

MKXICO.Mr. Allon Thorndike Kaia oren*, the Anpnst

atimher nf Ile Xnrth Atnerieun Rrriew willi an articleen " Rumel (Hies of Central Auicric.i," Mid rive* aome

freali! ,uti leaitnp funs iibont ihe scientific expedi¬tion rt cent j titted out tor thc exploration of thoae au-

clent murninni ts:Thc exi'"itti.n will Lave fer Ita object a rytlematlo

Ir.veitifrniion ef tie ».> i ailed " I inned i I'los " *nd otherremain* of nncleiit otvillaattoa 'n Central Amerlrs andMexico, li is (llspnteled muter lueJoin I inspire of Ihe(loveriinieot* of Ins I'nii.t. St ito. und Kmncr. Tic rx

.lenee nili t»e defrayed by Mr Pierre I-onliuid,or new-York, tba ort-lna! pronioterol ttie ae-ertahloe,and by I. e i lei.eli t.nv. nun. ni. TBS evoi'dKion la undor tan enema ot bf IMhlill raareaj Ii ia ihoronahivrt|ii1|>|.(-il. fled i-oii))tilees un elllilieut stuff. The tie .ina

sr." iniiv.tli d not only of iiiioiof-ruphlin- bus relief* nndhieroirljtiliic Inscriptions, bul el attain*maretul caaiaofthen, i.\ iii,- nre .'a sf m. ia un d<- Laval. (..pies ofthen easta arlll tiri bs pnarnted te taeBoiit*_soaiaii in-BtItation al Wus'ili!_ton. and lo Hit* Krencli irtvorninen'¦.(_« latter collection tu i>e permain mu preserved laHit- Trncniit">ii nf 1'siIh. The cnllccili.H bii.1 preserva¬tion of th- se easts will bs one of thc moat tllstltftivc andValuable t. .Hill, s ..f tile iiiescnt eulcrprise. offeiln_, SBtn. > will, te student* of ali etina tricia, un ample Held forInveafa-alioii, ntul p .< ihe Betel.tis rniuislie fora Miiuiinii of the una-fette prt.i.icDi. Thc expltwineparty eli] rlsil Alban, Milla. r.ilcii(|iie alni ni In r

grojjt cfiiires nf i.niii'iit cit il /allon. Ita rome will lieliinu'/K-ii Obs ic i. Tn-uauienesaaa i.u,itt mala, torminat-liift In ike penlDsnl i of Yueatnn, waere the around I* lon j eat i utt-nt trt-sli. Au.oiir ihe Blltsm ibis Milyu* andotlnr warlike tribes waere ll I* oalrpeaalbHi tn travelMich ii l uiicc. thc party will be aldo to acenre a

cuaid UH.)atr. ni:. Fruin un ex) c tltmn winch 1* favoredbv sm h raited artTaniaana. it ls bardi) uareaaoaable to

ii.t el many raluable .tie! Interesting afccssiciia to our

knowledse ol mo uuciciit ai.d cou lettipoi ary raov* olCentra^ Aiiierteii.

A'.i in in.-ii ih'' idea of (quipping Mira an expedition ha*fur assay yean iiceu entertained by Mr. Lortllard, yellint only was lis cxopiition tiru-linitotl iuile]it 111 Iv on

Beth slues of tba Atlantic.Beta in Prunesand la Amer¬ica.inn imo BlssUar tboank tenants enterprise* wenaeiii,itiy, hs often bappona, taktns fenn sunn tnneonaly.Indctil, it aaa only ubilc aetivelj eagaand la araaala*lue tuc puny that the presi nt writer l>. e.unaaware ol ibe existence of "another Richmond in theletti,'" nnd li suaura well Inr tbs success af tbe under*laWiiit: that heeneonntsred ansertonsdifficult* ta reeon-ClUti*" und nm..Ii! mi: abai W0UI4 QaSUirWtSB BaVBievetoped Into two i. .¦ aebemes.As bow ci.iiei tutfi, nu- BBisaion bears an international

r li, il,tel cr. tl, i.n i.'I., In f il rn ess !.. Piai e -. We inii-1 * ale

tbst ibe pit tl.min.,mci-of American luierests bssbeenfn ly ri cntroia d hy uer. Mic bsa aram fully recognlsi ilih-- c. i-i .. iou* ire eroalty ol Hr. Le*r-&-*d by per-iiiaiieiii.y .is.-, ciatn.c bis inline wi h tue proposed ool-it'i-ii m at P iris; ano. staoaa other in\ temi aeeordedIn Amen.'.i, wc univ he excused for r. 'erring; to un

nl"iiii..i lettel ot mr.. m. ni br WbloB tbe Kr, nen Mmli-Isreosoedft io aa um prlviicfja ol layi-a beferetberendel a ol Rovie** the earliest accounts from tbepen ot ma explorer, ns ns m brief Intervals reports the

pros-res* ..: tue exp dinon.Wini., however, Um seheaM has thu* in a limited

tensen peculiar relation tn th( Uolted State*, it ban sntaqual Interest and value for tneenrlouala nil patt* ofthe world. The vexed question ol origin attract* stonce Hie philosopher and tbs ethnologist, tae theologiannnd the Dara inlsa. TS butonsn sees h.lins throughtbe mist of ti...i, ion and pictured t.i. i<>_.-j pbics tbe lifent powerful n .t: h.s. Ti.c art: st or urchin*, itauda muteBWlore tb* sculptured evideuce of marvellous aklllandta s.e. or grand powt rs ol architectural desbjrn ann engi¬ned ins rea turee, in ni aee ol semi rnu-nsriana And allmarvel b w nations wnicb have tefl *neb noble proof*i.r then \ inur, .md w li fd. nliboul Um Immedista direct*un: of miv lore-ru eivi Isatlon, pBBaed tbronsbevery Btaae ol social eeonomy, noni mat of trina]*wv__«r) n i/n:.l. ii age ol culture sud wealth, abouldbare -uallj* prrtabed ami vaniabed utterly from tuci luijwi da si ibounb by euebantment. ii is not

a*-'.i.i bing ina, the only nu morn ¦ ol Ibi n exlatenc-ithe, lluka .¦. nnectli .' them with ii,c t.ninan'i \ i¦ a tirang) moral Influence. WebeiteveM. ("barna**, toe cate! ol t lie present expedition, to betboreuxbly imbued with tbe tyirll In walch alone Un*aunjeet should bt spproactied. His scbievcmenta. aa s

)>i ,u''.fal Alnt'l leulil-f. ult- ut.'.I'll lilinwu In I Ho Wura!ol science. He brinna i" in* 'a6K the experience and re*flection to ran , ami, in ile presenl Instance, so etseutlalto anaetta. Apart lrom tu Intimate knowledge ofMexleo wbleb be has sained un mg two previenajour-n. vs, ne has travelled wldet> In Um I uri ai.d iii

Ausiia.,.si,i,and ha* m.ul..aaoeuial sud eomparaUreBindi ni Jaraaeae antiqattiea M » aUtftsayls tue authoroi two n,.i»s relating te atexioo one aaeau-xtalnin*plink ..I l;.iVi nie oilier ii tlngU al ly valilalde COUtTlbU*linn tm Iheaubjecl .1 UM iiuiiijiiiili'M. lu UM aiithorahioul tn. wilt r' woik. ..ires et Bulnea Smerieaines(Paris, 1863), ne 'a,.s aasoomted wita Ibe famona arciil-tei-, ll. Vtoilet-le liuc. lt is f-ai.-ciaiii remarkable torIta great foilo album of magniacenl puotograpba. In a

I r.i vi lier nf mell ex pi rieiuii mill chsei Vati.iu wc haveevery hope thal the expedition will possess, wbat la sevital io ns ubic, eatauatatUa ami rcevou-bUms laaScr.

C1III.IH.KN.S MAGAZINES.Wide Awake lor August ih a trcafsiiry of

wiifticst.iii*-, awaait aaataKreS. ..mi matty ihci- ami tauciea.

lt lini-i beaald thal ita llluatiaiiuut are badly julnted.hut (.nt thc worst printing In the world could lake the

gay, fantastic humor out of Mr, J. G. Francis's little

plctuie* of cat-life. Iii* illustration* of a bright newversion of " Ihe Throe Litte Kitten* " ate ilium, utile.

There in mn!tiu_ in tho mapazino which ls not good;Bimmi: thc best are thc tlret " (Juecr-ciorer Chronicle,"Hrs. A. M. Diar.'* " Adventure of Rubble and Bobbie,"Mis* Nora Perry'* " MU* Violet," and MarRaret Sid¬ney'* charmiuji atrial, "Bit* Little Pep-iers."

While Miss Alcott's htory of "Jack sndJill," now ruimliiir tiirough Bk S'icholai. lack* tbe merry

aponlaneity of her firm booka, ll lias still a very r.ner-

1,111 purpose and gracious epltlt. Ill* one of tbe best

thtiiits iu the AnsruM number. Amoni" those best toing*mind .ero ne lucudcd Ibo tender und amusing little*

.dory, " Why the Dlack Cit Winked." Thallluatrat1.inilu thia mininer arc, almott without exception, pralte-wortliy. ______________________

LITERARY NOTER.Several HiisKinn prolessors are conepirirjc; to

aail> and twixt SU.ike-sp.'.ire'o beautiful imaget to euit a

Tartar dre*,*.The bodk-makiBR mania rapreseven in effete

India. Last year 1.UH7 publicatiooi of all torts wero

U*ned In the Prealdeney of Bombay.Macmillan ct Co. liiivo received the third

part of Profes*.>i' Bkeuta'a " Etymoloirlcal Dictionary,"and the fourlli part I* announced for November.

There will bo another American eruption oftola the first week In August. T. B. PetTton di Broth¬er* have In MUM hit " florinda," a story of the Court ofNut oleon III." Ciusoe in New-York " (Roberts BrotherR)

I* ihe title of a new colleciloii ot rue abort stories of the

lei Kl ward Everett Hale, who wrote thai charmingtale " Tne Man M'ltliout a Conn:/y."Mr. Pyinin^tuii's (.-raceful study of the Life

ti.(I Works of Thomat Moore appeal* tm* week. It con¬

tains copious extract* from the poet's writings, and Har¬

per A Brotht-ia huvc given the book a Hue port, alt Ior a_tnsataasses." We are In dancer of a national mistake,"

tay* The Sanitarian tor SugUSB, " lu BSpasalSS that Ihe

BttePeetnal laealtl s me t<i beAsvelopedal thc rxpi n e or

all nt hera. Happiness will never be found in any tn*,

turity or M-iiotaiitliip when tho acguitltlon has i-lncdUta health."Miss Tinkci, the author of one. of tho clev-

rit-t-t of the .Vo Name liuv.-lf, " Hlcnor Mouahtllil'sNiece," ts still living in Koine. She baa written a new

noel with ihe pseaaaag title " By the Tiber," which wiil

Uieet wl:h nu togot Trelrottie In the early autumn, wheuKet'eita Brntkrra latend te have it rssVlySince Air. bwinbinne nppeiiicd as an ex-

ftouiitlfr of Uh ikeap. ure, he ha* hail Mr. I'lirmvall buzi-

|B| alu.ut hi* fnia. Thc poet bru-lied Hie latter away a*

be would a fly. with the rt murk that he " need uot fear

sripy." in. liv retort* : ¦ I do not tear controversynrttS a aaa* wbe kaawa his tacts, i mn not likely totlrtu'l it with Mr ¦awinburn",who lmairlncs them."

