

APFP Regulation: 5(2)(a)

Document Title: Environmental Requirements of Contractors (Appendix 4.7 of Environmental Statement) Date: March 2012 Author: RES UK & Ireland Ltd Document Number: 6.2.13

Document Ref: 02377-001816 Issue: 02

Revision History Document Title: Environmental Requirements of Contractors (Appendix 4.7 of Environmental Statement) Revision Date Author

01 25/05/06 RES UK & Ireland Ltd 02 13/06/07 RES UK & Ireland Ltd 03 17/04/08 RES UK & Ireland Ltd 04 20/01/09 RES UK & Ireland Ltd 05 19/03/09 RES UK & Ireland Ltd 06 27/07/09 RES UK & Ireland Ltd 07 02/12/09 RES UK & Ireland Ltd 08 09/03/11 RES UK & Ireland Ltd 09 12/09/11 RES UK & Ireland Ltd

Document Ref: 02377-001816 Issue: 02

Environmental Requirements of Contractors (example document) Non-Wind Version

Report No: 01226R00016

Document Ref: 02377-001816 Issue: 02

Revision History

Issue Date Nature And Location Of Change 01 25/05/06 Generic EMS Procedure adapted from EMS Template

01157R00005-03 which is now discontinued 02 13/06/07 SF6, oil interceptor and spill kit requirements updated 03 17/04/08 6.2 ii updated

6.5 iv inserted 04 20/01/09 Updated logo 05 19/03/09 SNH, unexpected wildlife & sustainable wood added 06 27/07/09 Para 6.4.1 reworded, App 2 – Points 2 & 5 clarified. EHS

changed to NIEA. Documents hyperlinked. PPG5 replaced with latest version.

07 2/12/09 Procedure revised to remove copies of PPGs included as Appendix 4, new font incorporated. Sub-Contractor changed to Contractor. Para 6.4 i). additional wording regarding oil pollution and requirement to check bowser interbund on a regular basis. Para 6.4 iii). Clearer requirements for delivery pipes and pumps. Para 6.4 vi) & v), same wording just re-ordered. Para 6.6 new i) inserted and subsequent sub-paras incremented. Para 6.6 iii). Clarifies requirement for copies of licences. Para 6.7 ii). new silt pollution wording added, subsequent sub-paras incremented. Para 7.0 Completed Waste Transfer Notes added as a deliverable. Appendix 2 replication removed from Para 2.

08 9/3/11 Para 6.4 ii) & Appendix 3 revised to include provision of ‘Kelp’ bio-remediation solution on site to cope with any oil spills. Para 6.6 iv) SmartWaste included. Para 6.8 iii) Plant spill kits & operative training included.

09 12/9/11 Non wind version created.

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0.0  JURISDICTION ............................................................................................................................................... 1 

1.0  OBJECTIVES ................................................................................................................................................... 1 

2.0  DEFINITIONS .................................................................................................................................................. 1 

3.0  SCOPE ............................................................................................................................................................. 1 

4.0  REFERENCE DOCUMENTS ........................................................................................................................... 1 

5.0  RESPONSIBILITIES ........................................................................................................................................ 2 

6.0  PROCEDURE ................................................................................................................................................... 3 





6.5  COSHH 6 



6.8  PLANT 9 


6.10  DRIP TRAYS 10 

6.11  CONCRETE 10 


6.13  WILDLIFE 11 



7.0  DELIVERABLES ............................................................................................................................................ 12 

8.0  APPENDIXES ................................................................................................................................................ 12 

Appendix 1 - Fuel and oil storage (mobile refuelling point) 13 

Appendix 2 - Dealing with silty water 15 

Appendix 3 - Spill Kits 18 

Appendix 4 - Enviromental Requirements of Contractors Receipt for Issue 20 

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When using this Procedure the user must ensure that the legislation of the country in which it is being used is being complied with.

This Procedure has been generated from RES template 01135R00001: Issue: 08 in accordance with RES Procedure 01135R00015, Control of Documents replacing template 01157R00005 Environmental Requirements from Contractors Template.


