Page 1: MERIDIAN INFO LUNGS - Balanced Concepts · meridian, weight loss, tones and builds muscles along with balancing the positive and negative emotional state; like grief and courage,




The Organ Lung and Corresponding Exercises

The lungs clean the blood by infusing it with oxygen and removing carbon dioxide. In Oriental medicine, they say that the inhalation of oxygen is the taking in of the Qi, or life force. If you hold your breath, you get a very quick demonstration of how dependent you are on oxygen and on your lungs. If we look at this in an abstract, or spiritual, way we can say that the lungs take in life. When the lungs are not working properly, therefore, our ability to take in life is diminished. This has widespread physical and psychological effects.

When the Lung Energy Is Depleted

People with depleted lung energy have difficult eliminating carbon dioxide. Consequently, the blood is poorly oxygenated and carbon dioxide remains in the blood to form a fertile breeding ground for colds, viruses, and microorganisms. As a result, people with the lung problems are highly susceptible to colds.

Breathing also eliminates tension. When breathing is difficult tension builds, especially in the shoulders.

When lung energy is depleted, people tend to be overweight. They sense a heaviness in their heads, due to poor circulation and lack of oxygen. They suffer from lung congestion and coughing. When the lung is depleted, congestion is chronic. There isn't sufficient energy in the lung to eliminate the underlying stagnation. The cough is hard and doesn't bring up much mucus.

The psychological symptoms associated with depleted lung energy are anxiety, loss of mental acuity, depression, and hypersensitivity. Shortness of breath tends to cause emotional imbalances, even hysteria.

When the Lungs Are Excessive

Hard coughing that brings up mucus is generally a sign of excess energy trapped in the lungs. Often a hard smoker's cough- specially if the person is strong and otherwise healthy- comes from excess energy in the lung. A person with such a cough suffers from nasal congestion, too. He or she is prone to bronchitis and asthma. The chest muscles are often tight, especially around the lung meridian.

People with excessive lung energy can become obsessive and anxious over details. They have trouble releasing pent-up energy. They sigh a lot, often in an effort to let go of the tension in the lungs. They feel oppressed and have trouble expressing their love physically. They also are a bit apprehensive.

Muscles involved with the Lungs

Anterior Serratus:

The serratus draws the shoulder blade forward and raises the ribs. Weakness will

Page 2: MERIDIAN INFO LUNGS - Balanced Concepts · meridian, weight loss, tones and builds muscles along with balancing the positive and negative emotional state; like grief and courage,


make it difficult to push things forward with the arms straight, causing the shoulder blades to wing out in back. It can also affect chest conditions and the diaphragm’s ability to regulate breathing. Sometimes if both sides are weak, it may be due to stiffness in the lower bones of the neck. Rotating the head and neck gently may loosen them up, although chiropractic adjustment may be necessary.


This muscle works with the anterior deltoid in straightening the arm when it is held over the head and in flexing the shoulder with the elbow bent, as in combing the hair. They are not usually found weak. Chronic coughs and other lung problems may be helped by working with this muscle.


The deltoid is the muscle that caps the shoulder. It draws the arm away from the body, lifting the elbow. Weakness will make it difficult to raise the arm. Lung problems such as bronchitis, pleurisy, pneumonia, congestion, and flu will usually affect the deltoid.


The diaphragm separates the chest cavity from the abdominal cavity and is the chief muscle used in breathing. A disturbance in the muscle balance of the diaphragm can cause breathing difficulties, hiccups, and reduce breath holding time. They may also be digestive disturbances, especially discomfort immediately after eating.


Exercise moves blood circulation and transport oxygen to the muscle. It also cleans toxins and more. All Star Kids Club, Inc. has created a specific exercise to open and clean this muscle, lymphatic system, meridian, weight loss, tones and builds muscles along with balancing the positive and negative emotional state; like grief and courage, which is the problem coming from the Lungs.


The Organ Heart and Corresponding Exercise

The heart and small intestines are the organs associated with the experience of joy.

The heart is called ―King of the organs. The Internal Medicine Classic states: The heart commands all of the organs and viscera, houses the spirit, and controls the emotions.‖ In Chinese the word for the heart (hsin) is also to denote ―mind‖. When the heart is strong and steady, it controls the emotions; when it is weak and wavering, the emotions rebel and pray upon the heart/mind, which then loses its command over the body.

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When the Heart Energy Is Depleted

Depleted heart energy causes heart disease, palpitations, angina pectoris, tension in hara (―vital center of life‖) and sweaty palms. The person with depleted heart energy is easily fatigued, usually has a coated tongue, and has tension in the solar plexus. He or she is at high risk for a heart attack.

Weak heart energy causes mental fatigue, shock, nervous tension, chronic stress, timidity, poor appetite for food and for life, lack of memory, deficiency or complete lack of will, and chronic disappointment.

