the sun. (new york, n.y.) 1904-06-25 [p 2]. · pdf fileproprietress of supposed while nnd...

Tashibhao nUlwayfl 2S accriiRPS the Runfiahs or CriBR oq tho J pnne o whfch woro marl Kl wHb tho red cw 33- TJiore vVero 3000 inotrra jlphtm- lln tnslmn KS Voluntary Contribntloniit UieW FUtt- jj Now Amount to SjSliooos- pertal cable Dttpatch to Tat Sov- TOKIO Juno 24 Voluntary contribution- to Ihojwar fund continuoto cOmO Uu al- though tliq authorities dlscourago Tho total of suoh 1750000 The leading Toltlo newspapers espreft with tho foreign in their trying position Tho NicM Nieh it Is an advantage to tho Oov to havo impartial wltnosses of any vlolnUpn by tho of a lied Cross regulation or ffniffBAT roiir ARTHUR JapaoMeTrjInB tbWear Out the Garrison Cnioiao JTuno 24 The Daily Arcw to- night publishes the following from Its correspondent at Cliefoo Another took placo of Port Arthur yesterday Firing began from tho forte about 10 A M and con- tinued till 1 P M Tho programme was about tho samo aa on the day Tho destroyers nud torpedo boatfl pursued theBamo tactics und nn auxiliary cruiser Iny o f the Islands until the firing had censed when It proceeded eastward at full speed At 830 oclock the same thing began heavily from the bluff with much sctlrity of the indicating vth approach of VW 4I t torpedocrM- BAlltJlelater the sound of distant evidently the land nideOf Port Arthur contlnuln tXlbtU 330- ocloekThls morning with a bribfcrenewal- field guns firing punctuated Owing totHe e Japanese thatshould the despatch boat Fawabep the coast at night their wbuld- notberespotwiblo for jm- po5lble to more definite facts naval It seems as thcrugh the intend to wear out the de fendars by this pontjnued nlph activity before making the final simultaneous sea and land attack Many junks have been held up withln the past few Attempting to run tho blockade Their are thrown overboard In nil cases lk Russians Fear Chinese General Special CaW Detpalch to TUB Sew PABIS Juno 24 Tho St Ietersbarg cor- respondent of the Echo dc Pari says that tho General Staff greatly distrusts Gee Ma who is in command of the Chinese Imperial in soutliwestern Manchuria He is credited with the Intention of marching to TslUihar and cutting tho railroad WATTERSOX HERE RESTIXC Hut Hes Going to Re rJ the Hepnbllcin Platform and May Talk About It Henr LWattcrson of Louisville was Una city yesterday He was at the Man- hattan Club He said that lie had N rdiori any political was here merely for a rest and a short i Mr said read carefully the of thoHepub- llcan national convention but in terided to analyze it beforo ho left tho city and would probably some com menta to wake on It d J v 8 j 1- rt 4 t 11 J miM- tstqf t nho Fl18ijlan crrortswponcen IAnt il Ddl tz p ftedJ tgtrd tO t h qcpithelulP i q o rpt IY Hi- lr contlb tiort soW over age enemy f W t i M fro at 1 J Durlt there WI I an ali J IUD boat i ln UIs nrbablchov J I trI p nor au a demon i l but acton W he Mil S 1- OkvjJzc I hu rturned 41 Too r c 3 kAJAxEEIThD oxffr r em t k MORE Attak more wIt3 crashnp accrt I ok 7 io I- nc r not come misalon that he p that 4 IV ¬ ¬ ¬ > flALVATIOX ARMY CONGRESS Ken Booth of Klin Kdwardt Pralie the Work Sptctol Cattle Dttpatch It ThE Sux- IXJKDOX June 24 Twelve thousand per- sons were present today at the opening- of theJritdrnatlonnl CohRrfBs of the Salva tlpn at Albert halt Gen Booth said Edward who gave audience on Wednesday hail he watched tho Salvation movement with great interest and that he regarded its success us being of importance to tho em MISSIXG MEN FOVXH IX JAIL Werp ArrMted With a Young Girl Who nelrased on KllloU ATLANTIC CITY N J June 2i Carol Wallace the youtig Wash- ington visitors reported to the last nlglit tli ir IIOUHO have bcu found are in jail at Landing on charge of disorderly conduct having wIth girl who on Monday 1 over her nrreit is txiliovcd to beenthe cause of her suicide She had released on hail Tho men cnmo two weeks rico at tlio cottage Th jo after they left the to did not return AH their bug gage and clothing were 61111111 proprietress of supposed while nnd their to tho lost night along with thnt of Paul wa to han been with them turned up at headquarters today nndeafd that tho Tel Any lan CoItonnnd Fred lilt s trial a oun young lcr d th plo h I In Ball tIe aelr a awaiting committed suIcidehre been hero days drowned ¬ ¬ > RAIl PHILADELPHIA POOLROOMS I ollc rhcre Ilearfl That Mdltonry Plannrd- to Open Ten ofKmr- puiuiDELriHA June 24 Tlio police raided a number of poolrooms throughout- the city today Fiftyeight bo Columbia avenue nnd The police visited other places but got n Tnrcbnnection is said thlit Iho received information that tin rooms backed by Mahoney the Now man weroto open laetMo- ndayComplete arrangements been m a central exchange wa opened at which returns from connected telephones ten with the control by of the rooms on Saturday and thu Monday c Young Glr RIlMlnic From Home TheJersey Citypolice areuearohlng Josephine yoafu old who dUap- peurod from her home Montrose y nuej nt Q tfclookjon Wodnpsday morn ores and light T SiP waist and black straw hat ll School Jolts S4 A resolution State Board of Public In acUonopolll d port j re Hal it r St d Dar re rom a Ue black whoa bJ It Die fm olce In 9n lon the of a poUter Tnhol 4 4 w din Franki rith the nlds 4 I were 4r Ci1d wire The for- t ort V I brown tiaii Tho a F she 4 4 f dOQtMOy the 4 StTUCiOntonIht debars WIth pubho t 4 S ¬ TUEYROnnED PAYMASTER LONG YEAR OF 327GO- Tfl1 of the Four Italians Who Held Htm Ur- on Wednesday MornlnE Caught In Marbletown One Shot About K- r Men In Hot Pursuit of the Other Two V KINOSTON Y JUne24 Two of the four Italian highwaymen w o hold up and robbed Orson C Lpngyeor paymaster forj theI iclson River Company Wednesday morning of 2700 were jcaptureH this afternoon at 5 oclock at Marbletown ten miles from thlsolty The two men had since yesterday afternoon and were gradually surrounded- by ito deputies The Italians had been at different stores and the when notlflod soon closed They wore seen going into the Esopus Creek and Under Sheriff Webster arid Deputy Sheriff Canaan ordered them out and at A bullet from Carmans the cheek of one of the Italians and then the two coma out and surrendered They were searched and 1318 half the monoy stolen was found secured and the mens arms they wore brought to the county Jail hero at about 6 oclock A crowd of fully a thousand persons stood on the side- walk awaiting their arrival The officers wore greeted with cheers and hand clapping when they About two hundred mon are other two Italians who were seen at Drowns station In the Catskills They have boon seen several times but ran away when told to halt Among the huntsmen is Charles Ford of Bushnolville one of the Ford brothers who are famous Catuklll Mountain bear hunters Ho borrowed a shotgun and when ho one of the Italian he shot at him and wounded him to the leg Ford uses buckshot It is sold that he shot at the highwayman at two different times Un Telephone messages at 7 oclock this to that the two fugitives have been surrounded and that they be caught by day- light tomorrow morning The men arrested were identified by Mr Longyear as two of the highwaymen He says they had been at lee ono of them known na No 33 had a leave of absence on Monday to go on i visit to New York Tho bloodhounds that had been on the trail afternoon were taken back to tho Napanoch Reformatory and to Ellenvlllo it being decided that the trail was too cold on the trail yesterday a red cotton handkerchief rod a with a bamboo stem said o have belonged to the Italians was found n the woods On the of tho robbery Mr Long rear was driving alone along highway iccuro as because his busness res hut the repetition of similar rinita on He no revolver iomo distance behind him John Markle- i was In his buggy to the also the two men occasionally When tho paymaster had reached Stony Follow about two from his destina ion four men suddenly sprang out of tho lushes two snatching the of his orso one covering with a revolver nd the fourth to throw slves with burlap which completely hid faces upper part odies Longyear attempted to free himself ut his was too held the men oth ho and Markle were from their gagged and and laid side ion muffled the captives faces imped into tho drove was securely bound aa to bo able after much and to free one hand It was n easy matter for two men to ithorltles of the robbery hotel about a mile away telephoned the heriff A short time two were found nearby in an abandoned IRES AT THE WORLDS FAIR onse of Ifoottoo Destroyed Tale of the Knowing Elephants J 1 I depute sot tem vol abut Rope arrive aw sariier In nt long but qua drier ordering his hands them their bund by aide In rig not ten and start out to the to a rigs quay ITMIAN BAN DITS C APT URED ii Ir bee purstied tango missed him masked highwaymen hurried < ¬ ¬ < ST Louis Juno 21 Fire at the worlds fair early this morning totally destroyed the Houso of Hoohoo which was built by the Lumbermens Association and used- as its headquarters during the exposition Tho loss is estimated as between 45000 and 60000 It U thought that the origin- of the fire was an exposed electric light wire Tho flames from tho House of Hoohoo threatened the German building the Texas starshaped building and the pavilion at the end of tho Terrace of States at the Cas- cades Tho worlds fair lire department- the whole force of which had responded to the alarm devoted its entire energy to saving structures when it was seen that House was beyond saving T dv Lily performing in on Pike appeared early this mornIng in the role of fire and is accredited by attachfij with bay saved the place from destruction and probably conceason on tho Pike ns A M fire started in the stables where the elephants and camels I was first to discover the blaze and