New JJnbluanono.gaLvaqe,


The nt* wMi.V.lMl'. NOVSI*

ls nasrir raagy _IENT TO SCALPEL Na 46.


fVtltlCIt UK. VABICOCEI.K, HEMORnilOIl)!*, andIben aoar«iatraeat bc* rena tit...nation ibaarSlif nf awallowins inetlu ae« ilia, ii|.il\f Balam nf ll,Mt nfl.eiit.*j» ami UieMixit ri. meilifh » ol trnuliut ul tin* tiltl uiribtitlanbaoleta allBra tam aaacc-tllbla tal i sp.a ami »iieu ut imuit-uiatr removaltnt um. al".. i" a li a n u.iuiia ni liyvioiil, mel lau

nii'iluntauf neifi.niiiiif Iii H piomotet vitiUly iumI me-talpm I ty.Nemalirla ano Atne-nia what are (hf*v l I*t>oplt> who arc

iiititfi tai narva sui r*ii: wnai i« Um cotct'Hie . arly Derai nf A mei ian Woint-n. ia lt proper lo check

Hie lucrcaae ul family ITrt-atint-nt ni .-. liri ni. liv internal ledBSSe a new instrn

dui.i ni iiaiiicidr inif Iturta tva* esssa, oporauu od bytin- iiretitiolotiie at Ma pi mle naaallM hr lrr a«-Ititeft Ir.'a tlin e tliuut-ud Beales' (lui ilj the nam (billyt. ur*

l/i-a ni Virility in iouu* Blamea People an UDsunptvtcilrans ..Irfliicott nf 1 nl.aeiotm tbeSrxiial I'tiwrra.Kt ni 'our paijiaoruvo. i-lreantli |.niiinl, ut cerita.Tl.. ¦ ).-:.' w. rB -nay be Iud of the editor nilly, lor m'.H, we

»_BBa*afsIsrsevaniuia* ifaViSpegaB each. Noa. 44 amiprice jucriiK, ttmuilu Ibu ai nu looacco.

aPIXIOfia OK THK 1'IlKss" Ki .-ry line fiuru Un-oeu nf Dr. Dtaan is of value ls th..

. hole iiuu. tn f, " [tleraea ttreeley'a Berlsa el Ttaumeti ii lier Ii -¦ .'. ¦"li. Dilea I,**, in-tie au aodteiica' for htnimll hy ili«

alu inti, ot lu- mvlt rtinl Ibu boiilner.i raf lila \iewa. Un, _rt*alexiitrit um la bio piiiVttalwii will alwiiva rive wti|*!it In what

hi .atya i.n wi.;.., ui» always r. a-1 w il.'i pioffu' --' boalou'J'lav.ller.

.. Ur Umiiiia a mau <>f the firitUet. capaciti 10 'seek,inn \isye la -'¦,".,¦% nttb kunwIensB *'"1 exiierleuir>."~(Nt 1. ."1011. Duli 1 linea

.. tl li n »(*kl .un. BC place I In Ilia hat.da nf 1 .erv ininiii

lui I., lia n nulli t'.ry -tinki le a I 0011 of praa lea, valUf tcI. I- (.'f'llt-lailiiii." Hart, t- lilli-!, j 'H in1.icc nt lilMa.ra ol lb.icevual rayaieaa.

I til. inn Ih fi lilllie land » iou ti leal Vt, OtUmV* WOtttn,-t.iii-.ii aii>. 'li'11 pres ut Ila mut-n.a t,, t o."

Dr. I '-I'tl'a Kevuw in Hie '1tl!.o.l,.( Atlrocale and Journal

lloui- Inr n't sul'iiiMii, * to li,, '_. tn i. auii M to lor tiiin.a.OBIta. Nu Vii K.I,lt aie.. .N V.

1i\"rto flublicattotia.

m\ 0 IM1'<f-TTAMT BOOKS.

OfllMIU ui'pmiikm.A vohu-iof Wtetchca, Hliioriral. netcriptive Brui rrltlcal.

Ry JOSEPH EDKINS, author of " Bellirlon In Chm*," cte

voL 17 of Philosophical Library. Crown Hvo. B4 tW).

This I** book of remirkable lu temi, deicrtblnf the cn

traore. progieas ao.1 chara, terian, a of Huddblain in Chlo*,

and containing a Hf* of Buddha Dr Minna's long residence

in (bins, snd Ins thorough study of nil thc hlilorlc*! fealnras

of religion In (hln*. rentier him peculiarly competent to dl*-

cuss oaaaasa Biuitihi»m.


9JA Historical Survey. By Dr. KARI, BULB-* TianilBtca.

tress the (lerman. 1 vol. crown 8vo. 9 I IM».

( nts The Mjitciies nf thc MM.'le SfSSl Polemic

Plays and Kohocs of th* Jiiystery j Kevival of the BectUSIn 'inaln aplin (iccasiun*! Tiscea of the Heilglom Drama

In ilie K.euell Classical Tragedy linns Macha and Leaslng'eB" TheCtnirch anil lbs Tlienrn.

In thia BB8B Professor ila«e, whose learnlns *nd csnd *-

admlra'dr faa Uv him to write on this i.ibject, describes the

rise and decline ol the mysteries and mirane plnra. and tin-

ef.eit nf the reliirions pla/on Inter drums le literal ure. The

honk has a special Interi «t for all who have witncaacd or

rend of the I'asainn Tlay it obcrimmcraaii.-.- For laa'f Bf Uookacllers bent postpaid on receipt of

once hy the Publl'hcr*,





MIT TK1».'.fCinciiinatl Time*.


liFNItV HOLT A CO.. New York.

_»tl6tl'iUt10n.Fe* Bovs and Ttoune Men.City.

M.\>- FOB PREPARATION lo Colleare anti_l j.iii.itf ma-rn. tum.-Mr. W X. M. N kW l-l. I., IIB Baal.Iii lt._THE BERKELEY SCHOOL,

al_52 M all-in ive. (H--rli mid SOth-St* 1hoard tn in ki ( lin:- Joveph ii. Choate. Daniel r.

Gilman, LL. D.. Henty C. Pott. r. I'. i>. (.entre llilUsai Cnr.Ila. 1.1. V.. I.. B. tritOlra, 1>. I'., Willi ii v u inlier. IL. D.,ii, nu B. Pellew,.Frederick Law Oiaiated, Cbaa. C. Jones,LL, 0.

Iii.' has but * tingle ulm-to prepare bovs llmr-nu hiv for Hie beat colleges mnl schools ol bcIbbcb in tin-

I nite Stan -.

Tin- building la ai rancid exi'tess'y fur tiie purpose of .

sclm d.ItMMCtnS, lal.Ires, dui Inc Angus', JcllN S. WHITE,

Ht'_d.Al;.r.lor, BozfllJ, Everett, Hiss.

For Your.e Lacics.City.i * aft- .

H v Y BCllOOI. lin: "i DUNU LA,"The object of tin mool 1a to combine a uk

lion v. mi Ut*stencil anti Oeime.B huimiasea.

¦j I., achoo alli reojK u septa mt*

MESDEMOiSE L L E 8 CHARBONNIER'8French Proteatant Hoarding and Day Behool foi

Y'liint i u.i.i-1. r, i.asi .i!. ht (formerly in Parla), wiU re¬

open Thursday, sept. Ho, Apply by letter nntd Sept ht ti .u t-i.o-. i 'I I.nt in in Ni Kit will be in Near-YorK.

MrSSJAUDON'SYOUNG LADIES'BOARD¬ING sod DAY 8< HuO. ¦-.. u\... near iiiIihi.,

ifni.., i .a i» taught by (ho Natnral Method.

MKS. SYI.YAM'S REED'SUoAI;l'l> li und i'AV m litidl. fut YOUNO LADIES,

.. - East a .!-I.. Sew. Y.-tk.recpeiissi'iit _a, Krench and Oenaan languages pr*iaimiit. boronga tiitiniiii." ,n nunan, ant] becondar] depu! infills, i lin collrae ct stud- In Hie ('...Iniriatc u.-pul un. ntBieeta ail i_e demaoaafor the higher educatioa of womenI cb pupil receive* t tie personal auprrvialuu of Mrs. Ilfttl.

MRS. WILLIAMES'Eniilisli and Ki curl) T> na rd In ir sid Day school fnr

Young rand children, 2'J West limiest., leaf*SSS Ben*Umbels .'3d 'inonu third VearJ_WU Bl .{.'AN SEMINARY..LWon-avo. andO 107tia eu. lenpt-nii i-cplember IS,



THE HISSES CHADEAYNE will reopenA (heir boarding and dav m/Iioi ior yoong ladles and littlegirls al jin Mniiiaiinavf nu Wedniidaj hepleoibei .'H.

rrilK MISSES OKAHAM (aiKceaaora to tbe1 Misses linen, formerly ot Wo. 1 Minaro., win rropeo

itifii E-gitsb soo French BOABUINO snd kay M'liooi.furj-oilBBlBOlesnii T1T->I'AY, I'l I..MI! I- ll'-'"'.at .Sn ',:iMil AVB. Thia seh(.('l--t'aiab)ii.i.fd la IsTB.eentlane* totcamm training asa Utoroash Instrneilon in every nipan-uieul fm w Ultu il baa Imbi ¦ i. bea n aa f*w. rn lily -DOWB._VAN NORMAN INSTITUTEV ("-'oundell 185', i. BIB Weet r.Ttii st.. New-York. Kimily

ind liar schoi.l fnr Young Ladlee and ('hil.Ii cn. Will reopenbept. 80. Poi tull infnnriation rall nr semi tor circular.,- llK. Bud td MK. VAN MOK Al AN. PltllCipal*.

For Youri'? Lndles.Brooklyn.BROOKLYN HEIGHTS BENINARY.-The

H..1.,i in rear of ibis building and dav schnul tnr

young ladlet will commence Beateaibsr 38. A pp (callous forfin nina an he inane at 138 Mnntague lt., Brooklyn, >'. i.


For Boys and Young* Men.Country.

