
Map 1


physical map

These are some of the most known landforms of the world. Write the following terms in the map:

Direction terms Continents Oceans and seas Big islands Mountains Big rivers Inner seas/lakes

1- North 2- South 3- East / Orient 4- West

/Occident 5- Greenwich

meridian 6- Arctic Circle 7- Antarctic

Circle 8- Equator 9- Tropic of

Cancer 10- Tropic of


11- Europe 12- Africa 13- Asia 14- America 15- Oceania 16- Antarctica

17- Antarctic Ocean/Southern Ocean

18- Atlantic Ocean 19- Mediterranean

Sea 20- Caribbean Sea 21- Indian Ocean 22- Pacific Ocean 23- Arctic Ocean/

Northern Ocean

24- Greenland 25- Madagascar 26- Borneo 27- New Zealand

28- Rocky Mountains

29- Andes 30- Ethiopian

Highlands 31- Caucasus 32- Urals 33- Himalaya/

Everest 34- Altai

Mountains 35- Great

Dividing Range

36- Mississippi- Missouri

37- Amazon 38- Danube 39- Volga 40- Niger 41- Congo 42- Nile 43- Tigris 44- Indo 45- Yellow/ Huang


46- Great Lakes

47- Victoria 48- Caspian

Sea 49- Aral Sea

Map 2 Physical Map of the Iberian Peninsula *(number 70 is river Guadalimar)

Map 3


map of


Oceans and seas Islands Coasts Relief Rivers and lakes

1- Arctic Ocean 2- Barents Sea 3- White Sea

4- Atlantic Ocean 5- Norwegian Sea 6- Baltic Sea 7- North Sea 8- Cantabrian Sea 9- Mediterranean Sea 10- Tyrrhenian Sea 11- Adriatic Sea 12- Ionian Sea 13- Aegean Sea 14- Sea of Marmara 15- Black Sea 16- Azov Sea 17- Caspian Sea

18- Iceland 19- British Isles 20- Balearic Islands 21- Corsica 22- Sardinia 23- Sicily 24- Crete

25- Kola Peninsula 26- North Cape 27- Escandinavian Peninsula 28- Botnia Gulf 29- Gulf of Finland 30- Jutlandia Peninsula 31- English Channel 32- Breton Peninsula 33- Bay of Viscay 34- Iberian Peninsula 35- Cabo Fisterra 36- San Vicente Cape 37- Gulf of Cadiz 38- Strait of Gibraltar 39- Gulf of Lion 40- Gulf of Genoa 41- Italian Peninsula 42- Balkan Peninsula 43- Morea/ Peloponnese Pen. 44- Strait of Dardanelles 45- Strait of Bosphorus 46- Crimean Peninsula

47- Ural Mountains 48- Escandinavian Mountains 49- Great European Plain 50- Baltic Plain 51- Atlantic Plain 52- Iberian Peninsula 53- Baetic Systems 54- Pyrenees 55- French Massif Central 56- Alps 57- Mont Blanc 58- Apennines 59- Etna 60- Dinaric Alps 61- Olimpo 62- Balkans 63- Carpathians 64- Caucasus 65- Elbrus

66- Lake Onega 67- Lake Ladoga 68- Lake Peipus Atlantic slope (vertiente) 69- Vistula 70- Odra 71- Elbe 72- Rhine 73- Thames 74- Seine 75- Loire 76- Garonne 77- Duero 78- Tajo 79- Guadiana 80- Guadalquivir Mediterranean slope 81- Ebro 82- Rhone 83- Tiber 84- Po Black Sea slope: 85- Danube 86- Dniester 87- Dnieper 88- Don Caspian Sea slope 89- Volga 90- Ural

Map 4 Physical Map ofAmerica

Ocenas and seas Islands Coasts Relief Rivers Lakes

1- Arctic Ocean 2- Atlantic Ocean 3- Pacific Ocean 4- Caribbean Sea 5- Strait of Bering 6- Strait of Hudson 7- Strait of Florida 8- Magellan Strait

9- Greenland 10- Baffin 11- Newfoundland 12- Bahamas 13- Cuba 14- Jamaica 15- La Española 16- Puerto Rico 17- Lesser Antilles 18- Falkland Islands 19- Tierra de Fuego 20- Galapagos 21- Vancouver 22- Aleutians

23- Hudson Bay 24- Farewell Cape 25- Labrador Peninsula 26- Saint Lawrence Gulf 27- New Scotia Peninsula 28- Hatteras Cape 29- Florida Peninsula 30- Gulf of Mexico 31- Yucatan Peninsula 32- Cape Sao Roque 33- River Plate 34- Cape Horn 35- San Kucas Cape 36- California Gulf 37- California Peninsuka 38- Gulf of Alaska 39- Alaska Peninsula