This procedure aims to identify environmentally safe working procedures and standards for particular operations that must be implemented by all Contractors when working on a site managed by RES. These procedures have been developed to ensure that RES and all its Contractors comply with UK Environment Agency, Northern Ireland Environment Agency and Scottish Environment Protection Agency Pollution Prevention Guidelines, and additional planning requirements set out by the Local Planning Authority and other enforcing bodies.


Abbreviation or term Explanation of abbreviation or term i) C Contractor:

The person or persons, firm or company, including its employees and agents or Contractors, to whom the Company has awarded a contract, which requires work to be carried out on the Companies premises or sites.

ii) COSHH Control of Substances Hazardous to Health iii) CSM Construction Site Manager iv) EA Environment Agency vi) EM Environmental Manager vii) NIEA Northern Ireland Environment Agency vii) SEPA Scottish Environment Protection Agency viii) SNH Scottish Natural Heritage


This procedure is applicable to RES employees and all RES Contractors working on construction sites managed by RES. The following procedures provide minimum requirements to address environmental hazards that will normally be encountered during the construction of a project. Contractors shall remain responsible for the assessment of project specific environmental risks and the identification and application of all preventative measures, which shall form part of a Contractor’s work instruction (method statement).


This procedure should be read and implemented in conjunction with: i) Environmental Emergency Preparedness & Response Plan - 01226R00010 ii) Emergency Procedure in the Event of a Contaminant Spill – 01276R00001 iii) Project Construction & Decommissioning Method Statement Template - 01157R00010

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iv) Environmental Checklist – 01157R00017 v) Reporting and Recording – 01276R00002 vi) All Environment Agency/SEPA Pollution Prevention Guidelines (PPGs) are applicable.

CIRIA reference and guidance material was used to support and inform best practise within this procedure.


Contractors will identify all potential environmental risks within the construction site, report these to the CSM, and ensure that all employees working on the RES managed project follow and adhere to these procedures as absolute minimum requirements. These responsibilities are supplementary to project specific requirements detailed in Contract specifications. The CSM shall complete the environmental check-sheet template 01157R00017 at regular intervals (interval at the discretion of the CSM depending on level of works on site but at least once per month), and any actions arising from this shall be discussed with Contractors at the site safety meetings. Completed check-sheets shall be stored in the Construction Environmental Plan and any actions shall be completed within the agreed time frame. Contractors shall be responsible for informing RES of any environmental incident or potential incident as soon as practicable. The CSM shall be responsible for informing the EM of any environmental incident or emergency which may occur on the construction site and completing the relevant form under the reporting and recording work instruction 01276R00002.

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6.1 EXISTING FEATURES Responsibility

Contaminated Land i) Areas of contaminated land will be identified in the Project

Health and Safety Plan. Where the construction works require the disturbance of these areas the procedure to be used shall also be detailed in the Project Health and Safety Plan. Any remediation or disposal of contaminated land will only be carried out following consultation with the local environmental authority.

If it is not necessary to disturb these areas then it is important that any contaminated area is fenced off and all personnel are aware of this hazard through induction and the site rules.


ii) Where any unexpected and potentially hazardous obstacles are encountered, construction in the area should cease until specialist advice is sought.


Underground Services i) Existing underground services will be identified in the Project

Health and Safety Plan, which will include procedures for the control of risks including the use of a permitting system where necessary. Assessment of the hazards for underground services shall include an assessment of the environmental impact of damage during construction.

Should the general condition of a buried service appear to be poor, even after being safely exposed, then this should be reported to the relevant authority.


Existing storage tank i) Any old containers found on site should be checked and emptied

by a Licensed Waste Carrier before they are removed.

A copy of the licence certificate and where waste has been removed the waste transfer note shall be obtained and handed to the RES site manager for inclusion in the Construction Environmental Plan.

Further information regarding disposal of waste is given in Waste Management 6.5 below.


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Protection from vandalism i) Vandalism, theft and tipping are common causes of pollution and

the project area should be adequately protected by fencing and locked access to discourage unauthorised access.