When the Heart Energy Is Excessive

Excess energy in the heart causes a sensation of tension and tightness in the heart and chest area. Again, the person with excess heart energy has sweaty palms, a constant need to clear the throat, skin sensitivity, shoulder and arm pain, nervous stomach, and palpitations. There may be a pulling sensation in the tongue and an overall stiffness in the body. Excess heart energy causes chronic tension, stress, restlessness, inability to relax, and a need to be distracted from the discomfort the heart is suffering. The person with excess heart energy is always doing something with his or her hands- adjusting the pants or shirt, touching the face, playing with the hair. This person tires easily and has little endurance; tends to stammer; has chronic stiffness in the solar plexus; and is constantly thirsty. He or she has bouts of hysteria, laughing or crying wildly at the least incentive.

Muscles involved with the Heart Subscapularis:

The Subscapularis cannot be seen or felt because it is behind the scapula (shoulder blade). It allows the shoulder blade to glide over the rib cage and turn the arm, drawing the arm in when it is raised above the shoulder. Some symptoms which can be associated with this are palpitations, dizziness, shoulder or chest pains, and bleeding gums. The heart is not only responsible for the circulation of the blood through the body, but also has an affect on the fluid flow of the acupuncture meridians. The heart is a muscular organ and it functions both from an external nerve supply like the other muscles, and also contains an independent nerve system regulating itself.

Special Exercise

Exercise moves blood circulation and transport oxygen to the muscle. It also cleans toxins and more. All Star Kids Club, Inc. has created a specific exercise to open and clean this muscle, lymphatic system, meridian, weight loss, tones and builds muscles along with balancing the positive and negative emotional state; like hate and joy, which is the problem coming from the Heart.


The Organ Liver and Corresponding Exercises

The Liver is truly a master organ. It performs so many intricate and amazing duties, including storing energy, cleansing the blood, and creating immune cell and digestive enzymes. The orient says that the liver is the seat of the soul. The emotion associated with the liver and gallbladder is anger.

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When the Liver Energy Is Depleted

Psychologically, a person with a weak liver becomes irritable and angry very easily. Such people are given to inconsistency and nervousness. They are unable to gain weight. They devote for too much attention to trivial details.

When the Liver Energy Is Excessive

Psychologically, such people are stubborn, aggressive, prone to anger, highly emotional in general, and ironically hypersensitive. They are good eaters with enormous appetites. They make constant effort to control anger and emotional outburst. This repression eventually gives way to explosions, after which these people are apologetic and remorseful.

Muscles involved with liver

Pectoralis major sternal:

This muscle is responsible for moving the arms in, turning and drawing it forward. Problems associated with it are glaucoma and spot in front of the eyes, as well as liver conditions. All the blood that absorbs the food from the intestinal tract goes directly to the liver where detoxification takes place. The liver has some 360 known functions. It breaks down protein and fat and forms enzymes, but it has no external secretions. The liver is one of the few organs, which, if damaged or partly removed, can regenerate itself. Poisoning from toxic fumes, alcohol and rancid food is detoxified in the liver. Overloading it can produce long lasting headaches, which will respond well to repeated treatment of the pectoralis, major sternal.


The rhomboids, muscles in the back of the shoulders pull in the turn the shoulders blade. They are used with the levator scapulae and are related to the liver and may be affected by any condition, which might affect the pectoral major sternal.

Special Exercise

Exercise moves blood circulation and transport oxygen to the muscle. It also cleans toxins and more. All Star Kids Club, Inc. has created a specific exercise to open and clean this muscle, lymphatic system, meridian, weight loss, tones and builds muscles along with balancing the positive and negative emotional state; like anger and kindness, which is the problem coming from the liver.


The Organ Stomach and Corresponding Exercises The stomach's role, of course, is to receive partially digested food (that is, chewed food) and prepare it for the small intestines. The stomach secretes acid that breaks down the food and makes it more accessible to the bloodstream once it arrives in the small intestines.

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The stomach is one of those organs that we cannot ignore. Any stomach problem tends to disturb us, and chronic stomach ills disturbs us throughout the day.

When the Stomach Energy Is Depleted

When a person's stomach is depleted of energy, the person has little appetite, is finicky about what he or she eats, and usually suffers chronic discomfort from gastric acid secretions. The legs are often heavy, and the body fatigues easily. The person often has stomach pain, and, if he or she eats the wrong foods, can suffer acutely for hours. Usually stomach problems are associated with related digestive problems- constipation, diarrhea, or spastic colon.

Stomach problems have very direct effects on our psyches. People with depleted stomach energy are moody, cranky, and tend to think too much, especially about themselves. Because they tire easily, they suffer from the perception that they are weak. They often lack confidence. They crave soft and cold foods, such as ice cream and soft drinks, but overall they have poor appetites. They need rest and prefer to recline when sitting, even when they are in straight-backed chair.

These people have trouble receiving what they need. The stomach functions is weak, causing them to feel undernourished and poorly cared for by life. They are often frustrated. They do not enjoy the struggles of life, but instead see everything as an inconvenience.

