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I S S U E :

White Harvest 2

The Farmer’s Wife/When the Harvest

Isn’t Plentiful 3

From Seed to Harvest 4

A Spiritual Harvest 5

Happening This Month


News & Announcements/

Global Partners


Bookmark/Birthdays & Anniversaries/

Looking Ahead


Children’s Ministry 9

Youth Ministry 10

October Calendar 11

O C T O B E R 2 0 1 6

Church wasn’t on their radar. But the Schmidt’s were on God’s radar. And sometimes He brings in His harvest one stalk at a time.

Madisyn was invited to go to church camp a few years ago. That week at The Brethren Retreat changed her life forever. The spiritual seed had been growing, but that week it was harvest time for Madisyn – she gave her life to Jesus and she was filled with joy. Returning from camp can be hard. Madisyn wasn’t sure how her family would take to the new junior higher. She had hopes they might want to come to church, and to her surprise some of her family would show up from time to time. Parents tend to do that when their kids are doing something special; and since Madisyn can sing like a song bird, her family would come hear her sing specials or with the worship team. Hearts were beginning to change, but it would take time for more stalks in this field to be ready.

After one and a half years of watching his daughter grow spiritually, Madisyn’s dad Mike was ready. It was harvest time in July 2015 as Mike casually commented to Pastor Kurt at a High School sports meeting, “Hey this may not be the time or place, but I was wondering how I could get saved?” That week, Mike became a Christian and began his journey of discipleship. Mike was a spiritual sponge. He read constantly and began to make some significant changes in his life.

Harvest for Bonita (Madisyn’s mom) came yet another year later. In her own time of readiness, Bonita also chose to believe in Jesus as her Savior. She saw changes in the lives of those around her – in her family and among those she met at church. God’s Spirit was awakening Bonita to the new life He had in store for her. Bonita is also reading and growing. She is asking questions and participating in a study with other women.

The Harvest isn’t over for this family. There are others watching, wondering if the changes are real. There are struggles yet to be resolved and prayers yet to be answered. But God seems to be taking His own special time here, personally calling forth and reaching out to and through this family. There are many unknowns, but what’s certain is this: there are more families like the Schmidt’s in our community. You work with some. They sit by you at the complex and in the gym. Your kids/grandkids are in the same class/team. They just friended you on Facebook. Your yards touch. You share the same interests. You like the same restaurants. You went to school with them years ago… The scenarios are endless.

Jesus said, “The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask Him to send more workers into His fields.” (Matthew 9:37-38). So, pray for more workers in God’s harvest field, and open up your heart to being one of those willing to help someone take yet another step toward Jesus and a personal relationship with Him. For the Schmidt family, it took someone inviting Madisyn to spend a week at summer camp. For others it will be different. How might God use you and your family to uniquely ready the field for another Family Harvest?

A FAMILY HARVEST STORY: The Schmidts Written by Pastor Kurt

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“...when we are

engaged in


today, there is

the joy of

knowing that

what we do can

result in eternal

spiritual fruit”

White Harvest It’s the harvest season for farmers. It’s the time when the call goes out, “All hands on deck.” There’s a sense of urgency until the crops are completely brought in, with the hope of a reward for one’s labor. In John chapter four, we see that Jesus had that kind of urgency. In this chapter we see Jesus’ well-known encounter with the “woman at the well.” In a city of Samaria called Sychar, Jesus initiated a conversation with a Samaritan woman by a well. She became a believer in Jesus as the Messiah, with the result that she went into the city and told people about Jesus, and they came out to see Him for themselves.

Jesus’ disciples, who had gone into the city to buy food, returned and were encouraging Jesus to eat. He said, “I have food to eat that you don’t know about.” The disciples, puzzled, asked each other if someone had brought Him something to eat. Jesus replied, "My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me and to accomplish His work. Do you not say, 'There are yet four months, and then comes the harvest '? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look on the

fields, that they are white for harvest. Already he who reaps is receiving wages and is gathering fruit for life eternal; so that he who sows and he who reaps may rejoice together. For in this case the saying is true, 'One sows and another reaps.' I sent you to reap that for which you have not labored; others have labored and you have entered into their labor."

