augmenting the real with digital - creating magical moments

Frankly, Green + Webb Created for: Presented by: Date issued: MEX March 2014 Lindsey Green + Alyson Webb March 2014

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We create digital experiences for museums, but how do we create magical moments for people that use digital without distracting from them from the physical environment. This is the beginning of our thinking of how to use digital challenge and surprise to delight audiences.


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Frankly, Green + WebbCreated for: Presented by: Date issued:MEX March 2014 Lindsey Green + Alyson Webb March 2014

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Frankly, Green + Webb



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Frankly, Green + WebbCreated for: Presented by: Date issued:Science Museum Alyson Webb & Paul Tourle 5th August 2013

Augmenting the Real with Digital:

Creating Magical Moments

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Frankly, Green + Webb

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What do we do?

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Our primary user experience is the space

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We want to connect them to the space

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By helping them connect with others

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And connect with the ideas

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User has be able to:•grasp a new experience instantly•use in a new context•use with very little help•always there when you need it but never gets in the way•First and one time only moment

Magical moments aren’t a nice to have,they are a must have.

The digital context

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Our users want the physical space augmented

Our users to consume content about stuff

Our users want help them create their own special experience of

the space

Our users need help to locate where they are

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Our users don’t really know digital could help them do that

Our users have quite a nice time without digital

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Our users have a low drive to use mobile

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But we know when we get digital right here, it means…

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More memories, more learning

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More likely to come back

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More likely to connect with the organisation

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More likely to share the experience

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More likely to spend

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More companies are wanting to differentiate their physical offer from the digital offer

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But use of digital augmentation is becoming more prevalent

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1. What is a magical physical experience?

2. How can we design for magical augmented experiences?

3. What challenges lay ahead?

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Magical physical experience

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How to spot aMagical


Do•Share stories about the experience•Plan to extend learning•Pointing

Say•Wow – Oh – ooh!•Laugh•I realised…•Look at this•You should try this

Think•Experienced something special•Connection to another person or ideas


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1. What is a magical physical experience?

2. How can we design for magical augmented experiences?

3. What challenges lay ahead?

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EXPERIENCE PRINCIPLE #1:Deliver Challenge +


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You can’t challenge or surprise anyone if you don’t empathise with



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What users want and expect changes how you

interact with the experience

Same for digital and physical


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Monday: Tourist


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Example: Cultural Heritage in Wales

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1.Empty nesters2.Know the county3.Want to experience the beautiful views4.Outdoor types5.Passing interest in Cultural Heritage6.Don’t understand how tourism offers relate to their needs7.Very little signal

Example: Cultural Heritage in Wales

Not enough to want a Cultural

Heritage experience

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ACTION:1.Address Motivation - have a unique experience and appreciate the beauty of the county2.Create a Challenge – help them try something simple that they are interested in doing3.Deliver Surprise – help them discover how the history impacts on both

Example: Cultural Heritage in Wales

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Example: Cultural Heritage in Wales

TRUST•Acknowledge user needs through self identication•Use first person

CREATE•Build on existing create behaviour•Apply ideas through storytelling

LOCATE•Offer an alternative layer of understanding about a location•Use images as feedback of location•Identify attention grabbing features to reference

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PROCESS PRINCIPLE #1:Design the physical experience first

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Screen experience

Focus empathy here


And then here

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PROCESS PRINCIPLE #2:Design in the space and

test in the space

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Example: Telling stories with tablets Research for Museum of London

“…the saxon roundhouse where we sat and watched the videos and then thought

about what made our house a home and what differnces the

were between ours and theirs”

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EXPERIENCE PRINCIPLE #3:Give focus to the

digital when it matches the physical experience

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1. What is a magical physical experience?

2. How can we design for magical augmented experiences?

3. What challenges lay ahead?

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We are looking to answer these questions too:

1.As visitors with their own digital augmentation how do we help them create magical moments?

2.How do you time the augmentation and scale it to different users needs?

3.How are we/you going to work with physical designers to create a service that is both physical and digital

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If you’re wanting help thinking more about this and the other opportunities and challenges around digital interpretation – get in touch.

Our work is a mixture of:

•Design research for helping understand how audiences use digital technologies in the cultural heritage sector

•Strategic planning and concept development - for funding applications such as heritage lottery funding

•Implementation i.e getting in up to our elbows in order to help these types of projects get up and running. Find out more at: