our town june 14, 1919

FIRESIDE I T E M ~ WANTED FOR OUR TOWN SUPPORT THE Narberth Base Ball Club VOLUME V, NUMBER 36 NAR BE RT H, PA., S AT UR DA Y, J UN E 1 4, 1 91 9 PRICE TWO CENTS FLOWER SHOW AWARDS WEEK BEGINNING JUNE 15 Foll ow t he Cr owd A. E. o 0 2 0 o 0 I 0 1 0 i 0 1 0 4 0 1 0 O. A. E. " I 0 1 0 0 i 2 0 200 100 2 0 0 120 S .0 2 ,) 0 Place. Y. 1\1. C. A. 1\1. E. Church. Sehool Auditorium. Y. "I. C. A. LANSDOWXE. B. H. :\Iurray, 0 II White, lb . ] Ogden, 3b I .• Sharpe, If. II I :\Iudie, cf , I) 0 Speith, rf 1 ] Andrews, ss n G i lm or e, c () 1 C h am be r s, p I) 0 NARBERTH. H. II. O. S t it e s, c f I) I 1 S i mp s on , 3b n (J 1 Gibson, rf . 0 II 0 WaJlaee, I h. () 0 16 F le ck , I f 1 1 () Davis, 2b n 0 2 Porte, c. 0 0 4 Dickie, ss. 0 0 2 Durhin, p. nIl Totals :l i Zi 9 0 Totals 1 ,I 27 Ii 0 I.Jansdowne " 0 0 0 0100 0 - 3 ....... 0 ] 0 00000 0-1 (Continued on Page 4.) Purpose. J'.lne Fete. Bal·(·alauJ'eate. Entertainment. l'OIllnlenCel1lell t. :\Ionthly 1\Ieeting. vs . .i50 .750 .i50 .500 .250 .000 2 3 4 1 1 1 THIS AF.TERNOON AT 3.15 DOBSON BASEBALL NARBERTH Organization. WOlllen's Auxiliary . Narberth I1igh S c h oo l Children's Church. Time. ate. Autocar ,. 3 .J. & J. Dobson 3 Lansdowne U. A ,. 3 Drexel Hill 2 Narberth 1 Dun & Co 0 Commencement Week Programme Auto('ar, 4; Dun & Co., 3 (11 innings). .1. &.1. D o bs o n, 5; D r ex e l Hill, 2. Lansdowne, 3; Narhrrth, 1. LANSDOWNE DEFEATS NARBERTH IN CLOSE GAME Calendar of Coming Events 'tSUNDAY, 8 P. M. BACCALAUREATE EXERCISES. Union Services in Narberth Presbyterian Church. Sennon by R ev . A ve ry S . D e mm y. ' :' MO ND AY, 8. 40 A. M. AWARDING OF ATHLETIC HONORS. MONDAY, 8.15 P. M. JUNIOR-SOPHOMORE RECEPTION TO TH E SENIOR CLASS. TUESDAY, 1.30 P. M. CLASS DA Y EXERCISES. TUESDAY, 8.00 P. M. A L U MN I N I GH T . WEDNESDAY, 8.40 A.M. SENIOR C H A P EL E X ER C I S ES . *THURSDAY, 8.00 P. M. C O M M EN C E M E NT EXERCISES. FRIDAY, 8.00 P. M. SENIOR RECEPTION. ' ~ M e e t i l l g s ar e open t o t he g en er al public without cards of admission. Saturday'S Resultll. ERRORLESS AND INTERESTING EXmBITION-NARBERTH UNABLE TO HI T PITCHER-DOBSON TO-DAY. BI G GAME EXPECTED. S ta nd in g o f t he Clubs. Won. Lost. P. C. Brfore a large crowd at t il l' s ch oo l grounds last Saturday, t h e L an s do wn o Union A . A . d r -f r 'a te d the NnrlWl'th Cluh in th e fourth game of the season by the score of 3 to 1. B u be C h am be rs p i tc h ed an excellent game an d allowed a b ou t t hr e e h it s. The .J. & J. Dobson t ea m w il l play here to-i!ay. This t e am d ef e at e d Nar hcrth two weeks ago, a n d o ur boys will enl1ra\'or to even things up to-day. T he s c or e: . ]une 14, June 15, 8 P. 1\£. ,Tun e 16, 8 P.1\I. .lune 19, 8 P. M. .July i, 8 P .:I£. Y. 1\1. C. A. Directors. Y ou w il l enjoy the music and danc· ing- on the lawn at the Garden Party on .T une 21. B rin g the children to the Garden Party on June 21 at th e home of l\Irs. William 1-1. Pugh, Jr., Crossroads, ~ I e r i o n . "Iiss :\farian H aw s a nd :lIiss ~ I a r i a n Graham attrneled t he J un e hall at the U. S. Nayal Aeaelemy at Annapolis, l\Iel. The resielence at the sOlltheast corner of Dudl ey au d W i l l e l ~ o r aHnup has I w rn p u r ch a s ed f r om :IIfr. D. Urss by ::\Irs. Oakie S. Cook. \\'ho w ill O('('upy thp placr ahont August ]5th. 1\11. and l II rs . H . 1\1. Hetrick, 327 Can · way ayenue, entertained Mr. H. Remus f n m i l ~ ' , of Philadelphia, during week end. :lriss :'II ildred Clarke, of N o. 1 09 Iona avenue, is spending hoI' vacation in P i t t sb u r gh, Pa. Delicious hOllle-maue cakes an d candy for snlo at t he S uf fr ag e G ar d en Party Saturuay afternoon, .June 21. Beside the interesting trial of Smythe vs. Smith, there will b e s e \' o ra l voclll as well a s i n s tr u m en t a l selections. S m al l p r ic l' for sueh a larg -e elltprtaiu 1I1l'lIt hy th r Children's Church Mon <lay, .1uno 16th. Will the pprslJlI takillg t he c nt glass pitcher f ro m t hl ' Y. : I ~ . C. A. kitehrn please ret url l'? \Vill th r I'rr-8on who fOllllel an apron hrlonging to the Re el Cross. lost Mou· d ay m or ni ng between ]'orest Apart ments and station, return same to 106 Forest a\'Cnue, Apartment F ' Villanoya College commencement ex rreises will be hrld at 10 A, M. on . l un e 1 6. Three p r o mi s ing yOUIIg- ('I) adors will luake thrir fir,! puhlic apprarancl' at t h l ~ Childrrn's Church entertainment. Wo hope it will not hI' thpir last. .Jullo ](ith, Methodist C hu rc h. Co me an d enjoy a IOllg, hard laugh. O ur n ew r e si d en t s s h ou ld back us up -join our Y. l\f. C. A. THE FIRESIDE 'rhe Nal'herth Amateurs will play at I to me on Saturday, June 1. The rxpJ"(·ise'.s at S t. C ha rl es ' Semi lIa r y, O \ 'l ' rh r oo k , w i ll be held at 10 A. M. on June 10. Children's Day at the P r e sh y te r i nn Chureh last Sunday was n most elrlig-ht ful occa sion. It was tho" Li ttle Folks' ] ) a ~ ' , " and thry :J11 did their parts in a most plrasillg :ll1el happy manner. Thc commellepnll'ut at tltr Conyrllt :lila tel' l \ Ii s ce r ie o rd i a, Merion, w i ll be hel d on .1 ul I l' 12 at 4 P. :lL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS FOR SALE-Door an d sash s c r ee n s . 2 05 Forest AYe. (36c) Two c e nt s p er word each ln8ertton. ca.t.. In advance. No advertisement aCcepted Un· less cash a c c om p a n ie s c o py . Clas-s :J3, pyrcthrum-Won hy l\lrs. P. W. Stites. Wild flower class fo r children between th-e an d ten y e a r s- \ V oI L b y R o he r t Har ris; s e c on d , M c' D er Jl lo n t wi ns ; t hi rd , .Iran Staples. Wil<1 flower class fo r childre·n between ten and fifteen years-Won by Charlotte Hillegas; second, W i ll i a m S t a nl e y . Suffrage class-Won by :Miss M .. J. Sim pson; seco11(1, Mrs. F. W. Stites; 'third, :'IUss Emil y D u e bl e r. Class I-Best indiyiuual white or cream rose. Class 2-Best indi\'idual pink rose. Class 3-Best indi v i du a l red rose. Class 4-Best individual rose n ot i n· cluded in 'Classes 1, 2 an d 3. Class 5-Best collection of white or cream roses (any number). Class 6-Best collection of pink roses (any number). Class i ~ B e s t collection of yellow rosrs (any number). Class 8-Best c ol le ct io n of r ed roses ( a ny n um be r ). (Continued on Page 3.) FOR SALE-Mason jars, al,o set of carprnter's t ool s. Call Mrs. Emmett, Xarherth 306-J. (36c) WANTED-Woman to help "'ith house work three llOurs ,i n morning, four ( la ys a , vee l{ : N o cooking. Reference. W ri te t o B ox i 29 , Narberth. (36p) The Committees. ::\Irs. James G. Foote, G e ne r al C h ai r · m an . T el e ph o ne , Narberth 314-::\I. P u b l i c i t y - ~ I r . James C. 1\IcKell, Mr. Walter E. Fo x, Mr. Harry A. Jacobs, 1\fr. Robert J. Edgar. Judges-Mr. A. J. Laos, Mr. R. J. Edgar. Finance-Mr. J. J. Cabrey, 1\fr. C. H. A. Chain, Mr. R. J. Edgar. Arrangement of Exhibits-Mrs. F. W. Stites, Mrs. E. A. Muschamp, Mrs. J. A. Donnelly. Decorations-Miss Mazie Simpson, :'I[rs. E. A. ~ f u s c h a m p , Mrs. J. G. Ather holt, Mrs. H. Rook. R ib bo ns a nd Prizes-Mr. S. S. Ru d o lp h , 2 n d. Aides-Mrs. C. P. Fowler, Mr. R. J. Ragar. B oo th a nd Tables-Mr. H. R. Hille· g as , M r. J. G. Foote, 1\fr. III. Collins, Mr. .1. H. Nash, 1\fr. Henry Rose, Mr. W. P. Xash. Potted Plants-:lIiss Fannie Laos. Punch Bowl-Mrs. J. H. Nash. Seeds-l\Irs. A. B. Ross. Refreshments-Mrs. Edward Odell. Candies-Mrs. Charles W. Young. Ice Cream Cones-Mrs. C. P. Fowler. Dipper] Apples-Girl Scouts, ::\Iiss Kirkpatrick. Class of Exhibits. FOR RENT-Furnished rooms. 20;) Forrst AYe. (36c) WE GUARANTEE yOIl w i ll f e el hetter after yOIl giYe that SUppOl·t to ollr l oc al Y. 1\L C. A. it needs. FOR SALE-1Iahogany dining room furniture; t a bl e , c h a ir s , huffot, china closet an d s e r vi n g tabl o. No. 1 C he st nu t Ase., Narberth. . (36-p) Flowers w h o ~ c n:lIl1eS sUl-(gested olel f a s hi o nc d g a r de n s turned the Narherth Y. M. C. A. into a hower Saturday at th e Spring' Flower Show. Among t ll Os e who led in the prize winning were :III'S. Fletcher W. Stites, Miss :l\Iiriam Eo W ar d a nd l \I rs. W. H. Benjamin. Rohert Harris go t a s p ec ia l p ri ze for th e hest arrangement of wild flowers by a c hi li ! between five a nd t en ~ ' e a r s old, an d a first prize went to Charlotte Hil l eg as f or a s i mi l ar a r ra n ge m en t hy a child he t we en ten and fifteen ~ ' e a r s old. Awards were: Class I, white OJ' (']'eUlIl rose-'Woll by "frs. W. n. Brnjamin; s e c on d , : i\ Ir s. A. C. Staplrs. Class 2, pink rose-Won, hy : lr rs . W . H. Brnjamin; sC(' owl, .Toseph H. ~ a s h ; third, :lIiss l\I:tizie .1. Simpson. Class :1, red rose-Woll hy l\Irs. F. A. Clark; srcond, :i\riss :lIiriam Eo \Vanl; third, :lIrs. ':\1 •• 1. .Jonrs. Class 4. miscellaneous rose type$ not included in Class I, 2 or a-Won hy :i\Iiss Miriam K Ward; s e co n d, M r s. Fletcl]('r ·W. Stites; third, Mrs .• Iohn Gilroy. C la ss 5, c o ll e ct i on of white or eream rose8-\"'on hy .1. F. Donnelly; second, W. H. Yowell; third, Mrs. C. W. Young. Class 6, collrction of pink roses--Won by Miss Miriam E. Ward; second, C. E. Kreall1rr; third, .T. F. Donnelly. Class i, hest eollrction of yell ow roses -Won by Miss :'IIiri:un E. \"ard; sec ond, l \I rs . Willimn .1. .10nes. C la ss 8, collection of rei! roses-\Voll by : M i s ~ :lf irillJll E. Ward; second, .1. J<:. Donll'elly. Class 9, collection of climbing 1'Oses Won A. Rudolph; second, Mrs. W. H. Benjamin. Class 10, collection of climbing r o s e ~ , mixed v u ri 0 ti e s und c o lo r s- \ Vo l1 hy Mrs. Alexander Easton. Class 12, collection of single roses, mixed varie,(irs an d colors-Won hy Miss :\Iiriam E. Ward. C la ss 1 3, mixed roses-Won by ~ I r , . F. A. 'Clark; second, Mrs. Alexander Eastol1; third, .J. F. Donnelly. Class 14, white p e o ni e s -W o l l h y Jo seph H. Nash. 'Cl ass 1 7, mixed peonies-Won by lIlrs. A. C. Shand; second, Mrs. C. Young; thinl, Mrs. Wilmrr G. Crowell. Clas, IS, lig-ht hlue larkspur-WOll hy Mrs . . T oh n Gilr oy. Cla,s 19, dark hlue larkspur-Won by :lIfrs. Flrtcher W. Stites. Class 20. c o m bi n at i o n of larb,pur with othrr flowers-Won by Mrs. F. ,V. Stites; seeom], :Mrs . Lester .Teffries. Class 2], canterbury hells-Won hy M rs . R oy E . C la rk . Class 2:1, sweet william-Won hy ::\Irs. \Villiam .1. Jones; sec ond, :Mrs. E. A. 1\Iuse hmllp; third, .J. II. Nash. Class 24, foxglove-Won hy Mrs. R. T. Dothare]. Class 25, by 1\Liss Emily Duehler; second, Mrs. C. O . M o or e. Class 2 i, s we et peas-Won hy :Miss M a r ia n A r tm a n. . Class 28, corn flower-\Von by :I[rs. E. A. " I us - ch a mp ; s e co n d, Mrs. F. \V. Stitrs. Class 2 9, lilies-Won by .1. F. Donnel l,r. C la ss 30 , attractive arrawgenwn,( of m:l1lY yarieties-\Von hy 1\Iiss :I[arian Artman; s ec on d, M rs . R. .1. Dothan]; tlIird, Samurl T. Atherholt. Cla,;s aI, pansies-Won by Mrs. F. \V, Stitrs; second, M is s M a iz i e .T. Simp son. C l a ss 3 2, Scotch punks-\Von by S. A.· R U do l ph ; s e co n d, Mrs. C. B. Suher; third, :III'S . A. C. Staples. THINK IT OUT-THEN WE WILL NOT LACK YOUR EARNEST SUPPORT TO O U R C O MM U NI T Y TO HAVE OUR owN Y. M. C. A.? \WHAT I S I T WORTH 1\11'. and Mrs. Wm. J. Peebles and :I[rs. Clara Lilleawpa\'el', their d a u gh t N , went to New York on T ue s da y l a st to m ce t J ,i eu t. W. L. Perhles. thrir SOli, who arri\,pd on t he c ru is er S t. Louis, which docked at tho United States Dock, South Brooklyl. at 8.45 A. l\f. Wrc1nesday morning, June 4th. Lieut. Peeble3 e xp ec ts to be r el ea se d from Camp Dix within II. fe w days. U se T hi s B la nk in Sending in Announcements of Coming Events. Date .........................................................•... Time , . Organization ....................................................•. Purpose •• ............... ••.•..•.• ................... ............. Place ........ •••••...••.• · •• .... ..... ............ •.•.• ..... •••••• (Oontinued o n P a ge 3.)