Any occurrence of tipping on the site should be reported to the site management who will then inform the local environmental authority and the police if necessary.


6.2 SITE DRAINAGE Responsibility

i) Surface water drains should carry uncontaminated rainwater only and shall be protected from ingress of silt, or any other contaminants. Wet cement and raw concrete shall never be allowed to enter any watercourse.

Refer to the contract drawings for details of the site drainage plan to be implemented and monitored. It is essential that drainage is installed as roads are installed /progressed, thus ensuring that silt is controlled at source.


ii) If working adjacent to a watercourse, ensure that a suitable method for containing any surface water is provided (eg cut off ditches and interceptors).


iii) Avoid storing or moving plant within 10m of a watercourse where no works are required on the watercourse bank.


iv) All methods being implemented to prevent water contamination should be regularly checked and works carried out to ensure full functionality at all times.

Any sign of failing water treatment measures or sight of silted or contaminated water entering a water course should be reported to the site management immediately.


6.3 DELIVERIES Responsibility

i) Fuel and oil deliveries shall take place within the designated refuelling area only, as detailed in the contract drawings.

A responsible person shall supervise site deliveries to ensure that the correct amount of material is delivered to the correct tank and that the level is checked prior to refilling to avoid spillage.


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i) Oil is the most common pollutant in the UK, therefore, it is essential that Contractors provide suitable resources to ensure that the risk of pollution occurring is minimised.

All fuels and oils shall be stored in the designated area only, including mobile bowsers when not in use. Fuel bowsers on site must be bunded with a means of checking the bund to ensure there are no fuels in the bund; i.e. visual inspection inside the bund, electrical sensors or dip sticks. The bund check shall be undertaken and recorded at a regular interval, as a minimum at least once a week.

Generators permanently stationed in the site compound (used for powering site cabins) shall be kept in the designated refuelling area. Generators used elsewhere on the site shall be bunded (the bund shall be capable of containing 110% of the fuel tank’s capacity) or shall have a double skinned fuel tank.

The bund shall be kept empty of water, either by emptying/ draining via an oil interceptor or keeping the bunded area covered. The oil interceptor shall be a full retention separator, with the addition of an automatic closure device.

It is highlighted that these are two separate and equally feasible options; i.e. covered refueling area or uncovered refueling area with full retention separator connected directly downstream.

The full retention separator will have the same design capacity as that of the bund.


ii) Chemicals on site must be stored in accordance with their materials safety data sheet and COSHH assessment, which must be readily available and up to date. An appropriate spill kit must be kept and maintained by the Contractor, at a suitable location on site to deal with the event of a spillage, this must be made available at ALL times to all construction personnel. All chemicals must be stored in a correctly marked container clearly identifying the contents. Where labels are worn off, then they must have a new label placed on them or the contents transferred to a correctly marked container. Where chemicals are required on site, they must be placed in an appropriate bund to prevent ground contamination. Appendix 3 details the minimum contents specification required for Spill Kits to be kept on site – the Contractor is responsible for determining the required volumes/ number and maintaining kit replenishment. ‘Kelp’ bio-remediation solution is to be provided by the Contractor for early treatment of any oil spills after initial clean-up.


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iii) All bowsers must be stored so as to minimise the risk of collision, run-away and vandalism. They shall not be stored adjacent to watercourses. When not in use, bowsers shall be securely stored in the designated refuelling area.

In addition to the general requirements for primary and secondary containment, the following are requirements for mobile bowsers;

• Any flexible pipe, tap or valve must be fitted with a lock where it leaves the container and be locked when not in use.

• Flexible delivery pipes must be fitted with manually operated pumps or a valve at the delivery end that closes automatically when not in use.

• The pump or valve must have a lock and be locked when not in use.


iv) All fuel tanks and bowsers on site must be labelled with the fuel type and capacity of the tank.

