

Opioids for Chronic Refractory Breathlessness: Right Patient,Right Route?

David C. Currow • Magnus Ekstrom •

Amy P. Abernethy

Published online: 11 December 2013

� Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2013

Abstract Chronic breathlessness at rest or on minimal

exertion despite optimal treatment of the underlying

chronic cause(s) is termed chronic refractory breathless-

ness. This is prevalent across the community and is an

independent indicator of poor prognosis. This narrative

review focuses on the palliation of chronic refractory

breathlessness in people predominantly with non-cancer

diagnoses. Breathlessness is a complex sensation with at

least three dimensions—intensity, distress/unpleasantness

and its impact on function. It is the conscious representa-

tion of a mismatch between central ventilatory drive (the

demand to breathe) and the responding respiratory output

(the ability to breathe). Measurement relies on subjective

reports by patients using a choice of uni- and multi-variable

tools; the minimal clinically important difference is the

smallest change conceived as clinically meaningful by the

patients. Exogenous and endogenous opioids work cen-

trally to reduce the sensation of breathlessness, with mor-

phine as a mu opioid receptor agonist the most widely

studied. Regular, low doses of sustained-release morphine

have been shown to safely reduce breathlessness in this

setting without evidence of respiratory depression nor

obtundation. Patients should be initiated at a dosage of

10 mg/24 h and titrated by 10 mg if there is no benefit

once in steady state. The highest dosage in the only dose-

ranging study published to date was only 30 mg/24 h.

Predictors of response to opioids for chronic refractory

breathlessness include younger people with more severe

breathlessness at baseline. Future research should address

whether upward titration delivers further clinical benefit

and whether all underlying aetiologies respond as predict-

ably to opioids.

1 Introduction

1.1 Definition of Chronic Refractory Breathlessness

A number of conditions leave people with chronic

breathlessness at rest or on minimal exertion despite opti-

mal treatment of the underlying chronic cause(s). This is

now termed chronic refractory breathlessness. Chronicity

has been operationalised in timeframes of 8 weeks [1] and

3 months [2] although in practice, once breathlessness

persists despite maximal treatment(s) of underlying chronic

causes and the cause is irreversible, it should be considered

‘chronic’. Underlying conditions include chronic obstruc-

tive pulmonary disease (COPD), interstitial lung disease,

cancer, chronic heart failure and advanced disease where

cachexia and muscle loss appear to cause breathlessness

even in the absence of underlying cardio-respiratory dis-

ease [3].

Across the community, the prevalence of chronic

breathlessness in resource-rich countries is surprisingly

high. A very small number of studies have looked at the

D. C. Currow � A. P. Abernethy

Discipline, Palliative and Supportive Services and Flinders

Centre for Clinical Change, Flinders University, Sturt Road,

Bedford Park, SA 5042, Australia

D. C. Currow (&)

Health Sciences Building, Repatriation General Hospital, Daws

Road, Daw Park, SA 5041, Australia

e-mail: [email protected]

M. Ekstrom

Lund University, Lund, Sweden

A. P. Abernethy

Center for Learning Health Care, Duke University, Durham, NC,


Drugs (2014) 74:1–6

DOI 10.1007/s40265-013-0162-8

prevalence and reflect rates that, understandably, increase

with age. In one population-based survey, 1 in 12 people

had breathlessness that impacted on their day-to-day lives,

1 in 100 had breathlessness that impacted significantly on

their activities of daily living chronically and 1 in 300 were

housebound because of breathlessness [2]. As such,

breathlessness creates a massive symptom burden across

the community. Several studies have confirmed that the

presence of breathlessness is an indicator of a poor prog-

nosis with rates of subsequent death more than twice that of

the rest of the community [4, 5].

The aim of this narrative review is to define the evidence

underpinning treating chronic refractory breathlessness

with opioids, with a focus on people with COPD. It will

include consideration of patient selection, the choice of

opioid, dosing and route(s) of administration.

2 Measuring Breathlessness: Current Instruments

A thorough clinical examination is essential for evaluating

and managing the underlying disease. Physiological

parameters have very poor correlation with the experienced

severity of breathlessness [6, 7]. Given the subjective

nature of breathlessness, self-assessment by the patient is

considered the ‘‘gold standard’’ for rating the symptom and

its impact [8]. However, breathlessness is a complex sen-

sation with at least three dimensions—intensity, distress/

unpleasantness and its impact on function [8], which

patients can experience distinctly. This has been reflected

by in vivo studies in the laboratory setting [9–11]. Further

research is needed to elucidate the measurement, interplay

and impact of these different dimensions of breathlessness.

There is therefore no single measure that captures all

dimensions, and the choice of rating instrument is influ-

enced by factors including the main dimension of interest,

feasibility, study population and setting [8].

