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Manifest Everything Now Symeon Rodger and Kristen Howe in Conversation

"Your BODY Holds the Key: Ancient Secrets to Modifying Consciousness and Mindset"

© 2012 Live Big Media, Inc All Rights Reserved


Kristen Howe: Hi. This is your host Kristen Howe with Manifest Everything Now, and I would like to welcome you to today’s call with our guest, Dr. Symeon Rodger.

Our guest today has a fascinating background. On the one hand,

he’s a university professor, a married priest of the Eastern Orthodox Church, and a best-selling author on personal transformation methods used by ancient cultures. On the other hand, he is also a martial arts expert, an emergency management expert, he’s trained in counter-terrorism by veterans of the US and Israeli special forces, and he ran Top Secret intelligence operations for the Canadian government. Dr. Rodger has interviewed and been interviewed by many of the world’s leading authorities on mindset processes, and his law of attraction program was promoted my several stars of the hit movie The Secret. As a best-selling author, he’s here today to share with you a forgotten key to the law of attraction.

Now, on the call today, you’re going to discover some really cool

things. First of all, the critical role of feeling great and following your emotional guidance system in the manifestation process, and how you can do both much better than you already are. How the way you habitually breathe, think, and move is dragging you down emotionally and physically, how to bullet-proof yourself against negative emotional states, how a simple ancient practice can give you health, immunity, and longevity, how to gain infallible insight into and total control of your inner world, and the holistic body-mind foundations to help you manifest your desires faster.

So Symeon, thank you for you joining us today. Welcome to the

call. I know what you’re about to bring is something very unique and I’m so excited for you to share it with everybody.

Dr. Symeon Rodger: Well, thank you Kristen, and thank you so much for having me.

It’s fun to be here and I love to share this stuff. Kristen Howe: Just in speaking with you, your energy there’s such a warmth and

such a certainness to it, so I can’t wait for everybody to experience that. You’ve got quite the background, so how did you end up here?

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Manifest Everything Now Symeon Rodger and Kristen Howe in Conversation

"Your BODY Holds the Key: Ancient Secrets to Modifying Consciousness and Mindset"

© 2012 Live Big Media, Inc All Rights Reserved


Dr. Symeon Rodger: Well, yeah, it’s a really bizarre story, and in fact, I’m trying to think of how I would tell it to you in just a very short period of time. Basically, I can say that from the time I was very young, I was fascinated and totally obsessed by only one thing, and that one question that I was obsessed by is, how is human life supposed to work? How are we supposed to live? How do the mind and body work together? How are we supposed to live happy and productive lives? Because what I saw happening around me, of course, not surprisingly in terms of my family and my peer group was fine examples of how not to do it. When you see how something doesn’t work, you reason logically, especially as a little kid, that there has to be a way it does work. So what is that way that it works?

In my late teens and early 20’s, I just deluged myself studying the

ancient world’s methods of doing these things. So I studied the ancient world’s traditions of spiritual life, health maintenance, and martial arts. I’ve been involved I marital arts since I was 9 years old. I’ve done both Chinese and Japanese marital arts, and some other marital arts, and taught Chinese Qi Going, which is part of the Chinese medical system to thousands of people worldwide. I really immersed myself in what’s called “The Taoist Longevity Tradition”, which is the world’s oldest health tradition, if you will, and also the oldest scientific tradition on the entire planet because it’s been running for – well, 5,000 without interruption. It’s the tradition that taught people how to reliably get past their 100th birthday in great health.

Part of it was that. Part of it was too that eventually I ended up

because of my spiritual pursuits, I ended up a priest in the Eastern Orthodox Church, and when people would come for counseling, and I’ve done pastoral counseling for over 20 years, I would find people would say things like, “I prayed about this and nothing happened.” I was left scratching my head thinking, “Really? You’re kidding because when I do it, it works, why doesn’t work for you?”

Eventually it became obvious to me that one of the real problems,

of course, in a culture like ours is that we’re so emotionally handicapped. We’re carrying around so much negative emotional content that, of course, a lot of things don’t work for us whether

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Manifest Everything Now Symeon Rodger and Kristen Howe in Conversation

"Your BODY Holds the Key: Ancient Secrets to Modifying Consciousness and Mindset"

© 2012 Live Big Media, Inc All Rights Reserved


we call it prayer, whether we call it trying to manifest our desires or whatever, things just aren’t working. They’re not working because of our own emotional state, and this is very, very clear, until we get a person to an emotional state that’s very clear, that’s purified of negative emotional energies, they really cannot make the law of attraction work. They cannot, likewise, make prayer and spiritual life work. So that’s part of the reason that I got into this definitely.

One of the things that really excites me is the connection between

mind and body because that’s been sort of the crux of my work. I basically took all of my knowledge about 35 years of looking at ancient traditions and one of the things that the ancient traditions tell us, at least the ancient traditions that work, the ones that are really legitimate and can prove that they actually work, which I call “authentic ancient traditions”, those ones actually scream at us that the mind and body are deeply connected and are aspects of one another, and that we cannot modify our consciousness effectively unless we work through the body to do it. That’s what we’re going to talk about today.

Kristen Howe: Okay, wait. Can you just say that one more time because I think

that’s so powerful that we cannot modify the body – what was it? Dr. Symeon Rodger: No, we can’t modify our consciousness, and hence, we can’t

modify our emotional content or anything to do with our consciousness or our mind, we can’t do that effectively unless we work through the body to do it. In other words, we can’t change our emotional content by thinking about it; we have to work through the body.

Kristen Howe: Wow, okay. Great. I’m all ears, and I certainly am a huge believer

in the power of the mind-body connection, but this is definitely a different way of looking at it. I can’t wait to hear the first step in us finding out more about all of this and learning about it.

Dr. Symeon Rodger: Okay, well, I think really what I’d like to do, Kristen, for

everybody is first of all, simply focus today on two elements of manifesting that pretty much everybody on this call will have heard about already and probably have no clue how to do well. Those are two things, one, is the importance of feeling consistently

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Manifest Everything Now Symeon Rodger and Kristen Howe in Conversation

"Your BODY Holds the Key: Ancient Secrets to Modifying Consciousness and Mindset"

© 2012 Live Big Media, Inc All Rights Reserved


great, so that’s one thing, feeling consistently great. And the other thing is following your intuitive guidance system. Some people would call it the emotional guidance system, but that’s okay, we’ll deal with that in a minute.

Those two things, feeling consistently great and following your

intuitive guidance system, without these two things, it really is impossible to manifest really good things in your life. You will manifest things in your life, don’t get me wrong because you’re always doing that, but you won’t manifest what you want.

I’d really like to focus on those two things rather than talk about

everything to do with the law of attraction and put out a sort of whole program there because I’m sure a lot of people are doing that. There are already too many law of attraction programs, and I’m the author of one of them back about four or five years ago. I’m not even here to talk about that because I think that’s a distraction. I don’t think that’s what people today really need. I think what they really need to hear is about these two elements and how to do them and especially how to work through the body and why that’s so important.

Kristen Howe: I know, and that’s a huge thing I’m focusing on with this series.

Manifest Everything Now, to me actually starts from within. You could manifest all the money and relationships and cars and all of that that you desire, and that stuff is great, but if you don’t feel great in the process, it’s not going to mean anything. So I’m excited, so take us on your journey my friend.

Dr. Symeon Rodger: Many people on the call, I’m sure, have heard this famous

quotation from Albert Einstein who once said, “You can never resolve a problem by using the same level of thinking that got you into it.” And yet, I believe that this is in fact what a great number of exponents of the law of attraction are really telling you because what they’re really telling you is you have to change the way you think. The way you change how you think is to use your mind to do it. Well, you can’t use irrational mind to control your emotional mind. It’s not going to happen. It never works, never has, never will. So let’s go and examine this whole concept of feeling consistently great to begin with.

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Manifest Everything Now Symeon Rodger and Kristen Howe in Conversation

"Your BODY Holds the Key: Ancient Secrets to Modifying Consciousness and Mindset"

© 2012 Live Big Media, Inc All Rights Reserved


Now, feeling consistently great, the idea of feeling consistently great is, of course, largely an emotional concept. What it means is you really need to be in a very positive, very happy emotional space as much as you can. We don’t realize the extent to which we fall into negative emotional states because sometimes we become so used to it we have no clue that we spend most of our time in a negative emotional space even if we think we’re happy people. Part of it is that, but there’s a big physical component to feeling emotionally great.

The first part of that, the first physical component is very easy to

understand, and that’s very simple. You can’t feel emotionally great if you’re physically ill, exhausted, or in chronic pain. Now, that’s very easy to understand. The second part’s a little more of a challenge for us in the West to understand with our typical Western mentality because that second part is simply this, that your emotional condition depends on your physical condition. Your body conditions your emotions on a very deep level.

What I’d like you to do is if you’re listening to this, think for a

moment of any time in your life you’ve experienced a very strong emotion. It could be positive or it could be negative. It doesn’t really matter. Try to isolate a very strong emotion. Take yourself back to that experience. It could be a fright, it could be something that scared you out of your wits, it could the sensation of having a crush on somebody and then suddenly going to talk to them. Take yourself back to high school or whatever. Or it could be somebody breaking up with you, or it could public speaking which terrifies a lot of people. Could be anything like that. But just put yourself for a moment in any state like that and ask yourself this question as you do. As you take yourself back there in your mind to when this happened, “Can you feel this emotional energy? Do you feel this emotion somewhere in your body? Is there somewhere you can localize that experience?”

So anything coming up for you Kristen? Kristen Howe: Yeah. I mean, absolutely. I’m thinking of a particularly fearful

moment for me, and, yes, I can feel that literally in my stomach. Dr. Symeon Rodger: Yes, absolutely. You see, this is what happens; emotional energies

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Manifest Everything Now Symeon Rodger and Kristen Howe in Conversation

"Your BODY Holds the Key: Ancient Secrets to Modifying Consciousness and Mindset"

© 2012 Live Big Media, Inc All Rights Reserved


are not in your head. They’re not simply chemical reactions in your brain. They’re not simply something happening in neural pathways in your brain. These are energies that flow through your entire body. They flow through your energy system, they affect your central nervous system, they are in your body, and often if you have a very strong powerful emotional experience in the past that has overwhelmed you psychologically, that overwhelm tends to freeze into what we call a trauma. That’s the process of trauma induction.

Now, we have all been emotionally traumatized many times in our

present lifetime. We’ve been traumatized many times. Those traumas are lodged in our bodily tissues. In fact, there’s an entire science of how emotions relate to your physical being and that science, certainly in China, that science goes back 5,000 years. There are huge, big complex maps of how this relates.

For instance, just take your right hand and find on your right side

where the bottom edge of your ribs are. Put the palm of your hand right there. Now, the major organ, of course, that you just put your hand on top of is your liver. Now, your liver in Chinese medicine in a positive vein it’s associated with patience and kindness. However, if it gets blocked, it’s associated with negative energies of anger and impatience. And your liver is not simply a piece of meat in your torso, not in Chinese medicine. It’s an entire energy system. Each organ is an organ system. So the liver energy system for instance, begins in your feet between your big toe and the next toe over and comes up the inside of both legs and comes up to your liver.

Energy has to flow along this system and each of the organ

systems, each of those energy lines is what we call an acupuncture meridian, there are 12 acupuncture meridians, they’re all connected with your internal organs. This is how emotional energy moves throughout your body. So this emotional energy, if it gets trapped, if it gets stuck, it can make you physically ill, or it can just make you feel really bad emotionally. To deal with it, it is impossible to dislodge this stuff by thinking about it. Can’t happen. Never works. But there are physical ways to do it.

So for instance, how does this affect you in trying to manifest what

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Manifest Everything Now Symeon Rodger and Kristen Howe in Conversation

"Your BODY Holds the Key: Ancient Secrets to Modifying Consciousness and Mindset"

© 2012 Live Big Media, Inc All Rights Reserved


you desire? Well, if you’re thinking consciously, “I would really like X,” but when you think about that, you suddenly realize you’re afflicted by fears, doubts, and limiting beliefs guess what? Your emotions are not there. Your emotions are telling you one thing, your rational mind is telling you something else, then you’ve got a conflict between the two. Until you resolve that conflict, you’re really stuck.

We’ll talk a little bit more about that, but you see, one of the great

lessons of authentic ancient traditions is verified by modern science is that intelligent or consciousness is non-local. It’s not in your brain. Your brain is part of that, but for instance, we’ve now discovered and we know that there’s a huge number of nerve endings down in your gut which is now called “the enteric brain”. So when people say, “Follow your gut,” now we have a reason, a scientific reason, to believe that. There is a purpose for following your gut.

Now, it’s important to understand that your body, your physical

body, has several information pathways. In fact, your body is nothing but a series of information highways, and these highways are there to conduct information from some cells to other cells among your 70 trillion cells in your body. The principle highways are your central nervous system and your energy system. The energy system consists of if you use the Chinese map, it consists of the 12 acupuncture meridians and the eight extraordinary vessels. If you use the Indian map, it consists of the nadis, or the central channel, and seven chakras that are located along it from the bottom of your torso to the top of your head.

Those maps actually overlap when you look at it. The Chinese

map focuses on the front and back channels, typically the Indian one focuses on the central channel, but basically when you put all this stuff together, you’ve got a very comprehensive energy map of the human body. It makes perfect sense that unless you’re able to deal with your physical body; your chances of clearing out energy blockages are negligible. It’s even possible to live in a severely degraded emotional condition, in other words, you can be very much immersed in negative emotional energies without having physical symptoms. You may or may not. Or you may not have them yet.

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Manifest Everything Now Symeon Rodger and Kristen Howe in Conversation

"Your BODY Holds the Key: Ancient Secrets to Modifying Consciousness and Mindset"

© 2012 Live Big Media, Inc All Rights Reserved


Kristen Howe: I was just going to say, will they eventually show up? Dr. Symeon Rodger: Probably yes. They will. There have been a number of studies, for

instance, as you’re probably aware of, the correspondence between negative emotional states and cancer, for instance. There have been several done in Europe. If you look at the works of people like Dr. Gabor Mate wrote an entire book on it, things like that. So there have been a lot of studies to this effect.

A negative emotional state blocks or limits the information

pathways in your body and leads you to an uncomfortable feeling. Now that feeling initially is emotional. It could also – and eventually afer time – can easily become a physical sensation as well. All of this means for you as someone who’s trying to manifest what you want, it means this, your emotions are not in your head, so if you simply try to deal with those negative emotional states by changing your thinking, it won’t work. That’s Einstein’s trap, right? You’re using the same kind of thinking that got you into the problem to try to get out of it. because those authentic ancient traditions that I talked about, the world’s ancient traditions that can prove that they’re able to transform human life, those traditions, by which I mean things like Taoism, Buddhism, the original Christian tradition which is almost unknown here, and things like this, or in some Shamanistic traditions throughout the world, these traditions that can show you how to transform your life, what they’re all saying really is that you absolutely must work through your body in order to do this. There is no other way.

So changing your thinking won’t work because what they’re

telling us, what those authentic ancient traditions are saying, is if you overuse your rational mind, which is all we ever do in the West – we live in our rational mind – if you do that, you will overtax your nervous system, you will become emotionally incompetent and neurotic. You will therefore block your energy system, and you will create health problems. That’s what all of these traditions said.

Now think about it, Kristen. Here in the West we are taught since

we are knee-high to nothing to believe that we are our brain. I am my brain. That is what I’m taught. I’m taught that I am my brain,

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Manifest Everything Now Symeon Rodger and Kristen Howe in Conversation

"Your BODY Holds the Key: Ancient Secrets to Modifying Consciousness and Mindset"

© 2012 Live Big Media, Inc All Rights Reserved


I am my thoughts, and I am my emotions. I’m taught that my body is essentially a transportation system for my brain.

Kristen Howe: Yes, absolutely. Dr. Symeon Rodger: That’s it. That’s what we’re taught. However, it’s actually wrong.

It’s an anthropological mistake. It’s a misidentification of who you are as a person. You are not your brain. You are not your thoughts, and you are not your emotions. You have a brain, you have thoughts, and you have emotions, and if you’ve ever practiced meditation for instance, the purpose of meditation is really to get to what they call “the point of the observer” where you can watch your mindstream, where you can watch the emotions. In doing this, you discover you are not them, it’s an existential experience that proves to you, you are not your brain, thoughts, or emotions.

Let’s do a little fun test here, and we can only do it to a certain

extent, but if you’re listening to this and you’re able to raise your right hand to your side, your right arm, so that your right arm is pointing directly out to the side, and it’s parallel to the floor and your palm is facedown. Now, imagine that I’m standing behind you and have gently placed my left hand on your left shoulder, and I have placed my right hand gently on top of your right wrist. This is called – and you can get someone to so this to you – this is called “applied kinesiology”, or muscle testing, which many people are familiar with now.

Now, if I ask you to think of a positive emotional state, to put

yourself in a very positive emotional state, think of a beautiful sunny day, think of something that makes you extremely happy, if you do that and I try to push down on your right wrist, well, you resist me, if you try to stop me from pushing down on your right wrist, I won’t be able to. Your arm will stay straight out and I won’t be able to push your arm down. However, the moment I tell you to focus on a negative emotional state whether it’s anger, hate, fear, I will easily be able to push that arm down. You won’t be able to resist me. You will lose the muscular and skeletal power to resist. In fact, I will be able to push that arm down right to your side using one finger. That’s muscle testing.

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Manifest Everything Now Symeon Rodger and Kristen Howe in Conversation

"Your BODY Holds the Key: Ancient Secrets to Modifying Consciousness and Mindset"

© 2012 Live Big Media, Inc All Rights Reserved


Muscle testing is a lovely thing for sorting out what’s true and what’s false, and for sorting out positive emotions from negative ones. What muscle testing or applied kinesiology convinces of is the fact that first of all, negative emotional states have a negative effect on your physiology. If this had been an actual real demonstration of muscle testing, you would felt it. You would have seen it for yourself, and if you’ve never experienced it before, you would have been a little but stunned to see your arm just collapse when you got into a negative emotional state.

What this proves is that your emotions affect your physiology.

Well, guess what? It works in reverse too. Your physiology affects your emotions. They’re interlinked. I’m going to show you how that works, how you can leverage that to feel consistently great, and so that you can follow your intuitive guidance system. If you’re in a persistently negative emotional state, you see, you’re continually weakening yourself. You’re losing your personal resilience and you’re damaging your physical health.

Now, of course, what it also means is your ability to manifest what

you really want is effectively zero at that point, or very, very limited. With all the blockages in your system, wherever they’ve come from, and whatever point in your life they came into your life, unless you can clear away those blockages, and clear away your propensity to stay in negative emotional states, those two things, either the blockages – those are two things by the way – the blockages you already have, and the fact that you feed them on a daily basis because you have bad mental habits, those two things need to be changed. Until they are changed, you won’t be able to feel continually great emotionally.

Until you can feel continually great emotionally, you’re not going

to be open to allowing these things into your life, these new things that you want, the persons, events, and things that you’re looking for. You’re going to be pushing them away. You’re going to continually have resistance to them. That resistance will be conscious or sometimes perhaps not even conscious. But it doesn’t matter whether it’s conscious or not because, you see, your subconscious mind which is strongly linked to your emotional energy, is an aspect of your emotional energy, your subconscious mind is what manifests things. Your rational mind doesn’t. Your

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Manifest Everything Now Symeon Rodger and Kristen Howe in Conversation

"Your BODY Holds the Key: Ancient Secrets to Modifying Consciousness and Mindset"

© 2012 Live Big Media, Inc All Rights Reserved


subconscious mind is much more powerful than your rational mind, and so you need to have your subconscious mind, hence your entire energy system, onboard in order to transform yourself or be transformed so that you’re able to allow all of this into your life.

Kristen Howe: Are you basically saying that if we go at this from the opposite of

what we’ve been told, not from our brain, if we go at it from our physical selves first, that will change our thoughts?

Dr. Symeon Rodger: It’s a little bit of both. We need to be able to use our bodies to

modify our thoughts and emotions. We also need to be able to use our thoughts and emotional processes to modify our physiology. It’s both.

Kristen Howe: Interesting, okay. So it’s a nice balance. Dr. Symeon Rodger: It is a nice balance. Kristen Howe: Which we can all use. Dr. Symeon Rodger: Yeah. Absolutely we could. Kristen Howe: So how we start? You talk a lot about breath, does that factor in

here? Dr. Symeon Rodger: Oh, absolutely, breath factors in here. Here’s a quick exercise for

you. Be aware of your own physical limitations if you’re listening to this, so don’t strain anything. You can do this sitting or standing, it doesn’t really matter. What I’d like you to do is just pretend for a moment that you’re just waking up. Do a lovely stretch of the arms and the torso and the neck. Just twist around and have a nice wake up stretch as if you were a cat just waking. So take a nice deep breath and just stretch for a minute. And how does that feel?

Kristen Howe: Great. Dr. Symeon Rodger: It does. It does. But there’s a lot more going on there than most

people are aware of. If we want to affect our emotional being it’s very important to keep our physical being in a similar condition.

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Manifest Everything Now Symeon Rodger and Kristen Howe in Conversation

"Your BODY Holds the Key: Ancient Secrets to Modifying Consciousness and Mindset"

© 2012 Live Big Media, Inc All Rights Reserved


For instance, if want our emotional being to be clear and flexible and flow freely, we have to have a physical body that is clear and flexible and flowing freely. What you’ve just done in terms of a stretch is really interesting because, first of all, when you did that big stretch, you were stretching, first of all, your muscles. As your muscles expand and contract, what’s happening is you’re improving the circulation in your muscles, so the flow of blood, the flow of oxygen, and the flow of energy or Chi to the cells of your muscles is improving.

Not only that, but your muscles are attached to bones by tendons.

Tendons attach muscle to bone, and ligaments attach bone to bone, and what you’re doing in that stretch is that whole muscle, tendon, ligament system that holds you together is being nicely stretched. It’s being taken through its complete range of motion, which means it’s being oxygenated. It’s also being lubricated. As all this is happening, everything that moves through those fibers is being improved. This means the condition of all the nerves that go through those fibers is being continually improved. Whereas, if we don’t take our tissues through their complete range of motion, they degrade, the human body is a use it or lose it proposition.

This is why Chinese medicine has a saying that says, “When a

door is always in use, its hinges never rust.” That’s a metaphor for the human body. We have to take our entire physical structure through its complete range of motion on a regular basis. And funny thing is, this is one of the mainstays of the Taoist longevity tradition. They found that if you did this, you would live a long and healthy life. There is a little more to it, of course, in the longevity tradition, but that was one of the indispensable things.

So this is what you’re doing, and as you do that stretch, by the

way, even more is happening. If you can just twist your forearm around and just look at your forearm as you twist it around and sort of twist the wrist and open and close the fingers, as you do that, you’re taking about 16 different joints through their complete range of motion. You’re opening and closing the joints. This means you’re detoxifying them. This is very important because some of the body’s energy transfer works through the joints, so as you keep your joints in good shape, you’re improving your emotional tone. Most of the joints are in the spine and the lower

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Manifest Everything Now Symeon Rodger and Kristen Howe in Conversation

"Your BODY Holds the Key: Ancient Secrets to Modifying Consciousness and Mindset"

© 2012 Live Big Media, Inc All Rights Reserved


legs, if you take those through their complete range of motion, you’re protecting your posture, which is very, very important from a health point of view.

If you twist your arm around, you can look at the muscles in your

forearm. If you can see muscles moving under the skin, between your skin and those muscles is a layer of another tissue called fascia or fasciae plural. Now fascia wraps all your muscles and all your organs, it wraps your entire body on the inside. It’s a very thin white tough elastic-y type of tissue. As you stretch, you’re stretching your fascia too. As you stretch the fascia you’re lubricating it which protects the integrity of the fascia structure. Why is that important? Well, it’s important because those 12 acupuncture meridians flow dominantly through the fascia layer of your body. Fascia is highly electrically conductive. There are more and more studies on the human energy system and this is what they’re showing. So as you take your fascia through its complete range of motion, you’re protecting your posture, you’re protecting your energy, circulation, and you’re also protecting your immunity because the fascia has a role in that.

All of this is happening just by an innocent stretch. So you can see

how taking your entire body through its complete range of motion on a regular basis is so terribly important. This really improves your emotional tone, but there’s much more to it than that. It gets even better. So we’ll get to that in a moment, but again, just to recap, to feel consistently great you have to feel physically great. To feel consistently emotionally great, you have to abide continually in positive emotional states.

