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PO Box 1436 Mildura, 3502 (P) 03 5021 2911 (F) 03 5023 2440 Email: [email protected] Belinda HudakAssistant Principal Ben Milsom Assistant Principal Andrew BanksBusiness Manager Jade Jackson

V O L 4 - M A Y 2 0 2 1

We would like to respectfully acknowledge the Wemba Wemba People and the Millewa-Mallee People and their Clans; Latje Latje, the Nyeri Nyeri and Ngintait, the Traditional Custodians of the Lands on which we meet and pay our respects to the Elders past present and emerging.

Term 2 is a busy term here at the Mildura Senior College. As the Unit comes to an end we are aware this new Lockdown and move to Remote Learning will create concerns for some students. Many students will have finished course work for their Units, however this week will be a good opportunity to catch up if they still have outstanding work to complete.

Due to Remote Learning, SACs and Assessment tasks that were scheduled to be completed this week will be moved to exam week and Students will not be disadvantaged.

Mildura Senior College uses Google Classrooms, College email and Webex to support Remote Learning. Students have been using Google Classroom and email throughout the year and therefore should be very familiar with how to use them during Remote Learning.

Students should be speaking with their teachers to ensure that they have completed all required work as we work together to ensure a successful end of Units 1 and 3. This month’s Student Learning Profile (SLP) is a key indicator of student progress at this point in the semester and Teachers and Sub School Leaders are here to assist if you have any questions. It is important that all students engage during Remote Learning. Students must make the effort to be online and work with their teachers to ensure that are not disadvantaged during any Remote Learning periods no matter how short they may be.

Students need both a device and internet for Remote Learning. Students needing support for internet or device access should also contact ICT Support to organise pick up from

June 3rd End of Units 1 & 3

June 4th Year 11 Revision Day

June 7th - June 11th Year 11 Exams

June 9th GAT

June 11th TTC Taster Day

June 14th Queens Birthday (Public Holiday)

June 15th Start of Units 2 & 4

June 16th Year 9 & 10 Parent Information Night

June 20th Open Day

June 24th NAIDOC Day

June 25th End of Term 2

June 28th - July 9th Term 2 School Holidays

July 12th Start of Term 3

July 23rd Year 12 Ball

the College. ICT Support can be obtained by either calling 03 5002 0201 or emailing [email protected].

Our College Office is currently working remotely during the lockdown period but we are here to help. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need support or further information on 5021 2911.


We wish Stacey Jacques all the best for the pending arrival of her new baby. We will see a change over of Sub-School Leaders, John Thomson will be replacing Nicole Hynes for the remainder of the year in the Leading Teacher role as Nicole moves back in to the classroom fulltime and Sharyn Byrne will be relacing Ineke Rogers while she is on Long Service Leave in Term 3.

We welcome Natalie Wescombe in our new Executive Assistant, Events Management and Public Relations role and Jessica Petrolo in our New Mental Health Practitioner role.

Belinda HudakPrincipal

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All students who are undertaking a Unit 3/4 subject are required to sit the GAT (General Achievement Test) which will occur in the College's Gymnasium on Wednesday 9th June. The GAT results are outlined to students in their end of year results from the VCAA.

Tertiary Trips (Year 11 and 12) The year 11 and 12 Tertiary Trips occurred from Monday 26th to 28th April and were to both Melbourne and Adelaide. MSC students got a great look at the tertiary institutions in the city of their choosing.

Becoming More Employable All of the subjects offered at Year 11 and 12 level aim to build both skills and knowledge in specific areas. However to be 'employable' in today's job market, employers are also looking for also evidence of personal skills like citizenship and generic employability skills. We encourage you to assist students to use holiday and other times wisely, to not only study but also volunteer somewhere to prove high levels of key competencies like communication, leadership and organisation skills as well as personal traits like empathy, reliability and initiative. Ideas could include assisting a local sporting club whether it be canteen or coaching and playing music for community clubs. This will also provide a great opportunity to obtain greater networks and people who are able to be a referee for you when trying to gain full time employment or some College Applications.

Student Services Centre Students are reminded that the Student Services Centre is where they will find the Sub School Leaders and Attendance Officer. If students have questions about their program or completing their certificate, attendance queries or just need general help they should go to the Student Services Centre for advice. To speak with a student’s Sub School Leader please call the College and follow the prompts or email them on:

Special Provision

Students with medical conditions, disabilities and exceptional personal circumstances are reminded that they can apply for Special Provision and/or Special Exam Arrangements. Students must see Anne Symes - Leading Teacher - Student Wellbeing for further information as soon as possible. All students who are already on the Special Provision list will have received letters.

Students missing SAC's If a student is ill on the day of a scheduled SAC, the student can still gain a score for the SAC if a Medical Certificate is provided for the day. For further information please contact your students Sub School Leader.

