

I lJ )

o m gtshylJ ltl w -l

I I shyltl w Z

gtshyJ (f) )

o )

I shy0 o f-

o z


I I shyltl a Z W o o o 0


~ o o ltl I (f)

I lJ )

o 0 I f shy(f) J J ltl

S I shy

u bull bull p

19 z gtlaquo w J

u) =gt a ~ laquo U

0 w gt0 J W (l)

0 =gt 0 z 0 Ul IJl gt 0 0 lt

0 w f-z s 19 Z

laquo gtJ


0 z laquo Ul J J laquo s 0 W gt0 w N laquo J lt9 w gt fshy0 w fshy0 0 0 UlshyI


-z I W (l)


W ITH six ~et url1illg letiernwn thrn of hom ere senIors COlch (ien Rose had better

lhan a siX-loot squad I ith Ih ich to enter into the Sou thllest Cnni crence ba~kcwal1 racc

C l jJtaill T a ft 100(1 ) thollferell ce i Orarcl last yea r as we ll as tJli s )~ea r k rl hi s teammatcs in the opening games againsl the O klahollla T eachers emergin g w ilh t wn victories A ll hough the Porkers did nut shu lip S) Iel l in 1hl openillg game they caIDe back the ( (011([ nigh t to pi le up a sco re of S3 points t(J lheir opponents 14

During the Chris tmas Ilolidays lht Porker squad 11 t IJn a short road trip alJd dropped the iirst two


games buih hl)c r 11 lose scoreS Tul~a de~ feated them once anrl 111 lt- Tu lsa D iamond Oilers jorl1l lr 1 A L ehallJpioll n()sed them out by two po in ts A it er th e holidays the l-ltazorbacks avenged th eir i irs l defeat I)) smother ing lhe Tulsa Cniversity

t cam l) it seorl () i 33 to 1

rkallsas upll cd the conicrcnce rae by taking tll () gall1es tnnll lli cc in t hl [f)cal tlIllpor ary f ield houe O ne point a~ the margin of victory in the i ir t c( ll1ie r ell Cc game l-1iclt- lost th e secoml 19 tu 37

Jaki ll g th eir first rlla (l trip th e Porke rs skinn ed the T C U Frogs icl aud b rought hOllle the bacon

( 11 1 1 1 1 1 i( )OllY Tll( Pork er s i o rgo[ to foot in stead they got up in the air v) score 41 poillts to 20 in th e first gam e and

f2 tl) 2middotj in thc sn (I1lt tussle


VL I 11 2




A RKS S 1ra YC]u l tu ll Slill to

011 the Texas LOllghorns and


after ca ll ed Ol hkansas the (h e ecold game

iirsl light and 21 1Il

iakiTlg Lh e fiJSl game by 17 points dropped The joLl owiJl g eek-encl the Razorbacks thL second by 10 [railing at the half of th e suiferccI t hlir sccond st rai g ht loss when ule firt ga llle by one ]Join t the P orkers led by S 1 U ~ lustangs ddeated them 30 to 22 )l ood~ and Poole found the ba sket in th e Play ing Wilh o1tt the sC lIi ces o f Ca ptain Taft setollc1 hali for )-+ po in ts and dcieated the foocI) wh o recei ccl a hip injury in the Longhorn s -+ to 1 0 Ho ever ill the second Tc~as game hich jlut him on t he s ide lin es game th e P o rker coul d neyer g et started and for (he remaincler of the season the rkansa s lost 23 to 33 Jack Gray was the Texa s star atlack nen r sta r ted GiUjland who t ook hnUl nights TClltV personal fouls wer e looltiy s place led th e Porker s in scoring-

1(1 113

DEA JOH CLARK JORDAlJ- The Graduate School is indeed fortunate in having as its Dean a man ho is recogni zed nati0oal1y fo r his many acshycompli shments Through his understanding of the probshylems which confront the graduate students they are di shyr ected in the pursui t of Lheir stud ies and a re encourageJ to increase thei r private sto le of knowledge Dean Jordans advice is greatly respected and he is a friend to all students in aiding th em to choo e the ir courlCS


BrOOl lYII New YorkplJ1Llli L BENZA

J(ATAIUNA DOJUlIUCrun Jiayellcllille Arkansas Graduate HOllor 3middot1 1jl Hbullllor iu latally

5ior Class lIODors

HILDA GILTNER BUTIS - Joplin Missottri Kappa Kappa Gamma

WruIAM L GIlES ittI Roell AriwlIsas 13 0LfiUY St111inar

middotMlLY DALE GRAy FayetteviiJe Amiddotkatlsas Dclw G~mma Y V C A InternRlional IelMio ll( Club

Women League Politica l Science Club H onor Roll Fall 32 Sp ring 34

THELMA JAM1S Spillgfield Missollri Tri ])dla

JAMES HpoundltRY J ONES Fayetteville Arkansas Y M C A

TILLMAN 110RGAN Russeilvile Akatlsas Sigma N u Phi Bela Kappa Blue K ey A B C P Ilt Club ROltOI of ArkauKlI2 TravCer Vrilers CluL A ]3 Degte 34

]poundN lRESSON Pot Smith Arkansas Botany Senunar O~tagon W omens l eague Y W C A 33

German Club 33 35 Sym phony Orcheslra 32 33 merican s50cintion of University W0111en 34 JS

JANE STELZNER Fayetteville Arkatlsas Kappa K alJpa Gamma Pi Mu 8piloll See) 33 34

WrLLIA T U TLEY Parki~ Arkansas M A in Arts

MRY L EE W TKINS Wasilingtoll D C Zettl Ta n Alpha

ELNA WILLIAMS Comva Arkansas Masters D egree

P AGE 23

I ) I ~ l ~G1L L JOFS- Thc L-Ilil-er~ity i ~ mtn a nlctlb 10 an en d lttn inslituti o n

II-here I he tclt11llubl n lir1l1ll o f 11ll II-orld i tccl ihk to tllllv 11110 -mild acquirt a part fJi it Thl r uk of till rh and ScilncC

Schoo is one o j hrotcil-lling uf lplricllC ( and kIH)Ikdgl in the fine an~ Illat life 111lt1_1 he happi er and more lOlllpkl t_ It is to tlCC ends th a t Ikan lones faith f 111 y dcvotc hi -o r

SENIORS HIJWI Irt A Tl[FR - Sail A II rltl i(l Te x as

Frlaquo lunUl Fllo lba ll I llte rfrt-tt ernity Cou ll cil Deutscher ttin fr lle l Cluh nlack Cat -otilli 011 Club Pr lecl

Club Zoology Club RAZORIIACK Saff 35

~IR A uIY Oklll1lY f Okla homa Pi nela Phi

AlJ E 1lpoundR P(lrrsO Il New J erscI T tu Epsi lon Phi Band -igila ncc COll1miuee -

Jll terfra l t rllil ~ Coun cil Ge nll(tn Clu b

lLTl)N BAR I K AlaJla Gc ()ry ia KaVfi ltt ~i Sna Clu l Jlt sl1 man T rack 32

arSIl) T rack 33 14 Ge rma n Cl ub

l t1l l 13 AR-ITTT A Y ltsla Arkallsas - SiJ1lll Chi rbull lL C HIanner G~o Club

I~ otany C lub U1lIver ity Theatt~

VUlpoundSBV 13pound)T()N Ji llello Arkallsas fll et1 K a ppa X u

nLT( ROlfETltT REYfON Foyd)cl A rk aJlsas happ S irllo PrL-idClIt ]Or~h 1ll a ll C1as~ 3 1 32 Studtnt ~ltn~e 32 33 Pres ident X Club 34 Ca pt ain Foo t hall

34 I nnba ll 32 33 34 lIlue K ey ho h 35 ChILnnan Social COmm itlee 34 31

~l Rl ]31ililY He ll om iilc ArlwlIsns Chi Orl1 lga Un i middote r~i f) Thtatn 34 3S o man L eag-ue tlman l It hl e tic sIociariolJ 33 3-i l syehology C lub

Call Queen 311 35 RZORB-CK S taff 33 ho ~ V h t) 3

NaL BOIJ)fS Faye l e uille Arkallsas P I 1 h 1~~ Phi SIInll l ph1 i ota CJli c r i-i ty T hen t re

Ulacld nar Germa n Cl uu H onor Hull 32 33 oman s L tRg W

) ((lll IlRl-1 KEI-IIIT - I-inrrisbltr( A rlwnsas ~i g11l3 Chi

J S BltOOK~ - CI Dorado A-wrsas E 101 y~ BROW N B rill klel A rkallJas

Pi Be ta Phi omans LeH~lI~ oma n s Athl etic ~ ssociaition

Xnl Ct)~IPTON Bellomille A rkallsas K a ppa S i~l11a I3rallller 0eo Cluh

Glee C ilih 3 1 32 33 4

HENRI C L EYEl N Il Fa I elleill A rk ullsas J)cha t )c l ra Delta Bla c kfia rs lJ Tti~ers iT r Theatrt~

l n1lrt lati f) 1111 Rtlatioll ~ C luh (1 111 allio L ea gue middot eJe~ P lay e r l hi Be La K apJgt3 ~ S ic(1l13 E ps ilon Sigml ]-C K DOWnES D IIIIIOII A rkan sas

Phi Klflm ~middotipha

HClIl -~ Ell Z _B~T H 1)-11 - MorrillOil A rlallsas hi O mega Hrn r Ro ll 31 12 3) 3 1 y 11_ C

P h i Ju Ep-i1nll V 0tlHH1 O L c a)ue

EnJY Ei~O-1 1(1 f lCill A rkallsas P i Beta P hi Lambda T a u Y Y C ~

V (l111 anS middotili lanc Commiuc~

GrOR E p U L ELnR]]lGE - AIIVlIsla A r fals as Kapp1 S ig-l11 a

llI(I ISI t 1LE-J EnWRDlt [i llie Rock Arkansas Pi UCla P hi R OQl in Rube l tli vtmiddotr~itmiddot rh~ 1 re Cu i( tn ll ll1a kfritr gt i Y C oJllan~ League Lam bd T all

CIiAE R E Gl LESTOX JR F(l r Smith -l rkcmsos Lrnbda Ch i lph Scab ba rd and Hlade y ~ 1 C

V i ~i lanc t CO lllmitt ee nnUlrlfI Geo C lub Hl ack Cat Co ti lli (n

13~ J I I -- ESE IJI-]( Kalsas Cil j111ssouri Kappa K u hov iogy Seminar lJ~ ut sch er erean

T) s ~rc holog) Cluh II illel S oc ie fY

S Ol EISENJlpoundt(I N pu York VI() York German Club IIiIl~ 1 S)ciety Zou lollt) Cillb

P ychology Cluh Pre- lI ed_ Club

lLSO l~JSFJrR JR SlIlpllll l S1119S lrlwlIsas Pi Klppa Alpha K a )l ll a Kappa l ~i

Er IZAllfT fI F LFTC H ER rillle Ro ck Arkansas D lta Delta Delta 11_ 33 3~ Ge n n a n Club

ZO(J t)g Y - (llI iTl ar 34 3i Honor Roll

RI~ FLfM i ~ FaYllciiile -l rkalls(ls eta Tau lpha

h~N [ OU TZ ralw l eilc A r kansas i Ikta P h i Phi Al pha Be ta Unive r ~il Y T hea Lre

Bladdriaf-- c) ll1 au ~ Teague

1 IllY LEE F ORYTH Checota h Okiahollla Ka ppa Ka ppa Cam m a

K AT HrRINE FrN Xl Y - rCljIItCZ jlc hkallsas Pi pet P h i Ph i n ~ta Kapl3 Rootl Tl - Ruhcti larl1 bd a Ta u

t lgma E ps il on S iJtma middotma ll i ea14tle Y X CA P i )( u Ep~i lo ll ho ho 3

Elu G RDYEl RltsselhiJle A IkulsOS Kalla S ig lO -a i ty Foot ball 3-l-

YEKA GAHRtrr Aga-r SMtih Dakoa Ch i Omega Phi Heta Kappa

1 1 27

I) r 11 C r IO T Z- Ill this day and agl f)i jlcciaIi at ion it is i t rl cogni zed i act that special shy

iz atioll ill tcach er lrl i J1 ing is 11llCSsa r middot or it soc ictmiddot that is COlllill lllalh

placing gnalcr hurdens oj characte r trainill upon the p uhli c sc hoo]

1)CCln Iloi prec isc tnd llldh)(lilal is a COllljllkllt and s ta ull ch guid e

tlHfJugh a school u[ trai ll in and learning-


Liflt (o-ilt d rAonflls JOY B JPllLE Sigma fu 1PUfball t ~ I J2 33 St cj~d ClIl11rn J~

OLLIe Blu-WII~ (I )II l illo- l r k (JII SflS I S E e)k~ l )l a ~ ( T

)ln~ Tll~DlC KLIX -I sd () ~ -1 rkaIlStl~


r j ILl Ihi ~mnan middot Ic 11 lt - C

O Llvrr CJIIWFt1 R1IHIiU A r kclllslIS t- 1ppa ~lU-Jnf middotl1ot~ Fw- thall -33 4

ACDIE E~ lrGiII -I fWII fII L tlJ ()111fg-J Un i ~rliT) Theun nukfrii l ~- ~

Ells l osE F LVI Lill~ No(k l rlclI)(S leta T Stu llihil Y C 1 Cbillct Root Hul~

i ~ltaUle (milt P au j re-l kni e

CHESTER n I_EIllFrTER Strillod 111L bullbull rlwlIsus Fremiddot hrniltl FI]1I Jlt T Bcl- 31

H lfJ I OIJELL 1LLLE R - j middotmiddot(I IclctmiddotiIlL bull l1-~alfI I~ bull 3 1

VA-IDA l ru IO - - lf li lfo rd A rhmsGs Kal1Jra Kaplll C a1I11113 P l e middot Y C t~H -i llma _- llha l()t~ nnu ll middot L e1tu~ middotigilante C lI1m n

Pan-Il dicuit 33- 3-1 3+35

I T I~ n r~ i II I] O klllllJ I ONlllwNla P i Be t r li 0 111 10 L e IUllC l~rb Pl1i l p ll 1 I1 t=Ul

Ac-ts ~IiU I - 111sdll Arkmlw Pi Hda Phi rl gi _u ~~rlmiddot Quetu 3 5

FTtAoI Klli L EWIJ S ll oUIlI P lIg l ArkalSas Uelta Gamma P re J l Ic Cmiddot T I euro Senior C t ~l lo)1iu

Rult (- ui t~r~ i l J l h t lt t r(( l1uan l t~gU l i ~iJ aoce Cnoun Y C 1 hi I phn I-lela Vilo W ho 33

NFI l 1 ICllr F oyflc7 ill lulllm$ I ALJ L j-IJ]J T A lIdomiddot II Arkallsos

P h u E w C lilliDIl Club

AIM B IT t Faycl middotillt Ark(lllStlS

E eMOYO n IL O S - R 1Issrli villt A rkansas Ithl Lambd f a ll ) 1 C Amiddot Plli ti ctl -S ci~middotn ce C lu b

BnL Y t-middotc poundy r l) middotmiddotItIt7middoti II hkll lsas Lmu Ch i - ha e C P elhin( Rif1

Vesl~r [l ayergt

P A CE 97




X L Id [b Ops

9 J

750 45 1 36 Southern -Icthorli st Univers itv_ __ __ _ _ 9 3 750 423 310

9 3 750 406 353 - 7 417 381 403

________ _______ ___ ________________ 4shyTexas a11(1 11 8 J)) 386 442 Ba)-]c)r ____ ______ ____ _____ __ ______ ________ ____ ____ ___________________ __ _____ 4 S 333 330 422 Texas Christian U nivers ity __ ___________ ___ __ ____ __ 2 10 156 290 391


rkallsas_ __ _ 3t-l O klahoma Teachers __ _ 21 A rka 11 Slt15 ______ ) 3 O kl ahoma T eachers _____ 14 rkansa5 __ _______22 of Tulsa A lkansas __ 50 Acla Okla T eachers 21 Arkansas __26 Diamond Oilers _____ _ 25 Arkansas 33 0 f T ul sa _____ ____ _ _ 15

rkansas 31 Rice rkansas37 Rice _ 19 Axkansas_ 41 T C U __ _ ____ __ Arkansa5_______ _ A2 1 C U __ ____ 24 1kal15a5 _ ______ JiO F t Smith Spor ts 32 Arkansas __ ~ -- __ __ 37 Raylor _____ _____ __ _ ___ __ ___27 A rkansas _ __ 4N Baylor __ ________ ___ 30 rkaI15a5_________ A7 Te~as __ _ 30

rkansas __ __ 23 T ex as Arka usas ___ 22 S 1 1 f 1kansas -_- 27 S M U _____ _ __ _ 4 1 Arkan ~as _____ A = T esas Aggies __ _ __ __ __ __ ___ __ A1

rkaI15lt1-s _____ 51 Texas A g-gi es__ ___ ~ l


PIE 11t-



lill e r C lh Tuck Iillm an Brooks Sansom Kan lt a nd Coach Zos

AR~~SiS thinc la (~ took ]~art in their 11fSl 1l1door m eet III the [ulsa A

L m eet the latter pan of larch IIith the

Porkers II inning three third places ~pITY

in the sh()t LaF()l-ge in rhe dash and Kitts in

ihe (lO()-yard run scored for rkansas

Th e fact that the L)orkers IIen lo tr ced i]I shy

doors and the un familiarity Ilhich la ~ ed the team at Tulsa Itndouhtcdly Iorked againsl the boys fronl rkansas but they displayed the tnlc Porker spirit and took th e result 01 the meet on (he chin but cI uled l1]l the score

al a later dale

In th e second t riangular meet Il ith 11el1 shy

dri - and the College of th e Oza rks held for the iirs t time in Fayettcl-ille on pril 12 (he Porkers s t~ored ~J point-so H enclri J5 and

(ha rks 30

Th e Porkers tnih sholed 1heir proIess

in thi s Illeet and did their part in sctting the nel records and tying 1110st of the old ones

rkansas also defeated Tul sa U niersity ill a dual llleci pril 16 in fayetteyillc scorshy

ing 73~ )loint s 1hi1c Tulsa only scored 51

l ~ Ien thuugll the IITa t her for t hi s meet Ias ]1Ot so good it lIas an all -outdoor affair and the Porker fo rged ahead to III a k e ltllllcnds for their prcI iou s defea t at the ha11ds

nit he Tulsa thill(lad~

rka llsas t eam a~ lom posed 0 f La shyF Cl rgc ynl1e Barker Honea Gilliland dashe K ius lhain ami TTarriol1 middle di~ta11 cb -)pivey -=pilkrs al1 ~ickk and Tladen lIeights l~ay and -)hcrland jaClin l cDanieJ and an ~ickk high jump Poole

