
8/7/2019 Our Town May 10, 1919 1/4



Narberth Base Ball Club







Main Line Baseball News

NOW IS THE TIME to buy your

Dah li as t o b e p la nt ed a bo ut Ma y 15,

fo r 1lowers i n l at e September.

Unless t he w ea th er o r o th er condi

tions make a change of date necessary.

th e Fall Flower Show w il l be held :tt

sOme convenient in doo r p la ce on or

about September 20.

All th e Dahlia. Kings and Queens ill

Narber th a re invit ed to exhibit.

"The Object o f t h is Associationsh al l b e t o improve an d beautify

th e Borough an d Vicinity; to asSist

and co-operate w it h t he authorities in enforcing laws and ordi

nance s r el at ing t her et o; to pro

mote any project haVing for it s

purpose th e bettennent of th e com

muni ty a s a Whole ; to prOvide ameans Of acqui ring and dissemi

nating infonnation on any subject

of gener al i nt e re st ; a nd t o f o st er

a nd ma in t ai n a fra.ternal spiritamong th e people o f o ur commun

ity." Dues f or Vot ing Membership fo r one y ea r, $1.00. Every

resident of Na.rberth an d vicinityeligible.


" Fall Flower Show"

)[rs . .T. T. Darlington. )[rs. Charles

K Kreamer and }[rs. D. D. Stickney

will he g la d to hear from an v one who

h a some disl'anl",1 e l o t h i ~ g - , china.

fUl'lIiture, etc., that may lw d i ~ p o s e d of

at a rummage s'al" ill th" Ill'ar futul'l '.

The cOlllmittee haYing charg-e of t he

Home Bake o n last ~ a t n r d a v l I ' i ~ h to

thank all. those who "0 g'ellt:rously do

nated the goodi('s alld a ls o t ho se whl)

p ur cha s" d from th" m. T he r es ul t o f

th" ~ a l e has 'iul'I'l'aH'd ou r hal lk account

("' ' '1 ' fOI,ty dollars.

Opening Game with Auto-Car ClUb

at Ardmore on Ma y 17

Speeches by Fletcher W. Stites

and Char les W. KerwOOd


First Game on Home Grounds with

Drexel Hill on May 2'1.

J o in t he Na rbe rt h B as ebal l ClUb.

Help : : ~ ~ ~ ~ : ~ S e : h T ~ : k ~ ~ e Map !an d see some Real GOod Baseball ion th e High SchOol Groun<Ul. I'rickets cal l h l' purchased froll! 1_

the following: E

HClWal'd,'" Drug s tore

Raymolld C. Jones IFred 'Vnlzcr §

Duyis' XCII'S Store IEe

.r. J. Cabrey ~ R. J. Edgar I)"Eugene Duvis I

~ ' I I I I I I U I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l l I l I I I I I ' 1 1 1 l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 l 1 1 1 l 1 1 1 U 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1U 1 I I I 1 I I I U l I I I I t I I I I I I l I l I I I ~ 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 l 1 l 1 1 1 1 l 1 l l 1 l 1 1 1 1 1 l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Rummage Sale

A meetiug' o f th e Dil'l'e!ors and n)('m

hers of ,thl' Xe"d]Pwork Guild lI'iH he

Ileld on Wedne sd ay . : \[ ay ] ,l th , a t :?:WP. ?II., at the hOllIe of 1111'S• •John A.

Caldwell, Xo. ]22 Elmwood avenue.

H e l l l t i \ " ( ' ~ uJ 111(11 ill the :!Sth Di"i,sion

~ ' h o u l d ~ ( , I I , 1 their a l ' p l i c a t i o l l ~ fo r t i"k<'ts for the big j'elehratiullS in Phila

delphia to rhe W('Iron,,' Houw COlli III i!

t ( ' l ~ in the Lihert.'· Building, Hl'Oad and

Che$tllll't ~ t l ' l ~ l ' t S ' .

Volunl t'ers wi th additionul sug

gc'stions or a n ~ ' o ne ' I' il li ng to

help will please report to ;\Irs.

J l I n H . ~ ~ G. Foote, Xllrherth 314-M.

The '1'. C. ('luh, )[ay alld J ~ t h e l Baafield, Ella Dot hanl , Luu i, e England,

Elizahcth HUllt,'r, Dorothy ::\[001'1', .,lin·

nil' Heard , Evelyn Patten, Fnith Nc

Auliffe a ll d Dor ot hy Sheneman, h ad [L

t'heatre par ty Sa turday, April 26th. ::\Irs.

Horace 8hell l 'man \\'as "haperone.



To Be Held in NarBrook Park


MAY 31

Unde r t h e Auspices o f th e Civic


Exhibits Same as Last Year.

,Deta il , . and COlllmit tees to he

announced in Onl' Town ) [u ) ' 17,HU!l.




Then' is an all'star l ' a ~ t of n'llIl11'ka

hie magnitul1l ' in the l lel ight ful photo

play, "TI lI 'l 'e G re en Eye s. " t o b e ~ h o w nat the Palaee Theatre. Anlmore, on \Ved

IH"sl1ay. Carlyll' Blat·kwell, .June Eh'idgl',

: \Iontagll Love. . JohllIlY Hines, anl l Eve

lyn Greeley an ' the ,tars, a nd t he y are

a ll s ee n i ll rol l'S of a partitlllarly con

gen'ial naturt'. "Three Gel'n Eyes"

was [lllaptl',l fo r thl' ~ C I \ ' e l l f rom Sar

dOll'S "A S"ra p of 1':1)11'1'." It is a

modern s to r. '· . t el li ll !! a ll u lI lI sual ly l ik

able t a lc alld pn'' ' 'ntel] ill a part;enlarly

appealing manner.

Tn II tase ,'xalllillation hel d : \[ ay it h

f or t he c le rk s i n tIle Xarberth 1'ost Of

fiec each derk passed succe, si 'u ll y, a ll

receiVing marks of !l(; o r mon' . T he ex

amination WflS held in th e \ '. ::\L C. A.

Building by L. W. Clinton, Acting Chief

C le rk o f t he R. ::\1. S.


:\11'. \Val te r Gray has opc ne ll a com

mcndahle enterprise at :!O] P ri ce a "e

n ne , whe re groceries alld many other

things a re lwi ng o lf er ed at a t t r a d i \ " l ~prices. ':\[1'. Gray expeds shortly t o en

large his quarters, especially fo r the

~ c r \ " j n g of jet' ('reBUt. 8uel'css to ~ [ r .Gl'lly.