Assistant Principals' Semester Reports Semester Reports for all students will be included in the next mail out. The new report format will continue to show the level of achievement/understanding in each subject. Please take the time to discuss the report and reference the academic marks, along with the ratings matrix which links to our school values.

Parents are reminded that Term 3 is already 2 weeks into the beginning of the new Semester. The last day of classes for our Year 12's will be Wednesday 20th October.

Parent/Student/Teacher Conference #3 These were held on Tuesday 25th May from 5.00pm to 7.30pm and were promoted through our Compass portal and via text message. Parents are welcome to contact teachers and Sub School Leaders after this date if they have concerns about student progress. We will have a small number of students who must pass all their subjects in Semester 2 to complete their Certificate this year, or to be eligible to complete their Certificate next year. It is important that communication between home and school continues after this PST.

Student Learning Profile (SLP) #4 SLP #4 was completed in Week #6 of Term 2 and was available on-line from Monday 24th May. It shows student progress as we approach the critical time towards the end of the first academic semester. The SLP also informs parents/carers if their young person is 'at risk' of failing a subject.

MSC Website Our website contains a lot of information for parents, especially the Key Dates section. There is also a link for our 2021 Newsletters. Please check this on a regular basis.

SRC The SRC have recently undertaken some learning on varying leadership styles and their role in a team, when leading from the front, middle or back. Our portfolios within the SRC are working to have an impact on various parts of the school.

Parent Portal We would like to encourage all parents to access the parent portal on Compass on a regular basis. This is an important source of communication for issues relating directly to students, such as attendance, reports and PST Bookings. If you are in need of a new password or unfamiliar with log in details in general please phone the College on 5021 2911 and press 5 for assistance.

Subject Changes Change of subject night was held on Wednesday 26th May. This applies to Year 11 students only. If they wish to change one of their subjects for the second half of this year, they should collect a 'Change of Subject' form from their Pathways Teacher or Sub School Leader, fill it in, have a parent/carer sign it and return it to the Student Services Centre.

Mid-Year Exams & GAT Our Year 11 students will have a formal exam period at the finish of Semester 1. Nearly all subjects have an exam. They will be conducted in the College's Gymnasium. This will occur from Monday 7th June through to and inclusive of Friday 11th June. Exams are graded and the grade appears on students Semester Reports.

Brooke Summers [email protected]

Kate Bourchier [email protected]

Rob Sinclair [email protected]

Anne Symes [email protected]

Ineke Rogers [email protected]

Karen Boyce [email protected]

John Thomson [email protected]

Nicole Hynes [email protected]

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Student Drivers If students are driving independently to school they must register their car with the front office. There is a short form to fill out that indicates who the car belongs to in case of an emergency or accident.

Student Drivers are reminded they are not permitted to transport other students during the school day. This includes lunch and recess time.

Holidays A reminder that 'holidays' are a great time to recharge. However, it is also a great opportunity for the following:

• Students enrolled in a Year 12 subject to go over Unit 3 course work and previous assessments in early preparation for the End of Year Exams. Every minute spent now is a valuable head start compared to leaving all revision to Terms 3 and 4.

• Students completing a VCAL Certificate should be organising their Work Placement arrangements. Students exclusively involved in Year 11 VCE should take the opportunity to develop a manageable revision schedule.

• Year 11 students should think about completing volunteer work to develop employability skills and to enable them to participate in the Latrobe Aspire program.



Year 12 Formal The Year 12 Formal is currently being organised. We are hopeful that with the on-going adherence to COVID-19 protocols, restrictions will be sufficiently relaxed in time for our Year 12 students to enjoy the Formal Ball. More information regarding this will be released as soon as possible.

Ben Milsom and Andrew Banks Assistant Principal Team

If students wish to deepen their subject knowledge, catch up on school work, or get ahead in the classroom, they are

encouraged to attend Homework Club after school in the Library.

As Winter is setting in, fewer and fewer students are staying until 5:30pm.

As of Monday 13th June (2nd last week of Term 2, the week after students have been away for the exam week)

HOMEWORK CLUB on Mondays, Tuesday and Wednesday will finish at 5:00pm.

Times run weekdays from 3:00pm to 5:00pm, or Wednesday mornings.

Thursday has a special focus for students who identify as speaking English as an Additional Language. An English, Humanities, Chemistry and Math teacher are available on most days for content specific assistance. Posters are up in

the library with more information.

Nina (Homework Club Coordinator)

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Until recently, students would have been invited to attend a Your Opportunities Unlimited (YOU) Session at one of the Defence Force Recruiting Centres (e.g. Albury/Wodonga. Due to the unfolding COVID-19 situation, the ADFA are now running this process online and over the phone.

