  • 8/7/2019 Our Town August 28, 1926


    '... , NEAR MILLION


    " i," .:..Narberth As so ci at io n Boas ts

    Successful Record fo r1'9 Y e ~ r s . , :

    B. & L ~ . Q P ~ ~ $ N E WS E ~ ~ T H U a s D A Y


    WILLIAM G. TORCHIANAWilliam G. Torchiana,' of Windso r a nd I on a av enue , di ed at hishome Wednesday night after an i ll ness of several weeks.

    HEAVY EATERSThatthe BoyScoutsof Del,.aware and Montgomery count ieswere wellfed during theirstay at Camp Delmont t hi ssummer is borne out by thequanti ties of food consumed.37,930 meals were turned outin the kitchen and mess hall':""and in preparing these meals6400 quarts of milk, 6000loaves of bread , a ton of S,ugar, ten s pr in g l ambs a ndother s taples i n li ke proport ion wer e used. More than500 vis itors were served during the, season in addi t ion.

    POWER MERGERNOT OPPOSEDNew Project Would Give U.

    G I. ControlOver Eighteen' Companies.

    Commissioner Af .of Companies


    "The Narberth Building and LoanAssociation is sen-ding 0ttt blotterst hi s week which wil l be del iveredto every home in Narberth, cal linga,ttention to .the l1ew fOJ;ty-sec;onds er ies wh ich will o pen r T h u r s , d ~ y ;evening, a t Etm.HE:ll; September2, f rom 7 .00 unt il 9. 00 when newshar es can be t ak en out i n e it he rthe short or long term series.This assoc ia ti on i s now 19 andone-half years old and during thattime ha s mat ur ed 2441 sha re s orpaid to i ts stockholdersup to thisdate $488,200.The assets of the association areSTOCKHOLDERS AGREE over $900,000 consisting 'principal-I ly of mortgages on Narberth propApproximately ~ 4 6 , 0 0 0 , o o o in Ierties, and these mortgages have 'allsecurities and o ther ass ets is in- been granted after a committee ofvolved in the proposed merger of three.of the directors have carefully18 gas and electric l ight companies exammed t h p ~ o p e r t y and approv-operating in Bucks, Delaware and ed . the applIcatIOn of a lo an, andMontgomery. counties. Plans for ~ h l c h has been ~ p p r o v e d by the. e ~ the merger'were laid before Public , ti re Board of Directors before It ISService Commissioner James S. granted. . .Benn in City Hall Phi ladelphia last T h ~ a r b ~ r t h Buddmg and Loanweek. ' 'Assoc labon IS composed of menandThe estimate of the amount was ~ o m e n who save togethe : by p u ~ -made by on e of the attorneys ap- bng away each mo.nth m to ~ h e l rpea ring in behal f of the merger. o w : ~ t r e a ~ , u r y .a defintte. sum knownChief of t he group. are the Phi lade l- a s dues. ThiS money IS then loanphia Suburban Gas & Elect ri cCom- ed to some of ~ h stockholders O?pany and the Counties Gas & Elec- real estat.e secunty or on the s ~ c u n tric Company. ty of their own stock, and the mter-The merger if carried out would est secured and col lect ed month lyg ive the U. G. 1. control over the from the who.borrow the18 companies. money alsc;> goes mto their own trea-The re w as no p ro te st as th emer - sur y a nd IS held for the benefit .ofger has been approved by the stock- ~ l of the members of the aSSOCla-holders involved. Commissioner tIon. . .Benn informed John P. Connolly, . vVhen the dues paId m and thea tt orney for the U. G. 1., t he mat - mte re st earned on same amount toter would be referred to the entire ~ 2 o o . a s h a r ~ o.f st?ck matures andcommission fo r a study. 10 !hlS .assocIatlOn In the long termMr. Connolly tol4iCommissioner senes It t a ~ e s I I _years and tbreeBenn the consolidation is a natural ~ o n t h s , or 10 other wor?s, by payresult of the taking over of the 1 I 1 ~ ~ each month,untIl you haveAmerican Gas Company by the U. paId m $ I 3 ~ , thestock matures andG. 1. more than a year ago. you are paid $200 a sha re , a c leanIn reply, Mr. Benn sai d he felt p rof it of $65 fo r each s hare y outhe merger would be beneficial both hold. . .to t he g as and electric light compa- T h ~ a r b e r t h BuIldmg and Loannies involved, and to the manage- f\ssoclabon .has over 12,000 sharesment of the companies. 