  • The Order of Peace Weavers…

    Peace Prayer Book Wiccan Prayers, Spells and Rites for Peace

    A Gift to our world from the members of The Order of Peace Weavers of The Correllian Nativist Tradition

    ©2012 Theresa Helton Ott. All Rights reserved. Please feel free to share this file with everyone. All we ask is that neither this file nor its contents be altered in any

    way. Each prayer is owned by its author. Please respect their copyright. Blessed by Our Lady and Lord, protected by Them and dedicated to Peace in our

    world. Blessed Be Peace!

    The Order of Peace Weavers

  • January

    January Peace Prayer ©2010 Rev. Theresa Helton (Moonraven)

    Blessed Divine Parents, Most beloved Lord and Lady,

    we request your presence and guidance in our circle as a blessing

    of our efforts to raise power for Peace.

    As the Wheel of the Year turns we find ourselves at the dawn of

    a new decade. We see this as a chance to further

    grow as Peaceful beings and to share our Peace with our family of mankind.

    We pray this prayer as a blessing

    and a wish for the light of compassion and love to shine within the hearts

    of all beings; that we may each see the precious gift that is the

    Lord and Lady within. For this is our Peace.

    Bless the Peace workers of the world who come from all faiths and walks of life, just as we do.

    In the meaning of Namaste,

    may we honor that place in each of us where the entire Universe dwells. May we honor the place in one another

    which is of love and truth, and of light and peace.

    When we are each in that place within ourselves, we are One.

  • May Peace continue to grow and spread

    from heart to heart, being to being, like a gossamer web

    until the planet shimmers with Peace and Love for eternity.

    As above, so below.

    As within, so without, and so it is with Peace.

    In gratitude for all things,

    and for Your Divine presence here with us. Blessed Be Peace on our planet and in our world.

    In perfect love and perfect trust and perfect Peace. May the Blessing be upon all!

    So Mote it Be.

    Peace Prayer for January, Yr. 11 Aquarius

    Divine Lord and Lady Parents of all creation

    We call upon you now to bless our efforts and this circle

    to your service as weavers of Peace.

    The year begins anew the wheel of time turns.

    We are the ones we have been waiting for. We gather together in prayer and

    circle to raise power for Peace.

    From our hearts, we stir the cauldron of love. From our hearts, we send love as harmony.

    From harmony, we empower Peace.

    May the music of Peace flow continuously and fully to all that exists.

    May the beauty of its sound caress the ears of every being and may it sing from every heart.

    May the music of Peace fill the empty hearts with love. And may the empty places of the world be filled

    with Love that Peace may prevail.

    Bless all who give love and weave Peace.

  • Bless all with abundance and prosperity, Radiantly good health and well-being.

    May all blessedly know Peace. So Mote it Be!

  • February

    Peace Prayer for February Year 11 Aquarius Given by Rev. Theresa Helton (Moonraven)

    We come before you,

    our blessed Divine Parents, Mother and Father Godde,

    requesting your presence and love in our circle of Peace.

    It is the time of the turning of the wheel of the year

    and we prepare to re-awaken ourselves to the wonders and the beauty of the season.

    We continue to raise energy for Peace

    in our prayers and workings each in our own way, together. We strive to be examples of Peace and Love

    for all we meet.

    In our hearts we nurture our inner Peace, sharing it freely with all that exists, knowing that true and lasting Peace

    comes from the Love within which is Your gift to all.

    May we, by example, honor You with our efforts at sharing our love and Peace. May Peace radiate from our loving hearts.

    May the light of Peace touch the hearts of all beings.

    In Peace, from Love, we pray for the healing of the bodies, hearts and minds of our loved ones and all beings.

    We send you, our Divine Lord and Lady, our

    deepest love and gratitude for all your blessings. With Love, Peace and healing to all...So mote it be!

    Blessed Be!

  • February Peace Prayer...Given by Rev.Theresa Helton (Moonraven) ©2010

    Blessed Lord Godde and Lady Godde,

    We invoke your presence here as we send energy for Peace.

    We know that Peace, as it is Above, is true and perfect,

    And that we can co-create it in our world. As above, so below.

    We recognize the need to strengthen our inner Peace that we may

    insure Peace without. As within, so without.