Private .Johll h . 1 ' ~ l I k i l l " o f th e :Mar

seillo Guard, gal 'c all I 'xh ib it ion o f t rue

::\Iarine nerve a f l' \\ ' l Ii g' ht s ago whi le

on duty at the Qual't, 'rmaster's stor

age house. S h o r t l ~ ' after going on duty

at 6 P. ;\L, Printt!' .Jl'lIkills detectcl

threo Italians piJfC'l'ilig three large cases

c·on.taining 7,;.OllO "igan't !<'s. With pis

tol dl'awlI, .Jellldns lllhanced on the

thi('ves ,h'IlIU1H]ing their surrender. Two

of t11elll Hed arolllid t he hu il d ing i l lh

the , l ark and finally l's('aped after Jen

killS ha d f ir ed on them a number of

timcs. He captured one of the men,

whom he foulld to h e a rmed , and who,

whl'n turned ov er to th e Fn'nch poNce,

proved to he a notc,1 c rimi na l t he

French anthor it i es h ad h ee n i n s ea rch

of fo r m a n ~ - m o n t h ~ . Prh'a te Jenkins

reeoYl'rl'd all t he c iga rl ' tt cs a nll was

eOllllllenc1e,] fo r ,tho ac t hy Base COIll-

mandel' Colonl'l George ::\[cD. \ V e f ' k ~ ,U. S. A.

Private , John L..Jenk ins , o r "Louis"

.Tenll'ins as \1-1' know him, is a son of

1Ifr. an d "II'''' Charles L.•J en ki ns , o f

10:1 Dudley aYenUl', Narberth.

Flowers an d P la nt s f or Sale

Seeds fo r Sale

Garden Tools fo r SaleI Refreshments fo r Sale


Do not mis:; that scrmon about "111'

Jigion in t he HOll ie " next Sunday

lIIorning in the l ' reshyterian Church.

\Vhen the wOlllen folk will \\'ork uav

an d n il !h t t o sell Victory notes, tl:emen should at Jeast t ake t ime to write

their n ame on a subscript ion blank.

Mr. an d 1111'S. Snm Woods, of Gel"

mantown, 1\'1'1'1' the g ue st s o f :\[1'. and

:\[rs. R. J . D ot ha rd , ofWynncwool1

avenue, ove r t ho week end .

Th e Junior Bval lgel Circle of King's

])aul!htl'rs will llOhl a "Home Bake "

on Saturday, :May 2·lth, ]0 to 1 0 'dock,

in t he O ld Post Ollice.

Therc eertaillly WIlS a lot of ruhhish

to be haul ed away.

: \[ an y : \f ai n L in l' selT'ice IIIl'n have

rdurned frolll ovcrseas duty dluing the

l ' a ~ t week.

\Vear a 'White Carnnt ion next Sun

day i n memor y o f Mot he r.




?lrother's Day will h " o bs er ved in

t he Preshyter i an Church next Sunday.

\Vill the returncrl solrlil'r" he:p lIIak,'

a ( ~ o n l ' l J l ( ' t e register hy ::;QCili b Post

Illaster Haws for a fcw minutesf





DIED MAY 7 , 1919

Spccial :\IotllCr's Day l'rogrulll in tho

Bapt is/ t Church Sunday evening. You

an ' 1II0st cordially invited.

Char l, ' s B ll s inger has returned from

France looking fin", an d we are all

gl:lll to sec him.

Th" s to ry of Ladd'ie, th e Songs Our

:\fothers Sang am] an exercise by tho

children will pleasc and inspi re at the

Baptist Church Sundl ly e'·cning.

:\11'. an,l : \ l r ~ . Gerald Talll'hlyn, of

] ) u d l c ~ ' avcllllc, Sl'l 'Ut th l' we l' k e nd ill


Obey t h at impu ls e -j oi u the Y. M.C. A. now .

S al cs o f more than $200,000,000 of

surplus wa r suppl ies to foreign govern

IlIcnts have hl'cn anuounced hy t ho \Var

]) l'J>:l 11111en t.

He\'. and .Mrs. John Va n Xess wero

sojourning a f cw d ay s in Atlantic Oity

last week.

Are you wearing a V .j ctory Loan hut ton '?

\Ve 0 \ \ ' 0 a g r ea t deb t to motherhood.

Le t us make pllrt payment 11y joining

in a servieo to her honor Sunday e"en

ing at t he Bapti s t Church.

The regular 1Il0ntlIly meet ing o f tlIe

Montgomery County 'Colllmittee orf tho

Penns)'lvanil1 Woman Suffrage Assoeia

,tion wil l ho held Wednesday, ~ f a y 14th,

at 10.30 A. M., at Stnte Headquarters,

1606 Finance Building, Philadelphia.

Army and




1\lQpberfbua '" a I


The u su al p at ri ot ic i nt er es t o f ::\11'.

Rolwrt n. Durhin has prompted him ~ prepare the" ;l;arl]('rth Arniy llnd Xavy

H,'gister," a "ery heautiful an d appro

pria tl' pennanel1t record book fo r ou r

Soldier aml S a ilo r B oy s, r es id en ts o f

Narberth, who selTed their country in

t he World \Var.

All of us ar e proud o f the reeord of

these hoys. We W'lIlt the essential faets

recordcd, no t only fo r it s present value,

h ut f or the invaluahle service it wil l b e

to th e future generations,. The t im e to

reeord t h is informat ion is t he present ,

\\'hen it is fresh in ou r minds an d th e

facts n m ~ ' he verified.









11 A. M. to 1 P. M.

t he insurance husiness (adv.) on an oc

casiona l a f te rnoon during the en rly

Spring and run up t o \Vunamake r' s

Roof and pick np a f ew po in te r s from

the big stars. Ponce ad,mits th e \Vana

maker trips, bu t s t il l i nsi s ts that all

t ho se p eo pl e who saw him standing at

th e s ta ti on t he o th er Sunday morning

with a t enni s racke t in a ease an d al)"g

of g ol f s ti ck s, a nd i nt imat ed th at lie

WIlS sneaking down 'to Pinehurst or SOJllC

o th er suc h p lac e f or a little au:\'ance

pract ice-he i ns i st s , we a re g la d to re

port, t h at t he y were a ll w ro ng in their


Chairman Phil ler an d hi s memlbers of

th e Grounds 'Committee ha d th e courts

in fine shape, a nd th e wa rm , summer

like da y made t he d ay ideal fo r innugu·

rn tinl! th e season.

Y. M. C. A.


Enlisted Date.

Training Camp.

Over Seas.

When Left U. S.

When Returned U. S.

Active Sen· i ce .





Citations, etc.

Dischargcd Date .

T he R ec or d Bo ok is on file at th e

Post Office. Mr. Haws, the Postmaster,

will be g la d to assist t he p aren ts of the

ho;,-s, or anyone inte res ted , to mak e t he

proper record. Be prepared t o g h- e the

followinl! information:



Two c en ts p er w or d e ac h Insertion. cu bIn advance . No advert i sement accepted un·Ie.. c....b accompanies copy.