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Narberth Base Ball Club




Follow the Crowd

A. E.

o 0

2 0

o 0

I 0

1 0

i 01 0

4 0

1 0

O. A. E.

" I 0


i 2 0



2 0 0


S .02 ,) 0


Y. 1\1. C. A.

1\1. E. Church.

Sehool Auditorium.Y. "I. C. A.


B. H.

:\Iurray, 2b 0 II

White, lb . ]

Ogden, 3b I .•

Sharpe, If. II I

:\Iudie, cf , I) 0

Speith, rf 1 ]

Andrews, ss n ()

Gilmore, c () 1

Chambers, p I) 0


H. II. O.

St ites, c f I) I 1

Simpson, 3b n (J 1

Gibson, rf . 0 II 0

WaJlaee, I h. () 0 16

F le ck , I f 1 1 ()

Davis, 2b n 0 2Porte, c. 0 0 4

Dickie, ss. 0 0 2

Durhin, p. nIl

Totals :l i Zi 9 0

Totals 1 ,I 27 Ii 0

I.Jansdowne " 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 -3

Narberth . . . . . . . 0 ] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1

(Continued on Page 4.)


J'.lne Fete.



l'OIllnlenCel1lellt.:\Ionthly 1\Ieeting.

vs .


















WOlllen's Auxiliary .

Narberth I1igh School

Children's Church.


Autocar ,. 3

.J. & J. Dobson 3

Lansdowne U. A ,. 3

Drexel Hill 2

Narberth 1

Dun & Co 0

Commencement Week Programme

Auto('ar, 4; Dun & Co., 3 (11 innings).

.1. &.1. Dobson, 5; Drexel Hill, 2.

Lansdowne, 3; Narhrrth, 1.


Calendar of Coming Events


Union Services in Narberth Presbyterian Church.

Sennon by Rev . Ave ry S. Demmy.








' ~ M e e t i l l g s ar e open t o t he g en er al public without cards of admission.

Saturday'S Resultll.




S ta nd in g o f t he Clubs.

Won. Lost. P. C.

Brfore a large crowd at t il l' school

grounds last Saturday, t he Lansdowno

Union A. A. dr-fr'ated the NnrlWl'th Cluh

in th e fourth game o f the season by

the score of 3 to 1.

Bube Chambers p i tched an excellent

game and allowed abou t three h it s.

The .J. & J. Dobson t eam w il l play

here to-i!ay. This t eam defeated Nar

hcrth two weeks ago, and our boys will

enl1ra\'or to even things up to-day.

The score:

.]une 14,

June 15, 8 P. 1\£.

,Tune 16, 8 P.1\I.

. lune 19, 8 P. M.

.July i, 8 P .:I£. Y. 1\1. C. A. Directors.

You wil l enjoy the music and danc·

ing- on the lawn at the Garden Party

on .Tune 21.

B rin g the children to the Garden

Party on June 21 at th e home of l\Irs.

William 1-1. Pugh, Jr., Crossroads,

~ I e r i o n .

"Iiss :\farian Haws and :lIiss ~ I a r i a nGraham attrneled t he J un e hall at the

U. S. Nayal Aeaelemy at Annapolis, l\Iel.

The resielence at the sOlltheast corner

of Dudley aud W i l l e l ~ o r aHnup has Iwrnpurchased from :IIfr. I ~ D. Urs s by ::\Irs.

Oakie S. Cook. \\'ho w ill O('('upy thp

placr ahont August ]5th.

1\11. and lIIrs. H. 1\1. Hetrick, 327 Can·

way ayenue, entertained Mr. H. Remus

and f n m i l ~ ' , of Philadelphia, during theweek end.

:lriss :'IIildred Clarke, of No. 109 Iona

avenue, is spending hoI' vacation in

Pittsburgh, Pa.

Delicious hOllle-maue cakes an d candy


at t he Suf frage GardenPartySaturuay afternoon, .June 21.

Beside the interesting trial of

Smythe vs. Smith, there will be se\'oral

voclll as well as instrumental selections.

Smal l pric l' for sueh a larg -e elltprtaiu

1I1l'lIt hy th r Children's Church Mon

<lay, .1uno 16th.

Will the pprslJlI takillg t he c nt glass

pitcher f rom t hl ' Y. : I ~ . C. A. kitehrn

please returll '?

