Page 1: Mid-Infrared Raman Fiber Lasers · MIR RFLs since they have a high transmission loss for the wavelength beyond 2 μm as a result of their high phonon energy. In order to obtain MIR



AbstractAs mid-infrared (MIR) lasers show numerous applications in the field of defense, medical, materials processing, and optical communications. Investigation on MIR Raman fiber lasers (RFLs) increasingly becomes a hot topic. Compared with the traditional silica fibers, fluoride and chalcogenide glass fibers possess higher nonlinear coefficients and excellent MIR transmittances. In this article, the latest developments of the MIR RFLs using fluoride and chalcogenide glass fibers as gain media are introduced, respectively. This review article mainly focuses on the developments of MIR RFLs in aspects of output wavelength, output power, and optical efficiency. Besides, the prospect of MIR RFLs is also discussed.

Index TermsChalcogenide fiber, fluoride fiber, mid-infrared, Raman fiber laser.

1. Introduction

The Raman fiber laser (RFL) is an important application of stimulated Raman scattering (SRS). It refers to a specific type of fiber laser that uses SRS, instead of stimulated electronic transitions, to amplify light. Among different types of RFLs, rare earth ions doped RFLs are of most importance and grow rapidly. In comparison with conventional chemical and solid-state lasers, RFLs have the advantages of high conversion efficiency, compactness, excellent beam quality, and great heat dissipation. Moreover, based on the principle of SRS, applying pump sources with different wavelengths can lead to outputs with longer Stokes wavelength and wider tunable wavelength range.

Near-infrared (1 μm to 2 μm) RFLs have been developed for years, the gain media are mainly oxide fibers such as silica fiber, phosphosilicate fiber, and germane silicate fiber. A cascaded RFL with output power of up to 301 W at 1480 nm has been reported[1]. This is also the

Manuscript received July 15, 2015; revised September 14, 2015. This

work was supported by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities under Grant No. ZYGX2015KYQD015.

H. Zhang is with Douglas Scientific LLC, Alexandria, MN 56308, USA (Corresponding e-mail: han.zhang@

C. Liu, C. Wei, and Y. Liu are with the School of Optoelectronic Information, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu 610054, China (e-mail: [email protected]; cwei@uestc.; [email protected]).

Digital Object Identifier: 10.11989/JEST.1674-862X.508062

RFL with the highest output power at 1.5 μm. The Shanghai Institute of Optics has demonstrated a RFL yielding 300 W at 1120 nm by using a new type of Yb3+-integrated Raman fiber amplifier[2]. Subsequently, with further system optimization, they successfully increased the output power by an order of magnitude to 1.3 kW[2]. Recently, National University of Defense Technology has built a RFL at 1090 nm by utilizing six cascading fiber lasers at 1018 nm to pump Yb3+-doped silica fiber. Eventually, the maximum output power of 2.14 kW has been obtained[3].

Mid-infrared (MIR) lasers with output wavelength of over 2 μm have wide spread and important applications in the fields of communication, national defense, biomedical science, and so on[4]. For instance, this kind of laser can be used in laser radar, laser ranging, and air communication as a result of the atmosphere transparent window ranging from 3 μm to 5 μm. Moreover, it locates in the operation band of most military detectors and is widely applied in many military fields including laser guidance, telemetry, and optical-electronic countermeasures. Additionally, since water molecules have a strong absorption peak at 2.94 μm wavelength, it can also be used in laser surgery exhibiting the advantages of rapid blood coagulation, small surgical wounds, and excellent hemostatic effects[5]. Traditional oxide fibers, especially silica fibers, are not suitable for MIR RFLs since they have a high transmission loss for the wavelength beyond 2 μm as a result of their high phonon energy. In order to obtain MIR wavelength output exceeding 2 μm, fibers with low phonon energy and small transmission loss in MIR band are required. Currently, fluoride and chalcogenide fibers are the most common gain media in MIR RFLs because of their excellent performances at that wavelength[6],[7].

This article introduces current research on MIR RFLs based on fluoride and chalcogenide fibers, respectively. The performances of both MIR RFLs have been compared and analyzed. In the end, the prospect of future development of MIR RFLs is discussed.