LOST-Br own l ea th er lmg conta in ing

book a nd c hi ld 's c loth ing and skirt.

R ew ar d. N oN fy P . O. Box 20!l, Xar

berth. (31-1')


FOR SALE-Pies, B re ad a nd Cakes,

Saturday, :wrny 24, 10 A. 711. to 1 P. M.,

at. th e Old Post Office, hy .Junior E\"llllgel

King's Daughters.

A WORD to tl1C wise is sufficient. Cut

down you r ga s hills by buyi ng you r

Breaa an d Cakes from the Xarbcrth

Baking Co., Arcade Bui luing, Xarherth ,

on a nd a ft er l\Iay 10. (31-c)

On }[onday evening, t he 5 th , the reg

ular monthly meet ing of th e D i r e d o r ~of tl1C Y. }[, C. A. met, for further con

sidera tion of th e p la ns f or e xp am io n

con templa ted. The Board has heen

h ui lt up u nt il it is now composed of

mcn who ar c determiner ] t o "malw

good" w it h t he local Association an d

gh'e t he Borough s omet hi ng o f w hi ch

it may well h e p ro ud . The B oa rd is

divide,l into act in cOIllmittees, all do

in g work that count s a nd that insurcs

the h est o f Sllccess f or th e Association

fo r the future.

F ol lowi ng t he bus ines s meeting, the

Ladi",, ' Amriliary, which held its

monthly meeting the same evening. pro

vided a social hour which was cn joyed

jointly 'by t he Auxil i ary an d the Board.



The X lI rher th T e n n i ~ A ~ ~ o c i a t i o nopened the ~ e a s o n la st Sa turday at the

courts at Elmwood an d E s ~ e x avonues,

with all tho re:,rulars on t in new or

freshly washed whi te d uc ks a nd a rmed

with newly-stl'llng rackets.

No , that isn't exactly c o r r ~ t , be

cause there was onc distinguishcd mem

he r who appeared in a regular pa ir of

winter t rouse rs and two s w c a t e r ~ . He

said he wasIl't going to take an y

chances 011 a sudden return of win tel

along ahout the m i d d ~ e of the afternooneven if young fel lows l ik e Ponce Burk

hardt d id i ns is t on wear ing thei r sum

me r garb, regardless of what the

weather might be.

\Vhich reminds us that Ponce "'as in

mid-season form; which, i n t ur n, re

minds us t ha t i t pays even t o n eg le ct


WANTED-We need 100 good members

who will ,sign up a neighbor's pledge

of support fo r ou r local Y. M. C. A.

WANTED-Two g rass or :fibre rugs.

Address Box 341, Narberth. (31-p)

FOR SALE-Oak sideboard, cheap. 106

N. Narberth Ave., Narberth. (31-,p)

W A N T E D ~ C r e x or carpet rug !lx12.

Box 762, Narberth. (31-p)

REFINED COUPLE wants small house

or unfurni shed apar tment for house·

keeping, immediately. Box 328, or phone

Narberth 1298. (31-p)

FOR SALE-Half sash i ns i de window

screens, several sizes. 205 Forrest

avenue, NaI1berth. (31-.0)

FOR SALE-A No.3 Eddy Ic e Box. A.hargain. Also about 80 feet Cali

fornia Privet Hedge, 5 feet high. 2]8

\Vayne ave . , or phone Narberth 1275-R.


8/7/2019 Our Town May 10, 1919 2/4







Come on, youVictoryLoan!Amer ica never ye t rode a loser!You've go t a record of four straight

-make it five!Help ride th e Victory Loan ,to vic

tory by buying your bonds today.You' l l f ind it the best winner youever backed!

Go in t o y ou r limit.

Victory Liberty Loan Committee

Under theWire.


P . C O O K ,


This space contributed by

"Yes, i t takes some sacrifice now, some scrimping andloving. BUI every penny o f i t will come back . wit h i nt er est .

Victor ;y Liber t ;y Lo a n CODnni t t ee

.. In the days to come we'l\ be glad we did i t-glad t ha t w e did our

entire duty to ou r country and ourselves-glad that we p ut o ur money

i nl o t he safest investment in the world-glad t ba t we bough t to ou r

l im it in t he Vic to ry Libert y Loao."

45th and Parrish 8ts.




Pasteurized Milk 1 .DELIVERIESBrynclovls Certi l led WEST PBILA

Milk •(Pedrlal lc Society) OVERBROOK

Special .. Guernsey" MERION


(Roberts' a:Sbarples s ' BALA.-CYNWY

Dair ies) NA.RBERTB

Cream ButlerDlIl l , A.RDMORE

Table an d Wblpplng WYNNEWOODCream.

r a r a - M ~ G i n l ~ ~ur2ISouth

1 7 ~ S ! , P h i l a d e l ~ ~ '


GARAnteed Roofs


V . M. C. A . B UIL DIN G



T.lepboDe Narberth 1633


CALDWELL& CO.R e a l E s t a t e

For· Good· Work· SeeI n s u r a n c e ~ ~ ~ £ ..~ ! ! t r l " . u t e d . bJI

s O - ; : r t f . ~ d ; t a U o n NARBERTH, PA. H. PREMOST W D & H T S dl -The Home Town Tailoring Parlor m .. .• me ey,

NARBERTH GARAGE 234 Haverford Avenue LEE'S GARAGE Essex Ave. abo HaverfordRaymond Weil', Proprietor Avenue N " ' l ~ ; r b

Ladies' and Genu' Garments Dyed, d- S AGASOLINE, OIL, SUPPLIES Cleaned. Pressed and Remodeled Overland Sales an ervice gencv

Work Called for and Delivered ..,EXPERT REPAIRING Fr en ch Dry Cleaning a Speci al ty REPAIHS, STORAGE, GASOLINE AND OILS. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT

Bell ' Phone U . 8 4 J L . C. S H A H A N


Candida te fo r th e



I have purchasedthe DRUG STORE

f ormer ly owned


Your Patronage Solicited

Cub's Weeldy Letter

(Continued on Page 4.)


To t he Editor of Ou r Town:

Although it was advertiseu fo r week.,

i n Ou r Town, was announced daily from

the school platform, and circulars were

distributed from doo r to door announc·

ing th e event, the talk givcn by Dr.

Te it r ick , Deputy S tute Supe r in tendent

of Public Instruction, was very sparsely

attended. One would infer that parents

werc indifferent to their children's edu

c at iona l wel fa re , o r perhaps , t o look

at th e matter from another anglc,

parent's ha\'e so much confiuence in the

constituted school authorities ,that they

feel that the children are weH takell

care of an,d arc sa,tisfied to rest contcnt

at that. I t has ah"uj's been th e dcsire

of the school authorities that parents

keep in close touch with SCl1001 maHer:>,

so that 110 misunderstllnding will arise.