    This is our purpose.

    We raise personal power for Peace. We claim Peace for ourselves. We send Peace to our world.

    We embrace our planet with Peaceful energy, And it is so.

    From heart to heart

    we connect our web of Peace and share it with the world.

    As Correllians devoted to the promotion of Peace, we raise our power

    as One and honor our Ancestors with our Peaceful endeavors.

    We bless the children of the future with our efforts on behalf of Peace.

    May they know a world without boundaries and a freedom that only true Peace can bring.

    May our Light of Peace shine for all to experience.

    May we continue to embrace the Earth in our Web of Peace and may we continue to hold that energy.

    With Peace comes the freedom to

    live as our Blessed Lord and Lady have intended, In perfect love, perfect trust, and perfect Peace.

    We claim it...and it is so.

    In gratitude for Your presence and for your many blessings. May the Blessing be upon all.

    Blessed Be Peace...So Mote It Be.

  • March

    March Peace Prayer Given by Rev. Theresa Helton (Moonraven) © 2010

    Divine Parents, source of all that is we request the honor of your

    presence in our magickal circle of prayer for Peace.

    Where we openly share

    the peace within ourselves with our world and our planet,

    may we also recognize the need to open ourselves to the Peace

    that exists and radiates from You, our Divine Source.

    There is Peace in the Universe, Our awareness is drawn to it.

    We know that it is your gift to us.

    We recognize that our prayers and magickal energies

    work to enhance the Peace that is, and that as we pray we continue

    to strengthen the naturally existing web of Peace that embraces our

    world and our planet.

    We pray that all beings will re-awaken to this naturally occurring Peace that

    resonates from all that is. It is the breath and essence of

    our Divine Lord and Lady. It is the spark of life and love

    that resides in all things.

    May the Peace and love that resonates as the aura of the Universe, also resonate in

    our aura as well. May we honor the Goddess and God

    by recognizing it and opening our senses to its presence everywhere we go.

    May we strive to 'sense' this Peace that

  • dwells well as cultivate the Peace which resides within.

    In so doing, we share Peace with our world and our planet.

    May our continuing Prayers for Peace

    spread like seeds in the garden that is Earth. May they grow and bear fruit to feed the

    masses who hunger for Peace.

    In gratitude for your presence and guidance.

    May the blessing be upon all! So Mote It Be! Blessed Be Peace!!

    Peace Prayer for March, Yr. 10 Aq.-Given by Rev. Theresa Helton (Moonraven)©2010

    Peace Heart Prayer Spell

    You will need your wand for this Prayer Spell. If you do not have a wand, you may use the index finger of your power hand. Though this is a prayer and

    a circle is optional, you may perform this Prayer Spell in circle if you like by

    closing and opening it as is your custom.

    The intention: To awaken awareness of Peace through Love in all beings. Keep this as your focus throughout the working.

    Holding the Kell and Fondle (the handle)

    of your wand between your palms with its Steck and Lants (body) pointed upward, say:

    "Blessed Lord and Lady, Our Divine Parents, we invite your presence

    as we gather in prayerful working for Peace through Love.

    Bless our circle with your loving Light."

    You will be 'drawing' the Peace Heart symbol in the air before you with your wand. It can be small or as large as you choose.

    The Peace Heart Symbol

    1. Pointing your wand directly in front of you, trace a heart shape whose color is rich emerald green. Beginning in the middle, forming the hump to the right

    and down to the bottom point (center tip), then upward toward the left and forming the left hump

  • and connecting the heart shape in the center between the two humps (center point).

    Now, visualizing your green heart shape in front of you, you will be tracing a Peace symbol in the center of the heart.

    Using your wand, trace a radiant pink line starting at the top center point (between the two humps)

    going down to connect with the bottom center tip. (The heart now has a straight line down its center.)

    Next, at the middle point of the center line trace the two arms of the Peace symbol. You now have a Peace Heart symbol

    (a green heart with a pink Peace symbol in the center). Note: the green of the heart represents the color

    of the heart chakra and the pink of the Peace symbol represents the color correspondent related to love.

    Say: "From the love within comes inner Peace. I share these

    freely with all. In perfect love and perfect trust may the harmony of inner Peace prevail in all hearts.