2. Theoretical Outline In a RFL, the Raman gain coefficient (gR) is a basic

parameter to describe the Raman scattering. It can be obtained by experimental measurement. The Raman on-off gain (G) is defined as the ratio of the output powers when the pump power is on and off[8]:

Mid-Infrared Raman Fiber Lasers

Cong Liu, Han Zhang, Chen Wei, and Yong Liu

Page 2: Mid-Infrared Raman Fiber Lasers · MIR RFLs since they have a high transmission loss for the wavelength beyond 2 μm as a result of their high phonon energy. In order to obtain MIR




wwit wScmfothlopu

m3 lo4 do3 BMsufeflshsemsididein


where P0 is ffective lengthrea. Thus gR cain G. The Rames of that o

Raman gain cohat of fluoride

As-Se fibers aAs-S fibers[10]

luoride and chRaman laser ou

According utput peak wahe equation be

where p is thwavelength, ant is a second-o

will be servedtokes laser. m–1[11], higheror As-Se fiberhat the achievonger than thump condition

3. D

The most cmixture of 53

mol.% AlF3, ow-loss transμm. Currentlyoped fluoride μm wavelen

Bragg grating MIR RFLs to uccessfully inemtosecond laluoride fiber hhown in Fig. erved as the

maximum CW ilica fiber lasiode array froelivering a mnto a 29 m lon


the input puh, and Aeff iscan be calculaman gain coeof silica fiberoefficient 50 e fibers (20×1and 4.357×10–

]). The highhalcogenide fiutputs with shto the specifi

avelength can elow:

1 p

e pump wavend Δν is the Rorder cascade d as the pumThe RFS of r than that ofrs and 340 cmved Stokes what of chalcon.


common fluormol.% ZrF4, and 20 mol.%

mission windy, rare earth iofiber lasers c

gth[13]–[16]. Ho(FBG) hindesome extent

nscribed in a aser[17] and thhas been buil1. Here, a Tmpump source

W power of 96 ser was pumpom QPC Laseaximum powe

ng fluoride fib



Lg P


ump power, s the fiber effated after meefficient of flurs[9]. Chalcogtimes to 350 10–12 m/W to –12 m/W to 5

h Raman gaiibers make it

hort gain fibersic pump wavebe theoretical

1 s

elength, s is Raman frequestructure, the

mp to obtain f fluoride fibf chalcogenidem–1 As-S fibe

wavelength of ogenide fibers

ment of Flun Fiber La

ride fiber is ZB20 mol.% Ba

% NaF. The Zdow ranging ons (such as Tcan generate oowever, the lers the furthet. Recently, tfluoride fiber

hen the first lt[11]. The expm3+-doped sil

e of the RFL W at 1940 nmped by a Briers Inc. operater of 35 W. Ter.


Leff is the fective modeasuring the ouoride fibers igenide fibers

times higher51×10–12 m/W

5.7×10–12 m/Win coefficientpossible to ob

s. elength, the Stlly calculated

the Stokes ouncy shift (RFS

e first order Stthe second-o

bers is about e fibers (240

ers[12]). It indif fluoride fibes under the s

uoride aser

BLAN fiber waF2, 4 mol.%ZBLAN fiber

from 0.35 μTm3+, Ho3+, oroutput with 2 μlack of MIRer developmethe FBG has r using an 80RFL based o

perimental setlica fiber lase

which providm. The Tm3+-dightLase Ultrting at 792 nm

Then it was co


fiber field n-off is 5.7 have than

W for W for ts of btain

tokes with

utput S). If tokes order

579 cm–1 cates

ers is same

with a LaF3, has a

μm to r Er3+) μm to fiber

ent of been

00 nm on the tup is

er was ded a doped ra-100 m and oupled


TfluoFBGthermimprpowthremWwithobsepumthe speccorrshowthe e

Fig. powe

FStoktranthatTo sRFLeffic


1. Experimenta

The core diamride fiber are

Gs are inscribemally annealrove long ter

wer as a functishold was 3.8

W only limited h a slope efferved that the

mp power in expump power

ctral broadeniresponding nuwn in Fig. 2. experimental r

2. Laser outpuer[11].

Fig. 3 presenkes power wsmittance spethe Stokes p

sum up, thougL was obtainciencies were


Cladding m





al setup of 2185

meter and num6.5 μm and 0ed in both ended at 100 °C

rm stability. Fion of the laun8 W. The maby the availab

fficiency of 2efficiency sh

xcess of 4 W ar of 7 W. Thing inside the

umerical simulThe simulati


ut power as a

nts the Stokewas 280 mW,ectra of the useak wavelenggh the MIR Sned, the levestill low.