The man or woman who neyer takes the

trouble to visi t the schoo l o r to inquire

into a child's progres s would he tbe

f ir st to seize an oppor tun ity to make

unfa"orable criticism.

Dr. Tei: trick spoke yery interestingly

and it is to be deplored t ha t t he par

ents of aJl th e school children in Xar'

berth wcre not at the l ne et in g. T he

speaker spent the entire day at the

scbool, visiting class rooms, following

closely the method's of teuching in the

di ffe rent grades, and, in fact, inspecting

eyery departmen t of the school. The

net result might be summed up in Dr .Teitrick's remarks, which were as near

I ~ as I can rememher to th e folJowing


In view of the sho rt s choo l hou rs ,

there s houl d hc instituted a systl'ma·

tized method of s t u d ~ ' i ng' at homc, espe

ciany for the High School students.

Ei ther that or the school hour" should

he extended. I t is manifestly impos

s ible, according to Dr. Te it r iek , for a

student to p r o p e r l ~ - undef>,tand and

master a subject unless 1110rc tim e is

givcn to s tudy , and hc recollllllends o m o r th e o th cr o f the aho\'l' altcrnatives.

Attention was cal led to tI ll ' c ramped

('ondition of the rooll1s allcl our oycr·

wor ke d t ea ch er s. A lt ho ug h th e new

school building has on ly be el ! i n COIl1'

mission a little less than two years, tIle

growth of the Town ha s so affec ted

the school t lm t hoth the old anrl new

buildings arc o\·ertaxcd. .An addi! iOllal

hui ld ing i s b ad ly needed Hnd, oh\'ious

Iy, extra t ea ch er s. A n ideal claS6, ac

cording to th e Doctor, cons is ts of thir

t,\· to t h i r t ~ ' - f i Y e pupils , a larger num],,'r

proving an obstacle to eft lcient t ,'a( 'h

i ng . S l" 'l 'r al of the loert! teac·h('rs

hnH ' classes ranging from forty to forty

t 'ight pupils .' rhf' l l lnttf l l ' of t f ' : l ( · h p l ' ~ · ~ :-:alurit1fo' waf-'

also 1I1PlItioll"11. TlIP ~ p l ' a 1,1'1' statclI

tllat th .. ~ a l a r i ( ' ~ paill \ \ - , ' n ~ inadPfjual,'

in most casl's. (This, of '·oUI',e. makes

August Evergrecn smile.)

Death of ArthurV. Emmett

I t is seldom that \\"e arc called upon

t o r ec ord so ' sad un occurrence as the

sudden death of Arthur V. Ennnett,

with its attendant tragic eircumstances.

Thc sympathies of the ent i re commun·

i t ~ · are deeply stirred hy this unfore'

seen termination of the comparatively

s li gh t i nj ur y from , ,' hi ch he suffe red.

It seems that ?III'. Emmett, during u

g am e of s oe ce r b al l, s ome time ago.

was accidentally l;ickeu on the leg,

nl'ur the knee. A swelling resulted,

which became painful, and some weeks

ag o an operation was performed, whichit was hoped would bring quick relief.

On t hc contrary, ?III'. Emmett eontinucd

to suffcr se\'ere pain, and th e physicians

finally f ound tha t the i nj u ry had de'

Yelopeu symptoms of cancer, nl 'ce,ss i

tating amputation. The operation took

place Tucsday aftel'Iloon at five o', 'lock,

and, although he callle out of the ethcr.

col lapsc fol lowed. and he pas se ll away

at 3.15 on Wednesday mowing.

:Mr. Emmett was bol 'l l in Duluth

about : ! ~ ' e a r s ago. He graduUJted from

Chicago Cnin'rsity, and later wa s in·

s tr uc to r i n p h ~ 1 s i c l l l truining' in the

West Philauelphia Branch of the Y. ?II.

C. A. Four years ago h e became Dirce,

tor of Athletics in tile Narberth schools,

and lruter devoted a p ar t o f his time to

physical instruction i n t he Narberth Y.

~ r C. A. He is survived by a wi dow

:lll,l one c hil d. Tile funeral serviceswil l h e helu 011 Friday afternoon, frOlll

th c homc of Principal William T . Mel ·

choir, a nd the interlllent \l'iJI takc place

at Harrisburg.

il\fr. Emmett \\'Us held in the higllest

esteem by the School Boa rd a nd Fae

uitj-, aucl by t he Directors and of'ficers

of the Karherth Y. ~ r G. A. By his

pupils he was greatly beloved. His heart

and soul were i n his work, and he was

e\'er \ 'Cry close to u.1I of hi s c lasses . As

one 1I\0ther exprcssl'd it , "H e was n ot

onlj' a Physical Director, bu t he tried

to make men and women f or th e fu

ture." Mr. Emmett will long live in

th e memories of the hundreds o f b oy s

and g ir ls , who were inspi red by his

splendid enthusiasm and clean, whole

some l if e, a nd who w il l be much bet

te r men and women th rongh his words

and deeds. Measured by the s ta ndar d

of real attainment and genui ne wor th ,

1\fr. Emmett was inucNI II 1I\0st suc

cessful mUi l . Wit,1i u1l those quali t ies

whiel! 111ake for Illgh und endur ing

character 110 WllS richly cndowed.

Mr . :MeJchior paid a most bcuutiful

tribute to him on ,Yeducsday morning,

when he announced the sad news to

facu l ty and pupil;.. With deep emotion

he spoke of the details-of t he qui et

heroism with which hc receivcl1 the

n ews of t he necessity o f the operation,

and, smiling, was taken to the operat

in g room. and how, after regaining' con

sciousness, he smiled while Mr. Mel-

SATURDAY, MAY 10, 1919

Send all advertising and news items to

P. O. Box 966.

Our T own is on sale at thc depot

newsstand, and at the s to re o f H. E.


<Entered as sccond·elass m a t t ~ rOctober 15, 1914, at t he Pos t Office at

Narberth, Pennsylvania , under the act

of March, 1879.

(Oontinued on 4.)

Mrs. Roy E. Clark, Henry Rose,

W. T. Melchior A. J. Loos,

Associate EditoIS.


E d i ~ o r .


Fire, 350

Police, 1250

An Experiment in Co-operativeJournalism-No Paid Workers.




Subscription price one d ol la r p er

year in advance.

Owned and Published every Saturday

by the Narberth Civic Association.

8/7/2019 Our Town May 10, 1919 3/4


Merion Title and Trust CompanyNARBERTH, PAs

Of course, wedeUver - aD1pla.ce - allY


J ' O S : BZNG -

- I N -

"Money Corral "

Influenza and kindred

diseases startwithacold.