Studies of opioids in severe cardiopulmonary disease

have mainly measured the intensity of breathlessness using

unidimensional instruments: the Visual Analogue Scale

(VAS), Numerical Rating Scale (NRS), modified Borg

scale or Likert scale [8, 12–14]. The VAS is a continuous

100-mm scale anchored at 0 with ‘‘no breathlessness’’ and

at 100 for ‘‘worst possible breathlessness’’, which is valid

for measuring intensity changes within individuals, with

high sensitivity and reproducibility [15, 16]. Likewise,

anchors can reflect the affective component of breathless-

ness with ‘‘no unpleasantness’’ and ‘‘most unpleasant

breathlessness imaginable’’. The NRS is highly correlated

to VAS but is an ordinal scale between 0 and 10 [17]. The

modified Borg and the four category Likert scales are

categorical measures with a verbal description for each

category. Borg and Likert scales are also highly correlated

with VAS [18–20]. Timeframes for the measures can

include the last 12 or 24 h and may reflect ‘average’, ‘best’

or ‘worst’ sensations.

Application of more functional measures such as the

Medical Research Council (MRC) scale allows an under-

standing not only of the subjective rating of breathlessness,

but seeks to understand the level of exertion before breath-

lessness intervenes [21]. The widespread use of the MRC, for

example, in general practice in the UK, will allow a much

better understanding of breathlessness across the community

and help to evaluate outcomes in day-to-day practice.

Multidimensional instruments aim to capture several

dimensions of breathlessness but are more complicated and

less used in clinical trials of opioids to date. Examples

include the Baseline Dyspnea Index/Transitional Dyspnea

Index (BDI/TDI), which focus on the functional impact of

dyspnoea [22], the Dyspnea-12 scale, [23] the Cancer

Dyspnea Scale (CDS) [24] and measures included in health-

related quality-of-life instruments, such as the St George

Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ) and the Chronic Respi-

ratory Disease Questionnaire (CRDQ) [25, 26].

2.1 The Minimally Clinically Important Difference

in Chronic Breathlessness

The minimal clinically important difference (MCID) is the

smallest change in a parameter that is conceived as clini-

cally meaningful by patients [8, 27]. To date, most MCID

data for breathlessness have been developed in the setting

of acute breathlessness. The reduction required to be

clinically meaningful to patients in the acute setting, such

as an exacerbation of asthma, is of the order of 2 cm on a

NRS or 20 mm on a VAS [28, 29].

In the setting of chronic refractory breathlessness,

MCID was -9.2 mm (-15.8 to -2.1) on a 100-mm VAS

in patients with mainly severe COPD and chronic heart

failure [27]. Supported cut-offs for intensity changes were

-5.5 mm for small change, -11.3 for moderate and

-18.2 mm for large change [27]. Data on the MCID for

other dimensions of breathlessness are lacking; however,

information available to date suggests that, in the setting of

chronic refractory breathlessness, relatively small reduc-

tions in breathlessness will be perceived beneficially by

patients in this setting. Future trials should be powered to

detect a difference in breathlessness intensity correspond-

ing to at least 10 mm on a 100-mm VAS.

3 In Vivo Studies Contributing to the Understanding

of the Role of Opioids in Reducing Breathlessness

Laboratory studies underpinning the evidence now include

important data on the administration of opioid antagonists,

2 D. C. Currow et al.

which help define the role of endogenous opioids, labora-

tory exercise studies of opioid agonists in healthy volun-

teers, and, most recently, important changes demonstrated

through functional imaging.

3.1 Opioid Antagonists

Opioid antagonists have been administered to people with

moderate to severe COPD in the laboratory setting after

which they are asked to exercise on the treadmill [30].

Breathlessness increased with an opioid antagonist sug-

gesting that endogenous opioids help to modulate the

sensation of breathlessness. The regression slope of

breathlessness as a function of oxygen consumption was

higher with naloxone than placebo during exercise.

3.2 Opioid Agonists

The most widely studied opioid for the relief of breath-

lessness is morphine, the archetypal opioid agonist for the

mu opioid receptor. Discovered at the beginning of the 19th

century, morphine was commercialised within a quarter of

a century. Orally, bioavailability is between 20 % and

40 %, with similar rates of protein binding. Ninety percent

of morphine is metabolised in the liver, with more than

90 % excreted renally and the balance through the biliary

system. The pharmacokinetics of oral morphine vary

depending on which of the three most widely available

delivery systems are used: immediate-release oral mor-

phine solution, controlled-release morphine tablets, and

sustained release [31].

Central modulation of breathlessness appears to occur in

two distinct pathways: afferent sensations to the somato

sensory cortex reflect intensity; and afferent pathways to

the limbic system transmit unpleasantness. The latter is an

area with large numbers of opioid receptors [32].