As stated in the MacArthur Bible Commentary, this event probably happened in December or January which was four months before the normal spring harvest (mid-April). Crops were planted in November, and by December or January the grain would be sprouting up in vibrant green color. Jesus used the fact that they were surrounded by crops growing in the field and waiting to be harvested as an object lesson to illustrate His urgency about reaching the lost which the “harvest” symbolized. Jesus points out the Samaritan woman and the people of Sychar who were at that moment coming upon the scene looked like a ripened “harvest” that urgently need to be “gathered” (i.e., evangelized). Their white clothing seen above the growing grain may have looked like white heads on the stalks, an indication of readiness for harvest. Jesus’ call to His disciples to do the work of evangelism contains the promise of reward by way of spiritual fruit that brings eternal joy, whether we sow or reap.

In the same way, when we are engaged in evangelism today, there is the joy of knowing that what we do can result in eternal spiritual fruit. Often when we share Christ with someone that person may not believe then and there, but we’ve “sown a seed” that may bear fruit later. Or, if the person does believe, it may be the result of others having “sown the seed” years earlier. It took many people trying to win me to Christ over many years before I finally believed, and all of them now share in the reward (although many of them will not know of it until we meet again in heaven). As someone said to me, “Heaven will be adorned by the souls we’ve had a hand in leading to Christ.” As believers, let us have the urgency of the harvest season.

Ron Burns, Discipleship Coordinator All Scripture references are NASB

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This past year there was a challenge on the

internet under the social network Instagram

called #the100daysproject. Simply doing

something creative and posting a picture of it

on Instagram 100 days in a row. After being

prompted by my sister (who was sewing for

100 days straight) I chose to capture 100 days

of farming with my camera.

This challenge meant not only

capturing the good days or the beautiful days

but to capture the hard days, the labor, the

sacrifice, that farmers endure to bring in a

harvest that sustains our tables and our lives.

My goal became to capture each day as a gift,

a praise, an offering…

When you farm, no two years, let alone

days, are the same. But God is always the

same; steadfast, trustworthy, faithful…He is

enough. This year was no different. Didn’t I

just say no two years were alike? But God

was the same once again.

Seed had been purchased. Machinery

readied. Calluses formed. Planting moved

quickly and seemed to go well. More seed

delivered…lots of seed! Early mornings…late

nights...broken parts, parts repaired…we pray

for patience. Gears, tools, sprockets. More

planting. Millions of seeds later, planting is

done, or at least you hope it is. And then you

wait…and pray for rain.

Plants emerge. Things look promising.

Then came June. It rained…and it rained…

and it rained. We pray for the rains to

subside…well some of us do. Roots starved

for oxygen. Plants drowning. We drive from

farm to farm checking rain gauges. It’s all

adding up. The wettest June on record!

Now it’s July. Storm clouds finally give

way to sunshine…but the damage is done.

We cry out to God. We pray for crops. We

look over numbers and spread sheets and

fields and verses…looking for hope. God’s

words of truth sustaining us, giving us air

when we feel we are drowning…like the crops.

July and August are dry…very dry. We

pray for rain. Really?!? Can’t we get a break

God? We wait again.

Harvest comes. It looks bleak in some

areas, promising in others.

And yet …God is faithful.

There is enough. Enough to meet

contracts make payments and fill bins. But

more importantly we find that HE is ENOUGH!

1 Corinthians 3:7 “So neither the

one who plants nor the one who waters is

anything, but only God, who makes things


As one farmer said to us this spring:

“When you walk out of the field and shut the

gate, you’ve done your part. The rest is up to

God.” Yes, God meets us at the gate and

says…”I’ve got this!”

God continues to teach us to trust Him as

we work unto the Lord. From the movie

Facing the Giants: “Give God your best and

He’ll take care of the rest!”


~the farmer’s wife

The Farmer’s Wife

When the Harvest Isn’t Plentiful Scriptures to encourage you when you feel weary and dry.