Aleiaader lustitutt, Militurv HoariiiiiK Scliool,Wlme Plains, N. Y. l'rmi-lpai, 0. ll. aVILLlB, PB. 1)^

"A "suburban Home sfnoou,""NeV-2\ naven, t'oun..The Rev. Ur. Hhears. IlecU.r, offors to afew .munn boyi ita gresl atlvaiiiagea well Known U yeara

BETTS" MILITARY ACADEMY, Btamford,loon..Flucly slliiatud on promcct Hl!l, thrse-tjnai

lera of a nile from villa**. Orounds niisui|>*sred In el

Uni and fae ll it ea tor re. it .iiiun during all aeaaous,lei ,y 1.. aliiiful. laieful traiulim.

Tboron,'h preparaUon for college, ». lei.t.Uc ichoal or

buslasas_fOltTT-THiaij YEAH ()P1*.*<S SKI'TEMBKR 13._DOTS and YOUNO MEN privately titted iorsf college, (iuiiitiiiue.1 or rc'ecled canditlates coached,Kumicei or W'inlet. stockbridge, ilaaa Y. HOPI MA.N.N.

(^hanberaburg Academy..A school that inJ every eeseutlal feiiture.m ttachlni*. Itoiiiclng, rumffirt-

aide atcouiinfMlai i<msand kind care nf worthy of publichirst J H. -*1U *>l AKl.K. l'li.l).,I'i1u.,(.b-iur>eiMbnig, rum.

pIVIL, MECHANICAL and MINING EN-\J UIM-JHRlNGat IheBENKSKLAKR PoLY'lKf'H SKIXs'l UL TE, TROY, N. Y.The oldest engineering schonlin .linen, a. Next tenn tetrliis sentamlier IR. Hie KeglMelfor 1R1.' contslris a list nt Ute ftrstliiates (nr the past it yesrs,willi ilielrpositions; also, course of itudr, reiiutreincnia, ex

iieiifees. An. Addles*_DAVID M. UUKKXK. Director.

PLAVERACK COLLEGE AND HUDSONVj RIVER IMaTITUIK. at tlaveratk, N. Y., nts boysthoroughly fer college aud business. College course for.rumen. Art, laiiKiixKes and unialc. apeclaltiea. 14 iBitrnotors; 18 DaPSrtBIOBta IVrma reduced. Op. na septinilier 8,

Be* ALuirao i'i.Ai.11. i'll. d.. nen iitnt.


Pi.uglikeepsie, N, Y.JOHN MI I.I. V. M. A.. I'-inclpal.

Tliorough prep»ration ter collegt*, xionlitlo, Covemtneiil,I it r. ann Medical Ot boo a and tm baatBSaa liegius Tuesday, raepleiolirr ll.

pOLLEGIATE and COMMERCIALTN.STI-V^ 1 I TE, Nen ll avon, ii.nn, OtBttSl BaSSell'i BcbOo).I'ic|!ir;iti.ry in corega, sclenllrlc sch..ola or tmsiness. |...roogl ph.vsii'Bl training by military uni::ii|i. gyumaatic*, Ac.Ample lor albieur gamas, rewuig, tte.

poRNWAI.lj IlLIOHTs SCHOOL, on tbav^ ll no son, N. Y. li ir ii aioilliil BiaiiBlBllI all farm nf Inoacieai thnrnnali cnursi. fur college, liualiu sa or silentitn'hcl.ool buys in nell, ute heallli osreiullv classed will reopenMpteniliei !>',. O. ( ('Hil, A. V., Pi.:..- pal.

I,1 Halewood (N.J.) Iiistidite forUovs..College1 ami Baalaasl. merougil preparauon. ussr psiis.ii1i*h

iu Hie lluilhtui M-nti foi clrculsra. tiursteiuer Ji -.Vhlle, i'rina


ESTA ll I 1MIKH IN 181?.A flrat-elass prlvste srhotil fur toyo. ">itli rreparamtr.

ClaaKCrtl aud Kngl.sli I'fjiariioents. A geei (iymiijaiuin.hcnlthfiil Inc,linn, txpcileuce 1 tcsciicis, with library ..iii

ai'i'SJ.iias. Kali tenn opens i'liurmlay, **epteuiber 1, I-i-m

lui catalogue and tull Information BBalM a.


J 1Watnastsr, i'iii« its t«ren(v-rlflh year Bel teniber P. IMHO; rsnk firstclass sa ecilnii of sludlesUie piactiral siloam n lie i'.thfol ami na luiewjii... A imly for c.iiuiara and lads to C. B.Mi TOALJ*, A. lt., .Siipt-riiiten le it.


¦aaanaa heshay even ino. september it.

Artdtess ItLV D. A. HOI.IIKOOK. l'h I).

HOPKINS GRAMMAR SCHOOL, New-ila-veil, tnni. Pupalstats to Yale i ollape l»oya from

abroad pla eil Iii private In.mea sele.tetl br IheRci'tiir. Tl iibtass 1 ll. While. M.A.; I. D V. BOlaeT, D.D.,ll. li r W. hist.... LU li.: T. A. Thacher, LL.' Ul llUl Kiugsley. M. A.; A. C. Twiuine. LL. !>.; M. K. Baldwin.M. A. W. I. Ol >itj NU.Reclor.

I KVINO 1NSI ITt: rE*-Bonrdina aad DayJ Ktl.ttol for boya buslueaa nnd roileaiate traiulng. Kailteiui ct'iarnenees Sept la A. A HM A't.S Al',1 arrriown.N. Y


A boya' fuiinli- boarding acliotil locailun ht tittilesl in New Jeraey Him,nigh ureparali "ti fur tol.ege 01n leiiiltic at hool boys llKlnceu BB bke their similes ; carefulaiirpt'iiisiou nt 111. 11 papiL A .Liri-a tl.e Pilucipal, B. ll.MOORE, Morrislo'sn. N. J._MOUNTAIN HOME RCHOOL, St. Cloud,

M. J.. »l'u. per s.' year; arcomniotlHilon _ar_mvacation: reta*BBCS, Mr. M. P. r>nil||i. No. ii Park piano,N.Y Address B'it Tl. orana*.-. N. J.



ai sin* sum-on Hudson. N. Y.I he course ol lust run Inn riiiluai cs tne fullo-liig depari-

nieiu* clasalcal, tiuii-ru Laiiguag(ti, nu>'. Malhe.uulioa., English htu.le*. and .Saluuii Bcianea, OUases arealoa fansa.1 le Maana, Dnwug, lemii.* mu.i Kiosatios aUn.!, ugh'v oigaiitised M.lnarv I1eparll.1e.ui. n.-dnig im a....:,willi weil ti.nuetl lillis.'*, u ini.a-1',11... Ac. WI,1 reopen I'lniraday, sn temi).r Ki UKMaMI.n .v ALLEN, PrinrtBSU,

/kJ'LN AU. bUMWER.-FOUR WEEKH ATa 9 capu mat.awi i min c. >. ii0k 11.1 miara mbduPinu.i ai mun las renes nata **_lha**a BUMvaasnanalluh ami August, t ia ',! ,i, nial r -11 in hut sri,1.01.uti acl.tKil vi-ai ot Uxt'ul. Itt-ginniaif in Scniemln 1. addieiathe Lii_clpal.i-.WII 111 .N C. Kilo fd LlDOE, A U. Ill .11 aidgradujiei. Mulla. Penn l'Jmllea from I'iinadt-I|ihla. 'Ibisnullen.) lins lea||iu.,i!labi(r..iii KayaM luvlor. Hun. hernando"A .t..t TaAge \ au Bataan, Kev. J. A. Childs, U. I> tad manyt.tliei pjlralis_


Tl.orontrli instinct mu iu ( ml Kiigmeeiini'. ciiemlstrv, ('lansics sn u.i in l.egraaa teiifetrrtl l..r uicinara, apply u,

Coleaei I UKO. li ", A 1 1. 1 isfi



Jneirnction.For Boys and Vonni.- Men.Country.

PEKKBKILL (N. Y.- Military AciHicniy. ForA nicolais mlilr. s. Cul. C. J. W HlllII T. A. M.. Principal.

PHILLIPS EXETER ACADEMY, EXETER,1 N ilriaaalral Depsnment prepares for colleges th»t **t the

highest ststidaial fm a mission.1 n»r lah iiei'iirimeii! piepaies for acJenllflc schools and

Kp*: Iish courses In college.Al. paat nieuibeis ol the Academy who will lend their ads

dress will mal Ive a copy ot the annual catalogue.lor informal on apply lo

A. c. PhRKIVa, Principal.


A thoronnh rein g. wide awake sc noni for boya, eomnlnlngStudy. UH,tate '.lill, and He. reatmn In due pr .portion. I"'-

.cnptl-e Pamphlet, wita( bari ni iictiiiisliifuie lor College

.timlasiou, sent on receipt of six cenla nosiare.OTltt HlsHKE,A. M..


C'IGLAR'8 PREPARATORY SCHOOL, INear-l ' Iniigh, N. V.-A s. net lion ding r*ehOol for 'lb Hors Kitato tate Hie highest rauk al Tali anti Willlsnia. For circularsaddress

_HKNKY \V. Miil.All. M. A. .Yale )

npHE FALL TERM of thu 8eileck 8cbool,J N'orwalk. ('.'lin., will open MB WKIi.N EsliAY the 1 Jibof hep-em ncr BOIL

I.i uni infuru.atlon addre** the Princlfal, the nev. C. M.SKI.I K'K._rpHE GUNNERY SCHOOL.A few vaciin-I cits.S'flt li rm biffin! september Hth. Adores* K. W. (ll'.NN,

\\ a* h.inri',n. 1.11 cn lit rn t on n ti 'olin._rpiIK Hill,"* ¦lioiil.l'uit-.l.iwn. I'ciiti.-C.'^l'Oiii'i1 tresaaew-YerB l*rsf*araalori oBofe,selenWfU*sraoo-.enimeai Bchoo.s snd ll Miaa-. CeriWedttntlsntslarsruDlj"cir er nilli,.,., u it Inuit .ondit nm. linnie Illa sn cul iii ie- l-oco-tint. (iee ti nm malana, and exceptionally beaoUfnl Baaaion bsgins ninei- n Cir. ulm* wi,I ht: sent on Bpi heat ion toJoli \ Ml- ii,.-., rn. li._THE Juli" principal of a B-nwesrnfal privateA Si'hnnl in thia elly will rcc'ive two or Ihice ttl* * tot thosan.iin a ai bli. onnti v borne, tm tr nrllet ir.itn Ute .itv, lu it

neighborhood ab* nteijr beaiibi. mid removed icm Bil les**-*tit .ii rrencb spoken. Athlrrae PRINCIPAL* Cen I ¦-*¦

H.. i't'st Oiric* !'."\ '.-."'a. S. V City._

i'ILLISTON SEMINARY, Eaathampton,Mast I'm pares boys Ior out bes) Milts*** and hi lentlUc

school*. Fall terra begins september 9, 1-*'. for catalogueaadresa j ff. i a iiiiA.a'K-. ru. P.. Prtacinst

C»w{| PER QUARTER..Whole erxpeoae ferr'lr " " .."ii"'"' .iii..-,.t Bi a leadernyand Oran*ia-am. lei illustrated rircnur atMreat HWITH1JI c.

sildi, ri llit.i:, A. .M. (Hunurd I'nisei>it.v. gr.iilu.ile).Mi illa, !'¦ ni_

ikOiUi PAYS for BOARD and TUITION<.][. a_,l l\ f , ., .a m. U ,,irui_'* Mlliljri l'.on.I-

Ing school, rou-hkecpefe, S. T. While teeroi ir* low, tbsicnooliao Un oral grade. sci I for clrcnlaja wita rtftftaeaa

for Youne Ladies.Country.N English, French and German Boardinguni im Wa il i- mi InaUtute, lm.a i.e., .¦.. I'rln. riend for circiilsi.