40- Rocky Mountains 41- McKinley Peak 42- Appalachian Mountains 43- Colorado Plateau 44- Sierra Madre 45- Peak of Orizaba (Mex) 46- Guiana Massif 47- Andes 48- Aconcagua 49- Brazilian Plateau 50- La Pampa

51- Yukon 52- Mackenzie 53- Saint Lawrence 54- Mississippi 55- Missouri 56- Arkansas 57- Grande 58- Orinoco 59- Amazonas 60- Paraná 61- Colorado 62- Panama Channel

62- Great Slave Lake 63- Winnipeg 64- Superior 65- Hurón 66- Ontario 67- Erie 68- Michigan 69- Maracaibo 70- Titicaca

Map 5

Physical Map

of Africa

Oceans and seas Islands Coast Relief Rivers Lakes

1- Atlantic Ocean 2- Mediterranean Sea 3- Red Sea 4- Indian Ocean 5- Strait of Gibraltar 6- Suez Isthmus/ Suez Channel 7- -Mandeb Strait 8- Mozambique Channel

9- Socotra Island 10- Seysechelles 11- Zanzibar 12- Comoros Islands 13- Madagascar 14- Reunion Island 15- Saint Elena 16- Santo Tome 17- Bioko 18- Cabo Verde Islands 19- Canary Islands 20- Madeira

21- Cape Espartel 22- Cape Bon 23- Gulf of Syrte/ Sidra 24- Gulf of Aden 25- Cape Guardafui 26- Somali Peninsula 27- Cape of Good Hope 28- Punta da Marca 29- Gulf of Guinea 30- Cape Lopes 31- Cape Verde 32- Cape Blanco

33- Atlas Mountains 34- Toubkal Peak 35- Sahara Desert 36- Ahaggar Massif 37- Tibesti Massif 38- Darfur Plateau 39- Cameroon Massif 40- Cameroon Peak 41- Ethiopian Massif 42- Kilimanjaro Peak 43- Katanga Planeau 44- Kalahari Desert 45- Namibia Desert 46- Drakensberg Mountains

47- Nile 48- Zambeze 49- Limpopo 50- Orange 51- Congo 52- Niger 53- Senegal

54- Chad 55- Volta 56- Alberto 57- Turkana 58- Victoria 59- Tanganika 60- Malawi

Map 6 Physical

Map of Asia

Oceans and seas Islands Coasts Relief Rivers

1- Artic Ocean 2- Pacific Ocean 3- Sea of Japan 4- Yelow Sea 5- East China Sea 6- South China Sea 7- Philippines Sea 8- Indian Sea 9- Arabian Sea 10- Red Sea 11- Mediterranean Sea 12- Black Sea 13- Caspian Sea 14- Aral Sea 15- Lake Baikal

16- Kuril Islands 17- Sajalin Islands 18- Hokkaido (Japanese Archipielago) 19- Honsu (Japanese Archipielago) 20- Formosa 21- Hainan 22- Luzon 23- Mindanao 24- Molucas 25- Celebes 26- Borneo 27- Sumatra 28- Java 29- Timor 30- Ceilan (Sri Lanka) 31- Cyprus

32- Kamchatka Peninsula 33- Korean Peninsula 34- Gulf of Thailand 35- Indochinese Peninsula 36- Malay Peninsula 37- Bay of Bengal 38- Hindustan Peninsula 39- Gulf of Oman 40- Persian Gulf 41- Arabian Peninsula 42- Gulf of Aden 43- Sinai Penisula 44- Anatolian Peninsula

45- Ural Mountain 46- Siberian Plain 47- Altai Mountains 48- Gobi Desert 49- Caucasus 50- Arabian Desert 51- Zagros Mountain 52- Iranian Plateau 53- Hindu Kush Mountains 54- Himalaya 55- Everest 56- Tibetan Plateau

57- Obi 58- Yenisei 59- Lena 60- Huang- He (Yelow River) 61- Yang- Tse (Blue River) 62- Sikiang 63- Mekong 64- Brahmaputra 65- Ganges 66- Indo 67- Tigris 68- Euphrates 69- Jordan 70- Ural

Map 7 Physical Map of Oceania

Seas, islands and main landforms

1- Pacific Ocean 2- Indian Ocean 3- New Guinea 4- Australia 5- Great Australian Bight 6- York Peninsula 7- Great Sandy Desert 8- Great Victoria Desert 9- Great Dividing Range 10- River Darling 11- Tasmania Island 12- New Zealand 13- Melanesian Archipelago (Salomon, Fiyi) 14- Micronesian Archipelago 15- Polynesia Archipelago (Hawai)

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