If you need more information the direct contact number for Defence Force Recruiting Albury is (02) 6051 4999, the office is staffed from 8:30am – 4:30pm Mon – Fri. Outside of office hours our Customer Relationship Centre can be contacted on 13 19 02.

Latrobe early entry offers for Year 12 studentsIf your child goes above and beyond for their community, we want to do the same for them. Aspire applications are now open for our 2022 intake.

If your child has been a leader, a volunteer or a key part of the community, we want to know about it. Aspire rewards your child's volunteerism with an early conditional offer into their chosen course at La Trobe.

With Aspire, your child can lock in their future now and set themselves up to succeed.

Need more information?

Join one of our Aspire webinars to find out more about the program, the benefits and how to apply. ATTEND A WEBINAR >

Extra study support in Year 12

The Aspire Advantage gives your child access to hundreds of free VCE and HSC study guides from EdUnlimited as soon as they've submitted their Aspire application. They'll also be able to sign up to Year 12 revision lectures in July and September.

Pathways to Tertiary

Pathways to Tertiary is an online series organised by the National Disability Coordination Officer program, open to all secondary education students who have access requirements due to disability and/or chronic health condition. The aim of Pathways to Tertiary is to provide students with information on the various pathways and available supports to assist with a successful transition from secondary education into tertiary education. There are also specifically tailored sessions for parents/guardians, carers and educators.

Students can register and access recordings from previous sessions at:

This free event is open to all secondary education students with disability and/or chronic health condition throughout Australia, and their parents/guardians and educators.

Richmond Institute of Sports Leadership Live Information Session

All prospective students and their parents are invited to join us live to learn more about the Certificate III in Community Services –Health and Leisure (CHC32015) School Based Traineeship in partnership with Swinburne University of Technology.

From the

Year 12 2021 Course Application for Universities, TAFE and Private Colleges Open in August. They are completed through the Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre.

Dates for the 2021-2022 selection period are now available.

Monday 2nd August 2021 Applications open for courses, SEAS, and scholarships

Thursday 30th September 2021 Timely course applications close

Friday 8th October 2021 SEAS and Scholarships applications close

7am, Monday 13th December ATAR and VCE results released

4pm, Tuesday 14th December Change of preference deadline for December offers

Monday 20th December December offers released

Friday 14th January January offers released

The Change of Preference window between the release of the ATAR and the December Change of Preference deadline has been extended as long as possible while still allowing tertiary institutions the time required to conduct selection for courses. Applicants will also have the opportunity to change their course preferences between the December and January rounds.

Special Entry Access Scheme (SEAS) COVID-19 remote learningIn order to recognise the impact of COVID-19 shutdowns and remote learning on students completing VCE studies in 2020, the streamlined remote learning process as part of SEAS Category 4 will be retained in 2021. Schools will be able to enter ratings via VTAC Course link from 2nd August.

ADFA – Defence Force Recruiting 25 Year 11 & 12 students attended a Defence Force information session on Tuesday 18th May. Students were taken through the jobs areas available and the process involved in applying for Officer Entry, General Service entry & Trades Entry. They also covered the Gap Year and Sponsored Undergraduate entry processes as well.

General Entry Application Process Go to defence force website to make an application.


Link to see programs that are available and the job description of each. ADFA would prefer that 3 job preferences are entered. gap-year?page=1&perPage=21&query=

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Mildura Senior College Senior VCAL students

Structured Workplace Learning Arrangements

3rd May – 7th May 2021

More than 50 Senior VCAL Personal Development Skills & Work-Related Skills students were recently hosted by local employers to complete their mandatory one-week Structured Workplace Learning (SWL) arrangements. Students arranged placements with host employers in many different industries such as Retail, Community Service, Automotive, Building & Construction and Hospitality.

Nick Goodieson Careers & Tertiary Advice Coordinator

Mildura Senior CollegeRespect. Resilience. Responsibility. Independence. Success.

Key topics covered will include:

• Program structure & units

• Student experiences

• Industry partners

• Pathways and Employment opportunities

The course will be delivered from Aligned Leisure facilities in the following locations:

Wednesday 23rd June at 6:00pm (Mildura) Session Duration: 30 minutes

The sessions currently scheduled to run face-to-face may change with short notice due to COVID-19 restrictions.

WEBSITE link to register:

Intermediate Year 11 Structured Workplace Learning ‘Just a reminder to students and parents that INTERMEDIATE YEAR 11 VCAL students will be participating in Structured Workplace Learning arrangements the week beginning 9th AUGUST – 13th AUGUST

Our Workplace Transition Coordinator, Nick Goodieson encourages all students to start seeking out potential employers. Please do not hesitate to contact Nick for further information regarding Structured Workplace Learning arrangements, School Based Apprenticeships and Traineeships or any general employment questions.