    May we Blessedly Be Peace through Love."

    2. Now, with your wand, trace a blue circle (the color of Peace energy) clockwise around the Peace Heart symbol and make a light tap,

    like a flick, in the center of the big circle and as you tap, Say:

    "As I will, with harm to none, for the highest good of all concerned,

    So Mote It Be!"

    You have now released the' Peace Heart' energy to the Universe. You may now close your circle if you opened with one,

    or you may close with the following prayer of gratitude: Holding your wand between your hands as before, Say:

    "In gratitude for Divine presence

    and guidance, may true Peace prevail. May all hearts be as one. In perfect Love and perfect Peace.

    Blessed Be."

  • April

    Prayer Spell for the month of April, Year 10 Aquarius Given by Rev. Theresa Helton (Moonraven)© 2010

    We are united in Peace

    in the fullness of our Love as Your children, blessed Lord and Lady.

    And so it is that we ask Your Divine blessing on our work

    as Weavers of Peace.

    The prayer spell we now cast we empower through the

    invisible bond we strengthen as we hold hands across the miles.

    Our circle is cast in our hearts, united as one... in perfect love...

    and perfect Peace, and in the sharing of this energy.

    Our cone of power we raise in honor of

    the Ancestors who have shown us the way of Peace; In honor of Our Divine Parents who are eternal Love and Peace;

    In honor of our children who are the future of Peace. We hold our energy in Love...

    We release this spell as as a breath...

    With our magickal breath we inhale and empower it with Love...

    With our magickal breath we exhale and release it as... Perfect Peace.

    And it is so.

    May the web of Peace grow stronger and touch every heart.

    May perfect love and perfect Peace radiate from all beings.

    With gratitude to our Lord and Lady, The circle is open but never broken.

    As we will, so mote it be! May the blessing be upon all!

    Blessed Be Peace.

  • April 2011

    ©2011 Rev. Theresa Helton (Moonraven)

    Blessed Lord and Lady Honor us with your presence

    in our Circle as we raise power across the miles.

    In a world that is in turmoil we visualize a lasting Peace

    that begins within each being.

    We claim that Peace for all and manifest it within our lives

    and share it with those we meet and those we pray for.

    We live each day from love

    knowing that the joy it brings will further enhance the

    Peace we weave.

    We raise our hands in your honor for the blessings that flow from

    your bounty to all that is. We claim abundance, prosperity,

    healing for all your children, and it is so.

    In gratitude for Your presence,

    Love and many blessings. May we all give love and in so doing

    feel deep joy and thereby know true Peace.

    May the blessing be upon all! So mote it be!

  • May

    Peace Prayer Spell for May, Year 10 Aq.

    ©2010 Rev. Theresa Helton (Moonraven)

    As children of the Universe and beloved of the Lord and Lady,

    We gather in circle, in spirit, to raise our joined hands across the miles

    for Peace within all beings and thus within our world.

    (Visualize the Peace you are sending as seeds in your hands and see yourself

    tossing them to the stars) We sow our seeds of Peace in the starry gardens

    of the Universe to grow and illuminate every heart with Peace.

    We gather our love from deep within to fertilize them with this thrice chanted charm:

    “(Inhale) Love within...(exhale) Peace without. (Inhale) Love within...(exhale) Peace without. (Inhale) Love within...(exhale) Peace without.”

    A seed of Peace for every star, a star for every heart.

    May the light of love shine upon every being and light their hearts with love that they may know perfect Peace.

    May the eyes looking for illumination see the stars

    and recognize the natural Peace enhanced by the love and blessings of the Creators of Peace, our Blessed Divine


    May all beings recognize the Peace shining from hearts filled with love, and know that this is divine nature.

    From our hearts to all hearts, Perfect love, perfect trust, perfect Peace!

    Blessedly Be Peace! So Mote It Be!

    May the blessing be upon all!

  • June

    Peace Prayer Rite-Given by Rev. Theresa Helton (Moonraven) © 2010

    Divine Lord and Lady Godde, Parents of our hearts.

    We request your presence in our circle as a blessing for Peace

    and the resolution of conflicts between nations.

    We stand in circle across the miles united in one goal, Peace.

    We raise our hands together and direct the energy of Peace to the four directions.