Don't t ri fl e w it h it .

At the first shiver orsneeze, take

~ ' ~ ( : t( A S C A R ~ i PUININE

C P . p O M \ \ ) ~



WEEK of MAY 12th

William S. Hart

Standard cold rcmedy for 20 yeara-lD tabletform_fe, .ure,no opiate.-break. up a c ol din 24 houra-relieves IlriP in 3 day.. Moneyback ifit fall.. The genuinebox has a Red top

with Mr. Hi ll ' . p i ct ur e . A t All DrUll Store..

PhUa •• P ...

~ s £ r ~ . 2 ! AlDesl Pho t o " " " The-. I re 01118 SI:z:eln Ih eEnllreWorld.

Pb.lopl.YII-COntinuous 1 0A. M .10 11.38



AS POSSmLE TO 10.15 A. M., 11.00 , I .H,

3 .4 5, 5 .4 5. 7 .4 5, 8 .3 0 P. M.

P.upertles Fo r nent .Dd SaleFire Inlurance

Bell Phone 161 lY.

"L,ll BuDding. NarberD. h .

Victory Liberty Loan Commit tee

Th13 ""ace contributed


The gong's rung for the last round in thefight. Slam h ome t ha t l as t punch! Mak e s ur ethat it 's a knockout-not only for this fight, but forall time to cornel

R ig ht o n the point of the jllw-today-with theVictory Liberty LoaD.

FiDish the jobl

"TIME. !W- t h e Last Round

PHONE 1210 J




May Day was recogaized by the pres

ence of cut flowers an d b y briof appro

priate exercis<'S. The lunch room was

pretty attractive in it s trimmings of

d'Ogwood blossoms.

The Brightest Spot in Narberth

, - . ~ , ~ Drug Store in theMost Modern Sense of the Term

:Mrs. J 'ust ice, whom we have so much

mis sed la te ly , i s slowly recovering from

an operation for llIppendicitis.


The surroundings of our school arc

very attractiyC'. The admin is t ra t ion o f


Hertzler's Market HouseNARBERTH, PA.

(Continued on Page 4.)

Formerly with N. E. SMEDLEY


Essex and Haver fo rd Avenues

Wal ton ' . Garage ••• NARB_TH , PA .

wil l b e b ro ug ht in automobiles.

Church Notes .

Song and Prarer Service Wednesday

evening at 8 0 'clock, led by th e pastor.

Subject, "Contrary Winds." I ns pi r

ing song service and helpful fellowship.

Th e Young People's Society will holda soeial Friday evening, the 23rd of

this month fo r t he membe rs hi p o f th e

soeiety and invited guests. A number

of sailor boys will e nt er ta in a nd be entertained. Thi s h as been a g re at y e ar

f or t hi s society. The in tere st and at

tendance has fa r exceeded any previoull


Next Sunday morning the pastor will

givo th e third sermon in th e series on

"The Great Book." In these d ay s o f

reconstruction and economic perils it is

quite necessary that we turn for help

to "The Stnndary of Right Adjust

ments" for both ~ a p i t a l a n d labor.

Dr. R B. Teitrick , Deputy State Superintendent, spent l as t F r id a y in our

schools. 'Vhat a p it y t h at more people

could not f ind tdme to come to the

school i n t he e ve ni ng t o hear him give

h is r ep or t on what. lIe s aw an d heard

that day.

Commencement Kight, Thul1Sday, June

19, 1919.





Avery S. D e ~ y , Pastor.

Wctlncsuay, S 1'. ~ [ ' - l ' m y e r meetingw it h s ho rt a dd re ss b y t he p as to r. Mr.

g, B. Stauley will be the special solOist.Thursday, 8 P. l\r.-Business and so·

cinl meeting of the pastor's Young

~ I o n 's Bible Class at th e home of Richarll Compton, 500 Woodside ayenuc.

In the following up-to-date homes:

205 Graylin. Avenue5 Wood.ide AVeDue14 Avon Road16 Avon Road

Colobial Houae, Anthyn Road

Sunday, May 11th, l\fother's Day.

Special program in the evening.

9.45 A. M.-Bible Scbool.

11 A. M.-·Morning worship. Serillon

h y the pa st or . S ubj ec t, " ' fhe Great

Book of the Home-The l!"alllily Bible."

Children's talk, illustl'atl'd with Cllr

toons on "How Boys Become l\{en."

7 P. l\I .-Young People's ml'eting.

Leader, Mr. Laurence Houston. Suh

.jeet, "The Lure of the World."

7.45 P. :r.I.-Special Moth'H' 's Day

service. Exereises by children. Spe

cial music, includin.g "Songs Our Moth

ors Sang." The story of Laddie aIlll

his l\Iother will be g iv en aIHI whilla

carnations will be p resented to moth·

ers. Any aged, cur in g t o attend this

service, who will kindly lot us know,

Phone 889 M WM. D. &: B. T. SMEDLEY

f'his space contributed by



"The Little Church on the Hil l ."

Rev. F. M. Gray, Pastor.

Sunday May 11th. Mother's Day.

9. 45 A . lIL--8unday School. Classes

f or a ll ages.

11 A. M.-<Sermon by pastor appro

priate to Mother's Day. The Men's

Bible Olass, :taught by Hon. P. W.S ti tc s, w il l g iv e a white carnation to

every mother present at the service and

automobiles will bring a ll f or whom a

request is Ulade t o Mr. S ti te s.

3 P. M.-JChildren's Church. Inter·

es ting ob jec t talk by 1IIr. Chalker, ryf

Narbertll, on "The Home and It s Ten

ants." :r.rusic by children's vested


7 P. M.-Epworth League.

7.45 P. M.-Sermon by th e pasto r on

"Real Religion." S p ~ i a l music. We

extend a cordial welconH' to our servicest o al l strangers in our town, and on this

Sun day we ext en d a special invitation

to mot'hers to be present, C'spccially atthe morning service.

Monday, 6.30 P. lIf.-Centenary sup'

per to officials of our church and ccn

tenary workers at our church. Address

by Hon. F. W. Stites. Mr. George Mer·

rett Dayis will preside as chairman.

1U0n theme, "L idng in 'fhis Present


Prayer meeting next Wednesday night

at S 0 'clock. All are invited.

V i c t o r 7 L i b er t7 L o a n COJluuit tee


We've been with ou r boys s ince the very first-since that day,two Aprils ago, when the Kaiser's throne commenced to totter .

Shall we forsake them now when, wounded and home8ick, t hey n ee dus most?

Shall we abandon them, or shall we s tay with them by buying VictoryLiberty Bonds?