111 force, w h , c ~ means a payment .ofThe plan is to have all of the ~ I 5 , o o o , which, together. WIthcompanies operate unoer a consoli- II1terests, fines and amounts paId offd at io n t o b e l tnown a s t he Ph il a- by borrowers, makes the receoptsdelphia Counties Suburban Gas & of the association from $20,000 toElectric ~ o m p a n y . _ $ 2 5 , ~ a month, so. thateachmonthThe companies to be included in there IS money available to l oan onthe merger are: good mortgages to h o ~ e buyers. .Count ies Gas & Electric Com- The short t erm senes benef it s mpany, Philadelphia Suburban Gas & t he earnings to the same ~ x t e ! 1 t asElectric Company, Bryn Athyn Gas the long term, and b.y paymg m $2Company Bryn Athyn Elect ri c a sha re each month 10 place of oneCompany: Bryn Athyn Fuel Com- dol lar, as. in the. long term, the stockpany, Spr ing City E lect ri c Com- matu!'e s III a h tt le mor e t ha n ha!pany, Westminster Township Gas t h bme, a!ld. for anyone who.. ISCompany Warmi ns te r Townsh ip u smg a bmldl11g and loan assoclaaward was appealed by the bor- Heat & Fuel Company, South Cov- t ion to a ~ c u ~ u l a t e money, this shortough. After considerable delay entry Township Electric Company, term senes IS a great advantage asRoyer sf or d E le ctr ic Company, you r s tock is matured in about s ixt he present decision was handed Newtown Square Gas Company, years.down by Commissioner Houck, Newtown Square Heat & Fuel . The ideal way t? invest in bui ldand the Borough of Somerset now Company, New Hope Electric Com- mgand loanstock IS to take outnewloses its case. pany, Langhorne Electric Light shares in every s eries which are is-Considerable i nt e rest has been & Power Company, Bucks Countv sued every sixmonths, so that whenfocussed upon the case in quest ion" Gas & Fuel Company, Doylestown the stock starts to mature you havea s i t i nvol ve s mor e than 200,000 Gas Company and Buck s Count y an a ssur ed income f or as long amen i n the State who are serving Southern Gas Company. period a s y ou various fire companies entirely , Any of the directors will be gladvoluntarily and wi thout pay. SMITH WANTS HIS MONEY to expla in the bui ld ing a nd lo anAlong the Main Line, e spec ia l- Las t Tuesday af ternoon about 1 id ea a nd t o a rr ange f or you t o b e-ly, the c ou rse o f the case has o'clock, James E. Hearl, of Bala, come a stockholder in the new ser-caused no llttle comment a nd t he parked his car near the Cynwyd . ' f ' t '11 b' 'bl f tstation in the space customarily re- les 1 I WI e Impossl e o r y ou 0dec is io n h as b ee n awaited wi th served f or mai l and express trucks at te nd to the mat te r you rs el f o nint eres t, a s in the past, when vol- to load and unload. At 5 o'clock September I, and t he new r es i-unteer firemen have been injured, George Tenner, mail contractor for dents of Narberth are especially in-I fi . d the Bala-Cynwyd post office,t le re compa l1 le s have foun found Hearl's car in the way when vited to take out s to ck in the n ewthemselves 'without sufficient he arrived with t he mai l for the ser ies a s thi s a ssoc ia ti on has beenfunds to properly compensate the evening train. well managed. Its earnings 'for theman for the inJ'uries incurred and In attempting to move Hearl's 1 st 86 t Itcar, Tenner inadvertently let it slip a year were . per cen. sw ith no provi sion made for s et- back; gathering momentum it Board of D ir ect ors att end t heting aside any fund for that pur- went over the bank and came to a month ly meetings and take pride inpose. halt about 10 feet f rom the Pennsy keeping th e as socia tion ' up to th eTh N b h F C tracks. h' he ar ert Ire ompany, A hurry call was sent in to Ig s tandard which was set by i tshoweve r, is amply pro tect ed bycom- George Smith, Narber th busy origina to rs , and we feel cer ta in tha tpensation insurance, according to owner of a wreckingcar, who pull- your money will be safey inves tedChief Charles V. Noel. The bor- ed the car back o n th e road again and c an be wi thdr awn at any t imeh 1 . 11 k in short order.oug po ICy covenng a wor men Hearl objected to paying the that you see fit.includes the members of the vol un- wrecking charges , saying t hat it Remember Se pt embe r 2, in theteer fire department. wasn't his fault that the car went evening from 7.30 to 9.00 a t E lmNo compensat ion cases of this over the bank -Tenner, on the Hall. 'k d" 'd h other hand, refused to pay becauseIn It IS sal, a ve e ve r come up he claimed that Hearl had no rightin Narberth. to park his car there for fourhours.The last report showed Smithlooking for some Solomon to decide where his money was c