    From Spirit (raise your hands above your head as if receiving and then say): "Peace flows from the Lord and Lady to blend with my inner Peace and we

    are One in Peace!" To the East, (Face east and say:) "Peace from within to all that is!"

    To the South (Face south and say:) "Peace with passion to all that is!" To the West (Face west and say:) "Peace from love to all that is!"

    To the North (Face north and say): "Peace with healing to all that is!"

    Where there is conflict between nations and individuals in our world,

    May love light all hearts. From Love, may Perfect Peace blossom in each heart. From Perfect Peace may Perfect Unity reside globally.

    May all who work to restore Peace be blessed. May those abroad be safely returned home.

    In Perfect Love and Perfect Peace

    Our circle remains unbroken as we work together

    In the flow of unity and Peace.

    May the blessing be upon all! So mote it be! Peace.

  • Peace Prayer Given June 2011- by Rev. Theresa Helton (Moonraven) © 2011

    In the light of Your divine presence, Divine Lord and Lady,

    It is with love in my heart, and unity of purpose,

    at I come together with my brothers and sisters of Light, to weave Peace through Love.

    Where there is turmoil and disaster,

    may our energy flow to fill the air with calmness and safety.

    May healing and comfort reach all in need, and restore Peace inwardly and outwardly.

    With arms out at your sides, palms up,

    raise them above your head until your palms touch, raising Peace energy through the Love within your heart, and say:

    I raise my cone of Peace and release

    Peaceful energy to the universe. Peace within, Peace without. Love within, Love abounds.

    Bless us, Lord and Lady, for we are your children.

    May we use your gift of Peace through Love to weave Peace in our world and on our planet.

    In gratitude for Your divine presence, May the blessing be upon all!

    So Mote it be!

  • July

    Given by Rev. Theresa Helton (Moonraven) © 2011

    This prayer spell involves a living circle which will stay with you as long as you desire. When you wish to release it, simply say: " I now open the circle of the Trinity of Peace. The circle is open but never

    broken." The image of the circle was given to me in meditation and represents the Trinity Circle and the eternal flow of Love, Joy and Peace-in unity.

    The daily working of this spell is an empowerment to Love, Joy and Peace. As members of the Order of Peace Weavers and the Peace Weavers group, we foster the finding the Peace within in order to see it prosper in our world, without. I hope you will enjoy this prayer spell. You will need your wand or you

    may use the index finger of your power hand (writing hand).

    Blessedly Be Peace, Rev. Theresa.

    The Triad of Peace. A Prayer Spell.

    Invocation: "Blessed Lord and Lady,

    I seek your presence here to further empower this Peace prayer spell.

    May your blessing be upon us as we commit our united energy to this spell working,

    With harm to none, for the highest good of all concerned.

    From Love we experience Joy, from Joy we are Peace. Like a continuing circle, One flows to the other.

    When we realize one, the others flow. May all awaken to the Triad of Peace."

    (Begin spell.) Raise your wand and present it to Spirit above. Say:

    "I cast the Triad of Peace to be, the change in the world I wish to see. I am this circle when it is complete,

    and share this blessing with all I meet."

  • Now point your wand at your feet (Love).Say: "The circle of Peace begins with love. I am the Love I wish to see."

    Now as if drawing a circle move your wand deosil (clockwise) pointing to just above your left shoulder. At the "10 o'clock" position (Joy) Say:

    " From love to joy the power grows. I send my joy for all to know."

    Now bringing your wand deosil (over your head and to the right) point at the "2 o'clock" position and Say:

    "From within me Peace does glow. To all that is I let it flow."

    Continue around back down toward your feet (6 o'clock position). Say:

    "Blessed be Love, Joy and Peace."

    Then bring your wand up with its kell (base) at your heart and its lants (tip) pointing toward spirit, Say:

    "The circle of Peace I do now close.

    It stays with me wherever I go. I send this magickal trinity without,

    Love, Joy and Peace to grow and sprout. So mote it be!"


    "With gratitude for your presence, Blessed Lord and Lady.

    Merry meet and merry part and merry meet again. May this blessing be upon all.

    Blessed Be Peace."

  • Peace Prayer for July, Yr. 11, Aq.