Cl1clner and ~ea]11ster pole alt1r Geiser awl lloole broad junlp and Tilmon and

heelus hllrclc~

l ( 120


O-L Y oll e leu erlllan lohn lltl llc r e shy

mained frolll las t ycars tennis squad hen Coa ch Glen R()se issued the first can f(Jr practice carl tbis spring Three playe r s from last y ears fr csh11l an team repon ed and wcre a ll able tu mak e- the teal11

-r kansa s won j ts Jirst ienni 111 a (che3 fl(ltl l t he Cullege o i th e (ha rks and t id ith

lhe Okla homa and )J Lennis team but los t twice Lo I he team horn K Olthcast Okl ahom a Teachcrs a t T a hlequah once on t he loca l ~~(ll1 rl and once in Tab lequah

T he ~cb eul1lc for the tea m 1hi yea r was lIot a lengthy one and een Lhcn th e incJel11 shytIll) or the cather a t the Lim e of Lh e YariOLlS

l11a lt h l~ tended to change the schedule of the It ~11 11 11l111 - t iIII e s

1gt 1 1~ 1

-July on e m ore se ries relllaili s (0 be

played Ii t h th e ~prill g fieJ d S Ulle Teachers Cc llcgc at ~pr jn gfi e l d on May 2

John Ka1l t number one ranking playr is also caplain ) Je11lbe r s or the tea lll an K an e l- rank P illman Br1l cc 1 ille r I felJr T11 ck ~ans CHn COPl an(1 B rooks

lncJ er tll l cX jJeri g uidance ui Coa ch (I CIJ l ~() -e t he Y ars ity tea m did show 11 p well

in all o (he l11 a tches that th ey ]Jlayed T he atlcnda nce a th e loca l Jll rt l cb c~ l hi yea r r eached a n CI h igl1 fo r _rkansa- tenni s _ t the- Lilll e l11e Ri ZORBCK g oes to press th l cason is n ot )Ct m er hut the prospect s as to

k ttenncn is c rI good and it is predicted tha t at least s i-- letLer s will be (J a rded Jor Lermi s rhi- year

the Razorhacks at Little Rock again fur th e Haylol game and PrullY Kane smile with _Ia ids Page Hearne

and Hunt yllis Houston and Gertie Razorback cheer leader smile for the cameraman 55 Bay lor and maids ride down lain street and the parade proceeds beiore th e opening of the Haylor-Arkansa~

ga nle e Special arrives at Ln ion Stati on and General Let of Kappa Iph a is seell managing the hags of tllO larys

Al exander and Herry Il1 e) meets Jaine from O uchita ok displ easure Ily Narnock alld Snooks Crumpler as tllty lead th e Razorback haJl d- contributin g a 101 to tht gala day atic IOl)ks like shes lost a tooth here-another view of Lh e sponsors tloat leS Leslie ancl Pruny- a-Ia-HullL in background stage th e grand entrance at th e beginning of th e game

rq holus up traffic fur th e Razorback band ilc Delta Delta Delta Pittman smiles as she returns to ht r home tOil 11 for th e game

rth enia Pruny Kane th e Pi Beta Phi choice for Baylor Sponsor represellts th e nears ( tag sale assureS the Arkansas band o f arrival by ~p ecial train

Tol11e-coming at Arkansas and th e Chi Omega iloat aSslIres a ruyal l~komc

A frosh gives an accurate interpretation of La Hunt can~illg off a hom e-coming prize for Freshman tacky COS~U1l1es

The band in Schular tOIl passes the Palace drug store here students old grads and f()nller Razorback rooters await Quecn Lasley and her maids atch Arkansas hattie with Rice Gordon Holcomb Eminent Commander of Sigma Iu Epsilon Tau Tau appears to he watching th e game- or Ila itin g

for the half Captain Valter Neeley parades Company Gn for the Home-Coming crowds Ion R O T c and the Ch i Omega house in decoration represents a iield of real rice thanks to IvTadeline Srn ith opound

Wheatly The Kappa Kappa Gamma float is a miniature Main Building lary Lasley Ch i Omega h o lIas chosen Home-Coming Qlllt n as a r esult o f the winni ng sales tag drive allci rul es

as Queen of the ThirteenJh AIlJlL1a l Home-Coming Tlw Pi Phi float-So S Alumni unfortunate in th e disqualification due to letter s 011 the back

Lithful old ~am the night-atchman makes the student dance 011 his nightly rouncis and finds all is yell 115011 a Kappa Kappa Gamma sho5 her pepsodent smile and enthus iasm for the Razorhack victory llk ~obks COllJmandel- of Sigma) u see111S to hayc had an accideut and hohhles to his classes on cru tch es for a

wcek or so le sign in r ed on thi s appropriate stone- reacl the platc and the fancy art I-ork freshmen opound36 and helyare cause

the gohlins Iill get you if you d01lt atch out-pile of the Sigma Chi irosh prepare the house for the first dinner dance to start a socia l season with Hearne

supe rvising J J ernigan c Pondel- amsley an(1 others ~ orge Lk lamp has a protest hut the camera still gets this characteristic pose hat this check was hot

e Cline and Carl BOIIman hol(] la- at the K K G house iter-the-ba ll -e lection ~ ( This picture II as nnt made on the G111lPUS ) hut they say somebodys straight ticket went


Ch i Omega pl edges Taylor anrl Young are qualified mel11bers oj th e girls rijle team Qua li iication Riding 1J()() ~ s and pants

Elanl -are ~eems to be hav ing a hard time making Ditty Curl stand up and smile jor tIll call1era T wo blushing athletes Sherland and Poole in a forceful pose Hilly lee again visits the sorority houses as spring is just arnund the corner VlIere Ias 1middotJ li s KatieshyGlover Delancy who cant see Sheullake o iten enough tries to 111ake a rath er unusual entran ce in the Chin house hut

Joplin ~I urchinson stand guard A peaceinl cat among the disordered K K Gs at election time fr ]ond the major is ~ells Lairds choice for head man Taurine Ecll11instoll and a friend II-atch the boys on a Thu rsday ajternooll drill day J(1l1tstcr Hodg-es who holds the double bOl101- and distinction of having made the highest grades in la ll school a](1

k ing the husband oj HaITyette Iorrison Hodges

u bull bull p

19 z gtlaquo w J

u) =gt a ~ laquo U

0 w gt0 J W (l)

0 =gt 0 z 0 Ul IJl gt 0 0 lt

0 w f-z s 19 Z

laquo gtJ


0 z laquo Ul J J laquo s 0 W gt0 w N laquo J lt9 w gt fshy0 w fshy0 0 0 UlshyI


-z I W (l)


W ITH six ~et url1illg letiernwn thrn of hom ere senIors COlch (ien Rose had better

lhan a siX-loot squad I ith Ih ich to enter into the Sou thllest Cnni crence ba~kcwal1 racc

C l jJtaill T a ft 100(1 ) thollferell ce i Orarcl last yea r as we ll as tJli s )~ea r k rl hi s teammatcs in the opening games againsl the O klahollla T eachers emergin g w ilh t wn victories A ll hough the Porkers did nut shu lip S) Iel l in 1hl openillg game they caIDe back the ( (011([ nigh t to pi le up a sco re of S3 points t(J lheir opponents 14

During the Chris tmas Ilolidays lht Porker squad 11 t IJn a short road trip alJd dropped the iirst two


games buih hl)c r 11 lose scoreS Tul~a de~ feated them once anrl 111 lt- Tu lsa D iamond Oilers jorl1l lr 1 A L ehallJpioll n()sed them out by two po in ts A it er th e holidays the l-ltazorbacks avenged th eir i irs l defeat I)) smother ing lhe Tulsa Cniversity

t cam l) it seorl () i 33 to 1

rkallsas upll cd the conicrcnce rae by taking tll () gall1es tnnll lli cc in t hl [f)cal tlIllpor ary f ield houe O ne point a~ the margin of victory in the i ir t c( ll1ie r ell Cc game l-1iclt- lost th e secoml 19 tu 37

Jaki ll g th eir first rlla (l trip th e Porke rs skinn ed the T C U Frogs icl aud b rought hOllle the bacon

( 11 1 1 1 1 1 i( )OllY Tll( Pork er s i o rgo[ to foot in stead they got up in the air v) score 41 poillts to 20 in th e first gam e and

f2 tl) 2middotj in thc sn (I1lt tussle


VL I 11 2




A RKS S 1ra YC]u l tu ll Slill to

011 the Texas LOllghorns and


after ca ll ed Ol hkansas the (h e ecold game

iirsl light and 21 1Il

iakiTlg Lh e fiJSl game by 17 points dropped The joLl owiJl g eek-encl the Razorbacks thL second by 10 [railing at the half of th e suiferccI t hlir sccond st rai g ht loss when ule firt ga llle by one ]Join t the P orkers led by S 1 U ~ lustangs ddeated them 30 to 22 )l ood~ and Poole found the ba sket in th e Play ing Wilh o1tt the sC lIi ces o f Ca ptain Taft setollc1 hali for )-+ po in ts and dcieated the foocI) wh o recei ccl a hip injury in the Longhorn s -+ to 1 0 Ho ever ill the second Tc~as game hich jlut him on t he s ide lin es game th e P o rker coul d neyer g et started and for (he remaincler of the season the rkansa s lost 23 to 33 Jack Gray was the Texa s star atlack nen r sta r ted GiUjland who t ook hnUl nights TClltV personal fouls wer e looltiy s place led th e Porker s in scoring-

1(1 113

DEA JOH CLARK JORDAlJ- The Graduate School is indeed fortunate in having as its Dean a man ho is recogni zed nati0oal1y fo r his many acshycompli shments Through his understanding of the probshylems which confront the graduate students they are di shyr ected in the pursui t of Lheir stud ies and a re encourageJ to increase thei r private sto le of knowledge Dean Jordans advice is greatly respected and he is a friend to all students in aiding th em to choo e the ir courlCS


BrOOl lYII New YorkplJ1Llli L BENZA

J(ATAIUNA DOJUlIUCrun Jiayellcllille Arkansas Graduate HOllor 3middot1 1jl Hbullllor iu latally

5ior Class lIODors

HILDA GILTNER BUTIS - Joplin Missottri Kappa Kappa Gamma

WruIAM L GIlES ittI Roell AriwlIsas 13 0LfiUY St111inar

middotMlLY DALE GRAy FayetteviiJe Amiddotkatlsas Dclw G~mma Y V C A InternRlional IelMio ll( Club

Women League Politica l Science Club H onor Roll Fall 32 Sp ring 34

THELMA JAM1S Spillgfield Missollri Tri ])dla

JAMES HpoundltRY J ONES Fayetteville Arkansas Y M C A

TILLMAN 110RGAN Russeilvile Akatlsas Sigma N u Phi Bela Kappa Blue K ey A B C P Ilt Club ROltOI of ArkauKlI2 TravCer Vrilers CluL A ]3 Degte 34

]poundN lRESSON Pot Smith Arkansas Botany Senunar O~tagon W omens l eague Y W C A 33

German Club 33 35 Sym phony Orcheslra 32 33 merican s50cintion of University W0111en 34 JS

JANE STELZNER Fayetteville Arkatlsas Kappa K alJpa Gamma Pi Mu 8piloll See) 33 34

WrLLIA T U TLEY Parki~ Arkansas M A in Arts

MRY L EE W TKINS Wasilingtoll D C Zettl Ta n Alpha

ELNA WILLIAMS Comva Arkansas Masters D egree

P AGE 23

I ) I ~ l ~G1L L JOFS- Thc L-Ilil-er~ity i ~ mtn a nlctlb 10 an en d lttn inslituti o n

II-here I he tclt11llubl n lir1l1ll o f 11ll II-orld i tccl ihk to tllllv 11110 -mild acquirt a part fJi it Thl r uk of till rh and ScilncC

Schoo is one o j hrotcil-lling uf lplricllC ( and kIH)Ikdgl in the fine an~ Illat life 111lt1_1 he happi er and more lOlllpkl t_ It is to tlCC ends th a t Ikan lones faith f 111 y dcvotc hi -o r

SENIORS HIJWI Irt A Tl[FR - Sail A II rltl i(l Te x as

Frlaquo lunUl Fllo lba ll I llte rfrt-tt ernity Cou ll cil Deutscher ttin fr lle l Cluh nlack Cat -otilli 011 Club Pr lecl

Club Zoology Club RAZORIIACK Saff 35

~IR A uIY Oklll1lY f Okla homa Pi nela Phi

AlJ E 1lpoundR P(lrrsO Il New J erscI T tu Epsi lon Phi Band -igila ncc COll1miuee -

Jll terfra l t rllil ~ Coun cil Ge nll(tn Clu b

lLTl)N BAR I K AlaJla Gc ()ry ia KaVfi ltt ~i Sna Clu l Jlt sl1 man T rack 32

arSIl) T rack 33 14 Ge rma n Cl ub

l t1l l 13 AR-ITTT A Y ltsla Arkallsas - SiJ1lll Chi rbull lL C HIanner G~o Club

I~ otany C lub U1lIver ity Theatt~

VUlpoundSBV 13pound)T()N Ji llello Arkallsas fll et1 K a ppa X u

nLT( ROlfETltT REYfON Foyd)cl A rk aJlsas happ S irllo PrL-idClIt ]Or~h 1ll a ll C1as~ 3 1 32 Studtnt ~ltn~e 32 33 Pres ident X Club 34 Ca pt ain Foo t hall

34 I nnba ll 32 33 34 lIlue K ey ho h 35 ChILnnan Social COmm itlee 34 31

~l Rl ]31ililY He ll om iilc ArlwlIsns Chi Orl1 lga Un i middote r~i f) Thtatn 34 3S o man L eag-ue tlman l It hl e tic sIociariolJ 33 3-i l syehology C lub

Call Queen 311 35 RZORB-CK S taff 33 ho ~ V h t) 3

NaL BOIJ)fS Faye l e uille Arkallsas P I 1 h 1~~ Phi SIInll l ph1 i ota CJli c r i-i ty T hen t re

Ulacld nar Germa n Cl uu H onor Hull 32 33 oman s L tRg W

) ((lll IlRl-1 KEI-IIIT - I-inrrisbltr( A rlwnsas ~i g11l3 Chi

J S BltOOK~ - CI Dorado A-wrsas E 101 y~ BROW N B rill klel A rkallJas

Pi Be ta Phi omans LeH~lI~ oma n s Athl etic ~ ssociaition

Xnl Ct)~IPTON Bellomille A rkallsas K a ppa S i~l11a I3rallller 0eo Cluh

Glee C ilih 3 1 32 33 4

HENRI C L EYEl N Il Fa I elleill A rk ullsas J)cha t )c l ra Delta Bla c kfia rs lJ Tti~ers iT r Theatrt~

l n1lrt lati f) 1111 Rtlatioll ~ C luh (1 111 allio L ea gue middot eJe~ P lay e r l hi Be La K apJgt3 ~ S ic(1l13 E ps ilon Sigml ]-C K DOWnES D IIIIIOII A rkan sas

Phi Klflm ~middotipha

HClIl -~ Ell Z _B~T H 1)-11 - MorrillOil A rlallsas hi O mega Hrn r Ro ll 31 12 3) 3 1 y 11_ C

P h i Ju Ep-i1nll V 0tlHH1 O L c a)ue

EnJY Ei~O-1 1(1 f lCill A rkallsas P i Beta P hi Lambda T a u Y Y C ~

V (l111 anS middotili lanc Commiuc~

GrOR E p U L ELnR]]lGE - AIIVlIsla A r fals as Kapp1 S ig-l11 a

llI(I ISI t 1LE-J EnWRDlt [i llie Rock Arkansas Pi UCla P hi R OQl in Rube l tli vtmiddotr~itmiddot rh~ 1 re Cu i( tn ll ll1a kfritr gt i Y C oJllan~ League Lam bd T all

CIiAE R E Gl LESTOX JR F(l r Smith -l rkcmsos Lrnbda Ch i lph Scab ba rd and Hlade y ~ 1 C

V i ~i lanc t CO lllmitt ee nnUlrlfI Geo C lub Hl ack Cat Co ti lli (n

13~ J I I -- ESE IJI-]( Kalsas Cil j111ssouri Kappa K u hov iogy Seminar lJ~ ut sch er erean

T) s ~rc holog) Cluh II illel S oc ie fY

S Ol EISENJlpoundt(I N pu York VI() York German Club IIiIl~ 1 S)ciety Zou lollt) Cillb

P ychology Cluh Pre- lI ed_ Club

lLSO l~JSFJrR JR SlIlpllll l S1119S lrlwlIsas Pi Klppa Alpha K a )l ll a Kappa l ~i

Er IZAllfT fI F LFTC H ER rillle Ro ck Arkansas D lta Delta Delta 11_ 33 3~ Ge n n a n Club

ZO(J t)g Y - (llI iTl ar 34 3i Honor Roll

RI~ FLfM i ~ FaYllciiile -l rkalls(ls eta Tau lpha

h~N [ OU TZ ralw l eilc A r kansas i Ikta P h i Phi Al pha Be ta Unive r ~il Y T hea Lre

Bladdriaf-- c) ll1 au ~ Teague

1 IllY LEE F ORYTH Checota h Okiahollla Ka ppa Ka ppa Cam m a

K AT HrRINE FrN Xl Y - rCljIItCZ jlc hkallsas Pi pet P h i Ph i n ~ta Kapl3 Rootl Tl - Ruhcti larl1 bd a Ta u

t lgma E ps il on S iJtma middotma ll i ea14tle Y X CA P i )( u Ep~i lo ll ho ho 3

Elu G RDYEl RltsselhiJle A IkulsOS Kalla S ig lO -a i ty Foot ball 3-l-

YEKA GAHRtrr Aga-r SMtih Dakoa Ch i Omega Phi Heta Kappa

1 1 27

I) r 11 C r IO T Z- Ill this day and agl f)i jlcciaIi at ion it is i t rl cogni zed i act that special shy

iz atioll ill tcach er lrl i J1 ing is 11llCSsa r middot or it soc ictmiddot that is COlllill lllalh

placing gnalcr hurdens oj characte r trainill upon the p uhli c sc hoo]

1)CCln Iloi prec isc tnd llldh)(lilal is a COllljllkllt and s ta ull ch guid e

tlHfJugh a school u[ trai ll in and learning-


Liflt (o-ilt d rAonflls JOY B JPllLE Sigma fu 1PUfball t ~ I J2 33 St cj~d ClIl11rn J~

OLLIe Blu-WII~ (I )II l illo- l r k (JII SflS I S E e)k~ l )l a ~ ( T

)ln~ Tll~DlC KLIX -I sd () ~ -1 rkaIlStl~


r j ILl Ihi ~mnan middot Ic 11 lt - C

O Llvrr CJIIWFt1 R1IHIiU A r kclllslIS t- 1ppa ~lU-Jnf middotl1ot~ Fw- thall -33 4

