Page 1: Learning to Listen. Chapter 1, Lesson 2 Overview What is the difference between listening and hearing? What are the types of listening? Why is listening

Learning to Listen

Page 2: Learning to Listen. Chapter 1, Lesson 2 Overview What is the difference between listening and hearing? What are the types of listening? Why is listening

Chapter 1, Lesson 2


• What is the difference between listening and hearing?

• What are the types of listening?

• Why is listening important?

• What are some myths about listening?

• What are some bad listening habits?

• What are steps for practicing effective listening


Page 3: Learning to Listen. Chapter 1, Lesson 2 Overview What is the difference between listening and hearing? What are the types of listening? Why is listening

Chapter 1, Lesson 2

Quick WriteQuick Write

Stop for a moment. What do you hear?

Think you can’t hear anything? Listen more closely!

• Concentrate on anything you can hear—no matter how small the sound.

• Write down a description of five things you hear. • Then share your list with a few classmates.

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Page 4: Learning to Listen. Chapter 1, Lesson 2 Overview What is the difference between listening and hearing? What are the types of listening? Why is listening

Chapter 1, Lesson 2

Hearing Versus ListeningHearing Versus Listening

• Hearing is continual, unfocused and unconscious

• ListeningListening is a focused, conscious activity

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Page 5: Learning to Listen. Chapter 1, Lesson 2 Overview What is the difference between listening and hearing? What are the types of listening? Why is listening

Chapter 1, Lesson 2

Time Spent ListeningTime Spent Listening

Each hour people are awake they spend 50 minutes communicating:

15 minutes reading or writing

10 minutes talking

25 minutes listening

Page 6: Learning to Listen. Chapter 1, Lesson 2 Overview What is the difference between listening and hearing? What are the types of listening? Why is listening

Chapter 1, Lesson 2

Types of ListeningTypes of Listening

PassivePassive One-way, no feedback

CompetitiveCompetitive Receiver only listens to needed information

ActiveActive Two-way, feedback given

ReflectiveReflective Receiver interprets speaker’s feelings

Page 7: Learning to Listen. Chapter 1, Lesson 2 Overview What is the difference between listening and hearing? What are the types of listening? Why is listening

Chapter 1, Lesson 2

Importance of ListeningImportance of Listening

• Failure to listen to your teacher’s instructions could get you in trouble

• Failure to listen in class could result in a poor grade

• Failure to listen to your friends

could hurt someone’s feelings

• Failure to hear a car come around the corner when crossing the street could get you seriously hurt

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Page 8: Learning to Listen. Chapter 1, Lesson 2 Overview What is the difference between listening and hearing? What are the types of listening? Why is listening

Chapter 1, Lesson 2

How Important Is How Important Is Active Listening?Active Listening?

Name some situations and professions in which listening is vital. How might a

failure to listen well result in danger or harm?

Page 9: Learning to Listen. Chapter 1, Lesson 2 Overview What is the difference between listening and hearing? What are the types of listening? Why is listening

Chapter 1, Lesson 2

Busting Listening MythsBusting Listening Myths

• Myth #1: Listening is not my problem

People falsely assume listening is easy

• Myth #2: Listening and hearing are the same

Listening must interpret sounds you hear

• Myth #3: Good readers are good listeners

Little correlation between reading and listening; even good readers need to work on it

Page 10: Learning to Listen. Chapter 1, Lesson 2 Overview What is the difference between listening and hearing? What are the types of listening? Why is listening

Chapter 1, Lesson 2

Busting Listening Myths Busting Listening Myths

• Myth #4: Smart people are better listenersSmarter students have the capacity for better listening, but that potential is often not realized

• Myth #5: Listening improves with ageAbility to listen well does improve, but performance actually declines with age

• Myth #6: Listening skills are hard to learnIt takes practice and effort, but the skills are not hard to learn

Page 11: Learning to Listen. Chapter 1, Lesson 2 Overview What is the difference between listening and hearing? What are the types of listening? Why is listening

Chapter 1, Lesson 2

Bad Listening HabitsBad Listening Habits

• Bad Habit #1: Thinking about what to say rather than listening to speaker

• Bad Habit #2: Talking when you should be listening

• Bad Habit #3: Interrupting

Page 12: Learning to Listen. Chapter 1, Lesson 2 Overview What is the difference between listening and hearing? What are the types of listening? Why is listening

Chapter 1, Lesson 2

Bad Listening HabitsBad Listening Habits

• Bad Habit #4: Listening for what you expect to hear rather than what is actually said

• Bad Habit #5: Being preoccupied

• Bad Habit #6: Falling victim to tendency to stereotype

Page 13: Learning to Listen. Chapter 1, Lesson 2 Overview What is the difference between listening and hearing? What are the types of listening? Why is listening

Chapter 1, Lesson 2

Bad Listening HabitsBad Listening Habits

• Bad Habit #7: Being self-centered

• Bad Habit #8: Not paying attention

All other bad habits stem from this one, because you must be paying attention to listen effectively

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Chapter 1, Lesson 2

Practicing Effective ListeningPracticing Effective Listening

• ClarifyClarify

Ask specific questions—good feedback clarifies

• RestateRestate, paraphraseparaphrase, or repeat back

Repeating what the speaker said is a good way to ensure you got the right message

Page 15: Learning to Listen. Chapter 1, Lesson 2 Overview What is the difference between listening and hearing? What are the types of listening? Why is listening

Chapter 1, Lesson 2

Practicing Effective ListeningPracticing Effective Listening

• AcknowledgingAcknowledging

Let the speaker know that you understood the message—this doesn’t mean you have to agree

• SummarizingSummarizing

Highlight the main points you noted during the conversation

Page 16: Learning to Listen. Chapter 1, Lesson 2 Overview What is the difference between listening and hearing? What are the types of listening? Why is listening

Chapter 1, Lesson 2

Effective ListeningEffective Listening

• FramingFramingFraming gives you a chance to find areas of agreement on which to focus

• Note takingNote takingDon’t write down every word! Jot down key phrases, words, or diagrams that will help you recall main points

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Chapter 1, Lesson 2


• Hearing is continual, unfocused, and unconscious, whereas listening is focused, conscious, and active

• Listening can be:– passive – competitive – active– reflective

Page 18: Learning to Listen. Chapter 1, Lesson 2 Overview What is the difference between listening and hearing? What are the types of listening? Why is listening

Chapter 1, Lesson 2


• Failing to listen can be dangerous

• There are six myths about listening that people often believe

• Failing to pay attention is a bad listening habit—and all other bad listening habits stem from it

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Chapter 1, Lesson 2


• To improve your listening, try some of these techniques: – clarifying – restating, paraphrasing, or “mirroring”– acknowledging– summarizing– framing– and note taking

Page 20: Learning to Listen. Chapter 1, Lesson 2 Overview What is the difference between listening and hearing? What are the types of listening? Why is listening

Chapter 1, Lesson 2


• What is the difference between listening and


• What are the types of listening?

• Why is listening important?

• What are some myths about listening?

• What are some bad listening habits?

• What are steps for practicing good listening


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Chapter 1, Lesson 2


• Done—effective listening

• Next—we’ll learn about critical thinking

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