    © 2011 Rev. Theresa Helton (Moonraven)

    We ask your presence, Blessed Lord and Lady,

    Our Divine Parents. Be with us in our circle

    as we raise energy for Peace.

    Our Peace comes from within. Your blessed gift to all beings.

    May all hearts awaken to Peace within, from the heart,

    From Love.

    May we live our Peace. May we give our Love.

    Let us be an example of Living Peace through love.

    It is within our power,

    and the power of all that is, To co-create Peace through love.

    So may we, So mote it be!

    In gratitude for Your presence. May the blessing be upon all!

  • August

    This prayer was the first prayer offered by The Order of Peace Weavers when we came into being in

    August, 2009. Our very first prayer. By Rev.Theresa Helton (Moonraven) ©2009

    August Peace Prayer Order of Peace Weavers

    Blessed Goddess and God

    Source of all and the Oneness we share, we invoke your

    presence here as we gather in prayer sending positive

    energy toward Peace in our world and on our planet.

    May we work our magick

    toward the vision of a world without boundaries where all

    live in Peace and harmony.

    Blessed be those who gather in prayer and meditation,

    focused upon global Peace and the promotion of unity and respect for all beliefs.

    May the energy we send in our prayers waft over the

    planet like a silken web and may it touch the hearts

    of all beings with the strength of our love and the vibration

    of Peace in harmony.

    May we each be a light on the path of Peace and a beacon of

    love and joy. May we always honor You and our

    calling to Your service as weavers of Peace.

    Merry we meet, and merry we part,

    and merry may we meet again, in perfect love and perfect peace.

    In gratitude to Our Divine Source for your presence.

    Blessed Be.

  • Peace Prayer for August Yr. 10 Aq. Given by Arabethe©2010

    Divine Spirit of Peace Rain down among us

    Settle in our hearts with Love And wash away each bitter thought.

    Divine Spirit of Peace Gather in the crowds

    Breeze through the cities with Respect And sweep away disdain and pride.

    Divine Spirit of Peace

    Fire through the nations Purge dominance with Compassion And burn away prejudice and greed.

    Divine Spirit of Peace Grow strong and firm

    Shoot your roots from heart to heart Till Heavenly Peace reigns too on Earth.

  • August Peace Prayer 2011 Given by Rev. Theresa Helton (Moonraven)©2011

    Blessed powers of Earth,

    Air, Fire and Water. Divine Spiritual Parents

    Our Lord and Lady. We request you presence here as we raise energy for Peace.

    May we be the channels of

    divine Peace energy, directing it outward to all beings.

    With loving intent we send Peace energy

    from the heart to all that is.

    May we truly live our Peace and thus be an example to others, each and every day.

    It is from love that true Peace blooms. It is to this end that we dedicate

    ourselves as Peace Weavers.

    Bless our efforts as we work together as One.

    For so it is that, when we are each in a place in our hearts that is Peace, we are One.

    And so it is.

    With gratitude for Your presence. Merry meet and merry part and merry meet again!

    May the blessing be upon all. So mote it be!

  • September

    Sept 2009-Given by Rev. Theresa Helton (Moonraven)© 2009

    Most Blessed Mother Goddess and Father God,

    We invoke your presence here as we gather to co-create

    Peace through our Blessed Oneness.

    Blessed may we be in nurturing the Peace within

    ourselves that we may begin to share it with

    our family of mankind.

    In Perfect Love and Perfect Trust we stand together as Correllians and as a family sharing compassion and love in

    Peaceful harmony and sending this glorious energy out to

    the Universe.

    We see a time when the worry and stress

    of disharmony are a thing of the past and we claim it as being so.

    We see a time when Oneness

    will dwell within the hearts and minds of all and we

    know that it is so.

    As Peace and Harmony dwell Above, so it shall be below.

    As Peace and Love dwell within, so it shall be without. We claim this for our world and our Planet and it is so.

    We Bless all who pray, as we do,

    for Peace and Healing of our planet and our fellow beings.

    We pray for unity of all beliefs.

  • Merry we meet, and merry we part, and merry may we meet again, in

    perfect love and perfect peace. In gratitude to Our Divine Source

    for your presence. May the Blessing be upon all.