HINGIIAM rON LADIES1 COLLEGE, andCollege of Music snd "ni.av Open* Hepicraber ll.

Rei li \. i'.\ i.ii-n >. A. M.. Ptesldent, Binghamton,Broonn Conni V. I'reparainr* department. _PORYWaLT COlLEgTaTE SCHOOL forVj young ladies : on the-flm ion. N.*T.

AI.KHKO C. BOB. Principal.

DIM ol NI' OP 20 PER CENT from circa-I,ii i.,ii, innii inri Mt. Hops Indies' Bemlnsry;

openi --i pti..''.. r ilKuli! lil LACK, liniytt.nn N >._

Y\l.i \V LADIES'SI MI NA I! Y. Cai inc X. Y.-I "

il. a tilla, li ii, thoruugb: i.i u-li il in!\ an ai; -a innHi nt. & (leo -<".' fi. A. M

PL.MH.A FEMALE COLLEGE..A collee-eofsj ibe "ml..»t rank lias Eclectic mm l*renBrato_f ne-partm< ol : nan and in i. rm*m.1.1, lal.-, .'.¦ -¦ I. W COWLKU, 1' I'..Elmira, N.V. The iie"it ». -ion lucius .- ';ii mud ¦¦*.

.*(il.l)i;\ HILL SEMINARY for vonni: la-\* di, J. sport. CU A.. li. M .M.-.a i.MII.V M.I.s.IN.

.OROVE HALL, New-Haven. Conn.-Mlaa1« MONTI .UH'.-* SCHOOL for lui NO. MIHW

HOME SCHOOL b'OR GIRLS.-Waltharn.Mass.; ever* way (lesirard*: thoron*- ln*tructlon;

Open An, il '.ll. h. i'i,i-na Ina __drs** LADY PHI NCI PA I.,P.O. Boi :',it'.', Boston, Mass. New-York reference, Iir. ll.i. Hanks i i o' th -'.

HOME SEMINARY FOR YOUNG LADIES.I'leaa-nt, ihoroush, safe *.''.». 14 t-osraers, lijth

\. ,1 ii. v «-, m u i.i *, un Highlalown, N. J.

IVY HALI., BRfDGETON. X."J.,1HOM I- s. tta.I, I'oi: YDl'NO LIDIFra.

Mrs. I. a. PKCAM P, principal and aooca*aor ta Mr.. xi. OLHm ia|uni. Nexl ti-iiu will nenin Heptom oar 10, I--"

I ASELL SEMINARY foi YOUNG WOMEN,J_ Ai.nullilla la, Maa* Boston nnrflagas, with delightfulsui, iii b na iiuine. Special car of healib. Btasserfl ami ianalaof crowing girl* Nest jreai begin* BepUMabsi iii. lot oatn*,..xi,. addj-eas c c. BUAdDO.N, prla.


\l ISS A. C. MOIHIAN'S Eiisrlisli, Fn nell andj* I (.(mun Boarding - tin ol f..t Vonni' Ladies, PorBneonth.N. II. 'I'i.nioiiL'l. Inaliau linn given IB 111 Llanelli's. S|. ,ylaitentlnii tn Ir.ncli and (iennai. I.y native teachers raaMIngmil,, s. iitti.i. r. noa, ti..) a ml.ra on appilaatw._\1IS88. V. H. BUTLER'8 HOME INSTI-iVl ti'ti*. for vurxii i.aiu'.s rwaabksscaae.N.T. Ahomcwlieie ihe english hranchet are thoronKhiy laughr,willi siiiie.ruir sdraiitages offered lui loarniug lo cum ci si In(. .-I ui un iiii.i French._OSSINIM. INS l ITUTEfor youair LADIES,

sing slug, v Y., first class a* to character and na.

trODB_S; iiri-uiits free. _lte,v._C1I). Richi. Prlnciial.

RYE SEMINARY, Rye, N. Y.-For partiru-Isisaddress_Mm. P. J 1,1 Kl_

rpiIE MAPLES..A familr Behool for YouurA l.atlies Biol Misses sevenlh rear begins In Kent-inlier.Al, Kita niSS M. a. A. I'tSSKMifiN, Klchiliond Hill, hlam-fnr., Conn._¦'PRIXl TY HA LI.JU.\ I.IMA.NKW-JEHSEY.J. A ihornngh Iioiih'silnsil fnr ynini* ladlei. Varied ot Hie h'.irheHl staiuimd. 1 i,ir n-eutii year will beginHeiitember 16, ihfin. For circular address

MISW RAI BJ i li 01BBONB HOWT, I'nnclpal

Wheaton seminaky.-tiih fcrtv-Kixtii*"

year win oneu s.-ptf in'J. Address Miss A. K. STASTon. Principal, Norton, naas._<_ I J-Wl A YEAR, IR JARD aud TUITION.-."G" l(Lrl/ lladdoutield Female iriemln-ry, NJ.

For Both Bexes.Country.

BEFORE FIXING ON A BOARDINGSCHOOL for vuui chilli, please addreaa tor circular

Iii.iMA.-* HAM.on, C. I'., Pennington, New J elsey.

pHEGARAY INSTITUTE,V^ l,ft'j7antl 1,6119 sprnc.-s... Philadelphia.llosr.lHiK and Iisv srlnol inr young lat'lea aud children.

Ancu-ut mid iii'iit-tn Uin,ii»wes taught. Ii'-mii it Iii* .n

guage ol lb* lain,;y Mitdann. Ii'IlLUVlLLV, Principal.

POSTER SCHOOL CLIFTON SPRINGS.A BT. V..Aeuilfiuic, Cont pillie. Art. I.eetnres, OvBIBSaUOB,Hilminisleied villi special ni.nine to the health of younglinties nial the -oi minion ttl ci nett lad Itu ot Uroly anti hie.Addre 6 Ibe K. v. Ur. UKOHUB LOOfcllB


GREENWICH ACADEMY, with Musical lu-V* ttltnte Hin'. Cniniiaa.:jl ('.''.-g... I'liiiiiilii! 1802, Aimsldesi honl holli sexes, firs: dav. board only fi 7B "ii. aa

Bt-pi. l: esnueens fiae ihe nev. i. u. BL. I'liln Ipili hast Cireenwirli. lt. I.Suiiiniei lliiHi'leis tl lill Aucuat 'IH.

HACKEri'S'loWN INsTmJTE. . SealbnlltUBS Ot Ita elsas ; tn.liis' col le ire cnliege prep.trn

tm v Im vonni! men ni usic. ail, i nm mei rial Insulin's, urina

1"« iuuu'1 lail to simt fut "Ul fra* aniline. Ilaclieltstown,N. J. 'I ll Willi NE\ .l'l>, l-i.--i.l. nt.

MAl'Li.WOODIN.snrrrF.-I'orhotliscx.R;(nm onl\ ni.-, p tin- $."..'. tier iid.-irtt.r; stndeiin pre-paicd lol hu*aii .a, i n,r rn 11.11 ..h.! ni ..I a ijj.s pmfcKsnr*.

.1. Sildi' I.Ii,;,li. A. M.. limcipal_MOUN I DE CHAUTAL, near Wheelina,

W. Va A lu -I. In -a KukIisIi rmi French schnm, mn..,

lnstruueiita) and vocal, a specially- ¦aim Urarl nu -i lu*, i.

MRS. M. "J. RlCiS uill reopen her e.-hcolfor Yoho:.' i. titii-a ni,,i Miasasat barwaldcaea, Batner

finl. \. J Kept ii boardlDI pupils l.mii.d to six girlsnu. .1 f.,i nih :¦ (iii ilm -. n pplicatUm,MT, KISCO EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE.I'l Ml lilac.., X. V.,lei v "i.ns: lu i.ea and h.'.(lien, tiilire-(ija ti BS] i. lu. terms leasnn'j'jie. Miss P. Hyail. I'

DOCKLAND COLLEGE, Nyack, N. Y .I*. Holli se xe. , J'-'.',', (er rSSI Ii" extras hut lllU«ic ; ni,en.Si'iiie.iihcr i.i -.i.I fur new citulugue. W. ll. IIIANNI-jTI.ll. A. M.

VEWTON COLLEGIATE IN8T1TCTE, Ncw-j-i ton. Hastsa i "unty. H. j rroams Bs*-ss_ib*t si for'nana ami feisles ; ixe. Ungi* bOBtW*-, .. "tt't*. i.n I

iniiii sud (ii rial un InBneneea Ihorongh to nt for any collegeni tnr husiiif sa I -.'"(I ii ve.-ir Hud lc* caialmrut* rei.r to oldsttiilents J. llsi-el .Mc lee. 1.1. I)., Judge Johu A. Ilialr, Jer.ey City. S. S. sTiAK.Ns. A M.

1>EDDIE Institute, Hitrhtatown, New-Jemey,Until sexes Kita fnr BSUemoi BU HUMS,

I'alntlns au.l 1.lattin*. A st Ii s,l tveiy nay m.ri liv and lu-

crtaetoKly ao. Baplaenbei '.'. -viul tor caia.ofiie toHKV. fl. J. Al *tBT. s fa I'Uncipal._.rjwiirlliiiiorf? Collcfrc, near l'hil;i<lcljiliia. IVnn.O .Paser esra of Matias i lmihaexea _dailtl_tii ihreecnl-|S_S '-ourses-t lasMcul, llleiarr and srieLilfl.'; lea. hers'course preparatory Ieasel. Km parin ulais addi's. KUwart)ll, M.dlL I're*t lawaillimure ( ollege, bi,aware lo,, Penn..