proceeded to stamp put the flames nil Her ac lions aroused tho attendants who rushed- to the scone to find tho flames reach- ing dangerous proportions An alarm as sent fighters soon for the would have been be yond control before tho firemen reached scene PRESEXT FOR MAJOEX ROE Officers of the Regiment In Prckiklll Camp GIve Him a Match thee ever l tho blaze but tho credit for had It not th are herded to be- long greater been Box ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ STATE CAMP PKEKBKIU NY June 24 This evening Roe had a surprise Tho offlcerBof tho Eighth Regi- ment him to a body and Cal James M in a short speech presented- to match TrrscnUd to Charles Francla Roe the Regimental of the NO NV June Sith 1004 pleasant visit followed the generals the gift The high event to the field day of tho which was feet 10 inches T Welch Company was 4 foot 0 Inches Tomorrow morning the First will leave at 5 oclock The Regi- ment will strike camp at the same time and will watt on until the Ninth Regiment and tho Sixtyninth arrives at station nt 830 train will carry the Eighth Regiment bock to New The march until noon when It will camp for six it will make march to the armory during tho night Mew Leading Actor for Viola Allen Henry Jewott will bo Aliens lead- ing man npxt season Lea Allen produces The Winters Tale ho will be and when Twelfth Night Is company Jar Ores 1 Jump pnl L H won 4 sEnd abut at hour Lea Viol Ho of Hnt t p yesterday was run off today o will be baa lentheleadleg man Virginia 4 a I- 1a ¬ ¬ ¬ TOrtr Miter Takes Them Vnml svMM Uoldi tire NASHUA N Hi June 24 A womai young and good looking supposed to1 b Zolo Bedard Nadeau of removed her Infant brother and aisle Mabel and Albert Bedartf from theProte- tont orphanage in this city tills nftemooi while a man held the matron The party came to the orphanage in hack asked to see the children took possession of them The gii away from slater on the th carriage but was caught by another mar who was In the carriage The party too the next train for Worcester The children were the youngest of a famil of ten of Albert Bodard of Fitchburg Slow He Is a Protestant Hit wife who short time ago was a Catholic He the children hero from a Catholic homo li Worcester and tho woman who took th children Is his eldest daughter and a Catholic It Is sold that she has to the Massachusetts anshlp of tho children and named Walsh has been appointee temporary guardian TILL HAVE TO LAY WIRELESS Theory Why They Cant Finish the Pavlni In Harassed 43d Street MoHugh from tip Fortysecond sIres ay the same McHugh from behind lirt banks up there offers those remarks i the Rapid Transit people on the weok order of Contractor Degnon to finish he ropaTlng of tho street by July 1 On June 4 the pavement on tho roadway roni Madison to Sixth avenue was m June 19 the pavement on the north side between avenues was taken- ip to yesterday It was the block t in again taken up commencing at Fifth ivenue between the car Koine Perhaps If block were taken up sepa atelv dope entirely the work to be eon Inuoua in shifts hours each ometlilnfr definite might be accomplished- It an appearance going on everywhere us soon as one iart Is a comes from another and rips the completed job Every sort pipe broad sewer down to the thin thing bat wires eeems to have pen down and as titers is much room than tho paving to ho done Tnrff- u rumor that may be eyond the limit set by the Marconi system under the pavement- To those things to they re ready to deal out to sn expectant scheme like etrogression Is distinctly but- t in the order of ion 11 ever t In to be hoped a pride In the very hey bear to help good work The sidewalk laylnc Is one In mosaic fashion and In enulty of the workmen seems to be directed 3 placing together all sorts of uneven bits of stone And sit appear neea the most ragged looking collections are nnecesoarlly where one must neoes- arily walk upon them AIIER BEATEN IX ONE ROUND rfcrce Stops Punishing Fight and Awards Victory to Jack Williams PHILADELPHIA June 24 That Peter aher Is all In as a fighter was quickly early and thoroughly demonstrated to a crowd that filled the now Manhattan thletlo Club by Jack Williams eying the so far gone iat Referee Crowhurst topped the bout efore the first round was over In order 3 ve Peter from a complete knockout The veteran was so bewildered- t the quickness of his opponent iat one punch had no sooner hands when ack jabbed a stiff left to Peters nose the Irishmans eyes to blink Williams followed up his a rush hand swing on Peters Th Irishman went to the with n bud but came up before ten to out of the ran into a stiff which followed another hand again sent him to the Ho was up before nine was this mo but was around Ho nn but the ebbing strength was completely k ockcd of him sent another unch that sent Peter to the floor He managed to scramble to his feet but stead of back tried to keep on pins by either holding on to or the Peter foil to the floor but pluckily up The referee then sided affair as Peter was completely LATIROXS AXD TEACUPS FLEW Ott Ob- I and Ito die dev- out our gad A the old complete welt point lot to ant there n hardl he more I b- ream lor ets the Rapid name b big tonight that for at man and Maher w let for foundering made tat his rope ono gono 0 hUSTLED ChILDREN plied Lawyer S install else to Transit Commissioners rid I his > Red Pepper In Sam Bongs Tea Starts Lively Row In Chinese laundry Flatirons and teacups flying through the air made Sam Lees laundry nt 210 Green- wich street a lively place for a while last evening When Patrolman Gerald P Mtnchln of the Church street station got to the ho found two Chinamen bleed- ing and a crowd of other China men chattering and gesticulating Sam Leo that Sara Dong had choked by rod pepper in his tea and vented his by tho teacup over Sam Leos head and two irons at him Stun Leo re with moro flatirons and by the time they got through the place was a wreck Half a dozen other Chinamen heard the row and attempted toscparnto bellig- erents At Chinamen were fighting turned on the invaders and throw things at them until they were glad run Ambulance Surgeon Gould of the Hudson street hospital on the pceno their and left them good friends although Sara had to go to bed ho was cut so badly WAGON BUMPED BOYS HURT Zigzag Horse and Green Motorman In Trsnivcrse Road MUup An Eightysixth street crosstown car running west on tho transverse lino through early plo wound lid the to he both atul abut their throw- ing found laughing fight ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Central Park hit an express wagon yesterday afternoon of the East Drive Two boys Milton Lowenstein and Benjamin Bergman of 76 West Eighty ninth street who were riding on the rear end of the wagon were thrown to the east bound track directly In front of another carThe motorman pulled up in time to save the lives were severely cut and bruised An ambulance to the Presbyterian Hospital Robert Mills a motorman was running the Motorman Pat ox press wagon zigzagged in front of the car BO got bumped The driver of the wagon drove the accident Noarrests were made THE IIEROld GONDOLiER A Press Agented Story of a Brave Rescue of Diamonds at Venice Miss K V Wilson Washington D C who is staying at the House went to hoar Dusaa band in Madison Square Gordon last night While in one of gondolas Miss changed J James OLeary the Italian gondolier and recovered the brooch Miss Wilson was so pleased with this heroic conduct that she Signor OLeary twenty dollar bill which the was real Mr Dues however about it and the gondolier Italian name return lying him 20 which also looked reel out his own pocket under ot Win wit the In doing so a diamond into two of herd just west westbound car supervision after seats brooch into the esnal overboard feet water a C 5 ¬ rfras x ROOSEVELT SAYS JUNIOR SEtjATOR The Presidents Maitrrrul p ion Ut Dominated Everything He Wa Stronger Than His Parly Dpenf I Going to Europe PUtt to Ute Slices t Senators Platt and Depew got back t town trout Chicago last night with EUhi and a few of the other delegates convention Most of tho dele- gates from this State will not bo home untl Monday or Tuesday They went on to th worlds lair as did Odell Senator PlaIt went from the station t the Oriental Hotel at Manhattan Beach whore he will pass the summer Mr Root went to his summer home at Southampton- L I The only one of the patty to stay It town was Senator who will for Europe next Wednesday- The first the convention said Mr Depew was devoted to getting ac- quainted tho second to getting together but on the third day when the delegate got together there was a confident and og grcssivo tone among them such as I hays not witnessed In any convention since that of 1000 I have tho convention habit having been a delegate to that which nominated Llncolnf his second term and In attendance either inside or outside every one but two since and a delegate at large to at least fiveThe striking feature of the Chicago oon eritlon as distinguished from those which gone before was the high intelligence of the delegates They were made up of professional educational and business men The next feature was that Roosevelt stronger than his party It was from ho beginning and preeminently at the lose a Roosevelt convention ilse Including the platform were details The Now York delegation was criticised ly the Chicago papers as having for its listlngulshlng characteristic on over- whelming desire to go homo the moment that it But I want to say that the New about the nomination of action was o significant that all other candidates ivithdrew Conventions usually have favorites whom they would like to see chosen but his convention had only one The master ul personality of Roosevelt dominated iverythtog- CORTELYOU cOMING HERE o Appoint Campaign