    September 2010 Peace Prayer given by Rev. Theresa Helton (Moonraven)

    Blessed Divine Parents Source of all life, love,

    joy and Peace. We invoke your presence

    in our circle as we empower the web of Peace.

    Bless us as we journey within to connect with the love and Peace that are your gift to all.

    From our hearts we empower the gossamer

    threads of the Web of Peace with our own inner Peace.

    (Visualize: Peace radiating from within

    your heart as vibrant blue energy. It emanates outward from your heart to all that exists. It empowers the Web of Peace with its vibrant Blue energy.

    Stay in this moment. When you are ready continue with the prayer...)

    We send Peace from within our hearts and share it with all in Love and Light.

    We accept your blessings as we

    encourage all in awakening to inner Peace. We embrace your words to us, Divine Mother:

    "...feel Peace and encourage it in others. Continue to inspire others to find

    it within themselves. This is the path to true Peace."*

    We thank our Lord and Lady, Godde,

    for Their Presence in our magick circle. As we know Peace within, So shall we see it without.

    Blessedly Be Peace! So Mote it Be!

    (*From message channeled on 6.26.10 by Moonraven.)

  • Sept. 2011 Given by Rev. Theresa Helton (Moonraven) ©2011

    Lord and Lady of our hearts, we request your presence

    in this circle of Peace. Bless our prayers

    and our efforts as Peace Weavers.

    For our Earth Mother we send healing energy by living from the heart,

    from Love.

    For our world we send Peace energy

    by living from the heart, from Love.

    For all life

    we send Peace by walking our talk,

    by living from the heart, from Love.

    From the love within our hearts

    comes the power to heal Mother Earth and to live in harmony with all life.

    May we always give love,

    and by doing so, feel joy and ...know Peace within, without and throughout.

    In gratitude for Your presence,

    Merry meet and merry part, and merrily may we meet again!

    So Mote it Be!

  • October

    Peace Prayer for Oct. 2009 ©Rev.T.Helton (Moonraven)

    Blessed Mother/Father Godde, Source of all life,

    We invite you into our circle of prayer and invoke your powerful energies to blend with ours.

    In your name we invoke the presence of the Elements, blessed by Spirit, To witness our prayers for the highest good of all concerned.

    In this sacred circle of prayer we focus upon a common goal , Peace.

    May Peace prevail in our world and on our planet. May we see Peace blossom in the physical plane (without)

    As it does in the spiritual plane (within).

    Bless all with Peace and well-being. May we cultivate it within ourselves

    And in so doing, aid others in finding it within themselves That our Earth also may radiate with Peace and well-being.

    As we go about the business of life,

    We continue to send energy toward Peace; May the weaving of our web of Peace extend throughout

    The planet and embrace it with Peaceful and loving Energy which continues to grow each day.

    May our web be strong like our magick. May Peace, love and well-being flow through it and to

    All in need.

    May our web of Peace also act as protection Capturing any ill or bane intentions sending them to ground harmlessly in Mother Earth.

    With Samhain approaching, the veil between the worlds thins,

    And we are open to the guidance and direction of Our Ancestors who forged the path of Peace and who stand

    As guides and Lights on our path. May we continue to honor their example and share Peace, unconditionally.

    Bless all who pray, as we do,

    for Peace and the Healing of our planet and our fellow beings.

    We pray for unity of all beliefs., And it is so.

    As Peace is Above, So it is below..

    As Peace is Within, So it is Without.

  • Merry we meet, and merry we part, and merry may we meet again, in

    perfect love and perfect peace. In gratitude to Our Divine Source

    for your presence. May the Blessing be upon all.

    Blessed Be…

    Revised Triad of Peace, Prayer Spell for October.

    The Triad of Peace Prayer Spell. You will need your wand for this prayer spell, or you may use your index finger.


    "Blessed Lord and Lady, I seek your presence here

    to further empower this Peace prayer spell. May your blessing be upon us as we

    commit our united energy to this spell working, With harm to none, for the highest good of all concerned.

    From Love we experience Joy, from Joy we are Peace. Like a continuing circle, one flows to the other.

    When we realize one, the others flow. May all awaken to the Triad of Peace."

    (Begin spell.) Raise your wand and present it to Spirit above.