Well, then, buy to your full limi t.


Rev. John Van Ness, Minister.

Mee ti ng s for n ex t Sun day:

9.30 A. l \ t . - ~ I e n 's Hi'hle C la ss . A ll

mell invited.

10 A. l \ L - S l i l l d a ~ ' School Gradcd Less ons . 219 present lust Sunday.

11 A. l\I.-Publie worsh ip . Cel eb ra

tion of l\rother's Day. Sermoll b y the

pastor on "Religion in the Home."

7 P. l \L--Ch r is t ian Endeavor meet

ing. Leader , Dorothy E. Wil son.

7.45 P. :r.I.-Evening worship. Ser-

ReT. R. F. Cowley, Rector


Ea.rlly Maas on Sunda.y f rom Apri l

1 to October 31 a.t 7 A. M. From

Nove:mlber 1 ,to March 31 at 7 A. M.Late Mass, 9.30 A. M. throughout th eyea.r. Masses on holydays, 6.30 an d

8 .30 A. M. Weekdays a. t 8. Eveningdevotions 6nd other services at regula r times.

NEW STOREPrice and Essex Aves.

(Opposite Methodist Church)

Selling Groceries, Delicatessen, Candies,Ic e Cream, Cakes, Cigars, e tc. e tc .

A ls o a Room where Ligh t Lunches and

Teas, .e tc ., nrc served.

Goods delh·ered. Phone 619·l\I.

Open 7 A. M. till 10 P. l\L


P. o. Box 104

Save on Automobile Insurance:By OO:D.&'U.11i:l:D...


8/7/2019 Our Town May 10, 1919 4/4


Del ic iou . M_ t a

A l Hillh G r a de C h ic k en .

Ecg. an d Butte r



Plumbing, Gas Fittingand Heating


Cash Business and Low Pr ices w i ll

enab le you to

205 Haver ford Ave.


After alterations, we will have all

Up-to·Date and Sanitary :Meat Market


LIGHTING FIXTURESMcDonald John . Narberth phone, 1288.1633 Chest . s t ., Phlla. Phone, Spruce IU8.

MILKScott -Powel l Dair ies . Phone, Pres ton 2398.See display advertisement In this Issue.

MUSICJackson, :Ills" Anne. Ylolln Instructton.StudIo. Arcade Building. Phone, 316-J.

Looa, Fanny H . Plano teacher.StUdio, A rc ad e B ld g. P ho ne , 816-J.

SJoholm, Miss Ebba. Music Teacber and Accompanist, 228 Iona ave .. Narberth.

NOTAR I PUBLICJell'erle", J. n. 111 Sarberth ave.Phone. 666-M.

Tyson. Warren R. 200 Woodb ine ave.Phone. 1202-lV.

O P T I C I A ~ 8Fenton, Car l F. 506 Essex ave. Phone. 8U-WPhil&. addre .... 1806 Chestnut at. Locuat il LZentmayer, dO"OI ,h . 228 S . lath st., Phlln.

. PAINTERSCole, James R.246 Haverford ave . Phone , Spr uc e 1818.

Walzer, Fred.117 Winsor ave. Phone, 1247-J.

PAPER HANGERSWitte. Goo. A. Fairview ave.Phone. CynWYd 778-J. Flrat-clau work.

PIIOTO PLAYS·'Arcadla," 16th and Chestnut ata., Phil..See display advertisement In this Iaaue.

PLUMBING, ETC.Wall, H. B. Phone, 819-J.See display advertisement In tbls laaue.

REAL ESTATECaldwell & Co. Phone, U71-W.See display advertisement In tbla lu u•.

FrItsch, H. C. Pbone, 352.W.See display advertisement In thl . luue.

God fr ey . Wm. R .114 Woods id e ave . Phone, 885.W.

Nash, Robert iI. Phone. 605.

, S h ~ ; ~ o ~ r : m ~ ~ r s ~ . a m ~ s ~ o : X d ~ : . r t g a s e •.Phone. 636. Or 1420 Cheetnut at.

ROOFING. ETO.Gara-McGlnley Co. Phone, 1258.W.See display advertisement In thl. luue.

Illller, John A. 248 lana ave. Phone, 881-JShop. 248 Haverford aVe. Phone. U25-J ,

8110ElllAKER8Good Wear Shoe Repair Shop.Constantine, B. G. Y. H. C. A. Bldg.

TAILORSP remo st , H . P ho ne . 1254·J.Sec display advertisement in this issue.

TRVST ESTATES , ETC.Lnnaban,l'rederlck A. 205 Forrest avo Pbone,344-R. Phlla.add .• Providen tLife & Tr . Co.

Tbe above department should be at tb .~ e a t s s t u se t o tbe community, the \ Ia t oon·t a ln s th e n am e o f e ve ry profell8lonal man.tradesman. mechanic. shopkeeper. etc., wbodoes o r can In any way serve hi . fellow·townsman. and who Is prosreulve enousbto a dd n ame to l is t o f Regllter.As It Is dlmcult f or t ho se contrlbutln.

t he ir t im e a nd efforts to tb e produotlon 01" Ou r T ow n" t o peraonally either k now o rInterview all lIuch, It w ou ld b e moa t hllpful It those n ot n ow f ou nd In th e prlnta"nat wou ld a en d I n a memo ot their Damu,'addreu, phoDe Dumbera and bualDe_ orproteulona fo r l Iat lne . ThIs will coa t a a fol·10,..11:10 oenu e a ch I .aue for I line.; Ii CIDUfor each additional line.



A. J. L.

of a fulure ril·h in aB I ha t l if e is

\\'oltlh li\'ini{ for. Yl'l. we rejo ice ill what

I I l ~ diel accomplish , allli \ \'e realize thaIwhell the door eloft'll Oil his earthly ca

reer, allother openl'd that l'c\"eaJed tohim the ineffablc g ' l o r i < ' ~ of the etCI'll'll

IiI'", where there is uo p ai n n or suffer

i ng, no si ll nor c1eMh.

N8rberth 302 W


(Continued from Page 3.)

the school endeavorS' to teach a l l pup i ls

respect of prope rty r igh ts of others and

s ha ll do everything within their power

to co-operate with citizens in the pun

ishing of malici ous ,tresSlpassing.

T he H ig h School )1others' ~ [ e e t i n g ,held on Wednesday, proved one o f th c

1Il0st he>lpful round tab lo conferences

Oil r ec or d i n our schools. Therc were

wide-awake diseussions on live prob

II'1IlS. The meet ing was o pened w·ith

remarks hy ~ [ r . ~ [ e ' C a l ' t e r , President ofthe Board, following which }[r. ~ f e l e h o i r11':\(1 in discussions.