CommUte Recep- tion for Fairbanks CHICAGO June 24 My plans are few- t least for the present said Senator Fair banks the VicePresidential nominee at he Auditorium Annex today Ill go homo in Indianapolis tomorrow after loon In the mean Mrs Fairbanks- nd my daughter will a few calls At Indianapolis the his wife vlll get a rousing welcome Among the rganizatlona arranging the of the eception are the Board of nd ColumbUs clubsthe Merchants Assocla lon and all Republicans organizations if Indianapolis He will be escorted by a ilg parade to his home in North Meridian itreet Senator Beveridge has gone home o help the celebration Komo general plans were laid out today or the opening of tne campaign Comeuus- T treasurer of the national corn in conference with residential candidate and he ho came to the rids Secretory Elmer Dover It was that should be done opening headquarters either in after clal notification of Senator Fairbanks n Aug 3 the new chairman- f tho Republican national committee Dover the secretary will imain there two weeks which imo tho campaign committee with its finance and other ranches will bo chosen Secretary Dover ill then return to Chicago and in con unction with Harry S Now national com iltteeman of open the Chicago branch and Chicago Most of the leaders nearly all of the iolegates have gone to St Louis or to their PEWA T iBY t Rot Dope day of have arrive brought tie and detail I BIB the ViC was lowed by n Gorge B tow- ard or tIre ot go to tomorrow 1 Elmer n the Now York CON ENTIO TIlE ron was to- ny conference ill headquarters Cortel ou will between omas < ¬ ¬ ¬ ItALKS AT PARKER IXSTRlCTIOJfi nut North Carolina Elects Sound Money Delegates Capf Glenn for Governor GrEKNSBono N June 24 Tho State Democratic convention adjourned at 3 oclock this afternoon Capt R B Glenn of Forsyth county was nominated for Governor Thin committee on resolutions that the candidacy of Judge Parker but the convention thought it better to go uninstructed and the resolu- tion was withdrawn Senator Simmons who is chairman of the Stnto executive committee spoke for Parker and declared that he would be the man Ho said that If tho resolution could not be adopted by n unanimous vote It should bo withdrawn as tho action of tho convention might be misunderstood Mr Simmons declared himself for Parker Tho delegates at laree to the St Louis convention are E Hale of Fayetteville Julian S Carr of Durham of and C B Watson of Winston against Bryan and Hearst Hale Hearst but to disown it to get tho election Tho delegation from this are sound money men A resolution the purport of which was to cut tho negro down to what would come from the blacks own taxes was killed the convention The man who made It did not have a respectful hear- ing The convention was and ever held in tie State C urge J A The b lest ¬ IllK Mortage on McCarrrnt Club Jildgo Asplnwoll in the County Court Brooklyn yesterday gave permission to tho new Kings County Democratic Club of which is president to mortgage formerly the Germanio Club on Schormerhorn street for 115000 This covers the building aa well as the furniture The was purchased recently for 1102500 The now was a few and has a hun- dred including Senator McCarren and most of his supporters The annual Jf Speakers for Republican Club Rally Tho meeting which will be held to Cooper Union under the auspices of the Republican- Club to ratify the nominations trade at Chicago held Thursday evening Addressee will be live James S Sherman of Utica Representa- tive Charles B Land Is of ex Senator John M Thurston of Nebraska and other prominent Republicans Jersey CRy Club Drops 140 Members The Palisade Republican Club one of the best known political organizations in the Hudson City section of Jersey City has expelled HO members for nonpayment of failure to Some of the men who were that ore the victims of the fac which now controls the organization Herm month due net me- tIng ton I ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ MiLWAn BB Juno Zi The Folletto Republican State Central mlttee at tonight to campaign for the defeat of the regul Republican nominees and though of La Follettes former friends Bentbecause of the action of the nation Republican bo ventlon in turning claims there wai considerable among tho Governors younger supporter The on speeches and made sever sensational declarations Ono was the Republican party of today was party ofLincoui but into a political machine which waa ooi trolled by the criminal corporations The charge was made that leadej wore secretly inimical to the PreBldeni whose ideas on corpOrations the Qoverno ho on to say that b believed that the issues ho was during jtho doming campaign fort upon the Republican party of tELEOATESAT TIlE WORLDS JAi New York Men Say Chicago Tlokt Will Country- Sr June 24 Delegates to th Republican national convention arrive this morning and did th worlds fair to great style Everythln n the grounds was thrown wide open fo heir inspection Singly and in group visited the exhibit palaces and tkj Philippine ing thronged all day with people wearini- elegato badges which an opei- esame wherever they wished to go A tight the illumination and the Pike cough nd held the delegates until midnight Al semed well with tho work of thi invention one of Now corks delegates to the convention No bearers teen selected than Roosevelt and Fair Tho head of the ticket has beei and found satisfactory and the omlnee for the Senati himself one of the strongest tact out of the Middle West Isew Yorl ill be found in the Republican columi hen the returns are in as as ortlon of the country at and tin icket selected at Chicago is bound to win Fred A of New York city came n with the other Republican delegates I indorse the sold Mr Vright It could not have been improved upon as It contains two names and Both have tried to official capacities and not ound They the fill Republican vote and sweep the country John J Shannon another New York said that he had been attending Conventions for the last twenty years but lever before had ho seen a men ex tress such wild enthusiasm as did the onventlon when Roosevelt was placed n nomination exOov Black Tork Ha that if the convention it would lie a veritable for Roosevelt and Fairbanks this all PAID HIGH IN CHICAGO rturjilnc Delegates Kick on the 2O flay Rooms Headquarters Cost Slaoo New Yorkers who came home lost night rom Chicago complained of the way ad been fleeced by the hotel keepers o convention town Col Fox secrotar f the Republican committee sale ha had to pay day for a room Auditorium that in ordinary times rould cost only 4a day Senator Platt- e had three rooms and had to pay for them I understand said Col Fox that he owners of the Auditorium contributed SOO fund of the Chicago committee if that is so they got their money back ery easily For one of the of 10 we used as a headquarters jomwo had to 81200 for the three bile other delegations which wee adjoining for headquarters urposes to pay HELP FOR TOMMYS MOTHER olloe Money for Sick Woman Who to Support Family Several people went to the West Forty jventh street station yesterday and loft money for Mrs Edward Clifford who to be so much in need after her eleven earold boy Tommy had been arrested stealing type The boy in that ho turned urglar to Detectives tnt the Judge to Investigate Tommys lory Mrs a three and six other children esidea Tommy were without food On Thursday night S500 was collected song in the West Forty aventh street station Yesterday after a man colltxl at left V to be to Mrs Clifford Some time iter a man called and gave 5 He give his name but said ho as sent to a reformatory when Tallahassee Club called at left 25 which had been col tho club members unknown citizen sent bed a mattress and four to bo to Mrs Clifford Tommy will bo arraigned for trial on the police say they will ask r his dismissal EIOBTED BODY IX TilE RIVER tiles Believe Unknown Man Wai Not Murdered With twenty pounds of Iron about his and with his feet together the dy of an unknown taken from e North River at the foot of West Ird street at about daylight orning It was at first supposed the an had been murdered but later It was included that he had committed suicide body waa found John Zorovitch the New York Central freight boat No fl The rorlo binding the mans feet w In front The iron suspended his consisted are ted In binding railroad rails together end end r 1 fIt com may doW i he day for tat dec sad tome the- n ton Tat thy pits plead sid bans prove late ado any a they Stat tat sid the and Get found for curt fond noon gen for E o- tto night and lee chair neck ted Try that The ot ted abut 5riii r rjI- lokhs MiSUSE to Jktqstai t- Hgvjarst400rti ll pubhksiPIrtI Vile met called had degenorati too S Ion s tram hkago a teen lie to was stealing John president von > < ± The dead man had tho appearance of a laborer Ho was 43 and he had hair mustache He wore alight coat and dark trousers ENGINE GROUXD HIM TO DEATH Mulvcy Crept Under It to Make Repair Started It With Ills Foot John Mulvey engineer in the ice plant- of the Yorkvlllo Independent Ice Company tit the foot of East Eightysecond street stopped the engine morning controller to some repairs Tho machinery suddenly Mulvey was torn to John Walker on oiler who witnessed the engine his foot on some part of machinery Mulveys live to Flatbush Took Mailed Package They Say W Llppraon 21 years old transfer wagon was arrested by PostOfflce Inspectors yesterday morn at the Com- missioner held him to 1500 for tho Complaints bad been coming in that outgoing were missing Yesterday the they saw remove a package a Uo sock at the Grand abut that the lender Shield bal mal U- oJ accident believes dulvey started ¬ ¬ Cleanses and beautifies the teeth and purifies Used by of refinement for over a quarter of century Vvery oontenient for