2 Corinthians 12:9-10 “But he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my

power is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about

my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ’s sake, I

delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when

I am weak, then I am strong.”

Romans 5:3-5 “Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know

that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.

And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into

our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.”

Psalm 27:1-3 “The Lord is my light and my salvation - whom shall I fear? The Lord is

the stronghold of my life - of whom shall I be afraid? When the wicked advance

against me to devour me, it is my enemies and my foes who will stumble and fall.

Though an army besiege me, my heart will not fear; though war break out against

me, even then I will be confident.”

1 Corinthians 10:13 “No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to

mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can

bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can

endure it.”

Joshua 1:9 “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous,. Do not be

afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you


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From Seed to Harvest

Sowing the Seeds

He will take you on a mission - it might be around the world or it might be in your own backyard ,

but He will take you if you’ll let Him. It might be a trip you’ve planned for or it might be an spontaneous trip

across the street but when it happens it’s because there are seeds He needs you to sow. He uses his people

to plant seeds of the Eternal Life he has to offer. There is nothing we can do to change the soil—that is God’s

job (Ezekiel 36:26), but we can be faithful to sow the seed.

Watering the Plants

In order to water the seeds we’ve sown, or maybe it’s the seeds others have sown that we’re being

asked to help water, we first need to water ourselves. It is in our personal and intimate contact with the Lord

that we gain the water of life and are dealt with by Him so that we may flow this water of life to others. If we

don’t have the sufficient experience of Christ as the living water, it will be hard for us to water others. But if

we have a fountain of life bubbling within us constantly (John 4:14), we can be a rich channel of living water

to others to supply them with the water of life (John 7:38-39).1


It’s not a fun part of this process but sometimes it’s a necessary one for health and growth (John 15:1

-2). God gives us the tools - the Word and the Holy Spirit, to know what to prune from our lives. Once we

learn how to use them properly we will see that God’s pruning process uses the circumstances in our lives to

help us grow in His character and appearance.

Gathering the Harvest: First Fruits

The first fruits offering is often thought of as a monetary offering. But it’s so much more than that.

God doesn’t just want the first of our finances - He wants the first of our time, our resources, our hearts...our

everything. First fruits symbolizes God’s harvest of souls, it illustrates giving to God from a grateful heart, and

it sets a pattern of giving back to Him the first (and the best) of what He has given us.

Reaping the Rewards

“ Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not

give up.” (Galatians 6:9). God doesn’t promise that every seed we sow and tend to will bear fruit. He doesn’t

say exactly when we’ll see our hard work and faithfulness pay off. But He does promise that, if we don’t give

up, one day we will reap a harvest. The reward is always in sight. There is joy in the harvest, and the

greatest satisfaction belongs to the one who carefully cultivated it all along the way.


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“Conference this year was so fun and uplifting. Thank you

everyone who helped me grow in my relationship with God and showed me where my true identity is in Christ!” – Tyce Rooney

“God did amazing things this week, and I couldn’t be more thankful for all He has done. I had such a great experience with God.” – Tiara Lincoln

“Thankful for this week and all that God has done and will continue to do through all of us.” ­­ – Bethany Collett

Every year it seems Youth Conference is one of the most spiritually impacting things we do. When it comes to a “spiritual harvest,” the same rules apply that apply to farmers.

There are things we can do to help the harvest along, but so much is out of our hands. I’ve been on both sides of this. In the past, I’ve been part of the planning team for Conference. As a team, we build a theme, work with speakers and bands, and nail down

the logistics for each part of the schedule. But we can’t make God show up. We can’t make students respond.

As group leaders, we build relationships, make ourselves available, start conversations and ask questions. But we can’t manipulate God’s work in someone’s life. We can’t control what students choose.

This summer, there was a great spiritual harvest for our group. There were breakthroughs all over the place. There were students praying for each other and praying with strangers. Two of our girls gave their lives to Christ. As someone from the main stage said, "God showed up, and He showed

off." Was there anything we did that helped this to happen? I believe so.

Twice before we ever left for Conference, our adult leaders gathered to pray. We prayed for our students. We prayed for a spiritual harvest.