Hisceliajioo'aaPPABATUSaad FURNITURE of all kind*.foi BOba* ls, ACS'lemies, Colleaes slid Haas htm

IBIBBtfTB* BABB I I'l.Al I .(. . fl., 1» Hind st., R, ,.for KchO'ls, ACS'lemies, Colleoi-s inti Han*. Send for

Aid., If

1I\)B SALK, nt ldi\ Barona, :i privattpacuileniT,for pupil, of hot sexes. Iii one of th* moat (lourtaluiie

niles of thu Weat. Addieas. A. J. ll, 1,0'jll Mkiiml hui.uai'll). Mu._^^^^rJX)H BALE..Excellent opportunity for ex-

|.t-ileiu-ed lt -.lier (ii buy hall lii'eteat nf an olfl ealabllshed achool in ntv furniture. Ac. Included terina verylow. Address PKIM'IPAI., Tribune I'ptowu ufflce, 1,'.'.(>)Broadway._^^^

1BARENTS id se.-ucli of acimols for theirinl.lren will tltid rataloKUf-a of Hie heat ¦( ti,ails in tho

coiuilry ttl u.eofllit nf V. ri. m TUM K17'i Hroadway. first floor.

Kn-e Uriels to and from .elmo's luinisli.-ii to pt-rsjui wishlug in visit lor InapecMoa ann liilonniiilou.


IaARENTB in Beare- el aeboola fop tlnirclilldreo will (Ina pnispectuses of the IiEsp in the

Vl.M K.M V B st limil. A"-li < OI.I.KUK DIKtlTijllVf< 'it land

Hailed for p-starje. tc st otBce KHtK BPECIAL CATALuuUh.1 of the best schools furnlsheil gratis.

T. CHI KUWOBI H il uis'EY,Agency fur tsrhoola and leschen


nomeme Huliiriug, Hr.iadway niel Um sv, M. V.

SCHOOL r*ropertiea tor aala or rent..N>w-iimuier Hat maned for aUnn. Mein imeihuru. iiO E. 14(li.

aJCHOOLS ADVERTISED.-Wi un- i»_t*_atedt' willi nlai'iiK HM J'tveltiaiug of many nf Ihe .eattinga* I,"..;- uiitl c.lieges We furnish, aralls. iuf.ii malina an* es-

llui.ilcs nf oasts lo ail kpplica. la, alan, a lld ot leading newspsp. ia|.t ii.lvi riisemeula al a special dainn edi rate. Address (iK, i. IV K' iWKI.I, A ( o NewspaperAi*eitiatng Hureau, Nu. IO Hpruce-at, .New York.

tam GiliooiaANMAI. SESSION (22(1) of DNIFER8ITTS\ LAM Miliuul. ur|ii,..iiii.l..i lull Adilteaa U. lt,JAyi 1--, -ni.;*i),»r*j_a__».

MINKS AND MINING.Ti'F.*t>AT, July '27, r. n.

Millingstocks tn-da.v worn in-eg-alur, liuttbe shan*af Hie Leadville pfeBBfllaa gaiBBnally were better.Chrvsoiiie rose from 1*99*4 to 8-k'3)7Hi. and a

lnrRe business noa done in ihe stock on Millers' op-

tii.n of .TO and HO days down n* low ** 8% and the

last sale wu* uij. Roller 18 dnv*. wiim ibo regalerprice was 7-_. Little Cbie.f tirst declined 0 cents

to 4.65 bur later rose to 4.75. Amie sold al88-B>89auuiiiBt 88 yesterday, Climax was steady at '-.'-5,South Hite at 1.40, Imf Little Pittsburg waa

weuker at "IH* mid Leadville at 70. Hukill wa*

Baaiaetad, ikewa bunal aaiea of only 200 alunaa at

l.'JO inner 'A dave, ('onsolidalcd Virginia was

B Bania lower ut _.00, after Bellina at 2.h.*). silverNiiggci roc to 1.80, t"it .lo-*.ti ut 1.08, Bataan *%Walker linetoaten lictiveon .V'S, and .*)'«. closing at.

Ibe Inner price, a deehan af 'h fruin yesterday.Hattie ('reck waa st.'adi at *Hfm'**m Hm* Aulnirn1111-1 li'iiik Creek al 1.33 maniac, » majority of thebusiness licing ut L96 buyer 80 dara Talavera*eontiound tn li" wink, and anuri fell rn 35. clotingnt 37, ait-atn-i 88 jreeterdejr. Backeye wu* 2 cent*lower At _8, Durango deems higher af 47, MOOM 2eenta blaber al 87,and South Bulwer ."> cents higheral (Ki. (li.-iii F.BStem h..ld at B7. 58, May Hello ntIK), and Suiit'i Hotlie at b. (.codsiiaw was (lull andsteady at LOO,


A'. 1. MISl.\n stock axaRABBB "Mr.ff.lsit tOWV CAM..1'2'M) P. M.

ChrysoliteBO 7.00100.. ilO.fl 73BOO H ntinn s :o 6 BOli 11 1, ai. ; 11

xttttK. al.M'.r.O10imi taoInn. -1...100 s(.40U.")....'JIM Itoo

B.(1H7.387.007 337 .87 'a7.83

.1'..(ju., ia a


l.iysullte300.Min lia 7 -a

uno sl3. 7.60loo. tao f.ijKIO Hil 7.atBOO., si"' 7. 8800.. alu 7.88Kidd sift 7.1:1BOO. 7.7".-uki.LeaKi.. b::.i 7.Tr.IOU 130. Tai 1

0 7 7-.(io ..S30 6.79ino. 7.8-*

DurangoIMA) .U

Climaxano 1.a

calavoraaBOO... .an500.. 1>:.0 .4"10(1 ti.:.7'iO .SS




I "

,-,00 AS.M

i-'OntU HlteBM .1.40-nulli UuiWeT'.00.tio

Tln*a100 .80

BotU*,',0. 6.00

Moose100.61100. C3ano.07

1 tn i' a .ulloo.*."..'

fills-ill30O .i>a. 120Leadville OOO

THIRD C*L_.2:30 V. il.

chrvso'.itf"1"" 7.8S; '¦ >..100.. 1

¦-. ll 60Ino- 7.7;

', ., tao. 0. wi.;. 7,7.">

iflti ... 7.7'.'1. 6 iH

ll ..'.. ia

Ki".. 7.63". 1. .1.1,

4OO...ilD.0.50l7 SO

1000..400 BIS 6.50.Jun. 7.SO

.1 7.73

dii-lou ba, v100 l..:n 7 UHIimi .3 7.78Ti iti. 7.75Kio 7'¦:<200.-7.60IOU... 7 18.- 11 - lu '. zs

200....ann_a'.'...SOO IIB, .¦ 23

"¦.nulli I'-i.ZOO M..

Illili.ala!100. .32tilt VlIKIIIIl10(1...lOO.hJO. 3(1,1

Ai-iit"i"... si. .8SKIMI .-aI.Mill.M'.)QOOdt-BWlim. 1.08Totes! ira200.24Mav llelle

1 little, ( hlffLOO . 4 7nlu".. 4.7J

Iiiii.'iiii'.jIla. lia .II

. .4420 '.Kl1_ .47iii.kari

list) .38Ki-nth Boole

I Ai in't onp'il2 "i.n7


Cslararaaano ,a_ ..'diiooo. ssait.-o....300..","".. s3 ,80ram i,:t.. ;:,ii"".:>7



100 .68la iisllle Cnn

.7''UtUe Pittab'snO.. hIO. i.Hi

Climaxion. i.(iimi:Ko. LOO

AMStuoA n tnsnra stock rxint was salsa11B8T i-am..i»i::ii) o'clocb a. m.

lu¬len a.II 7

7Anti it Ilk ck.6uo .1.


1 Miran i;i>.nisi..bli). .4 1'.inn. .h-til ,4U

Hukill'.'Cn 1.18Maj tin"


Hilt er Niiirn'i din ixSOO 1. ai 10(1. J.''s) aid. 1 .Mt A \\ 'r:i 11 si. 1 BO n 11 ,blOnon ban.') 300. 6'j.Ooo lilo 1 ."¦". U*0

Anno I Hal tie Creek300.BO loo . 4*, a"s

8_CONDC_Li>-l2:30 O'CLOCK I', ht

Arno Cm Vlr-riiila Chry sall tn Silver NiR'aer300.. hSo. .{i-i'loo. '.'!") 4is). H'«|(lini iii3400.88 SOO. ...2.831 -j ni sin. B I',.'ri.e.-A WT

liutaiiKn ( lirvsnlite rall vi r Mn.'n't loo. ft't100.40 inn. 77e leo bfl 1 ¦'.'. 300 S'sAiili.Alt'kC'l. 200. 8 600...... 1.58 lo') .1.10 B*tlu mi,ku 1.30 SOO.. 130 7*1 1..'.,". Hattie crek

H...IIB KM i30. TV-MIO. LOO 200. 4--1loo. a3,1 .too. h's .*"'() i.hii l.ao1100.. th

Timm call.'i o'. Looa p. ar,

Chrysollie Chrysolite Illilangi) Copper Kuoh100. 7'i UKI. 7 *s I 100 UM. .10 2(Kl. Iii)lin . h BOO. l\\l\i,t).4:. BarWAWT80(1 hil., ft ('rowell 100 t,3ii. ,60 300 ..'.'4In.) bB. TS IBOO.121 lliuU..b30 .4!> 300.5"*100 blO. JHIBllrarNo_*-ei SOO.4i« loo.bin.. B**t..' 7*a|100 bio. 1.88 3500 ... .47 fi*)tie 1 reek100 t80.. 7 7oi'.. baOl.CO Amie V'"). 4'j100 Sit 7'j.IOOO. 1.60 POD hld. .001 ll)'). IHloo. I't 0 '0 I16. ..1.55 I.ewlvliltj ( on con VU (fin'.1I ¦inn 70 loo... 2.00


Yesterday. To dav.Aleha. «3i 4-sArs-enta.'"a*Bsiaasr. 1 1 m' and Kel. her... 8aj r* ',liniiloD. l"i l"aInane. 0Belle laie. t'liRoitoti Con.. -SaBnlwer.. Vscallfonna. 2('hollar. lilOmit. Vlrrnnia....... 8Crown Point. 1 **j('iileiinnia.I'atDooley. ".aKureta coo.IS"*tcichsouer. I**ooiiin and cuitt. 8(Irand rrlse. ll*(lootlahaw. 1H-jie and ^ore,roas.. .,

Hlilsltle. *,.,Imiienal. *«Julia Consolidated.. -»HjJnstlee.i'l,!Ijseda. * iaI .adi Washington.




CLOBIKQ TRICES.O, Tuesday. July 27, 1««(..

Yeatcrday. To day. ,Martin White .»»3I mMMexicali. H's 8Mono . I3* l'sUamtnoth. I7,Ul'1 linmii. »la ..

May Belle . »«.Maiih-tttsB . l's l'j.Northern lieiia.I2*j ..