The use of opioid agonists in healthy volunteers in the

laboratory suggests that exogenous opioids (morphine)

help to modulate breathlessness. Work is continuing to

define whether the combination of endogenous and exog-

enous opioids is of benefit, how they work, and whether

peripheral and central opioid receptors are equally impor-

tant in modulating breathlessness [33].

Other opioids are being studied to see if their net effects

are similar to morphine. The most promising study was of

fentanyl in the laboratory setting, showing a similar pattern

of reduced breathlessness with maintained work effort [34].

3.3 Functional Imaging

Breathlessness is the conscious representation of a mis-

match between central ventilatory drive (demand to

breathe) and the resulting respiratory output (ability to

breathe) [8]. Although much remains to be understood,

recent positron emission tomography and functional mag-

netic resonance imaging studies have shed light on

neurobiological pathways and mechanisms that contribute

to different qualities of breathlessness. Awareness of the

intensity of breathlessness is mediated by afferent projec-

tions from peripheral chemo-mechanical receptors, which

mostly remain uncharacterised, to the brainstem medulla,

ventro-posterior thalamic area and somatosensory cortex

structures [35]. Awareness of the unpleasantness of

breathlessness involves areas in the right anterior insula

and amygdala [35, 36]. These areas are also activated by

other unpleasant stimuli including hunger, nausea, thirst

and pain [37].

Endogenous opioids (endorphins) are, to date, the only

neurotransmitters that have been shown to modulate

breathlessness [38]. Endogenous opioids reduce both the

intensity and unpleasantness of laboratory-induced

breathlessness [30, 39, 40]. Increasing endogenous opi-

oids selectively in the blood did not affect breathless-

ness, suggesting that opioids modulate breathlessness

mainly through direct effects on the central nervous

system [33].

4 Clinical Care of People with Chronic Refractory

Breathlessness: Net Benefit of Therapy

Considering the net effects of opioids requires an under-

standing of both the benefits and harms. Benefits include

reduced breathlessness in a way that is safe, effective,

sustained and improves functioning. Harms include pre-

dictable problems such as constipation, and theoretical

concerns including respiratory depression, obtundation and

confusion extrapolated from the acute administration of

much higher doses of opioids. The net effects need to

balance all of these factors in considering the use of opioids

in this clinical setting.

4.1 Oral Opioids: Evidence of Effect

Low-dose sustained-release oral morphine has level I evi-

dence for the treatment of chronic refractory breathlessness

in advanced, progressive disease, irrespective of diagnosis

[12, 13, 41]. In a meta-analysis published in 2002 of nine

studies (102 patients), oral and parenteral opioids

decreased breathlessness by a mean standardised difference

(MSD) -0.40 (95 % confidence interval, -0.63 to -0.17),

corresponding to a mean decrease of 8 mm on a 100-mm

VAS [12]. A sub-analysis showed similar effects in

patients with COPD.

An adequately powered study in patients with chronic

refractory breathlessness was published by Abernethy and

Opioids for Chronic Refractory Breathlessness 3

colleagues in 2003 [13]. In this double-blind, placebo-

controlled, crossover, randomised trial, a daily dose of

20 mg sustained-release oral morphine decreased the mean

breathlessness in the morning (6.6 mm; 1.6–11.6;

p = 0.011) and evening (9.5 mm; 3.0–16.1; p = 0.006) on

a 100-mm VAS, compared with 4 days of placebo [13]. As

a secondary outcome, opioids also improved sleep quality

as a result of fewer dyspnoea-related sleep disturbances

(p = 0.039). The 48 included patients were elderly (mean

age 76 years), had severe breathlessness (mean 42 mm on

morning VAS), mostly had COPD as their underlying

cause of breathlessness (88 %) and mostly used long-term

oxygen therapy (71 %). This finding was consistent with

the findings of a meta-analysis that opioids reduced

breathlessness (MSD -1.3; -2.49 to -0.13) in patients

with cancer [42].

One disease-specific study in chronic heart failure failed

to demonstrate a net benefit in the short term for immedi-

ate-release oral morphine solution given at a dosage of

5 mg four times each day. The crossover, randomised,

controlled trial failed to show any significant difference in

breathlessness over 4 days compared with placebo [14].

However, a subsequent analysis indicated improvements

after 3 months treatment in those who continued therapy,

suggesting the need for a dose titration study in people with

chronic heart failure [43].