And God answered those prayers.

It is easy to shortchange prayer. It is easy to underestimate the power of prayer. But we didn't. And throughout the week, we did our best to listen to God's leading and follow. And God showed up. And God showed off.

There's still more harvest waiting to be brought in. Let's pray with expectation that God will provide a plentiful spiritual harvest. That He will show up and show off


A Spiritual Harvest By Pastor Tim

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Indiana District Gathering: On October 16th, the Indiana District Churches will be gathering at North Manchester FBC to share a time of worship and celebration at 6:00 p.m. We will be hearing from several Brethren pastors (along with the Godoys) about how God has called them to serve and be faithful to their local churches/mission. Everyone is invited and will be blessed by this time of shared celebration and encouragement as we reflect on how God has called each of us to serve and love Him where we are planted. This event is for everyone (including the youth!) so encourage everyone to come.

The Gathering in the Park: Pastor’s Prayer Group is inviting all North Manchester area congregations to gather in Warvel Park on Sunday, October 9th, at 1:00 pm. Join us for a carry-in dinner, fellowship, testimonies, and music! Please bring a dish to share, a lawn chair or blanket, and your friends and family.

CALLING ALL TRUNKS! The Children’s Ministry is preparing for our annual Trunk n’ Treat event on Wednesday, October 5th. In order for our community to see this as a worthwhile event to bring their families to, we would like between 30- 50 trunks! Trunks can be decorated a little or go all out! Each car will pass out a small prize or have a small activity or game. Signup across from the KFC room (bottom of the 5th St entrance) or contact Teresa Mize.

Brethren Way of Christ The Brethren Way of Christ is for Men, Women, and Teens (ages 16-19) seeking renewal and strengthening in their relationships with Christ and persons around them. Weekends begin Thurs. evening and conclude Sun. evening and are held in October and March. Speak with Warren Garner, Mark Hill, Cindy Pyle, Heather Winger or a pastor for more information. Applications are available in the gathering area. You can also visit Get your applications in soon if you would like to attend this month!

Thank your pastors! The Pastoral Care Committee would like to remind the congregation that the month of October is Pastor Appreciation Month. Our pastors spend so much time investing in our lives. What ways can you use your God-given talents and skills to spend time investing in them this month? Whether big or seemingly small we can all do something to show our pastors how much we appreciate all they do for us!

Happening this month...

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P A G E 7 News & Announcements

Thank You

We just wanted to thank you for your prayers and

cards. May God bless your Church and Christian

friends for your thoughtfulness.

In Jesus Name,

Ken & Linda Juillerat

P.S. With God’s help we can face anything, we know He

is in control of everything!

To all the ladies who made a week of my life a lot easier,

thank you! You have no idea how much we appreciated

each and every dinner! What a blessing you are. Jase

will have a big surgery on Friday, Sept. 16th. Please

continue to pray!

God bless,

The Duhamells

Thank you for all the prayers and cards and the

memorial gift in the passing of Mazzie Selleck.

Very blessed,

Allen & Peggy Selleck

We extend our sympathies to the family of Carl Helman Jr., brother of Linda Warner, at his passing on Wednesday, September 7. Services were held in New Albany, IN on September 9.

We offer our sympathies to the family of Mary Bryan, mother of Greg Hicks, at her passing on Thursday, September 8th. Services were held in Marion, IN on September 13.

We extend our sympathies to the family of Mazzie Selleck, mother of Allen Selleck, at her passing on Tuesday, September 20th. Services were held at McKee Mortuary on September 23.

We offer sympathies to the family of member Delbert Beery at his passing on Saturday, September 24. Services were held at the church on September 30.

Congratulations to Christian & Raylynn (Burkholder) Mouat on their wedding which took place at the church on September 17. Expressions of congratulations can be sent to the couple at 503 N. Sycamore St., North Manchester, IN 46962

Luis Angel & Zoraida Morillas serve as Senior Pastor and

wife at the Iglesia de los Hermanos in Lima, Peru. This

congregation is small but mighty in serving the Lord,

especially reaching out to children and their families in Ticlio

Chico, a district on the outskirts of Lima. They travel there

weekly to hold Bible classes, tutoring and English lessons.