BG (pump)

Tm3+: silica doubclad fiber (3 m)


ing alignment


Fluoride glass fib

BG (Rout) 21


Numerical sim(fit on RoutMA

Numerical sim(constant Rou

▲ Experimental measurements

VOL. 13, NO. 4,

5 nm RFL[11].

merical apert.23 μm, respeds of the fiberC for 5 minuFig. 2 shows nched pump p

aximum outpuble pump pow29%. In addiows a significand decreaseshis decrease e laser cavitylation was alsion results ma

function of th

es output spec, and the insed FBGs. It gth of the RFLStokes laser frels in terms

792 nm lasdiode pum



ber (29 m)

85 nm

mulation AX) mulation




ture (NA) of ctively. A pair

r. They were autes in order the laser outp

power. The laut power of 5wer was obtainition, it can cant roll-over s to about 14%is the result

y. Moreover, o performed aatches well w

he launched pu

ctrum whennset shows can be observL was 2185 n

from the fluorof power a

ser mp

nitoring setup


the r of also

to put

aser 580 ned

be for

% at of

the and



the the ved nm. ride and

Page 3: Mid-Infrared Raman Fiber Lasers · MIR RFLs since they have a high transmission loss for the wavelength beyond 2 μm as a result of their high phonon energy. In order to obtain MIR







IU et al.: Mid-Inf

ig. 4. Experime

ig. 3. Stokes omW. Inset: transm

Afterwardserformance oeen reported[1

The cavity n Fig. 1. The ad a high refl

was written intmaterials used

ig. 1. The 19891 nm laser

Tm3+-doped donto a 26 m lonower as a funower of 3.66 5% negligiblnhanced the in

Raman cavity aused by spec

ig. 5. Stokes ou

frared Raman Fib

ental setup of 22

output spectrummittance chart o

s, a watt-levover 2.2 μm b18]. The experi

structure waonly differenclectivity at theto the output in this experi

81 nm pump ldiode of 36

ouble-clad silng fluoride fibnction of pum

W was obtaile. Meanwhilnteraction streand compen

ctral broadenin

utput power as a

791 nm laser diode pump

ber Lasers

231 nm RFL[18]

m when the Stoof the pair of FB

vel RFL wbased on the imental setup s basically sace was that ane pump wavelend of the flu

iment were thlaser was obta6 W to pumlica fiber. Theber. Fig. 5 illu

mp power. Theined with a se, the high ength of the pnsated the effng.

a function of pu

Chirped HFBG (P1RP1>99%

(1981 nm].

okes power waBGs[11].

with an impfluoride fibe

is shown in Fame as that shnother FBG wlength of 198uoride fiber. Oe same as tho

ained by utilizmp an 8 men it was couustrates the oue maximum ouslope efficiencreflectivity F

pump power ifficiency redu

ump power[18].



Tm3+: silica doubfiber (8 m)


HR 1) % m)


as 280

roved er has ig. 4. hown which 1 nm Other ose of zing a

long upled utput utput cy of FBGs n the


Fspecthe outpaddipumOncbandseriowasandfluodispneglthe cavispec


ble clad Fluofibe

Butt-coupling lignment

ng -er

HR FBG (S1)Rs1>99%

(2231 nm)

Fig. 6 (a) anctra, respectivStokes power

put peak wavition, both sp

mp power whce the spectradwidth of theously affectedmainly due tothe reduced

ride fiber capersion wavelligible. Meanwinteraction st

ity and compectral broadenin

6. Spectra: (a) p

oride glass er (26 m)

) LR FBG (S2) Rs2>93%

(2231 nm)

nd Fig. 6 (b) vely. It can be r changes withelength is alw

pectra were bhich is ubiqua were broade FBGs, the pd as a result o the low groud FBG effecan stably opelength, the inwhile, the higtrength of theensated the efng.



pump spectrum

Longpass filter

HR FBG (P2) RP2>99%

(1981 nm)