ACDIE E~ lrGiII -I fWII fII L tlJ ()111fg-J Un i ~rliT) Theun nukfrii l ~- ~

Ells l osE F LVI Lill~ No(k l rlclI)(S leta T Stu llihil Y C 1 Cbillct Root Hul~

i ~ltaUle (milt P au j re-l kni e

CHESTER n I_EIllFrTER Strillod 111L bullbull rlwlIsus Fremiddot hrniltl FI]1I Jlt T Bcl- 31

H lfJ I OIJELL 1LLLE R - j middotmiddot(I IclctmiddotiIlL bull l1-~alfI I~ bull 3 1

VA-IDA l ru IO - - lf li lfo rd A rhmsGs Kal1Jra Kaplll C a1I11113 P l e middot Y C t~H -i llma _- llha l()t~ nnu ll middot L e1tu~ middotigilante C lI1m n

Pan-Il dicuit 33- 3-1 3+35

I T I~ n r~ i II I] O klllllJ I ONlllwNla P i Be t r li 0 111 10 L e IUllC l~rb Pl1i l p ll 1 I1 t=Ul

Ac-ts ~IiU I - 111sdll Arkmlw Pi Hda Phi rl gi _u ~~rlmiddot Quetu 3 5

FTtAoI Klli L EWIJ S ll oUIlI P lIg l ArkalSas Uelta Gamma P re J l Ic Cmiddot T I euro Senior C t ~l lo)1iu

Rult (- ui t~r~ i l J l h t lt t r(( l1uan l t~gU l i ~iJ aoce Cnoun Y C 1 hi I phn I-lela Vilo W ho 33

NFI l 1 ICllr F oyflc7 ill lulllm$ I ALJ L j-IJ]J T A lIdomiddot II Arkallsos

P h u E w C lilliDIl Club

AIM B IT t Faycl middotillt Ark(lllStlS

E eMOYO n IL O S - R 1Issrli villt A rkansas Ithl Lambd f a ll ) 1 C Amiddot Plli ti ctl -S ci~middotn ce C lu b

BnL Y t-middotc poundy r l) middotmiddotItIt7middoti II hkll lsas Lmu Ch i - ha e C P elhin( Rif1

Vesl~r [l ayergt

P A CE 97




X L Id [b Ops

9 J

750 45 1 36 Southern -Icthorli st Univers itv_ __ __ _ _ 9 3 750 423 310

9 3 750 406 353 - 7 417 381 403

________ _______ ___ ________________ 4shyTexas a11(1 11 8 J)) 386 442 Ba)-]c)r ____ ______ ____ _____ __ ______ ________ ____ ____ ___________________ __ _____ 4 S 333 330 422 Texas Christian U nivers ity __ ___________ ___ __ ____ __ 2 10 156 290 391


rkallsas_ __ _ 3t-l O klahoma Teachers __ _ 21 A rka 11 Slt15 ______ ) 3 O kl ahoma T eachers _____ 14 rkansa5 __ _______22 of Tulsa A lkansas __ 50 Acla Okla T eachers 21 Arkansas __26 Diamond Oilers _____ _ 25 Arkansas 33 0 f T ul sa _____ ____ _ _ 15

rkansas 31 Rice rkansas37 Rice _ 19 Axkansas_ 41 T C U __ _ ____ __ Arkansa5_______ _ A2 1 C U __ ____ 24 1kal15a5 _ ______ JiO F t Smith Spor ts 32 Arkansas __ ~ -- __ __ 37 Raylor _____ _____ __ _ ___ __ ___27 A rkansas _ __ 4N Baylor __ ________ ___ 30 rkaI15a5_________ A7 Te~as __ _ 30

rkansas __ __ 23 T ex as Arka usas ___ 22 S 1 1 f 1kansas -_- 27 S M U _____ _ __ _ 4 1 Arkan ~as _____ A = T esas Aggies __ _ __ __ __ __ ___ __ A1

rkaI15lt1-s _____ 51 Texas A g-gi es__ ___ ~ l


PIE 11t-



lill e r C lh Tuck Iillm an Brooks Sansom Kan lt a nd Coach Zos

AR~~SiS thinc la (~ took ]~art in their 11fSl 1l1door m eet III the [ulsa A

L m eet the latter pan of larch IIith the

Porkers II inning three third places ~pITY

in the sh()t LaF()l-ge in rhe dash and Kitts in

ihe (lO()-yard run scored for rkansas

Th e fact that the L)orkers IIen lo tr ced i]I shy

doors and the un familiarity Ilhich la ~ ed the team at Tulsa Itndouhtcdly Iorked againsl the boys fronl rkansas but they displayed the tnlc Porker spirit and took th e result 01 the meet on (he chin but cI uled l1]l the score

al a later dale

In th e second t riangular meet Il ith 11el1 shy

dri - and the College of th e Oza rks held for the iirs t time in Fayettcl-ille on pril 12 (he Porkers s t~ored ~J point-so H enclri J5 and

(ha rks 30

Th e Porkers tnih sholed 1heir proIess

in thi s Illeet and did their part in sctting the nel records and tying 1110st of the old ones

rkansas also defeated Tul sa U niersity ill a dual llleci pril 16 in fayetteyillc scorshy

ing 73~ )loint s 1hi1c Tulsa only scored 51

l ~ Ien thuugll the IITa t her for t hi s meet Ias ]1Ot so good it lIas an all -outdoor affair and the Porker fo rged ahead to III a k e ltllllcnds for their prcI iou s defea t at the ha11ds

nit he Tulsa thill(lad~

rka llsas t eam a~ lom posed 0 f La shyF Cl rgc ynl1e Barker Honea Gilliland dashe K ius lhain ami TTarriol1 middle di~ta11 cb -)pivey -=pilkrs al1 ~ickk and Tladen lIeights l~ay and -)hcrland jaClin l cDanieJ and an ~ickk high jump Poole

Cl1clner and ~ea]11ster pole alt1r Geiser awl lloole broad junlp and Tilmon and

heelus hllrclc~

l ( 120


O-L Y oll e leu erlllan lohn lltl llc r e shy

mained frolll las t ycars tennis squad hen Coa ch Glen R()se issued the first can f(Jr practice carl tbis spring Three playe r s from last y ears fr csh11l an team repon ed and wcre a ll able tu mak e- the teal11

-r kansa s won j ts Jirst ienni 111 a (che3 fl(ltl l t he Cullege o i th e (ha rks and t id ith

lhe Okla homa and )J Lennis team but los t twice Lo I he team horn K Olthcast Okl ahom a Teachcrs a t T a hlequah once on t he loca l ~~(ll1 rl and once in Tab lequah

T he ~cb eul1lc for the tea m 1hi yea r was lIot a lengthy one and een Lhcn th e incJel11 shytIll) or the cather a t the Lim e of Lh e YariOLlS

l11a lt h l~ tended to change the schedule of the It ~11 11 11l111 - t iIII e s

1gt 1 1~ 1

-July on e m ore se ries relllaili s (0 be

played Ii t h th e ~prill g fieJ d S Ulle Teachers Cc llcgc at ~pr jn gfi e l d on May 2

John Ka1l t number one ranking playr is also caplain ) Je11lbe r s or the tea lll an K an e l- rank P illman Br1l cc 1 ille r I felJr T11 ck ~ans CHn COPl an(1 B rooks

lncJ er tll l cX jJeri g uidance ui Coa ch (I CIJ l ~() -e t he Y ars ity tea m did show 11 p well

in all o (he l11 a tches that th ey ]Jlayed T he atlcnda nce a th e loca l Jll rt l cb c~ l hi yea r r eached a n CI h igl1 fo r _rkansa- tenni s _ t the- Lilll e l11e Ri ZORBCK g oes to press th l cason is n ot )Ct m er hut the prospect s as to

k ttenncn is c rI good and it is predicted tha t at least s i-- letLer s will be (J a rded Jor Lermi s rhi- year

the Razorhacks at Little Rock again fur th e Haylol game and PrullY Kane smile with _Ia ids Page Hearne

and Hunt yllis Houston and Gertie Razorback cheer leader smile for the cameraman 55 Bay lor and maids ride down lain street and the parade proceeds beiore th e opening of the Haylor-Arkansa~

ga nle e Special arrives at Ln ion Stati on and General Let of Kappa Iph a is seell managing the hags of tllO larys

Al exander and Herry Il1 e) meets Jaine from O uchita ok displ easure Ily Narnock alld Snooks Crumpler as tllty lead th e Razorback haJl d- contributin g a 101 to tht gala day atic IOl)ks like shes lost a tooth here-another view of Lh e sponsors tloat leS Leslie ancl Pruny- a-Ia-HullL in background stage th e grand entrance at th e beginning of th e game

rq holus up traffic fur th e Razorback band ilc Delta Delta Delta Pittman smiles as she returns to ht r home tOil 11 for th e game

rth enia Pruny Kane th e Pi Beta Phi choice for Baylor Sponsor represellts th e nears ( tag sale assureS the Arkansas band o f arrival by ~p ecial train

Tol11e-coming at Arkansas and th e Chi Omega iloat aSslIres a ruyal l~komc

A frosh gives an accurate interpretation of La Hunt can~illg off a hom e-coming prize for Freshman tacky COS~U1l1es

The band in Schular tOIl passes the Palace drug store here students old grads and f()nller Razorback rooters await Quecn Lasley and her maids atch Arkansas hattie with Rice Gordon Holcomb Eminent Commander of Sigma Iu Epsilon Tau Tau appears to he watching th e game- or Ila itin g

for the half Captain Valter Neeley parades Company Gn for the Home-Coming crowds Ion R O T c and the Ch i Omega house in decoration represents a iield of real rice thanks to IvTadeline Srn ith opound

Wheatly The Kappa Kappa Gamma float is a miniature Main Building lary Lasley Ch i Omega h o lIas chosen Home-Coming Qlllt n as a r esult o f the winni ng sales tag drive allci rul es

as Queen of the ThirteenJh AIlJlL1a l Home-Coming Tlw Pi Phi float-So S Alumni unfortunate in th e disqualification due to letter s 011 the back

Lithful old ~am the night-atchman makes the student dance 011 his nightly rouncis and finds all is yell 115011 a Kappa Kappa Gamma sho5 her pepsodent smile and enthus iasm for the Razorhack victory llk ~obks COllJmandel- of Sigma) u see111S to hayc had an accideut and hohhles to his classes on cru tch es for a

wcek or so le sign in r ed on thi s appropriate stone- reacl the platc and the fancy art I-ork freshmen opound36 and helyare cause

the gohlins Iill get you if you d01lt atch out-pile of the Sigma Chi irosh prepare the house for the first dinner dance to start a socia l season with Hearne

supe rvising J J ernigan c Pondel- amsley an(1 others ~ orge Lk lamp has a protest hut the camera still gets this characteristic pose hat this check was hot

e Cline and Carl BOIIman hol(] la- at the K K G house iter-the-ba ll -e lection ~ ( This picture II as nnt made on the G111lPUS ) hut they say somebodys straight ticket went


Ch i Omega pl edges Taylor anrl Young are qualified mel11bers oj th e girls rijle team Qua li iication Riding 1J()() ~ s and pants

Elanl -are ~eems to be hav ing a hard time making Ditty Curl stand up and smile jor tIll call1era T wo blushing athletes Sherland and Poole in a forceful pose Hilly lee again visits the sorority houses as spring is just arnund the corner VlIere Ias 1middotJ li s KatieshyGlover Delancy who cant see Sheullake o iten enough tries to 111ake a rath er unusual entran ce in the Chin house hut

Joplin ~I urchinson stand guard A peaceinl cat among the disordered K K Gs at election time fr ]ond the major is ~ells Lairds choice for head man Taurine Ecll11instoll and a friend II-atch the boys on a Thu rsday ajternooll drill day J(1l1tstcr Hodg-es who holds the double bOl101- and distinction of having made the highest grades in la ll school a](1

k ing the husband oj HaITyette Iorrison Hodges

W ITH six ~et url1illg letiernwn thrn of hom ere senIors COlch (ien Rose had better

lhan a siX-loot squad I ith Ih ich to enter into the Sou thllest Cnni crence ba~kcwal1 racc

C l jJtaill T a ft 100(1 ) thollferell ce i Orarcl last yea r as we ll as tJli s )~ea r k rl hi s teammatcs in the opening games againsl the O klahollla T eachers emergin g w ilh t wn victories A ll hough the Porkers did nut shu lip S) Iel l in 1hl openillg game they caIDe back the ( (011([ nigh t to pi le up a sco re of S3 points t(J lheir opponents 14

During the Chris tmas Ilolidays lht Porker squad 11 t IJn a short road trip alJd dropped the iirst two


games buih hl)c r 11 lose scoreS Tul~a de~ feated them once anrl 111 lt- Tu lsa D iamond Oilers jorl1l lr 1 A L ehallJpioll n()sed them out by two po in ts A it er th e holidays the l-ltazorbacks avenged th eir i irs l defeat I)) smother ing lhe Tulsa Cniversity

t cam l) it seorl () i 33 to 1

rkallsas upll cd the conicrcnce rae by taking tll () gall1es tnnll lli cc in t hl [f)cal tlIllpor ary f ield houe O ne point a~ the margin of victory in the i ir t c( ll1ie r ell Cc game l-1iclt- lost th e secoml 19 tu 37

Jaki ll g th eir first rlla (l trip th e Porke rs skinn ed the T C U Frogs icl aud b rought hOllle the bacon

( 11 1 1 1 1 1 i( )OllY Tll( Pork er s i o rgo[ to foot in stead they got up in the air v) score 41 poillts to 20 in th e first gam e and

f2 tl) 2middotj in thc sn (I1lt tussle


VL I 11 2




A RKS S 1ra YC]u l tu ll Slill to

011 the Texas LOllghorns and


after ca ll ed Ol hkansas the (h e ecold game

iirsl light and 21 1Il

iakiTlg Lh e fiJSl game by 17 points dropped The joLl owiJl g eek-encl the Razorbacks thL second by 10 [railing at the half of th e suiferccI t hlir sccond st rai g ht loss when ule firt ga llle by one ]Join t the P orkers led by S 1 U ~ lustangs ddeated them 30 to 22 )l ood~ and Poole found the ba sket in th e Play ing Wilh o1tt the sC lIi ces o f Ca ptain Taft setollc1 hali for )-+ po in ts and dcieated the foocI) wh o recei ccl a hip injury in the Longhorn s -+ to 1 0 Ho ever ill the second Tc~as game hich jlut him on t he s ide lin es game th e P o rker coul d neyer g et started and for (he remaincler of the season the rkansa s lost 23 to 33 Jack Gray was the Texa s star atlack nen r sta r ted GiUjland who t ook hnUl nights TClltV personal fouls wer e looltiy s place led th e Porker s in scoring-

1(1 113

DEA JOH CLARK JORDAlJ- The Graduate School is indeed fortunate in having as its Dean a man ho is recogni zed nati0oal1y fo r his many acshycompli shments Through his understanding of the probshylems which confront the graduate students they are di shyr ected in the pursui t of Lheir stud ies and a re encourageJ to increase thei r private sto le of knowledge Dean Jordans advice is greatly respected and he is a friend to all students in aiding th em to choo e the ir courlCS


BrOOl lYII New YorkplJ1Llli L BENZA

J(ATAIUNA DOJUlIUCrun Jiayellcllille Arkansas Graduate HOllor 3middot1 1jl Hbullllor iu latally

5ior Class lIODors

HILDA GILTNER BUTIS - Joplin Missottri Kappa Kappa Gamma

WruIAM L GIlES ittI Roell AriwlIsas 13 0LfiUY St111inar

middotMlLY DALE GRAy FayetteviiJe Amiddotkatlsas Dclw G~mma Y V C A InternRlional IelMio ll( Club

Women League Politica l Science Club H onor Roll Fall 32 Sp ring 34

THELMA JAM1S Spillgfield Missollri Tri ])dla

JAMES HpoundltRY J ONES Fayetteville Arkansas Y M C A

TILLMAN 110RGAN Russeilvile Akatlsas Sigma N u Phi Bela Kappa Blue K ey A B C P Ilt Club ROltOI of ArkauKlI2 TravCer Vrilers CluL A ]3 Degte 34

]poundN lRESSON Pot Smith Arkansas Botany Senunar O~tagon W omens l eague Y W C A 33

German Club 33 35 Sym phony Orcheslra 32 33 merican s50cintion of University W0111en 34 JS

JANE STELZNER Fayetteville Arkatlsas Kappa K alJpa Gamma Pi Mu 8piloll See) 33 34

WrLLIA T U TLEY Parki~ Arkansas M A in Arts

MRY L EE W TKINS Wasilingtoll D C Zettl Ta n Alpha

ELNA WILLIAMS Comva Arkansas Masters D egree

P AGE 23

I ) I ~ l ~G1L L JOFS- Thc L-Ilil-er~ity i ~ mtn a nlctlb 10 an en d lttn inslituti o n

II-here I he tclt11llubl n lir1l1ll o f 11ll II-orld i tccl ihk to tllllv 11110 -mild acquirt a part fJi it Thl r uk of till rh and ScilncC

Schoo is one o j hrotcil-lling uf lplricllC ( and kIH)Ikdgl in the fine an~ Illat life 111lt1_1 he happi er and more lOlllpkl t_ It is to tlCC ends th a t Ikan lones faith f 111 y dcvotc hi -o r

SENIORS HIJWI Irt A Tl[FR - Sail A II rltl i(l Te x as

Frlaquo lunUl Fllo lba ll I llte rfrt-tt ernity Cou ll cil Deutscher ttin fr lle l Cluh nlack Cat -otilli 011 Club Pr lecl

Club Zoology Club RAZORIIACK Saff 35

~IR A uIY Oklll1lY f Okla homa Pi nela Phi

AlJ E 1lpoundR P(lrrsO Il New J erscI T tu Epsi lon Phi Band -igila ncc COll1miuee -

Jll terfra l t rllil ~ Coun cil Ge nll(tn Clu b

lLTl)N BAR I K AlaJla Gc ()ry ia KaVfi ltt ~i Sna Clu l Jlt sl1 man T rack 32

arSIl) T rack 33 14 Ge rma n Cl ub

l t1l l 13 AR-ITTT A Y ltsla Arkallsas - SiJ1lll Chi rbull lL C HIanner G~o Club

I~ otany C lub U1lIver ity Theatt~

VUlpoundSBV 13pound)T()N Ji llello Arkallsas fll et1 K a ppa X u

nLT( ROlfETltT REYfON Foyd)cl A rk aJlsas happ S irllo PrL-idClIt ]Or~h 1ll a ll C1as~ 3 1 32 Studtnt ~ltn~e 32 33 Pres ident X Club 34 Ca pt ain Foo t hall

34 I nnba ll 32 33 34 lIlue K ey ho h 35 ChILnnan Social COmm itlee 34 31

~l Rl ]31ililY He ll om iilc ArlwlIsns Chi Orl1 lga Un i middote r~i f) Thtatn 34 3S o man L eag-ue tlman l It hl e tic sIociariolJ 33 3-i l syehology C lub