Narberth RegisterTwa Linea, 10c per ill/lue; 5 c foreach addit ianal line

Our thought is that th e Coal Bus iness w i ll be slow this S pr ing a nd

SUllllller, to be fonowed by a stampede in the F an, Take our adv ico and

order early, and don't forget to order f ro lll us, where you will get good coal

and lots of appreciation furnished f. o. b. w it h t he goods.

We will be glad to book order fo r Jeddo COllI d ur in g th e m on th uf

April at prices prevailing in Philadelphia and vicinity.

l\Iost of you know that this coal is t he b es t that cOllies to market, and

to those o f y ou who don't, we have no hesitancy in proclaiming the fact tha t

i f b et te r coal exists anywhere i n t he wide earth it has not as ye t been d is ·


ACCOUNTANTSKelJn, H. O. Certified Public Accountant .203 Dudley ave. Phone. Narberth 800-W.

ADVERTISINGCole, W. Arthur. Phone, Spruce 1688.Ideas , Plans , COpy. Art. TypograpbY.

AUTOMOBILESLeea' Garase-Repalrlng. Etc. Phone, 1605.See display adver t i sement In this luue.

Narberth Garage. Phone Narbertb 1633.See display a,l\-ertlsement In this issue.

BANKSMerion Ti t le & Trust Co. Pbone. Ardmore 8.See display advertisement In this Issue.

BUILDERSSmedleY, Wm. D. & n. 'r. Phone, GOO.

See display advertisement In this Issue.CANDY, ETO.

Davis, n. E. Phone, 1254-W.See display advertisement In this Isaue.

OARPENTERS ~ BUILDERSJenklna, Chaa. L.103 Dudley ave. Phone, 883-14.

CONTRACTOR OF PLASTERINGFratantonl. James.239 Hampden ave., Narbertb. Box 270.

DENTISTSOr r, D r .A. L.I01 Elmwo,od avo Pbone, n8-W.Phlla. Phone, Filbert 4 2 5 ~ . Keith BidS.

DRUGGISTSHoward's. Phone, 1267.See display advertisement In t bl s Iu ue .

Smith, T. R . A rdmor e, Pa,See display advertisement In this issue.

ELEOTRIOlANSl'uSh, Veri 225 Ion a avs.1'10.1'. Phone, 650-W. Ard, Phone, 168-J.

FISH AND OYSTERSimperial Gror .e ry Co. Phone, Narberth 606.See display ad \tertlsement In this Issue.

FRUIT AND PRODUCENarberth Cut Price Frui t an d Produce Co.See display advertisement In thIs i ssue .

GARDEN NUBSERIESWohlert, A. E.Montgomery ave. Phone. 696 Narberth.

HAULING, ETC.lIIarmoma, John. Ardmore, Pa,See dIsplay advertisement In tbls Issue.

Walton Bros . Phone, 672.See display advertisement In t hi s lu ue .

INSURANCEbowman, Samuel P. (Life.)116 Elmwood aVe. Phone, 668-W.

iurkhardt, MUler. General lnauranca .100 Maple av s. Phone, 659-H.

iJones, Ohas. R.305 S. Narberth a ve . Pho ne , 682-J.

iJones, 'Vm. J. 108 S. Narberth ave. Pbone,680-J- P hl la . a dd re ss . P en n Mut ua l B ld g.

Lanahan,Freder\f!kA. 205 Forrest avo Phone.344·R. Phlla. add., Providen tLite & Tr . Co.

Trotter B ro s. ( FI re , e tc .)209 Woodside ave. Phone, lIU-R.

LAWYERSGilroy, John 211 ElI8ex ave. Phone, 1246.R.Phlla. addrell8, Lincoln BidS.

8 t lt e ., F l et ch e r W. 418 Hav er fo rd a ve .Phone. 872-W Phlla. addre.. . Croser Bla..

MEATS , ETO.Cot ter , Howard F. Phone, 1298.See dlaplay advsrtlasment In thla tuu",

Hertder , John B . N ar be rt h.See dllplay advertisement In thls Ilsue.



.. " ill be u ..

"' . . ~ "".:

1! "·z

... 0: ~ .. c u.!l " .ct c ... " i:r.1

'" ". t) >< .!l.c ~ .. 21 : c ~ .!l ...r.1 8< ~ r "' : " "" ~ ' ; a :a.5 " c '3e8 .. u ...... z8>Eo< b ml!l " u £I.- "

" m t:=iii m Eo-

r.1 Labor Labor Yards L ab or M at er ia l L ab or Labor Matcrlal

$108 $116 16 $144 1137 60 434 $641 $63 19 $3441 $63 48 $610 97

80 11078 1 04 126 6-1 385 768 1600 7047 471 91

2600 10051 10645 30·1 12 38 100 80 2033 13656 60203


19930an. $10000

Feb. 100 00

March 10000

(Oontinued from Page 2.)cllior tried to div,'rt him hy readill:'

the basehall score to him. lI e »poke of

~ I r . Emmett's s u n n ~ - temperament. and

how, when th" pr ill"ipal was ,listres:i"d

hy some }ll'ohlc'm of di:i"ipli I l l ' , ~ [ l ' . Emmett woulll q uo t" h is favorite lines

from LOllh.-J'ellow's poem:

A t t he l as t m ee ti ng of the Woa1('n's

COllllllunity Cluh, Tuesday, April 2Hlh,

thc annual election of of fice rs too l,

plllce. The following ofl1ecrs were

elected fo r th e ensuing year:

President, MTS. C. P . Fowler ; Vice

Presicl'ent, Mrs. 'C. W. Young; COI'l'(

sponding Secretary, ~ I r s . E. Hat,chelor;

Reeord'ing Secretary, Mrs. N. Anl1l'rson;

Treasurer, Mrs. ,J. Banis.

woulll autlllllatil'nlly produce Ihe proper

sp ir i t o f Americanization.

S ix y ou ng girls, ]l1'O<1ucls of tho

splendid institulion that ~ I i s s :\IeGnirer l ' p r e l > c . n t ~ , accompanied her nt ll l p re

sClltell in a most capahle, llllllllH'r Alfl'cll

Noyce's poelll entitleu, " 'fhe A \ " e n l l ~of the A l l i e ~ , " " I Am ni l American,"

and "The H e c e s ~ i o n l l l , " hy Hu<1ynru




"B e still, ';:Hl heart, and " " a ~ e l'l'pillilll!;Bellinc1 the douds i thl' ~ u "I ill slJill


Thy fat l' i s t hc common fate of all,

I nt o ead l life , ~ o m e rain mus t f al l ,

SOllle days must he dark allf1 , l r e a r ~ ' "

To us of an ol<1el' i{eneratioll, it is in

l'xpressihly sall 10 witnes s the end of a

splendicl young l i fe , so f ul l o f pl 'omi s,


The Narberth Tailoring Co.Will g ive Good Reduc tions onMade-to-Order Ladies' and Gentlemen's Suits, also reduced priceson Repai ring and Clean ing andDyeing of your clothes. WorkA 1. Don't lose t ime in callingup Narberth 305.

