
More than ½ of male teens and more than 2/3 of female teens do not eat breakfast on a regular basis.

Eating breakfast can upstart your metabolism which . . . Helps with weight controlMoodSchool performance

Choose snacks from different food groupso A glass of low-fat milk and a few graham crackerso Apples or celery sticks with peanut butter & raisinso Trail mix, dry fruit, nuts

DON’T Snack ONLY from the “Other” categoryIf you eat smart at other meals, cookies, chips and candy are OK for occasional snacking

Your body needs nutrients like protein, carbohydrates, fat and many different vitamins and minerals such as vitamins C & A, iron and calcium from a variety of foods.

You don't have to give up foods like hamburgers, French fries and ice cream to eat healthy. You just have to be smart about how often and how much of them you eat.

Your bones are developing more now than at any other time in your life. Bone strength is determined by adequate calcium, Vitamin D, and physical activity.

You need 3-4 servings daily of high calcium foods to get your required 1,300 mg of calcium.

One 8 oz cup of milk, yogurt, fortified soy milk, or calcium fortified orange juice equals one serving.

Teenage girls must be sure get enough iron (to replace what you lose each month). Include meats, fortified breakfast cereals, and dried fruits in your diet.

Eat foods high in vitamin C at the same time and you'll improve iron absorption.

Folic acid is also important, and is found in oranges, whole grains, dark green leafy vegetables, nuts, legumes, and fortified cereals.

Caffeinated drinks can dehydrate your bodyo If you then drink more caffeinated drinks for your thirst, you lack the

water balance your body needs for clear thinking, muscle function, and cleansing of waste products.

o Caffeine is addictive--pay attention to how much and be aware of your body's response. Have you been too hyper? Unable to sleep? Irritable? Anxious?

Teens need to Monitor-Caffeine-Sugar-Fat

20 tsp.

15 tsp.


A higher % of 12 - 29 years olds drink regular soda than any other group. Males average about 2 cans a day, Females one and half cans.

Note: There are 10 teaspoons of sugar in One can (12 ounces) of soda!!

Aim for 60 minutes of physical activity per dayCan be 60 minutes at a time, or 10-15 minutes here and there that add up to 60 minutes.

A vigorous work-out is when you're breathing hard and sweating , this helps your heart pump better, give you more energy and help you look and feel your best.

Teens should be active 60 minute every day.

Meals should be eaten 3-5 hours before an athletic event.

Water is essential; 2 cups of water is recommended for every pound lost during a workout.

Potassium replacement is recommended after a workout. A good way to accomplish this is by eaten dried fruit, fruit, vegetables, and drink low-fat milk.

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