They also collect and deliver clothes for the kids and food for

the families.

Pastor Luis Angel has started mentoring a young man named

Alex HA, and you will often see him assisting with the

children, worship, cooking, and just about anything else he is

asked to do. He is a great support to Luis and Zoraida.

Italo & Rebecca Abuid started and oversee Our Good Shep-

herd Orphanage in Puerto Maldonado, Peru. Over the past 6

months they have added 3 new children to their home bring-

ing their total to 8. They are growing in the love and care of

Jesus through Italo & Rebecca. One of the new girls, scarlet,

is still in need of a sponsor. If you would like more informa-

tion about this please contact Linda Immel. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 20th

In order to enable more of the congregation to be informed and involved, we will be holding our annual

congregational meeting on Sunday morning, November

20 during the 9:15 hour in the sanctuary. There will be an 8:00 service and a 10:30 service. Garden & LOFT will

be held at 9:15. Should additional time be needed for discussion/voting the congregation can determine to

reconvene at another time.

At the congregational meeting we will focus our time on budget, ballot, vision, and discussion related to these and

any other matters brought by the congregation or

DLC. We will NOT have ministry reports during the meeting. Instead, we will be highlighting each ministry

during our Sunday services over the 8 weeks leading to the Nov. 20 meeting. If you miss a Sunday and would

like to hear the ministry spotlight from that week a CD

will be available in the office.

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28 – Alan Lauer Romia Olsen Bill Collett Trent Martin Kelse Harris 29 – Lynn Blocher Deb Thompson 30 – Imogene Haupert Ian Angle 31 – Hanna Stout Jeremy Pohler Aaron Wilderman

Anniversaries 3 – Todd & Kari Speicher ‘81 4 – Ken & Connie Burton ‘74 9 – Caleb & Tracy Godoy-Forrester ‘93 Andrew & Whitney Dennison ‘10 14 – Jay & Linda Warner ‘61 18 – Tim & Jenny Taylor ‘80 29 – Steve & Valerie Kennedy ‘05 30 – Tyler & Anna Mast ‘10

October Birthdays 1 – Hannah Ayres Jim Mishler Grace Miller 2 – Amber Ramseier Zac Ramseier Nancy McIntyre 3 – Tracy Forrester Ruth Miller Tristan Gawthrop 4 – Mike Brubaker 5 – Austin Metzger Jennifer Meredith Karsen Niccum 6 – Dennis Ayres Mike McLaughlin Pei Eng Burns Parker York AJ Zimmerman 7 – Dylan Hernandez Tristan Gawthrop Billy Yarnelle 10 – Kevin McIntyre Candie Petrie

11 – Larry Swihart Taylor McLaughlin Samuel Winger 12 – Randy Ruppert 13 – Karissa Cook Joel Harting Katherine Macfarline 15 – Greg Hicks Brenda Carver 17 – Cynthia Johnson Isaac Callaway Valerie Kennedy Kimberly Pohler 18 – Led Benton Gary Purdy Payton Jones 20 – Nate Birch 21 – Madyson Ulrey 23 – Jo Hays 24 – Rebecca Blocher Everett Burns Sawyer Burns 27 – Levi Bordeaux Micah Bordeaux Ian Poston

Harvest Service & Meal November 13

One all church service followed by a carry-in meal

Operation Christmas Child November 13

Return your filled shoeboxes by this day

Congregational Meeting November 20 @ 9:15 a.m.

Be informed about what’s happening with your church.