tourists PREPARED BY LAWYERS HRAVE HE OLD MAW BATTERY Hear That no Never Bongbt Panhandl Stock for IRa Livery Man Jtut Gave Him Advtoe Testimony of the Age BrOker Taken by Deposition at Home Thetestimony of Frank Work the hors and retired stockbroker in the brought against him by James Hebron has the cab privilege at Delmonicoi recover 8270 the value of 200 fPanhandle stock was taken by yesterday at Mr Works home 1 Twentysixth street and read to th- urybefore Justice Levee ritt to the Justices owi physician had examined Mr Work round him too weak to attend court He irons John B Stanchfleld ohn who had said that Mi Works irascibility and wealth of languag ere too much for them bowed to thi rder of the Mr Work jnvlng bought for Hebron Hebron testified in the morning that hi a large acquaintance among wealth non and had a fortune out of thi ips he stock market Hi aid that on Aug 01887 he told Mr Worl j buy for him 200 shares of Plttsburg- lnctonati and St popularly know t Panhandle was then at 1 never went lower It fa- irioo within a few months Mr Work said Hebron had been a grea- 1riend of his calling him Jimmy one taking enough Interest in him to raise i 110000 testimonial for him at ono time tmtributlng 3000 himself Hebron main alned that this money was a gift not i sold Hebron ran a cab bil with him for By 1903 It omountec- o moro than is now for hat separately The Panhandle invest mont was deal in and ta tad been so successful he now iwned some of nearly every stock on the narket and accounts Mr Work continued Hebron was to the market He nude 1500000 in one deal in Omaha We spoke of the due me and tlr remarked Jimmy I owe you a terrible lot money now I oust owe you a house and at Im going to soon so youd better make mt bill Frank W Savin broker testified that its books showed that on 9 1897 Mr Vork had bought 200 Panhandle at 18 and old the November at 84 Work ot a sixteenth rebate in commission be sues he was a broker himself William C Murphy a clerk of the Fifth testified that he ad offered Mr Work Hebron certified heck to cover the 200 shares at 18 Mr Work refused to it and abused Cebron in unmeasured terms Mr Wprka recited that he is 5 poor roved tractable and admitted bay ig known Hebron intimately for twenty ears I took rather a to said to broker and helped him along In every He used to me every else going into Dels We often and he frequently where we market and I gave him advice ie had been for a month St being a purchase but I best thing he had or bought it for him dont remember whether was with me- i Bavins or not Mr Works valet Michael Murphy as a witness his memory was denied ever sme for Jimmy Murphy ad that about time 100 Panhandle himself on He- rons recommendation- The case was sent to the who will jturn a sealed verdict which will be opened n Monday morning MOBBED THE BRiDAL COACH radical Jokers Cause Runaway Which Fortunately Had No Serious Result NEW BRUNSWICK June 24 If throw- ga bride into hysterics the rses of a bridal coach and oiling all tho beauty of the bridegroom going away suit of is fun members of two city d fun and a plenty of it with Mr and- re last night The Gleasons id their friends think they were bjected to a brutal outrage Mr and Mrs Gleason were married st evening The wedding and reception tenvnrd were largely attended by of two olubs of which Gleason is a The young couple thoughtlessly It bo known on what train they were ing away and the driver of their car- tage found it convenient to go to the flta byway of main street the town carriage was near the station Fty members of clubs descended on ie from either sidewalk imitate a Western holdup ho horses were grabbed by heads then some one Hands and nil out Tills command was followed the dU of fire arms into the air and tho ex losion of fire crackers The bride screamed id went into The bridegroom i S- i ToothPowder P J WORK MILD RAPID And suit share ton j Curt and lawyer and cur had mae Luis and double loa year stock lucky ono A venue te lan eta 2 for he way tale abut abut P god mind never It the 1 W qt hen me I go out and St mite mi- ng new clothe then Gen me- mber let ton cage te and charge A s cI Ur1 Lyon v PERFEC 1 cgT- HEYSFOND FRANK man who deals ten denied Hebron Under over- lie him was pIer- re master say 1iko get a this the The- Ca > ¬ ¬ < < tried to out the horses getting beyond control ran away ran two blocks before they were stopped by the with of some or men mode tire attack By this time the bride had fainted but not satisfied swarmed again and tried to both tho bridegroom- out of the vehicle- So much of tho town an was on the street had followed the carriage and when they learned what tho was about used to expressing their opinion- of thewhole The driver when he found a so called was played dander up and exclaimed- Let mo or Ill break the first head I can reach Those not of the holdup cheered the sentiment and whatever as- sistance the driver need The club men thought evidently it was a good time to escape and did so After had been revived and had been assured that her hat was still on straight the newly wedded were driven- to the rOTTIXGS 20IPV Judgments nt Absolute divorce were runted- ulcrdai by illdmlecve to Rose liar Lulgl p Ambrcal from MarruerlU D Attbrosl met dryer joker carl e lan tat AlhWT JUt C bur r to esm to I- Hockectiull from John I hlockenhutl and ¬ eooh wieelcwith a blrds ye glanoe where this wonderful twentieth century has brought the world Consult for an hour The Literary Digest and know for as nowhere else the rays of light on nowhere else are tho voices In the whisperinggallery brought to the ear This periodical in a largo way U the eye end ear of the world Here are just a few of the forty or ftf ty tltnMr articles In this weeks out to ctay Capitalists Labor and Colorado Papers on Creek Crisis Coolie or Italian Labor for the South The Steamship Rate War and ImmlRra Markham 01 the Poetry A New Word About Marie Bashklrtieir An Ant Worth Millions of Dollars Fish That Have Voices v The Romance of Secret Inventions t Plants that Give out Salt The Vie Dynamite In Great Fires New Payings of Jeans The Beginning Quakerism Christian Sole ce con sidered Uarooatkln Port Arthur and the Japa- nese Armies German Certainty of Japans Ultimate Failure France Planed Between Morocco and the United States Omission to Make Trouble In Macedonia 38 to 64 Pso s Weekly Illuitrate- tfIT Ul NEWSSTANDS 10 Cents LEMAIRE PARIS It U quality that hit mad the name Letnalrt famous See tbtt this name spelled LEMAIRB u abov ii on the end and around the eye of Opera and Field you you will buy worthless imitations rupOBribU U Mt IB World fc rr tall THK TUbS J C- On Tears experience Telephone 170 nth it- r 4wmy cot Mth St New York and Ith Jerr Oily rORAOE WAREHOUSE AND MOVING Writs or telephone lutemUiu ILIPIXOS SHOUT FOR FREEDOM yer Pat Collins Starts the Commit toners at a Botton Banquet BOSTON June 24 Members of the hen- ry board of Philippine oommiadone- ned on by the remarks of Mayor Patrick j Collins broke loose on Filipino lade V- mdenoe at a banquet given to them by ST Bates last night To say thati there u a midden change fa tie atmosphere irdly ilmrrllini the nltrnr rf re n ili j the many promient Republicans nt Mayor Collins and few Demo- te at the table chuckled to themMlr ei Mayor Collins began his remarks by Fellow dtizenB and recently pacified from the Then he told there was another invention of the Republicans the lines of stock arguments of the efforts of Oov Bates to start to the direction again those them who followed refused to turned a Manila lawyer urged at Congress its Intention re would never be satisfied until toy obtained absolute Independence The the of his views To make matters worse when the lee is served cameMn a little red box sur- mounted a naked colored with Inky hair around the waist The delegates v Bates says It was a mistake on the of the caterer A3fY HURT IX TROLLEY CRASH et Rail Conies Accident In Philadelphia Seriously Injured PmtaDKLPHi June 24 Wet rails used a collision this afternoon between westbound Columbia avenue car arid a irthbound Willow Grove oar In Tht oath street Five pomona are in hospitals riously hurt while nearly a score were ken home suffering from cuts and ulsefl There ia a slight down grade In flit enth street near Columbia avenue and OB- e Willow Orotre oar neared the crowing otorman applied the brakes ie wheels refused to however and e car slid at a rapid rate At Columbia avenue it struck a west und car The force of the impact was ich that the Columbia avenue car was fted from the tracks whirled around at angles and then buffeted Thin tenth street for fifty feet Nearly every ie in the Columbia avenue ear was ito the street but the Willow Grove pas ngers were uninjured Many women and for a time greatest excite tent prevailed- As a score men rushed forward to ex the from the wreckage rs Catherine years was id the wheels were within A row Inches her body She Is not expected to rp rU- d OU J her d her s I ton of i PCb pathlealy pie ever ref abr al CARPET CLEANSING O VAS for A tem and pre Tho In spit of aid del r Le ot app Y Know yOu wlU Issue Poe deal sri Its on the listened ci hI tuld not see any about the itt und beneath the Thirteenth street car yer > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Sparrows Take Refuse Under a Hen tn a Storm UTICA Juno 24 Tho Rev J W Wicks of Paris Hill reports an odd occurrence Yesterday during a thunder storm- a English sparrows which were exposed to a severe flew a Bhed where they found a hen brooding some The frightened took refuge under the remained until the storm There was no objection raided ly hen or chickens SUNSHINE for the coffee wreck POSTUMa- s 10 days trial proves Get the lltUe book me Road to Wet vllle la pkjt Worlds Fair exhibit Space lOs Agricultural Building passed each