Call Queen 311 35 RZORB-CK S taff 33 ho ~ V h t) 3

NaL BOIJ)fS Faye l e uille Arkallsas P I 1 h 1~~ Phi SIInll l ph1 i ota CJli c r i-i ty T hen t re

Ulacld nar Germa n Cl uu H onor Hull 32 33 oman s L tRg W

) ((lll IlRl-1 KEI-IIIT - I-inrrisbltr( A rlwnsas ~i g11l3 Chi

J S BltOOK~ - CI Dorado A-wrsas E 101 y~ BROW N B rill klel A rkallJas

Pi Be ta Phi omans LeH~lI~ oma n s Athl etic ~ ssociaition

Xnl Ct)~IPTON Bellomille A rkallsas K a ppa S i~l11a I3rallller 0eo Cluh

Glee C ilih 3 1 32 33 4

HENRI C L EYEl N Il Fa I elleill A rk ullsas J)cha t )c l ra Delta Bla c kfia rs lJ Tti~ers iT r Theatrt~

l n1lrt lati f) 1111 Rtlatioll ~ C luh (1 111 allio L ea gue middot eJe~ P lay e r l hi Be La K apJgt3 ~ S ic(1l13 E ps ilon Sigml ]-C K DOWnES D IIIIIOII A rkan sas

Phi Klflm ~middotipha

HClIl -~ Ell Z _B~T H 1)-11 - MorrillOil A rlallsas hi O mega Hrn r Ro ll 31 12 3) 3 1 y 11_ C

P h i Ju Ep-i1nll V 0tlHH1 O L c a)ue

EnJY Ei~O-1 1(1 f lCill A rkallsas P i Beta P hi Lambda T a u Y Y C ~

V (l111 anS middotili lanc Commiuc~

GrOR E p U L ELnR]]lGE - AIIVlIsla A r fals as Kapp1 S ig-l11 a

llI(I ISI t 1LE-J EnWRDlt [i llie Rock Arkansas Pi UCla P hi R OQl in Rube l tli vtmiddotr~itmiddot rh~ 1 re Cu i( tn ll ll1a kfritr gt i Y C oJllan~ League Lam bd T all

CIiAE R E Gl LESTOX JR F(l r Smith -l rkcmsos Lrnbda Ch i lph Scab ba rd and Hlade y ~ 1 C

V i ~i lanc t CO lllmitt ee nnUlrlfI Geo C lub Hl ack Cat Co ti lli (n

13~ J I I -- ESE IJI-]( Kalsas Cil j111ssouri Kappa K u hov iogy Seminar lJ~ ut sch er erean

T) s ~rc holog) Cluh II illel S oc ie fY

S Ol EISENJlpoundt(I N pu York VI() York German Club IIiIl~ 1 S)ciety Zou lollt) Cillb

P ychology Cluh Pre- lI ed_ Club

lLSO l~JSFJrR JR SlIlpllll l S1119S lrlwlIsas Pi Klppa Alpha K a )l ll a Kappa l ~i

Er IZAllfT fI F LFTC H ER rillle Ro ck Arkansas D lta Delta Delta 11_ 33 3~ Ge n n a n Club

ZO(J t)g Y - (llI iTl ar 34 3i Honor Roll

RI~ FLfM i ~ FaYllciiile -l rkalls(ls eta Tau lpha

h~N [ OU TZ ralw l eilc A r kansas i Ikta P h i Phi Al pha Be ta Unive r ~il Y T hea Lre

Bladdriaf-- c) ll1 au ~ Teague

1 IllY LEE F ORYTH Checota h Okiahollla Ka ppa Ka ppa Cam m a

K AT HrRINE FrN Xl Y - rCljIItCZ jlc hkallsas Pi pet P h i Ph i n ~ta Kapl3 Rootl Tl - Ruhcti larl1 bd a Ta u

t lgma E ps il on S iJtma middotma ll i ea14tle Y X CA P i )( u Ep~i lo ll ho ho 3

Elu G RDYEl RltsselhiJle A IkulsOS Kalla S ig lO -a i ty Foot ball 3-l-

YEKA GAHRtrr Aga-r SMtih Dakoa Ch i Omega Phi Heta Kappa

1 1 27

I) r 11 C r IO T Z- Ill this day and agl f)i jlcciaIi at ion it is i t rl cogni zed i act that special shy

iz atioll ill tcach er lrl i J1 ing is 11llCSsa r middot or it soc ictmiddot that is COlllill lllalh

placing gnalcr hurdens oj characte r trainill upon the p uhli c sc hoo]

1)CCln Iloi prec isc tnd llldh)(lilal is a COllljllkllt and s ta ull ch guid e

tlHfJugh a school u[ trai ll in and learning-


Liflt (o-ilt d rAonflls JOY B JPllLE Sigma fu 1PUfball t ~ I J2 33 St cj~d ClIl11rn J~

OLLIe Blu-WII~ (I )II l illo- l r k (JII SflS I S E e)k~ l )l a ~ ( T

)ln~ Tll~DlC KLIX -I sd () ~ -1 rkaIlStl~


r j ILl Ihi ~mnan middot Ic 11 lt - C

O Llvrr CJIIWFt1 R1IHIiU A r kclllslIS t- 1ppa ~lU-Jnf middotl1ot~ Fw- thall -33 4

ACDIE E~ lrGiII -I fWII fII L tlJ ()111fg-J Un i ~rliT) Theun nukfrii l ~- ~

Ells l osE F LVI Lill~ No(k l rlclI)(S leta T Stu llihil Y C 1 Cbillct Root Hul~

i ~ltaUle (milt P au j re-l kni e

CHESTER n I_EIllFrTER Strillod 111L bullbull rlwlIsus Fremiddot hrniltl FI]1I Jlt T Bcl- 31

H lfJ I OIJELL 1LLLE R - j middotmiddot(I IclctmiddotiIlL bull l1-~alfI I~ bull 3 1

VA-IDA l ru IO - - lf li lfo rd A rhmsGs Kal1Jra Kaplll C a1I11113 P l e middot Y C t~H -i llma _- llha l()t~ nnu ll middot L e1tu~ middotigilante C lI1m n

Pan-Il dicuit 33- 3-1 3+35

I T I~ n r~ i II I] O klllllJ I ONlllwNla P i Be t r li 0 111 10 L e IUllC l~rb Pl1i l p ll 1 I1 t=Ul

Ac-ts ~IiU I - 111sdll Arkmlw Pi Hda Phi rl gi _u ~~rlmiddot Quetu 3 5

FTtAoI Klli L EWIJ S ll oUIlI P lIg l ArkalSas Uelta Gamma P re J l Ic Cmiddot T I euro Senior C t ~l lo)1iu

Rult (- ui t~r~ i l J l h t lt t r(( l1uan l t~gU l i ~iJ aoce Cnoun Y C 1 hi I phn I-lela Vilo W ho 33

NFI l 1 ICllr F oyflc7 ill lulllm$ I ALJ L j-IJ]J T A lIdomiddot II Arkallsos

P h u E w C lilliDIl Club

AIM B IT t Faycl middotillt Ark(lllStlS

E eMOYO n IL O S - R 1Issrli villt A rkansas Ithl Lambd f a ll ) 1 C Amiddot Plli ti ctl -S ci~middotn ce C lu b

BnL Y t-middotc poundy r l) middotmiddotItIt7middoti II hkll lsas Lmu Ch i - ha e C P elhin( Rif1

Vesl~r [l ayergt

P A CE 97




X L Id [b Ops

9 J

750 45 1 36 Southern -Icthorli st Univers itv_ __ __ _ _ 9 3 750 423 310

9 3 750 406 353 - 7 417 381 403

________ _______ ___ ________________ 4shyTexas a11(1 11 8 J)) 386 442 Ba)-]c)r ____ ______ ____ _____ __ ______ ________ ____ ____ ___________________ __ _____ 4 S 333 330 422 Texas Christian U nivers ity __ ___________ ___ __ ____ __ 2 10 156 290 391


rkallsas_ __ _ 3t-l O klahoma Teachers __ _ 21 A rka 11 Slt15 ______ ) 3 O kl ahoma T eachers _____ 14 rkansa5 __ _______22 of Tulsa A lkansas __ 50 Acla Okla T eachers 21 Arkansas __26 Diamond Oilers _____ _ 25 Arkansas 33 0 f T ul sa _____ ____ _ _ 15

rkansas 31 Rice rkansas37 Rice _ 19 Axkansas_ 41 T C U __ _ ____ __ Arkansa5_______ _ A2 1 C U __ ____ 24 1kal15a5 _ ______ JiO F t Smith Spor ts 32 Arkansas __ ~ -- __ __ 37 Raylor _____ _____ __ _ ___ __ ___27 A rkansas _ __ 4N Baylor __ ________ ___ 30 rkaI15a5_________ A7 Te~as __ _ 30

rkansas __ __ 23 T ex as Arka usas ___ 22 S 1 1 f 1kansas -_- 27 S M U _____ _ __ _ 4 1 Arkan ~as _____ A = T esas Aggies __ _ __ __ __ __ ___ __ A1

rkaI15lt1-s _____ 51 Texas A g-gi es__ ___ ~ l


PIE 11t-



lill e r C lh Tuck Iillm an Brooks Sansom Kan lt a nd Coach Zos

AR~~SiS thinc la (~ took ]~art in their 11fSl 1l1door m eet III the [ulsa A

L m eet the latter pan of larch IIith the

Porkers II inning three third places ~pITY

in the sh()t LaF()l-ge in rhe dash and Kitts in

ihe (lO()-yard run scored for rkansas

Th e fact that the L)orkers IIen lo tr ced i]I shy

doors and the un familiarity Ilhich la ~ ed the team at Tulsa Itndouhtcdly Iorked againsl the boys fronl rkansas but they displayed the tnlc Porker spirit and took th e result 01 the meet on (he chin but cI uled l1]l the score

al a later dale

In th e second t riangular meet Il ith 11el1 shy

dri - and the College of th e Oza rks held for the iirs t time in Fayettcl-ille on pril 12 (he Porkers s t~ored ~J point-so H enclri J5 and

(ha rks 30

Th e Porkers tnih sholed 1heir proIess

in thi s Illeet and did their part in sctting the nel records and tying 1110st of the old ones

rkansas also defeated Tul sa U niersity ill a dual llleci pril 16 in fayetteyillc scorshy

ing 73~ )loint s 1hi1c Tulsa only scored 51

l ~ Ien thuugll the IITa t her for t hi s meet Ias ]1Ot so good it lIas an all -outdoor affair and the Porker fo rged ahead to III a k e ltllllcnds for their prcI iou s defea t at the ha11ds

nit he Tulsa thill(lad~

rka llsas t eam a~ lom posed 0 f La shyF Cl rgc ynl1e Barker Honea Gilliland dashe K ius lhain ami TTarriol1 middle di~ta11 cb -)pivey -=pilkrs al1 ~ickk and Tladen lIeights l~ay and -)hcrland jaClin l cDanieJ and an ~ickk high jump Poole

Cl1clner and ~ea]11ster pole alt1r Geiser awl lloole broad junlp and Tilmon and

heelus hllrclc~

l ( 120


O-L Y oll e leu erlllan lohn lltl llc r e shy

mained frolll las t ycars tennis squad hen Coa ch Glen R()se issued the first can f(Jr practice carl tbis spring Three playe r s from last y ears fr csh11l an team repon ed and wcre a ll able tu mak e- the teal11

-r kansa s won j ts Jirst ienni 111 a (che3 fl(ltl l t he Cullege o i th e (ha rks and t id ith

lhe Okla homa and )J Lennis team but los t twice Lo I he team horn K Olthcast Okl ahom a Teachcrs a t T a hlequah once on t he loca l ~~(ll1 rl and once in Tab lequah

T he ~cb eul1lc for the tea m 1hi yea r was lIot a lengthy one and een Lhcn th e incJel11 shytIll) or the cather a t the Lim e of Lh e YariOLlS

l11a lt h l~ tended to change the schedule of the It ~11 11 11l111 - t iIII e s

1gt 1 1~ 1

-July on e m ore se ries relllaili s (0 be

played Ii t h th e ~prill g fieJ d S Ulle Teachers Cc llcgc at ~pr jn gfi e l d on May 2

John Ka1l t number one ranking playr is also caplain ) Je11lbe r s or the tea lll an K an e l- rank P illman Br1l cc 1 ille r I felJr T11 ck ~ans CHn COPl an(1 B rooks

lncJ er tll l cX jJeri g uidance ui Coa ch (I CIJ l ~() -e t he Y ars ity tea m did show 11 p well

in all o (he l11 a tches that th ey ]Jlayed T he atlcnda nce a th e loca l Jll rt l cb c~ l hi yea r r eached a n CI h igl1 fo r _rkansa- tenni s _ t the- Lilll e l11e Ri ZORBCK g oes to press th l cason is n ot )Ct m er hut the prospect s as to

k ttenncn is c rI good and it is predicted tha t at least s i-- letLer s will be (J a rded Jor Lermi s rhi- year

the Razorhacks at Little Rock again fur th e Haylol game and PrullY Kane smile with _Ia ids Page Hearne

and Hunt yllis Houston and Gertie Razorback cheer leader smile for the cameraman 55 Bay lor and maids ride down lain street and the parade proceeds beiore th e opening of the Haylor-Arkansa~

ga nle e Special arrives at Ln ion Stati on and General Let of Kappa Iph a is seell managing the hags of tllO larys

Al exander and Herry Il1 e) meets Jaine from O uchita ok displ easure Ily Narnock alld Snooks Crumpler as tllty lead th e Razorback haJl d- contributin g a 101 to tht gala day atic IOl)ks like shes lost a tooth here-another view of Lh e sponsors tloat leS Leslie ancl Pruny- a-Ia-HullL in background stage th e grand entrance at th e beginning of th e game

rq holus up traffic fur th e Razorback band ilc Delta Delta Delta Pittman smiles as she returns to ht r home tOil 11 for th e game

rth enia Pruny Kane th e Pi Beta Phi choice for Baylor Sponsor represellts th e nears ( tag sale assureS the Arkansas band o f arrival by ~p ecial train

Tol11e-coming at Arkansas and th e Chi Omega iloat aSslIres a ruyal l~komc

A frosh gives an accurate interpretation of La Hunt can~illg off a hom e-coming prize for Freshman tacky COS~U1l1es

The band in Schular tOIl passes the Palace drug store here students old grads and f()nller Razorback rooters await Quecn Lasley and her maids atch Arkansas hattie with Rice Gordon Holcomb Eminent Commander of Sigma Iu Epsilon Tau Tau appears to he watching th e game- or Ila itin g

for the half Captain Valter Neeley parades Company Gn for the Home-Coming crowds Ion R O T c and the Ch i Omega house in decoration represents a iield of real rice thanks to IvTadeline Srn ith opound

Wheatly The Kappa Kappa Gamma float is a miniature Main Building lary Lasley Ch i Omega h o lIas chosen Home-Coming Qlllt n as a r esult o f the winni ng sales tag drive allci rul es

as Queen of the ThirteenJh AIlJlL1a l Home-Coming Tlw Pi Phi float-So S Alumni unfortunate in th e disqualification due to letter s 011 the back

Lithful old ~am the night-atchman makes the student dance 011 his nightly rouncis and finds all is yell 115011 a Kappa Kappa Gamma sho5 her pepsodent smile and enthus iasm for the Razorhack victory llk ~obks COllJmandel- of Sigma) u see111S to hayc had an accideut and hohhles to his classes on cru tch es for a

wcek or so le sign in r ed on thi s appropriate stone- reacl the platc and the fancy art I-ork freshmen opound36 and helyare cause

the gohlins Iill get you if you d01lt atch out-pile of the Sigma Chi irosh prepare the house for the first dinner dance to start a socia l season with Hearne

supe rvising J J ernigan c Pondel- amsley an(1 others ~ orge Lk lamp has a protest hut the camera still gets this characteristic pose hat this check was hot

e Cline and Carl BOIIman hol(] la- at the K K G house iter-the-ba ll -e lection ~ ( This picture II as nnt made on the G111lPUS ) hut they say somebodys straight ticket went


Ch i Omega pl edges Taylor anrl Young are qualified mel11bers oj th e girls rijle team Qua li iication Riding 1J()() ~ s and pants

Elanl -are ~eems to be hav ing a hard time making Ditty Curl stand up and smile jor tIll call1era T wo blushing athletes Sherland and Poole in a forceful pose Hilly lee again visits the sorority houses as spring is just arnund the corner VlIere Ias 1middotJ li s KatieshyGlover Delancy who cant see Sheullake o iten enough tries to 111ake a rath er unusual entran ce in the Chin house hut

Joplin ~I urchinson stand guard A peaceinl cat among the disordered K K Gs at election time fr ]ond the major is ~ells Lairds choice for head man Taurine Ecll11instoll and a friend II-atch the boys on a Thu rsday ajternooll drill day J(1l1tstcr Hodg-es who holds the double bOl101- and distinction of having made the highest grades in la ll school a](1

k ing the husband oj HaITyette Iorrison Hodges

DEA JOH CLARK JORDAlJ- The Graduate School is indeed fortunate in having as its Dean a man ho is recogni zed nati0oal1y fo r his many acshycompli shments Through his understanding of the probshylems which confront the graduate students they are di shyr ected in the pursui t of Lheir stud ies and a re encourageJ to increase thei r private sto le of knowledge Dean Jordans advice is greatly respected and he is a friend to all students in aiding th em to choo e the ir courlCS


BrOOl lYII New YorkplJ1Llli L BENZA

J(ATAIUNA DOJUlIUCrun Jiayellcllille Arkansas Graduate HOllor 3middot1 1jl Hbullllor iu latally

5ior Class lIODors

HILDA GILTNER BUTIS - Joplin Missottri Kappa Kappa Gamma

WruIAM L GIlES ittI Roell AriwlIsas 13 0LfiUY St111inar

middotMlLY DALE GRAy FayetteviiJe Amiddotkatlsas Dclw G~mma Y V C A InternRlional IelMio ll( Club

Women League Politica l Science Club H onor Roll Fall 32 Sp ring 34

THELMA JAM1S Spillgfield Missollri Tri ])dla

JAMES HpoundltRY J ONES Fayetteville Arkansas Y M C A

TILLMAN 110RGAN Russeilvile Akatlsas Sigma N u Phi Bela Kappa Blue K ey A B C P Ilt Club ROltOI of ArkauKlI2 TravCer Vrilers CluL A ]3 Degte 34

]poundN lRESSON Pot Smith Arkansas Botany Senunar O~tagon W omens l eague Y W C A 33

German Club 33 35 Sym phony Orcheslra 32 33 merican s50cintion of University W0111en 34 JS

JANE STELZNER Fayetteville Arkatlsas Kappa K alJpa Gamma Pi Mu 8piloll See) 33 34