2231 nm

show the pu observed thah the pump poways located broadened wititous in a hidened beyondperformance of laser poweup velocity dictive reflectierate in the vnfluence of

gh reflectivity e pump powefficiency redu



m and (b) Stokes


Monitoring setup


ump and Stokat no matter hower, the Stokat 2231 nm.

th the increasigh-power RFd the operatof the RFL wer leakage. Tispersion (GVvity. Since vicinity of zGVD could FBGs enhanc

er in the Ramuction caused

s spectrum[18].


kes how kes In

sed FL. ion

was This VD)

the ero be

ced man


Page 4: Mid-Infrared Raman Fiber Lasers · MIR RFLs since they have a high transmission loss for the wavelength beyond 2 μm as a result of their high phonon energy. In order to obtain MIR





flofpua ansein(ipotransi




In this expewith respect to

ue to the limitonversion effiigher.

4. D

Chalcogenis S, Se, and Tre added. Com

wider MIR lowor As-S fiber

Thielen et al. n the As-Se fbtained a RFLm by utilizingump a 0.5 m l

The develooundation for

wavelength. M00 nm femtoechnology to halcogenide fielding the Stxperimental se

They emplluoride fiber lf non-sphericaump into the numerical ap

nd a claddinelf-collimationnto the Ramani.e., the maximower was oransmission lond the mismatingle-mode fib

ig. 7. Experime

Fig. 8 prestokes outputpectrum of Sto

eriment, only o the original 7tation of the eiciency with re


ide fibers maiTe. Then extrampared with Aw-loss transmiand 1 μm to have gained tfiber at 1.5 μmL with the oug a 2051 nm Tlong As2Se3 fiopments of Mr obtaining R

M. Bernier et aosecond pulfabricate FBGfiber[21] and tokes output etup is shownloyed a quaslaser at 3.005 al lens (L1 an3 m long As2

erture (NA) ong diameter n measuremen cavity was omum pump poonly 2.6 W), oss of L1, L2tch loss betweber.

ental setup of 3.

sents the spe. Compared okes output is

the optical-to791 nm pumpembedded cavespect to the 1

ent of Chaan Fiber L

inly consist oa Ge, As, Sb, aAs-S fibers, Aission window10 μm for Asthe Raman amm[19]. S. D. Jautput power oTm3+-doped siber[20].

MIR fiber laserRFLs with th

al. have emplolse laser anGs in the lowthen firstly wavelength o

n in Fig. 7. si-continuous μm as the pu

nd L2) were u

2S3 single-modof 0.36, a core

of 145 μm.ent, the pumonly 26% of tower was 10 W

the 74% lo2, and the loween the incide

.34 μm RFL[22].

ectra of the pwith that o

s significantly


o-optical efficp has been obtvity. In practic1981 nm pump


of chalcogensand other elem

As-Se fibers haw (0.8 μm to 7s-Se fiber[4]). Pmplification backson et al.of 0.64 W at silica fiber las

rs over 3 μmhe longer St

oyed a home-mnd phase m

w-loss single-mrealized the over 3 μm[22].

wave Er3+-dump source, aused to couplde fiber whichdiameter of 4

. As a resulmp power cou

the original pW, the actual poss included

w pass filter (Lent light and A


pump, FBGs,of the pump,



ciency tained ce, the

mp was


such ments ave a 7 μm P. A. based have 2062

ser to

lay a tokes made mask mode RFL The

doped a pair e the h has 4 μm, lt of upled ower

pump d the LPF)


, and , the


FStoklaunoutpmaxof 0corr

Fig. launc



sourshowcoupthe 3.9gainwithTwofibertranthe r

FStokwavare pow






de (



8. Spectra of th

Fig. 9 shows kes peak pownched pump aput powers incximum averag.6 W were ob

responding las

9. Stokes averched average pu

Afterwards, Mond-order casr. The Stokeswhich is alsors at room tewn in Fig. 10.They employ

+-doped fluorirce and the wn in Fig. 7pled into the original pumpW with a 10

n medium wash same parameo pairs of FBr were servesmission filteresidual pumpFig. 11 showkes laser, anvelengths of f

3.34 μm andwer increased,

3.002 3.00







0 50 Lau












er (




he pump, FBGs

the Stokes avwer (y-axis raverage powercrease linearly

ge output powetained with a

ser threshold w

rage power anump power[22].