NnittieiTj Belle IdsU_| TisNtvajo. 19 1]Ophir. 7\ 7',Oro. l<a KOrennaii. l*a 1*4I'u'.oai. Uj 1«,Itavinniiil an' I*.lv.. 'aiHeal del Monte. l|aH.*Ta«e. I's l'sSierra -*.evada.ll-j 11*4South Bulwer. >i 4iSviidlcate._.m *iMBllrar Hill. \Tlor*. ».Tip-Tcp. 7'a 7Tusearora. ,. »,<I'nion utmaoilrtat'**! _l",Yellow jacker. 4'a 41*

Ran ruANCiRCO, July 27..Busmen* at the Mininc*Sio. k Bonrds Iuin never been nearer a staudHtitltinni 11. nv. No trust wort liv now* ls reeeiveil from theComstock that gives promise of nu uplienval in tbeold favorites in the near future, alfliouirh a

number of pcr*oiiK, claimiiiK Intimate luisi-ncsi reliitions with the principal niana-

Ki rs of t!iOf,o mines. tandiet a Htartiinizibanife wlHiin tho next ninety (1h\s. BepoitB re-

ceivf-.i from Bodia by tba eompaniea located here,are very lav..ralile, hut the market value of tbeirshaica lin not rnapond. To all iippearances tliere is

uni a manipulator on the market for auj- nf iiiiniim stock. Tliere is a btowibb internalin Uie iniue.-i of Arizona and Sonora, Mexico, towin h people uro departiutr iu KreiUer nuuibertjevt'll I'l'ik.

Sii.i Lakf, July 27..A four-foot vein of gold oro

ha* been Struck in Lucy Mine, l'ai k City. HornSilver Miiip, l'nseo, i* now mouing two (jiuck*; itrnpecta tn bare three more running abortly. Ship¬ments froaa this mine lust week, {91.00-0;total Bbinrnenta sin.'.' i**tnipletioii of Utah rjouthernRailroad, .lune 2m, |_48,300. Ontario whipped lastwt-ek if;i."),l IO ; Hie sliipnieuts for .Inly will he tbaUtraeal ni tbe biato*** of tba mine, aKi'i't-itatir.1200,000. Barbee iud Walker Mill, at silver Reef,ut working flnely 1 abipmeota last week, itt 10,ooo.Total abipmenta from Bali Lake kial week,(109,800. (lid Telegraph, Morana, nronks. Stor¬mont, Christy, mid Crimaofl Mamiuote ure Bblppingsmall lota.

ll 1. t.i n t., afontaaa T., Juiv 27..Tbe Alta alon-taini Company'a works at* ooutiuua torysuccessful in their operntion. tba dnttv Brndaetolliiiilti.n being 1,500 pounds. Anew 50-ton wataijin kel, windi is being erected, Will un kum' thedoily product tn 10,000 ponnda, A number otciii-ciis of Helena hate tonned theCbannel Com-)iany.canital, dei clop an old riverchannel known to aaiat, ii(ljoiiiiu_ thc LastChance Gulch. If tan aoterprtee 11 *uce«nsrnl a

¦mai uni etna will ba giren to deep planar uiuiiuu iaii.intana.DkABWOOts, D. T., July 27..Governor Ordway

veateiday hiapeeted tba minea ami nulls of HieHorn-take Companjf nt Lead (itv, and to-daj went

to (f-iitral. He expressed (treat aarnriae at the vnt»tqnantitieanl am ia tba mine and tba p*-rfaetioa oftua inini'iiiiv's macliinerv.

Iii .)s,A. I., Juiv '27..Tho BenBOBB mill lsready to ular, uni late linus delayed truuwpurtat ion..I in bi liim Tv. 1 he Orion 10-slanip mill was loadedto-day tor the mme.

A list of stockholders of the Clnysolilo mino wa*ohtiuned meantly from the trust eoinpntiy whichbaa BBtad as ragMttai of irantierw, by tbe clerk nf a

broker who bad applied tn tba aaeretary Iet a Batund inan refnned, ou the ground thai ho aaa aot ¦win. kholder. After purcba-du« l<Klsl,iiri-*,Iheeleik ofthis ntiikat HKiun deiniiii.ii'd a list, winch wasshown as the law pi'iivider,, hut a copy refused, bu-11111-1'nut ohln/atoiy, and nUo for tiie reason (hutthc br'.ker a anted it lo further hi* schemes of dt>picaaitu- Chrysolite stick. Application was thenmade lo thc trust company. J he applicant wu* rc-

(|u<Mci! to oiituiu an limn the lou'pam's secretary duly Higned. This thesecretary twice refused, and vet the tniat company,upon payment ot ¦ faa la one ni its clerks, us tueintal ompauv's "eiTeiary stales, furnished a 11*1 tothc liiokei's el'ik. It is BOBBIbte that out of thistrau-tii 'ion will grow a bolter uiiderataudiQi' of iheii_utB und dude* of trust couipamc* whoa.t aw braaafar Bgaata Minim; companies do notcure to employ trust companies for the purpt>ao utdnaanaaaag their ttock. Tba Hal furnished did uot1 oiicapfiu'l as t<> liiiiiiea amt snares with tbe Becie-

tary'a books of Hie CbrtBOlite L'.iinpuiV.'i.n ban of liuili.'ii, -ralnad at*lo,0U2 G2, nero

received 111 tinselly from ihe mine* ycaicrdnv.Stormont received four bais of linc bulliou, val¬

ina! ai lr**.si5 45, 011 Monday.Chrysolite shipped 71 tons oa Monday.A telegram from Silver NiikKet. dated July 24,

says: "."-.nipiM',1 #4,700 to-day, and will ship .*.*.,OOOnan.-tom.mow. Mill mun un* all right ami 111 ur lui'1 nc lindie Consolidated shipped dunne the week

ending July 24, #7,740, The ore averaged ovei **'7mper toil. The south tl 1 iff In jjonp fintn ibe castcruttMciit is yielding oro aaaayina "r77 per ton.

'1 he maiiaurr ot the Amie telegraphed veaterday :" Mnppcd seven tons ut Iii si ami I wenti -six (ona nihcciiiid elsa* ore. value $1,000. Ihe mine is louk-11111 splentlinly and produclnu very high grade ore."The North Mite and Yosemite sra to con ter with

Mr. ilile about prospecting the OOO and 700 lewis

from hi* ground and having Ihe quart*- crnsli'sj in

his mill aaa working teat. Hv tho Units the tna-tfrom the tunnel tn the null station i* the

entupn'ny aaaects to bare enouarh eta in reserve io

(.oiiimi nee pay Ina diffdeodain ISSI.Mr. F. A. Foi/* h is OB exhibition ai bis umm tenn

of lavaexenedina-lr rteh ore from lb* silver Eramine. Latest advices from tin* property state thatIhe ore bod* I* increasing in sizo, siimple* of themineral a-.**'a\ ina over !j<2'_,000 per Inn.

l'rcMtdent Hurt and three other trustee* of Ibe

Mayflower left New-Turk last Btgbllo inspect the

property of Ihe con>|N*njr, I bev hare full power to

nnmbaaa additional maclnnery, or ei tend the work¬ings a* they sec tit.At tho Koheitson Ore Redurtion Workt yester¬

day fe*t» from Maine tulphureta ami quarti* gave$V.\ 80 per ton. One teat of ore from Pinal District,Ai ir "tia, gave $iU0 per ton.The Sovereigu Ooh! Mining Companv, owning the

Chicago, Columbia, Bnckera and l.oituosport mines.Beni Alma. Park County, Colorado, is erecting two4<i-li(ir*epower turbine water w tie** a. and a

40-borsepower air compressor, Hurleigh drills,hoisting and pumping work*, ."aereral shafts fromio to 275 feet in depth, and tunn'-l* irom .">0 to 300feet in length, show large quantities of oro. Tbecompany is forcing work above and below ground as

rapidly us possible. _



Capital, $r.,000,r.f>0. share-. <S!0 sx"l. t'n*».1*»»»hl«.Present price, #3 Oo.

O'-KlfKlts.President, ff, W. Wicks* VIce-PrMldenuMit hui atnow; Sccrftarr. ll. 9, Hroo'in.

Iili'.Kf'Toi'.a. -W.W.*. A. h. Hames, AlansonTrask,I. M. Sheldon, Michael Snits*. Noir Yoi lt 3. T. llarjaar, Col*

saunders, Montana.



Rocky Hat, Allin aa Cu.. Idaho Tt-rrltoryi

Main Offices, Room* 3'.', 33. 63 Broadway, N. T.

OFFICERS-Wm. Bf, I.lrii.', ei Tn-asur-r Sf Rrook'yn.I'ri'-'.iriit, LA. Itlclit-r. Vi.'cl'r.'itl'K-nt i li. Wuub. Secra-

larf ; La A. Hiclitci. Iieaaiiicr.

The property of thoCnmnini- consists of ths Altnras. Bo-'.iiiia:.isad lim l"n Mines, all in ural.rite condition.

toa biles perfect In ararrn-a*- bbs ready for United Btstsapatent, Hors ort in sight thau wu div for ito nrofariy

orer, Kif ry tonsul um eau bualit|..-d out per (lay witbIircst'iit faeaiUe*.

I li.i fiiiijiimi uaw iiT.-ra to Invfatitra. I.» nrrW of tin*. :,., ,.n t ir-'- ol 'I r.'.iain r --lui'I. at iwo (*-') pet* ai aie, In

ouler lo POK-SSB additional i;iachiut-ry.All eoitiiniinieatlons and suli»crii'll"U* for shore* should b*

Stldreaied IO >U"1» a. richter,'iri.initer Allara* Hold Mill Minim;Co.. l'.iiuiii* ii aud 33,

\... Sj Bret la-ay, N. V___


(lillee iii ii'jui.isr,New-York.lB(*erporsted nadci the laws ..i't;.,* steta o', Sew York.

Capital. as.0O0,OuO, In woo.t'00 ibaraaot n,« par ta us of *'_"..Kuli paidaad an iseaaabla.

Pre»|ttent, David C. Feitlai VI c-PrestdeBt, A. J. Sever-rik.- Uanagin* Diroetor, ff, 9. i..u Beeretarr, E. d.Barnes; rruateot David C. lYrris. A. J. severance, N. Y.iVf, I 1. "li. llilinnnr. Nevada: J'lin P. JOBSS. 0. U. SSOBtor,Nevada; ii. B.Vlnlnga. 180Peari-it, Baw York; Seana!J.Burrell, luBroadat., New-Yorkt v m L. Flagler,SupervisorAlbany Co., N. Y.' superintendent of mines, \v. 9, Buford)l'|)any'*i*>iu_ert, American Exebancs National Hank;

ai (fi ii.ii' ina, i'iii,,a Tmai Company, New-York,-Cii!ii|.aiiv'.s Cunna... ll..Inn's ami Adam*_


iifian. i.. r.nn/.r. nrcrctary ano iTeaaurer, a men,;a *.'.i. tai paul 0. d'£sternssr. Manager lu Col-

i.ia.lo, (ic.,na* ff. Hal.._I.WGLE RIVER


Organize" nader the, of New-York,ri nu ip-', ouice. 137 Breadwaf, I*. Y.