WrLLIA T U TLEY Parki~ Arkansas M A in Arts

MRY L EE W TKINS Wasilingtoll D C Zettl Ta n Alpha

ELNA WILLIAMS Comva Arkansas Masters D egree

P AGE 23

I ) I ~ l ~G1L L JOFS- Thc L-Ilil-er~ity i ~ mtn a nlctlb 10 an en d lttn inslituti o n

II-here I he tclt11llubl n lir1l1ll o f 11ll II-orld i tccl ihk to tllllv 11110 -mild acquirt a part fJi it Thl r uk of till rh and ScilncC

Schoo is one o j hrotcil-lling uf lplricllC ( and kIH)Ikdgl in the fine an~ Illat life 111lt1_1 he happi er and more lOlllpkl t_ It is to tlCC ends th a t Ikan lones faith f 111 y dcvotc hi -o r

SENIORS HIJWI Irt A Tl[FR - Sail A II rltl i(l Te x as

Frlaquo lunUl Fllo lba ll I llte rfrt-tt ernity Cou ll cil Deutscher ttin fr lle l Cluh nlack Cat -otilli 011 Club Pr lecl

Club Zoology Club RAZORIIACK Saff 35

~IR A uIY Oklll1lY f Okla homa Pi nela Phi

AlJ E 1lpoundR P(lrrsO Il New J erscI T tu Epsi lon Phi Band -igila ncc COll1miuee -

Jll terfra l t rllil ~ Coun cil Ge nll(tn Clu b

lLTl)N BAR I K AlaJla Gc ()ry ia KaVfi ltt ~i Sna Clu l Jlt sl1 man T rack 32

arSIl) T rack 33 14 Ge rma n Cl ub

l t1l l 13 AR-ITTT A Y ltsla Arkallsas - SiJ1lll Chi rbull lL C HIanner G~o Club

I~ otany C lub U1lIver ity Theatt~

VUlpoundSBV 13pound)T()N Ji llello Arkallsas fll et1 K a ppa X u

nLT( ROlfETltT REYfON Foyd)cl A rk aJlsas happ S irllo PrL-idClIt ]Or~h 1ll a ll C1as~ 3 1 32 Studtnt ~ltn~e 32 33 Pres ident X Club 34 Ca pt ain Foo t hall

34 I nnba ll 32 33 34 lIlue K ey ho h 35 ChILnnan Social COmm itlee 34 31

~l Rl ]31ililY He ll om iilc ArlwlIsns Chi Orl1 lga Un i middote r~i f) Thtatn 34 3S o man L eag-ue tlman l It hl e tic sIociariolJ 33 3-i l syehology C lub

Call Queen 311 35 RZORB-CK S taff 33 ho ~ V h t) 3

NaL BOIJ)fS Faye l e uille Arkallsas P I 1 h 1~~ Phi SIInll l ph1 i ota CJli c r i-i ty T hen t re

Ulacld nar Germa n Cl uu H onor Hull 32 33 oman s L tRg W

) ((lll IlRl-1 KEI-IIIT - I-inrrisbltr( A rlwnsas ~i g11l3 Chi

J S BltOOK~ - CI Dorado A-wrsas E 101 y~ BROW N B rill klel A rkallJas

Pi Be ta Phi omans LeH~lI~ oma n s Athl etic ~ ssociaition

Xnl Ct)~IPTON Bellomille A rkallsas K a ppa S i~l11a I3rallller 0eo Cluh

Glee C ilih 3 1 32 33 4

HENRI C L EYEl N Il Fa I elleill A rk ullsas J)cha t )c l ra Delta Bla c kfia rs lJ Tti~ers iT r Theatrt~

l n1lrt lati f) 1111 Rtlatioll ~ C luh (1 111 allio L ea gue middot eJe~ P lay e r l hi Be La K apJgt3 ~ S ic(1l13 E ps ilon Sigml ]-C K DOWnES D IIIIIOII A rkan sas

Phi Klflm ~middotipha

HClIl -~ Ell Z _B~T H 1)-11 - MorrillOil A rlallsas hi O mega Hrn r Ro ll 31 12 3) 3 1 y 11_ C

P h i Ju Ep-i1nll V 0tlHH1 O L c a)ue

EnJY Ei~O-1 1(1 f lCill A rkallsas P i Beta P hi Lambda T a u Y Y C ~

V (l111 anS middotili lanc Commiuc~

GrOR E p U L ELnR]]lGE - AIIVlIsla A r fals as Kapp1 S ig-l11 a

llI(I ISI t 1LE-J EnWRDlt [i llie Rock Arkansas Pi UCla P hi R OQl in Rube l tli vtmiddotr~itmiddot rh~ 1 re Cu i( tn ll ll1a kfritr gt i Y C oJllan~ League Lam bd T all

CIiAE R E Gl LESTOX JR F(l r Smith -l rkcmsos Lrnbda Ch i lph Scab ba rd and Hlade y ~ 1 C

V i ~i lanc t CO lllmitt ee nnUlrlfI Geo C lub Hl ack Cat Co ti lli (n

13~ J I I -- ESE IJI-]( Kalsas Cil j111ssouri Kappa K u hov iogy Seminar lJ~ ut sch er erean

T) s ~rc holog) Cluh II illel S oc ie fY

S Ol EISENJlpoundt(I N pu York VI() York German Club IIiIl~ 1 S)ciety Zou lollt) Cillb

P ychology Cluh Pre- lI ed_ Club

lLSO l~JSFJrR JR SlIlpllll l S1119S lrlwlIsas Pi Klppa Alpha K a )l ll a Kappa l ~i

Er IZAllfT fI F LFTC H ER rillle Ro ck Arkansas D lta Delta Delta 11_ 33 3~ Ge n n a n Club

ZO(J t)g Y - (llI iTl ar 34 3i Honor Roll

RI~ FLfM i ~ FaYllciiile -l rkalls(ls eta Tau lpha

h~N [ OU TZ ralw l eilc A r kansas i Ikta P h i Phi Al pha Be ta Unive r ~il Y T hea Lre

Bladdriaf-- c) ll1 au ~ Teague

1 IllY LEE F ORYTH Checota h Okiahollla Ka ppa Ka ppa Cam m a

K AT HrRINE FrN Xl Y - rCljIItCZ jlc hkallsas Pi pet P h i Ph i n ~ta Kapl3 Rootl Tl - Ruhcti larl1 bd a Ta u

t lgma E ps il on S iJtma middotma ll i ea14tle Y X CA P i )( u Ep~i lo ll ho ho 3

Elu G RDYEl RltsselhiJle A IkulsOS Kalla S ig lO -a i ty Foot ball 3-l-

YEKA GAHRtrr Aga-r SMtih Dakoa Ch i Omega Phi Heta Kappa

1 1 27

I) r 11 C r IO T Z- Ill this day and agl f)i jlcciaIi at ion it is i t rl cogni zed i act that special shy

iz atioll ill tcach er lrl i J1 ing is 11llCSsa r middot or it soc ictmiddot that is COlllill lllalh

placing gnalcr hurdens oj characte r trainill upon the p uhli c sc hoo]

1)CCln Iloi prec isc tnd llldh)(lilal is a COllljllkllt and s ta ull ch guid e

tlHfJugh a school u[ trai ll in and learning-


Liflt (o-ilt d rAonflls JOY B JPllLE Sigma fu 1PUfball t ~ I J2 33 St cj~d ClIl11rn J~

OLLIe Blu-WII~ (I )II l illo- l r k (JII SflS I S E e)k~ l )l a ~ ( T

)ln~ Tll~DlC KLIX -I sd () ~ -1 rkaIlStl~


r j ILl Ihi ~mnan middot Ic 11 lt - C

O Llvrr CJIIWFt1 R1IHIiU A r kclllslIS t- 1ppa ~lU-Jnf middotl1ot~ Fw- thall -33 4

ACDIE E~ lrGiII -I fWII fII L tlJ ()111fg-J Un i ~rliT) Theun nukfrii l ~- ~

Ells l osE F LVI Lill~ No(k l rlclI)(S leta T Stu llihil Y C 1 Cbillct Root Hul~

i ~ltaUle (milt P au j re-l kni e

CHESTER n I_EIllFrTER Strillod 111L bullbull rlwlIsus Fremiddot hrniltl FI]1I Jlt T Bcl- 31

H lfJ I OIJELL 1LLLE R - j middotmiddot(I IclctmiddotiIlL bull l1-~alfI I~ bull 3 1

VA-IDA l ru IO - - lf li lfo rd A rhmsGs Kal1Jra Kaplll C a1I11113 P l e middot Y C t~H -i llma _- llha l()t~ nnu ll middot L e1tu~ middotigilante C lI1m n

Pan-Il dicuit 33- 3-1 3+35

I T I~ n r~ i II I] O klllllJ I ONlllwNla P i Be t r li 0 111 10 L e IUllC l~rb Pl1i l p ll 1 I1 t=Ul

Ac-ts ~IiU I - 111sdll Arkmlw Pi Hda Phi rl gi _u ~~rlmiddot Quetu 3 5

FTtAoI Klli L EWIJ S ll oUIlI P lIg l ArkalSas Uelta Gamma P re J l Ic Cmiddot T I euro Senior C t ~l lo)1iu

Rult (- ui t~r~ i l J l h t lt t r(( l1uan l t~gU l i ~iJ aoce Cnoun Y C 1 hi I phn I-lela Vilo W ho 33

NFI l 1 ICllr F oyflc7 ill lulllm$ I ALJ L j-IJ]J T A lIdomiddot II Arkallsos

P h u E w C lilliDIl Club

AIM B IT t Faycl middotillt Ark(lllStlS

E eMOYO n IL O S - R 1Issrli villt A rkansas Ithl Lambd f a ll ) 1 C Amiddot Plli ti ctl -S ci~middotn ce C lu b

BnL Y t-middotc poundy r l) middotmiddotItIt7middoti II hkll lsas Lmu Ch i - ha e C P elhin( Rif1

Vesl~r [l ayergt

P A CE 97




X L Id [b Ops

9 J

750 45 1 36 Southern -Icthorli st Univers itv_ __ __ _ _ 9 3 750 423 310

9 3 750 406 353 - 7 417 381 403

________ _______ ___ ________________ 4shyTexas a11(1 11 8 J)) 386 442 Ba)-]c)r ____ ______ ____ _____ __ ______ ________ ____ ____ ___________________ __ _____ 4 S 333 330 422 Texas Christian U nivers ity __ ___________ ___ __ ____ __ 2 10 156 290 391


rkallsas_ __ _ 3t-l O klahoma Teachers __ _ 21 A rka 11 Slt15 ______ ) 3 O kl ahoma T eachers _____ 14 rkansa5 __ _______22 of Tulsa A lkansas __ 50 Acla Okla T eachers 21 Arkansas __26 Diamond Oilers _____ _ 25 Arkansas 33 0 f T ul sa _____ ____ _ _ 15

rkansas 31 Rice rkansas37 Rice _ 19 Axkansas_ 41 T C U __ _ ____ __ Arkansa5_______ _ A2 1 C U __ ____ 24 1kal15a5 _ ______ JiO F t Smith Spor ts 32 Arkansas __ ~ -- __ __ 37 Raylor _____ _____ __ _ ___ __ ___27 A rkansas _ __ 4N Baylor __ ________ ___ 30 rkaI15a5_________ A7 Te~as __ _ 30

rkansas __ __ 23 T ex as Arka usas ___ 22 S 1 1 f 1kansas -_- 27 S M U _____ _ __ _ 4 1 Arkan ~as _____ A = T esas Aggies __ _ __ __ __ __ ___ __ A1

rkaI15lt1-s _____ 51 Texas A g-gi es__ ___ ~ l


PIE 11t-



lill e r C lh Tuck Iillm an Brooks Sansom Kan lt a nd Coach Zos

AR~~SiS thinc la (~ took ]~art in their 11fSl 1l1door m eet III the [ulsa A

L m eet the latter pan of larch IIith the

Porkers II inning three third places ~pITY

in the sh()t LaF()l-ge in rhe dash and Kitts in

ihe (lO()-yard run scored for rkansas

Th e fact that the L)orkers IIen lo tr ced i]I shy

doors and the un familiarity Ilhich la ~ ed the team at Tulsa Itndouhtcdly Iorked againsl the boys fronl rkansas but they displayed the tnlc Porker spirit and took th e result 01 the meet on (he chin but cI uled l1]l the score

al a later dale

In th e second t riangular meet Il ith 11el1 shy

dri - and the College of th e Oza rks held for the iirs t time in Fayettcl-ille on pril 12 (he Porkers s t~ored ~J point-so H enclri J5 and

(ha rks 30

Th e Porkers tnih sholed 1heir proIess

in thi s Illeet and did their part in sctting the nel records and tying 1110st of the old ones

rkansas also defeated Tul sa U niersity ill a dual llleci pril 16 in fayetteyillc scorshy

ing 73~ )loint s 1hi1c Tulsa only scored 51

l ~ Ien thuugll the IITa t her for t hi s meet Ias ]1Ot so good it lIas an all -outdoor affair and the Porker fo rged ahead to III a k e ltllllcnds for their prcI iou s defea t at the ha11ds

nit he Tulsa thill(lad~

rka llsas t eam a~ lom posed 0 f La shyF Cl rgc ynl1e Barker Honea Gilliland dashe K ius lhain ami TTarriol1 middle di~ta11 cb -)pivey -=pilkrs al1 ~ickk and Tladen lIeights l~ay and -)hcrland jaClin l cDanieJ and an ~ickk high jump Poole

Cl1clner and ~ea]11ster pole alt1r Geiser awl lloole broad junlp and Tilmon and

heelus hllrclc~

l ( 120


O-L Y oll e leu erlllan lohn lltl llc r e shy

mained frolll las t ycars tennis squad hen Coa ch Glen R()se issued the first can f(Jr practice carl tbis spring Three playe r s from last y ears fr csh11l an team repon ed and wcre a ll able tu mak e- the teal11

-r kansa s won j ts Jirst ienni 111 a (che3 fl(ltl l t he Cullege o i th e (ha rks and t id ith

lhe Okla homa and )J Lennis team but los t twice Lo I he team horn K Olthcast Okl ahom a Teachcrs a t T a hlequah once on t he loca l ~~(ll1 rl and once in Tab lequah

T he ~cb eul1lc for the tea m 1hi yea r was lIot a lengthy one and een Lhcn th e incJel11 shytIll) or the cather a t the Lim e of Lh e YariOLlS

l11a lt h l~ tended to change the schedule of the It ~11 11 11l111 - t iIII e s

1gt 1 1~ 1

-July on e m ore se ries relllaili s (0 be

played Ii t h th e ~prill g fieJ d S Ulle Teachers Cc llcgc at ~pr jn gfi e l d on May 2

John Ka1l t number one ranking playr is also caplain ) Je11lbe r s or the tea lll an K an e l- rank P illman Br1l cc 1 ille r I felJr T11 ck ~ans CHn COPl an(1 B rooks

lncJ er tll l cX jJeri g uidance ui Coa ch (I CIJ l ~() -e t he Y ars ity tea m did show 11 p well

in all o (he l11 a tches that th ey ]Jlayed T he atlcnda nce a th e loca l Jll rt l cb c~ l hi yea r r eached a n CI h igl1 fo r _rkansa- tenni s _ t the- Lilll e l11e Ri ZORBCK g oes to press th l cason is n ot )Ct m er hut the prospect s as to

k ttenncn is c rI good and it is predicted tha t at least s i-- letLer s will be (J a rded Jor Lermi s rhi- year

the Razorhacks at Little Rock again fur th e Haylol game and PrullY Kane smile with _Ia ids Page Hearne

and Hunt yllis Houston and Gertie Razorback cheer leader smile for the cameraman 55 Bay lor and maids ride down lain street and the parade proceeds beiore th e opening of the Haylor-Arkansa~

ga nle e Special arrives at Ln ion Stati on and General Let of Kappa Iph a is seell managing the hags of tllO larys

Al exander and Herry Il1 e) meets Jaine from O uchita ok displ easure Ily Narnock alld Snooks Crumpler as tllty lead th e Razorback haJl d- contributin g a 101 to tht gala day atic IOl)ks like shes lost a tooth here-another view of Lh e sponsors tloat leS Leslie ancl Pruny- a-Ia-HullL in background stage th e grand entrance at th e beginning of th e game

rq holus up traffic fur th e Razorback band ilc Delta Delta Delta Pittman smiles as she returns to ht r home tOil 11 for th e game

rth enia Pruny Kane th e Pi Beta Phi choice for Baylor Sponsor represellts th e nears ( tag sale assureS the Arkansas band o f arrival by ~p ecial train

Tol11e-coming at Arkansas and th e Chi Omega iloat aSslIres a ruyal l~komc

A frosh gives an accurate interpretation of La Hunt can~illg off a hom e-coming prize for Freshman tacky COS~U1l1es

The band in Schular tOIl passes the Palace drug store here students old grads and f()nller Razorback rooters await Quecn Lasley and her maids atch Arkansas hattie with Rice Gordon Holcomb Eminent Commander of Sigma Iu Epsilon Tau Tau appears to he watching th e game- or Ila itin g

for the half Captain Valter Neeley parades Company Gn for the Home-Coming crowds Ion R O T c and the Ch i Omega house in decoration represents a iield of real rice thanks to IvTadeline Srn ith opound

Wheatly The Kappa Kappa Gamma float is a miniature Main Building lary Lasley Ch i Omega h o lIas chosen Home-Coming Qlllt n as a r esult o f the winni ng sales tag drive allci rul es

as Queen of the ThirteenJh AIlJlL1a l Home-Coming Tlw Pi Phi float-So S Alumni unfortunate in th e disqualification due to letter s 011 the back

Lithful old ~am the night-atchman makes the student dance 011 his nightly rouncis and finds all is yell 115011 a Kappa Kappa Gamma sho5 her pepsodent smile and enthus iasm for the Razorhack victory llk ~obks COllJmandel- of Sigma) u see111S to hayc had an accideut and hohhles to his classes on cru tch es for a

wcek or so le sign in r ed on thi s appropriate stone- reacl the platc and the fancy art I-ork freshmen opound36 and helyare cause

the gohlins Iill get you if you d01lt atch out-pile of the Sigma Chi irosh prepare the house for the first dinner dance to start a socia l season with Hearne

supe rvising J J ernigan c Pondel- amsley an(1 others ~ orge Lk lamp has a protest hut the camera still gets this characteristic pose hat this check was hot

e Cline and Carl BOIIman hol(] la- at the K K G house iter-the-ba ll -e lection ~ ( This picture II as nnt made on the G111lPUS ) hut they say somebodys straight ticket went


Ch i Omega pl edges Taylor anrl Young are qualified mel11bers oj th e girls rijle team Qua li iication Riding 1J()() ~ s and pants