    Say: "I cast the Triad of Peace to be,

    the change in the world I wish to see. I am this circle when it is complete,

    and share this blessing with all I meet." Now point your wand at your feet (Love).”

    Say: "The circle of Peace begins with love. I am the Love I wish to see."

    Now as if drawing a circle move your wand deosil (clockwise) pointing outward to your right, (Joy), Say:

    "From love to joy the power grows. I send my joy for all to know." Now bringing your wand deosil (clockwise) and over your head and pointing it across your left

    shoulder and Say:

    "From within me Peace does glow. To all that is I let it flow." Continue around back down toward your feet. Pointing at your feet,

    Say: "May I always walk the true path of Peace and by doing so, encourage it in others. Blessed be Love, feel

    Joy and know Peace."

  • Then bring your wand up with its kell (base) at your heart and its lants (tip) pointing toward spirit, Say:

    "The circle of Peace I do now close. It stays with me wherever I go.

    I send this magickal trinity without, Love, Joy and Peace to grow and sprout.

    So mote it be!" Closing:

    "With gratitude for your presence, Blessed Lord and Lady. Merry meet and merry part and merry meet again.

    May this blessing be upon all. Blessed Be Peace."

  • November

    The Peace Prayer November was graciously written by our own Maven Noreen. ©2009 Noreen Jameson

    Blessed Godde, Divine Mother and Father

    Creator of all life, Our circle of prayer

    requests your Presence to join with Spirit

    in obtaining personal peace, Thereby radiating World Peace.

    May those who have perceived

    us as their enemies be rendered harmless.

    May Mother Earth be restored in Perfect harmony,

    with all peoples living together as was intended to BE.

    We call upon the Elements

    supremely designed, to center within our hearts,

    giving us deep peace and serenity.

    As within, it radiates without.

    Let our Ancestors guide our steps toward Peace, may we Light the way for

    our Children, who are the future. May your web of Protection

    encircle us all, as we pray for the Highest Good

    of All Concerned.

    n Gratitude, we praise those who have worked tirelessly toward our goal of Peace.

    As we continually learn the importance of Forgiveness,

    Let us DO so, with injustices placed in the past, where

    only distant memory resides. And so it is!

    So mote it BE! Blessed BE! Amen!

  • Peace Prayer Rite for November2010

    “Blessed Goddess and God Parents of all creation

    Bless our circle as we unite and raise power for Peace.”

    (At each direction say the words and then raise your hands as if offering a gift and repeat the blessing


    East: “Our goal is Peace.

    Our path begins within. We open the door of our hearts and flood the earth with love.

    Your gift to us, our gift to each other.”

    Blessing Charm: “When I give love, I feel joy and thereby manifest Peace. I share this gift with all that is. May it manifest in others. Blessed Be.”


    “From giving love, we open to feeling the elation of joy, the highest

    emotional vibration. We send our love empowered

    by the energy of joy, may it fill the ethers.”

    Blessing Charm: "When I give love, I feel joy and thereby manifest Peace. I share this gift with all that is. May it manifest in others. Blessed Be.”


    “By giving love we feel joy... and thereby we know Peace.

    This is the path to true Peace.”

    Blessing Charm: "When I give love, I feel joy and thereby manifest Peace. I share this gift with all that is. May it manifest in others. Blessed Be."


    “Give love, feel joy...know Peace. May all awaken to this, Your gift to us. May we weave the web of Peace with

    these tools.”

    Blessing Charm: "When I give love, I feel joy and thereby manifest Peace. I share this gift with all that is. May it manifest in others. Blessed Be."

  • Spirit: “Blessed Divine Parents

    we thank you for your presence in our circle.”

    Blessing Charm: "As above so below.

    As within so without. From the love within,

    empowered with joy, Blessed be Peace." So Mote it Be.

  • December

    December Peace Prayer. Given by Rev.Theresa Helton (Moonraven) ©2009

    Blessed Goddess and God, Divine Parents, we invoke

    your presence here to empower our circle of Peace with

    your Loving Light.

    Bless all who gather, as we do, in prayer, meditation, and energy

    working for Peace. May our Light shine brightly

    on the path for all to see.

    May we find within ourselves the Peace we want to see without, for this is the path to Harmony.

