
NJECC 2012 Conference Setting up BYOD in your School

NJAET 2013 Fall Conference
Setting up BYOD in your School

Presented by: Sandra PaulDirector of Technology Sayreville Public SchoolsOctober 26, 2013

Today's Agenda

Federal initiatives

What is BYOD?

Pros and Cons


Affect in the classroom

BYOD in the classroom


Sayreville Process

Federal Communication Commission (FCC)

The recently released National Broadband ACT 2008 made recommendations to the FCC to improve education in the US by supporting and promoting online learning through the expansion of broadband technology.

ConnectEd June 2013

Thats why President Obama is unveiling a bold, new initiative called ConnectED, which will connect 99 percent of Americas students to the internet through high-speed broadband and high-speed wireless within 5 years.

The President also directed the federal government to make better use of existing funds to get Internet connectivity and educational technology into classrooms, and into the hands of teachers trained on its advantages. And he called on businesses, states, districts, schools and communities to support this vision, which requires no congressional action.

The goal of the Presidents ConnectED initiative is to bring high-speed Internet connections to 99 percent of Americas students which he is calling on the FCC to do within five years.

This is not connectivity for connectivitys sake. It is laying the foundation for a vision of classrooms where students are engaged in individualized digital learning and where teachers can assess progress lesson by lesson and day by day. Its about creating learning environments where students can both succeed and struggle without embarrassment, where barriers for children with disabilities are removed, and where we can bring the most modern, innovative, and up-to-date content into the classroom.

ConnectedEd Initiative

Connected generation

4,000,000 children are posting content to the Web everyday

15,000,000 youth use internet messaging

Twitter - Twitter is now processing 50 million Tweets a day, which comes to about 1.5 billion Tweets a month. Royal Pingdom recently reported that Twitter passed one billion Tweets a month last December and measured about 1.2 billion in January. On a daily basis, Royal Pindom was measuring 27 million Tweets a day back in November, 2009. But the latest data comes from Twitter itself. (2/2010)

Facebook -With over 500 million users, Facebook is now used by 1 in every 13 people on earth, with over 250 million of them (over 50%) who log in every day. (2/2010)

What is BYOD?

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) - a concept where people use personally owned devices which are not owned by their employers or the school district.

Sometimes referred to as Bring Your Own Technology (BYOT).

Consumerization of IT



Information access




Learning - Synchronous/Asynchronous

Cant beat them, join them

Blended learning experiences both

inside and outside of the classroom.

Ubiquitous Technology/Computing SolowayHttp:// george engel

While districts try to find additional funding for technology integration in the classroom, students are walking into the room with devices that are capable of providing a technology rich experience that is guided by the curriculum in the district.

Ubiquitous computing (ubicomp) is a post-desktop model of human-computer interaction in which information processing has been thoroughly integrated into everyday objects and activities. In the course of ordinary activities, someone "using" ubiquitous computing engages many computational devices and systems simultaneously, and may not necessarily even be aware that they are doing so.

Pros for BYOD (#edchat)

Extends tech resources already used in school

Reduces expenditures

Provides 24/7 access

Students control their own learning

Pro for BYOD (#edchat)

Ubiquitous technology

Student stay on task

Decrease in student theft and disruptive behavior

Delivery of e-books and e-textbooks

Cons for BYOD (#edchat)

Equity among students

Issues with WiFi and network filters


Cons for BYOD (#edchat)

Applications/Tools are not common on all platforms

Student forgets to bring device to school

PD for teachers on using BYOD in the classroom.

Anytime/Anywhere 365/24/7

Devices in the classroom

How will you be affected by BYOD?

Teachable moments

No longer the sage on the stage

Classroom management

Student code of conduct

Changes in Instruction

Changes in Learning

Class resources

Students would be able to download all class materials needed on a chapter-by-chapter basis


Teacher web

Research resourcesStudents would be asked throughout the course of a class period to research questions, information, or activities (content based or researched based)Definitions

Primary source document searches

Current events

Classroom Application

Not only does BYOD affect the students, the teacher can greatly benefit as well

Leads to a change in pedagogy for the teacher

It will allow teachers to better instruct their students in an ever-changing, technologically advancing environment

Teacher -> student based lessons

Change in Pedagogy

BYOD in the classroom


Social Media

Individual Responses




Multimedia projects

Project-based learning

Geocaching, etc.

BYOD in the classroom




District obligation regarding BYOD

Device responsibility


Who is responsible for the data?

District Technology Policy




Who is responsible?

Responsible Use Agreement

CIPA and FERPA Guidelines

Online Behavior

Sayreville Process

Technology policy and AUPs

Program in High and Middle Schools

Changes in instructional process

Investigation of hybrid cloud

Infrastructure upgrades



IP Addresses

BYOD Schools/Districts

New Milford High School

Bridgewater Raritan School District

Monroe Township High School

Forsyth County Schools in Georgia

St. Charles Place, New Orleans, La.

Allen Independent School District

Hanover Public Schools

Examples of BYOD responsible agreements

Meigs Magnet School

Bridgewater Raritan, NJ

Logan City School District

CoSN examples on website

ISTE examples on website

Hanover Public School

Wolf Creek Public Schools

Allen Independent School District

Quick review

Federal initiatives

What is BYOD?

Pros and Cons


Affect in the classroom

BYOD in the classroom


Sayreville Process

Thank You for listening

Contact Information: Email: [email protected] Twitter: @spaul6414Website: http://sspaul.blogspot.comCell: 908-433-7076LinkedIn: Sandra Paul


Bring your own device catching on in schools.

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