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town August 28, 1926



    ' .. ~ . ' . ' .

    ,1. ._ _ .--... -- 'f"


    CYNWYD 662~ ~ Ave., BaJa-Cynwyd

    Ltt us 1001 D'lItr YlJur ,.,fi'iZlrtltlJr, ana1111 you tit, CDSt 01'a K,lfJinatlJrfi r it.


    is an Economy-a s well as aconvenience

    You c an t he n go on unmolested and beprepared for' the two feet or less of snowwe may g et later on .

    . ) , J ~ ~ . ~ I

    . ., ;. . 19 " j~ : ' : , , ~

    j , \ \ ~ ~ - ~ ~ " . . : . . L . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ pi IIIIi/!ilii/l ~ l r m l

    ! d l l l ! ~ l l l l l l l mKELVINATOR Electric Refrigerationquickly pays for its.elf. Better, however,than its economy is its'convenience. It auto-matically maintains a dry, uniform cold inyour re:frigerator, demanding no attentionrequiring no replenishing.

    May find you ready for a vacation or readyfor work. Many smal l jobs a round thehouse havebeen neglected because ofyourinability to get enough hours in a row tocomplete your line-up. 'Make a list nowof the material you will need, and let usdeliver it before

    ~ m u & W I D t i M 4 . ( I ).. NARBfRTH.pmNA- NARBERTH 375


    Somefolks use Bonemeal in the Spring.Some folks use it in the Fall. 'But those wise gardeners who use it bothSpring and Fal l know the trick that makes~ h best plant life.We have sufficient supply in stock to deliverthe amount your Garden will need.. :. ". .,...

    "Belter-alW4Ys Better"

    CONVENIENT, PAYMENT TERMS.Visit OUf Saiesroom'orPhone'(or a Representative

    ==----F= -KelVIn

    LABOR D A Y - ~ ~


    "Ard lUn _

    Narberth, P ~

    ~ A R B E i j T H , PA.

    , HARRY H ~ HAMERJobbing CarpenterStqrmEnelosures-ScreenaMade--Erected'-::'RemovedPhone'Narberth 1'171

    GEORGE W. LIGHTElectric Floor SurfacingNew Floors SurfacedOld Floors Resurfaced

    219 IONA AVE.Narberth, Pa.HOWARD C. FRITSCHJustice of the Peace

    REAL ESTATEFire Insurance-Best CompaniesPhone 1749W 215 Haverford Aye.


    .,rE ODlnty' SHOrPEThe, Gift Shoppe of Narberth

    BeginningSeptemberiii 'stYeOddity Shoppewill be opendaily from10 A. M.until 6 P; M.,'and everyFridayevening.:104 Forest Ave.

    local or out 'of towa, Quick..and EfIlci.nt B.nlce" -, - 'Po J:"DUFJtT335 D u d l e y , ~ A v e n u ephoDe. N..........b . . . .,...;,

    " ;! VERLPUGH"'.. , Electrical Contractor.. " : ELEOTRIOAL REPAIRS .&NDAPPLJANOU

    S14 QrQ'IIDI' AYIl. "8'(lrlllket An .Narberth, Pa . AJdJDIIIe, Pa.