Email [email protected] Phone 5002 0209

Career Appointments Don’t forget that students and/or parents can make appointments to see Lavina Hamilton for Careers and Tertiary advice at any stage between the hours of 8:30am and 4:30 pm. They can email: [email protected] and make an appointment, or by phoning 03 5002 0227

Lavina Hamilton Careers & Tertiary Advice Coordinator


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VET News On Wednesday 28th April, students in Certificate II VET Business participated in an industry visit excursion to Lower Murray Water to learn about the different job opportunities available. The students listened to Carolyn White LMW people and Safety Officer, Jacinda Stevens LMW Document Controller and Sean Pain LMW End User Computing Officer. Students found out the wide variety of employment opportunities there including areas such as Administration, IT, Human Resources and maintenance as well as high level management.

Students have another industry visit planned for the end of May heading to the Mildura Waves, where they will learn about the administrative processes involved in operating a large-scale business. Next term, the students will be heading to Mildura Rural City Council to have a look at the inner workings of the council. They will attend a wide variety of local businesses to help the students understand what kind of employment they may move into after they finish school.

ANZAC Day Our College Captains Lily Milsom and John Nghiem, and Vice-Captains Alejandra Retamoza-Modoo and Conner Pall, represented Mildura Senior College at the Commemoration Ceremony held at Henderson Park on Sunday 25th April.

They laid a wreath at the memorial and paid their respects on behalf of our College community. We thank them for the respectful and sincere manner in which they performed this solemn duty.

Lest we forget.

Around IDAHOBIT Day International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Intersexism and Transphobia.

To celebrate and share our support for IDAHOBIT DAY, Mildura Senior Collee held an event at lunchtime on 17th May in the Covered Outdoor Learning Area.

Following the opening remarks from Assistant Principal Andrew Banks and SRC Members, many talented music students performed on the day to entertain the crowd.

In support of the LGBTQIA community, many staff and students wore rainbow colours and dozens signed the huge rainbow banner to show their solidarity.

A BBQ with sausages, cupcakes and drinks for sale saw plenty of food and refreshments for the large crowd attending, with all funds raised going to the Minus18-Youth - an organisation which aims to improve the health, wellbeing and safety of same-sex attracted and gender diverse young people.

Mark Storm

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Kevin Maunder SRC

SportsBoys SoccerGood afternoon, and what a lovely morning for soccer with all the boys it was!

Playing and losing 2-1 to St Josephs was not the highlight, however the boys were so awesome! What talent there was on the field, it was exciting to watch including our School Captian John taking the lead with the group.

Big thanks to Nick Goodieson for helping bus the students to and from the venue, also to Emma Broadbent who works tirelessly in making these events happen and organising all the shirts, balls and even most of the team!

Larisha Rowney

Volley Ball Had mixed results with the Boys winning through to the State Final on 21st May, but the girls just missing out.

The Boys started with Swan Hill and had an easy win 20-7, 20-9 and then had to face Bendigo Senior College which was a much tougher challenge. They managed to come out on top 20-17,20-15. The boys pulled together well as a team.

The Girls had one match and that was against Bendigo Senior College. They played well considering it was their first ever match together, but unfortunately going down in two 16-20,16-20. Fun was had by all.

Stephen Purcell

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Interschool Cross Country Ten intrepid runners took to Apex Park last Thursday to represent the school in the cross country event, five girls, five boys.

After solid warm ups and a motivational address from Jey, the boys completed their (just a bit over??) 5km run and the girls their 3kms.

They all started well and were putting in good performances.... until Jey rolled has ankle and couldn’t continue.

Overall, they were all amazing, completed extremely well and represented the school admirably.

Results -

Boys Benjamin Doherty 1st Jack Oldham 2nd Aaydn Healy 3rd Jack Hoyle top ten Jey Nziama DNF (rolled ankle)

Girls Lily Neagle 1st Alyssa Marks 3rd Emma Pyper 4th Erin Garraway top ten Shavonne Emanuelli top ten

Wendy Kelly

Golf Great round of golf by Ben Doherty in the recent district schools golf tournament held at Mildura Golf Club. Ben had a 1 over 37 score for 9 holes and qualified for the metropolitan round in Melbourne to be held in June.

Mark Tregeagle

A Victorian Department of Education P-10 school

for new arrival non-Englishspeaking students aged

5-18 years.

Students attend and learnEnglish before entering

mainstream schools.

We are currently enrollingfor 2021/2022.

If you know of non-Englishspeaking children in thecommunity please refer

them to us.

Enquiries call: 5051 4700

PEACE @ MELCPersistence, Empathy,

Aspira�on, Community, Engagement

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