Elanl -are ~eems to be hav ing a hard time making Ditty Curl stand up and smile jor tIll call1era T wo blushing athletes Sherland and Poole in a forceful pose Hilly lee again visits the sorority houses as spring is just arnund the corner VlIere Ias 1middotJ li s KatieshyGlover Delancy who cant see Sheullake o iten enough tries to 111ake a rath er unusual entran ce in the Chin house hut

Joplin ~I urchinson stand guard A peaceinl cat among the disordered K K Gs at election time fr ]ond the major is ~ells Lairds choice for head man Taurine Ecll11instoll and a friend II-atch the boys on a Thu rsday ajternooll drill day J(1l1tstcr Hodg-es who holds the double bOl101- and distinction of having made the highest grades in la ll school a](1

k ing the husband oj HaITyette Iorrison Hodges

I ) I ~ l ~G1L L JOFS- Thc L-Ilil-er~ity i ~ mtn a nlctlb 10 an en d lttn inslituti o n

II-here I he tclt11llubl n lir1l1ll o f 11ll II-orld i tccl ihk to tllllv 11110 -mild acquirt a part fJi it Thl r uk of till rh and ScilncC

Schoo is one o j hrotcil-lling uf lplricllC ( and kIH)Ikdgl in the fine an~ Illat life 111lt1_1 he happi er and more lOlllpkl t_ It is to tlCC ends th a t Ikan lones faith f 111 y dcvotc hi -o r

SENIORS HIJWI Irt A Tl[FR - Sail A II rltl i(l Te x as

Frlaquo lunUl Fllo lba ll I llte rfrt-tt ernity Cou ll cil Deutscher ttin fr lle l Cluh nlack Cat -otilli 011 Club Pr lecl

Club Zoology Club RAZORIIACK Saff 35

~IR A uIY Oklll1lY f Okla homa Pi nela Phi

AlJ E 1lpoundR P(lrrsO Il New J erscI T tu Epsi lon Phi Band -igila ncc COll1miuee -

Jll terfra l t rllil ~ Coun cil Ge nll(tn Clu b

lLTl)N BAR I K AlaJla Gc ()ry ia KaVfi ltt ~i Sna Clu l Jlt sl1 man T rack 32

arSIl) T rack 33 14 Ge rma n Cl ub

l t1l l 13 AR-ITTT A Y ltsla Arkallsas - SiJ1lll Chi rbull lL C HIanner G~o Club

I~ otany C lub U1lIver ity Theatt~

VUlpoundSBV 13pound)T()N Ji llello Arkallsas fll et1 K a ppa X u

nLT( ROlfETltT REYfON Foyd)cl A rk aJlsas happ S irllo PrL-idClIt ]Or~h 1ll a ll C1as~ 3 1 32 Studtnt ~ltn~e 32 33 Pres ident X Club 34 Ca pt ain Foo t hall

34 I nnba ll 32 33 34 lIlue K ey ho h 35 ChILnnan Social COmm itlee 34 31

~l Rl ]31ililY He ll om iilc ArlwlIsns Chi Orl1 lga Un i middote r~i f) Thtatn 34 3S o man L eag-ue tlman l It hl e tic sIociariolJ 33 3-i l syehology C lub

Call Queen 311 35 RZORB-CK S taff 33 ho ~ V h t) 3

NaL BOIJ)fS Faye l e uille Arkallsas P I 1 h 1~~ Phi SIInll l ph1 i ota CJli c r i-i ty T hen t re

Ulacld nar Germa n Cl uu H onor Hull 32 33 oman s L tRg W

) ((lll IlRl-1 KEI-IIIT - I-inrrisbltr( A rlwnsas ~i g11l3 Chi

J S BltOOK~ - CI Dorado A-wrsas E 101 y~ BROW N B rill klel A rkallJas

Pi Be ta Phi omans LeH~lI~ oma n s Athl etic ~ ssociaition

Xnl Ct)~IPTON Bellomille A rkallsas K a ppa S i~l11a I3rallller 0eo Cluh

Glee C ilih 3 1 32 33 4

HENRI C L EYEl N Il Fa I elleill A rk ullsas J)cha t )c l ra Delta Bla c kfia rs lJ Tti~ers iT r Theatrt~

l n1lrt lati f) 1111 Rtlatioll ~ C luh (1 111 allio L ea gue middot eJe~ P lay e r l hi Be La K apJgt3 ~ S ic(1l13 E ps ilon Sigml ]-C K DOWnES D IIIIIOII A rkan sas

Phi Klflm ~middotipha

HClIl -~ Ell Z _B~T H 1)-11 - MorrillOil A rlallsas hi O mega Hrn r Ro ll 31 12 3) 3 1 y 11_ C

P h i Ju Ep-i1nll V 0tlHH1 O L c a)ue

EnJY Ei~O-1 1(1 f lCill A rkallsas P i Beta P hi Lambda T a u Y Y C ~

V (l111 anS middotili lanc Commiuc~

GrOR E p U L ELnR]]lGE - AIIVlIsla A r fals as Kapp1 S ig-l11 a

llI(I ISI t 1LE-J EnWRDlt [i llie Rock Arkansas Pi UCla P hi R OQl in Rube l tli vtmiddotr~itmiddot rh~ 1 re Cu i( tn ll ll1a kfritr gt i Y C oJllan~ League Lam bd T all

CIiAE R E Gl LESTOX JR F(l r Smith -l rkcmsos Lrnbda Ch i lph Scab ba rd and Hlade y ~ 1 C

V i ~i lanc t CO lllmitt ee nnUlrlfI Geo C lub Hl ack Cat Co ti lli (n

13~ J I I -- ESE IJI-]( Kalsas Cil j111ssouri Kappa K u hov iogy Seminar lJ~ ut sch er erean

T) s ~rc holog) Cluh II illel S oc ie fY

S Ol EISENJlpoundt(I N pu York VI() York German Club IIiIl~ 1 S)ciety Zou lollt) Cillb

P ychology Cluh Pre- lI ed_ Club

lLSO l~JSFJrR JR SlIlpllll l S1119S lrlwlIsas Pi Klppa Alpha K a )l ll a Kappa l ~i

Er IZAllfT fI F LFTC H ER rillle Ro ck Arkansas D lta Delta Delta 11_ 33 3~ Ge n n a n Club

ZO(J t)g Y - (llI iTl ar 34 3i Honor Roll

RI~ FLfM i ~ FaYllciiile -l rkalls(ls eta Tau lpha

h~N [ OU TZ ralw l eilc A r kansas i Ikta P h i Phi Al pha Be ta Unive r ~il Y T hea Lre

Bladdriaf-- c) ll1 au ~ Teague

1 IllY LEE F ORYTH Checota h Okiahollla Ka ppa Ka ppa Cam m a

K AT HrRINE FrN Xl Y - rCljIItCZ jlc hkallsas Pi pet P h i Ph i n ~ta Kapl3 Rootl Tl - Ruhcti larl1 bd a Ta u

t lgma E ps il on S iJtma middotma ll i ea14tle Y X CA P i )( u Ep~i lo ll ho ho 3

Elu G RDYEl RltsselhiJle A IkulsOS Kalla S ig lO -a i ty Foot ball 3-l-

YEKA GAHRtrr Aga-r SMtih Dakoa Ch i Omega Phi Heta Kappa

1 1 27

I) r 11 C r IO T Z- Ill this day and agl f)i jlcciaIi at ion it is i t rl cogni zed i act that special shy

iz atioll ill tcach er lrl i J1 ing is 11llCSsa r middot or it soc ictmiddot that is COlllill lllalh

placing gnalcr hurdens oj characte r trainill upon the p uhli c sc hoo]

1)CCln Iloi prec isc tnd llldh)(lilal is a COllljllkllt and s ta ull ch guid e

tlHfJugh a school u[ trai ll in and learning-


Liflt (o-ilt d rAonflls JOY B JPllLE Sigma fu 1PUfball t ~ I J2 33 St cj~d ClIl11rn J~

OLLIe Blu-WII~ (I )II l illo- l r k (JII SflS I S E e)k~ l )l a ~ ( T

)ln~ Tll~DlC KLIX -I sd () ~ -1 rkaIlStl~


r j ILl Ihi ~mnan middot Ic 11 lt - C

O Llvrr CJIIWFt1 R1IHIiU A r kclllslIS t- 1ppa ~lU-Jnf middotl1ot~ Fw- thall -33 4

ACDIE E~ lrGiII -I fWII fII L tlJ ()111fg-J Un i ~rliT) Theun nukfrii l ~- ~

Ells l osE F LVI Lill~ No(k l rlclI)(S leta T Stu llihil Y C 1 Cbillct Root Hul~

i ~ltaUle (milt P au j re-l kni e

CHESTER n I_EIllFrTER Strillod 111L bullbull rlwlIsus Fremiddot hrniltl FI]1I Jlt T Bcl- 31

H lfJ I OIJELL 1LLLE R - j middotmiddot(I IclctmiddotiIlL bull l1-~alfI I~ bull 3 1

VA-IDA l ru IO - - lf li lfo rd A rhmsGs Kal1Jra Kaplll C a1I11113 P l e middot Y C t~H -i llma _- llha l()t~ nnu ll middot L e1tu~ middotigilante C lI1m n

Pan-Il dicuit 33- 3-1 3+35

I T I~ n r~ i II I] O klllllJ I ONlllwNla P i Be t r li 0 111 10 L e IUllC l~rb Pl1i l p ll 1 I1 t=Ul

Ac-ts ~IiU I - 111sdll Arkmlw Pi Hda Phi rl gi _u ~~rlmiddot Quetu 3 5

FTtAoI Klli L EWIJ S ll oUIlI P lIg l ArkalSas Uelta Gamma P re J l Ic Cmiddot T I euro Senior C t ~l lo)1iu

Rult (- ui t~r~ i l J l h t lt t r(( l1uan l t~gU l i ~iJ aoce Cnoun Y C 1 hi I phn I-lela Vilo W ho 33

NFI l 1 ICllr F oyflc7 ill lulllm$ I ALJ L j-IJ]J T A lIdomiddot II Arkallsos

P h u E w C lilliDIl Club

AIM B IT t Faycl middotillt Ark(lllStlS

E eMOYO n IL O S - R 1Issrli villt A rkansas Ithl Lambd f a ll ) 1 C Amiddot Plli ti ctl -S ci~middotn ce C lu b

BnL Y t-middotc poundy r l) middotmiddotItIt7middoti II hkll lsas Lmu Ch i - ha e C P elhin( Rif1

Vesl~r [l ayergt

P A CE 97




X L Id [b Ops

9 J

750 45 1 36 Southern -Icthorli st Univers itv_ __ __ _ _ 9 3 750 423 310

9 3 750 406 353 - 7 417 381 403

________ _______ ___ ________________ 4shyTexas a11(1 11 8 J)) 386 442 Ba)-]c)r ____ ______ ____ _____ __ ______ ________ ____ ____ ___________________ __ _____ 4 S 333 330 422 Texas Christian U nivers ity __ ___________ ___ __ ____ __ 2 10 156 290 391


rkallsas_ __ _ 3t-l O klahoma Teachers __ _ 21 A rka 11 Slt15 ______ ) 3 O kl ahoma T eachers _____ 14 rkansa5 __ _______22 of Tulsa A lkansas __ 50 Acla Okla T eachers 21 Arkansas __26 Diamond Oilers _____ _ 25 Arkansas 33 0 f T ul sa _____ ____ _ _ 15

rkansas 31 Rice rkansas37 Rice _ 19 Axkansas_ 41 T C U __ _ ____ __ Arkansa5_______ _ A2 1 C U __ ____ 24 1kal15a5 _ ______ JiO F t Smith Spor ts 32 Arkansas __ ~ -- __ __ 37 Raylor _____ _____ __ _ ___ __ ___27 A rkansas _ __ 4N Baylor __ ________ ___ 30 rkaI15a5_________ A7 Te~as __ _ 30

rkansas __ __ 23 T ex as Arka usas ___ 22 S 1 1 f 1kansas -_- 27 S M U _____ _ __ _ 4 1 Arkan ~as _____ A = T esas Aggies __ _ __ __ __ __ ___ __ A1

rkaI15lt1-s _____ 51 Texas A g-gi es__ ___ ~ l


PIE 11t-



lill e r C lh Tuck Iillm an Brooks Sansom Kan lt a nd Coach Zos

AR~~SiS thinc la (~ took ]~art in their 11fSl 1l1door m eet III the [ulsa A

L m eet the latter pan of larch IIith the

Porkers II inning three third places ~pITY

in the sh()t LaF()l-ge in rhe dash and Kitts in

ihe (lO()-yard run scored for rkansas

Th e fact that the L)orkers IIen lo tr ced i]I shy

doors and the un familiarity Ilhich la ~ ed the team at Tulsa Itndouhtcdly Iorked againsl the boys fronl rkansas but they displayed the tnlc Porker spirit and took th e result 01 the meet on (he chin but cI uled l1]l the score

al a later dale

In th e second t riangular meet Il ith 11el1 shy

dri - and the College of th e Oza rks held for the iirs t time in Fayettcl-ille on pril 12 (he Porkers s t~ored ~J point-so H enclri J5 and

(ha rks 30

Th e Porkers tnih sholed 1heir proIess

in thi s Illeet and did their part in sctting the nel records and tying 1110st of the old ones

rkansas also defeated Tul sa U niersity ill a dual llleci pril 16 in fayetteyillc scorshy

ing 73~ )loint s 1hi1c Tulsa only scored 51

l ~ Ien thuugll the IITa t her for t hi s meet Ias ]1Ot so good it lIas an all -outdoor affair and the Porker fo rged ahead to III a k e ltllllcnds for their prcI iou s defea t at the ha11ds

nit he Tulsa thill(lad~

rka llsas t eam a~ lom posed 0 f La shyF Cl rgc ynl1e Barker Honea Gilliland dashe K ius lhain ami TTarriol1 middle di~ta11 cb -)pivey -=pilkrs al1 ~ickk and Tladen lIeights l~ay and -)hcrland jaClin l cDanieJ and an ~ickk high jump Poole

Cl1clner and ~ea]11ster pole alt1r Geiser awl lloole broad junlp and Tilmon and

heelus hllrclc~

l ( 120


O-L Y oll e leu erlllan lohn lltl llc r e shy

mained frolll las t ycars tennis squad hen Coa ch Glen R()se issued the first can f(Jr practice carl tbis spring Three playe r s from last y ears fr csh11l an team repon ed and wcre a ll able tu mak e- the teal11

-r kansa s won j ts Jirst ienni 111 a (che3 fl(ltl l t he Cullege o i th e (ha rks and t id ith

lhe Okla homa and )J Lennis team but los t twice Lo I he team horn K Olthcast Okl ahom a Teachcrs a t T a hlequah once on t he loca l ~~(ll1 rl and once in Tab lequah

T he ~cb eul1lc for the tea m 1hi yea r was lIot a lengthy one and een Lhcn th e incJel11 shytIll) or the cather a t the Lim e of Lh e YariOLlS

l11a lt h l~ tended to change the schedule of the It ~11 11 11l111 - t iIII e s

1gt 1 1~ 1

-July on e m ore se ries relllaili s (0 be

played Ii t h th e ~prill g fieJ d S Ulle Teachers Cc llcgc at ~pr jn gfi e l d on May 2

John Ka1l t number one ranking playr is also caplain ) Je11lbe r s or the tea lll an K an e l- rank P illman Br1l cc 1 ille r I felJr T11 ck ~ans CHn COPl an(1 B rooks

lncJ er tll l cX jJeri g uidance ui Coa ch (I CIJ l ~() -e t he Y ars ity tea m did show 11 p well

in all o (he l11 a tches that th ey ]Jlayed T he atlcnda nce a th e loca l Jll rt l cb c~ l hi yea r r eached a n CI h igl1 fo r _rkansa- tenni s _ t the- Lilll e l11e Ri ZORBCK g oes to press th l cason is n ot )Ct m er hut the prospect s as to

k ttenncn is c rI good and it is predicted tha t at least s i-- letLer s will be (J a rded Jor Lermi s rhi- year

the Razorhacks at Little Rock again fur th e Haylol game and PrullY Kane smile with _Ia ids Page Hearne

and Hunt yllis Houston and Gertie Razorback cheer leader smile for the cameraman 55 Bay lor and maids ride down lain street and the parade proceeds beiore th e opening of the Haylor-Arkansa~

ga nle e Special arrives at Ln ion Stati on and General Let of Kappa Iph a is seell managing the hags of tllO larys

Al exander and Herry Il1 e) meets Jaine from O uchita ok displ easure Ily Narnock alld Snooks Crumpler as tllty lead th e Razorback haJl d- contributin g a 101 to tht gala day atic IOl)ks like shes lost a tooth here-another view of Lh e sponsors tloat leS Leslie ancl Pruny- a-Ia-HullL in background stage th e grand entrance at th e beginning of th e game

rq holus up traffic fur th e Razorback band ilc Delta Delta Delta Pittman smiles as she returns to ht r home tOil 11 for th e game

rth enia Pruny Kane th e Pi Beta Phi choice for Baylor Sponsor represellts th e nears ( tag sale assureS the Arkansas band o f arrival by ~p ecial train

Tol11e-coming at Arkansas and th e Chi Omega iloat aSslIres a ruyal l~komc

A frosh gives an accurate interpretation of La Hunt can~illg off a hom e-coming prize for Freshman tacky COS~U1l1es

The band in Schular tOIl passes the Palace drug store here students old grads and f()nller Razorback rooters await Quecn Lasley and her maids atch Arkansas hattie with Rice Gordon Holcomb Eminent Commander of Sigma Iu Epsilon Tau Tau appears to he watching th e game- or Ila itin g

for the half Captain Valter Neeley parades Company Gn for the Home-Coming crowds Ion R O T c and the Ch i Omega house in decoration represents a iield of real rice thanks to IvTadeline Srn ith opound

Wheatly The Kappa Kappa Gamma float is a miniature Main Building lary Lasley Ch i Omega h o lIas chosen Home-Coming Qlllt n as a r esult o f the winni ng sales tag drive allci rul es

as Queen of the ThirteenJh AIlJlL1a l Home-Coming Tlw Pi Phi float-So S Alumni unfortunate in th e disqualification due to letter s 011 the back

Lithful old ~am the night-atchman makes the student dance 011 his nightly rouncis and finds all is yell 115011 a Kappa Kappa Gamma sho5 her pepsodent smile and enthus iasm for the Razorhack victory llk ~obks COllJmandel- of Sigma) u see111S to hayc had an accideut and hohhles to his classes on cru tch es for a

wcek or so le sign in r ed on thi s appropriate stone- reacl the platc and the fancy art I-ork freshmen opound36 and helyare cause

the gohlins Iill get you if you d01lt atch out-pile of the Sigma Chi irosh prepare the house for the first dinner dance to start a socia l season with Hearne

supe rvising J J ernigan c Pondel- amsley an(1 others ~ orge Lk lamp has a protest hut the camera still gets this characteristic pose hat this check was hot

e Cline and Carl BOIIman hol(] la- at the K K G house iter-the-ba ll -e lection ~ ( This picture II as nnt made on the G111lPUS ) hut they say somebodys straight ticket went