\Vill th r I'rr-8on who fOllllel an apron

hrlonging to the Reel Cross. lost Mou·

d ay mor ni ng between ]'orest Apart

ments and s tat ion , return same to 106

Forest a\'Cnue, Apartment F '

Villanoya College commencement ex

rreises will b e hrld at 10 A, M. on

.lune 16.

Three promising yOUIIg- ('I) adors will

luake thrir fir,! puhlic apprarancl' at t h l ~Childrrn's Church entertainment. Wo

hope it will not hI' thpir last. .Jullo ](ith,

Methodist Chu rc h. Come and enjoy aIOllg, hard laugh.

Our new residen t s should back us up

- join our Y. l\f. C. A.


'rhe Nal'herth Amateurs will play at

Itome on Saturday, June 21.

The rxpJ"(·ise'.s at S t. Cha rl es ' Semi

lIa ry, O\ 'l ' rhrook, wi ll be hel d at 10 A.

M. on Jun e 10.

Children's Day at the Preshyterinn

Chureh last Sunday was n most elrlig-ht

ful occasion. It was t ho" Li ttle Folks'

] ) a ~ ' , " and thry :J11 did their parts in a

most plrasillg :ll1el happy manner.

Thc commellepnll'ut at tltr Conyrllt

:lila tel' l \ Iiscerieordia, Merion, will be

held on .1ulIl' 12 at 4 P. :lL


FOR SALE-Door and sash screens. 205

Forest AYe. (36c)

Two c e nt s p er word each ln8ertton. ca.t..

In advance. No advertisement aCcepted Un·less cash accompanies copy.

Clas-s :J3, pyrcthrum-Won hy l\lrs. P.

W. Stites.

Wild flower class fo r children betweenth-e an d ten years-\VoIL by Rohert Har

ris; second, Mc'DerJllon twi ns ; t hi rd ,

. Iran Staples.

Wil<1 flower class fo r childre·n between

ten and fifteen years-Won by Charlotte

Hillegas; second, William Stanley.

Suffrage class-Won by :Miss M..J.

Sim pson; seco11(1, Mrs. F. W. Stites;

'third, :'IUss Emily Duebler.

Class I-Best indiyiuual white or

cream rose.

Class 2-Best indi\'idual pink rose.

Class 3-Best individual red rose.

Class 4-Best individual rose n ot i n·

cluded in 'Classes 1, 2 an d 3.

Class 5-Best collection of white or

cream roses (any number).

Class 6-Best collection o f p in k roses

(any number).

Class i ~ B e s t collection of yellow

rosrs (any number).

Class 8-Best col lect ion of red roses

(any number).

(Continued on Page 3.)

FOR SALE-Mason jars, al,o set of

carprnter's t ool s. C al l Mrs . Emmett,

Xarherth 306-J. (36c)

WANTED-Woman t o h el p "' ith house

work three llOurs ,i n morning, four

( la ys a , vee l{ : No cooking. Reference.

Wri te t o Box i 29 , Narberth. (36p)

The Committees.

::\Irs. James G. Foote, General Chair ·

man. Telephone, Narberth 314-::\I.

P u b l i c i t y - ~ I r . James C. 1\IcKell, Mr.

Walter E. Fo x, Mr. Harry A. Jacobs,

1\fr. Robert J. Edgar.

Judges-Mr. A. J. Laos, Mr. R. J.


Finance-Mr. J. J. Cabrey, 1\fr. C. H.

A. Chain, Mr. R. J. Edgar.

Arrangement of Exhibits-Mrs. F. W.Stites, Mrs. E. A. Muschamp, Mrs. J. A.


Decorations-Miss Mazie Simpson,

:'I[rs. E. A. ~ f u s c h a m p , Mrs. J. G. Ather

holt, Mrs. H. Rook.

Ribbons a nd Prizes-Mr. S. S. Ru

dolph, 2nd.

Aides-Mrs. C. P. Fowler, Mr. R. J.


Boo th and Tables-Mr. H. R. Hille·

gas , Mr. J. G. Foote, 1\fr. III. Collins, Mr.

.1. H. Nash, 1\fr. Henry Rose, Mr. W. P.


Potted Plants-:lI iss Fannie Laos.

Punch Bowl-Mrs. J. H. Nash.

Seeds-l\Irs. A. B. Ross.

Refreshments-Mrs. Edward Odell.

Candies-Mrs. Charles W. Young.

Ice Cream Cones-Mrs. C. P. Fowler.

Dipper] Apples-Girl Scouts, ::\Iiss

Mabel Kirkpatrick.

Class of Exhibits.

FOR RENT-Furnished rooms. 20;)

Forrst AYe. (36c)

WE GUARANTEE yOIl will feel hetter

after yOIl giYe that SUppOl·t to ollr

l ocal Y. 1\L C. A. it needs.

FOR SALE-1Iahogany dining room

furniture; table , chairs, huffot, china

closet and serving tablo. No . 1 Che st nu t Ase., Narberth. . (36-p)

Flowers w h o ~ c n:lIl1eS sUl-(gested olel

fashioncd gardens turned the Narherth

Y. M. C. A. into a hower Saturday atth e Spring' Flower Show.

Among t llOse who led in the prize

winning were :III'S. Fletcher W. Stites,

Miss :l\Iiriam Eo Ward a nd l \I rs. W. H.


Rohert Harris go t a spec ia l p ri ze forth e hest arrangement of wild flowers by

a chi li ! between five a nd t en ~ ' e a r s old,and a first prize went to Charlotte Hil

l eg as for a s imi lar arrangemen t hy a

child he tween t en and fifteen ~ ' e a r s old.Awards were:

Class I , wh ite OJ' (']'eUlIl rose-'Woll by

"frs. W. n. Brnjamin; second, :i\Irs. A.C. Staplrs.

Class 2, pink rose-Won, hy : lr rs. W.

H. Brnjamin; sC('owl, .Toseph H. ~ a s h ;third, :lIiss l\I:tizie .1. Simpson.

Class :1, red rose-Woll hy l\Irs. F. A.

Clark; srcond, :i\riss :lIiriam Eo \Vanl;

third, :lIrs. ':\1•• 1. .Jonrs.

Class 4. miscellaneous rose type$ notincluded in Class I, 2 or a-Won hy :i\Iiss

Miriam K Ward; second, Mrs. Fletcl]('r

·W. Stites; third, Mrs .• Iohn Gilroy.

C la ss 5, collect ion of white or eream

rose8-\"'on hy .1. F. Donnelly; second,

W. H. Yowell; third, Mrs. C. W. Young.

Class 6, collrction of pink roses--Won

by Miss Miriam E. Ward; second, C. E.

Kreall1rr; third, .T. F. Donnelly.Class i, hest eollrction of yellow roses

-Won b y M is s :'IIiri:un E. \"ard; sec

ond, l \Irs. Willimn .1. .10nes.

C la ss 8, collection of rei! roses-\Voll

by : M i s ~ :lfirillJll E. Ward; second, .1. J<:.


Class 9, collection of climbing 1'Oses

Won hy Sehas tian A. Rudolph; second,

Mrs. W. H. Benjamin.

Class 10, collection of climbing r o s e ~ ,mixed vuri0 ti e s und co lors- \Vol1 hy

Mrs. Alexander Easton.

Class 12, collection of single roses,

mixed varie,(irs and colors-Won hy

Miss :\Iiriam E. Ward.

Cla ss 13, mixed roses-Won by ~ I r , .F. A. 'Clark; second, Mrs. Alexander

Eastol1; third, .J. F. Donnelly.

Class 14, white peonies -Wol l hy Jo

seph H. Nash.

'Class 17, mixed peonies-Won by lIlrs.

A. C. Shand; second, Mrs. C. Young;

thinl, Mrs. Wilmrr G. Crowell.

Clas, IS, lig-ht hlue larkspur-WOll

h y M rs. .Tohn Gilroy.

Cla,s 19, dark hlue larkspur-Won by

:lIfrs. Flrtcher W. Stites.

Class 20. combinat ion of larb,pur with

othrr flowers-Won by Mrs. F. ,V.Stites; seeom], :Mrs. Lester .Teffries.

Class 2], canterbury hells-Won hy

Mrs . Roy E . C la rk .

Class 2:1, sweet william-Won hy

::\Irs. \Villiam .1. Jones; second, :Mrs. E.A. 1\Iusehmllp; third, .J. II . Nash.

Class 24, foxglove-Won hy Mrs. R.

.T. Dothare].Class 25, iris-WDn by 1\Liss Emily

Duehler; second, Mrs. C. O. Moore.

Class 2 i, sweet peas-Won hy :Miss

Marian Artman. .

Class 28, corn flower-\Von by :I[rs.

E. A. "Ius-champ; second, Mrs. F. \V.


Class 29, lilies-Won by .1. F. Donnel


Cla ss 30 , attractive arrawgenwn,( of

m:l1lY yarieties-\Von hy 1\Iiss :I[arian

Artman; s ec on d, M rs . R. .1. Dothan];

tlIird, Samurl T. Atherholt.

Cla,;s aI, pansies-Won by Mrs. F.

\V, Stitrs; second, Miss Maizie .T. Simpson.

Class 32, Scotch punks-\Von by S . A .·

RUdolph; second, Mrs. C. B. Suher;third, :III'S. A. C. Staples.




Y. M. C. A.?


1\11'. and Mrs. Wm. J. Peebles and

:I[rs. Clara Lilleawpa\'el', their daughtN,

went to New York on Tuesday last to

mce t J ,i eu t. W. L. Perhles. thrir SOli,

who arri\,pd on t he c ru is er S t. Louis,

which docked at tho United States

Dock, South Brooklyl. at 8.45 A . l\f.

Wrc1nesday morning, June 4th. Lieut.

Peeble3 e xpec ts t o b e r el ea se d from

Camp Dix within II. few days.

U se T hi s B la nk i n Sending in Announcements of Coming Events.

Date .................•........................................•...

Time , .

Organization ....................•................................•.

Purpose • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • . • . . • . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . •

Place . . . . . . . . • • • • • . . . • • . • · • • . . . . • . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . • . • . • . . . . . • • • • • •

(Oontinued on Page 3.)

