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My Challenge - Day 14

Look For Magical Moments In Your Internet Network

Marketing Business

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We’ve completed two full weeks!Hopefully, some of these has been helpful for you to really understand what it takes to become successful online.

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As I’ve mentioned before, I really believe in being as transparent as possible. It’s one of the best ways to lead, engage and connect with people. So today, I want to talk about something that has really affected me.

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Have you ever noticed that sometimes in your life something just automatically comes in at the right moment? In this case I’m talking about a book, audio or maybe even a friend that calls and tells you about something. I just happened to be driving this morning and I was flipping through some of my recordings.

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I listened to an Empower Hour call with Dave who was talking about magical moments. He was talking about how you want to look at all of the circumstances and little minute details that you sometimes overlook. They happen every day and actually leave a great impression on how you operate.

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It reminded me of a conference call where a gentleman was talking about how he had to overcome personal struggles-he had an addiction to alcohol and drugs.

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Ultimately, he had to define himself as an individual who had more potential than he previously thought. At the same time, he was constantly growing and developing despite his addictions.

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He wanted to basically be an individual that didn’t have to work for a job, didn’t have to clock in everyday and had control of his own personal life.

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But the difference here was that he was willing to sacrifice and was willing to go through some of those uncomfortable moments in his life to basically be free.

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One of his biggest problems was that he was constantly in pain. To fix this, he turned to exercise and weightlifting as a way to occupy his mind and break free. He had these different types of endorphin highs from the exercise. He became dependant on exercise to just sustain his body.

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As he was going through this, he realized that he could be a personal trainer and help other people.

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However, he didn’t like that there are only so many patients he could help in a given amount of time. Eventually, he decided to open his own business. He offered some supplements to go with his weight training and regimen.

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At first, he was peddling these different vitamins out of his car. He struggled just trying to make regular payments-to survive.

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Despite all of that, it allowed him to really develop himself. He wasn’t just a sales person, boss, or janitor; he was the all-in-one person for his business. Through that experience he understood the value of hard work and dedication.

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The thing about network marketing is that sometimes we take it for granted due to the fact that it’s a form of franchise business. It gives you a product, a blue print and something to model, but when you compare that to traditional business, it’s very different.

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When I hear these stories of people that had to overcome tremendous hurdles, I look at my own life. Having to start your own business is so different from developing network marketing. There’s so much liability, and personal funding needed.

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At the end of the day, he was able to develop himself. He could define who he was.

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You have to quiet your mind so that you can really understand who you are. You have to reflect and think about where you are currently and how you can develop yourself over time.

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I specifically remember in my own life having to say, “Kevin are you ready to take the next leap of faith? Are you ready to believe in the next thing? Are you ready to change your life, and who you are?”

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That was personal development and accepting the fact that I wasn’t perfect. I still had more to learn.

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Things just started to happen. I was able to help other people figure out who they are and develop themselves too.

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Magical moments in your everyday life are really something you need to pay attention to. Just think about it. Perhaps you’ve forgotten about them, but suddenly it becomes unleashed by hearing me talk about these things.

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I started to accept more challenges and learn from my mentor who knew more about me than I did. By overcoming those struggles and emptying my cup, I became someone that was approachable.

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I challenge you to think about them on a daily basis. Write them down, post them on the internet, or share it with your friends.

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I’d love to know how you’re going through this and what has helped unleash some of your potential. With that being said, I look forward to seeing you guys tomorrow!

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