When the Stomach Energy Is Excessive

Excess stomach energy causes an emphasis on the stomach. The person with too much stomach energy tends to overeat, though again there may be little appetite. The person may have stiffness in the shoulders and some pain; poor circulation in the legs or in general; dry or rough skin; a tendency towards anemia; and, for women, chronic problems in the sex organs.

When the stomach energy is excessive, the person tends to think too much. He or she usually has an enormous ambition, or appetite for life, but cannot fulfill it and thus is frustrated. Such people are chronically unsatisfied. They can be emotionally extreme- either cold and lacking in affection or overly affectionate. They are big eaters, but they are in a hurry and lack of appreciation for their food. They are constantly striving, without feeling they have reached the goal. They tend to be neurotic.

Muscles involved with the Stomach


This group of muscles is the anterior neck flexors which are in the front and sides of the neck. They can easily be affected by whiplash injuries, making it difficult to lift or turn the head. They are normally not quite as strong as the muscles in the back of the neck. If the muscles in the front become weak, the neck forms an ―s‖ curve, causing the head to balance improperly on the spine. This can be the source of headaches and shoulder tension. The neck muscles are associated with the sinuses, part of the drainage system of the head and scalp which contributes to the protective immunization of the body. These muscles are also closely associated with allergies (both food and airborn) and asthma.

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Brachioradialis: The brachioradialis flexes the elbow, and help turn the wrist. A weakness of this muscle may make it difficult to get the arm up and behind the back. Muscle weakness is frequently found in people who experience insomnia and general nervous tension.

Pectoralis Major Clavicular: This chest muscle helps bend and turn the arm at the shoulder. Treating the reflexes for the pectoralis major clavicular affects both the stomach and the emotional centers within the brain.

These relationships may be responsible digestive disturbances brought on by emotional stress. This is easily demonstrated by treating the pectoralis and then having the person think about some aspect of his life which is causing stress. Within moments, the pectoralis major clavicular will become weak again. Using the neuro-vascular reflexes on the forehead for up to 10 minutes will not only help the muscle and the stomach, but it will also make it easier for the person to deal with that particular problem. Allergies, often linked with emotions will usually show up by causing weakness of both pectoralis major clavicular muscles. Many allergies can be tested by noting the reaction of these and other muscles to chewing a suspected food for a few moments.

Levator Scapulae: These muscles in the back of the shoulder and neck are often found weak, causing the neck to twist with the head staying level. If there is persistant tension in this muscle, chiropractic adjustment of the neck may be necessary.

Special Exercise

Exercise moves blood circulation and transport oxygen to the muscle. It also cleans toxins and more. All Star Kids Club, Inc. has created a specific exercise to open and clean this muscle, lymphatic system, meridian, weight loss, tones and builds muscles along with balancing the positive and negative emotional state; like anxiety and empathy, which is the problem coming from the Stomach.


The Organ Large-Intestine and Corresponding Exercises

The principal functions of the large intestine are eliminating waste and absorbing water and some nutrients. (The small intestine is the principal organ of absorption.) The large intestine has a complementary relationship with the lungs. Problems with the large intestine often affect the lungs and sinuses.

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The large intestine and the lungs are the organs associated with the emotion of grief. In the large intestine and lung function is not healthy, there is a tendency to hold on to grief, sadness, and the experience related to such emotions.

When the Large-Intestine Energy Is Depleted

When the large intestine is depleted of energy, we generally experience constipation; dry, congested nasal passages; and bronchial congestion. People with weak large intestines often suffer from diarrhea when they eat fibrous or course foods. Those with weak large intestines suffer from coolness in the area of the abdomen.

All over the world, people associate courage with having ―guts‖. Having guts means having the determination and will to go through difficulties and prevail. A weak large intestine causes people to lose determination and courage. They often feel disappointed and dependent, and eventually succumb to despair and bitterness.

When the Large-Intestine Energy is Excessive

Too much energy in the large intestine causes headaches, runny nose, nasal congestion, nosebleeds, tonsillitis, gum and tooth pain, whitish eyes and complexion, shoulder pain, stiffness in the chest, constipation that shifts to diarrhea, coughing, hemorrhoids, and the symptoms of the common cold. Problems in the large intestine directly affect the functioning of the lungs, bronchi and nasal passages. The reason: trapped, excessive energy in the large intestine travels upward when it cannot be eliminated downward. The body tries to remedy the situation and restore balance by bringing the energy to the upper organs –hence the symptoms in the lungs, throat, and nose.

The psychological problem associated with excessive energy in the large intestine is continual dissatisfaction. The person cannot appreciate anything, himself or herself, work, parents, or friends. Eventually, unable to appreciate anyone's good points, especially his or her own, the person becomes isolated and friendless.

The reason is simple: the large intestine spends too much time and energy working on the waste of the body. When its energy is excessive, it cannot let go. It becomes obsessive in its job of sorting through what is essentially waste the feces. The psychological effect on the person is that he or she dedicated too much energy to pettiness, resentment, and negative or useless memories. The person devotes too much attention and energy to that which should be overlooked or forgotten.