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The Brightest Spot in Narberth

A Drug Store in theMost Modern Sense of t he Term

LEE 'S GA'RAGE Essex Ave. abo HaverfordAvenue Narber th



L . C . S H A H A N


Ot course. wedeliver - anJp lace - anJ





Visit our store in th e





Prime Beef, Spring Lamb,Country Dressed Veal andPork, Sugar Cured Hams


You will find our prices right

Groceries and Provisions

Cotter's Market

N. E. Cor. of Arcade Bldg.



Bread, Rolls, Cakes aDd Pies

If You Want Good Baked Goods



PnperUe8 For Bent and S....

Fire In80ranee

Ben Phone Ie w.,,-,n BoDdlng. Narbertll, Pa.

In the following up-to·date homes:

5 Woods ide Avenue

14 Avon Roa.d16 Avon Road



NARBERTH GARAGERaymond Weis., Proprietor


T.lephone Narberth 1633

CALDWELL&CO.R e a l E s t a t eI n s u r a n c e

s O ~ r t ~ e d ~ t a U o n NARBERTH, PAl

GARAnteed Roofs



Pas teur i zed Milk I DELIVERIES

B r y n C l o ~ ~ l k c e r U l i e d WEST PHILA.

(Pedr laUc Society) OVERBROOK

Spec ia l "Guernsey" MERION


(Rober ts ·a:Sharpless · BALA.CYNWY

Dair ies) NARBERTH

Cream Bullermllk ARDMORE

Tab le an d Whipping WYNNEWOODCream.

SCOTT - P O W E ~ L DAIRIES45th and Parrish Sts.



G. A. BURN . a r d

P r op .

Weekly Bulletin

Main Line Employment BureauRoom 5. Phone 1163.




Positions Open










Positions Wanted



ER (Colored)


SEWING (Norwegian)







(TO speak French in family fo r




(Daily 9 A. M. to 4 P. M.)







ohject that has b ~ e n prese'nted to me,hut I 11I1\'e t o d ec li ne helping yOUI

(·ause. a lo ng for th e following reasons:

"I haye been held up, held down,

sandbagged, walked on, sa t on, rolled

oycr, f la ttened out and squeezed ; f i rs t

hy t he Uni te d States Government fo r

the Fede ral wa r tnx, the excess-profi ts

t ax , t he Liberty Loan Bonds , and th e

honds o f mat rimony ; i n New J e rs ey for

thc State tax, th e highwny tax, the in

come tax, t he nut o tax, school tax, ca t

tax, and syntax, an d eyery society an d

org-nnization the inyent i \ 'e mind o f inan

('nn in,'ent to extraet " 'hat y ou m ay n ot

possess, from the society of John the

Bapt i st , the G. A. It , the 'Vomcn's Re

lief Corps, the men's relief, th e stomach

r el ie f, t he wi fe le ss , th e h us ba nd le ss ,

t he chi ld le ss , the consciell'celcss, the

Xa"y League, th e Red Cross, the Green

Cross, thc douhle cross, anll every o ther

l ' I " o ~ s of all colors.

"One of my mills hurned down, th e

hen house and boardwa lk h l ew away,

aud, hecause I w il l n ot sell all that I

ha ,'e nIHI go beg , hor row or steal, I

ha \"e been cussed, d i s c u ~ s e d , boycotted,

talkl'd t o n nl l talked nhout, lied to an d

l ied ahout , held up, huug up, robhed and

ne ltrly ru ined , an d th e o nly r ea so n I

am elinging" to life is to s e whnt in

hell is coming- next."

Open 'Dog and Night

Box HH, Nnrherth.

lona Avenue South of Montgomery Pike


Bel l P h o n e

N a r b e r t h 162+

Montgomery Garage

Ouly $5, 000 c as h , vi i! bu)' a

13. room ; ' \a I'he r th house, with

large lot; al l couYl'u ieures. Sell

ing price, $12,000.

House for Sale



A 1l1C'Illher o f COllgl" l 'SS frol11 Xcw Eng·

land unt!ertook to r:J ise a sum of' mouey

fo r th e ~ a h ' a t i o u Army Houll' Sl'rYi"e

ClulIl'aign Fuu,!, aUII in or tIer to colIee!

as mlwh money as I ' 0 s ~ i h l l ' , wrote lettl'rs

of' appeal to his \l"l'althiest eoustitueuts.

From oue of' them he l 'l '(, l' iH'11 the fol

lowiug" ktter . Despite thl' p e ~ s i m i s t i l 't ou e o f t he letter the,writer enclosed a

de('k f'or $:l50.

"I ha"e your letter I ' l" juestiug a lloua'

tion for what you 1'0nsi'!l'I' a "l'r)'

,vorthy eau,;e. 1 flatter myself that 1

I ta ye a spirit of 1 0 ~ ' u l t y 1I1l1! gellerosit.\'.

I ha\"!' l'outrihuteti t o e nl 'h a ud e "e ry

And Despi te Them All, TIlis Ric h Man

Is Curious to See "Wha t Next "?

NARBERTH. PA.-OUR '1'0\\ 1\

deavoring tQ measure up to their task

against many handicaps . These schools

ar c open for instruction approximately

f i ft y hours during the e n t i f ( ~ y ea r, and

u.ttendance is v ol un ta ry . T he p ub li c

schools ar c open about 9i 5 hours pe r

year, with attendance compulsory. The

ratio is twenty to one, witll relig:ious in·

struetion on the sllOrt end. Therefore,

t he Sunday Schools should be aided in

their most important task by some

means of instruct ion that will ad d to the

time spent each year on th e study of


Narberth experimentcd last year with

a Daily Vaca tion Bibl e School, con·

duc te d by the Philadelphia Association

which promoted ·such work i n t hi s dis

trict. Our e xp er im en t w as in lIlany

ways .a success ant ! in' o ther ways un

suc ce ss fu l. ' Ve l ea rn ed many le&'iOns.

During the four weeks in .July our at

tendance many times pass-ed the hun

d re d mar k, hu t t he e xt reme ly l ow at ·

tendance of the closing two wceks in

August brought avernge for tllO whole

six weeks> down t o f if ty boy s a nt ! girls.

The B ib le s to ri es , memory wor k an d

singing were taught in a fairly suc

cessful manner, while the handwork

pe riod was found to he too lengthy and


Exper ie nc e g ai ne d hy t he above cx

periment woul d l ea d u s to think thnt

two .mnin faults could be remedied if' n

school of like nature \I-cre conducted

this coming summer. First, to conduct

n four instead of s ix-weeks' session,

stnrting .July it h nnd ending Angust1 st . S econ d, decrense the time allowed

for hnn'dwork considerably an d in its

place substitute g-nmcs, exercises, dra ·

matics, etc., all be ing express ional of

t he B ih le truths taught in th(' Bttl(ly


The sho rt en ed t erm \Yonld decrease

the budget o f th e sehool from the * ~ : l jof Inst year to not more than *1,,0,

whit'll amount would certainly he n low

cost for the good nccomplished. I f thc

daily sestiion (Monday to Friday) eOlllil

be fixednt three honl 's-f l to 12 0 'eloel,

-t]1('. t o ta l numher of hours lullh',1 to

the tillle uscd by t he S unda y S e h o o l ~would be s ix tY , a 120 per cent. inerease.



Very t ruly yours,







Bpnjamin K it hl , i n his "Sodal Evo·

lution," most d ear l y and 10g"ieally in

,lieates that no progress of thp human

race woull! ha\"( ' h l 'en posHihlp without

a ~ n p e r n a t u r a l s an ct io n f or ~ n c h pro

gress. You wouM no! respond to a c all

of se1'Yice to mee t t he needs o f o th er s

if' no t led to do so hy the Spirit of a

SUIHenlP B l ~ i n g . Without th e inspira

tion a nd hel p of t h i ~ higher power you

would nntural ly look o ut f or y ou rs cl t

f irs t , whieh would ineyitahly make ourprespnt co-operuth'e, inter-dependent

socinl organization utterly impossible.

If th e a bo yc is true, an d we 'Will

surely nil recognize it as a genoml

truth, a rc w e· doyoting ell 'Ough till le to

rel ig ious educat i onT If ou r public

school system is fulfilling it s task of

giving to it s pupils the common thought

material necessa ry to make them intelli

gent citizens, ar c tIll} Christian force8

doing all in their power t o mo ti va te

that common thought mater ia l with

religious principles in order t make

A Reason Why Narberth Should Pro·

vide a Sunmler School of Religion

Fo r It s Boys and Girls.

Women's CommunityClub Notes

The Hosl )i ta li ty Commit tee submits

th e following rl'jlort:

Year opene(1 with luncheon Xo, 'cmher

12th, at the home of ~ I ) ' s . Robert Doth

nrd, \Yynnewood ronll, at which time 55

memhcrs and guests werc ser\"ed. The

,. Get Toget he r" e ye ni ng was held d

short timl' later with li 5 mcmher,; :1I,d

g l \ ( ' ~ t s 1 ) J ' e ~ e n t , where refreshnients were


Then in succes, ;io! l followed the

~ r a n ' h lith dalll'l', which deal'e<1 ahout

*;;0.00. The ROll1ul 'Tahle LUllcheon,

Thursda)' , April 24th, wns ou r hannel'

(' \"e nt . 'One I ll ln ,l re d an<1 thirty-fi"e

Illl'lllhers nnd gues ts \\'erc s en 'e ll . S e, -'

(,I'al eard parti ( 's werc hcld later, ~ [ r s .E,!gal' Taylor, ~ [ I ' s . Hnrry Jnc ob s a nd

:\Irs. Hornee Ohdyl{e actillg as host

( l S ~ ( l S .Th(' out"loor lunelH'on held at the

hOIll(, of :\[1'';. Dot ha n\ . w it h t he n('w

IIll'IlI],(,I'S ading a,; thl' re l'ept ion COIll

IlIitt! '(', ],roug'ht thl' -,"I'al' to a (·jO'L'.

and the spkl l ll i ll "o-opel'ation of the

1l1l'IIlIH'rs ilia ,I<' tltl' ~ - l ' a r a lIlost stu'cess

ful o lle.The aeth ' e Illl'llllJel'S of the reception

(,olllnlitt"I' "'l'!'l': The EXI'euti\"(' Boanl,

:\Irs. Ho],el't Dotltanl, :\11'';.• J. W. ,Io.nc,

:\Irs. Ed)!al' 'Ta.,-Ior, :\Irs..1('sse Han'is,

:\[rs. William Hell,h'r,;on, Illul ~ I r s . Hor

aCl' O h t ! ~ - k ( ' .Slw('ial lIll'ntion must he mad c o f t he

grea t assista ne(' gi \"en by Mr s. C ar l

~ r c t z g a r t o w a r ( l ~ lilaldng th e daul'e a

grea t S U l · c e ~ s . The :\Iisses ;'\ellie Smith,

Doris Batchelor, . lane Lnir<1, Augusta

\Yitherow anI! : \Iargan ' t Fowler should

also ]Jl' given specinl mention f or g re at


Write to .John H. Rex, County Treas

urer, ; ' \orristown, Pn., giving you ad·

dress nnd ask fo r county tax bil l scnd ·

in g 3-cent staJ!lp for return postngc. Or

~ e n d check fo r 2 mills per dollar on

assessment, including :;-cent stamp for


After S ep temher 15t h b il ls w il l not

he sent, hut will he gh-en to delinquent

ta x col lector fo r col lect ion with 5%

penalty added.