The contents of any tanks, bottles or containers on site must be clearly marked. Warning notices including “No smoking” and “Close valves when not in use” shall also be displayed.


v) No tanks or containers may be perforated or dismantled on site. A competent operator shall empty all contents and residues for safe disposal elsewhere.


vi) Any switchgear installation containing SF6 (Sulphur Hexafloride) shall be clearly labelled, both on the equipment itself, and on the door to the substation. The contact numbers for the responsible Contractor should be included on the notice.

SF6 will not normally be handled onsite as it’s delivered in sealed units, however if any leak or damage to switchgear containing SF6 occurred, it should be treated following the guidance in the Emergency Procedure in the Event of a Contaminant Spill – 01276R00001.


6.5 COSHH Responsibility

i) The Contractor is responsible for ensuring that all materials ordered or brought to site listed as hazardous under the COSHH Regulations are accompanied with a hazardous information sheet, a copy of which must be given to the CSM. The CSM is responsible for filing the information sheets in the Construction Environment Plan.


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ii) The Contractor is responsible for carrying out a risk assessment of each substance and ensuring that all appropriate storage, protective equipment and if necessary emergency procedures are put in place on site.


iii) All COSHH materials must be stored in appropriate containers, must be indelibly and legibly labelled to identify the contents, hazards and precautions required.


iv) Chemicals on site must be stored in a bunded area and in accordance with their materials safety data sheet / COSHH assessment, which must be readily available and up to date. An appropriate spill kit must be kept and maintained by the Contractor, at a suitable location on site to deal with the event of a spillage, this must be made available at ALL times to all construction personnel. Where chemicals are required on site, they must be placed in an appropriate bund to prevent ground contamination.


6.6 WASTE MANAGEMENT Responsibility

i) Waste management should follow the route of; Reduce, Re-Use, Re-Cycle;

Methods to reduce the amount of waste generated in the first place, together with the re-use and recycling of wastes must be considered.

There is scope for significant savings, as the costs of raw materials and waste disposal continue to rise.

Advice on waste minimisation and local initiatives can be obtained from your nearest Environmental Agency Office.


ii) All waste must be stored in designated areas that are isolated from surface drains, prior to removal from site.

Skips must be covered to prevent refuse blowing away and rainwater accumulating. They shall be replaced when full and the contents disposed of in accordance with statutory requirements.


iii) Contractors work areas shall be kept tidy. Burning of waste on site is prohibited.

Chemical containers, used oil and filters, solvents, paints, electrical items, contaminated materials and hazardous refuse are all classified as “special waste” and, as such, must be stored in a bunded area away from watercourses and disposed of by licensed contractors in a controlled manner.

Under the duty of care and waste legislation, producers of waste must ensure it remains under their control until passed to a


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6.6 WASTE MANAGEMENT Responsibility

registered waste carrier.

The carrier shall have a licence issued by the Environment Agency, and shall take the waste to a similarly licensed disposal facility. Current copies of the carrier’s licence certificate, waste disposal facility licence and correctly completed consignment notes / waste transfer notes, shall be handed over to the RES site manager for inclusion in the Construction Environmental Plan.


iv) The Contractor shall implement the Site Waste Management Plan (SWMP) using the SmartWaste on-line SWMP facility.


6.7 EARTHWORKS Responsibility

i) All site personnel should refer and work to the site drainage plan being implemented from the project design, any alterations to this must be agreed with RES site management first.


ii) Silt pollution is a major cause of environmental incidents; it can damage and kill aquatic life by smothering and suffocating and can also cause flooding by blocking culverts and channels.

If you can prevent water becoming contaminated in the first place, then it reduces the risk of pollution and the overall cost of your control measures.

To avoid silt pollution you should, whenever possible, use methods of work that reduce or eliminate working in the channel and that do not contaminate surface water.


iii) Silty water can arise from excavations; exposed ground, stockpiles, wheel-washing and site roads and water containing silt shall not be discharged directly into rivers, streams or surface water drains.

Where silty water does occur and presents a hazard to the environment, suitable treatment will be required.