Z34 Woodbine Ave. NARBERm, PA.R. 'D. LOUIS, Prop .


Th/3 spaCl! cantrll/w"d "y

Al l together now-a longheave, a strong heave-aheave that'll putthe Loan far pastthe mark that UncleSam has set .

, Victory Liberty Loan Committee

Get under it now. With every penny youcan rake and scrape, pu t i t across!

The \Vomen '6 COllllllunity Club just·

Iy eons ide rs i t se lf i nueed fortunate to

have again secured the services of this

talented speaker. To those who recent

ly l is t ened to lIfiss Campbell's paper,

., Theil an d Xow," abound i llg w i th wit

and humor, will look fOI'Wlll'l1 to her

present at i on of ,. The Lnllnorality of

Mother Goose ," on Tuesday npx;t, with

no small degree of pleasure.

T. B. Smith • • DruggistARDMORE and NARBERTH






Solllicrs and sa ilo rs o f Xarberth, stop

at the Post Ofl1ee and register your

name, etc. , f or f ut u I'e record and refer ·once.




MAY 13TH, AT 3 P. M.

Thi s w as t he main lopie for discussion

at the last mee ti ng o f the 'Vomen's

Community Club, nllel was vcry a1hly

trpllted h.r ~ I i s s ) h ~ G u i r e , principal of

Ihe ~ I c C a l l 8ehool, of Philadelphia. To

a ll wh o ha d the pridlegc of l i ~ t e n j n gto this interesting ~ ' p e a k e r it was madevpry dear that Americanization w(u' u

h r o l L d l ~ r suhjed and em:hmced fu r more

tlwn thc word normally implies, nallle·

l ~ - , Ihe Ameril 'an izing of the foreigner .TId" phase o f t l H ~ subject s ( ~ e m e d to falioinlo ohseurity as ~ I i s s ~ I c G u i r e made

hI'!' splendi<l plea fo r mothers to make

e\-cry effort no t only 10 main tai l l. hut

to "olltil lue to r a i ~ e the sl anclanls of

thl' American home, lind tlll' training 01'

OUI' b oy s a nd gi rl s i n a manne r t ha t



Dsy snd Night



Phone. Ardmore 967 W





Hauling Trunks, Baggage and Freight

(Oontinued from Page 2.)

Dr. Teitriek s po ke o f all evil whien

seem's to hav e erept into the ~ d l O O l sof late .year,,; IIamely, t he c ig ar et te

habit. Xot Ihat ~ m o k i n g was indulged

in in the sehool rooms 01' building", bu t

r at he r t ha t t he law was be ing evaded

by deale rs in tdhacco, who \\,ere sellingth e wee,l in it s HlriOUS' forms to ~ c h o o lehildrell nil ovcr th e Slale. 1I1any boys

and some girls ar c addicted to the hllJbit,

an d t,he effect is n ot eu i n t he pup il s'

school work.

He also s.lated th at if there were It

lack of d i ~ . , j p l i l l e in the home the teach·er was sure 10 suffer. There a're DU1.I1)

i n ~ l n l l ' c e s of this kind, and it 'Seem'S as

though there nrc InallY parel lts who ar c

ver y c ar el es s a hout a child's deport,·

men 't at . home who wonuer afterward

why a t e acher repor ts t he chiM as be

ing hard to llJunuge and disobedient.

Tho t e a c h e r ' ~ task is obviously the 11I01'0

difficult, as she ha s th'irty or more chilo

dren to handle. \Vhen a child docs not

recei\'e the prop"l' ,training at home, the

burden is thrown on t he t cache r . Some'

one asked the ~ p e a k e r as to the legality

of corporal punishment. In r ep ly t h6

ac t permitting the> usc of th e r od b y ateacher was quoted. Evidently the

State giYes a teacher jus.t as much

authority to punish a child as it does

a parent. ~ 1 a n y of the yonn.gsters

plainly show that they need something

more than kind words to keep thcm in

line, and it 'I> well thnt the I 'aw recog·

nizes this fact.

On tho subjec.t of physi'cal truining

the Deput;r Superintendent cal led at ·

t ent ion to the large nllluher of young

n1('n re.iected hy the Army examiners

fo r physical reasons. He thought that

physical training was quito as impor

tant as menta l, and urged that the lo

cal school belld every etrort in the di

rection of impro\".ing thebodics as well

as the minds of it s charges. lI o praised

our gymnasiulH, hu t suggestedeert::vin

additions i n t he way of appa ratus. He

also reeollllllen,led addit ional equipment

f or t he l abor at or y.

On t he subj ec t of manual t rain ing ,

he is ve ry empha ti c in s t at in g t ha t a

department o f t hi s k in d s ho ul d b e at ·

tacllcd to e\-ery school i n th e State.

According to the Doctor ' s idea, Nar

berth has aIL excellent school ill all de·

par tmen ts . The re isn' t a great deal

that he suggests ill th e way of impro\-

i ng i t , excep ting such as ou tl i ned he re in

abo\"e. He finds that we have an ex·

traordinarily fine corps of teachers, t h a ~t ho Boa rd of D ir ec to rs i s g iv in g t h"

s ch oo l a \"NY eareful UJIlI thorough

business administration. To my mind,

what Man,Is out 1I10st promi lwntly in

his addregs is h i recolHmcndation with

regard to longer school hours or more

home study for the students. Noxt to

that, it ,seems to me, i s t he Dictor's 'rec

ognition of t he f ae t that our school fa

cilities ar c muc ll t oo s lI la ll for this

grow ing town, an d t he u rg en t need

of a new school building.One point I failed to mention above,

and t h at was Dr. Teiltrick's exhortation

that tho playground adjoining the

school, which i s n ot th e p roperty o f the

Borough, be acquired at the earliest

pOSSIble momeIlJt. A school no\\'aclays

without a good-sized p l a y g r o u ~ d , at ·

tached to it i s y ea rs b eh ind th e times.

The prope r ty must be acquired now if

ever. I t c an be pur chnsed at a vcry

slight ac1vancc 'o\"er Ithe pr ice pa il l for

it by Mr. Shand years ago. I t woulc1

bc t he n ex t thing to 'criminal 'neglect to

lose tho chance. I f the school doesn't

b uy t he propel'!)-. it will probwhly bc

used fo r resic1ential pur po se s i n tllC

courso of a year or two.

JOHN MARMORAHauling and Moving


Rate. Reaaonable ARDMORE, PA.

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