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Post on 20-Mar-2018




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accriiRPS the Runfiahs orCriBR oq tho J pnne owhfch woro marl Kl wHb tho red cw 33-

TJiore vVero 3000 inotrra jlphtm-

lln tnslmn KS

Voluntary Contribntloniit UieW FUtt-

jj Now Amount to SjSliooos-

pertal cable Dttpatch to Tat Sov-

TOKIO Juno 24 Voluntary contribution-

to Ihojwar fund continuoto cOmO Uu al-

though tliq authorities dlscouragoTho total of suoh

1750000The leading Toltlo newspapers espreft

with tho foreignin their trying position Tho NicM Nieh

it Is an advantage to tho Oov

to havo impartial wltnosses of anyvlolnUpn by tho of a lied Cross

regulation or

ffniffBAT roiir ARTHUR

JapaoMeTrjInB tbWear Out the Garrison

Cnioiao JTuno 24 The Daily Arcw to-

night publishes the following from Its

correspondent at CliefooAnother took placo of

Port Arthur yesterday Firing began

from tho forte about 10 A M and con-

tinued till 1 P M Tho programme was

about tho samo aa on the dayTho destroyers nud torpedo boatfl pursuedtheBamo tactics und nn auxiliary cruiserIny o f the Islands until the firing had censed

when It proceeded eastward at full speedAt 830 oclock the same thing began heavily

from the bluff with much sctlrity of theindicating vth approach of

VW 4I ttorpedocrM-

BAlltJlelater the sound of distantevidently the land

nideOf Port Arthur contlnuln tXlbtU 330-

ocloekThls morning with a bribfcrenewal-

field guns firing punctuated

Owing totHe e Japanesethatshould the despatch boat Fawabep

the coast at night their wbuld-

notberespotwiblo for jm-

po5lble to more definite facts

naval It seems as thcrugh

the intend to wear out the defendars by this pontjnued nlph activitybefore making the final simultaneous sea

and land attackMany junks have been held up withln

the past few Attempting to run thoblockade Their arethrown overboard In nil cases

lk Russians Fear Chinese GeneralSpecial CaW Detpalch to TUB Sew

PABIS Juno 24 Tho St Ietersbarg cor-

respondent of the Echo dc Pari says thattho General Staff greatly distrusts Gee Mawho is in command of the Chinese Imperial

in soutliwestern Manchuria He is

credited with the Intention of marching toTslUihar and cutting tho railroad


Hut Hes Going to Re rJ the HepnbllcinPlatform and May Talk About It

Henr LWattcrson of Louisville wasUna city yesterday He was at the Man-

hattan Club He said that lie hadN rdiori any political washere merely for a rest and a short

i Mr saidread carefully the of thoHepub-llcan national convention but interided to analyze it beforo ho left thocity and would probably some commenta to wake on It

d J v 8 j 1-

r t4 t


miM-tstqft nho Fl18ijlan crrortswponcen

IAnt il Ddl tz

p ftedJ tgtrdtO th qcpithelulP i q


rpt IY


contlb tiort soWover


f W





at 1 J Durlt there WII an ali





UIs nrbablchovJ I trIp nor au a










hu rturned41 Too


3 kAJAxEEIThD oxffr







wIt3 crashnp

accrtI ok

7 io

I-ncr not come


that he








Ken Booth of Klin Kdwardt Praliethe Work

Sptctol Cattle Dttpatch It ThE Sux-

IXJKDOX June 24 Twelve thousand per-

sons were present today at the opening-of theJritdrnatlonnl CohRrfBs of the Salvatlpn at Albert halt Gen Boothsaid Edward who gaveaudience on Wednesday hailhe watched tho Salvation movement withgreat interest and that he regarded itssuccess us being of importance to tho em

MISSIXG MEN FOVXH IX JAILWerp ArrMted With a Young Girl Who

nelrased on KllloU

ATLANTIC CITY N J June 2i CarolWallace the youtig Wash-

ington visitors reported to the lastnlglit tli ir IIOUHO

have bcu found arein jail at Landing on

charge of disorderly conduct havingwIth

girl who on Monday1 over her nrreit is txiliovcd to

beenthe cause of her suicide She hadreleased on hail

Tho men cnmo two weeksrico at tlio cottageTh jo after they left the to

did not return AH their buggage and clothing were 61111111

proprietress of supposedwhile

nnd their to tholost night along with thnt of Paul

wa to hanbeen with them turned up atheadquarters today nndeafd that




CoItonnnd Fredlilt


a oun

young lcr d





Ball tIe aelr


committed suIcidehre








I ollc rhcre Ilearfl That Mdltonry Plannrd-to Open Ten ofKmr-

puiuiDELriHA June 24 Tlio policeraided a number of poolrooms throughout-the city today Fiftyeight bo

Columbia avenue nndThe police visited other places but gotn

Tnrcbnnection is saidthlit Iho received information thattin rooms backed by Mahoney the Now

man weroto open laetMo-ndayComplete arrangements beenm a centralexchange wa opened at which returns from


tenwith the control by

of the rooms on Saturdayand thu Monday

c Young Glr RIlMlnic From HomeTheJersey Citypolice areuearohlng

Josephine yoafu old who dUap-peurod from her home Montrose

ynuej nt Q tfclookjon Wodnpsday mornores and light

T SiP waist and black straw hatll

School JoltsS4 A resolution

State Board of Public In



portj re




St d Dar rerom



bJ ItDiefm olce In

9n lon theof a poUterTnhol



w dinFranki

rith the nlds


I were4r Ci1d wire The


t ort

V I brown tiaii Tho aF she

4 4

f dOQtMOy the4 StTUCiOntonIht debars

WIth pubhot





Tfl1 of the Four Italians Who Held Htm Ur-

on Wednesday MornlnE Caught In

Marbletown One Shot About K-

r Men In Hot Pursuit of the Other Two

V KINOSTON Y JUne24 Two of thefour Italian highwaymen w o hold up androbbed Orson C Lpngyeor paymasterforj theI iclson River Company

Wednesday morning of 2700 werejcaptureH this afternoon at 5 oclock atMarbletown ten miles from thlsolty Thetwo men had since yesterdayafternoon and were gradually surrounded-by ito deputies The Italians had beenat different stores and the whennotlflod soon closed Theywore seen going into the Esopus Creekand Under Sheriff Webster arid DeputySheriff Canaan ordered them out andat A bullet from Carmans

the cheek of one of theItalians and then the two coma out andsurrendered They were searched and

1318 half the monoy stolen wasfound

secured and the mens armsthey wore brought to the county

Jail hero at about 6 oclock A crowd offully a thousand persons stood on the side-

walk awaiting their arrival The officerswore greeted with cheers and hand clappingwhen they About two hundredmon are other two Italianswho were seen at Drowns station In theCatskills They have boon seen severaltimes but ran away when told to halt

Among the huntsmen is Charles Ford ofBushnolville one of the Ford brotherswho are famous Catuklll Mountain bearhunters Ho borrowed a shotgun andwhen ho one of the Italian heshot at him and wounded him to the legFord uses buckshot It is sold that he shotat the highwayman at two different times

Un Telephone messages at 7 oclock thisto that the

two fugitives have been surrounded andthat they be caught by day-light tomorrow morning

The men arrested were identified by MrLongyear as two of the highwaymen Hesays they had been atlee ono of them known na No 33

had a leave of absence on Monday to go on

i visit to New YorkTho bloodhounds that had been on the

trail afternoon were taken backto tho Napanoch Reformatory and toEllenvlllo it being decidedthat the trail was too cold on thetrail yesterday a red cotton handkerchiefrod a with a bamboo stem saido have belonged to the Italians was foundn the woods