Muscles involved with the Large-Intestine

Fascia Lata:

The fascia lata helps flex or bend the thigh, draw it away from the body sideways, and keep it turned in. With weakness, the legs may tend to bow, the thigh turning outward. In

addition to intestinal problems of constipation, spastic colon, colitis, and diarrhea, there can also be chest soreness and breast pain with menstruation.


These muscles in the back of the thigh flex the leg and turn the leg sideways when the knee is bend. Weakness will cause either a bow legged or knock-knee posture. The hamstrings are important in walking. Weakness can be related to restlessness, fatigue and weakness of

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the legs, toxic conditions of the body resulting in headaches, constipation or colitis, and hemorrhoids. Weakness can also come from the sacrum not moving between the hip bones during breathing. Lying on the chest and rolling from side to side while doing deep abdominal breathing may loosen up the sacrum.

Quadratus Lumborum:

This muscle flexes the vertebral column sideways, drawing it toward the hip. It assists the action of the diaphragm in breathing. It is a major stabilizing muscle of the lower back. Weakness in one side of this muscle will show in the posture as an elevation of the last rib on the weak side and a curve in the lumbar vertebrae.

Special Exercise

Exercise moves blood circulation and transport oxygen to the muscle.It also cleans toxins and more. All Star Kids Club, Inc. has created a specific exercise to open and clean this muscle, lymphatic system, meridian, weight loss, tones and builds muscles along with balancing the positive and negative emotional state; like grief and courage, which is the problem coming from the Large-Intestine.


The Organ Small-Intestine and Corresponding Exercises

The small intestine is responsible for taking nutrition out of food and making it available to the bloodstream. The abstract role of the small intestines is profound. From the gross, or unrefined, matter, the small intestine draws out what is essential and makes it available to us to sustain life. There is no more important role in our own lives than to see what is of value in our environment and make use of it.

The quality of our blood that is, the extent to which it receives adequate nutrition depends on our diet and the functioning of the small intestines. If our diet is depleted in nutrition, or we consume a diet rich in fat and cholesterol, which coat the tiny villi of the small intestine, we will be unable to draw sufficient nutrients from our food. Consequently, the cells will be undernourished. They will have to leach nutrients from neighboring tissues, including bones and teeth.

In addition, the small intestine absorbs iron from our food, which helps carry oxygen to cells throughout the body. When iron levels are low, the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood is diminished. Therefore, our ability to absorb adequate iron depends on the healthy functioning of the small intestine.

When the Small-Intestine Energy Is Depleted

When a person has depleted small-intestine energy, nutrient absorption is poor. The person may suffer to some degree from malnutrition. There is a greater likelihood of anemia and chronic fatigue, especially in the hips and legs. There may be lower-back problems and insufficient strength in hara. There will like be blood stagnation in the small intestine itself, which, if not corrected, will only lead to a worsening of health in the future.

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A weak small-intestine condition contributes to other types of digestive problems, including constipation and appendicitis. In women, small-intestine disorders lead to chronic menstrual problems, including premenstrual syndrome, and ovarian pain and cysts. Intestinal disorders of all kinds tend to create headaches. Depletion of the small-intestine energy often leads to migraines.

The person who suffers from a weakened small intestine tends to think too much. Such people suffer from anxiety; they tend to control their emotions with their minds, but experience a lack of joy and sometimes deep sadness.

Weak small intestine energy often lies at the root of a person's inability to make the most of his or her talents. People with weak small intestine energy often sense their inherent abilities and opportunities in their work, but are unable to fully exploit them. This causes much frustration and deep-seated self doubt.

When the Small-Intestine Energy Is Excessive

When a person has excessive small intestine energy, he or she often has stiffness in the cervical vertebrae and solar plexus, especially in the morning. There is also a coldness in hara, due to lack of blood circulation to the lower organs. Such people also have poor circulation to the extremities, cold hands and feet, and chronic constipation that can alternate with diarrhea. They may need to urinate frequently, and may have other bladder problems and, in women, ovarian pain.

People with excessive energy in the small intestine tend to have strong determination and an ability to finish what they begin. They are restless, overworked, and eat too rapidly. They withhold their emotions, often to their own detriment, and have trouble relaxing. They are highly ambitious, but often fail to appreciate their accomplishments.

Muscles involved with the Small-Intestine Quadriceps:

This muscle straightens the knee and flexes the thigh. Weakness will be evident when there is difficulty climbing stairs, getting up and down from a seated position, picking the knee up, pain in the knee cap, and in other knee problems. The knee may be forced back in order to lock it in place. The quadriceps is associated with the jejunum and ileum, which are the last 2/3 of the small intestine. There can be such conditions as indigestion that occurs on standing up, intestinal colic, and other digestive problems.