General details of the use of settlement lagoons or tanks or grassed areas are contained in Appendix 2, though reference should always be made to the site drainage design.


iv) Where possible, water shall be prevented from entering excavations. Use of cut-off ditches and well point de-watering may be necessary. Water discharged by any pumping arrangement shall be dealt with according to the site drainage plan.


v) It is of paramount importance to minimise disturbance to flora and fauna whilst carry out the construction works, and to ensure


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6.7 EARTHWORKS Responsibility

that disturbed habitats will regenerate quickly after completion of the works.

Topsoil and vegetation (stored separately from subsoil) shall be retained and reinstated over the track shoulders and all other areas of stripped ground, as soon as possible to prevent erosion and leaching.

On wet and marshy ground it may be necessary to store excavated materials on a geotextile in order to minimise disturbance to the vegetation below. Where reasonably practicable, turfs shall be reinstated with the vegetated side facing upwards, in order to speed up the re-generation process, minimise the need for re-seeding, and help maintain the original species mix.

vi) The total quantity of exposed ground and stockpiles, and storage duration shall be minimised in order to minimise generation of silt and dust. If long-term storage is required then stockpiles can be seeded or covered and silt fences constructed from a suitable geotextile. In dry weather dust suppression measures may be required.


vii) The Contractor is responsible for avoiding excessive levels of nuisance dust being created, measures should be taken to eliminate at source, e.g. watering.


viii) The Contractor shall be deemed to be familiar with and shall execute works in accordance with the guidance provided in the Environment Agencies PPG5 – Works and maintenance in or near water.


6.8 PLANT Responsibility

i) Where possible, mobile plant shall be refuelled in the designated area. Where plant is to be refuelled outside this area a double skinned bowser must be used and re-fuelling shall take place over a drip tray. Refuelling shall always take place away from watercourses or surface drains.


ii) Plant and site vehicles are to be well maintained and any vehicles leaking fluids must be repaired or removed from site immediately. Any servicing operations shall take place over drip trays.


iii) All plant must contain a spill kit and operatives should be suitably trained on immediate actions in event of a fluid spill.


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6.9 ROAD CLEANLINESS Responsibility

i) Site Roads shall be brushed or scraped as required to minimise dust and mud deposits, especially at site entrances and any watercourse crossings. If necessary during dry weather, dust suppression may be achieved by spraying water onto the site tracks to dampen down the airborne dust particulate.


ii) Measures will be undertaken throughout the construction phase of the project to ensure that dust and mud does not migrate onto the adjacent public highways, private roads or accesses.

This may require the establishment of a wheel washing station comprising an apron onto which vehicles will drive in order to clear the wheels and undersides using a power washer. Any water used during the wheel washing process will be collected and passed through a silt trap before discharging into a soakaway.

Where necessary, roads shall be cleaned with a mechanical suction brush.


6.10 DRIP TRAYS Responsibility

i) Where practicable, drip trays shall contain absorbent granules, sheets or fibres, so that these can be disposed of once contaminated.

After use the drip tray shall be cleaned using an appropriate absorbent material which shall be disposed of in accordance with COSHH regulations. Drip trays shall be regularly checked and cleaned.


6.11 CONCRETE Responsibility

i) Concrete is highly alkaline and corrosive and can have a detrimental impact on watercourses and wildlife. It is illegal to allow cement and wash-out water to enter a watercourse.

Washing-out of concrete wagons on site shall only be permitted when the Contractor has provided a designated, suitably prepared wash-out area with signage identifying the area as suitable for concrete wagon wash-out to the satisfaction of the RES Site Manager.

The concrete ‘washout’ in the lagoon shall not be emptied into any watercourse and shall be disposed of once set in accordance


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with the Site Waste Management Plan

No tools, equipment or materials may be washed in watercourses. Mortar mixing and material storage areas must be away from watercourses.

Sulphate resistant concrete shall be used where geological conditions dictate, to prevent long term corrosion of concrete (local release of alkaline compounds) due to sulphate attack.

ii) When undertaking construction involving wet concrete in proximity or within a watercourse, consent should be sought from the appropriate agency and work should not commence without agreement from the RES site manager.


