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Menjaga Kesehatan Mata(maintaining healthy eyes

Trilaksana NugrohoBag. Ilmu Kesehatan Mata


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• Mata/eye jendela dunia/window of world, 80% informasi/80% of information

• Rata2 penggunaan 16 jam sehari/Average use 16 hours a day

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Anatomi Mata/anatomy of the eye

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Problem / Keluhan Mata (Problem / Complaint Eyes

• Mata merah/ eye redness• penglihatan kabur(blurred vision• Mata nyeri(eye pain• Perubahan bentuk / gerak bola

mata(Changes in the shape / eye movement

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Aktifitas Melihat Dekat(Activity Viewing Close• Gadget jenis & ukuran(Gadget types and

sizes aktifitas melihat dekat >>>

PROBLEM pada MATA(activity seen near >>> on EYE PROBLEM

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Kelelahan Mata/ eye fatigue (Astenopia)

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Kelelahan Mata/ eye fatigue (Astenopia) 1#

• Gejala Mata Lelah • Kelelahan mata dikaitkan dengan gejala tidak nyaman dan menjengkelkan, seperti: • Sakit mata atau iritasi • Kesulitan fokus • Mata kering atau berair • Penglihatan kabur atau ganda • Peningkatan sensitivitas terhadap cahaya • Nyeri di leher, bahu, atau punggung • Symptoms of Eye Fatigue• Eye fatigue is associated with uncomfortable and annoying symptoms, such as:• Sore or irritated eyes• Difficulty focusing• Dry or watery eyes• Blurred or double vision • Increased sensitivity to light• Pain in the neck, shoulders, or back

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Kelelahan Mata (Astenopia) 2#• 90% mata lelah/ eyestrain 3 jam kontinyu lihat dekat/

3 hours continuous view close• Pengguna komputer LBH JARANG KEDIPKAN MATA

(5x/mnt, N: 12x/mnt)///Computer users blink less frequently (5 times a minute, N: 12x / mnt)

Perlu relaksasi mataPerlu suplemen air mata

Perlu keadaan ergonomis//Need relaxation of the eyeNeed to supplement tears

Need circumstances ergonomic

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Mata/eye & Komputer/computer 1#

• Jarak mata – komputer tdk ada batasan khusus:– Umumnya 50 cm, – Diagonal x 2– 10-20 cm di bwh mata – Cahaya tdk terlalu terang & tdk redup – Filter antiradiasi lbh baik

• Distance eye - computer no special restrictions:Generally 50 cm,Diagonal x 210-20 cm below the eyeThe light is not too bright and not be dimmedBetter anti-radiation filters

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Mata/eye & Komputer/computer 2#

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Mata & Komputer 3#

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Mitos v.s Fakta// Myth v.s Facts 1#

• Komputer merusak retina o.k radiasi gelombang beta://Computers damage the retina ok beta radiation:

– secara eksperimental bisa terjadi tapi tidak ada evidence base dalam prakteknya//experimentally could happen but there is no evidence base in practice

• Banyak makan wortel mencegah / mengurangi mata minus://Many eat carrots prevent / reduce eye minus:

• nutrisi baik utk kesh mata, tapi tdk berpengaruh terhadap status refraksi//

• nutrition is good for the eyes, but does not affect the status of refraction

• Sering mengucek mata menyebabkan kebutaan://• Often rubbed his eyes causing blindness:

– Lebih pada buruknya higiene yang dpt menyebabkan penyakit//More on poor hygiene could cause disease

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Mitos v.s Fakta 2#• Membaca sambil tiduran berbahaya:

– Menambah kelelahan mata– Tidak ergonomis– Hubungan dengan mata minus tidak didasari evidence base//Reading while lying

down dangerous:Add to eyestrainergonomicRelations with the minus eyes are not based on evidence base

• Melihat TV dekat-dekat merusak mata:– Tergantung jarak 4 x diagonal– Tergantung radiasi TV//See TV too close can cause eye damage:

Depending on the distance 4 x diagonalDepending radiation TV

• Juling pada bayi nantinya normal sendiri:– Bisa normal bila terjadi pd usia < 4 bulan– Berbagai sebab periksakan ke dokter //Squint at the baby will be normal for

yourself:Can be normal if there at age <4 monthsVarious causes consult a physician

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Nutrisi Mata//Eye nutrition• Makanan untuk kesehatan mata:

– Vit A, C, E, lutein, zeaxanthin, astaxanthin, (10x >>> Vit E) lindungi makula & lensa antioksidan radikal bebas dr uv///Food for the eyes:Vitamins A, C, E, lutein, zeaxanthin, astaxanthin, (10x >>> Vit E) protect the macula and lens anti-oxidant free radicals from uv

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So What…???

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Tips Menjaga Kesehatan Mata//Tips for Eye Health and Maintaining Good Eyesight

• Periksa mata rutin 1 th sekali• Musim panas memakai pelindung (kacamata)• Makan nutrisi yang baik untuk mata• Pencahayaan yang baik & tepat saat membaca / bekerja dg komputer• Kedip & istirahatkan mata• Lensa kontak kualitas baik, rawat, jadwal yg tepat• Rawat kesehatan tubuh• Tangan yang senantiasa bersih• Jangan sembarangan menggunakan obat

• 1 routine eye check once a yearSummer wear protection (eyeglasses)Eat good nutrition for eyesGood lighting and proper when reading / working with computersBlink and rest your eyesContact lenses good quality, care, nail scheduleOutpatient physical healthHands are always cleanDo not indiscriminate use of drugs

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Sunglasses//kacamata hitam• Tidak sembarangan berwarna

gelap• Dapat memblokade gelombang

UV • Terdiri dari lapisan antirefleksi,

lensa, polarizer, anti gores, cermin

• Not carelessly darkUV waves can blockadeConsisting of anti-reflection coating, lens, polarizer, anti-scratch, mirror

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…Tips Menggunakan Komputer//Tips for Using Computers

• Ruangan cukup cahaya, kurangi brightness• Gunakan filter monitor• Periksa “kesehatan” monitor• Letakkan kertas kerja yg mudah dibaca• Posisi monitor• Fontasi cukup besar• Istirahatkan / relaksasikan mata• Periksa / cek kacamata / lensa kontak

• The room is quite light, reduce the brightnessUse the filters monitorCheck the "health" monitorPlace the paper work that is easy to readposition the monitorFonts large enoughRest / Relax eyeCheck / check glasses / contact lenses

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Kapan periksa Anak ke Dokter Mata?///When to check the Child

to the Doctor's eyes?• Bayi prematur / BBLR• Mata kucing• Bentuk / ukuran / gerak bola mata tdk normal• Tdk ada fiksasi mata setelah usia 4 bulan• Mata merah / lodokan / berair• Memiringkan kepala, mendekati objek, memicingkan mata• Tdk respon ketika dipanggil, srg tersandung, nilai pelajaran menurun

• Premature babies / LBWCat eyeShape / size / eye movement anomalousCut no eye fixation after the age of 4 monthsEyes red / wateryTilting his head, approached the object, squintingDoes not respond when called, often stumble, the value decreases lesson

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