To do that, your body’s information pathways have to be in

excellent repair, and you have to be able to eliminate blockages that already exist within your physiology, emotional blockages. The only way to keep your information pathways, if you will, in excellent repair is to work through your body. Your body has to go through its complete range of motion. You also have to live according to the design parameters of your mind-body organism, and that’s where we get into the fun stuff.

Here’s the fun stuff. You were talking about breath, so why don’t

we do that now. That’s so much fun. I was going to do it later,

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Manifest Everything Now Symeon Rodger and Kristen Howe in Conversation

"Your BODY Holds the Key: Ancient Secrets to Modifying Consciousness and Mindset"

© 2012 Live Big Media, Inc All Rights Reserved


let’s do it now. Kristen Howe: See how I do that? Okay, awesome. Dr. Symeon Rodger: So what I’d like you to do, we’re going to do a couple of breathing

exercises. If you any cardiac or cardiopulmonary health issues or blood pressure issues, please take it very easy. Don’t exceed your own capability as you do this. You can do this exercise – these breathing exercises – sitting or standing. It doesn’t matter as long as your back is relatively straight. First of all, we’ll do a breath exercise where we’re going to inhale three times, and exhale three times. You’ll inhale and exhale through the nose for purposes of the exercise.

Now, what I’d like you to do for this first exercise is when you do

the inhale, when you inhale, your chest is going to expand and your shoulders will rise. Okay? And of course the opposite when you exhale. So chest expands and shoulders rise. So we’re going to try that. Three breaths, ready, inhale and exhale. Inhale, shoulders up, exhale. Inhale, expand the chest, raise the shoulders, and exhale. How did that feel Kristen?

Kristen Howe: Great. Dr. Symeon Rodger: Oh, yeah. It feels really good. That’s the trick, of course, because

what I’ve shown you is an exaggerated version of chest breathing which is the way most adults – almost all adults really in our culture – breathe, and it’s not the way your mind-body organism is designed to breathe. This is the catch, in fact, the Taoist longevity tradition screams at us – and it’s not the only one – the human body is not meant to breathe this way and if you breathe this way, you end up with significant emotional and physical problems.

Kristen Howe: Well, yeah because now I’m lightheaded. Dr. Symeon Rodger: Oh, it’s much worse than that. So before I tell you about what

those are, let’s see what real human breathing looks like, how your mind-body organism is meant to breathe. To do this, we’ll take three breaths again, but before we do that, I’d like you to take a thumb of one hand, take the thumb of one hand, and place that thumb on your navel. Place the palm of that hand on your lower

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abdomen just below your navel. So essentially thumb’s on your navel and the rest of that hand is resting just below it.

Now, this time when we inhale, your chest and shoulders will

hardly move at all. However, when we inhale what’ll happen is our abdomen will fill with air, and push that hand outward, and, of course, it’ll come back in when we exhale. So try that. We’re going to do three breaths, so inhale, and your abdomen expands and pushes the hand out. Then exhale, abdomen comes back in. Second time, inhale, and then exhale. And inhale, expanding the abdomen, and exhale.

How did that feel? Kristen Howe: Much calmer. I feel much more grounded. Dr. Symeon Rodger: Good. Okay. I get all kinds of answers, by the way, to that. Some

people find it awkward. Kristen Howe: I’m a singer. Dr. Symeon Rodger: Singers know how to breathe, good for you. If that felt a little

awkward, I’ll give you a slight modification. If you want to put the thumb back on your navel, this time instead of expanding simply to the front, imagine there’s an inner tube around your waist and you’re going to expand all the way around as you inhale. Try that. Try two breaths doing that. Here we go. Inhale, expand all the way around at the waist, and exhale. Inhale and exhale.

Now what I’m just showing you is called “normal abdominal

breathing”. This is the way the human body is meant to breathe. It’s the way very young children breathe. It’s natural to your psychophysical organism. What’s the big deal here? Well, the big deal here is this; first of all, let’s go back to chest breathing. Chest breathing is associated with negative emotional states. If you breathe in your chest, that is, if you’re continually expanding your chest and raising your shoulders to take in oxygen, from a psychological point of view, you’re becoming vulnerable to negative emotional states. It’s a simple scientific fact, and it’s one that you see all the time, if you see someone who’s in a very negative emotional space, let’s say someone who’s really angry, or

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really jealous, or really fearful, their breathing goes higher and higher in the chest and becomes more and more ragged.

Now, if you want to get them out of that negative emotional space,

one of the things you can do Kristen is, of course, teach them to breathe abdominally, and as their breath sinks into the abdomen they’ll calm right down. The negatively charged emotional space will evaporate. So what happens here is as you chest breathe habitually, you’re continually more and more vulnerable to these negative emotional states, whereas if you teach yourself slowly and bit by bit in a gradual way to switch your default breathing setting to abdominal breathing, you will be much, much calmer.

This is why all meditation systems, as well as the original Christian

system of prayer, depend on abdominal breathing. You breathe deep into the abdomen because what this does from a psychological emotional point of view is it cuts off the mindstream. The mindstream, this continually obsessive thinking we have when we’re always thinking about something, we can’t shut our minds down, maybe we can’t even get to sleep, that kind of thing, that shuts it down. It takes away negative emotional charge.

So as we sink into the abdomen, as our awareness, our breathing,

sinks into the abdomen, we become as you said at the beginning when we did the first demonstration, very grounded. You feel very grounded. It separates yourself, that is, you’re I self identify, from your brain, thoughts, and emotions. That’s why it’s the essence of meditation, it takes you to this place of the observer, and you begin to live as you were meant to live independent of your brain, thoughts, and emotions. They become your tools and your servants rather than your masters making your life miserable.

When we talk about negative emotional states and being wrapped

up in them, this is part of the problem that what’s happening is on the one hand you have preexisting traumas that have created blockages, on the other hand you’re feeding this dynamic every day because you are living in your head. You’re breathing wrong, and your mindstream, and your emotions are running your life. If this is going on with you, you’re not going to be able to feel consistently great because you won’t be able to escape negative

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emotional energies. Won’t happen. Now, physiologically there’s a whole other reason for doing this

which also has to do with feeling consistently great, and that is the fact that if you’re chest breathing there is no movement really from the middle of your torso downward, so your middle and lower digestive tract are not moving. If you breathe abdominally, there’s continual movement, so you’re continually oxygenating your internal organs, you’re continually improving the flow of blood, oxygen, and Chi to those organs which means you’re creating health, and you’re detoxifying naturally. So of course, you’re going to feel better.