Pay you r c ount y t ax es e ar ly .

To the Editor of Our Town:

The W'ar Welfare Council expresses

it s appreciation to the Narberth Civic

Association fo r the s ha re o f th e profitl!l

realized froll1 the Xarher th Pat r io t ic

Fete held last fall, amounting to $9i5.00,

being 75 per cent. of s-llid profits. This

amount has b ee n turned ove·r to the

War Chest Fund.


CHAS. V. ;'\OEL,

Treasurer Narherth Dist r ic t .

s ix w ee ks c over ed by th e previous re











Fire, 350

Police, 1250

OUR TOWN will g lad ly print

any news i t em abou t any subject

that is of i nt er es t t o N ar be rt h

folks, bu t in order to m ee t t he

printing schedule, al l "copy"

-manuscripts-must reach the

editor by 6 P. M. Wednesday each



To the Edi tor o f Our Town:

Following is th e r ep or t of the :'fain

L ine Employment Bureau from April

28th to l \ r ' l l ~ ' 26th, inclusiyc:

Calls from employers' . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200

Calls from employees (Male, 5 sen'·

i ce men) . . . • • . . . . . • • . . . . . . . . . . 25

Calls from employees (Femllle) . . . . :12

Employees s en t f or interviews.. . . 11

Placements (48 for tempornry work) 67

It should be noted that t hi s r epor t

covers b ut f ou r weeks instead of th e

GOOD CITIZENS of ou r democrncy1

No ref lect ions should be cast on th e

SundRy Schools. Th ey a rc nobly en-



April 24, 1919.


Reports from the Tn'asury Depart'

ment ~ h o w tha I thl' Bo)' Scouts of

America solt! *:1\10.0011,000 worth of' Lih

erty Bon']s and *.;0,000,000 wortlt of'Var S n \ " i l l g ~ ~ t a m p , ; durillg the Ilational

emergcncy. As thl' llIelllhership of tlli,

organization no\\" inellHles -!OO,0I10 hays,

or one,t,,·ent.,-,fifth of the 10,OOD.OW

young Aml'ril'alls of S('out age in thho

e O l l l l t ) ' ~ · to·day, th e fol low ing poten t

hypot Ill'sis deseryes eousillcra tion:

H all the boys hetwl'l'n th e a ge s o f

12 mill 21 were S cout s when t he n at io n

'ealll"! fo r t he ir s e rd ees , they woulll

laye lwen nhle to ha"e multiplicd their

remurl;nhle recDl'<1 25 times, which

nlCans t ha t t he ir L ih er ty Lonns Rnh's

nlone would Im"e amoullt"d to $i,500,

'000,000, or more than t hl ' fi rst t wo i s,

;oues eOIllhined!

Truly, the S eo ut s m ay h e said to he

II I o)'ganization of' national Beryiee!

Send al l ad,-ertising and news i tems to

P. O. Box 966.Our Town is on sale at the depot

D'ewsstand, and at th e store of H. Eo


Entered as second-class ma ttilr

October 15, 1914, at t he P os t Office at

Narberth, Pennsylnmia, under the ac t

of March, 18i9.

Mrs. Roy E. Clark, Henry Rose,W. T. Melchior A. J. Loos,

ASSOciate EditoIS.

President-1[r . Joseph H. Nash.

Vice-President -Mr. James Ar,huan,

Mr . A. J. Loos, :Mr. R. J. Dothard.

Secretary-Mr. R. J. Edgar.

Corresponding Secretary-Miss Frieda


Treasurer-Miss :Maizie Simpson.

Directors-Mr. •J. J. Cabrey, Mrs. C.

P. Fowler, Mr. H. R. Hillegas, Mr. Chas.

H. A.Chain, Mr. W. R. D. Hall, Mr. H.

A. J ac ob s, M r. F. A. Lanahan, Mr.

Daniel Lei t ch , Mr . G. Knutzen, Mr. R.J. Nesper, Mr. E. A. Muschamp, ],1:r.

Fletcher W. Stites, Mr. A. E. Wohlc rt ,

Mr. Waltcr Y. Shaw, M r. Walton M.

Wentz, Mrs. C. W. Young, Mrs . James


Subscrip tion pr ice one d ol la r p er

year in advance.

Owned and Publ i shed every Satu rday

by the Narberth Civic Association.

An Experiment in Co-operativeJournalism-No Paid Workers.

8/7/2019 Our Town June 14, 1919

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/our-town-june-14-1919 3/4


Phone Narberth 1633 or Narberth 377

Da y an d Nighthone , Ardmore 967 W



PJ:dla. .Pa.


WEEK of JUNE 16th

D. W•Griffith's Latest

Cash Business an d Low Prices will

enable you to



AS POSSIBLE TO 10.00 A. ~ . . 12.00, 2.00,

3 .45, 5 .45, 7 .45, 9 . 30 P. 111.

JOHN MARMORAHauling and Moving

A ~ Y W H E R ERates Reasonable ARDMORE, PA.

whieh i s de\ 'o te<l to t he H on or Roll,

containing 82 munes of hoys fr om

? I[ er io ll \ \' ho \ \' e re in sen' ice , on whichfour golll s ta rs a rc showlI. Balanco of

the book set s f or th th e names of th e

officers of the Associa!ion, along \\'ith

t he a ct iv e members and the various

amollnts c1onatpd, n \\'ell as a detailed

st a temen t of \\'ha t hns heen accomplish

{'d i n th ese six years by the Merion

C iv ic A ss oc ia ti on . To r ea d t hi s little

booklet is very il:opiring an d shows

\\'hat can he ( lo ne i n : Iny communi ty

\\'here money and service can b e g iv en

for cidc \\'ork.

After alterations, we willhave an


Meat Market


Washing Machine.Ironing Machines

Vacunm CleanersB. e pa 1 . r 1 . n . g


~ s 5 ' V T ~ 2 !AlDesl PbutoDiIlY The-a t re 011 .. SIzeIn Ih e


Pl t . loplaye-Conl inuous to A. M.10 U.S .



205 Haver fo rd Ave.

A 1 High Grade Ch i ckens

Eggs an d Bu t t e r

Delicious Meat s

L ad ie s' a nd G en ts ' G arme nt s Dyed,C leaned, P ressed and RemodeledWork Called f or a nd DeliveredF re nc h D ry Cleaning a Specialty

Bell ' P ho n e 1 2 1' 4 J

FOT - Good - WOTk - See


The Home Town Tailoring Parlor234 Haverford Avenue

"True Deart Susie"

Why Not?Why not concede t ha t our Soda Fountain is the coolest spo t in Narberth. .It is. a nd t he service is th ebest i n town. The various refreshing drinks ar e

mixed by t ho se who know and whose business itis to give you the best Soda, Sundae or Ice Cream,you ever had.

Come in any time. Make our fountain you r p la ceof rest. At t he same time


of our delicious IceCream


Adapted from an English nov{'1 hy

Ant ho ny P au l Kelley, author of the

grea t stago success, "Thrpe Fa,·cs

East," his "A House Divi<1ed" will1>e

shown at t he Pa lace Theat re, Ar<lmofl',

on \Vednesduy. It ha s n full share of

humun interest , entertaining character>',

an d a number of excellcnt <1ramatic sit·

lIations. Herhert Rawlinson is a capa·

b le h er o and Syh'ia Bremer a capahll'

hcroine, and 11 well se lected cast of no!,

ab le p laye rs , mak in g t he production

mos t a cc ep ta bl c t o th e many scrl'CIl


Oll r Towll is in r ec ei pt o f an intN

c st ing l it tl e hooklet entitled, "Tho

Sixth Y{'ar Book of th e 7I[erion Cidc

As:-ociation," the first tw o pa ge s of


B ry n M aw r College commencement

w as he ld last Friday morning in ti l l)

gymnasium, when th e address was dc

l i\ 'e re d by forme r P re si d en t Ta ft , who

s po ke o n "The League of ?\ations."

Eighty·seven students receh'ee} the <Ie

gree of Bachelor of Arts; five the de

gree of M aster o f Arts, a nd two th e

degree of Doctor of P h i l o s o p h ~ · . XUllIer

OilS prizes, fellowships an d scholarships

were awarded.

The last llIeeting fo r the season o f t he

E\":lIlgel Circle of King's Daught('rs \\':1S

held in the Y. 1[ . C. A. Bui l< ll ng on

\Vednesday, June 11th. The hostesses

f or t he 11l11.cheon were Mrs . Wi ll iam I.

.Tones, Mrs. W. 1. Trotter, Mrs. E. l!'.

\Vithero\\'. The Cirde was glad to wel

come as ncw members l \[ rs . G.•T. Erd

man, l\[r>,. L. E. Knapp and l\[rs. F. H.

Hewitt. Anyone having any new pieces

of gingham 01' gOo<ls s l l i t a b l ~ fol' lIIal,·

ing pateh\\ 'ork quilts, thpy ,,"ollill be ap '

pl'pciatpe}; ahm pipf'es of 01,1 linell that

eou],} Iw user! for wounds. Hope foll(,;

in l'\arhprth will not forge t our Holiday

House luneheol l on Fri,lay, .Iull" 2ith.


(Continued from Page 1)

~ [ i s s Helen Herron Taft, daughter of,

former President Taft, has been chosen

hy th e Board of Di rec tors of Bryn ~ I a \ V rCol lege t o serve as acting Pres ident of

that ins t i tut ion next ~ ' e a r , Dr. ?If. CareyThomas ha \' i ng Iwon gi\'('l1 a year's

lea\-e of absene(' for n trip around the


I While this work is in progress and

. fo r twenty-four (24) hours thereafter,

th e street will n ot b e o pe n to vehicular

traffic. Ample notice- wil l be given own

ers of ca rr i ages, automo'biles, etc., as to

th e t im e o f closing of each particu!:1l

s tr ee t, i n o rd er that they may suf fe r

the least inconvenience,

Wynnewood avenue, P . R. R. tunnel

to Montgomery avenue.