The abdominal muscles help keep the organs in place, keeping the pelvis up and compressing the abdomen. The rectus abdominis goes up and down the torso; the transverse abdominus is underneath going crosswise. They are associated with the duodenum, the first third of the small intestines just beyond the stomach in the digestive tract. They are commonly involved in indigestion, ―stomach‖ aches, and breathing difficulties. Weakness of these muscles can result in a feeling of weakness or pain in the low back. If weakness is only on one side, there may be some restriction of shoulder movement on the opposite side. On women, this area becomes flabby and stretched out during pregnancy, losing its tone and making delivery more difficult. A man will develop a ―beer belly.‖

Page 10: MERIDIAN INFO LUNGS - Balanced Concepts · meridian, weight loss, tones and builds muscles along with balancing the positive and negative emotional state; like grief and courage,


Special Exercise

Exercise moves blood circulation and transport oxygen to the muscle.It also cleans toxins and more. All Star Kids Club, Inc. has created a specific exercise to open and clean this muscle, lymphatic system, meridian, weight loss, tones and builds muscles along with balancing the positive and negative emotional state; like hate and joy, which is the problem coming from the Small-Intestine.


The Organ Bladder and Corresponding Exercises

The bladder and kidneys are related organs, according to both Oriental and Western medicine. As with the kidneys, the emotions associated with the bladder is fear. The bladder influences the hormonal system, pituitary gland, and autonomic nervous system. It has a direct bearing on the sex organs and urinary tract.

When the Bladder Energy Is Depleted

The person with bladder weakness often suffers from frequency of urination, faulty bladder control, and nervous tension. Such people have poor circulation, tightness in the legs, and coolness along the spine and buttocks. (This is where the bladder meridian runs –down the back, across the buttocks, down both legs to the feet, and terminating in the small toe.) They may well have problems in the sex organs. Bladder weakness often causes night sweats.

People with weak bladder energy are usually timid and nervous. They harbor many fears, are highly sensitive, and complain chronically.

When the Bladder Energy is Excessive

Those with excessive energy in the bladder may have stiffness in the neck. Such people often suffer from migraines headaches, especially brought on by suppressed fears. There is a heaviness in the eyes and head, tightness in the backs of the legs, frequency of urination, and often an inflamed prostate gland. The autonomic nervous system may be strained as well.

People with excess bladder energy worry over trivial details. They are nervous and restless and overly sensitive. Like those with kidney trouble, they also suffer from fear of imminent disaster.

Muscles involved with the Bladder Peroneous:

This lower leg muscle flexes the side of the foot upwards and out. Weakness will cause the food to turn in, especially in children, and can also be associated with foot and ankle problems.

Sacrospinalis:The sacrospinalis is actually a group of several separate muscles along the back bone. It can be the cause of 19 different areas of pain and malfunction in the spine and is associated with

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problems of arthritis, rheumatism, bursitis, shoulder and elbow problems, and even snapping fingers. Weakness on one side will cause a sideway bending of the spine which can become a serious problem if neglected. The head may also be titled, although this may be from other things. Having both sides weak will crate the posture seen on many skinny people, the abdominal muscles contracted, the head and hips forward with the spine pushed back. The scrospinalis is closely associated with bladder problems, but may also be affected by emotional strain. Tibials:

This muscle flexes the foot out and upward and is often found weak on both sides. Weakness can be associated with rectal fissures and urethra and bladder problems. Bunions may be present, especially if weakness is causing a flat foot‖ or fallen arches.

Special Exercises

Exercise moves blood circulation and transport oxygen to the muscle. It also cleans toxins and more. All Star Kids Club, Inc. has created a specific exercise to open and clean this muscle, lymphatic system, meridian, weight loss, tones and builds muscles along with balancing the positive and negative emotional state; like fear and calmness, which is the problem coming from the Bladder.


The Organ Gallbladder and Corresponding Exercises

The gallbladder and liver are complementary organs. Bile acids are stored in the liver and distributed to the intestines, where they help to break down foods, especially fatty foods. As mentioned earlier, bile acids are buffered by cholesterol in the gallbladder. If the cholesterol level becomes excessive, the bile acids will not be able to keep the cholesterol in solution; they will crystallize and form gallstones, which become extremely painful.

When the Gallbladder Energy Is Depleted

People whose gallbladder energy is depleted have a lack of bile, poor digestion, and a tendency to diarrhea. They sleep poorly and have dizziness, excess mucus in the eyes, pale complexions, acidic stomach, and discomfort on the right side of the solar plexus.

Psychologically, these people tend to be repressed and angry. Their anger often surfaces as rage. They tend to suffer nervous tension. Such people can be timid, easily frightened, and lacking in determination. They dream of accomplishing things, but often have neither the will nor the courage to make their dreams reality.

When the Gallbladder Energy is Excessive

In people whose gallbladder energy is excessive, there is lack of sleep, much thinking and planning, and discomfort and even pain on the right side of the solar plexus. These people may have a loss of appetite, a yellowish coloration in the whites of the eyes, and a pressure in the eyes that sometimes cause them to

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bulge with emotion. They often have a bitter taste in the mouth, shoulder pain, stiff muscles, migraine headaches, constipation, mucous stagnation, excessive intake of sweets, and distaste for sour foods.