    .. , ' ...~ . , . , . , . - . , ..., ...N.R.PEACOCK, Int er io randEx te rior Paint ing': WILL BE GLAD TO ESTIMATE407 Essex Avenue ,, PhoDe, Narberth _ :t_._.,_._-,.__ __ _ - , _ ~



    FRIENDS'CENTRALSCHOOLCountry 'Day SchoolOVERBROOK( l"orlUerlr at 15th and Hllcc Street!!, Phllnllell'hlll)Elght)'-8l'COlld Yeur 0p'e1l8 9th l\lonth 2bt, tD::nBOYS ulld GIBLS: Separate Departlllcllt8ELEl\IESTARY UEPAICTM&.",T, INCLUUING KINDER

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town August 28, 1926


    .' . . " .....,.

    "' ...-

    Church News

    .Methodist Episcopal Church.Services for Sunday, Augus t 29:9.45 A. M.-Bible School. Hon.FletcherW. Stites, superintendent.11.00 A. M.-Morning worship. Sermon by Rev. Stewart A. Young.7.00 P. M.-Union twilight service,in charge of the Lutheran Church.Rev. C. A. Senft wi1l preach the ser mon.Union prayer service on \Vednesdayat 7 P. M. in the Presbyterian Church,Rev. C. A. Senft will be the leader.

    AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARYI Baptist Church of the Evangel. The Mont gomery-Bucks Bi-Robert E. Keighton, minister. County Council, American LegionServices August 29:9.45 A. M.-Church Scl\ool. The Auxiliary, entertained 30 disabledlesson will be taught from t he d es k war veterans at a picnic Thursday,to the school. Everybody welcome and August 19, a t the home o f Mrs. N .pleased to .,!lave you a ~ t e n d . . B. Hughes, Gulph Pa.11.00 A. M.-Mornmg worsnlp. Ser- D' d' dmon by Rev. Fred B. Igler, Baptist lOner an supper were serveStudent Secretary, University of pcnn-Ito the boys on the por ch o f Mrs.sylvania Christian Association. Hughes' home, and games a qd7 . 0 0 . ~ . M . - ~ v e l l i n g u!lion service.' music were furnished by the NorThe mll1lster will be furmshed by the ris town unit who were in charge ofLutheran Church. . 'tT' Wednesday, September 1, 8 P. M .- e n t e r t a m t 1 ~ e n t . J.hose onUnion prayer s er vice . Thi s service the comlntttee from the MaIO Linew\ll be in charge.o f t he Lutherans ~ n were' : Mrs. George B. McKinney,wlll be held. III the. P ~ t s b y t e n a n Bala-Cynwyd; Miss Regina DonChu;ch. ThIS IS the last umon prayer aghy and Mrs Alb rt R 'nhold tservice and everyone should make a . e et , 0special effort to attend. Ardmore, and Mrs. James T. Howenstein and Mrs . Edwin W. Wipf,Narberth.

    220 Bala Aye.Cynwyd,'Pa.


    , .'

    We welcome every opportunityTo serve you. an d your friends.In every s e ~ e of t hewordWe want YQU t o mak eTIlls bank YOUR BANK.

    We pledge ou r co-operationTo its worthy enterprisesAn d to you, its Citizen.

    Narberth 2602Cynwyd 928

    219 HaverfordAvenue

    D L ' 1 ~ I O U S !




    -And it saves all the trouble of baking athome during hot summer.~ P u r e and wholesome, and my! how.gOQd !-T ry our cakes and pies, our pastry.andcandy made i n our own sanitary bakeshop.


