Page 1: Media presentation ideas

Film GenresOpening Ideas

Ideas for a romantic tragedy

Page 2: Media presentation ideas

A girl is cycling along the path at the beach with people walking around her. She has headphones on and spots a guy topless on the sand. She’s distracted and

bumps into another guy. Her headphones fall out and the music stops

to allow dialogue between the 2. This introduces the girl, the good guy on the

sand and the dark mysterious guy.

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A girl is working in a café and serving people with the music of the café

playing. The girl keeps peering up to look at a boy sat at one of the tables and the music is broken when she becomes too

distracted and drops some glasses which smash and cut her. The boy suddenly gets up to help her with her cut. This

introduces the 2 lovers.

Page 4: Media presentation ideas

A woman is a nurse in a hospital and the camera follows her walking around the different rooms. There is an anonymous man in an emergency and the shots slow

down into a blur of the mans opinion. The film starts with the beeping of the

heart monitor and the picture fades in as the mans point of view looking up at this young nurse who will be caring for him.

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The camera is focussed on a girl at a house party, she gets with a man and they go into an upstairs bedroom. The

music subtly fades from party to romantic then ends as the picture fades

to black then into the first scene with the girl going to school and being

introduced to her new teacher- the man from the previous night.

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A very pale girl is floating across a very tranquil lake. The music is very soft and the titles appear over the still water. The camera shows different shots of zooming

between images of the girls body. The camera cuts to a funeral where

everybody is crying as they leave. A mysterious man lurks in the background

then places a rose at the grave.

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A couple are out camping in the forest, it’s a very romantic scene with lights and soft music. The couple are cuddling and the man kisses the woman on the head but the way they are sat means he cant

see that the woman is crying. The screen fades to black and then the scene opens

to the woman lying unconscious in a hospital bed with the man by her side.

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The picture opens to a war scene. The men are under attack until a bomb goes off and one of the men take shelter in

the hole. He is dirty, bloody and in pain, as he’s crying he takes a picture out of his pocket with the image of a young woman on it. The music and picture

fades out then goes into a scene of the girl and man happy together in a field.

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A girl is walking along the beach and sees a message in the bottle, the

message is a suicide note from a man and it is read out over the sound track.

While it is being read, images of the man writing it are shown and shots of him at

the top of a cliff with the bottle. The camera switches back to the girl on the beach for the last sentence to be read.

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