M. Bernier escaded RFL s wavelength wo the record emperature[23]

yed the samide fiber lase

same self-c. It was estimcascaded Ramp power, the 00% couplings a piece of 2.eters as that uGs directly in

ed as the laser of the outpup light and thews the spectrand second-ordfirst-order andd 3.766 μm, the spectrum

Pump spectrum

Pump HR

04 3.006 Wavelen

100 150 unched pump avera

VOL. 13, NO. 4,

s, and Stokes[22]

verage power (right) as a fr. It can be oby with the puer of 47 mW aslope efficien

was 125 mW.

nd peak power

et al. have dbased on thwas further exwavelength f. The experim

me quasi-coner at 3.005 μmollimation mmated that thman cavity wmaximum pu

g efficiency a.8 m As2S3 sin

used in the abonscribed in thser cavities out end was us

e first-order Sta of pump lader Stokes lad second-ordrespectively.

m of first-ord




3.338 ngth (m)

200 250 age power (mW)




(y-axis left) anfunction of tbserved that tump power. Tand peak pow

ncy of 39%. T

as a function

demonstrated he chalcogenixtended to 3.7from MIR fibmental setup

ntinuous wam as the pum

measurement he pump powas only 38%

ump power wssumption. Tngle-mode fibove experimenhe chalcogeniof the RFL. sed to filter otokes light. aser, first-ordaser. The pe

der Stokes lasAs the pum

der Stokes las

Stokes LR

3.340 3.342


600 500 400 300 200

100 0


ated Stokes peak power (m



nd the the he

wer he


a de 77

ber is

ave mp as

wer of

was he

ber nt. de A


der ak ser mp ser

Page 5: Mid-Infrared Raman Fiber Lasers · MIR RFLs since they have a high transmission loss for the wavelength beyond 2 μm as a result of their high phonon energy. In order to obtain MIR






IU et al.: Mid-Inf

was obviously tayed the samalculated peakunction of thef the output c0%, respectivhreshold and eflectivity of t.1%, 3.5%, a

ig. 10. Experim

ig. 11. Spectrumc) Stokes 2 spec

ig. 12. Second-unction of the a





























er a

t 3.


m (m

W) 10











frared Raman Fib

broadened whme. Fig. 12 sk power of thee average pumcoupler (OC) avely. It can bslope efficienthe OC. The

and 8.3%, res

mental setup of 3

m: (a) pump spctrum[23].

-order Stokes average pump p


Er3+-doped FGL=5.2 m

: P

IC at 3.0

980 nm pump diodes

Low power spec

Input coupler (IC

3.002 3

3.76 3

3.33 3.335

Average launched 200 250 30



ber Lasers

hile that of seshows the ave second-ordemp power what 3.77 μm w

be observed thncy increase wcalculated slospectively. W

3.77 μm cascad

pectrum, (b) Sto

average power aower[23].

r3+: FG pump fiber l

G fiber,

Pump at 3.005 m

01 m O

trum Hig

C) Ou(a) Pump

(b) Stokes 1

(c) Stokes 2

.004 3.006 3

3.765 3.7Wavelength (m)

5 3.34 3

d pump power (mW00 350 400

t=80% 8.3%



econd-order Stverage powerer Stokes laserhen the reflectas 98%, 92%hat both the with the increope efficiency

When the OC

ded RFL[23].

okes 1 spectrum

and peak power


OC at 3.01 m

gh power spectrum

utput coupler (OC)

3.008 3.01

77 3.775

3.345 3.35



ed S


s po





m (













0 )


% %

8% %

tokes r and r as a tivity , and laser

eased y was


80%outp114 371of Oof 1acqua reexpe

m, and

r as a


WMIRreacStokchalwithfluowavchalwithComresestate3 μmremaefficserieof nall-fexte

Pump coupling t

L1 F1

: Stokes 1 at 3.34

% reflectivity wput power of

mW was obmW. In the n

OC at 3.77 μm158 mW wituired. Howeveesult of accieriencing the c

The obtainedkes wavelengign research.

wer and sloperoved by thesed by FBGsrage loss wadening of the

We have briefR RFLs. Theched hundredskes wavelenlcogenide RFLh longer waveride RFLs h

velength of 2lcogenide RFLh a longer mpared witharch in the e[24]–[28]. Thoum have been aining. In ociency operaties of efforts snonlinear MIRfiber passiveend the output



