Page 1: Music Advert Anaylsis

Music Advert Analysis

Page 2: Music Advert Anaylsis

The font used on this music advert is Sans-serif. Therefore, this makes it a lot more modern and cleaner.

However, there is also a contrast within the fonts as it also includes a serif and italic font which connotes it to be more playful and handwritten.

A sans-serif font has also been used here. This font has become the most prevalent for display of text on computer screens and is a lot more contemporary in comparison to serif.

The fact that the artists is looking directly into the camera suggests that she is connecting with the audience.

The bright background allows the artist to stand out on the page. This is because her hair is quite vibrant and her clothing is also very sophisticated.

Personally I really like the contrast between the blue writing and her white clothing. Therefore, this attracts the audience more to the advert.

A mid-shot has been used on this advert and the artist has been cropped. I like this style of image as it is more powerful. Therefore, this is something I might try and portray on my album.

The photo has been taken at a low angle which makes it look like she is looking down on the audience which represents her to be quite superior.

The font has also been written in all upper case letters. This might connect the her to image which is quite polished.

This advert is aimed at

This advert represents the genre because.

Page 3: Music Advert Anaylsis

The image and the title is closely connected. This is because the title of the album is “Lights” and the artist hair is covered in lights.

The font used here is art deco which was popular in the 1930s. Therefore, the 1930s is often associated with glamour and party’s and sophistication.

The camera shot used here is a mid-shot and it has been slightly cropped. I really like this type of camera shot. Hence the reason why I am going to try and incorporate this into my own album cover.

The artist is looking away from the camera, this gives the album a more serious feel to it.

I like the overall style of this advert because it is very creative and the bright colours allow it stand out in comparison to other music adverts.

Page 4: Music Advert Anaylsis

The font used here looks like an old fashioned type writer.

I really like the contrast between the dark background against the white and orange text. This is because it allows the advert to stand out and attract the audience.

The camera shot which has been used a mid-shot and the picture has been cropped slightly. Therefore, this is something that I really like because he looks friendly and quite ordinary. This is something which part of his main image being someone who can be very approachable and does not really look like a celebrity. This is the type of image I would like to give about my artist when I create my music advert.

It is also very interesting that he uses a symbol for the title of his album cover instead of actually using words. Therefore, this makes it stand out from other albums as it is not something many other artists incorporate into there album covers.

The layout of the advert is also very simple, this makes it a lot interesting because you can the clear message of the advert and your not distracted by anything on the page.

I also really like the fact that there is a quote on the advert, this is because it makes it a lot more personal.

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