First Brethren Church Learn From Me … Matt. 11:29

Reading Plan Bookmark 2016

October 3 1 Thess. 5 4 2 Thess. 1-2 5 3 6 Zeph. 1-2 7 3

10 1 Tim. 1 11 2-3 12 4-5 13 6 14 2 Tim. 1

17 2-3 18 4 19 Haggai 1-2 20 Titus 1 21 2-3

24 Philemon 1 25 Hebrews 1 26 2 27 3 28 4

31 5-6

November 1 7 2 8 3 9 4 10

3rd Sunday Lunch A benefit lunch for Lance &

Glenda Christiansen will be

held in the fellowship hall

after services on Sunday,

October 16th. After a long

wait, Glenda received a

liver transplant earlier this

year. All proceeds from the

freewill offering will assist

the Christiansens with

medical expenses during

her illness and recovery.

Prayer Cards in Pews The ivory prayer cards in the

pews are available for any prayer

requests. You may place the card

in the offering plate or leave it in

the church office.

Prayer Room The Prayer Room is located just outside the sanctuary door to

the children’s wing. The Prayer Room is available for prayer whenever

the church is open. During each of the Sunday morning services,

someone is praying in there for you, the congregation of FBC. Choose a

Sunday and a service and sign up on the bulletin board beside the

Prayer Room to pray there.

Weekly Prayer Service A prayer service is held each

Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. in the library.

It consists of guided prayer time

and spontaneous scripture reading.

Adults, teens, and kids welcome.

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Trunk & Treat! Wednesday October 5th!

6:30-8:00 p.m.

Treats, Games, Prizes

Free Hot Dogs & Chips

First Brethren Parking Lot

All Ages welcome!


Come for a Really, Incredible, Outstanding Time

Wednesdays (After Trunk & Treat) in

October 6:30-7:45 p.m.

Ages 4 - 4th Grade (Club RIOT)

Ages 5th & 6th Graders (KFC- Kids for


LOFT This month in LOFT and elementary classes we will continue learning that "The

LORD IS MY SHEPHERD" from the stories of Solomon and Elijah. Trusting God is

important-share together how you are trusting each week! Our offerings will be given

to help the Godoys with their expenses to come here and for their outreach in Chile.

Remember to keep practicing our fall memory verses and challenges: Proverbs 3:5-6,

Psalm 23, and books of the Old Testament.

Garden Welcome to Story Kingdom! Children will hear the story of Old Testament

heroes. Through seeing how God provided for Moses, Joshua, David, and Daniel in

difficult situations, children will learn that God helps us.

2’s Class - This month we will be learning about Zacchaeus! Our class knows something

about being a wee little person! Our class could still use a few more helpers/teachers.

Please stop by the room and check out our great class.

Thanks to the many who volunteer in the Children’s Ministry each month. There are

lots of jobs but each is worth it as we show God’s love to our little people.

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JH and HS classes meet in La Casa from 9:15-10:15am.


Combined Youth Group meets together in the Fellowship Hall from 6:15 to 7:45pm.

Friends are always welcome to join us!

HEARTWORK and if you spend yourselves on behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed,

then your light will rise in the darkness, and your night will become like the noonday. Isaiah 58:10


#LiveDifferent. That’s our goal for 30 days.

We will be saving and raising money for India. We’ve set a goal to raise $5,000.

We will be doing a daily devotional. We will be doing empathy challenges,

wrestling with tough ideas, and sharing our stories with

other Brethren youth from around the country.

Students can access the 30 Days of Heartwork devotional in one of four ways:

You can purchase a journal for $10. Let Pastor Tim know ASAP if you want one.

You can access the journal’s content for free with your smart phone. Download the

‘YouVersion’ Bible app. Go to ‘Plans,’ and look up 30 Days of Heartwork.

You can sign up to receive daily texts to access the content online.

There is also a kids’ version of the devotional that is simplified and condensed. It will be

available for students and families that want to go on this journey with us.

Our devotional starts on Wednesday, Oct 12 and ends Friday, Nov 11.

Our fundraising drive begins Oct 12 and ends right after Thanksgiving.


There will be food, games, and discussion on our 30 Days of Heartwork project.

We will play a new game called Pharisees, a twist on Mafia. And we will play GROG!

Invite friends, and be here right at 6:15.


If you’ve turned 16, consider attending this life-changing spiritual retreat.

There is no cost to go, but your application needs to be turned in soon.

If interested, talk to Pastor Tim.





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