40 m

IC at 3.34


was utilized, t9 mW corresbtained at th

numerical stimm was reduced

th a slope eer, it cannot bidentally noncycle process

d wavelength gth in RFLs

Above resule efficiency e following s (every FBG

was 3% to e first-order St

5. Con

fly introducedrare earth io

s of watts orngth less thLs have yieldlength beyondhave reachedμm to 3 μm.Ls is relativelStokes wavethe research

MIR RFLsugh some prog

achieved, theorder to realion of RFLs ashould be depR fiber, fabri

componentswavelength o

Cascaded chalcogen

: Stokes 2 at 3

4 mIC at 3.77

OC at 3.

hG fiber, L=2.8 m

the maximum ponding to a e launched p

mulation, whento 60%, a peafficiency of be realized exnlinear fiber of thermal an

of 3.766 μmfrom domes

ts present thewere very laspects: RedG has been 4%), suppre

tokes light, an


d the recent dons doped oxr even kilowhan 2 μm. ded the Ramad 2 μm. The od watt-level The output ly low at mil

elength of ulevel abroad

s is still at gresses on MIRere are still mlize high poat longer MIRployed to impricate high-pers, increase thof the pump so

nide RFL

3.766 m


OC at 3.34 m

.77 m



Stokes averapeak power

pump powern the reflectiviak output pow12% could

xperimentally damage wh


m is the longestic research e Stokes outplow, it can ducing the lo

tested and tessing spectr

nd so on.

evelopments oxide RFLs hawatts level wi

Fluoride anan laser outpuoutput powers

with emissiopower level

lliwatt level bup to 3.77 µmd, the domest

a preliminaR RFLs beyon

many challengower and hig

R wavelengthsrove the qualirformance MIhe power, anource, etc.


age of of ity

wer be as


est to

put be

oss the ral

on ave ith nd uts of on of

but m. tic

ary nd

ges gh , a ity IR nd

Page 6: Mid-Infrared Raman Fiber Lasers · MIR RFLs since they have a high transmission loss for the wavelength beyond 2 μm as a result of their high phonon energy. In order to obtain MIR




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Cong Liu was born in Hubei province, China in 1990. He received the B.S. degree from University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC), Chengdu in 2013 in electronic science and technology. He is currently pursuing the M.S. degree with UESTC in optical engineering. His research interests include mid-infrared fiber lasers and nonlinear fiber optics.

Page 7: Mid-Infrared Raman Fiber Lasers · MIR RFLs since they have a high transmission loss for the wavelength beyond 2 μm as a result of their high phonon energy. In order to obtain MIR

LIU et al.: Mid-Infrared Raman Fiber Lasers


Han Zhang was born in Sichuan province, China in 1987. He received the B.S. degree in applied physics from UESTC in 2009, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in optical sciences from the University of Arizona in 2011 and 2014, respectively. Since 2010, He has worked with the College of Optical Sciences, University of Arizona for four years as a research assistant and

a research associate, focusing on the super resolution microscopy study. He received the TRIF (The Technology and Research Initiative Fund) Imaging Fellowship in 2013. In 2014, he joined Douglas Scientific LLC as a senior optics engineer, leading the commercial biomedical device development. He has contributed to more than 5 commercial products worldwide. He is also the member of SPIE, OSA, and AACC. His research interests include nonlinear optics, super resolution microscopy, and gene sequencing.

Chen Wei was born in Shandong province, China in 1987. She received the B.S. degree in applied physics and the Ph.D. degree in photonics and technology from Nankai University, Tianjin in 2009 and 2014, respectively. In 2011, she joined the College of Optical Sciences, University of Arizona as a two-year visiting student. In 2014, she joined the

School of Optoelectronic Information, UESTC, where she became a lecturer in 2014. Her current research interests include mid-infrared fiber lasers and nonlinear fiber optics.

Yong Liu was born in Sichuan province, China in 1970. He received the M.S. degree from UESTC in 1994, and the Ph.D. degree from the Eindhoven University of Technology in 2004. Since 2007, he has been a professor with UESTC. He has authored and co-authored more than 180 journal and conference papers. These publications have been cited more than 1000

times (Web of Science). His research interests include optical signal processing and optical fiber technology.

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