Ch i Omega pl edges Taylor anrl Young are qualified mel11bers oj th e girls rijle team Qua li iication Riding 1J()() ~ s and pants

Elanl -are ~eems to be hav ing a hard time making Ditty Curl stand up and smile jor tIll call1era T wo blushing athletes Sherland and Poole in a forceful pose Hilly lee again visits the sorority houses as spring is just arnund the corner VlIere Ias 1middotJ li s KatieshyGlover Delancy who cant see Sheullake o iten enough tries to 111ake a rath er unusual entran ce in the Chin house hut

Joplin ~I urchinson stand guard A peaceinl cat among the disordered K K Gs at election time fr ]ond the major is ~ells Lairds choice for head man Taurine Ecll11instoll and a friend II-atch the boys on a Thu rsday ajternooll drill day J(1l1tstcr Hodg-es who holds the double bOl101- and distinction of having made the highest grades in la ll school a](1

k ing the husband oj HaITyette Iorrison Hodges

I) r 11 C r IO T Z- Ill this day and agl f)i jlcciaIi at ion it is i t rl cogni zed i act that special shy

iz atioll ill tcach er lrl i J1 ing is 11llCSsa r middot or it soc ictmiddot that is COlllill lllalh

placing gnalcr hurdens oj characte r trainill upon the p uhli c sc hoo]

1)CCln Iloi prec isc tnd llldh)(lilal is a COllljllkllt and s ta ull ch guid e

tlHfJugh a school u[ trai ll in and learning-


Liflt (o-ilt d rAonflls JOY B JPllLE Sigma fu 1PUfball t ~ I J2 33 St cj~d ClIl11rn J~

OLLIe Blu-WII~ (I )II l illo- l r k (JII SflS I S E e)k~ l )l a ~ ( T

)ln~ Tll~DlC KLIX -I sd () ~ -1 rkaIlStl~


r j ILl Ihi ~mnan middot Ic 11 lt - C

O Llvrr CJIIWFt1 R1IHIiU A r kclllslIS t- 1ppa ~lU-Jnf middotl1ot~ Fw- thall -33 4

ACDIE E~ lrGiII -I fWII fII L tlJ ()111fg-J Un i ~rliT) Theun nukfrii l ~- ~

Ells l osE F LVI Lill~ No(k l rlclI)(S leta T Stu llihil Y C 1 Cbillct Root Hul~

i ~ltaUle (milt P au j re-l kni e

CHESTER n I_EIllFrTER Strillod 111L bullbull rlwlIsus Fremiddot hrniltl FI]1I Jlt T Bcl- 31

H lfJ I OIJELL 1LLLE R - j middotmiddot(I IclctmiddotiIlL bull l1-~alfI I~ bull 3 1

VA-IDA l ru IO - - lf li lfo rd A rhmsGs Kal1Jra Kaplll C a1I11113 P l e middot Y C t~H -i llma _- llha l()t~ nnu ll middot L e1tu~ middotigilante C lI1m n

Pan-Il dicuit 33- 3-1 3+35

I T I~ n r~ i II I] O klllllJ I ONlllwNla P i Be t r li 0 111 10 L e IUllC l~rb Pl1i l p ll 1 I1 t=Ul

Ac-ts ~IiU I - 111sdll Arkmlw Pi Hda Phi rl gi _u ~~rlmiddot Quetu 3 5

FTtAoI Klli L EWIJ S ll oUIlI P lIg l ArkalSas Uelta Gamma P re J l Ic Cmiddot T I euro Senior C t ~l lo)1iu

Rult (- ui t~r~ i l J l h t lt t r(( l1uan l t~gU l i ~iJ aoce Cnoun Y C 1 hi I phn I-lela Vilo W ho 33

NFI l 1 ICllr F oyflc7 ill lulllm$ I ALJ L j-IJ]J T A lIdomiddot II Arkallsos

P h u E w C lilliDIl Club

AIM B IT t Faycl middotillt Ark(lllStlS

E eMOYO n IL O S - R 1Issrli villt A rkansas Ithl Lambd f a ll ) 1 C Amiddot Plli ti ctl -S ci~middotn ce C lu b

BnL Y t-middotc poundy r l) middotmiddotItIt7middoti II hkll lsas Lmu Ch i - ha e C P elhin( Rif1

Vesl~r [l ayergt

P A CE 97




X L Id [b Ops

9 J

750 45 1 36 Southern -Icthorli st Univers itv_ __ __ _ _ 9 3 750 423 310

9 3 750 406 353 - 7 417 381 403

________ _______ ___ ________________ 4shyTexas a11(1 11 8 J)) 386 442 Ba)-]c)r ____ ______ ____ _____ __ ______ ________ ____ ____ ___________________ __ _____ 4 S 333 330 422 Texas Christian U nivers ity __ ___________ ___ __ ____ __ 2 10 156 290 391


rkallsas_ __ _ 3t-l O klahoma Teachers __ _ 21 A rka 11 Slt15 ______ ) 3 O kl ahoma T eachers _____ 14 rkansa5 __ _______22 of Tulsa A lkansas __ 50 Acla Okla T eachers 21 Arkansas __26 Diamond Oilers _____ _ 25 Arkansas 33 0 f T ul sa _____ ____ _ _ 15

rkansas 31 Rice rkansas37 Rice _ 19 Axkansas_ 41 T C U __ _ ____ __ Arkansa5_______ _ A2 1 C U __ ____ 24 1kal15a5 _ ______ JiO F t Smith Spor ts 32 Arkansas __ ~ -- __ __ 37 Raylor _____ _____ __ _ ___ __ ___27 A rkansas _ __ 4N Baylor __ ________ ___ 30 rkaI15a5_________ A7 Te~as __ _ 30

rkansas __ __ 23 T ex as Arka usas ___ 22 S 1 1 f 1kansas -_- 27 S M U _____ _ __ _ 4 1 Arkan ~as _____ A = T esas Aggies __ _ __ __ __ __ ___ __ A1

rkaI15lt1-s _____ 51 Texas A g-gi es__ ___ ~ l


PIE 11t-



lill e r C lh Tuck Iillm an Brooks Sansom Kan lt a nd Coach Zos

AR~~SiS thinc la (~ took ]~art in their 11fSl 1l1door m eet III the [ulsa A

L m eet the latter pan of larch IIith the

Porkers II inning three third places ~pITY

in the sh()t LaF()l-ge in rhe dash and Kitts in

ihe (lO()-yard run scored for rkansas

Th e fact that the L)orkers IIen lo tr ced i]I shy

doors and the un familiarity Ilhich la ~ ed the team at Tulsa Itndouhtcdly Iorked againsl the boys fronl rkansas but they displayed the tnlc Porker spirit and took th e result 01 the meet on (he chin but cI uled l1]l the score

al a later dale

In th e second t riangular meet Il ith 11el1 shy

dri - and the College of th e Oza rks held for the iirs t time in Fayettcl-ille on pril 12 (he Porkers s t~ored ~J point-so H enclri J5 and

(ha rks 30

Th e Porkers tnih sholed 1heir proIess

in thi s Illeet and did their part in sctting the nel records and tying 1110st of the old ones

rkansas also defeated Tul sa U niersity ill a dual llleci pril 16 in fayetteyillc scorshy

ing 73~ )loint s 1hi1c Tulsa only scored 51

l ~ Ien thuugll the IITa t her for t hi s meet Ias ]1Ot so good it lIas an all -outdoor affair and the Porker fo rged ahead to III a k e ltllllcnds for their prcI iou s defea t at the ha11ds

nit he Tulsa thill(lad~

rka llsas t eam a~ lom posed 0 f La shyF Cl rgc ynl1e Barker Honea Gilliland dashe K ius lhain ami TTarriol1 middle di~ta11 cb -)pivey -=pilkrs al1 ~ickk and Tladen lIeights l~ay and -)hcrland jaClin l cDanieJ and an ~ickk high jump Poole

Cl1clner and ~ea]11ster pole alt1r Geiser awl lloole broad junlp and Tilmon and

heelus hllrclc~

l ( 120


O-L Y oll e leu erlllan lohn lltl llc r e shy

mained frolll las t ycars tennis squad hen Coa ch Glen R()se issued the first can f(Jr practice carl tbis spring Three playe r s from last y ears fr csh11l an team repon ed and wcre a ll able tu mak e- the teal11

-r kansa s won j ts Jirst ienni 111 a (che3 fl(ltl l t he Cullege o i th e (ha rks and t id ith

lhe Okla homa and )J Lennis team but los t twice Lo I he team horn K Olthcast Okl ahom a Teachcrs a t T a hlequah once on t he loca l ~~(ll1 rl and once in Tab lequah

T he ~cb eul1lc for the tea m 1hi yea r was lIot a lengthy one and een Lhcn th e incJel11 shytIll) or the cather a t the Lim e of Lh e YariOLlS

l11a lt h l~ tended to change the schedule of the It ~11 11 11l111 - t iIII e s

1gt 1 1~ 1

-July on e m ore se ries relllaili s (0 be

played Ii t h th e ~prill g fieJ d S Ulle Teachers Cc llcgc at ~pr jn gfi e l d on May 2

John Ka1l t number one ranking playr is also caplain ) Je11lbe r s or the tea lll an K an e l- rank P illman Br1l cc 1 ille r I felJr T11 ck ~ans CHn COPl an(1 B rooks

lncJ er tll l cX jJeri g uidance ui Coa ch (I CIJ l ~() -e t he Y ars ity tea m did show 11 p well

in all o (he l11 a tches that th ey ]Jlayed T he atlcnda nce a th e loca l Jll rt l cb c~ l hi yea r r eached a n CI h igl1 fo r _rkansa- tenni s _ t the- Lilll e l11e Ri ZORBCK g oes to press th l cason is n ot )Ct m er hut the prospect s as to

k ttenncn is c rI good and it is predicted tha t at least s i-- letLer s will be (J a rded Jor Lermi s rhi- year

the Razorhacks at Little Rock again fur th e Haylol game and PrullY Kane smile with _Ia ids Page Hearne

and Hunt yllis Houston and Gertie Razorback cheer leader smile for the cameraman 55 Bay lor and maids ride down lain street and the parade proceeds beiore th e opening of the Haylor-Arkansa~

ga nle e Special arrives at Ln ion Stati on and General Let of Kappa Iph a is seell managing the hags of tllO larys

Al exander and Herry Il1 e) meets Jaine from O uchita ok displ easure Ily Narnock alld Snooks Crumpler as tllty lead th e Razorback haJl d- contributin g a 101 to tht gala day atic IOl)ks like shes lost a tooth here-another view of Lh e sponsors tloat leS Leslie ancl Pruny- a-Ia-HullL in background stage th e grand entrance at th e beginning of th e game

rq holus up traffic fur th e Razorback band ilc Delta Delta Delta Pittman smiles as she returns to ht r home tOil 11 for th e game

rth enia Pruny Kane th e Pi Beta Phi choice for Baylor Sponsor represellts th e nears ( tag sale assureS the Arkansas band o f arrival by ~p ecial train

Tol11e-coming at Arkansas and th e Chi Omega iloat aSslIres a ruyal l~komc

A frosh gives an accurate interpretation of La Hunt can~illg off a hom e-coming prize for Freshman tacky COS~U1l1es

The band in Schular tOIl passes the Palace drug store here students old grads and f()nller Razorback rooters await Quecn Lasley and her maids atch Arkansas hattie with Rice Gordon Holcomb Eminent Commander of Sigma Iu Epsilon Tau Tau appears to he watching th e game- or Ila itin g

for the half Captain Valter Neeley parades Company Gn for the Home-Coming crowds Ion R O T c and the Ch i Omega house in decoration represents a iield of real rice thanks to IvTadeline Srn ith opound

Wheatly The Kappa Kappa Gamma float is a miniature Main Building lary Lasley Ch i Omega h o lIas chosen Home-Coming Qlllt n as a r esult o f the winni ng sales tag drive allci rul es

as Queen of the ThirteenJh AIlJlL1a l Home-Coming Tlw Pi Phi float-So S Alumni unfortunate in th e disqualification due to letter s 011 the back

Lithful old ~am the night-atchman makes the student dance 011 his nightly rouncis and finds all is yell 115011 a Kappa Kappa Gamma sho5 her pepsodent smile and enthus iasm for the Razorhack victory llk ~obks COllJmandel- of Sigma) u see111S to hayc had an accideut and hohhles to his classes on cru tch es for a

wcek or so le sign in r ed on thi s appropriate stone- reacl the platc and the fancy art I-ork freshmen opound36 and helyare cause

the gohlins Iill get you if you d01lt atch out-pile of the Sigma Chi irosh prepare the house for the first dinner dance to start a socia l season with Hearne

supe rvising J J ernigan c Pondel- amsley an(1 others ~ orge Lk lamp has a protest hut the camera still gets this characteristic pose hat this check was hot

e Cline and Carl BOIIman hol(] la- at the K K G house iter-the-ba ll -e lection ~ ( This picture II as nnt made on the G111lPUS ) hut they say somebodys straight ticket went


Ch i Omega pl edges Taylor anrl Young are qualified mel11bers oj th e girls rijle team Qua li iication Riding 1J()() ~ s and pants

Elanl -are ~eems to be hav ing a hard time making Ditty Curl stand up and smile jor tIll call1era T wo blushing athletes Sherland and Poole in a forceful pose Hilly lee again visits the sorority houses as spring is just arnund the corner VlIere Ias 1middotJ li s KatieshyGlover Delancy who cant see Sheullake o iten enough tries to 111ake a rath er unusual entran ce in the Chin house hut

Joplin ~I urchinson stand guard A peaceinl cat among the disordered K K Gs at election time fr ]ond the major is ~ells Lairds choice for head man Taurine Ecll11instoll and a friend II-atch the boys on a Thu rsday ajternooll drill day J(1l1tstcr Hodg-es who holds the double bOl101- and distinction of having made the highest grades in la ll school a](1

k ing the husband oj HaITyette Iorrison Hodges




X L Id [b Ops

9 J

750 45 1 36 Southern -Icthorli st Univers itv_ __ __ _ _ 9 3 750 423 310

9 3 750 406 353 - 7 417 381 403

________ _______ ___ ________________ 4shyTexas a11(1 11 8 J)) 386 442 Ba)-]c)r ____ ______ ____ _____ __ ______ ________ ____ ____ ___________________ __ _____ 4 S 333 330 422 Texas Christian U nivers ity __ ___________ ___ __ ____ __ 2 10 156 290 391


rkallsas_ __ _ 3t-l O klahoma Teachers __ _ 21 A rka 11 Slt15 ______ ) 3 O kl ahoma T eachers _____ 14 rkansa5 __ _______22 of Tulsa A lkansas __ 50 Acla Okla T eachers 21 Arkansas __26 Diamond Oilers _____ _ 25 Arkansas 33 0 f T ul sa _____ ____ _ _ 15

rkansas 31 Rice rkansas37 Rice _ 19 Axkansas_ 41 T C U __ _ ____ __ Arkansa5_______ _ A2 1 C U __ ____ 24 1kal15a5 _ ______ JiO F t Smith Spor ts 32 Arkansas __ ~ -- __ __ 37 Raylor _____ _____ __ _ ___ __ ___27 A rkansas _ __ 4N Baylor __ ________ ___ 30 rkaI15a5_________ A7 Te~as __ _ 30

rkansas __ __ 23 T ex as Arka usas ___ 22 S 1 1 f 1kansas -_- 27 S M U _____ _ __ _ 4 1 Arkan ~as _____ A = T esas Aggies __ _ __ __ __ __ ___ __ A1

rkaI15lt1-s _____ 51 Texas A g-gi es__ ___ ~ l


PIE 11t-



lill e r C lh Tuck Iillm an Brooks Sansom Kan lt a nd Coach Zos

AR~~SiS thinc la (~ took ]~art in their 11fSl 1l1door m eet III the [ulsa A

L m eet the latter pan of larch IIith the

Porkers II inning three third places ~pITY

in the sh()t LaF()l-ge in rhe dash and Kitts in

ihe (lO()-yard run scored for rkansas

Th e fact that the L)orkers IIen lo tr ced i]I shy

doors and the un familiarity Ilhich la ~ ed the team at Tulsa Itndouhtcdly Iorked againsl the boys fronl rkansas but they displayed the tnlc Porker spirit and took th e result 01 the meet on (he chin but cI uled l1]l the score

al a later dale

In th e second t riangular meet Il ith 11el1 shy

dri - and the College of th e Oza rks held for the iirs t time in Fayettcl-ille on pril 12 (he Porkers s t~ored ~J point-so H enclri J5 and

(ha rks 30

Th e Porkers tnih sholed 1heir proIess

in thi s Illeet and did their part in sctting the nel records and tying 1110st of the old ones

rkansas also defeated Tul sa U niersity ill a dual llleci pril 16 in fayetteyillc scorshy

ing 73~ )loint s 1hi1c Tulsa only scored 51

l ~ Ien thuugll the IITa t her for t hi s meet Ias ]1Ot so good it lIas an all -outdoor affair and the Porker fo rged ahead to III a k e ltllllcnds for their prcI iou s defea t at the ha11ds

nit he Tulsa thill(lad~

rka llsas t eam a~ lom posed 0 f La shyF Cl rgc ynl1e Barker Honea Gilliland dashe K ius lhain ami TTarriol1 middle di~ta11 cb -)pivey -=pilkrs al1 ~ickk and Tladen lIeights l~ay and -)hcrland jaClin l cDanieJ and an ~ickk high jump Poole

Cl1clner and ~ea]11ster pole alt1r Geiser awl lloole broad junlp and Tilmon and

heelus hllrclc~

l ( 120


O-L Y oll e leu erlllan lohn lltl llc r e shy

mained frolll las t ycars tennis squad hen Coa ch Glen R()se issued the first can f(Jr practice carl tbis spring Three playe r s from last y ears fr csh11l an team repon ed and wcre a ll able tu mak e- the teal11

-r kansa s won j ts Jirst ienni 111 a (che3 fl(ltl l t he Cullege o i th e (ha rks and t id ith

lhe Okla homa and )J Lennis team but los t twice Lo I he team horn K Olthcast Okl ahom a Teachcrs a t T a hlequah once on t he loca l ~~(ll1 rl and once in Tab lequah

T he ~cb eul1lc for the tea m 1hi yea r was lIot a lengthy one and een Lhcn th e incJel11 shytIll) or the cather a t the Lim e of Lh e YariOLlS

l11a lt h l~ tended to change the schedule of the It ~11 11 11l111 - t iIII e s

1gt 1 1~ 1

-July on e m ore se ries relllaili s (0 be

played Ii t h th e ~prill g fieJ d S Ulle Teachers Cc llcgc at ~pr jn gfi e l d on May 2

