanlife a year, we will feel amply repa idfor the expenditure,"

    Your Cold-Weather ClothesMen's Suits ancl Top Coats, Women's Velvets, etc.Let us make them promptly, well ancl at moderatecost.

    Maintail1Your Party Statusas a Republican

    102 P o ~ e s t Avellue, NarberlhPhone: Narber th 2602


    s ho ck c as es whi ch ar e now car ed forat the scene o f t he a cc id en t t hr ou ghthe medium of mechanical inhalitorsI an d t he well-kuown Sc ha efe r Prone: J'rl'ssure method of resuscitatiou.i 'I am in fo rmed by local hospital auI thnrities that the r esp i ra tor is a posi-

    OUR TOWNtMechanical Lung' For Bryn Mawr Hospital

    Th,' II,';, ' lJI';"1.','I' r,'s!';r.-II,'r;i'h;,'" ,;,,;11 S','II I " ~ , '1'/,1,',/ I" l.'", ",/11;/>/11,',,1oj !I", 111.\11 ,110-;,'1' Ilos/';I,I! IlIr"/t,' lh IIII' '-"-"/>"I'lIli"" '" Ih,' {' , I; , I, "",1III,' l)hi/II"I'i/>h;" lilrelr;,' ('Olli/'"".\' , ' l"lIi.l' l"I'I,,.II1-.I'h;t/,,'d "/>tal' lli l ls isused il l CeISt'S til I I l1rCII I ; ( /)(1 i.\1 111 i1l.l1. I,/(,(/,.i.. shll(!.', .llllS (/Splr.\ ' .ri l l l i t l l f '/1""',uhcrc j'/"O!()ll.I/ItI Ildll l i l l is/rali lJIl (If 111"Ii;;";4" rl's/,jrlfliol1 is (',\'ofl'lIlial f,ll"Sl/rccssj/ll 11','(/1111,'111,

    October 31, 1930

    Mark i t twice tmd then )'o/t're throughThat is a ll YOIl !zan' to do!Prize the deed as one well doneGlory ill th e fight t h a t ' . ~ WO:I!

    That makes you a Republica" 'VoleI' I/"der therules of th e Part')'


    That makes YOIl a real Pennsyh'anian, 'Vitally interestedin th e Progress and ProsperitJ' of YOIlY State

    Mark Your Ballot TWICE

    Make Two Marks On The Ballot1. Pu t an X It t the Republican Square I tt the firstcolumn.

    2. Pu t another X after the name of John M. Hemphill, Liberal, in the second column of the ballot,under ~ ~ G o v e l n o r . "

    DO THIS and you have protected the RepublicanParty from th e schemes of Pretender Pinchot, whois tlot a Republican, and whose only interest in theParty is to use it for his own selfish and seethingambitions.



    Stand Guard over the ~ a v i n g s which are invested InPublic Utility Companies-Stand Guard over the livelihoods which will be I II peril

    if Pretender Pinchot gets in-Stand Guard so that the Republican Party wiII not bewrecked by Radicals who care no t whom they hurt

    so long as they get their own wilful way!

    MARK YOUR BALLOT TWICE!Masked Ball at Y:\ I-Iallowe\'u Ball. thl' first of asnies of dances to he helrl at the ?llainLilH' Y, ),1. C :\., II Ii East I.ancaster:\ venue, . \rduloJ"(\ will take p la ce tomorrow n ight . at 8:30 o'clock. "EI"Lang- and his ),faiu Line )'fcrry),1 akl'r, will prll\'idc tlH' music, I' :

    to Community.U. G. I. and Philadelphia Elec

    tric Gif t Will Be Boon

    Bryn Mawr Hospital I it i., elr wn iuto th e 11Ing-s alld thechl"! expanl],;. \Vhen t il l' l1l'gati \'eto Get Respirator pl'l' ' 'nl'l' within the respirator retumsto normal. t he e la "t ic l'l'coil (If thechest pr 'Hluce" expirati(llL, ,[ helie\'l ' the pbll \\'e han' fOl'lllu

    lated," )'Ir. Taylor announced, "will be Ia "afl 'gnard again"t recurrence of therecellt San Franci"cll t ragedy wherein!the life lIf a young ,,"oman was sac-IIS

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town October 31, 1930





    .- mEOctober'31, 1930

    L IN E



    M A IN




    Reconditioned Fords and other m a ~ e s atattractive prices

    - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    - - - - - - - - - - ----THE MERION TITLE& TRUST COMPANY

    Through the U. C. C. you can secure a carwith a small down payment.A saving of 25 to $50 awaits you right now.