Psychologically, these people tend to assume too much responsibility for work; they push too hard, pay too much attention to details, and are easily upset, impatient, and always in a hurry.

Muscles involved with the Gallbladder Anterior Deltoid:

This muscle, along with the coracobrachialis, used in flexing the shoulder with the elbow bent, as in combing the hair. It is not usually found weak, but in many headaches cases they are related to toxicity from dietary indiscretions or eating fats, working on these reflexes will help.


This muscle turns the foot and knee in the flexes the leg. Many knee pains can be associated with popliteus weakness. There may be hyperextension of the knee (knee pushed too far back), and bending the knee may become difficult or painful. Gallbladder conditions, jaundice, shingles, one sided headaches, constipation and feeling sleepy after eating fats may be related to this. Sometimes the weakness may come from the lower three neck bones being ―fixed‖ or stuck together. Exercising the neck gently may help, and holding lightly on the point where the collar bone meets the breast bone, but chiropractic adjustments may be necessary if the popliteus does not respond to these treatments

Special Exercise

Exercise moves blood circulation and transport oxygen to the muscle. It also cleans toxins and more. All Star Kids Club, Inc. has created a specific exercise to open and clean this muscle, lymphatic system, meridian, weight loss, tones and builds muscles along with balancing the positive and negative emotional state; like anger and kindness, which is the problem coming from the Gallbladder.


The Organ Spleen and Corresponding Exercise

The spleen cleans the blood of damaged or destroyed cells. It mediates the infusion of immune cells into the bloodstream. It essential to proper digestion, especially because it nourishes both the stomach and large intestine with life force, or Qi. Women with weak spleen meridian activity tend to suffer from menstrual problems. Men with weak spleen meridian activity to suffer from impotence. They maintain that the emotion associated with the spleen are compassion and sympathy. People with weak spleen conditions have a strong compassion for other but seek to understand the meaning of life's underlying difficulties.

When the Spleen Energy Is Depleted

When a person's spleen energy is weak, he or she suffers poor digestion, lack of

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saliva, poor ability to taste food, chronic acid stomach, brownish color in the face, great susceptibility to colds a stiff and sensitive navel, pain in the spine, and poor circulation in the feet. Psychologically, the person may be obsessed with details, chronically anxious, and restless; may think too much; may spend sleepless nights, causing chronic fatigue; and may suffer from cold limbs and poor circulation. He or she may be overly sympathetic and weak, and may indulge too much in gossip, all the while justifying the indulgence by saying that he or she is really offering a sympathetic ear.

When the Spleen Energy Is Excessive

When the spleen has an excess of energy, greater than normal amounts of saliva fill the mouth, as the spleen tries to restore balance to its condition. The stomach tends to be acidity, sensitive, and nervous. There is a heaviness in the legs, and a chronic craving for sweets. The person probably suffers from hypoglycemia from eating too many sweets. Consequently, he or she may be moody and subject to great swings in energy level. Again, the person may indulge too much in sympathy for self or for others- and have the attitude that effort and understanding are futile.

Muscles involved with the Spleen

Latissimus Dorsi:

The latissimus dorsi holds the shoulder down and helps keep the back straight. It is used in all forceful arm movements such as swimming, rowing, bowling, golf and basketball swings, and chopping. Because of its relationship to the pancreas where insulin is produced, people with diabetes, hyperinsulinism (overproduction of insulin), hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) or other problems with sugar metabolism will show a weak latissimus dorsi. There will be a high shoulder on the weak side. This weakness is very common, and it can often be an indicator for allergies as well as an intolerance for sugar, caffeine or tobacco.


This is one of the muscles that keeps the shoulder blade in a turns it. It can be involved in shoulder and arm problems. Because of its relationship to the spleen, the trapezius is important to treat in infections, sore throats, anemia, and fevers. Continued weakness, which may cause tension in the pectoralis major, may be due to a problem in the back at T12 and L1, the level of the last ribs. Sometimes this can be broken free by walking and letting the arms swing freely, although chiropractic adjustment may be necessary. Opponens Pollicis Longus:

If muscles on both hands are weak and do not respond, it may indicate a fixation of the sacrum. Rolling back and forth on the floor with the knees drawn up to the chest may help this; if not, a chiropractor should be seen.

This weakness sometimes leads to the so called ―tennis elbow.‖ The sacrum malfunctions, and results in a weakness of the opponens pollicis longus.

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These muscles in the back of the arm help in straightening the elbow, working opposite the biceps. They can be affected by any of the same problems with sugar metabolism that affect the latissimus dorsi.

Special Exercise

Exercise moves blood circulation and transport oxygen to the muscleIt also cleans toxins and more. All Star Kids

Club, Inc. has created a specific exercise to open and clean this muscle, lymphatic system, meridian, weight loss,

tones and builds muscles along with balancing the positive and negative emotional state; like anxiety and empathy,

which is the problem coming from the Spleen.