Dndley aven'Ue, Haverford avenu e t o

1\or th Sabine avenue .

Conway avel1ue, Haverford :l\'enue to

'Vindsor avenue.

Hampden avenue, Haverford aVelll1l'

to Windsor avenue.

Forrest avenue , Windsor a ve nu o t o

n or th o f \Vindsor.

'Elm Terrace.·Windsor avenue, Essex av enue to

'Vynnewood avenue.

Elmwood avenue, Narberth avenue

to Maple avenue.

Woodside avenue, Maple a ve nu e to

'Wynnewood avenue.

Chestnut nvenue, Narherth a\ 'enlle to

\Vynncwood avenne.

M er io n aven ue , E ssex avenue to

\Vynnewood nvenue.

Essex avenu e, E lmwood avenu e to

Rockland avenue.

Grayl ing avenue, Ha \' e rford a \' enue

t o no rt h o f Winds or avenue.

The Council of the Borough of 1\ur·

berth has contruct,ed wit h t hc A tl an ti c

Hefining' C o m l ' a n ~ ' for the pl,ll'ing of

approximately 15,000 gallons of asphalt

on cer t ai ll s t ree ts , designa ted below,

a nd the s am e t o be covered with one

half inch slug chips, at forty pounds

to t he s quar e yard, t hi s work to be dono

by t ho Borough force.

All pUblie sen' ice corporations und

buildilrs ar o requested to make any con

templated street openings before th e

wor k i s started, as after th e stre-et is

f inished no permits will bc grunted for

opening o f t he samo fo r onil year, with

out special permission of Council.

Borough PlacesBig Contract

Narberth Spring Flower Show.

Class l l -Best collection of climbing

roses, an y color, all one variety.

Class 10-Bes t collection of climbing

roses, mixed varieties and colors.

Class l l -Bc s t exhibi t of single roses,

any color, all one variety.

Class 12-Best exhibi t of single roses,

mixed varieties and colors.

Class 13-Bes t exhibi t of mixed roses.

Class 14-Best ex hib it o f peonies

(white).Class 15-Best e xh ib it o f peonies


Class 16-Best exhibit o f p eo ni es


Class 17-Bes t ex hib it o f peonies

(mixed colors).

Class I8 -Best e xh ib it o f l ar ks pu r

(Delphinium), light blue.

Class Il l -Best exhibit of larkspur

(Delphinium), dark blue.

,Class 20-Bcs t e xh ib it o f l ar ks pu l

(Delphinium), in combination with a-

ft'w other flowers.

Note--The i dea be ing to develop the

most artistic combinatioll o f l ar k spu r

with another flower or flowers.

Class 21-Bes t exhibit of columbine.

'Class 22-Bcs t exhibi t of Canterbury


Class 23-Bes t exh ib it o f Sweet Wil-


Class 24-Bes t exhibi t of foxglove.

'Class 25-Best exhibit of iris.

Class 26-Best exhibi t of Spani sh iris.

'Class 27-Bes t exhibit of sweet peas.

Class 28-Bes t cxh ib it o f corn flower


Class 29-Best exhibit of l i lies.

,Class 30-Bes t exhibi t of many varie·

t ics, shown principally for attracth-e ar


-Glass 31-Bes t exhibit of pansies.

'Class 32-Bes t exhibit of hardy

Scotch pinks.

Class 33-Bes t exhibit of pyre thrum.

Class 34-Bes t cxhibi t of poppies.

Special Classes.

Children '5 Class-Best and 'mo st a t

t ra cti ve v as e o r b as ke t o f wild flowers,

" n te r ed by chi ld re n between 5 and 10

years. First prize, olle 'War Savings

Stamp; second prize, 10 Thrift Stamps;

third prize, 5 Thrift S tamps ; f ou rt h

prize, r ibbon.

B est a nd most attractive vaso or

ba sket o f w il d flowers, entered by chil

dren be tween 10 an(l 15 years. First

prize, one Wa r Savings Stamp; second

prize , 10 Thrift Stamps; th ird prize, 5

Thrift Stamps; fourth pr ize , ribbon.

Suffrage Class-Best and most ar ti s

t ical ly arranged vaso or basket of yel

low flowers.

Decorativo Class-Best an d most at·

tractive centerpiece fo r tahle decoration

(ContinUed from Page 1.)


Church Notes .

The Qua rt er ly Communion Service

will be he ld in th is churchSunday morn

ing, June 22. Th e usual preparatory

meeting will be hel d next Wedne sday

evening, followed by a meeting of th e

Session f or t h e r ec ep ti on of new mem

bers. )

E labo ra te p la n s a re be ing made foi;

t he annua l Sunday S ch oo l p ic ni c. T he

time is Friday, .Tunc 27, anf l the place

i s Geo rge' s Hill, in Fa irmoun t P ark .

Various committees lmvc been appoint ·

cd who ar c faithfully working to make

eve ry f ea tu r e o f t hi s ou ti ng a compilitro

sucee.",. I t is hoped that every memo

be r ,of th e s ch oo l c an arrange to bo


.fane Amanl1a Caldwell, infant daugh

t er o f Mr. and 1'I:rs. R. W. Caldwell, and

:Margaret Askew Fa ir , in fan t daugllter

of Mr. and M ~ s . J. l\L Fair, were bap

t,ized during th e Children 's Day exer

cises last Sunday.

Narberth, Pa

Rev. John Va n Ness, Minister.

l\[eptings f or ncx t SIII](}ay:

O.:W A. l\f.-1\[en's Bible Class, Dr.

Banks, teacher.

10 A. l\f.-Sunday School. A plal'e

an ,l a welcome fo r all.

11 A. l\f.-Public worship. Mr. V au

Xe>'s will pr{'ach on the thellle,

"Prayl 'r: Tts Con<1it.ion and Reward."

S P. ~ f . - B a c c a l a u r e a t e exercises inthis church of the N ar be rt h H ig h

Se·l1ool. The sermon will he delivere<1

by Rev. Avery S. Demmy.




2;) c en ts . P ro ce ed s p ar tl y for church

building fund.

Wedncsday 8 P. l\L-Pray,er meeting.

Pastor's topic, ~ ' H e l p s fo r Democracy

in the Fa r Places." Solois,t, Mrs . Wm.

T. Taylor.

The :Jnnual Sunday School picnic will

be held this month. The date' and place

will b announced at our chu rch s er v

ices on Sunday.

Arcade Building

Avery S. Demmy, Pastor.

Sunday, .Tune 15th:

[lA5 A. MI.-Bible School. Tcmperance

t al k by Mr. A. A. Chalker.

11 A. l\I.-l\[orning worship, closing

promptly at 12. Sermon h y t he p as to r

on tho sub.iect, "The Ncell 'of th e


8 P. l \L-Union Baccalaurcate Serviee

in the Presbyterian Church.

Church Notes.

The meet ing of the Mcn 'I ' Association

" ' i l I be held at th e home of Mr. J. W.

Shinn, 202 \Yoodbine avenue , ) [onel ay

eH'ning- at S o ·el oek . Lieu t. Col. I. A.

l\filler. of the Pennsyh ' ania Railroad,

will : ;p ea k on "Ameriean Railroad

Work in France." This will be the

last m( 'eting o f th e season.

\ V ( ' d n ( ' s l l a ~ ' {'\'{'ning- at f; o'('lock :;ong

anll p r a ~ ' e r sel'\-iee. This will he the

last nll'{'ting lwfore we . ioin in the union

s ( 'rdces for t he summer. Le t u s mal ,e

it th e best of all, both in attendance

ane} helpfulness.

l'\ext S n l ) ( l a ~ ' morn ing wc will have

a sermOn on "A Compari,.on Between

t il e l \[ ohaml1ledan ane l Christian Re

ligions." Tn the e\-ening fifty lantern

s!ieles will be used sho\r inl ! l\[ecca, the

worlel's last forhidden c it y, anl l the

holy p la ce s o f Islam. In view of tho

part Turl ( '. \ · ] l l a ~ ' e d in the recent war,

this theme should be of great interest.

I n s pi te o f t hr ea te ni ng w ea th er , t he

church huil<1ing was wel l f tl led last

Sun<1ay e\ '('n ing to hear the young Ill'o,

ph' gi\'e "The Gar<1en of GoeL" l\[ost

of tho,;{' present were enthusiastic in

their aPIJI'{'ciation of the way t he chil

<1r('n took t h ei r p a rt s and tho message

t h e ~ ' hrought.Those \\'ho ha\'e r ec ently come to

?\arherth wi ll b e Illost wP!coml,'! to any

or a II of our sen·,iees. We slmll he

gin'} fo r an o pp or tu nity to get ac

quainte(l and welcome yon to this com


Sabie Ceolore

ReT. B. F. Cowley, Rector

Merion Meeting House, Merion, Pa..

Rev. F. M. Gray , Pastor.




• 'The Li tt le Church al l th e Hill."

Ntws of t1ft C!L1furr1fe5Narberth Office,

Rev. Andrew S. Burke, Rector .


Sunday, . hlJ l{ , ];)th. Childr{'n's Day.

9.45 A. l\I.-Sune}ay School :lJlel filial

nH'etiug of preparatory members' class.

11 A. l\L-Sl'rmon by pas to r, "Docs

Educa tion Pay?" Baptism of ehi1<}r{'n

and reception into full membership of

·hi1l1ren. The chilelren's H'sted choi r

~ ' i l l sing.3 P. 1L-Last se>'sioll IH'for{' t he sum,

mer sl'ason of the Chile}ren's Church.

Special ob.iect talk by pastor and music

by chi ldren' s vesteel choir . The ~ r p a tsuccess of our Children 's Church is el!w

to tIle wonderful helpfulncss of Mrs.

Joseph B a r c l a ~ ' , who had dwrg-e o f th e

children's choir, anel Mrs . C la rence

Smith, who had charge of the attend

ance and rewan},;, and the assis tants ,

Mrs. Charles Clcgg-, :Hiss Olida R,olH'l'ts

and Mrs . Geo rge :tiL D avis. T he Ch il

llren's Church wil l begi n again in the


6.30 P. l\I.-Children's Day exercises

by chilelren of our Sun'lay Se·hool.