Kristen Howe: How can we use this to start to clear ourselves? Dr. Symeon Rodger: Good point. One of the best things I can recommend to anybody

listening to this is take a little bit of time every day and just sit and do a little bit of normal abdominal breathing. Eventually, over time, this can become your default setting and you’ll get out of chest breathing entirely. As that happens, you’ll be much calmer, much happier, and much healthier. This is one of the most powerful health exercises you can possibly do.

Kristen Howe: Very cool. Dr. Symeon Rodger: Now, the intuitive guidance system, let’s get onto that because

that’s the other key. There’s a reason I don’t call it the emotional guidance system, we’ll get to that in a minute, but the intuitive guidance system it’s really a total paradigm shift for us in the West because we’ve been taught since we were knee-high to nothing to be problem solvers. We’ve been taught always to use our rational mind and solve problems. Depend on the facts, figure out a way out of it, and this is what I call the “rational guidance system”. This is how we run our lives in the West by the rational guidance system.

The popular saying goes, “Tell me how that’s working for you.

Not well, I’m guessing.” It never does, and there’s actually reasons why the rational guidance system doesn’t work very well. First of all, the rational guidance system has a few assumptions that may startle you if you think about it. It assumes that you have

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all the facts or knowledge available to you that you need to solve the problem. Now, if you consider reality, that’s often not the case. It also basically assumes that you have to do it all. So if you’re using your rational guidance system to run your life, if you’re trying to run your life based on logic and rationality, you’re putting yourself in a very uncomfortable position because it’s very individualistic as a way of approaching live. It means you have to do it. It’s all on you. The illness is all on you.

If you think about it, this whole orientation to life comes really out

of the Newtonian age. It’s based very much on the Newtonian worldview which is a worldview that says that the world is very unfriendly and mechanistic. It’s up to you. You’re alone in the world and you have to solve your own problems. So it puts huge pressure on you, and it also, what it does is it drags you down into the question of how, how can I do this? How can I solve problem X?

If you know anything about the law of attraction, I’m sure almost

everybody who is on this call right now has listened to many, many things about the law of attraction, you’re constantly being told – and this is quite true – that you must avoid focusing on how. How is not your problem. How is not your business. And yet, if you run your life on the rational guidance system as almost everybody does, that’s exactly what you’re doing. You’re focusing totally on the how and it leads to great frustration because when you focus on how, and you realize you don’t have the answer; you get frustrated, fearful, and full of doubt. From then on, you’re not going to attract anything you really want.

Whereas the intuitive guidance system is much different because

this says to you, you don’t need to know about the how. And it’s not all about you because with the intuitive guidance system you don’t have to somehow come up with the answer. You’re leaving it to the larger universe, to God if you wish, or the universe, to come up with that answer for you. This is what in ancient cultures was called “living by faith”, and realizing the universe is not an inherently unfriendly place.

The ultimate power in the universe is the power of love, and

everybody is deeply loved. So it is not an unfriendly place. It can

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be an unfriendly place, but basically it’s not up to you to solve the problem and that’s a very key thing because when you’re relying on this intuitive guidance system, you’re able to relax. You’re able to live in expectation that what you’re looking for will come. Experience is very, very quick to confirm this because if you begin to function this way, all kinds of synchronicities will manifest in your life.

If I look back for myself at my own history just in business over

the last ten years, what I see is I encountered huge mindset problems at the beginning. I was way out of my comfort zone. I was frustrated. I was this person walking around thinking, “I really want this, but boy do I feel the resistance.” Later on, it becomes very clear that whenever any good thing, any really great thing has happened in business, I can tell you absolutely and for sure that it was something that I didn’t foresee. It was not an answer I came up with. It was not a process I was controlling. Someone will call me out of the blue, like a friend of mine called me out the blue last year, a famous speaker in the US and said, “Hey Symeon. Would you like to be in a movie?” “Well, let me think. Yup.” So things like this happen. That was nothing I initiated. I had no idea about it. I didn’t know this movie existed.

So there are things like that that are continually happening and this

is how we tap into them. When you’re following the intuitive guidance system, you realize somehow that what you’re doing just feels incredibly right. It feels incredibly easy. You really have this feeling of being full of just joyous expectation instead of being fearful of where the next blow is going to come from, you’re actually understanding that something good is going to come. That’s the intuitive guidance system.

Just to show you how you can tap into this physiologically with

your body, if you have a cup or something, wherever you happen to be listening to this, if you have a cup or a bottle or something you can pick up, what I’d like you to do is just pick it up with one arm, and lift it up, and put it down. Now, if you did that, I’m guessing what you did was the only part of you that really moved very much at all was your arm. It was an isolated arm movement. What I’d like you to do now is try this, move your entire body, so pretend your entire body is connected and initiate that movement

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to pick it up, initiate that movement with your torso and allow your body to flow as if you’re entire body is almost like water. This is what’s called “whole body movement”.

Whole body movement is natural to animals, and yet we as human

beings don’t do it. Now here’s another little ingredient for you. Try to pick that up again using the whole body movement, but this time inhale as you go to grab it and then exhale as you lift it up. And then the reverse as you put it down. The last time you’re going to do the same thing you just did, but this time focus completely on that movement. Don’t think about anything else. There. How did that feel?

Kristen Howe: I don’t know how to even describe it. Dr. Symeon Rodger: A different sensation I’m guessing. Kristen Howe: Completely different. Dr. Symeon Rodger: Well, imagine, Kristen, that you’ve been doing that in going to

your fridge just to get out some orange juice maybe. When we do that in the West, we do it as isolated body movements, and as we do it, our mind is on something else totally. Our approach to the orange juice is totally utilitarian. Our only purpose is to get it into a cup so we can drink it. So all of that, in a way we’re multitasking if you will, but badly.

