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Principal’s Report Diary Dates Principal: Sharron Ward | Deputy Principal: Toni Ballard

2 Balfour St, Nailsworth SA 5083 | Ph: 8269 4622 | Fax: 8269 5330

Email: [email protected]

Student Absence email: [email protected]

Nailsworth P r i m a r y S c h o o l

NEWSLETTER # 14, 9th September 2020

Term 3, Week 8

Thursday 10 September R U OK? Day

Friday 11 September Walk Safely to School Day

Wednesday 16 September OSHC meeting

Friday 18 September Premier’s Be Active Challenge closes

Monday 21 September Governing Council meeting 7:30pm

Tuesday 22 September NPS Science Exhibition

Wednesday 23 September Senior Choir attending Festival Sing 2020

Thursday 24 September SRC Casual Day - Starlight Foundation Fundraiser (gold coin donation)

Friday 25 September Last day of Term 3 - Early dismissal 2:05pm

Project Based Learning Science Exhibition: Tuesday 22nd September 3pm to 5pm One of our major 2020 school improvement priorities has been to engage students in learning activities that promote higher order thinking. To this end, Assistant Principal Alex Kenefick, has worked with all class teachers in implementing a Project Based Learning Unit this term.

The idea behind Project Based Learning is to share student learning to an authentic audience and we would like to invite parents to come along and be the audience.

Subject to South Australia’s COVID-19 numbers continuing to stay down, we are planning for an exhibition, but we must ensure that this is conducted in a COVID-19 safe manner.

Our exhibition process will be as follows:• A reminder that any person (child, student, staff member, or family member) who is unwell or

symptomatic (even mildly) must not attend the school.• All adults will be able to enter via one of 3 gates. (Room 10, the Thomas Street Toilet Gate and Front

Office Gate). Specialist teachers will keep a register of attendees as each adult enters the school grounds.

• Within each classroom or exhibition area, there will be a limit of the number of family groups that can enter. These areas will be communicated closer to the date.

• Families will need to maintain a social distance of 1.5m apart.• There will be an entrance and an exit to the exhibition with hand sanitiser at each entrance.• At the close of the exhibition, the cleaners will clean all classrooms in readiness for school the next day.

Usually on such an event at NPS, it would also be a social/community time with lots of families staying to chat and children playing in the yard. Given the COVID-19 restrictions on schools, there won’t be such an opportunity.

It will be a time to come with your family group, stay together, view the exhibition and have a conversation with your child about their work.

This will be your child’s first opportunity to work with PBL. We therefore are expecting lots of not so perfect displays but a chance to ask your children to reflect and think about what would they do to move their work to the next level.

LOTE Survey – Single Language From 2021, I am proposing that we offer only one language, with that language being Italian. This is because I have found the organisation behind dual languages within a primary school budget increasingly unworkable.

Pictured: PBL Science Exhibition preparation and Numerical Acumen Semester 1 Awards

(Continued over)

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Nailsworth P r i m a r y S c h o o l

Principal’s Report (continued)

I am inviting parents to comment on this proposal, with the opportunity to comment concluding by COB Monday 14th September.

A survey was emailed to all families, but if you cannot access this survey please try this code. Alternatively email me personally and I will re-send the link: [email protected]

Department for Education Parent Engagement Survey To date, schools have conducted an annual survey for parents, where the results formed part of the school’s Annual Report.

This year the department is coordinating a centralised parent engagement survey. Once available, parents will be sent a link (unique to your school) via either email or SMS.

Please keep an eye out for this opportunity.

We will also publish the school’s unique survey link.

NPS Principal from 2021 As my tenure as Principal concludes at the end of this year, the position of NPS Principal will be advertised on Thursday in the government vacancies.

The selection of any Departmental Principal is a pre-determined process that includes the formation of a selection panel consisting of 4 members. The selection panel is chaired by the Education Director, with a parent representative determined by the Governing Council, a staff representative as elected by the AEU members and a peer Principal.

The panel then collects evidence to inform their decision, most often from a written application, interview and referee checks. This process would be expected to take a term with the successful applicant known hopefully before the end of the term.

I have decided not to apply for the position, instead my simple plan is to take extended leave.