4.2 Titrating of Oral Opioids for Chronic Refractory


In an observational phase-II dose-increment study of oral,

low-dose sustained-release morphine in 83 patients (54 %

COPD, 29 % cancer), 64 % of patients responded to opi-

oids, defined as receiving a C10 % decrease in breath-

lessness [41]. In this open-label, single-arm study, based on

the number of responses and adverse effects over baseline

among those participating, for every 1.6 people started on

sustained-release morphine for breathlessness, one person

derived a net clinical benefit. For every 4.6 people, one

person had to stop therapy because of adverse effects that

reversed. There were no episodes of respiratory depression

or obtundation. Among responders, 70 % needed only

10 mg morphine once daily to get a beneficial effect, and

30 % responded to doses up to 30 mg daily. As such, only

relatively small doses of the drug appear to have a clini-

cally significant therapeutic effect. Response to opioids

occurred mostly within 24 h after the successful dose

increase, with an additional decrease in breathlessness

during the subsequent week [44]. There was clear evidence

of net clinical benefit in this longitudinal study; research is

needed on whether increasing the opioid dose above the

lowest dose needed for response provides additional


A clinical trial of regular, low-dose, sustained-release

morphine is recommended for patients with severe, ongo-

ing breathlessness that is refractory to treatment of the

underlying aetiology [13]. Opioid titration should be done

by initiating a low dose equivalent to 10 mg per 24 h

morphine with up-titration weekly or faster as needed.

Having achieved a response, it will be important to wait

1 week before further upward titration [44]. Prophylactic

treatment for constipation should be offered to all people as

they commence on opioids. Response is measured using a

VAS or NRS before and during the treatment, helping

clinicians to balance beneficial and adverse effects.

4.3 Predictors of Response to Oral Opioids

A recent pooled analysis of four clinical studies (178

patients with mostly severe COPD and chronic heart fail-

ure) demonstrated that the chance of responding to opioids

was higher in patients with more severe breathlessness at

baseline (p \ 0.001) and in younger patients (p = 0.025

for relative response). Response was defined as an absolute

or relative improvement of C10 % over the baseline

breathlessness [45], and was not predicted by functional

status, gender or the underlying disease aetiology [45].

Further work is needed to understand why younger, more

breathless patients derive more benefit from low-dose,

regular opioids.

4.4 Safety of Oral Opioids

Low-dose opioids are safe in opioid-naı̈ve patients with

severe cardiopulmonary disease. The main reported

adverse effects in pragmatic, prospective trials where tox-

icities were actively and routinely sought were constipation

and nausea/vomiting, and to a lesser degree dizziness and

drowsiness [12–14, 41]. Adverse effects were transient and

reversible when treated or upon opioid discontinuation and

did not cause any hospitalisations or deaths [12–14, 41,

46]. Respiratory depression and hypoventilation have not

been reported in any study of regular, low-dose opioids to

date [12–14, 41, 46, 47]. Research is needed on predictors

of adverse effects and on the safety of opioids in routine

clinical practice [48], particularly in expected high-risk

populations such as patients with respiratory failure,

especially central hypoventilation syndromes.

5 Other Routes of Administration: Nebulised Opioids

The bronchial tree is also richly innervated with opioid

receptors [49]. This has led to work to explore the possi-

bility that local delivery of nebulised opioids may also help

to ameliorate the sensation of breathlessness, without

4 D. C. Currow et al.

systemic absorption. The systematic review by Jennings

et al. [12] identified nine small studies that had used neb-

ulised opioids. The meta-analysis failed to demonstrate any

benefit, but this may well be a Type II error given the

studies available for analysis. Most notably, particle size

and delivery mechanisms have a major impact on where in

the bronchial tree the drug is ultimately delivered [49].

More recently, a double-blind, randomised trial dem-

onstrated that in people with severe, ongoing breathless-

ness, a single dose of nebulised morphine relieved

breathlessness [50]. It is not clear if there was any systemic

absorption. This relatively small, single-dose study needs

to be incorporated into the meta-analysis by Jennings et al.


6 Conclusions

Low-dose opioids have a key role to play in the safe

reduction of chronic refractory breathlessness, with the

majority of people in the study setting deriving symptom-

atic benefit. Systemic opioids are now supported by theo-

retical, laboratory and clinical evidence in the patient

populations for whom such medications should be pre-

scribed. Most recently, significant statements by the

American College of Chest Physicians [51], the American

Thoracic Society [8] and the Canadian Respiratory Society

[52] all endorse the use of opioids in the setting of

refractory breathlessness. Ensuring timely and appropriate

access to regular, low-dose oral morphine is a key chal-

lenge as the evidence for this therapy strengthens.

Future research needs to address two key issues: whe-

ther upward titration delivers a further net clinical benefit;

and whether all underlying aetiologies respond as predict-

ably to opioids and with the same magnitude of benefit.

This work is currently underway in blinded, randomised


Acknowledgements No funding was associated with this work.

Competing interest DC Currow, M Ekstrom and AP Abernethy

declare no competing interests.


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6 D. C. Currow et al.

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