Own thirty mines uni tat I ill lita atlanta 1 n Farts Ttiv^rI>. ai., t. -nan.nt ( oiinty, (¦¦>:.; i'.l;i.t.(. .tlO.ODO.OuO; 1,'Bhataa I ai value ol »10i tieck loll paid and iiuaiieasali'a.


IIi'ii. CALVIN T. Ill'I.l.l'l'I). Pr»«"l6atY.. A. MERRITT. Vies-PTBtlssefcMA UTI N TH ATC II Kit, Sect eury snd Treaaarar

thc-ii; Kis.Abel i). Bread, OBstlet Ws!te,jr.. Marta A.Mt Mitt. Hon. Adelbert Ame*). Jonaa O. In -ed, Frederick ft,t rocker,Boa. CalrlaT. Hulljiird, Anthony onklaon. UnaryD. Alwattr, Martin Tnaiclier, John »'. Clark, Chauncey I'-Bowen. Kilwln J. Wnol«*r.


Oraauired under lina law*) of Nsw-York..-¦cation Of Mine*: CA KRON A Ti!, HILL, LKADVILI.E,

COKOKA DO.Capital Stork. *(i.0O'.).Oi.U: 300,000 S Ii ai"tn fir Val ua, $20.


OFNKUAL OWnOmmmt th»companr No. 711 Ced»r»t.,Kew Yotk.IiKi'.i-l roRY; Continental National Bank, Natr-York.1'-1 UlbTUAii OF i Ka;SM- a.ll-l. Coull'ai 1'lUl Cw, Sst- aa

freslderrt. Hon. J NO. _ BODT-,Vlre-I'ieal (nt, KllKI) TAY LOU.taecreiarv.HKO. 8. TERRY.Geneial Manager ol Uie Mine*. JO*. Sf. WATBOX.

TRUSTEESHon. .Ino. L. Rontt. e.Oovenior of Colorado'. Jo.i«ph W.

Watson,/. u\ Elkin, Kred. Taylor, S. V. Wbne, Bela 8. Bueli,Oro. h. 1 errv.


Tiiroi .,.>.! at>¦.'. under lUe laws of New York.CATHA', -r' .'."I"). 8UAIIE8, BlUOeach.

OincFRa-Pres't, R. B. Cattierwood; Secy and Trass.,prott-m.. BL C. Rraniliall.TnnTKEs-A. H. Waruer, E. C. Bramhall, Alar, stewart.

Henry Mor/ran. I~ U Brown, II. Da Peyster, K. B. Calbsr-WSea, R. OL Root, Robert Scliell anti A. F. Kouuita.A litulted number ol shares for sile, for tb* pur nose of re

Inn i'.Iiik mill. For yal liiul.ii a, appij,- al generiU ufflca. No. 40(Room Hi, Broadway.


OF MARIPO-aA CHUN 1Y. CAL.Capital $1,00)1.000,iiividi'd into ooo.ooO tuarat of $3 esc.,

uuasseasalilo.E, H. SPOONER, Presultut.1. F. raKAUA N. Beorsian and li. aamer.T. WILLI A.MR, Oenrral Anent.W. F. CLKSVi.L... Kmauctai \Renf.Office- 68 Broadway, lOtmn'J'J and 2?,.A Hunted amount of sink lor tale at *0 cents per abars.

l.i lia* ad'aetiit to (he famous ll n i Mluo, this properly rtxoui-nietio* nself to nnidt'iit investors.Pruspectua mailed on application. _


Orrranlrcd uui"i laws ot the **,tau' ot Nt-w-York.Capital Slock. S5,oi* '.(W.oofl snarfs; par $23.

lull |.anl and iinns^fstable.LIN DI.KV 9. SKAM .V N. .-aeerotary and Treaaarar.

Tin* couipanv ls now nrepsre I to a.-H Uesaaet for the uso ofthtli |>i*tnes», wbich renices ail etatsas "t teBBlheaa aud rtvii.ict.i) araa BsesBl ihes* eeetalelaa lata, at a oat of sj uer,nu. Ali mi rm 1*1-11.. nts upon Hie palonta owned by tba com-pauy will be piotiipily pms. .'iitf.l.

Principal offlie, Rooina li and lt. No 58 Broadway, Naw-York.



Stock Exchange) ; C. C. Murpliv, \ if-T'r.siilfiit: LindleyI*. Haaauui, B«cr«tarr Bud Tressurer. Bnpni of Truattaas.Tbeodors wiiliama, vareoa eesusa, C. c. Murphy, w F.Cl. wi ll, John A. Kobci Kinaucia' Atent. fhe.HloreU iliiaiiia, i.s. i Minuit Exchsnira). No. in ilroaitway, Naw-York. Register of liiin>liri in .\i-.v.Yolk Ciuou TrustCouipani. f'.. 11timi¦ I -iltiiili'irioi Vst-natB, No l'.iS liroalway. New Yera lion A. ff. Blair, san FraucUco, Cal.Mining nt f, E. Beaten

OFFICB Nc ..a. Ititi ia HW AY. NEW-YORK.


Capital,Bl.ixio.i'uu. -saart-a, *l t»aoa, uu*.,se»j_r.i«.

President. W. ff. Wu.'KES, Tioe-presi.l.'Qt, MK UAKLSNoWiBi-ireUiy. IL 9. liKooKK; dii.-cU»ra, AS.BAKNK.t,ll. A. RICHARDSON. U. C. ROill NSON, ALANSONTKASK. w W, WICKBB, MIC IIAWL SNOW, ol Now-York.(.OLE SAUNDERS, MontanaFor pailicu.ars laaalra at tbo til, .>,



\DVKUTISKMKNT.S FOR TIIK NKW-X\ rORK TRIHI Nh WILL UK IIKCKIVKI) AT I'UBLP l'OWN OKKK ES, r.a. I,-.UH Biol.twar.oor. Tlnrty-tlrat,al., ur .iON Vl'eat Twenty at., earner Elgnm.:i»a,iNu. UjI Kaat Foiirdtwiitb a(., rornar l'niou-aqiMri«. 7*BIbnd^vc., ,or. Konr ssveathat.i al Hie HARLEM oKfU'lt.No. '1,'1M ['Mill av,.,. ...r nita. Itnii.Ir.-.t s.a.; I'w-tiiy tau* tu-SL,(Ilailein Sating* Bank BulMiutr), up lort p ui. at re.ulalOflceialat*. _

\ LADY is open to an Bnaagement to tuacli1 a in BSbeel ur fannlv woull luairucl u.-af muda lu ai lieulatia), or aa co .<pan.on lo lady ii.r Suinnu'r uioulba beat olti-atlii.oiiula. at IBS "AtKsT, tKJ CUnton-Pl.


ALL WANTLNU fliest Teacbera, Auiericanor Kore gil. for any department, hitch or low, ahould bara

"( ai.iltiUti'S New Utilleiin.'' J. H. m HEH M KHHOIl.Vsi'creury Am. rican Soliool lustltult*, ito Ka*I lilli at.. N. f.

AMERICAN .-uni FOREIGN TEACHER?AliKNCY sapplles Collrgea. Sc h.ail a and Kaiulllea wita

thoroughly coniiietrnt 1'iofenaorA 1'ilii.ipai* and TtucberaFamlliea aning abroad or t*o me rountrr promply aintoi withnj. .r i nuiraor UoT*rn*s*an t"ail on or j'tilica Miaa M. j.i "l NU, American aud Foralgu I. actinia' Agency, li Uuiou.uiiaie.

'VUV. UNION TEACHERS' AGENCY pro-J viiD's teachers (or at^boola. helps leather* io obtaiuugp. alt .ulm, ile. For further InlorinaUoii audi sa

A. LOY Kl.I. <B CO. *'.' lloiiuat., Naw-Yoes.

IBnaincaa Znanum.

A RARE RI'SINKSS OProRTDNITY._a.Au I'Siiilillsl.ial amt anaaSSSlal BaahMBM iu ISM of thc lieaft v. na .ai Uta 11 miaou Itlvrr. t oiianttliig of har '.ware, a*>rlcultura] mi|ili'iii. uta stoves. .Vc, ca i twp .rritsed un veiy riitrterni* ..l Ibis tuna, aa the uwuci liaa oilier bualueaa. Aadu-aa

_BCMNK-.1 Boi ll. Tri lilllie Oflli-tt.

>IEW8PAPER, Repablioaa! or ladtapnndecit,I tariailallou at ieaat 1,'."0, wauttU lu thil.(y lown ol .mall

city lu Wi »ierii. Middle uf Etsteru BttBaa, Addi .-at

_J<'' N Al 1-al, lin.UUttOfflc*.

RAUL CllANCK..A irciuial ci ni nt ry HtoTT;(o I't- (ila pi mied of for ts. Ii lining a ao.>d cash trade any

yotinir man dttslrlng a profitable liivi'suurut wi,b SI OOO toS'l.isio can llinl au opuorlunii*/ rartdy to SS nn*l wwii- ann.atnl In a Souriabinir towu about ;i,i uil|*s frnaa tha ruy ofNew-York ".ma at I-.ry leasom given for dlai'.i.iug ul tbaaaaiv. Addi fr. al once.

I il A Ult- h 8TUUTT,roaipton, Paaaslc county, NawJeraey.

TIIK MONEY, at rms ivmog bichawhi

Jlt.y 27. 18SO.

THK 9BMBBAI f.tsr.A rruti sale*. cloting

nils. "h***S[qbb iIbh iii i a ajana fan *«*..! **ot


".nam Air laniH. c lt. a NV..>nr.rBiPaieiilc.

('..Kit.* B.Oina.j -ii-ii ii

C.C..C. <% I .

c. c. « i. a.Ubaa. ia dino..' Ol st ot.OMcUnrAU..".. K.I AP.">>ie. a sitflnCleve A PHI*'gC.,st .IVA MAOno aral..

Clma.A «.*¥_,line,.A.I tr.Sf.Mil te-H.P.

U.M.SHI I'.StH..L.ia Waaf ri

t doa. ne.,DonToiARO'd.tlstav.ifeaaa..n.A St. Jo ...

H lal Jil litUltima i earea,Ind. BAWKeok. A DMBeea ad u DfL k a mp*_non,as Saan..Last S&ora....ll ititituti..a.-.*. r. .s"

atir.dV inidpfSanaa..niasvt "i ' ." -a

"*.'.- .-.v

BU ii. * ra*..BarUB Sisaas ..