On the of tho robbery Mr Longrear was driving alone along highwayiccuro as because his busnessres hut the repetition of similarrinita on He no revolver

iomo distance behind him John Markle-i was In his buggy to the

also the two men occasionally

When tho paymaster had reached StonyFollow about two from his destinaion four men suddenly sprang out of tholushes two snatching the of hisorso one covering with a revolvernd the fourth to throw

slves with burlap which completely hidfaces upper part

odiesLongyear attempted to free himself

ut his was too held the menoth ho and Markle were from their

gagged and and laid side

ion muffled the captives facesimped into tho drove

was securely bound aato bo able after much and

to free one hand It wasn easy matter for two men to

ithorltles of the robberyhotel about amile away telephoned theheriff A short time two

were found nearby in an abandoned


onse of Ifoottoo Destroyed Tale of theKnowing Elephants








sariier In nt long but



orderinghis hands them


bundby aide In


tenand start out to the






bee purstied

tango missed









ST Louis Juno 21 Fire at the worldsfair early this morning totally destroyedthe Houso of Hoohoo which was built bythe Lumbermens Association and used-

as its headquarters during the expositionTho loss is estimated as between 45000

and 60000 It U thought that the origin-

of the fire was an exposed electric lightwire

Tho flames from tho House of Hoohoothreatened the German building the Texasstarshaped building and the pavilion atthe end of tho Terrace of States at the Cas-

cades Tho worlds fair lire department-the whole force of which had respondedto the alarm devoted its entire energy tosaving structures when it was seenthat House was beyond saving

T dv Lily performing inon Pike appeared

early this mornIng in the role of fireand is accredited by attachfij with bay

saved the place from destruction andprobably conceason on tho Pikens A M fire started in thestables where the elephants and camels

I was first to discover the blazeand proceeded to stamp put the flamesnil Her aclions aroused tho attendants who rushed-to the scone to find tho flames reach-ing dangerous proportions An alarm

as sent fighters soon

for the would have been beyond control before tho firemen reached



Officers of the Regiment In PrckiklllCamp GIve Him a Match




tho blaze buttho credit for had It not


are herded

to be-

long greater been







This evening Roe had asurprise Tho offlcerBof tho Eighth Regi-

ment him to a body and Cal JamesM in a short speech presented-to match

TrrscnUd to

Charles Francla Roethe

Regimental of the

NO NVJune Sith 1004

pleasant visit followed the generalsthe gift

The high event to the fieldday of tho which was

feet10 inches T Welch Company was4 foot 0 Inches

Tomorrow morning the Firstwill leave at 5 oclock The Regi-ment will strike camp at the sametime and will watt on until

the Ninth Regimentand tho Sixtyninth arrives atstation nt 830 train will carry theEighth Regiment bock to New The

march until noon whenIt will camp for six

it will makemarch to the armory during tho night

Mew Leading Actor for Viola AllenHenry Jewott will bo Aliens lead-

ing man npxt season Lea Allenproduces The Winters Tale ho will be

and when Twelfth Night Is





pnl L Hwon 4



at hour Lea


Hoof Hnt



yesterday was run off today

o will be baalentheleadleg man Virginia


a I-1a




TOrtr Miter Takes Them VnmlsvMM Uoldi tire

NASHUA N Hi June 24 A womaiyoung and good looking supposed to1 b

Zolo Bedard Nadeau ofremoved her Infant brother and aisleMabel and Albert Bedartf from theProte-tont orphanage in this city tills nftemooiwhile a man held the matron

The party came to the orphanage inhack asked to see the childrentook possession of them The gii

away from slater on the thcarriage but was caught by another marwho was In the carriage The party toothe next train for Worcester

The children were the youngest of a familof ten of Albert Bodard of Fitchburg SlowHe Is a Protestant Hit wife whoshort time ago was a Catholic Hethe children hero from a Catholic homo li

Worcester and tho woman who took thchildren Is his eldest daughter and a

Catholic It Is sold that she hasto the Massachusetts

anshlp of tho children andnamed Walsh has been appointee

temporary guardian


Theory Why They Cant Finish the PavlniIn Harassed 43d Street

MoHugh from tip Fortysecond sIresay the same McHugh from behind

lirt banks up there offers those remarksi the Rapid Transit people on the weok

order of Contractor Degnon to finishhe ropaTlng of tho street by July 1

On June 4 the pavement on tho roadwayroni Madison to Sixth avenue wasm June 19 the pavement on the north side

between avenues was taken-ip to yesterday It was

the blockt in again taken up commencing at Fifth

ivenue between the car Koine

Perhaps If block were taken up sepaatelv dope entirely the work to be eonInuoua in shifts hours eachometlilnfr definite might be accomplished-It an appearance

going on everywhere us soon as oneiart Is a comes from another

and rips the completed jobEvery sort pipe broad

sewer down to the thin thingbat wires eeems to havepen down and as titers is much room

than tho paving to ho done Tnrff-u rumor that may be

eyond the limit set bythe Marconi

system under the pavement-To those things to they

re ready to deal out to sn expectantscheme like

etrogression Is distinctly but-t in the order of ion 11 ever

t In to be hoped a pride In the veryhey bear to help goodwork The sidewalk laylnc Is

one In mosaic fashion and Inenulty of the workmen seems to be directed3 placing together all sorts of

uneven bits of stone And sit appearneea the most ragged looking collections arennecesoarlly where one must neoes-arily walk upon them


rfcrce Stops Punishing Fight and AwardsVictory to Jack Williams

PHILADELPHIA June 24 That Peteraher Is all In as a fighter was quicklyearly and thoroughly demonstrated to a

crowd that filled the now Manhattanthletlo Club by Jack Williamseying the so far goneiat Referee Crowhurst topped the bout

efore the first round was over In order3 ve Peter from a complete knockoutThe veteran was so bewildered-t the quickness of his opponentiat one punch

had no sooner hands whenack jabbed a stiff left to Peters nose

the Irishmans eyes to blinkWilliams followed up his a rush

hand swing on PetersTh Irishman went to the with n

bud but came up before ten

to out of the ran into a stiffwhich followed another hand

again sent him to theHo was up before nine was thismo but was around Ho

nn but theebbing strength was completely k ockcdof him sent another

unch that sent Peter to the floorHe managed to scramble to his feet butstead of back tried to keep on

pins by either holding on to or thePeter foil to the floor but pluckily

up The referee thensided affair as Peter was completely


Ott Ob-I




dev-out our gad







lotto ant there n hardl hemoreI


ream lor

ets the Rapidname




forat man and Maher


let forfoundering








install else

to Transit Commissioners


I his


Red Pepper In Sam Bongs Tea Starts LivelyRow In Chinese laundry

Flatirons and teacups flying through theair made Sam Lees laundry nt 210 Green-wich street a lively place for a whilelast evening When Patrolman Gerald PMtnchln of the Church street station gotto the ho found two Chinamen bleed-

ing and a crowd ofother China

men chattering and gesticulatingSam Leo that Sara

Dong had choked by rod pepper inhis tea and vented his bytho teacup over Sam Leos head and

two irons at him Stun Leo rewith moro flatirons and by the

time they got through the place was awreck

Half a dozen other Chinamen heard therow and attempted toscparnto bellig-erents At Chinamen werefighting turned on the invaders and throwthings at them until they were glad run

Ambulance Surgeon Gould of theHudson street hospital on the pceno

their and left them good friendsalthough Sara had to go to bed howas cut so badly


Zigzag Horse and Green Motorman InTrsnivcrse Road MUup

An Eightysixth street crosstown carrunning west on tho transverse lino through






he both atul

abut their


found laughingfight






Central Park hit an express wagonyesterday afternoon of the EastDrive Two boys Milton Lowenstein andBenjamin Bergman of 76 West Eightyninth street who were riding on the rearend of the wagon were thrown to the eastbound track directly In front of anothercarThe motorman pulled up in time to savethe lives were severely cutand bruised An ambulanceto the Presbyterian Hospital RobertMills a motorman was running the

Motorman Pat oxpress wagon zigzagged in front of the carBO got bumped

The driver of the wagon drovethe accident Noarrests were made


A Press Agented Story of a Brave Rescueof Diamonds at Venice

Miss K V Wilson Washington D C

who is staying at the House went tohoar Dusaa band in Madison SquareGordon last night While in one ofgondolas Miss changed


James OLeary the Italian gondolier

and recovered the brooch Miss Wilsonwas so pleased with this heroic conductthat she Signor OLeary twentydollar bill which the wasreal Mr Dues however about itand the gondolier Italianname return lying him 20which also looked reel out his ownpocket

under ot

Win witthe In doing soa diamond

into two of


just west

westbound car supervision



brooch into the esnal

overboard feet water


C 5



The Presidents Maitrrrul p ion UtDominated Everything He Wa

Stronger Than His Parly Dpenf I

Going to Europe PUtt to Ute Slicest

Senators Platt and Depew got back ttown trout Chicago last night with EUhi

and a few of the other delegatesconvention Most of tho dele-

gates from this State will not bo home untlMonday or Tuesday They went on to thworlds lair as didOdell

Senator PlaIt went from the station tthe Oriental Hotel at Manhattan Beachwhore he will pass the summer Mr Rootwent to his summer home at Southampton-

L I The only one of the patty to stay Ittown was Senator who willfor Europe next Wednesday-