    May we nurture the Love within,

    for this is the source of Peace and harmony, that will prevail.

    Together, in perfect love and Perfect trust,

    we raise power for Peace. We release it to the Universe in our thoughts

    and breath and deeds; it's radiance emanates

    from every fiber of our being. We see all living in Peace and sharing

    equally, from Mother Earth's bounty in Oneness, and it is so.

    May the gentle web of Peace embrace

    all that exists and flow with compassion sparking awareness of the

    Oneness that all share. May it inspire Peace in all hearts.

    May our efforts here prove to honor

    You, our Divine Parents, and our beloved ancestors and foster Peace for the future

    of our children and our Earth Mother.

    As Peace and Harmony dwell above, So shall it be below.

    As Peace and Love dwell within,

  • So shall it be without. We claim this for our world and our planet

    and it is so,

    Merry we meet, and merry we part, and merry may we meet again, in

    perfect love and perfect peace, For the highest good of all concerned.

    In gratitude to our Divine Source for your presence. So Mote It Be!

    May the Blessing be upon all! Blessed Be Peace!

    Peace Prayer for December 2010 Given by Rev. Theresa Helton (Moonraven) ©2010

    Blessed, Divine Parents,

    Lord and Lady of our hearts. We request your presence here

    In our circle of power as we share Our love and inner Peace with the world.

    May all beings open themselves to the

    gift of love that is within their own hearts. In doing so, may they feel the joy that comes From this awakening and in turn know Peace.

    May inner Peace be the gift that is given freely.

    May all beings live from love. May all beings awaken to the magick of love

    And the power it has to change all things.

    Blessedly we join together to raise our loving energy. We ‘see’ our love and Peace flowing outward to all that is.

    May we each shine our light on the path to true Peace, helping others to find their way.

    We know that Mother Earth is sacred and she is ailing. By living in harmony, love and Peace we

    can heal our Earth Mother as well as ourselves.

    We pray that you bless our efforts as your children. We pray that we honor You, Our Divine Parents,

    As we continue in your service and in service to all who seek.

    In gratitude for Your presence, guidance and Your love. Merry meet and merry part and merry may we meet again.

    In perfect love and perfect Peace.

  • So Mote it Be!Peace Prayer December 2011 Given by Rev.Theresa Helton (Moonraven) ©2011

    Blessed Godde, Our Divine Lord and Lady,

    we request your presence in our circle of Peace to

    bless our efforts as Peace Weavers.

    At this time there is much turmoil in our world and on our planet. May your Light of Peace grow

    from a tiny spark within each being, to a powerful flame born from the

    Love within each heart.

    May I be a shining example of Living Peace in the world.

    May I live from the heart, from Love, and thereby encourage others to do the same.

    May I always remember that the wish

    for joy in our world is also a blessing of Peace through Love.

    May the flame of Peace warm

    the hearts of all. May I be a Light on the path to true Peace. I fill this prayer with the energies of Peace,

    From the Love within my heart. May the blessing be upon all!

    In gratitude for your presence in this Circle, Merry meet and merry part and merry meet again.

    So Mote it Be!

  • A Childs Poem of Peace

    ©2008 Rev.Theresa Helton (Moonraven)

    The sun shines like an orange

    High above it glows!

    It brings us warming energy

    That helps the plants to grow.

    The sun is just a big bright light

    That rises every day

    And lights the earth up brightly

    So I can see to play!

    The sun light is like peace That rests on everything I see

    I feel its loving energy

    And it feels good to me.

    I know that love is good for me

    I know that peace is too.

  • I want everyone to feel the very

    Same way that I do.

    So I pretend that I can swallow the sun

    And that loving light is in me!

    I walk about and shine my light

    For every one to see.

    I let my love shine brightly

    And send it every day!

    And one day when the sum comes up,

    In a world of Peace we’ll play.

  • “As above, so below.

    As within, so without.

    May all awaken to the Peace within,

    Share it with others,

    And thus begin the healing of our world and our planet.”

    So Mote it Be!

    The following individuals contributed their written works to this prayer book as members of The Order

    of Peace Weavers, and hold the rights, in totality to their own works

    ©2015 Theresa Helton Ott(Moonraven)

    ©2012 Maven Noreen

    ©2012 Arabethe

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