    See them at our new display room, comerParsons and Montgomery Avenues, Cyn-wyd, west of the intersection of Old Lancas-ter and Levering Mill Roads.

    Your pick of the best used cars at remarkably low pnces.



    For a trifl ing sum yearly we will rel ieveyou of al l worry and responsibility.

    Is impossible if valuable papers remainunguarded.


    COMPANY273 Montgomery Avenue, Bala.Cynwyd

    Phones: CYNWYD 500 and 501



    Bacon.Power.Haenle TrioSoprano-Harp-ViolinEngagements Now BookingPh . Narb. 2814.J. Miss Bacon,teacher of 'Voice. Sternberg MusicSchool, 4822 Baltimore A'Ve.,Phila.


    Bicycles RepairedWUNDER

    . BATTEli.Y 6( ELECTRIC SERVICE108 Forest Avenue"lVundcl' Stalts Them All"~ ~ ; ; ; ; . - ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


    1 7 1 6 H,5 191I S 138., . 163, fl:.! 17!l150 . , .. , . ., .- - --R25 83017S 159117 ., .., . 166133 15R173 14515S lOS2 2- - ---7111 ns15-1 101. , . ..... . 14317r. 12717fi 153164 ...159 18536 37- - --Sr.4 746151 207150 155104 153190 172150 156- - - -745 S43174 156213 171200 155210 138- - - -7ft7 6209S 163112 144122 120165 1S268 68- - --riG!) 677lriri 198145 lG5137 168155 134138 174- - - -730 S391-14 151149 130142 141124 103161 190

    :10 30- - --7fiO 74:; .

    73f1ME'TEORSDuncan 1 ~ r.. Young- 131n. Dn.yi!4 115H. Humphrie!' 160Hartley . . . . . . . . . . 157C. .Tenldns .. ,Handicap .. ,

    BA'T'I'LERRc. ~ r c C a l ' l .. 1' ...... 147l(('illl 11r:iR. Young- 153H. Hamel' 11H. Smedl',y H i\\T. Rmedley . ..Handicap S

    PilotsMeteorsBoostersColtsLionsPe p n o y ~B a t t l e r ~Camels

    Th e Bat tl er s t oo k t hr ee g ames f romthe : \ I e t e o r ~ l ast Fridav in the matchesof thc Narberth Church BowlingLeague. anel t he rehy permi tt ed thePilots to sliele into first place.Eugene Davis. of the Buos ters . wonthe w('('kly prize.Th e standing of th(' 1(';\1ns anelscor( 's for l as t Fr id ay a r( ' a s follows:\V. L. Pts.

    i 5 11i 5 10i 5 10i 5 9i 5 i.. 5 i i5 i 0J 9 4

    Battlers Take ThreeGames From Meteors

    tinn of t he var ious appliances. \Vaffles. salad, sandwiches and icc creamw er e se rved to the guests. Door'prizes were p re se nt ed t o t he holders oflucky number tickets-,- which weresigned upon entering the building andl at er d rawn by Murdo ck P . C la ncy,vice president of the Merion Title andTrust Company o f A rdmo re .Th e first prize offered for attendanceon F ri da y w as a quality gas range,e qu ip pe d w it h o ve n heat control andwas won by :\Irs. Isabel Isingcr, 'MapleAvenue, Paol i. and the tirst p ri ze o f

    f e n ~ d t or a tt endance Saturdav was aPhilco radio of the lowboy tn;e. whichwent to X. F. Gil lam. of \illanova. I

    Page Four teen

    c r ~ .Thr"l1ghul1t the building particular -attention has been paid to proper light- PEP BOYRtng amI t he s al es n un r reflects t he l at - Henry 110~ : ~ t l ~ ~ : d e l ~ ~ ; l ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l i ~ h : . h e T \ ~ ~ e C ~ ~ \ \ I ~ ; ~ ~ ~ ~ ..T~ l l ~ , ~ r , , ~ : . : : : : : :: ~ ritchard 101installation was designed by t he L ight - M,\('Niven 1-15i ng Dep ar tmen t of t he Phi lade lphi a G. Davl!' . ,.Electr ic Company. The offices as a C. Young . ..whole provide a max imum of l ight and Hand icap 19a ir and make an a tt ra ct iv e and p leasan t I - -location in which to work or transact 7 ~


    BOOSTERShus in es s. : \! l enlargc:d telcphone sys- Nicholson 169tent emh ra cmg an mte rd ep ar tmen ta l Strlngfie1