Sharron Ward, NPS Principal

[email protected]

SRC Fundraiser

The SRC are excited to announce their first event for Semester 2. On the 24th of September, the SRC will be hosting a casual day in the hope to raise funds for the Starlight Children’s Foundation. The Starlight Children’s Foundation’s mission is to brighten the lives of seriously ill children and their families.

The Starlight Children’s Foundation provides a distraction from fear and pain, help sick kids create positive emotions, encourage social interaction, assist with identity formation and build self-esteem.

In the past, the Starlight Children’s Foundation have run a movie event during the month of September to raise funds. This term the SRC want to recreate this event with each class hosting their own movie screening at school. On the casual day students can dress in their PJs, onesies, ugg boots or anything comfortable, ready for a movie day in. Please remind students to bring a gold coin donation.

The SRC will be also be running an optional competition for classes to enter. The task is to create a ‘Starlight Super Hero’ that will brighten the lives of children who are ill. A name for the super hero, a coloured picture and 3 powers that the super hero possesses must be included. Classes have until the 21st of September to present their super hero.

The SRC are thrilled to be a part of supporting this worthy cause.

For more information on the Starlight Children’s Foundation, click on the links below:

Miss Iannucci, SRC Coordinator [email protected]

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Nailsworth Science Exhibition

Families are invited to attend: Tuesday the 22nd of September 3.05-5.00pm. Our students will be exhibiting the wonderful Science learning they have produced this term. Please come to see their wonderful work.

Please note: Covid-19 Restrictions will apply - more information will be sent home prior.

Year 7 - Friction The Year 7 group is exploring the effects of friction when applied on a variety of different surfaces using a familiar object/vehicle. Location of exhibition: Rooms 8 & 9

Year 6 - Electrical Energy Students have been getting hands on with electricity, creating models that contain electrical circuits. Their model is also required to demonstrate how electricity can be generated from a renewable energy source. On display will be the student’s models, along with their written explanation that explains how electrical energy can be transferred and transformed in electrical circuits and can be generated from a range of sources. Location: Room 7 & 7A

Design Technologies - Design a Shoe Students were asked to design and make a wearable shoe using design thinking processes. Location: Room 7A

Year 5/6 - Sticky Beaks There has been an environmental disaster in the Coorong National Park. An oil tanker has run aground and is leaching thousands of litres of oil into the fragile ecosystem. The students are Marine Biologists, employed by the South Australian Environment Protection Authority, and their teams have been assigned to find a solution that will save the pelicans in the Coorong National Park. How will they remove the oil from their feathers? Teams of students will give live demonstrations of their solutions to clean oil from the feathers. There will be a visual display of their scientific processes as well as video footage of their work. Location: Gym

Year 4 - Attractive Toy Company Students have been hired by the Attractive Toy Company to design a game or toy using forces. Students will show their toy/game and an advertising poster as part of our Attractive Toy Company Toy Shop. Upstairs Library Building - Rooms 13 & 16

Year 3 - Can Year 3s be Eco Warriors? Students have discussed and studied various environmental issues created by humans and their impact on the environment. They have posed questions, researched information and prepared a presentation to show their understandings and possible solutions. Location: Rooms 19, 20 and 21.

Year 2 - What can we do about the litter at NPS? The Year 2 students have designed a “campaign for change” to eliminate litter at Nailsworth Primary School. Students have researched various ways to reduce litter and have tried various ways to promote this to others at our school. Come and see what you can do to help! Location: Room 17, 18 and Volleyball court

Year 1 - The Science of Sound Make an instrument that can be heard by an audience and has never been seen before.

The Year 1 students have been studying physics this term in Science lessons. We have studied different types of instruments, how sound is made, sound waves and how people can hear. Students have been challenged to use their knowledge of this topic to create an instrument that can be heard by an audience and has never been seen before. Location: The Hub

Foundation Students - Animal Habitats The Foundation students have been learning about different habitats and the features that help animals to survive. Students will design their own creature to survive in a particular habitat. They will show their information report writing about animals too. Location: Rooms 2, 3, 4 & 5

Powerful Learners of Maths Challenge: Years 3-7 Students Nominated students have applied their mathematical knowledge to study an area of interest for judging in state-wide competition. Location: Hub open area

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Numerical Acumen Semester 1 Awards

Some teachers at our school have subscribed for their students to have 24-7 access to Numerical Acumen online, a game-based practice and

assessment environment.