These wil l be concluded in time to al·

low nil to attPllll the union ha('calaure'

at e sen'ice i n t he P l'e :; hy teri an Church.

Our church will be e labora te ly decor·

a ted though the kindness of Miss

l\firinm Ward.

Monnny, 8 P. M.-Entertainment in

costumc by t he Chi ld re n' s Church. A

delightful e\ 'ening ending with a Ih'ely

t ri nl o f "Smythe \ 'S . Smi th ." T ie !w ts ,


New Overland Touring Car

For Hire •• By hour or trip

Special rate for Trips

No mat te r how small your busir ~ I J S may be, have a bank account.

Th e small merchant who has a bank account establishes his

credit, has safety f or h is ca sh , and pays h is bills with a check In a

business manner,

You ar e inoitecl tD open an account with U8 .


The service's at All Saints ' P. E.

Church, 1fontgomery and 'Vynnewoou

avenues, fo r nex t Sunday are as fol


8.00 A. 1I.-Holy Communion.

9.45 A. M.-Sunday School.

11.00 A. M.-Morning Prayer.

5.00 P. M.-Yesper services.

Early Mass on Sunday from April

1 to October 31 a t '1 A. M. From

Novemlber 1 to March 31 8It 7 A. M.Late Ma.ss , 9 .30 A. M. thrO'Ughout th eyea.r. Mas se s o n holyda.ys , 6.30 an d

8.30 A. M. Weekdays at 8. Evening

devotion'S and other services at regu

la r times.

Merion Mee ti ng i s open for worship

every First-day morning at 11 a 'clock.

We cordialIy welcome any vi si tors who

desire to worship with us.

8/7/2019 Our Town June 14, 1919

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/our-town-june-14-1919 4/4


Phone. Dickinson 2 74

Our work highly artistic'Price th e lowest

A. ERLICK343 Dudley Avenue 1137 S. 20th Street

Narberth Philadelphia. P&.




P hone 1 2 1 0 J

WINFIELD H. COOKPlumbing and Heating

Easex and Haverford AvenuesWalton's Garage NARBERTH, PA.


MUSICJackson. Miss Anne. Vlolln Instruction .

Studio, Arcade Building. Phone, 316-J.Loo., Fanny H. Plano telLcher.

Studio. Arcade Bldg. Phone, 316-J.SJoholm. Miss Ebba. IIIuslc TelLcher and Ao

companlst. 228 lana ave .. NlLrberth.NOTAR"f PUBLIC

olell'erles, J. H. 111 NlLrbertb ave.Phone. 666-M.

Tyson. "'arren R. 200 Woodbine 8-ve.Phone. 1202-W.

OPTICIA1f5Fcnton. Carl F. 506 Essex ave. Pbone. 618-W

Phlla. ILddre.... 1806 ebe_tnut .t . Locuat III.

Zentmaycr, Josel'''' 228 S . lath st .• Phlln.PAINTERS

' ' 'alzer, Fred.117 Winsor ave. Phone. 1247-J.

PAPER HANGERSWitte, Goo. A. Fairview ave.Phone. Cynwyd 778-J. Flret-claae work.

PHOTO PLAYS"Arcadia. " 16th and Chestnu t e t•. , Pbl laSee display advertleement In thle Is.ue.

PLUlIIBlNG, ET(J.Wall, 11. B. Phone. 319-J.See di"piay ILdvertisement In this t••u•.

REAL ESTATEClLldwell &: Co. Phone. U7l-W.See display advertisement In thl. lesu •.

Frlt.ch. II. O. Phone, 252-W.See dleplay advertisement In thl" IBlue.

Godfrey . Wm. B.114 'Voodelde ave. Phone, 685-W.

Na.h, Robert J. Phone. 605.lIIoney for First and Second Mortgage•.

Simpson, Jllme. C. 232 Es_ex ILve.Phone. 636. or 1420 Chestuut .t.

HOOFING. ETO.Gara-lIleGlnley Co. Phone. 1258-W.See display advertleement In thle lesue.

&llI1el'. John A. 243 IonlL ILve. Phone. 661-JShop. 246 Haverford ave. Phone. UI5-J


Good Wear Shoe Repai r Shop.Con.tantlne. B. G. Y. M. C. A. Bldg.

TAILORSPrcmo.t. 11. PllOue. 12M-,I,See 1llsiJJay arlvertlsement In this Issue.

The above department _hould be or tb .greate"t use to the community. the 1\st contains the name of every prof eaalona l man.tradesma.n. mechanic, shopkeeper. e tc ., wbodoee or can In any way eerve hie fe llow·towneman, and who Is progre_elve enoucbto a dd name to 1\st of Register.As It Ie dlmcult for thOle contr lbutln.

their time and eltor te to the production 01"Our Town" to per sona lly e ither kDOW orI nterview all euch. It would be mo.t helptul It thoee not now found In the printed1I .t would _end tn a memo at their n&Inea.addre.e. phone number . ILnd buelne. . . . orprofenalon. tor lIeting. Thl. wll1 oo.t u tol·low.: 10 cent. each teeue for 2 1\n".: &o.nutor eaoh add it iona l l tne.


The Narberth Tailoring Co.Will give Good Reductions onMade-to-Order Ladies' and GentIemen's Suits, a lso reduced pri ceson Repa iri ng and Cleaning andDyeing of your clothes. WorkA1. Don't lose time in calling

up Narberth 305.

%3.4 Woodbine Ave., NARBERTH, PA.R. D. LOUIS, Prop .


WHEN In need ofGood LEHIGH

COAL call us

we'll do the

Narberth 302W

Plum bing, Gas Fitting

and Heating


(fAR f{ Y B. WALL

Narberth RegisterTwo Lines, JOe per issue; 5c for each aclclitionalline

ACCOUNTANTSgelID, B. (J. Certilled Public Accountant.202 Dudley ave. Phone. Narber th 300-W.

ADVERTISINGCole, W. Arthur. Phone. Spruce 1638.

Ideas, Plans. COPY. Art. TypographY.

A U T O ~ I O B I L E SLees' Garag&-Repalrlng, ElC. Phone. 1605.

See display advertl.ement In thle Is.ue.Narberth Garage. Phone NurlJertb 1033.

See display advertisement In this Issue.

BANKSlIIerlon Title &: Tru.t Co. Phone. Ardmore I.

See dl.play advertisement In tbl" I"sue.

BUILDERSSmedley. Wm. D. &: 11. T. Phone, GOO.

See display advertl.ement In tbl" I"oue.CANDY. ETC.

D..vls. 11. E. Phone. 1254-W.See display advertl.ement In tbl" leeue.

CAItPENTERS AND BUILDERSlenkln., Cha.. L .103 Dudley ave. Phone. 382-M.

CONTItACTOlt 01' l'LASTEIUNGFratantonl, Jame.. ~ 23\1 Hampden ave.• Narberth. Box 2 .0.

DENTISTSOrr,Dr. A. L. 101 Elmwood avo Phone, 3n-W.

Phlla. Phone. Filbert 4252. Keith Bldg.DRUGGISTS

1I0ward·s. Phone. 1267.See display advertl.ement In tbl" laeue.

Smith. T. B. Ardmorc . Pa.See display a,lvertlsement In this Issue.

ELEOTRIOIANSPugh, VerI 225 lana ave.

Nar . Phone, 650-W. Ard. Phone, 163-J.FISB AND OYSTERS

lmlJerial Grocer)' Co. Phone, Narberth 606.

IIAULING, ETC.~ I a r m o m a . John. Ardmore. Pa.

Sec d l s p l a ~ ' advertisement In this Issue."'alton Bros. Phone. 672.

See display advertl.ement In thl" I.sue.INSUItANCE

nowman. Samuel P. (Life.)116 Elmwood ave. Phone. 653-W.lurJ,hardt. 1I1I1Ier. General In.urance.100 Maple ave. Phone, 669-M.

lone.. Ch.... It .305 S. ! ':arberth ave. Phone. 682-J.

lone•• 'Vm. J. 103 S. Narberth ave. Phone,680-J. Phlla. addre.e. Penn Mutual Bldg.

'frutter Bro .. (Fi re , e tc .)209 Wood.lde ave. Phone. 1262-R.

LAWYERSOltroy. John 211 Essex ave. Phone. 1246-R.

Phlla. addrese. Lincoln Bldg.S tl te .. F le tc he r W. 413 Haverford ave.

Phone. 372-W Phil... address, Crozer Bldg.LIGHTING FIXTURES

l\lcDonald John. Narberth pbone, 1288.1533 Chesl. s t.. Phlla. Phone, Spruce 1138.

~ I E A T S , ETC.cotter. Boward F. Phone. 1298.

See dienlay advertisement In tbl. I"sue.lIertzter. John B. Narberth.

See display advertisement In tbls issne.MILK

scott-Powell Dalrlee. Phone. Pre_ton 2398See dl".play ILdvertisement In thl. I••ue



A gnnlen party will be g iy en on Sat

unlay afternoon, June 21, at the resi

llencc of nbs. William H. Pugh, .11'.,

Cross Roads, n[c rion , hy the ~ [ o n t g o l l l -Ny County Commit tee of the Pennsyl

vania \Voman Suffrage Association. The

tickets ar c 50 cents and include a

llIusiC'nl nnrl dramatic program. Mrs.

Frallk O. Nagle w il l he the pianist, :\Iiss

C,'cPlia Bonawitz the violinist allll n f i H ~FlorC'\lec IJC'wis will he the sopra\lo


:\[iss Dora Adele Shocmal{( 'r, im

persona.tor; Miss Les li e Kel ley , classic

dancer, and Miss J an e L a ird will COIll

plete the program.

' rh e re w il l also he ca I'd t ab le s f or

'h os c w is hin g to p lay bridge 01' five

'1IIl1dred. A cafeteria, at which l ight }'c-

freshlllents will bc serYcd, a hooth fo r

' h, ' sa le of fancy articles and 11 home

IIllllle en ke and candy hoa th.

Ch ilr1ren accompanied by adu lt s will

he admit!erl FRE E, a nd llIUIISellle\lts

'm,'o been proy ided for the111. nlllong

\\'hich is the never -f ai li ng d el ig ht o f

the yonngstel's, a Punch and .Iudy show,

Narberth High SchoolYear Book Completed

Lower Merion Grammar S tUdents Hold

Exercises at High School.