What this allows you to do, the method I’m describing now, is just

a very short introduction to something that in Taoism – it goes my different names, the natural energy circulation method. The Japanese called it haraga. It’s a method that combines your breathing, your movement, and your mental attention. Why is this so important? It’s so important because your body has two possible repair mechanisms. One is sleep because when you sleep the body releases certain repair hormones, very good. The other is what I call “conscious rest”. Conscious rest is something that almost no one in the West gets because if you live in your head, you never experience conscious rest, or almost never.

Conscious rest means your brain is in an Alpha state or Beta state,

Beta is regular waking state, Alpha is conscious but very calm and

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focused. Conscious rest is a state in which your body can be fully active, you can even be doing martial arts – as a matter of fact, if you’re not in conscious rest when you’re doing competitive athletics you’ll probably lose because you’ll run into performance barriers caused by the rational mind – but if you’re in conscious rest, even though your body is active, your mind is very free because you’re not actually thinking anything. You’re free of your emotions and you’re free of your mindstream. So essentially, you’re meditating but you’re moving.

What this system does is teach you how to do this all day long, and

as you do this, the amazing thing is basically you get the physical health benefit of having done hours of Tai Chi without ever having even learned Tai Chi, and it keeps you in conscious rest which means you’re able to gather energy during your day instead of wasting it. It also deeply calms the emotions. It allows you to get into a meditative state, or in other words, you can become deeply calm anywhere anytime on demand. So eventually this leads to complete mastery of your inner emotional world which is what you want because it’s the only way ultimately to feel good consistently, to feel consistently great and to stop contributing to your own emotional problems.

Kristen Howe: Wow. Dr. Symeon Rodger: Because of that, it’s the only way to access accurately your

intuitive guidance system because until you feel consistently great, if you’re not feeling great, you can’t trust your intuitive guidance system. And the reason I call it the intuitive guidance system, by that way, and not the emotional guidance system, and I’m not too particular about that, but I just want to make a distinction, is some people will say, “Well, if you follow your emotions, you’ll make complete erratic ridiculous decisions.” And that’s true if what was meant by emotions, following your moods, your hormones, the phases of the moon, or just allowing yourself to follow your own dysfunctional emotionality, but that’s not what it’s talking about.

We’re talking about a very deep intuitive function. You can only

access that by calming the emotions and by entering into the emotional state you’re meant to be in as a human being. All of those authentic ancient traditions tell you and yell at you that the

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natural state of the human person is a state of no thought. It’s a state where if you decide to think something, you can think something, but you don’t need to. You’re not obsessing about anything. You’re emotionally free, so that’s what all of this is about. The only way you’ll get to this is to go through your body. You cannot think your way into this. Won’t happen.

Kristen Howe: I love that because I know that that’s how so many of our listeners

feel is that they could just stop the struggle and feel emotionally free, what a difference that would make. In the feedback that I’m getting, they’re really looking for that. What a great way to access that emotional freedom. I love that.

Dr. Symeon Rodger: Yeah, it’s a very, very important way to approach things. Kristen Howe: Obviously. It’s funny because it’s coming from sort of a different

direction, but in some ways that’s even freeing because it’s like, “Oh, okay. So I can do this and I can approach it from a physical angle,” which from our rational minds, which we are operating in them until we start working with this and aren’t operating from them so much, it makes sense. I love that it makes sense intuitively as well as rationally.

With some of the people that you’ve worked with on this, do you

have any favorite stories of people and what they’ve been able to see a difference in? Maybe some of the things they’ve been able to open themselves up to manifesting that they hadn’t been able to before?

Dr. Symeon Rodger: Yeah, there are a lot of things have come in, of course, and some

of them I put on the website that we’ll take people to, so I might misquote them. It’s up there on the site. You can see the real thing from them directly, their own words.

There is one woman you’ll find there who, really, her career took

off after she began to learn some of this. Then there’s also a dear friend of mine from India who as he says, “His life was completely changed and people began to notice that his whole being had changed. His whole demeanor had changed.” Likewise with some of the physical methods that I have for you today, for anyone who wants them, really one of the most amazing things I have, there’s a

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lovely Qi Gong method that’s part of this. It’s called “The Self Massage Set” which takes five minutes to do but is a total energy tune up for your body. With it, there is a woman who wrote in and said, “You just cured my mother of lifelong asthma.” I did what? Yeah, she was just doing a finger massage and she was relieved of her asthma symptoms for the first time.

Kristen Howe: Wait. That’s part of the special package that you put together for

us? Okay, hold on because that’s amazing. Everybody go check this link out. Just hearing that I’m like, “Oh, my God.” Go check it out. It’s

Keep going Symeon; I just wanted people to be able see what

you’re talking about because it’s powerful. Dr. Symeon Rodger: Okay. Well this program consists of a number of things. The first

thing I’ll say is because there are a number of elements in here, don’t feel overwhelmed because what I’m doing is I have put together two teleseminars for you, other teleseminars, which teach you exactly how to go through this material for the purpose – expressly for the purpose – of manifesting what you want. Taking it from a very specific angle so you’ll know exactly how to do this and you won’t be overwhelmed by the content.

The first program is called “Rock Solid Tranquility”, and Rock

Solid Tranquility is exactly what it says. It leads you to deep inner peace. That demonstration I did for you where you were grabbing something and lifting it up, essentially Rock Solid Tranquility magnifies that, puts that on steroids, because it teaches you how to breathe, how to stand – because we didn’t get into posture today, but our posture is also a big problem in the West – and it teaches you how breathe, how to stand, how to move, and how to combine your breathing, movement, and mental attention so that you can change the quality of your movement throughout the day. You can live a completely different life. It gives you a whole different feeling about what it is to be a human being.

The second program is called “Rock Solid Health Qi Gong. Qi

Gong is basically, some people have called it Chinese yoga, and Rock Solid Health Qi Gong has five different Qi Gong systems in it. The first one is one I mentioned, the self-massage set which

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takes no more than five minutes to do and you can do it anytime to really feel very energized. But what Qi Gong does is it takes your body through its total range of motion and teaches you how to bring energy, or Chi, from the environment into certain tissues in your body. So it’s the health mainstay of the Taoist longevity tradition. And because if focuses on your energy system, not just your physiology or muscular sense, it really is a huge help in getting a handle on your inner emotional world.

