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Submitted To:-SIR. Hanif Shazad

Submitted By:Adeel Azher




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1. Definitions of Marketing2. New Challenges Faced By marketing

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Definitions of Marketing

1 . Marketing is the social process by which individuals and


obtain what they needand want through creating and


products and value with others

By Kottler

2. Marketing is the management process that identifies,


and satisfies customer requirements profitably

By The Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM).

3. Marketing is the process whereby society, to supply its

consumption needs,evolves distributive systems composed

of participants, who, interacting under constraints -

(economic) and ethical (social) - create the transactions or

flows which resolve market separations and result in

exchange and consumption

By Bartles.

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New Challenges Faced by marketing

1.Social media often meets with skepticism and resistance inside

an organization. This reaction is normal to anything radically new. I

suggest that you present social marketing to your colleagues as anexperiment that will complement conventional multi channel

marketing if successful, not replace it.

2.Results aren’t achieved nearly as quickly with social media as

they are with direct marketing techniques. When planning an

experiment or production, be careful about forming unrealistic timing


3.The social media learning curve is very steep. Few books or

courses teach social marketing and much of the information availableonline is unreliable or even biased. I recommend that you seek

experienced outside professional help to chart your social marketing

path, set policy and facilitate implementation.

4.It’s easy to spin wheels and waste lots of time going nowhere.

There are way too many interesting social networking sites and lots

of hype surrounding them. Be sure to read Social Media Targeting

for People and Businesses .

5.Marketers tend to think in terms of generating leads and

building databases rather than building a following and a

community — new media style. Furthermore, social media is about

relating person to person, not about relating impersonally to people as

a company. Be prepared to think in new ways.

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6.Since social media is community oriented, contributing to one’s

community is essential. It’s not enough to communicate just to

customers or to prospects.

7.Traditional push marketing and list building techniques are

usually regarded as spam and are ineffective in the socialmedia world. Old and new media approaches tend to be incompatible.

In the social marketing paradigm information is made available online

for discovery and hopefully action, and this process isn’t something

that can be forced.

8.Most newcomers to social marketing think one dimensionally

and latch onto fads such as the social media. Social marketing

isn’t one site or one strategy fits all. Once again I recommend Social

Media Targeting for People and Businesses .

9.Social media is still evolving rapidly and tends to be a moving

target. While social media is global, participation in non-English

speaking countries is stilted towards English speaking demographics

such as students and upper classes. Remain alert to changes in

technology and new opportunities that are bound to occur.

10.Social media can work against a brand, not just for it — and can

be very unforgiving. However, this is true even if companies elect

no t to use it for marketing or for their public relations. It’s therefore

better to be proactive than reactive.

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