6.12 EMERGENCIES Responsibility

i) Environmental emergencies such as spills shall be dealt with in accordance with 01226R00010 Environmental Emergency Response Plan, and Contractors shall familiarise themselves with this document.


ii) Each Contractor working with controlled substances shall supply an appropriate spill kit which shall be kept on site - refer to Appendix 3 for requirements.

The spill kit shall be made accessible at all times to all site personnel.


iii) The relevant environmental emergency number shall be posted by RES in all Contractors’ accommodation, and the emergency procedure will be included in the RES site induction.


6.13 WILDLIFE Responsibility

i) Wildlife shall be protected from entering and becoming trapped in any part of the works on the site. For excavations this may mean that fences, crossings or escape routes are necessary.


ii) The CSM shall identify any ecological / bird habitat constraints on site and/or ensure working time restrictions due to ecological / bird habitat constraints being respected on site.


iii) If unexpected wildlife is encountered during construction (e.g. badger sett or bird nest), work should be temporarily suspended and the site ecologist or CSM informed.

If required work in the area shall remain suspended until advice is sought from the environmental agency responsible for that area.

CSM Site Ecologist

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iv) Each day before commencement of works the contractors area of works shall be given a visual inspection to look for signs of unexpected wildlife, If unexpected wildlife is encountered, work should be temporarily suspended and the site ecologist or CSM informed.

CSM Site Ecologist

6.14 FENCING AND WOOD Responsibility

i) Existing stock proof fencing on the site shall be retained in good order, and all gates shall be kept closed to ensure stock does not stray or escape during construction.

RES will agree a fencing scheme with the landowner, identifying any sections of fencing to be removed to make way for the works, locations of replacement temporary and permanent fencing, and new gates and cattle grids to be installed - refer to the contract drawings.


ii) The Contractor should, whenever possible, only use wood from sustainable sources, both in construction and during temporary works. Typically this wood would be marked as FSC or PEFC.


6.15 TRAINING AND AWARENESS Responsibility

i) The Contractor will ensure that all site personnel whom they have responsibility for are fully briefed and aware of any on site environmental constraints and sensitivities. The Contractor will provide adequate environmental training and awareness for construction site personnel.

The CSM will initiate tool box talks where necessary and ensure all site personnel are inducted on environmental issues on site.



The following shall, be retained as Environmental Records in the Construction Environmental Plan.

i) Issue/Receipt for this Procedure (Appendix 4) shall be filed in the Construction Environmental Plan

ii) Completed Environmental Checklists iii) Completed Waste Transfer Notes


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Appendix 1 - Fuel and oil storage (mobile refuelling point)

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Two examples of the required arrangement for a mobile refuelling point are shown below:

In addition to the design of the storage unit itself, the surrounding area should be improved to ensure that any spills are contained within an area that can be later removed along with other contaminated waste. Any draw off guns used for fuel delivery should not be lockable to avoid over-delivery.

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Appendix 2 - Dealing with silty water