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town October 31, 1930


    October 31, 1930 OUR TOWN Page Fifteen

    Mo r e Power to the Dome

    the old saymg that a man works from sun to sun, but a woman's workis never done be true, then surely we have need of more power for the home!

    contemplates wha t t he day lIlay hold I'or her in the way of household routine, espceiall}

    A woman starts te r day fee ling fresh and ~ a y , - ' ' , ,, but h er smile dims whcn she

    if it's to be done Ly WOMAN PO'" EH. For there IS always t he house to be cleaned

    [J : 'c - , r / 2 . . ~ I a never-ending ( 'hore. be( 'ause no maLler how clean th e house is today,1" ; ' - ' : ~ ~ ~ . , ~ \. " \ . _ - - - \ . . - - ~ ~ - . . " . . , . ......

    tomorrow it again needs cleaning .. . then there is the washing to bedone and

    that's no t a white-collar joh hy any :--tretl'll or Ihe illl

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town October 31, 1930


    J./l Suburban Stores







    '.pctober 31, 1930\

    In a gas-heated basement no bins or tools .. no dirt or clutter marotherwise useful space


    The Gas-Heating boilerwith its goad - lookingstream-like cabinet harmonizes with any sur-


    AND what could possibly give greater return for the modestsum invested? A home gloriously comfortable the winterthrough, with you and every member of your family completely free from the old chaining task of fire-tending. Awhole, new, livable space in the basement which can actuallybe devoted to extending the size of the house. Better health foreverymemberofthe family, because of an evenlyheated home.

    economical!Ample proof now exists that Gas Heat is true economy .. it completely does away with so many other costs incidentalto the old-fashioned furnace room. Actual gas-heating costs,month by month, for homes of various sizes will be gladlyfurnished to you. Why not let our heating engineers estimatehow much it would cost to heat your home with gas? Noobligation I Telephone our House Heating Division today.

    Still time.


    Many a house whichseems too small needsonly Gas Heating to

    make it spacious

    to haveGAS HEAT this winter!


    :JVew ~ o o k s

    i"The T ho 'H an d M ar ch ," b y Fre deri ca de IILag 'i lia. L it ll e, Bro wn a nd C om pa ny , $ 2. 00 .

    Il l ' ;""' ; \ \ ' I I \ ' I .. I .. CIIAI'PELLj're.:sumably, the.: Arabi c numer al s I

    first came.: to liS as plain servants, all ,similar in mission, however dissimilar Iill value. Quee.:r that with the passageof t ime cer tain of these prosaic working folk, rising abovc t hc r es t, haveacquired significance beyond their original worth. So, we have now a littlegroup of numerical a ri st oc ra ts , t owhose utilitarian character cus tom hasadded a dash of the romantic, the emotional. Seve.:n and three ar e t hc I ll rs tic nlllnhcrs. Thirteen is the unluckyI1l1mbe.:r. Twcntv-thrce in Americanslang once cOI1l{oted rude.: dismissal.Readers of the V ic to ri an poe ts a rc aptto recall uOO as a t ra gi c n umbe r,wreathe.:d in t he b at tl e smok e of theyear 1854. One thousand is anothernlllllber belonging to a military episode, the Sicilian campaign of 1860.Other thousands the re h av e b ee n,bllt the Thousand is Garibaldi's arl1lY,those high-hearted l1Ien who, bavingset ,aii from (;el1oa, landed at a Sicilian)port on ~ l a y II . 18(jO, ancl, during thei"IICl\\'lng nlllnth, ,wept across thei,lalHl, defeating th e Neapolitans in a,e.:ries of s truggles which culminated inthe fight for P al ermo . l le caus e somanv of Garibaldi's followers wereb o y s ~ because the campaign in its n1O-t ive held the idealism, in it s execution,the dar ing tha t you th honors, this storyof the spring of 1860 s eems t o b el ongto young people. Fo r them, it hasheen retold in a n cw bo ok, entitled"The.: Thousand ~ arch." bv F redericadc L a l ~ u n a , The young author is aresident of llryn 1fawr and a gradnate oj Bryn 11awr Collegc of thec la ss o f 1927.