Triple Burner

The organ-energy system, which is not recognized in Western physiology, is called the ―Minister of Dykes and Dredges‖ and is responsible for the movement and transformation of various solids and fluids throughout the system, as well as for the production and circulation of nourishing energy and protective energy. It is a self-contained organ, but rather a functional energy system involved in regulating the activities of other organs. It is composed of three parts, known as ―burners�, each associated with one of the body's three main cavities: thorax, abdomen, and pelvis.

When the Triple Heater Is Depleted

The person with depleted triple heater energy is highly sensitive to changes in temperature and humidity; he or she easily catches cold, has tired eyes and sensitive skin, if often allergic to pollen and other antigens, suffers from tightness in the chest and hara, has low blood pressure, and suffers pain in the back of the head and in the temples.

Psychologically, such people have many obsessions. Their imbalance is often the result of too much pampering in childhood. They are highly sensitive in general.

When the Triple Heater Is Excessive

People with excessive energy in the triple heater tend to suffer from lymphatic inflammation and nasal mucus. They are prone to accidents and have poor circulation, itchy skin, tightness in the chest, heaviness in the legs, and inflammation in the gums, mouth, and womb.

Excessive energy in triple heater makes people extremely cautious, hypersensitive, ever on the alert. These people dislike changes in humidity and temperature, and are easily fatigued.

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Muscles involved in Triple Heater

Teres Minor

This shoulder muscle rotates the arm and forearm and can be involved in wrist and elbow problems. With weakness on one side, the hands will be turned differently when the arms are allowed to hang down to the side. Thyroid conditions, digestive disturbances, infections, weight changes, and crying for no apparent reason may be

associated with teres minor weakness.


The thigh muscle flexes the leg and thigh and turns the thigh sideways. The sortorius is the longest muscle in the body. Weakness will cause the pelvis to twist, and it can also be the source of knee pain or knock-knees because of the resulting instability of the knee joint. Adrenal problems which can affect this muscle are extremely fatigue in the muscle are extreme fatigue in the morning which improves as the day goes on, blood pressure that does not rise when standing up, hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), hyperinsulinism, allergies, hives, and especially asthma. Infections will also take their toll, as will adrenal exhaustion. Pain in the sartorius just above the knee can be an indication for the need for chiropractic



This thigh muscle works with the sartorius and hamstrings. When lying face down, it is the first muscle used in bending the knee. Weakness makes it difficult to bend the knee without flexing the hip. Adrenal problems, infections, and allergies may be related to the gracilis.


This calf muscle flexes the foot and the lower part of the leg, steadying the foot. Weakness may cause a forward lean of the body or the leg with the knee bent. Because of its relation to the adrenal glands, it is important to check this in cases of allergy asthma, hypoglycemia, tiredness and fatigue. Emotional strain and the mild shock conditions from accidents or trauma, following the heavy outpouring of adrenalin withexcitement or pain can also be involved.


This calf muscle works with the soleus in flexing the foot and lower part of the leg. Weakness can cause hyperextension of the knee (knee pushed too far back), inability to rise up on the toes, or interfere with bending the knee. It is important to check this with allergies, asthma, hypoglycemia, tiredness, fatigue emotional strain, or mild shock conditions. Special Exercise

Exercise moves blood circulation and transport oxygen to the muscle. It also cleans all the carbon dioxide. All Star Kids Club, Inc. has created a specific exercise to open and clean this muscle, lymphatic

Page 16: MERIDIAN INFO LUNGS - Balanced Concepts · meridian, weight loss, tones and builds muscles along with balancing the positive and negative emotional state; like grief and courage,


system, meridian, and balance the positive and negative emotional state; like hypersensitive and hyposensitive, which is the problem coming from the Tripe Heater.


Circulation of the Reproductive System

The Pericardium:

The pericardium is a sac which surrounds the heart. It takes any initial trauma directed at the

heart, creating a protective barrier. The lubrication it provides enables the heart to move

freely. The pericardium has an influence on the entire vascular circulation.

The pericardium is also called circulation/sex, heart protector, and heart constrictor. It is

traditionally associated with the circulation of blood and the protection of the heart on the emotional level as well as

the physical. Diseases of the heart affect the pericardium first and only reach the heart when the pericardium is

weakened. Since then (spirit) resides in the heart, the pericardium executes the orders of shen. The pericardium

controls the lubrication of the sexual organs. It can be used for sexual disorders, not because it is concerned with

the sexual function, but because it is concerned with the psyche, and many sexual dysfunctions are related to

psychological factors. The pericardium is also used to balance the emotions and integrate the heart and mind in

sexual relationships.

The circulation energy channel is associated with confidence and leadership. The sex energy channel is

associated with sensuality and warmth.