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Silty Water Wherever possible, silty water should be avoided. However, where is does occur it is vital that the silt that is held in suspension is allowed to settle out before the water reaches a watercourse. Silt can cause lasting damage to river life such as fish, insects and plants, can pollute local private water supplies and can also build up and cause flooding. All watercourses on site should be shown to be free of the risk of silt pollution. The drainage design which will be used to control runoff at the proposed site has been designed to cater for both quality and quantity and has been based on the design principals of SUDS. A full SUDS Design Statement has been submitted for the site (See Construction Method Statement Appendix) and forms an integral part of the Construction Method Statement. Reference must always be made to the SUDS Design Statement in the first instance, which provides the minimum specification upon which the contractor would be required to build. The SUDS design philosophy is based around prevention of contamination with silt. Where silt is unavoidably introduced into runoff, the runoff is dealt with at source through the use of regular check dams, numerous breakouts over a vegetated area, silt sumps, silt fences and settlement ponds, which are incorporated into a treatment train. Generic Solutions for dealing with Silty Water: 1. Flat grassed area Where the topography allows, existing grassed depressions are ideal for the natural filtration of run-off containing silt. However, it is important to ensure that water issuing onto such areas is not causing erosion en route, and also that the volume of silt being deposited in the settlement area is tolerable. 2. Sumps A sump dug prior to any site drainage reaching an existing watercourse will act as a settlement lagoon. The level of accummulated silt should be monitored and lowered through controlled removal (such as a sludge tanker) when necessary. A series of sumps may be necessary to deal with larger discharges. 3. Settlement / separation tanks These proprietary tanks operate on the same principle as the sump. Their performance is often enhanced by the inclusion of a baffle which prevents water overshooting the settlement tank. This baffle arrangement has the added advantage of acting as an oil separator in the event of such pollution reaching the tank. Sophisticated separators, or interceptors, which monitor the silt/oil level trapped are availabile. The tank size, layout and number of baffles can all be selected to identify the most appropriate arrangement. 4. Filter Drains/ Stone Check Dams These should be built up with the filter drains along the length of the access tracks at regular intervals to slow the flow within the filter drain and trap sediment. They need to be installed as the tracks progress and regularly maintained to ensure they act as a barrier across the channel and routinely cleared to prevent sediment build up. 5. Geotextile Check dams These should be kept on site in case of emergency silt ingress, when they should be deployed immediately. Please refer to the SUDS Design Statement for more details. Geotextile should only be used as a downstream polisher (last stage in the treatment train). As geotextile check dams are

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difficult to install properly and are onerous to maintain, their use should be avoided and implementation of a full SUDS system should minimise requirements.

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Appendix 3 - Spill Kits

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Minimum Spill Kit Contents

The Spill Kits on site shall contain and be maintained with the following contents:

- Absorbant Granules

- Pads

- Rolls/ Socks

- Disposal Bags and ties

- Personnel Safety Kit

The Contractor shall ensure that as a minimum there is a spill kit kept within the bunded refuelling are, with the capacity to absorb 250l, the Contractor must replenish the kits if any material is taken from them.

The Spill Kit MUST be contained in a suitable container; i.e wheelie bin accessible at all times to the bunded area.

It is recommended that security seal tape is placed on the spill kits to ensure that when they are checked it is clear if any content has been taken if the seal is broken.

Mobile spill kits must be provided in each item of plant working on site.

Suitable quantities of ‘Kelp’ bio-remediation solution such as; LK-301 (obtainable from - KN Services, Main Street, Balbeggie, Perth) should also be kept on-site to enable quick response to any oil spillages by acting as a chemical dispersant.

In addition to the spill kit detailed above, the Contractor shall provide for straw bales and filter fences to be made available on site as deemed necessary in the site drainage plan.

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Appendix 4 - Enviromental Requirements of Contractors Receipt for Issue

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ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR CONTRACTORS ISSUE DOCUMENT Issued to ................................................................................................................. Contract Number and Description ............................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................. Location .................................................................................................................. The person named below is the Company Project Manager responsible for overall management of the contract. Project Manager .............................................................Telephone .............................. The person named below is the Company Site Manager responsible for local management of the contract, who will be permanently on site. Site Manager ..................................................................Mobile .................................. Other Site Telephones ................................................................................................. The Site Manager should always be the first point of contact, if for any reason, he is not available you should contact the Company Project Manager. The Company Environmental Management System and Site Rules are available/displayed at : .............................................................................................................................

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ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR CONTRACTORS RECEIPT DOCUMENT RENEWABLE ENERGY SYSTEMS COPY (To be detached and retained by the Site Manager when this document is issued to a Contractor on site) I acknowledge receipt of the Environmental Management System Procedure - Environmental Requirements of Contractors. I will disseminate the information contained within this procedure to our company workforce by; ............................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................. I will disseminate the information contained within this procedure to our contractors by; ............................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................. Contract Number and Description............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................. Location ...................................................................................... Signed ......................................................................................... Contracting Company ....................................................................................................... Date ............................................................................................ Contracting Company Head Office Telephone .................................................................... Local/site Telephone Number .......................................................

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