Numerical Acumen’s aim is simple: to help develop the mechanical basics of a numerical mind in students.

Just five minutes a day inside Numerical Acumen’s games will:

• Increase the speed of recall of basic number facts and other mathematical facts.

• Improve accuracy when calculating.

• Improve speed when calculating.

Each semester there are challenges and students from Australia and New Zealand participate. The following students and one class have

received awards for Semester 1 in addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and fractions.

Bareeha - Year 3 Room 19: Inspirational Improvement and Improvement

Ava - Year 6 Room 6: Inspirational Improvement and Improvement

Eshal - Year 4 Room 13: Inspirational Improvement and Performance

Amelia - Year 6 Room 6: Performance

Ethan - Year 4 Room 13: Improvement

Oliver - Year 4 Room 13: Dedication

Hugh - Year 6 Room 6: Dedication

Mr Clisby and his students - Year 6 Room 6: Motivated Class

Congratulations to the award winners and we hope to see more recipients next semester.

Jodie Ralph

Assistant Principal Numeracy and Mathematics

[email protected]

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Nailsworth P r i m a r y S c h o o l

UNSW ICAS Mathematics Test

On Wednesday 2nd September, 76 students from Years 4-7 participated in the University of New South Wales ICAS Mathematics Test. The online tests were held in two separate sessions.

The assessments are designed to recognise academic excellence. Students are assessed on their ability to apply classroom learning to new contexts using higher-order thinking and problem-solving skills. Each participant receives a printed certificate of achievement. We look forward to recognising their achievements when the results are announced.

Jodie Ralph, Assistant Principal Numeracy and Mathematics

[email protected]

Exciting new additions to the NPS community

The NPS community has expanded by three!

Congratulations to our Year 7 teacher, Katrina Willson, on the safe arrival of beautiful Sophie Anne Willson on Monday 17th August.

Congratulations to our Year 6 teacher, Mitch Clisby and his fiancé Sarah, who welcomed two beautiful girls on Sunday 23 August.

Isla Marie and Billie Anne Clisby arrived just in time for Mitch to celebrate his first Fathers Day!


Indiya M and Elle R are representing the North Adelaide District SAPSASA team in this week’s Hockey State Carnival.

Good luck girls!

George Koulianos, PE Teacher

[email protected]

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R U OK? Day - Thursday 10th September

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Nailsworth P r i m a r y S c h o o l

Community Notices

Community Noticeboard

The school’s two notice boards are located on the Front Office

verandah and under the shelter by the volleyball court. This week the

following notices are displayed:

HEAD TO THE HILLS - Mountain Biking Skills and Activities.

Programs commencing soon. For more information, visit

CLIPBOARD ART SUPPLIES - Art Classes 7-10 years, 60 mins $18.

11-17 years, 90 mins $22. 105 Hampstead Road, Manningham.

Ph: 0416 950 495 or [email protected]

DARE TO DREAM - Athletics Holiday Clinic. 5-17 year olds. SA

Athletics Stadium, Mile End. Wednesday 30 September & Wednesday 7

October. Registrations close: Wednesday 23 September. Phone: 8352 8133


4:00pm daily. Wayville Sports Centre, $190/child. Limited places.

WALKERVILLE NETBALL CLUB - Net Set Go Come and Try, Girls

& Boys DOB 2015-2011. 2, 9 & 16 September 5:30-6:15pm at SAUCNA

Netball Courts. To register

Contact: [email protected]

ADELAIDE HARRIERS - Little Athletics Club - Ages 3-17. All abilities

welcome! Competition meets Fridays 6pm. Optional training Mondays

4.30pm. South Parklands: Corner Peacock Rd and South Terrace.

Register online for two free come-and-try sessions.


Upcoming College Tours - 22 September & 27 October, 9:30am &

5:30pm. 496 Regency Road, Enfield 5085. Visit

or phone 8269 8800 to book. Personal tour requests also welcome.

20th September 2020

@nationalwalksafelytoschoolday @natwalktoschool @natwalktoschool #WSTSD


@nationalwalksafelytoschoolday @natwalktoschool @natwalktoschool #WSTSD


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Community Notices (continued)

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