Memphlid. Cb.Saau.ca_i.aiii.V ./.central.,ai .Y .OL - H*4.Tl KliTBUM..s.y..l.«aaOo.nret.

Northern Pacssnaarae v..ont. AW(ihio (' N»v..ini« ¦* Mis*..Do.pref.

t'ana-ria. .Phil.AHaaninaPeoria int" Ah*_ L A -*B ''

St. LA S. 9. i.U.An.i uioo Ptatac,Waa at uni*no. ot nf _U'l.Kilh.a r


i I'l113l.'o4.177 ».f»lUt


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Canton.! fiOi.i* .vlsi,.

Nfwc. Coal...Cana m Mm...t'firrai UIBIBSICIllf.-'.il.l ,,

l.l'I r ,\tl»0'_Ontario.Silver Cliff.alklalSI'l Ml'*.*iitro rnnnei.uniti.iivar_liiiif*«u'r orel.Boat. V.'. Pow



1%;.,',¦'.' .

Ab\\ 44SI *i\ID7S I'M . 107 vlld lilt) .Uti D'.Crt art BlI't 40 41)HnS llHJS lOBS 108 . I"','4


7"STa4 "S

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Bl44 SJ21S

6S 6S











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Tnial sates tor tiie day. i

GOVPJtSliESTS.V ft bi Kcf*,»(«*real Urtil.OOo.102S

0 at ,'i.l'nmi 188Iiao**,175.000.i('3,,b

L - Bs 1881 Rea2,000.bc.104

U SHsC'.up«26.000.lois17.30O. .K141J

c H6s C'IU| all I'S!)H.nUn.101-H

I' s ia Bj>il*ter*d ly073.-.0>.loaint


I lat Of cola 05*Connonlom.100

*t v, I. B * WestNi-w 2d ( 011o' ,.i"d.OOS28.(00.'.to'43".000.W»SKS.IMK).OOSN J tent Ad ll6.O110.107S

Kan i' ". 1st ('on8,00:1.Url*,10,000.ih'S8 .no.).I' Padflc diJ A D 1 ayewith coup cert6,000.117S

H..1." W .ft i' 1st4.000.65

St L'ft t Honnt latPref income4,000.87

Den * Rio (1randotit con30,000.D4S

Central N Bauk6 .115

Park Bank21.tats

B Cedar HA N lat10, trO.DISMill Ht P ls- VfLe Cross* Dlvs.ean.117

MU A st Pani cou5,000.HIS

Chlo* VIII 1st M5.1,00.11J

Cn mi.alio lat1.nacl2.WH).108

Elie 2d Mtg*4.000.101S

Erie 7« Consol4.000.122S

Brie 6th Mtg1.000.HOS

Ind Bloom A Wist600.746.000.73

tn.i Blasts*.W BlDH .61

ii" ti ftTss0 a20.000 .101SMs Kail A Tex 2d4r...'OO.i;*uMaid!.' AO II m'*-

N Y Klevated 1st(..(SK) .ill)

st I* .4 8 C 1*1l.ntiO. 103*45

Wallana new M 7*4.0 ") .BB

Cc A 1 C Inc BdH.'

I.ak** K A W (n1.(>00.04S

¦".("¦ina tity? A Kt 0Income20, UO.iiiUnion Par H Kiintl

l.iHiO HO**Int A Ot N 3.1 lsU,(MJ0,.71

12 O'CLOCK TO .j,**l o't'I'iOK.

DIatof Col 8-'">6*Coopon7,(HH).100

N Y, L K A \Ve*tNew 2d Cou140,000.90S2,0.'0.OOS

Kansas Pac 1*1 C3i i.i)uO.9*16.000.96S4,(*K).UriS16.000.OjS6.000.PCS

h..ant A Ot N 2dPnr t a H2.000.33S

Den A il or.ind lal8,000. 1(14

Den A Kio O da 1stCon2,000.94S

IntA AUtN 1st8,000.101

Ind Bloom A VV lal13,000.757,o0D.78

MftiopoliUn El 1st2.IHHJ....09*4

N Y Klevated lat5.000.HO

Wabash R 7*6.000.09

M..K A Tex 2d20.000.66S28.000.68 v,10,00(1.6(>SMo Kan A T C Aa20.000.101Sl.oOO.105S

Tex ISnlflc Is I, (16.000.64

Mobil* A Ohio UtDeben10.000.79S

iv..i ia Deo A tv :«Income10.000.62

kt tri* Atv 1*1I.ihio.104,

Tol A W*!i.iatiCu ii so Con trer3.0(».10:1


I K .ft VV In1,000 .64"*

N J cent lit CoulAsicniedIO. (I '.104SN*w Jertt-yCsatlalO.OVil.»l"4H I'snl At* City lil-'."d'.lOj-i6,0)0.104

'.ehurti A vv Bina.OOi).«S

Ht l.A 1 Mt.tinuuaCu m. Ark AT15.000.1"3»6,(HM) .1 bt

Keokuk ADM,2.000 ll

Chic A N W 1st!¦"(*)... ...110*1


2"aj 0'CIX)i*K TO 3 O'CLOCK.

Nortli 0 F Act 'flt)4.000..*'-....10S

North Cmollnaea new Jan a Ur

(' '¦ " ..I." .*¦ JJOC AI Cist M8.0.0.119

BJ Y, L E A WeatNew 2d Con20.000.90'«80,000.9t)\8.0(H).. *H ..90S

N Y. L E A WestNew 2d di fund10,000.liS

St L A "1 V 3dclass B14,i.(ii).70S80.500.8.)Ort Western mt MlO,"00.103 ajN J Central Ino10.000.81V

Lehigh A W'-ii i onAssented6,000.95 .

Ch 8t L ft K O lilit .


Kansas I'.t.-ifle HsDee li.t A*"Hil ii.ii.tin or1".(>'">, ..108S]Kan IM.' 1st "a

10, -JariSChea | uliio Cur*y

illtClfSt'-'.Hill .38aJ)

ort'i-t.ii ll AN Itt4,1)00.07S

fat I* A ."a ...I)i3*il-..ono.104

Mo .ft T ('Ai4.'am oa..ioa*j

CLOSISH PRICES OF BOBTOR STOCRSVesterti-f. To dar. Yastsra*_*T. t

Water Power. 7T» 8*|« P'.tnt A Pei-* v .-.

Boston Land.. OS 6S'kAKt.-iniih l->L4A ATop. lst7»...lH, HO st. Y. ft N. Eag. 41I"' land inanr 7*.. ll(I*i HHS Os. A L.< ha.n |fd 78SDo.2d7a. .118 UH Ok .ft.I,.( liam c ni '.''."4Uo.landtla.134 134 Old Coiony.U4-iiltf.A Krte7l.. -Il'a 43% | r*ut*n. ,t uk.Val DJK. H. il .i*»auew.. DIS Od-j liiiilitni preter .'-1 28SE.R. ll. 4 St . Ol 06 I Kullai.d ("ililli.m. .i'sKan.Cy A Lawrie 1)1.'s lldLit R'k.ftKt a.Ta BBS HHN Y..1 N. Miir.7s. Ill lilA.A lop. H. lt....115S 115heit. * A. K. R .11.. v, lift*.boat. A Mk lia 133Hi.r.* Ne*.136an ldiSiChic linr.A y'. y Mit l-l7*cit.. 1 1..nub.* Mm. 70S 80nn.. nan. ft Ciara. I-** 11*>K*«teni Bauraa t.. M ¦» 3ti

a, ..nim vi.'m cm 1 4

Pa uu.-i a Kaela, linsCai il'* . IS1 op;n*r tra'la. 13Duncan "nillir ... ISFranklin.'11 (nil'* vi 11 (PeWSUli'int'W al k Ifaluiucv . 28Kld_f. 5SrtllTer lite: 2<tS

0 dar.2147S!"*s






CitrB*. new.IM 1.'6Hn*.i K. Rot .N. J MISPann. H.H. 56 60SKe-fliu* lt. K.. OS 0~iI .luau Val ."- lt. .1 ",.' 6'.'S( nf'. ..!) 40Northern faa', aaaI. ni Sj HI",

Blt l- a*.Northern Ps.. nref 54S 5JNorth'u ourr.ii ll 31 8ftSt-eliiah VSV. 31S.UVPitt. Tits. -Hu 1WS 13ilestoavnie IL B Bl. 2JPlillaaEiu. ll'« ..

Tlksdav. Julr 27.r. m.

Ta B>B]TtB tfftat market wnsa inixturf nf noot!. lindand iiuliflerf-ut. 'J Im opening iransat tiona wert> a

iniitiiiiiiiti.'ii of Vt'ateniay's tioal Uiiaitirsa, andlowi'r imci* «(*!-(. ret ot (led all around. After thaltbt-ro were au important rally aud aiKtllicr ileduis,followed bv a restoration of coiirideiice tliat foundexpretotioii iu Bga-fBa wbicli g-enemllv wire .o,ual tn

yenterday's best, and in a few liislan. e* exceededany **%*** that were obtained yesieidsy. Neven*tlieless, limier tile influence of cuiitiniif d tiletterealize pr 'fus, tim uiaract wa* more ot leas feverish*'l the time, and at the clune tho nutiibtr of li'iallotttjc* exiotd* tbe iiuuilier of liual yua*.The in.irl.t"l excrptions to the ru ie of de¬

clines for the day are Like Shore, wliuli jamaBs |ur ct ul, and Ct nt ml. **» 1: tclaal*o (tains *e per cent. The granftar stocksal»o aro eiKs-piion*. Ht. Paul and Hiimlui i'ounu"U,

aller nelli'.ii from 41"_ up to 44*4. .seana,*m4EHand tho preferred stock sold fiom 1~\ np to 79.

Ht. Paul dtcliimd from Hr,-!* to Sft-V). and thru rosa

tu 17 u Hv-Si, and Norihwetst. alter a d.-iiine of *4 to

H-l34. 1088 U> |g%_BiajaB< Kne wa*paiticiil:irly fevrr-

isli vvithi'i a iaii_e of '4 per ccu', and liaiily clotedwah a decline ot Sj. the prrft-ned Btnek lo»in-*a

lier cent in final sale* at7P*j. N n tliern I'acinS

atock* coiiiiiiiii'tl to lie atroni*. altho.iali yielding *a

per cent fitmi hist prices tn final «.i!ca. Missouri,Kansas and Tf»a» and the Wab.isiics Bitalli BIB

1'vvii, an 1 I'niou l'aritl) *B__B88, only -W pafaatAHannibal and St. Joseph attn kt vvcr.' 1 trtde better,

but ihe St. ljoiilt aud Han Ftmmtgmm* stock* wenl

weaker. Tbe *hare* of the Klevntetl Unilwaya wara

emilie. MBiihattiin opened at'23 and declined ta

_'_¦», but aflcrvraid rapidb advanced to 24,


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