Graduates of Lower Merion TOWllship

grammar schools held thei r g raduat ing

exercises Tuesdny night in the Lowor

Merion High School.

A,lr1ress ..............•..... " .. •



"The Owl," the Annual and Class

Heeord of the High' School, has passed

from the embryonic stage to that of

l'elllism, anti 10 j ud go b y the splendid

work done hy the pr in t er s , ve ry sa ti s

factory realism.

Work on this· volume was started in

Fehruary, and the Senior Class ha s

been at work on it ever sincc. As

o ri gi na ll y p la nn ed , t ho b oo k w as to h e

of rather slllall size, b ut t he splenuid

~ l l p p o r t given hy the advertisers C1i

abler l u s t o e nl ar ge t he b oo k so that a

volume of 64 l a rge pages ha s been pre

pa red, \ re ll illustrated an d beautifully

bouut!. This book will be of intense

in Ipfl'st to every mall', womas and chillIin Xarherth , whether d irect ly associat

ell w it h t he school or not.

"The Owl" will con sis t of th e an

Jlual class record, with p ictu res o f all

membe rs o f the g raduating c la ss , t o

gethC'r witll th c class day and com

mencelllent orations, a full athletic re

view, with picture.s of both the vic

torious basketball teams, a page devot

ed to the ulumni and t he i r activities, a

record of our facuIt.y, short storiell,

poetfJ', autographs, jokes, and lIIany

other features.

The f r iends of Mr. Emmett will ap

p reci at e t he possession of his photo

graph, which is included, nQt o nl y w i l h

those o f t he teams, but separately. The

sale of a sufficient number of copies of

the book w il l e na bl c u s to clear Ill! ex

penses and s t il l offer tho larger book at

our original lJ

planned price, one dollar .

If you ha,-e no t already ordered your

copy, will YQU please attend to it now,

using the coupon below. The book wil l

then bo d el iv er ed t o y ou o n class day

(Tuesday). Further information', if de

sired, may be s ec ur ed f rom any mem

bel' of the graduating class.

(Tear off and mail)

The Senior Class,

Narber th High School.

Dea r S ir s: Enl'losetl hC'rewitll IS $1

in payment of a (' opy of "The Owl,"

to be delivere(l to me at t hc a dd re ss


Xame ..............•...........•••

Garden Party atMerion

.; " ". ". ill ~ " .. .. .g, , " 811 " " "

" " ~ ~ i "-5 J'D Il c .. Il !s b""

.. $ "l : o e .. - .. .s!.c .... ,, $0

iil 8 0S ..

8< ,," .. " ~ E = t ~ -;'I "

p'rn ~ ' i i i :E,S "I lt.:l8 ' a u u "ollI z8

.!:l b 'Ilrn:S "u .5'" 0

rirn .. ~ f i J rn::;! E-<

Labor Labor Yard. Labor Material Labor Labor Material

J.D. $100 00 $9930 $1 08 $116 16 $144 &137 60 434 $641 $63 19 $34 41 $63 48 $610 97

Feb. 100 00 39 60 80 11078 104 12654 386 768 1600 7047 47191

March 10000 2600 100 61 106 46 304 1238 100 80 2033 13666 602 03

April 100 00 1666 8946 175 112 20· 256 6600 734 28 17 6776 468 S3

May 10000 32.20 15098 1260 6422 134 9318 160 44 1060 6042 128 69 70313.

14,000,000 HAND GRENADE


Hand grenudes intl'nrlerl fo r usc

against t he G erma ns h av e bcen con

ycrted into savings hanl{s. TIlC' method

o f d is tr ih ut io n of thC'sc uniqne and

wonderfully practical souyenirs of thl'

Wa r will be a nnounc ed later tllrough

thl' columns o f O ur To,,·n.


An Irishman meetinl:: another asked

him wha t h ad become of their old ac

quaintanee, John.

"Alus," r ep li ed t ho other, "poor

.101111 was condemned t o h e h an ge d, bu t

he saved his life hy dying in prison."

L. K.

'l 'he NarhC'rth Tennis Assoe ia t io ll i s

mnking nr rangcment s for its annnal

Fonrth of .Iuly Tournument. Playing

will start on Friday, .Tuly 4, amI ,'on

tinue on t he f ol lowi ng day , Saturday,

.T n l ~ · ii. Th" C'Vl'n·t is in phn rgp of tIl('Tournament Committee, au<1 n morl ' eOln

p le te a nuounc emen t w il l he 1II11<1e in

nl'xt. week's issue of Our T·own.



Making Plans tor Annual Fourth of· JulyTennis Tournament

Students represented schools at VilIa

noya, Narberth, Bala, Cynwyd, G l a d w ~ ' nand Ashland, a nd o th er Maino Line

towns. Superin 'tendent Downs welcom"d

the students, w ho w il l enter tI le lIil: :h

School th is fal l.

Ardmore Ayenue School presented

".Ioan rl' Arc," 11 patriotic piece. Isa

bel le Powel l an d Algernon Stil lwngon

did well in their parts. The : \ [e rionSquare School gave a f1al:: d ri ll w it h

music. Tho B ry n Maw r boys carol led

an amusing satire, entitll'll "What

We've Oome Through," It. was a grC 'at


Bala was sp lendid in the "Lihcrty

Loa n Rcyul ', " mnd e u p o f t ab le au x o f

IJoan p os te rs . T he Bryn Mawr girls

prescnted a play, "D o You r Bes t, "

which was o f lJigh merit. Misses Powell

ulI'd Streeper took strong parts.

Cynwyd gnve a series of p ictu res of

"Grandmother 's Alhum." Quaill t

styles were shown. The Ashland School

won p ra is e i n a "Sports Drill." The

( 'omhined schools then sang the national


The f ai r a nd f es ti va l h eld o n W ed

nesday and Thursday evenings fo r the

henefit of th e Fairview Sunday School

was attended by a l arge t hrong o f fol ks

from the immediate community as well

as many from N arbe rth an d othe r


Among those in chn.rge were Mr. E li

Ewing, Mr. Samuel Markle , M3r. Warner

Smith, Mr. Montgomery , Mr. Jacob

1 Greiner, Mr. Char l es Schmidt , who has

just returned from France; Mrs . Grow,

Mrs. Dr. Duebler, Mr. L. F. 'Smitll, Mrs.

Sclunidt, Mrs. Charles YQllllg, and :\frs.


Among tIle visitors prC'sent wer e D r.

and Mrs. Romaine C. Hoffman, ) ,fr . anrl

Mrs. Edward S. Haws, Miss 'Mariah

Raws, Miss Eleanor Ward, Miss Sylyia

Cummer, Miss Compton, M ~ s s Yowell,

Mr. r. T. Wmr l, f rom Narberth; Mr.

Edward Holsworth, of Philadelphia;Mr. Charles Fryer, from Glarh\·J'n.


7 27 13 2otals . . . . " ., . . . . 5

Totals .J- 10 2i

NarbCl't!1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 -{

Berwyn 0 2 U 0 0 0 0 1 2-5

Two-hasp hi ts, Yowel, F le ek . Home

run, Fi tzgerald. Struck, by Yowell 9;

by Lewis 3. Base on bal ls , Yowell 2;

Lewis O. Umpire, Pyott.

The Narbprth AllIatpurs will play at

home on Satul" llay, . lulle 21st.



H. II . O. A. I",.

H'ymn,2b. I 1 ;] 0

Hig 'ns, 3b. 0.··.· . I 1 U 2 1

H'yman, c. ....... 0 1 ]0 () I)

Fitzgerald, If . •• 0 •• 1 2 0 0 1

Nayes, ss. ........ 0 0 0 3 0

Paist, lb . ......... 2 0 14 0 0

Leamy, rf . 0 •• • •••• 0 0 0 0 0

IJewis, p . .......... 0 2 0 3 0Bathe', cf. ....... .° 0 1 0 U

Kirk, cf. .. 0 .· . • · • 0 0 0 0 0

No. Date. 'fcalll. Place.

6 6/14 Dollson Narberth

7 612 1 Drexel II. Drexelll .

8 612 8 Dnn Narberth

9 7j { Lansdowne Lansdowne

10 i/ 4 Antoear Narberth

11 7/ 5 Open date.

12 7jl2 Dlln Narbprth

13 712 6 Drl'xcl n. Narherth

14 812 Lansdo\\'ne Narherth

15 8/ 9 Antoear Narberth

16 8j!6 Lansdowne Lansdowne

17 8123 Drexel II. Drexelli.

18 8130 Dnn Narlll'rth

19 OJ! Dohson Narherth

20 9 jl Antoear Ardmore

George AlexanderWhitewashing by Spray or Hand

Hou•• Cleaning Rug. BeatenH.ater . Taken Care of

53 Prospect Ave., Bryn Mawr, Pa.

Art Paperhangers Ban d

Interior House Decorators

Narberth Amateurs Defeated by Berwyn inan Exciting Game

Base Ball


Hauling Trunks, Baggage and Fre ight

In a well-played hall game tile Ber

wyn A. A. defea ted the Narber th Club

at B erw yn . T he Narberth t eam t oo k

the le ad in the first inning, bu t the

timely h i tt in g o f th e home teRm won

the game f or t hem in t he ninth frame.

The Nar be rt h Ama te ur s h ad a very

hard t ime i n gctting organi7,cd, bu t the

t eam i s s te ad il y improving a nd th ey

s ho ul d b e amo ng the top-nQtchers at

the end of the season.

(Continued from Page 1 )

Two-base hit, Ogden. Home runs,

Fleck and 'Speith. Struck out, by Cham

bers 8; by Durbin 3. Bases on bal ls , off

Chambers 2; off Durbin 2. Umpire, Voor



R. H. O. A. E.Jenkins, If. 0 0 1 0 0

Burns, e. " .0 •••••• 1 2 9 0 0

Lacey, lb . ........ 1 2 7 0 0

Fleck, rf . 0·0.··.· . 1 1 0 0 0

Harsch, cf. ........ 0 I 4 0 0

Watts, 2b. ••• 0 • • 0 . 1 1 2 2 •Humphreys, 3b.. . , . 0 1 0 0

Artman, ss . ....... 0 0 4 2 1

Yowel l , p . ........ 0 .) 0 2 0