Muscles involved with the Reproductive System

Gluteus Medius:

The gluteus medium is used to pull the thigh out and rotate the leg. If there is weakness in

this muscle, the hip and shoulder may be high, and there is also a tendency toward bowed

legs or a peculiar limp. Menstruation cramps, prostate trouble, and impotency can

occur. There may be breast soreness, although this is more often associated with weakness

of the fascia lata.


The adductors hold the thigh in, flexing it and rotating it inward. Weakness can make the

pelvis tilt down, will sometimes complicate stiff shoulders and can even cause elbow

pain. These muscles are essential to horseback riders. The continued

strain of trying to stay in the saddle can result in weakness of the

adductors, causing the bow-legged posture so characteristic of

cowboys. Problems with the reproductive organs, especially changes in

hormone function or menopause can affect the adductors.


This hip muscle is very important in posture, especially the position of

the sacrum. It is the upper most of the hip rotators. In a seated position, it allows the leg to move

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outward. Weakness on one side can cause the sacrum to twist, making the ankle on that side turn in, the knee

―knock‖, and the opposite foot turned out. The piriformis is located right next to the sciatic nerve which is the

longest, largest nerve in the body. With a problem in the piriformis, the sciatic nerve is often affected. There may

be pain down the leg, numbness and tingling of the legs, burning urination, and other bladder problems.

Gluteus Maximus:

The gluteus maximus, the object of much joking, is one of the largest and strongest muscles in

the body. It acts as a stabilizer of the lower back, extends the thigh, and helps pull the leg

in. Weakness of one side will twist the pelvis or make the crease of the buttock go off to one

side. With both sides weak, walking is difficult. This is sometimes due to stiffness of the neck

bones, which may be helped by gently rotating the head and neck area, although chiropractic

adjustment may be necessary. Problems with the sex organs, sex urges and drives, and

prostate trouble may be related to this muscle.

Special Exercise

Exercise moves blood circulation and transport oxygen to the muscle. It also cleans all the carbon dioxide. All Star

Kids Club, Inc. has created a specific exercise to open and clean this muscle, lymphatic system, meridian, and

balance the positive and negative emotional state; like confidence and leadership, which is the problem coming

from the reproductive system.


The Organ Kidney and Corresponding Exercises

The kidneys purify the blood. So do the adrenal glands on the kidneys, which manufacture adrenaline, the hormone responsible for instantaneous reaction in a crisis. In Oriental medicine, we say that the kidneys control fear and courage. They also house the spiritual gifts and karma accumulated from previous incarnations and handed down from the ancestors. Therefore, the kidneys are regarded as among the most important of all the organs.

When the Kidney Energy Is Depleted The skin of those with weak kidney energy is often brown and lacks elasticity. Such people have poor circulation, especially in the hips and hara; frequent urination; and lower-back ache. The kidneys govern the sex organs and thus influence hormonal balance. When kidney energy is depleted, sex drive is also weak. People with weak kidney energy have trouble getting a deep sleep. The kidneys also influence the health of the bones. Weak kidneys lead to bone diseases, including osteoporosis and fractures. People with weak kidney energy are often prone to accidents. Kidneys also govern the organs associated with hearing. When kidney energy is weak, there can be poor circulation in the ears, a loss of hearing at the higher frequencies, and sometimes ringing in the ear. Psychologically, those with weak kidney energy are chronically anxious and fearful. They also suffer from

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lack of determination. They usually have family troubles because they lack patience and endurance.

When the Kidney Energy Is Excessive

Those with excessive kidney energy often experience chronic thirst, chronic ringing in the ears, poor hearing, tightness in the lower back and torso, dark urine, a bitter taste in the mouth, bad breath, and chronic fatigue from overwork. They often have a dark color to their skin, especially beneath the eyes. Psychologically, such people tend to be workaholics. They are nervous, driven and perfectionist. They are moved by fear of failure or by a sense that some disaster is about to befall them.

Muscles involved with Kidneys Psoas: This muscle is part of the hip flexing group. It helps keep the lumbar curve in the spine. With weakness on both sides, there will be a tendency for the low back to flatten. Weakness on one side will cause the foot to turn in or make the hip low. Standing or walking with the ankles turned in will put a strain on the psoas and can be involved in recurring weakness if the foot problem is not corrected. Nagging low back pains, kidney disturbances, inability to rest, and foot

problems can be associated with psoas weakness. The kidneys are the blood filtration system. Improper functioning can also result in skin conditions like acne, pimples, boils, or eczema, and can aggravate heart conditions. Upper Trapezius: The upper trapezius tilts the chin and pulls in the shoulder blade. It will weaken with many problems associated with the eyes and ears—eye strain, conjunctivitis, some blurred vision, ear infections and some hearing problems, especially loss in the low 500 to 2,000 cycle range.

Iliacus: The muscle, if weak, may indicate a problem with the iliocecal valve, the muscular valve between the small and large intestine. This valve normally functions to prevent food which is not fully digested from going into the large intestine, and conversely to keep the bacteria-laden contents from returning to the small intestine. Exercises Exercise moves blood circulation and transport oxygen to the muscle. It also cleans all the carbon dioxide.

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