The first the convention saidMr Depew was devoted to getting ac-

quainted tho second to getting togetherbut on the third day when the delegategot together there was a confident and oggrcssivo tone among them such as I hays

not witnessed In any convention sincethat of 1000

I have tho convention habit havingbeen a delegate to that which nominated

Llncolnf his second term and In attendanceeither inside or outside every one but twosince and a delegate at large to at least

fiveThe striking feature of the Chicago ooneritlon as distinguished from those which

gone before was the high intelligenceof the delegates They were made up ofprofessional educational and businessmen

The next feature was that Rooseveltstronger than his party It was from

ho beginning and preeminently at thelose a Roosevelt conventionilse Including the platform were details

The Now York delegation was criticisedly the Chicago papers as having for itslistlngulshlng characteristic on over-whelming desire to go homo the momentthat it But I want to say that the

New about thenomination of action waso significant that all other candidatesivithdrew

Conventions usually have favoriteswhom they would like to see chosen buthis convention had only one The masterul personality of Roosevelt dominatediverythtog-


o Appoint Campaign CommUte Recep-tion for Fairbanks

CHICAGO June 24 My plans are few-

t least for the present said Senator Fairbanks the VicePresidential nominee athe Auditorium Annex today Ill go

homo in Indianapolis tomorrow afterloon In the mean Mrs Fairbanks-

nd my daughter will a few callsAt Indianapolis the his wife

vlll get a rousing welcome Among therganizatlona arranging the of theeception are the Board ofnd ColumbUs clubsthe Merchants Assoclalon and all Republicans organizationsif Indianapolis He will be escorted by ailg parade to his home in North Meridianitreet Senator Beveridge has gone homeo help the celebrationKomo general plans were laid out today

or the opening of tne campaign Comeuus-T treasurer of the national corn

in conference withresidential candidate and he

ho came to therids Secretory Elmer Dover It was

that should be doneopening headquarters either in

afterclal notification of Senator Fairbanksn Aug 3

the new chairman-f tho Republican national committee

Dover the secretary willimain there two weeks which

imo tho campaign committee with itsfinance and other

ranches will bo chosen Secretary Doverill then return to Chicago and in con

unction with Harry S Now national comiltteeman of open the Chicago

branch and ChicagoMost of the leaders nearly all of the

iolegates have gone to St Louis or to their





day of


arrive brought




BIB the ViCwaslowed by n Gorge B


ardor tIre ot

go to tomorrow 1Elmer

nthe Now









headquarters Cortelou will between







nut North Carolina Elects Sound MoneyDelegates Capf Glenn for GovernorGrEKNSBono N June 24 Tho State

Democratic convention adjourned at 3

oclock this afternoon Capt R B Glennof Forsyth county was nominated forGovernor Thin committee on resolutions

that the candidacy of Judge Parkerbut the convention thought it

better to go uninstructed and the resolu-

tion was withdrawnSenator Simmons who is chairman of

the Stnto executive committee spoke forParker and declared that he would be theman Ho said that If tho resolution couldnot be adopted by n unanimous vote Itshould bo withdrawn as tho action of thoconvention might be misunderstood MrSimmons declared himself for Parker

Tho delegates at laree to the St Louisconvention are E Hale of FayettevilleJulian S Carr of Durham of

and C B Watson of Winstonagainst Bryan and Hearst Hale

Hearst but to disown it toget tho election Tho delegation from this

are sound money menA resolution the purport of which was

to cut tho negro down to whatwould come from the blacks own taxeswas killed the convention The manwho made It did not have a respectful hear-ing The convention was and

ever held in tie State









IllK Mortage on McCarrrnt ClubJildgo Asplnwoll in the County Court

Brooklyn yesterday gave permission totho new Kings County Democratic Clubof which is president tomortgage formerly theGermanio Club on Schormerhorn streetfor 115000 This covers the building aawell as the furniture The waspurchased recently for 1102500 The now

was a few andhas a hun-dred including Senator McCarren and mostof his supporters The annual


Speakers for Republican Club RallyTho meeting which will be held to Cooper

Union under the auspices of the Republican-Club to ratify the nominations trade atChicago held Thursday eveningAddressee will belive James S Sherman of Utica Representa-tive Charles B Land Is of exSenator John M Thurston of Nebraskaand other prominent Republicans

Jersey CRy Club Drops 140 MembersThe Palisade Republican Club one of

the best known political organizations inthe Hudson City section of Jersey Cityhas expelled HO members for nonpaymentof failure to

Some of the men who werethat ore the victims of the fac

which now controls the organization











MiLWAn BB Juno Zi TheFolletto Republican State Centralmlttee at tonight tocampaign for the defeat of the regulRepublican nominees and thoughof La Follettes former friendsBentbecause of the action of the nationRepublican bo ventlon in turningclaims there wai considerableamong tho Governors younger supporter

The onspeeches and made sever

sensational declarations Ono wasthe Republican party of today was

party ofLincoui butinto a political machine which waa ooitrolled by the criminal corporations

The charge was made that leadejwore secretly inimical to the PreBldeniwhose ideas on corpOrations the Qoverno

hoon to say that b

believed that the issues ho wasduring jtho doming campaignfort upon the Republican party of

tELEOATESAT TIlE WORLDS JAiNew York Men Say Chicago Tlokt

Will Country-

Sr June 24 Delegates to thRepublican national convention arrive

this morning and did thworlds fair to great style Everythlnn the grounds was thrown wide open foheir inspection Singly and in group

visited the exhibit palaces andtkj Philippine

ing thronged all day with people wearini-elegato badges which an opei-

esame wherever they wished to go A

tight the illumination and the Pike coughnd held the delegates until midnight Al

semed well with tho work of thi

invention one of Nowcorks delegates to the convention

No bearersteen selected than Roosevelt and Fair

Tho head of the ticket has beeiand found satisfactory and the

omlnee for the Senatihimself one of the strongest tactout of the Middle West Isew Yorl

ill be found in the Republican columihen the returns are in as asortlon of the country at and tinicket selected at Chicago is bound to win

Fred A of New York city camen with the other Republican delegates

I indorse the sold MrVright It could not have been improved

upon as It contains two namesand Both have

tried to official capacities and notound They the fillRepublican vote and sweep the country

John J Shannon another New Yorksaid that he had been attending

Conventions for the last twenty years butlever before had ho seen a men extress such wild enthusiasm as did theonventlon when Roosevelt was placedn nomination exOov Black

Tork Ha that if the convention itwould lie a veritable

for Roosevelt and Fairbanks thisall


rturjilnc Delegates Kick on the 2Oflay Rooms Headquarters Cost SlaooNew Yorkers who came home lost night

rom Chicago complained of the wayad been fleeced by the hotel keepers o

convention town Col Fox secrotarf the Republican committee sale

ha had to pay day for a roomAuditorium that in ordinary times

rould cost only 4a day Senator Platt-e had three rooms and had to pay

for themI understand said Col Fox that

he owners of the Auditorium contributedSOO fund of the Chicago committee

if that is so they got their money backery easily For one of the of10 we used as a headquartersjomwo had to 81200 for the threebile other delegations whichwee adjoining for headquartersurposes to pay


olloe Money for Sick Woman Whoto Support Family

Several people went to the West Fortyjventh street station yesterday and loft

money for Mrs Edward Clifford whoto be so much in need after her eleven

earold boy Tommy had been arrestedstealing type

The boy in that ho turnedurglar to Detectivestnt the Judge to Investigate Tommyslory Mrs a three

and six other childrenesidea Tommy were without foodOn Thursday night S500 was collected

song in the West Fortyaventh street station Yesterday after

a man colltxl at leftV to be to Mrs Clifford Some timeiter a man called and gave 5

He give his name but said hoas sent to a reformatory when

Tallahassee Club called atleft 25 which had been coltho club members

unknown citizen sentbed a mattress and four to bo

to Mrs CliffordTommy will bo arraigned for trial on

the police say they will askr his dismissal


tiles Believe Unknown Man Wai NotMurdered

With twenty pounds of Iron about hisand with his feet together the

dy of an unknown taken frome North River at the foot of WestIrd street at about daylightorning It was at first supposed thean had been murdered but later It wasincluded that he had committed suicide

body waa found John Zorovitchthe New York Central freight boat No fl

The rorlo binding the mans feet wIn front The iron suspended his

consisted areted In binding railroad rails together endend

r1 fIt



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The dead man had tho appearance of alaborer Ho was 43 andhe had hair mustache Hewore alight coat and dark trousers


Mulvcy Crept Under It to Make RepairStarted It With Ills Foot

John Mulvey engineer in the ice plant-of the Yorkvlllo Independent Ice Companytit the foot of East Eightysecond streetstopped the engine morning

controller tosome repairs Tho machinery suddenly

Mulvey was torn to

John Walker on oiler who witnessed the

engine his foot on some partof machinery

Mulveys live to Flatbush

Took Mailed Package They SayW Llppraon 21 years old

transfer wagon was arrestedby PostOfflce Inspectors yesterday morn

at the Com-missioner held him to 1500for tho

Complaints bad been coming in thatoutgoing

were missing Yesterday thethey saw remove

a package a Uo sock at the Grand


that the


Shield bal




accident believes dulvey started



Cleanses and beautifies theteeth and purifiesUsed by of refinementfor over a quarter of centuryVvery oontenient for tourists



