
Music Video Techniques

Rochelle Cranstoun

Popular Music Genres TYPE: Reggae

Chronixx - Smile Jamaica

No Women No Cry

In reggae you tend to see the colours red, gold and green because of Bob Marley is what people associate with reggae because he was a big reggae star before he passed away.You also see where the artist is from for example Jamaica, St. Kitts, Barbados. This shows and helps us understand the song and it tells the story better.Sun, sea and sand.

You also see people enjoying themselves and you will see lots of coloursThe music matches the pace as the action.Lower to middle class audience.

Calm and casual music

Popular Music GenresTYPE: Live

Adele – Someone Like You

Jhene Aiko – The Worst

In live concerts you will see the it is focused on the performance of the artist.

You will see a band and artist on stage.You will also see shots of the audience.

Close ups and long wide shot so that everything is in one shot.You are able to see the artist in full action you are able to see the full emotions.You will see a designed stage with colourful lights and smoke. The audience depends on the artist and what type of concert it is.

Popular Music GenresTYPE: Animation

A – Ha – Take On Me

Kid Ink - Hotel

Animation music videos are art and very creative.Display of cartoon like moving images.

Can be very colourful, not all the time though. Some animation can be black and white.To create a animation you need to use controls from your computer to create animation.Animation consists of characters and effects and digital manipulation

Popular Music GenresTYPE: Narrative

Jcole – She Knows

Sam Smith – I'm Not The Only One

A narrative music video is telling you a story through the music video.Everything in the video will run straight through sometimes you will see flash backs of the story.Narrative can make you feel sympathy and may lead you to like or dislike a certain character.Love story, break up, family reunion.A linear or non linear plot.Beginning, middle and end.

The words go with the actions [sometimes].

Popular Music GenresTYPE: Surrealist

Karmacoma – Massive Attack

Kendrick Lamar - Alright

Unable to connect with the characters.No narrative.

Nothing is out of bound.Dreams and desires.Unreal.Contains confusion where you almost feel like there is no direction in the video.Painting, lots of different colours therefore took on a surrealist vibe.

Popular Music Genres TYPE: Parody

Miley Cyrus

Silento - Watch me Nae Nae

Takes the mick out of existing music videos.Tend to be funny because they are trying to copy.

Fun, they add their own twist to it almost like their opinion of the video but in story telling.

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