    Make This Bank Your Bank " a

    102 Forest Ave.Narberth, Pa.



    Phone Narber th 1705 fo r prompt delivery

    SPROUT TREESI f a new growth of sprout hard:"wood t imber is des ired to replacethat being removed, it is advisableto cut the trees! during the winteror very early spring, as stumps of.t rees fell ed dur ing those per iodssprout best. Sprouting is most vigorous f rom low st ump s. Sprou tregeneration is especially applicable!"Ioly Trinity Lutheran. h dCletus A. Senft, active. pastor. to young ardwoo stands, particu-Services Sunday: l ar ly those to be cut over every 20Bible School, 9.45 A: M. to 30, years for postS! or fuel. T heMorning w()rship, 11 A. M. Theme: majority .of hardwoods do not"The Good Samaritan."sprouf vigorously beyond 60 yearsEvening service, 7 P. M. Theme: of age. Basswood and chestnut are"Important Personal Questions."Prayer service in the Presbyterian except ions , s ince as a rule they:J : Church with the Lutheran Church in sprout :well from healthy stumps QP~ ~ ~ * ~ . ~ , ~ ~ ~ O O O O ! N o O C l ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . ...~ . ~ < . l l ! : l , , ~ l l ! l , ~ O O O O O O o o ~ l e h a r g e . to 10 0 years of age







    n% ft. n

    Sbt &: Gray's


    Cherry CookiesHome-Made PiesCoffee CakesHoney Buns (with walnutS)Wedding Cakes



    . ~


    We Invite You to TrySome o f Ou r Specialties

    .e .e .-ft. n

    302 Haverford AvenueNARBERTH 1635

    Telephone, BOULEVARD 888


    Open F1'iday Evenings-7 until 9

    LaJogest I n ~ e p e ~ ~ ~ n t . . Q : ~ 1 QealeriDPhiJa'delphia



    Will your coalburn next winter?

    63rd 4: Market

    Coal tha t " looks good" in the spr ingand "burns bad" in winter won't keep yourhome warm. How can you tel l good coalfrom b a d ~ You can't. You must dependupon your coal dea ler for quali ty as wel las quantity. Thousands of households inWest Philadelphia and suburbs have faithin our coal, our service, our weight. And,they're never disappointed.


    NARBERTH HOME BAKERY243 Haverford Ave. :: Narberth 2201W


    -',:Th e stability, resource and financial integrityof a national bank ar e known, respected, andrelied upon throughout the country.Th e convenience, friendliness an d closeness ofinterest make a community bank the idealinstitu.tion wit h wh ich t o do business.In joining these two advantages- in choosingofficers an d directors from representative citizens, we feel t ha t w e h av e provided unusualbanking facilities.An d a steady, r ap id g rowt h i n deposits is th ebest p roof of stability.

    , .

    Home-Made CookiesFresh MacaroonsAlmond HornsLemon SnapsButter CookiesVanilla SnapsOld-fashioned.Bread as g r a n d m o t h e ~ \ baked itWhole Wheat Plain Frosted Raisin

    I l l n nn . n

    I , . " ' T : ~ N p ~ : V ~ j l ~ ~ ~ : i ~ ~ ~ : : = t C ? ~ : is ROCld CostNQttoBe FearedYet,.When Diuatisfied Try SWIM . . necessary : t Q , . , r e t p ~ , : e " f o q d ; . P t : o a u c t s " i g h w a y Departmen.,."t Tells, County,:FOR HEALTH and PLEASURE from' soort a:s they are o ~ n . ;S p ~ l Summer Ofter ed is erroneous: Fo r a reasonable BRYNWOOD MANOR INN Montgom.ery county taxpayersa E W l T ~ S Three months Swimming Pool and period incident to its utilization it IS NEW DEVELOPMENT a re not ltkely to face for manyShower Baths, including Membership would be safer to al low .the food CONTINUED FROM' THE FIRST PAGE years the enormous costs that havefor a Whole Year and Six Free Les- to 're1hain in the can. Transferring b f d'Tailors, Cleaners and Dyen sons:, Men, $4.00; Boys, $2.50; Wom- to ano ther receptac le only adds to stand ing tha t i t wou ld con fo rm r ~ : ~ s . ear:, 10 the widening ofen, $3.50; Girls, $2.25 . ' the 4 a n g ~ r of contamination. with the zoning law, in not being234 Haverford Avenue 'Phone, Narberth 1254 SINGLE ADMISSION, 25 CENTS used for general commercial pur- The St at e is not i nt ent upon aTheLower Merion High School Ten- ,HEDGEROW PRESENTS poses. costly program of arbitrary widen-W Cal', f ~ . : J D r nis Courts are ope'n to the Public .. . Th ing of roads without consent ore .. or ~ ' W I e ~ ' V e r under Y. M. C. A. supervision at Next , v ~ e k at Rose Valley, the ere.will b walks o f b roken consu ltat ion with county autho ri -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Imoderate rates.. Hedgerow Theatre will present st?ne meandermg well- ~ e s : I"nstead, i ~ is merely "estab-Main Line C ~ ' Aatod8tio1l "Will Shakespeare," and "Hedda l a ~ d gardens pas t a spo?tmg f oun- hshmg such Widths a s a basis f orof theY. Me c.A. Gabler."," . . . ~ a m . The grounds wIll ~ kept work that may not be ne

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town August 28, 1926



    ~ ~ r ~ E : k f : : : a m AT::j" r i j i i ~ i j i ~ ~ i j ; j ; j i ~ ~ 1 i i i i ~ 1 i i H H ~ l l ~ 1 ; \ ? ~ f t fine character por trai t and an in- U..J(A"L&"Et er est ing s to ry o f t unne ling t hrough " p,., ~ .a mountain for a railroad. ' , ~ Marchester Royal-J. S. Fletch- SILVER on Worn, Brassy Parts, Re ,.NEXT TUESDAY NIGHTer. A murder mystery. f1eetors, Radia tors, Ba throom FauBrief Reviewa of Recent L .ibrary Ac Padlocked-Rex Beach. A mod- cets, etc., so that they m: ..&t

    quisitions. ern g ir l' s f ight to call her soul her LOOK LIKE NEW m;In the space alloted to book re- own: , On t h , ~ ' , 'evening of th e 31 st ofviews there is not enough room to SIlver Spoon-John Galsworthy. 3-oz. Trial S ize SOc; Yz.pint $UIO; ~ ment ion o r recommend especia lly Tomorrow' s Tangle-Margaret Pint $1.65 August we will withdraw ouranyone book, but for those who are Pedler. 'fhis ~ o o k is the a n s w ~ r to See Demonstration ~ interested in book writers andd ~ ! 1 e b i r the questw?, Is love ever faI r to E. J. LHY.OFDS. C:oHtteRr icklin ' special sale, there is "Adams Bree, y a w o m a n . ~ .Radcliffe Hall. This book is well A. R. Justice Co., 904 Walnut St., Wworth 'special mention. Following GIRL SCOUTS ' P , h i l a d e l p h i a Come in q t P J 1 c . ~ ~ Q ~ v i ; , \ i l Y P l J . r ~ ,is t he complete list added to t he To Participate in Gir l Scout Day at If f h'". !, . ",'.' , b ~ Narberth Community Library dur- Sesqui. WALTER NEWRUCK !t: se 0 t IS opportunity to uy !ing August: Invitations h av e b ee n i ss ue d t o t he W fNon-Fiction. Girl Scouts of the Main Line to take Carpenter and Builder -one 0 ourDreadful Decade-Don Seitz. Be- part" in the observa;nce of : 'Girl Scout Jobbing-Estimates Free mrt m tl 1 Sixties and our Day at the SesqUlcentenmal on Sep- ..e.iween our ar a . . tember 2. NARBERTH 2733.J Wdelightful}y dull Elghttes. . Dur ing the ir s ta y t he v is it ing Gi rl ~ EducatIon and Good Llfe-Ber- Scouts wi ll be ent er ta ined at tea in ".tn1IH a G ' ..e.itrand Russell. A popular statement the Pennsylvania State Building, where ' m: ,of the modern idea in education. they wil l be the special ~ u e s t s of Miss R. ,S. TOUHILL W() ) Famous Men of Science- Martha G. Thomas, offic!al hostess. At Electr,cal Contractor ~ ~ ~ ~