Hear That no Never Bongbt PanhandlStock for IRa Livery Man Jtut GaveHim Advtoe Testimony of the AgeBrOker Taken by Deposition at Home

Thetestimony of Frank Work the horsand retired stockbroker in the

brought against him by James Hebronhas the cab privilege at Delmonicoi

recover 8270 the value of 200

fPanhandle stock was taken byyesterday at Mr Works home 1

Twentysixth street and read to th-

urybefore Justice Leveeritt to the Justices owiphysician had examined Mr Workround him too weak to attend court Heirons John B Stanchfleldohn who had said that MiWorks irascibility and wealth of languag

ere too much for them bowed to thi

rder of the Mr Workjnvlng bought for Hebron

Hebron testified in the morning that hi

a large acquaintance among wealthnon and had a fortune out of thiips he stock market Hiaid that on Aug 01887 he told Mr Worlj buy for him 200 shares of Plttsburg-lnctonati and St popularly knowt Panhandle was then at 1

never went lower It fa-

irioo within a few monthsMr Work said Hebron had been a grea-

1riend of his calling him Jimmy onetaking enough Interest in him to raise i

110000 testimonial for him at ono timetmtributlng 3000 himself Hebron main

alned that this money was a gift noti

sold Hebron ran a cab bilwith him for By 1903 It omountec-o moro than is now forhat separately The Panhandle invest

mont was deal in and tatad been so successful he nowiwned some of nearly every stock on thenarket and accounts

Mr Work continued Hebron wasto the market He

nude 1500000 in one deal in Omaha Wespoke of the due me and

tlr remarked Jimmy Iowe you a terrible lot money now Ioust owe you a house and at Im

going to soon so youd better makemt bill

Frank W Savin broker testified thatits books showed that on 9 1897 MrVork had bought 200 Panhandle at 18 andold the November at 84 Workot a sixteenth rebate in commission besues he was a broker himself

William C Murphy a clerk of the Fifthtestified that he

ad offered Mr Work Hebron certifiedheck to cover the 200 shares at 18 Mr

Work refused to it and abusedCebron in unmeasured termsMr Wprka recited that he is

5 poor

roved tractable and admitted bayig known Hebron intimately for twentyears

I took rather a to saidto broker and helped him along In every

He used to me everyelse going into Dels We often

and he frequentlywhere we

market and I gave him adviceie had been for a month

St being a purchase but I

best thing he had or bought it for himdont remember whether was with me-

i Bavins or notMr Works valet Michael Murphyas a witness his memory was

denied ever

sme for Jimmy Murphy adthat about time

100 Panhandle himself on He-rons recommendation-The case was sent to the who will

jturn a sealed verdict which will be openedn Monday morning


radical Jokers Cause Runaway WhichFortunately Had No Serious ResultNEW BRUNSWICK June 24 If throw-g a bride into hysterics therses of a bridal coach andoiling all tho beauty of the bridegroom

going away suit of is funmembers of two city

d fun and a plenty of it with Mr and-

re last night The Gleasonsid their friends think they werebjected to a brutal outrageMr and Mrs Gleason were marriedst evening The wedding and receptiontenvnrd were largely attended by

of two olubs of which Gleason is aThe young couple thoughtlessly

It bo known on what train they wereing away and the driver of their car-tage found it convenient to go to the flta

byway of main street the towncarriage was near the station

Fty members of clubs descended onie from either sidewalk

imitate a Western holdupho horses were grabbed by heads

then some oneHands and nil out

Tills command was followed the dUof fire arms into the air and tho ex

losion of fire crackers The bride screamedid went into The bridegroom








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deniedHebron Under


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pIer-re master say1iko get










tried to outthe horses getting beyondcontrol ran away ran two blocksbefore they were stopped by thewith of some or menmode tire attack

By this time the bride had fainted butnot satisfied

swarmed again andtried to both tho bridegroom-out of the vehicle-

So much of tho town an was on the streethad followed the carriage and when theylearned what tho was aboutused to expressing their opinion-of thewhole

The driver when he found a socalled was played danderup and exclaimed-

Let mo or Ill break the first headI can reach

Those not of the holdup cheeredthe sentiment and whatever as-

sistance the driver need The clubmen thought evidently it was a goodtime to escape and did so

After had been revived and hadbeen assured that her hat was still onstraight the newly wedded were driven-to the

rOTTIXGS 20IPVJudgments nt Absolute divorce were runted-

ulcrdai by illdmlecve to Rose liar

Lulgl p Ambrcal from MarruerlU D Attbrosl


jokercarl e




JUt Cbur rto

esm to I-

Hockectiull from John I hlockenhutl and


eooh wieelcwith a blrds ye glanoewhere this wonderful twentieth centuryhas brought the world Consult for anhour

The Literary Digestand know for as nowhereelse the rays of lighton nowhere else are tho voices In thewhisperinggallery brought to the earThis periodical in a largo way U the eyeend ear of the world

Here are just a few of the forty or ftf ty tltnMrarticles In this weeks out to ctay

Capitalists Labor and Colorado Paperson Creek Crisis

Coolie or Italian Labor for the SouthThe Steamship Rate War and ImmlRra

Markham 01 the PoetryA New Word About Marie BashklrtieirAn Ant Worth Millions of DollarsFish That Have Voices vThe Romance of Secret Inventions tPlants that Give out SaltThe Vie Dynamite In Great FiresNew Payings of JeansThe Beginning QuakerismChristian Sole ce con

sideredUarooatkln Port Arthur and the Japa-

nese ArmiesGerman Certainty of Japans Ultimate

FailureFrance Planed Between Morocco and the

United StatesOmission to Make Trouble In

Macedonia38 to 64 Pso s Weekly Illuitrate-



It U quality that hit mad thename Letnalrt famous See tbtt thisname spelled LEMAIRB uabov ii on the end and aroundthe eye of Opera andField you you

will buy worthless imitationsrupOBribU

U Mt IB World fc rr tallTHK TUbS J C-

On Tears experience Telephone 170 nth it-

r 4wmy cot Mth St New Yorkand Ith Jerr Oily

rORAOE WAREHOUSE AND MOVINGWrits or telephone lutemUiu


yer Pat Collins Starts the Committoners at a Botton Banquet

BOSTON June 24 Members of the hen-

ry board of Philippine oommiadone-ned on by the remarks of Mayor Patrick j

Collins broke loose on Filipino lade V-

mdenoe at a banquet given to them byST Bates last night To say thati thereu a midden change fa tie atmosphereirdly ilmrrllini the nltrnr rf re n ili j

the many promient Republicansnt Mayor Collins and few Demo-

te at the table chuckled to themMlr ei

Mayor Collins began his remarks by

Fellow dtizenB and recently pacifiedfrom the

Then he told there was anotherinvention of the Republicans

the lines ofstock arguments

of the efforts of Oov Bates to startto the direction again those

them who followed refused to turned

a Manila lawyer urgedat Congress its Intention re

would never be satisfied untiltoy obtained absolute Independence The

theof his views

To make matters worse when the leeis served cameMn a little red box sur-

mounted a naked colored withInky hair around the waist The delegates

v Bates says It was a mistake on theof the caterer


et Rail Conies Accident In PhiladelphiaSeriously Injured

PmtaDKLPHi June 24 Wet railsused a collision this afternoon betweenwestbound Columbia avenue car arid airthbound Willow Grove oar In Thtoath street Five pomona are in hospitalsriously hurt while nearly a score were

ken home suffering from cuts andulseflThere ia a slight down grade In flitenth street near Columbia avenue and OB-

e Willow Orotre oar neared the crowing

otorman applied the brakesie wheels refused to however ande car slid at a rapid rateAt Columbia avenue it struck a westund car The force of the impact wasich that the Columbia avenue car wasfted from the tracks whirled around at

angles and then buffeted Thintenth street for fifty feet Nearly every

ie in the Columbia avenue ear wasito the street but the Willow Grove pasngers were uninjured Many women

and for a time greatest excitetent prevailed-As a score men rushed forward to ex

the from the wreckagers Catherine years was

id the wheels were within A row Inchesher body She Is not expected to rp



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Sparrows Take Refuse Under a Hen tn aStorm

UTICA Juno 24 Tho Rev J W Wicks

of Paris Hill reports an odd occurrenceYesterday during a thunder storm-a English sparrows whichwere exposed to a severeflew a Bhed where they founda hen brooding someThe frightened took refuge underthe remained until the storm

There was no objection raidedly hen or chickens

SUNSHINEfor the coffee wreck

POSTUMa-s 10 days trial proves

Get the lltUe book me Road to Wetvllle la pkjt

Worlds Fair exhibit Space lOsAgricultural Building