    [n "The.: Thousand ~ f a r c h " },f iss del .a gun 'l has rt,countl'd the adventuresof Te.:ddy Lane, a sevcntecn-year-old:\nll'rican boy who , w it h his parents.chanced to he in Italy in the spr ing o f18r.o. Teddy's fathe.:r, leaving his famil y in nor thern I ta ly , wen t to Palermo,cxpecting to spend one week. There,perhaps for a trivial expression ofsYlllllathy with the Liberals, he wasimprisoned by agents of the Bourbonruler of :\aples and Sicily. The troubling news cam e to Teddy and hismother in (;enoa and was soon 1'01-lowcd hy rumors of ( ;ar ibaldi ' s planfor wresting Sicily from the Bourbons.Teddy, desi r ing to go to his f athe r andto aid Italy in hcr struggle for libertyand unification. joined Garibaldi's expedition. Among t he T ho us an d, hefound boys of his own age and one,Luigi Bifli, several years younger, Thclads became devotedly a t tached to eachothcr as thev went forward to advcntures, orde'als and r e s p o n s i h i l i t i e ~scarcely c()mpatible w it h th eir y ea rs .Thcir happincss in the final victory atPalermo probahly surpassed that of theolder members of the little army.

    I t is a story br imming' wi th actionand valor. That romantic adventurewas a rcal quality of the campaign,one lea rns from evcn so solid an historical work as G. :\1. Trevelyan's"Ga ri ba ld i a nd t he Thous and. " . Th eauthor of the fietive "The Thousand:\lan'h" was, therefore. wise in adhering vl,ry closely to fact, Vlrisimilitl1l1c.:enhance s thc value of the book to theyoung reader and in n o wis e defraudsh im o f thc excitement which he expectsin an historical roma nc e. Amo ng th ereal character s, g rouped abou t the ima gi na ry T ed dy L ane , a rc L uig i llifli. ithe boy of thi rt een who fell at Calata- Il imi; J \lenot ti Gar ihaldi , son of the i( ;e ne ra l; B en ed et to and Enrico Cai- Iroli, representatives of an ar is tocrat ic ILombard famih'. and Colonel NiuoBixio, the disci\)linarian. IThe predominant ( l jective interest Iof the hook doe s not ent ir ely exc ludethe subjecthe. \"ith fine 11nderstand- Iing the author implies the workings of Ia boy's mind. the strength a nd i ns pi - Iration of the ties t ha t g row he tw ee nIcomra(:es in arms,

    Action and Valor

    Page Sixteeit

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town October 31, 1930


    \'(/ALTER G. CASE, ProprietorPhc\Oe: Narberth 4182



    Scpa:atel)' or with Homc RecordingELECTROLA f rom $112.50 ,Less Radiotrons


    This amazi ng new Victor instrument b ri ng s you the thr il ling funo f making "vocal snapsho ts " o fyourself and family. Amu si ng ,practical. AND the music youw an t whe n you want it on VictorRecords, PLUS VICTOR RADIO.Here is Victor quality at pricesyou can afford! Without the leastobligation, come in a nd hea r Vietor Radio today .

    Three Great [lIstrlllllellls ill O"r

    'l }' ...n ,"h tor Unclin l Ium . It,,oc'nrdlllJ.:" 1 ~ I t t t r H J n ICE-:t'i-flirt".." Sl1IJrtUU" IUHtru"I IU"uts in UII.--:Unh 'h It",.,,,.. t . rfurnUIlH ... - .. It (0 r hI I t"uut , _ ~ : . : s : ; . It-ss 1t:lll1u-t r uns .

    at Home!Great fun for you . . . your children and friends, Record select io ns f rom rad io programs. Keepa living, speaking reminder. Easilymailed, too! Let us tell you allabout it!

    MakeYour Own Records

    Home RecordingElectrola

    The NEWVictor Radio

    /lOw..A Microphonein every home!

    Ithe II '

    PhoneNarberth 2800

    Page Seventeen~ - - - - - - _ . __.-- __ ._--_._----- -_.. _.- -----_ ..------ ----- - -------------

    $10.00 or le ssRehuildsyourVacuum Cleaner Like New

    lCt>gnrdleHH o f mnke .. r eo..dftr .. "Glulrnllteecl fo r On e YenrEHtlmntlnJl; ' \V l t bo" t Cbnrge

    GUS WELSHElee tr lch,"- IDANDF:RSO N AVE .. ArdmoreP h o n .."z Arfhnore 1125

    Girl Evangelist at Cynwydl'ldine Ft"'y, girl e v a n g l ' l i ~ t , willp re ac h I I :\ , ~ I Sunday a t t he l Ia la

    C ~ ' I 1 \ \ ' \ ' d : \ I l ' t h o d i ~ t Episl'opal Church.She is onl' of thc fpw Wlllllen who havehe en ordained l 1 l i n i ~ t l ' r s in the ~ I e t h o d is t Church, and i s nnll'

    In one o f t he c lo se st cOll tests in th ehistory o f th e Junior High School, Ka yKennedv o f Brvn \1 awl', was clectedprc si de li t' o f tlie student body !astTuesda\' in the annual elertlon.1'1 irdza' Spccht. Tom Dunlap andS andv Thomas were in the race andpollee! hea vy s c o r e ~ . .\ ft er th e thirdvot in g, K ay pol le rl a majority vote.