    ... . Ithe Pal ace o f Educat ion t wo per-barah Bolton. formances of the movie "Around the 703 S. Bowman Avenue(j ) Sportcraft for Allthe Year- Clock Wit h t he Girl Scuots," wil l b , . ~ PHONE MERION 108iDale R. Van Horn. given at 12 and 5 ?'clock.. They will , '-_ , . " . , . . . . ~ Story of the Consti tution-Elsie be taken on an inspectIOn tour of ..e.t Camp Anthony Way ne a nd Camp , "lb"tSmgmaster. . . Samuel Nichola where they wil l be r e - ' ~ ..e.iUnderstandmg Your Chlldren- ceived by Brigadier General H. c. TAX I SE RV I, e E W "0fFrederick Pierce. The authorspeaks Learnard , commander of , the Sesqui- P. F. DONAHUE 1. Only $5.00 Down.f rom many years ' experience as a c e n t e ~ n i a l e.xpeditionary force, a ~ Residence, Station, ~ \ . 1 1 . hI' t Captam LoUIs Estell Fagan, officer m N N rth W ..e.tpracttca, consu ttng psyc 0 ogls . charge of t he United States Marine arberth 1731 arbe 1713 W 2 $10.00 allowance on your o ld heater.Fiction. encampment. ' " Baggage Called lor and Delil1eretl ~ Adams Breed-Radcliffe Hall. A Demonstrations by the visiting 108CONWAY AVENlIE NAaBEBTa' ~ sympathetic portrayal of ' an Italian tsroopts hat / h e t " B e t t ~ r thHome," .?irl 3. A year to pa y for it. ..e.iwaiter's life in a London restaurant. ~ o ea quar e rs a e e ~ p o s ~ 1O!l Phone Narberth 672 ~ ~ C h WIll feature t he p rogram whIch IS In. Beau Sabreur- hnst 0 per charge of Miss Julia Williamson, di- 4 N' . hWren. A mystery story of the. recto r of Girl Scouts for Phi ladelphia. Narberth Taxi Cab Co . a Interest or carrYing c arges.French Foreign Legion in the des- r A s t a n d ! n ~ , invitation to ,:isit " H i ~ h Walter Roser serts of Africa. IStree t of 76 on t ~ SesqUlcentenmalChild o f ' the North-Ridgewell grounds at . any time has also b e ~ n DODGlll SEDANS FOR BIRII W A I .....OGETHER THIS REP'RESEN .....S A SAVINGOF $27.50. ..e.t, gIven the GIrl Scouts by Mrs . ]. Wll- BY THE HOUR OR DAY ~ ~ . 1 ,I,Collum. Lus t for go ld, a woman s l is Mart in, chairman of the Women 's Offiee: 2111 HaTerford AYe. .setlove and mystery. Committee of the Sesqui. On this ~ ' D O NOT FAIL TO PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW. 'fGlElope I f You Must -E . ] . Rath. street, re!>uilt and re-peopled ~ i t w asA romantic girl who t ri ed hard to a t. t he tIme of the R e v o l u t l o l ~ , they English Type House A DELAY WILL MEAN A LOSS TO YOU. d b 1 WIll find t he homes of Washmgton, W 'I6'felope, but who oun 0 stac es Jefferson a nd Rob er t Mor ri s, B en- For Sale ~ , everywhere. . jamin Franklin's Print Shop, the first , ' Gentleman from Virginia-C. A. infirmary and t he old "Sign of Ye H al f- ac re. Fi ve b ed - COOK BROTHERS ..e.tSeltzer. Thrilling tale of the early Indian Q u ~ e n , " where they a ll s et to r oo ms a nd 3 baths. ! ']]We t when i t abounded in outlaws s up a nd dISCUSS tht; p r ~ b l e m . of t he All s tone construc t ion. W "'6tS day. Jefferson's "gIg" 111 whI ch he N b h 1752 .setand IndIans. rode from his home in Virginia to GEORGE R. MARKLE' 10 4 Essex Avenue ar er t '

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