John Ka1l t number one ranking playr is also caplain ) Je11lbe r s or the tea lll an K an e l- rank P illman Br1l cc 1 ille r I felJr T11 ck ~ans CHn COPl an(1 B rooks

lncJ er tll l cX jJeri g uidance ui Coa ch (I CIJ l ~() -e t he Y ars ity tea m did show 11 p well

in all o (he l11 a tches that th ey ]Jlayed T he atlcnda nce a th e loca l Jll rt l cb c~ l hi yea r r eached a n CI h igl1 fo r _rkansa- tenni s _ t the- Lilll e l11e Ri ZORBCK g oes to press th l cason is n ot )Ct m er hut the prospect s as to

k ttenncn is c rI good and it is predicted tha t at least s i-- letLer s will be (J a rded Jor Lermi s rhi- year

the Razorhacks at Little Rock again fur th e Haylol game and PrullY Kane smile with _Ia ids Page Hearne

and Hunt yllis Houston and Gertie Razorback cheer leader smile for the cameraman 55 Bay lor and maids ride down lain street and the parade proceeds beiore th e opening of the Haylor-Arkansa~

ga nle e Special arrives at Ln ion Stati on and General Let of Kappa Iph a is seell managing the hags of tllO larys

Al exander and Herry Il1 e) meets Jaine from O uchita ok displ easure Ily Narnock alld Snooks Crumpler as tllty lead th e Razorback haJl d- contributin g a 101 to tht gala day atic IOl)ks like shes lost a tooth here-another view of Lh e sponsors tloat leS Leslie ancl Pruny- a-Ia-HullL in background stage th e grand entrance at th e beginning of th e game

rq holus up traffic fur th e Razorback band ilc Delta Delta Delta Pittman smiles as she returns to ht r home tOil 11 for th e game

rth enia Pruny Kane th e Pi Beta Phi choice for Baylor Sponsor represellts th e nears ( tag sale assureS the Arkansas band o f arrival by ~p ecial train

Tol11e-coming at Arkansas and th e Chi Omega iloat aSslIres a ruyal l~komc

A frosh gives an accurate interpretation of La Hunt can~illg off a hom e-coming prize for Freshman tacky COS~U1l1es

The band in Schular tOIl passes the Palace drug store here students old grads and f()nller Razorback rooters await Quecn Lasley and her maids atch Arkansas hattie with Rice Gordon Holcomb Eminent Commander of Sigma Iu Epsilon Tau Tau appears to he watching th e game- or Ila itin g

for the half Captain Valter Neeley parades Company Gn for the Home-Coming crowds Ion R O T c and the Ch i Omega house in decoration represents a iield of real rice thanks to IvTadeline Srn ith opound

Wheatly The Kappa Kappa Gamma float is a miniature Main Building lary Lasley Ch i Omega h o lIas chosen Home-Coming Qlllt n as a r esult o f the winni ng sales tag drive allci rul es

as Queen of the ThirteenJh AIlJlL1a l Home-Coming Tlw Pi Phi float-So S Alumni unfortunate in th e disqualification due to letter s 011 the back

Lithful old ~am the night-atchman makes the student dance 011 his nightly rouncis and finds all is yell 115011 a Kappa Kappa Gamma sho5 her pepsodent smile and enthus iasm for the Razorhack victory llk ~obks COllJmandel- of Sigma) u see111S to hayc had an accideut and hohhles to his classes on cru tch es for a

wcek or so le sign in r ed on thi s appropriate stone- reacl the platc and the fancy art I-ork freshmen opound36 and helyare cause

the gohlins Iill get you if you d01lt atch out-pile of the Sigma Chi irosh prepare the house for the first dinner dance to start a socia l season with Hearne

supe rvising J J ernigan c Pondel- amsley an(1 others ~ orge Lk lamp has a protest hut the camera still gets this characteristic pose hat this check was hot

e Cline and Carl BOIIman hol(] la- at the K K G house iter-the-ba ll -e lection ~ ( This picture II as nnt made on the G111lPUS ) hut they say somebodys straight ticket went


Ch i Omega pl edges Taylor anrl Young are qualified mel11bers oj th e girls rijle team Qua li iication Riding 1J()() ~ s and pants

Elanl -are ~eems to be hav ing a hard time making Ditty Curl stand up and smile jor tIll call1era T wo blushing athletes Sherland and Poole in a forceful pose Hilly lee again visits the sorority houses as spring is just arnund the corner VlIere Ias 1middotJ li s KatieshyGlover Delancy who cant see Sheullake o iten enough tries to 111ake a rath er unusual entran ce in the Chin house hut

Joplin ~I urchinson stand guard A peaceinl cat among the disordered K K Gs at election time fr ]ond the major is ~ells Lairds choice for head man Taurine Ecll11instoll and a friend II-atch the boys on a Thu rsday ajternooll drill day J(1l1tstcr Hodg-es who holds the double bOl101- and distinction of having made the highest grades in la ll school a](1

k ing the husband oj HaITyette Iorrison Hodges



lill e r C lh Tuck Iillm an Brooks Sansom Kan lt a nd Coach Zos

AR~~SiS thinc la (~ took ]~art in their 11fSl 1l1door m eet III the [ulsa A

L m eet the latter pan of larch IIith the

Porkers II inning three third places ~pITY

in the sh()t LaF()l-ge in rhe dash and Kitts in

ihe (lO()-yard run scored for rkansas

Th e fact that the L)orkers IIen lo tr ced i]I shy

doors and the un familiarity Ilhich la ~ ed the team at Tulsa Itndouhtcdly Iorked againsl the boys fronl rkansas but they displayed the tnlc Porker spirit and took th e result 01 the meet on (he chin but cI uled l1]l the score

al a later dale

In th e second t riangular meet Il ith 11el1 shy

dri - and the College of th e Oza rks held for the iirs t time in Fayettcl-ille on pril 12 (he Porkers s t~ored ~J point-so H enclri J5 and

(ha rks 30

Th e Porkers tnih sholed 1heir proIess

in thi s Illeet and did their part in sctting the nel records and tying 1110st of the old ones

rkansas also defeated Tul sa U niersity ill a dual llleci pril 16 in fayetteyillc scorshy

ing 73~ )loint s 1hi1c Tulsa only scored 51

l ~ Ien thuugll the IITa t her for t hi s meet Ias ]1Ot so good it lIas an all -outdoor affair and the Porker fo rged ahead to III a k e ltllllcnds for their prcI iou s defea t at the ha11ds

nit he Tulsa thill(lad~

rka llsas t eam a~ lom posed 0 f La shyF Cl rgc ynl1e Barker Honea Gilliland dashe K ius lhain ami TTarriol1 middle di~ta11 cb -)pivey -=pilkrs al1 ~ickk and Tladen lIeights l~ay and -)hcrland jaClin l cDanieJ and an ~ickk high jump Poole

Cl1clner and ~ea]11ster pole alt1r Geiser awl lloole broad junlp and Tilmon and

heelus hllrclc~

l ( 120


O-L Y oll e leu erlllan lohn lltl llc r e shy

mained frolll las t ycars tennis squad hen Coa ch Glen R()se issued the first can f(Jr practice carl tbis spring Three playe r s from last y ears fr csh11l an team repon ed and wcre a ll able tu mak e- the teal11

-r kansa s won j ts Jirst ienni 111 a (che3 fl(ltl l t he Cullege o i th e (ha rks and t id ith

lhe Okla homa and )J Lennis team but los t twice Lo I he team horn K Olthcast Okl ahom a Teachcrs a t T a hlequah once on t he loca l ~~(ll1 rl and once in Tab lequah

T he ~cb eul1lc for the tea m 1hi yea r was lIot a lengthy one and een Lhcn th e incJel11 shytIll) or the cather a t the Lim e of Lh e YariOLlS

l11a lt h l~ tended to change the schedule of the It ~11 11 11l111 - t iIII e s

1gt 1 1~ 1

-July on e m ore se ries relllaili s (0 be

played Ii t h th e ~prill g fieJ d S Ulle Teachers Cc llcgc at ~pr jn gfi e l d on May 2

John Ka1l t number one ranking playr is also caplain ) Je11lbe r s or the tea lll an K an e l- rank P illman Br1l cc 1 ille r I felJr T11 ck ~ans CHn COPl an(1 B rooks

lncJ er tll l cX jJeri g uidance ui Coa ch (I CIJ l ~() -e t he Y ars ity tea m did show 11 p well

in all o (he l11 a tches that th ey ]Jlayed T he atlcnda nce a th e loca l Jll rt l cb c~ l hi yea r r eached a n CI h igl1 fo r _rkansa- tenni s _ t the- Lilll e l11e Ri ZORBCK g oes to press th l cason is n ot )Ct m er hut the prospect s as to

k ttenncn is c rI good and it is predicted tha t at least s i-- letLer s will be (J a rded Jor Lermi s rhi- year

the Razorhacks at Little Rock again fur th e Haylol game and PrullY Kane smile with _Ia ids Page Hearne

and Hunt yllis Houston and Gertie Razorback cheer leader smile for the cameraman 55 Bay lor and maids ride down lain street and the parade proceeds beiore th e opening of the Haylor-Arkansa~

ga nle e Special arrives at Ln ion Stati on and General Let of Kappa Iph a is seell managing the hags of tllO larys

Al exander and Herry Il1 e) meets Jaine from O uchita ok displ easure Ily Narnock alld Snooks Crumpler as tllty lead th e Razorback haJl d- contributin g a 101 to tht gala day atic IOl)ks like shes lost a tooth here-another view of Lh e sponsors tloat leS Leslie ancl Pruny- a-Ia-HullL in background stage th e grand entrance at th e beginning of th e game

rq holus up traffic fur th e Razorback band ilc Delta Delta Delta Pittman smiles as she returns to ht r home tOil 11 for th e game

rth enia Pruny Kane th e Pi Beta Phi choice for Baylor Sponsor represellts th e nears ( tag sale assureS the Arkansas band o f arrival by ~p ecial train

Tol11e-coming at Arkansas and th e Chi Omega iloat aSslIres a ruyal l~komc

A frosh gives an accurate interpretation of La Hunt can~illg off a hom e-coming prize for Freshman tacky COS~U1l1es

The band in Schular tOIl passes the Palace drug store here students old grads and f()nller Razorback rooters await Quecn Lasley and her maids atch Arkansas hattie with Rice Gordon Holcomb Eminent Commander of Sigma Iu Epsilon Tau Tau appears to he watching th e game- or Ila itin g

for the half Captain Valter Neeley parades Company Gn for the Home-Coming crowds Ion R O T c and the Ch i Omega house in decoration represents a iield of real rice thanks to IvTadeline Srn ith opound

Wheatly The Kappa Kappa Gamma float is a miniature Main Building lary Lasley Ch i Omega h o lIas chosen Home-Coming Qlllt n as a r esult o f the winni ng sales tag drive allci rul es

as Queen of the ThirteenJh AIlJlL1a l Home-Coming Tlw Pi Phi float-So S Alumni unfortunate in th e disqualification due to letter s 011 the back

Lithful old ~am the night-atchman makes the student dance 011 his nightly rouncis and finds all is yell 115011 a Kappa Kappa Gamma sho5 her pepsodent smile and enthus iasm for the Razorhack victory llk ~obks COllJmandel- of Sigma) u see111S to hayc had an accideut and hohhles to his classes on cru tch es for a

wcek or so le sign in r ed on thi s appropriate stone- reacl the platc and the fancy art I-ork freshmen opound36 and helyare cause

the gohlins Iill get you if you d01lt atch out-pile of the Sigma Chi irosh prepare the house for the first dinner dance to start a socia l season with Hearne

supe rvising J J ernigan c Pondel- amsley an(1 others ~ orge Lk lamp has a protest hut the camera still gets this characteristic pose hat this check was hot

e Cline and Carl BOIIman hol(] la- at the K K G house iter-the-ba ll -e lection ~ ( This picture II as nnt made on the G111lPUS ) hut they say somebodys straight ticket went


Ch i Omega pl edges Taylor anrl Young are qualified mel11bers oj th e girls rijle team Qua li iication Riding 1J()() ~ s and pants

Elanl -are ~eems to be hav ing a hard time making Ditty Curl stand up and smile jor tIll call1era T wo blushing athletes Sherland and Poole in a forceful pose Hilly lee again visits the sorority houses as spring is just arnund the corner VlIere Ias 1middotJ li s KatieshyGlover Delancy who cant see Sheullake o iten enough tries to 111ake a rath er unusual entran ce in the Chin house hut

Joplin ~I urchinson stand guard A peaceinl cat among the disordered K K Gs at election time fr ]ond the major is ~ells Lairds choice for head man Taurine Ecll11instoll and a friend II-atch the boys on a Thu rsday ajternooll drill day J(1l1tstcr Hodg-es who holds the double bOl101- and distinction of having made the highest grades in la ll school a](1

k ing the husband oj HaITyette Iorrison Hodges

the Razorhacks at Little Rock again fur th e Haylol game and PrullY Kane smile with _Ia ids Page Hearne

and Hunt yllis Houston and Gertie Razorback cheer leader smile for the cameraman 55 Bay lor and maids ride down lain street and the parade proceeds beiore th e opening of the Haylor-Arkansa~

ga nle e Special arrives at Ln ion Stati on and General Let of Kappa Iph a is seell managing the hags of tllO larys

Al exander and Herry Il1 e) meets Jaine from O uchita ok displ easure Ily Narnock alld Snooks Crumpler as tllty lead th e Razorback haJl d- contributin g a 101 to tht gala day atic IOl)ks like shes lost a tooth here-another view of Lh e sponsors tloat leS Leslie ancl Pruny- a-Ia-HullL in background stage th e grand entrance at th e beginning of th e game

rq holus up traffic fur th e Razorback band ilc Delta Delta Delta Pittman smiles as she returns to ht r home tOil 11 for th e game

rth enia Pruny Kane th e Pi Beta Phi choice for Baylor Sponsor represellts th e nears ( tag sale assureS the Arkansas band o f arrival by ~p ecial train

Tol11e-coming at Arkansas and th e Chi Omega iloat aSslIres a ruyal l~komc

A frosh gives an accurate interpretation of La Hunt can~illg off a hom e-coming prize for Freshman tacky COS~U1l1es

The band in Schular tOIl passes the Palace drug store here students old grads and f()nller Razorback rooters await Quecn Lasley and her maids atch Arkansas hattie with Rice Gordon Holcomb Eminent Commander of Sigma Iu Epsilon Tau Tau appears to he watching th e game- or Ila itin g

for the half Captain Valter Neeley parades Company Gn for the Home-Coming crowds Ion R O T c and the Ch i Omega house in decoration represents a iield of real rice thanks to IvTadeline Srn ith opound

Wheatly The Kappa Kappa Gamma float is a miniature Main Building lary Lasley Ch i Omega h o lIas chosen Home-Coming Qlllt n as a r esult o f the winni ng sales tag drive allci rul es

as Queen of the ThirteenJh AIlJlL1a l Home-Coming Tlw Pi Phi float-So S Alumni unfortunate in th e disqualification due to letter s 011 the back

Lithful old ~am the night-atchman makes the student dance 011 his nightly rouncis and finds all is yell 115011 a Kappa Kappa Gamma sho5 her pepsodent smile and enthus iasm for the Razorhack victory llk ~obks COllJmandel- of Sigma) u see111S to hayc had an accideut and hohhles to his classes on cru tch es for a

wcek or so le sign in r ed on thi s appropriate stone- reacl the platc and the fancy art I-ork freshmen opound36 and helyare cause

the gohlins Iill get you if you d01lt atch out-pile of the Sigma Chi irosh prepare the house for the first dinner dance to start a socia l season with Hearne

supe rvising J J ernigan c Pondel- amsley an(1 others ~ orge Lk lamp has a protest hut the camera still gets this characteristic pose hat this check was hot

e Cline and Carl BOIIman hol(] la- at the K K G house iter-the-ba ll -e lection ~ ( This picture II as nnt made on the G111lPUS ) hut they say somebodys straight ticket went


Ch i Omega pl edges Taylor anrl Young are qualified mel11bers oj th e girls rijle team Qua li iication Riding 1J()() ~ s and pants

Elanl -are ~eems to be hav ing a hard time making Ditty Curl stand up and smile jor tIll call1era T wo blushing athletes Sherland and Poole in a forceful pose Hilly lee again visits the sorority houses as spring is just arnund the corner VlIere Ias 1middotJ li s KatieshyGlover Delancy who cant see Sheullake o iten enough tries to 111ake a rath er unusual entran ce in the Chin house hut

Joplin ~I urchinson stand guard A peaceinl cat among the disordered K K Gs at election time fr ]ond the major is ~ells Lairds choice for head man Taurine Ecll11instoll and a friend II-atch the boys on a Thu rsday ajternooll drill day J(1l1tstcr Hodg-es who holds the double bOl101- and distinction of having made the highest grades in la ll school a](1

k ing the husband oj HaITyette Iorrison Hodges

Lithful old ~am the night-atchman makes the student dance 011 his nightly rouncis and finds all is yell 115011 a Kappa Kappa Gamma sho5 her pepsodent smile and enthus iasm for the Razorhack victory llk ~obks COllJmandel- of Sigma) u see111S to hayc had an accideut and hohhles to his classes on cru tch es for a

wcek or so le sign in r ed on thi s appropriate stone- reacl the platc and the fancy art I-ork freshmen opound36 and helyare cause

the gohlins Iill get you if you d01lt atch out-pile of the Sigma Chi irosh prepare the house for the first dinner dance to start a socia l season with Hearne

supe rvising J J ernigan c Pondel- amsley an(1 others ~ orge Lk lamp has a protest hut the camera still gets this characteristic pose hat this check was hot

e Cline and Carl BOIIman hol(] la- at the K K G house iter-the-ba ll -e lection ~ ( This picture II as nnt made on the G111lPUS ) hut they say somebodys straight ticket went


Ch i Omega pl edges Taylor anrl Young are qualified mel11bers oj th e girls rijle team Qua li iication Riding 1J()() ~ s and pants

Elanl -are ~eems to be hav ing a hard time making Ditty Curl stand up and smile jor tIll call1era T wo blushing athletes Sherland and Poole in a forceful pose Hilly lee again visits the sorority houses as spring is just arnund the corner VlIere Ias 1middotJ li s KatieshyGlover Delancy who cant see Sheullake o iten enough tries to 111ake a rath er unusual entran ce in the Chin house hut

Joplin ~I urchinson stand guard A peaceinl cat among the disordered K K Gs at election time fr ]ond the major is ~ells Lairds choice for head man Taurine Ecll11instoll and a friend II-atch the boys on a Thu rsday ajternooll drill day J(1l1tstcr Hodg-es who holds the double bOl101- and distinction of having made the highest grades in la ll school a](1

k ing the husband oj HaITyette Iorrison Hodges

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