    T h i ~ i the ~ e c o n d time in t he h is lon' of Ihe ,.;chool that a girl ha s beenpre-sident a nd e ac h t im e the honor h asgal le t o a gir l f rom Bryn ~ I a w r . SnsanAbernathv Iwlrl the Ot1iCl' th ree year sago. La;t Fa r Tom Kennedy, hrot)lerof Kay. was e lec ted to the ~ a m e Of1ICl'.

    Another Bryn Mawr GirlWins Junior High Honor

    Kewn1an f orme rly l ived 011 LantwynLane.1I.1r. and ~ I r s . Jacoh H. Strohm. ofSe ll e rsd ll e , a rc dsiting their grandd a t 1 ~ h t e r , ~ I r s . \V. Russell Green.


    Pholle Toda')' for Estimates

    Attraethe Masonry For Your Property atPresent LOW Prices

    Glenbrook Nurseries65 Acres

    The FiresideOctober 31, 1930

    along nicely.A card party will be held at 51. Mar.~ a r e t ' s School at 2 o'clock o n Mon da yafternoon NO\'emher 3. Th e hostessesOctober t h i r t y f i r ~ t is th e n ig ht of will he il rs. Rohert Rcithllliller andmyste ry and odd happenings, when one ~ l r s . Paul Brown.

    can go for th and expec t to sec s t r a n ~ e Last week-end M r. an d ~ r ~ Joseph~ i g h t s and h ea r w ei rd n o i ~ e s . It is D o u ~ h e r t y , of 11eadow Lane, Merion,perhaps t he g al a night of th e y ea r and ent er ta in ed t he ir n ie ce s, th e ~ I i s s e s~ many kinds oi part ies and enter f Ttainments will he enjoyed by th e y ou ng Mar ga re t a nd ~ I a r y Cosgrove, 0 _anand o th er foil, of till' lown. castcr, 1'01.~ I r . and ~ I r s . Henry George Sparks,Mr. John and M Is.. Louise ~ - l ~ y - of Montgomery Ave.ntle, had the.'irmann, o f A vo n Road, ar c entertall1111g J Iat a Hallowe'cn IJarty th is e ve nin g. h ah y, Henry George Sparks, r ., c UIStened last Sunday at till' ~ a r h e r t hAmong the gn"sts arc Miss Linda -

    . C I C ' I ' 1 Preshvterian Church.Vogel, l \ l I s ~ a ro yn l lster,.\ ISS .u M i s ~ " Eliza R. Thorn. oi "or th "ar cille Baker, Miss Gladys SahrO\'ich, herth Avenue, who has h een an invalid~ iss Doris Pr ice, ~ I r . Dick Custer , ~ r. .S . V I :Mr Ravlllond \Vatrous f(?r a numher o f y ea rs , is i m p r 0 . v n ~ g. o n n ~ oge,.. - I)' ' mcek partlv dne to the fresh aIr 111~ I r . Stewart ~ l c C o a c h and r. tll1lOr tl " 'I 1 ,- ' \ ' , . '['1 rll 11arl )leen~ C 1e sU Jllr IS. .\ I S 10 all game .. Th esol1le time. g u e ~ h include Don I l e l ~ o r . (,eorgcM r ~ . (;eorgl' I,

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town October 31, 1930



    an d

    October 31, 19j(j


    St. Joseph's ChapelMill Creek.P. M.-Hol\ ' OommunionSermon, .7:00 P. 1L-Church School.

    sage that will enrich the lives of Christians and inspire t hem t o mor e d ev ot eds en -i cc to the ir ]\[ aster; he brings COIllfort an

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town October 31, 1930



    The ltfusic You WantWhen You Want It 0",

    Page Nineteen

    "The Main Li"e Music Store"



    22505 -GO D01' IE AND TELLYOUR 1 ' IOTUE l lI 'm Doin ' That ThingGua Arnheim & Ore1..22506-Confessin'1\Iy Bluebirdwas Caughtin th e RainRlldyVallee& Orch.22515-SingI Still Get a ThrillTed W(!em.. & Orch.23000-0kuy BabyI Want a Litt leGirlMcKinney'.. CottonPickert

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