The third element is a copy, an electronic copy, of my bestseller,

The 5 Pillars of Life where you will find a lot of really interesting material. And definitely in terms of changing your life, there’s a lot of material in there, by the way, is nowhere else, but it all footnoted. It is all 100% historically verifiable which makes it also unfortunately very different from a lot of stuff out there.

The fourth element is really interesting. It’s “The Warriorship

Black Belt Program”, I use the concept of Warriorship which was something I continually came across in studying these ancient tradition. Warriorship has nothing to do with violence; it simply is how do you live life at an optimal level? The Warriorship Black Belt Program consists – again, this is an online program, all of these are digital – it’s 26 units and each unit talks about something critical in your life and gives you all the skills that you need to have in your life that the educational system never gave you. So very critical things like not only how to use your body, how to get the proper exercise, how to get the proper nutrition, detoxification, managing your energy, managing your time, managing your emotions, all of these things are there. That’s what the Warriorship Program is. That program by itself has sold for as much as $997, but don’t worry, you’re not paying anything like that.

Kristen Howe: I was just going to say, “Okay.” Dr. Symeon Rodger: No. Fifth element comes from my dear friend Dr. Carol Look. It’s

called “Integrate, Feel Great and Manifest with EFT!”. EFT is the Emotional Freedom Technique. EFT, if you don’t know what the Emotional Freedom Technique is, it’s a tapping technique that uses the knowledge of meridians in Chinese medicine to allow you to blow away emotional blockages.

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Now, the neat thing about this is Carol created this particular audio

expressly for you today. This is not one of her products; she created it for this offer. And Carol is not only one of the two or three most prominent people in the EFT world, she is also the – perhaps – the world’s greatest expert on using EFT expressly for manifesting abundance. That is her specialty. She’s done this just for you. It’s a phenomenal recording which will teach you how to do this.

And finally, as I mentioned before, there are going to be two

completely different audio classes that will tell you how to go through this material and how to use it in your own life so that you’re able to get where you want to go. That will also include some things we haven’t had time to talk about today, like, some of the traps that people run into in trying to manifest, some of the wrong teachings that are out there in terms of law of attraction. How people manage to go astray, so we’ll steer you clear of some of that and get you going so that you’re much more able to consistently feel great physically, and especially, emotionally.

The total value of all that, if I put all those products together, is

$692 according to my calculator, but for now, for everybody listening on this program, it’s just $97 with no tax, no shipping, just $97 straight because it’s all digital, all downloadable and all instant access.

Kristen Howe: So you can have it right away. So you literally can start using this

stuff right away. Let me once again give everybody the link. It’s

What you’ve really brought to light here, which I’m so excited

about, is that true, and full, and I’m guessing, lasting positive manifestation really, it’s not just an emotional thing. It’s physical, it’s everything. So I love that you’re approaching this from a very full and balanced way. And also giving us a different access point which is through our bodies, and I just think that’s really exciting and really powerful. So I highly encourage everybody to go to that link because this is huge. The fact that she created the special EFT thing just for us, I mean, that’s amazing.

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Thank you so much for putting all of that together because this is just such a unique and powerful thing that you’re giving us today and that you’ve given to us so generously in terms of the information supporting it, which I appreciate.

Is there anything that you could just – a quick thing – okay,

everybody, before we get off the call, here’s a way that you can start to manifest your desires faster. What’s the one thing that you would say, “This is the thing you to start doing.”

Dr. Symeon Rodger: I’d say if you want to manifest your desires faster, the most

important thing is to focus on that one concept, “How can I feel consistently great?” Begin to ask yourself throughout the day, how am I feeling emotionally? As you become more conscious of that, you become more and more aware of how you’re allowing – allowing – other people, persons, events, and things to drag you down, and you’ll realize that it’s you giving them permission. They’re not doing it; nothing can affect you unless you allow it. Even if something allegedly bad happens, it’s your perception of that that is dragging you down. You can change your perception.

So really, it’s beginning to work with this concept. Don’t wait and

assume – see, what we’re taught in the West is if bad things happen, I will feel bad. If good things happen, I will feel good. This way, we give away our power completely. Simply decide from now on, “I’m going to do everything I can to stay in a positive emotional state.” From that place, then use the manifesting methods that you’ve already learned in other programs.

There’s one other thing I’d like to add just I closing if I could. Kristen Howe: Please, absolutely. Dr. Symeon Rodger: I really think this is very important. You see, the real meaning of

the law of attraction is not about getting stuff. It’s not about getting even non-physical things in your life. It’s not about that. It’s about something much deeper.

It’s really about assuming your full potential as a human being.

It’s about beginning to live according to the design parameters of

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your mind-body organism. It’s about becoming an authentic human being, a real human being. Essentially, it’s an emotional detoxification of a kind of that everybody needs and almost nobody ever gets. So it’s a very, very profound thing. It’s not just some flippant weird new age concept. It’s not just a greedy grab for stuff. It’s about really authentically changing your life and just allowing yourself to come into an entirely new feeling of what it means to be a human being on every level.

Kristen Howe: I think that’s so perfectly said. I completely agree with you. I love

that you even used one of my favorite words which is “authentic”. So yeah, I think everything that you’ve shared with us is obviously such a powerful part of that much deeper process that you’re just talking about and sort of stepping into, as you said, the full potential of who we are. I think that’s just absolutely fantastic. So thank you for making sure you added that. I really appreciate that.

Dr. Symeon Rodger: Oh, well, thank you so much Kristen, and thanks for having me

here. It’s been so much fun. I just wish there were hours more time so we could get into what we’ve just touched the surface on.

Kristen Howe: This is just the beginning right? We’ve just scraped the surface,

and you can tell that, but even with scraping the surface, and this I have to thank you for, you weren’t vague, you made it very clear for us. You gave us some clear action steps that we can take, so I really, really appreciate that because I think that’s something that’s really powerful.

You’re right; we could talk about this for hours on end. So thank

you much for that and for being here and for being so generous with your information, and there’s just a really great energy about you that I know everybody listening is able to feel. So I appreciate you brining all of that to this, and being here with us today.

Dr. Symeon Rodger: Oh, well, thank you Kristen. It’s been a lot of fun, and it’s been

my honor and privilege to be here too. Kristen Howe: Well, thank you so much and you have a great rest of your day. Dr. Symeon Rodger: You too, thanks so much.

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