1. listening ( 2 marks ) a. listen to the following and

1 1. Listening ( 2 Marks ) decide if the following sentences are( T) or (F) : and Listen to the following . A 1. According to the speaker, the best weather will be in the North ( ) 2. The speaker is explaining how the weather will be in the whole regions of the country ( ) choose the correct answer Listen to the following and . B 1. The speaker is ( geologist weather forecaster - scientist ). 2. The speaker is talking about ( tomorrow's weather - today's weather - yesterday's weather ). 2. Speaking ( 6 Marks ) A. Say What would you say in the following situation : ( 2 Marks ) 1. A storm will hit Gaza, your friend asks you what to do. ( Give advice ) ……………………………………………………………………………………….................................. 2. The weather is very hot, your friend feels thirsty. ( Suggestion ) …………………………………………………………………………………………..............................( 2 Marks ) : he words in the box t Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue using B. The police officer was investigating Ali about an accident which happened in Al Houria St. at 7 o'clock. Police officer : (1 ) ………………….………......... the accident? Ali: Yes, I did. Police officer : Where (2 ) …………....…….....………. ? Ali : It happened in the middle of Al Houria Street, near Palestine Tower . Police officer : (3 )When did the accident happen ? Ali: It was …………….........……. in the morning. Police officer: What were you doing there at an early hour? Ali: ( 4 ) I was ........................................... to school . 3. Vocabulary ( 9 Marks ) A .Complete the sentences with words from the list : ( 3 Marks ) 1. we use thermometer to ............................... The temperature . 2. Barqoq .................................... is one of the oldest remains in Gaza strip. 3. Mr. Saleem Lives on the top ..............................of the building . فلسطينيــةطــة الوطنية السل التعــليم التربيــــة وال وزارةلعالي اتعليم مديرية التربية وال شــــــــرق غـزةينلبن ل)أ( ساسيةفعي الشام اما مدرسة افصلية ال نهامتحان ا الدراسيول ام الدراسـيلعا ل2017 - 2016 نجليزيةلغة ا : ال المبحــث الصـــلــعــاشــــر : ا ف( ) : : الزمـــن ساعتان : ال الفترة صباحية( مات الع مجموع40 لتاريخ: ا) مة ع/... 23 / 3122 (a) at seven o'clock (b) did it happen (c) on my way (d) Did you see Combine cancelled floor castle normal - apartment - measure - لطالب اسم ا/: ...... ...... .......... ............................

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Page 1: 1. Listening ( 2 Marks ) A. Listen to the following and


1. Listening ( 2 Marks ) decide if the following sentences are( T) or (F) :and Listen to the following .A

1. According to the speaker, the best weather will be in the North ( )

2. The speaker is explaining how the weather will be in the whole regions of the country ( )

choose the correct answer Listen to the following and . B

1. The speaker is ( geologist – weather forecaster - scientist ).

2. The speaker is talking about ( tomorrow's weather - today's weather - yesterday's weather ).

2. Speaking ( 6 Marks )

A. Say What would you say in the following situation : ( 2 Marks ) 1. A storm will hit Gaza, your friend asks you what to do. ( Give advice ) ………………………………………………………………………………………..................................

2. The weather is very hot, your friend feels thirsty. ( Suggestion ) …………………………………………………………………………………………..............................…

( 2 Marks ) : he words in the boxt Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue usingB.

The police officer was investigating Ali about an accident which happened in Al –Houria St. at 7 o'clock.

Police officer : (1 ) ………………….………......... the accident?

Ali: Yes, I did.

Police officer : Where (2 ) …………....…….....………. ?

Ali : It happened in the middle of Al –Houria Street, near Palestine Tower .

Police officer : (3 )When did the accident happen ?

Ali: It was …………….........……. in the morning.

Police officer: What were you doing there at an early hour?

Ali: ( 4 ) I was ........................................... to school .

3. Vocabulary ( 9 Marks )

A .Complete the sentences with words from the list : ( 3 Marks )

1. we use thermometer to ............................... The temperature .

2. Barqoq .................................... is one of the oldest remains in Gaza strip.

3. Mr. Saleem Lives on the top ..............................of the building .

السلطــة الوطنية الفلسطينيــة

العالي وزارة التربيــــة والتعــليم شــــــــرق غـزة –مديرية التربية والتعليم

مدرسة الإمام الشافعي الأساسية )أ( للبنين

الأول الدراسي امتحان نهاية الفصل 2016 - 2017للعام الدراسـي

المبحــث : اللغة الانجليزية

: ( ) ف : الــعــاشــــر الصـــ

ساعتان الزمـــن :

23/3122.../ علامة ( التاريخ: 40 مجموع العلامات ) صباحيةالفترة : ال

(a) at seven o'clock (b) did it happen (c) on my way (d) Did you see

Combine – cancelled – floor – castle – normal - apartment - measure


..................................................:/ اسم الطالب

Page 2: 1. Listening ( 2 Marks ) A. Listen to the following and

- 2 -

4. When you .........................................the colours red and yellow , you get orange.

5. The school ................................ the exam because of the heavy rains.

6. The similar meaning of the word " usual " is ..........................

( 2 Marks ) definition : Match the word with its suitable .B

C. Complete the sentences with a word from the same word family : ( 1 Marks ) 1 .During the last attack on Gaza, people waited…………………. (helpless)

2 .The teacher asked the pupils to fill in the …………… parts of the text. ( miss )

E. Fill in the space with the suitable phrasal verb : ( 1.5 Marks )

down – put up

1. We must……… ……. Our shoes before the prayer .

2. Today , the weather is too cold ,so you need to…………… heavy clothes .

3. I have just ………. My clothes……………. In that cupboard.

Marks ) 7( Reading4.

. Read the following passage and answer the questions:

Young nurse Helen West, 19, had a lucky escape last night when her tenth-floor apartment caught fire

and two brave fire officers saved her life. At 11 pm, she suddenly smelt fire from the kitchen. When she

opened the door, everything was on fire. She closed the door quickly, but thick, black smoke started

coming under it. The outside door was in the kitchen, so Helen desperately needed another way out.

There was only the bedroom window and outside that there was just a narrow ledge, 15 centimetres

wide – and 30 metres up. ‘I was really scared, but there was nowhere else to go,’ Helen said later. Smoke

was coming into the bedroom fast. She climbed out and lowered her feet to the ledge. ‘And then I shouted for

help!’ Luckily, some neighbors heard her and called the fire service. A fire engine, the police and an ambulance.

Arrived. However, the ladder was ten metres short! There was only one thing to do. Officers Dave Yates and Ken

Winterton rushed up to the tenth floor, smashed the door of the empty flat next to Helen’s and raced to the window. Dave

leaned out and Ken held him. Dave reached for Helen and shouted, ‘Jump!’ Finally, she jumped and Dave caught her arms .

( ) a vehicle that carries equipment and people to stop fire . 1.Office

( ) to move or bend your body in a particular direction 2. emergency

( ) unexpected and dangerous situation. 3. lean

( ) Large room with desk. and computer. 4. fire engine

take off – put on – put down – put away

Page 3: 1. Listening ( 2 Marks ) A. Listen to the following and

- 3 -

A. Answer the following questions: ( 3 Marks )

1. What did Helen smell ?


2. How was Helen saved ?


3. What problem did the firemen have ?


B. Find from the passage : ( 3 Marks ) 1- The meaning of : courageous =………… frightened =…………….. flat =...............

2-The opposite of : full x........................... wide x....................... death x.........................................

C. The underlined words and phrases refer to : ( 1 Marks ) 1. her........................................................

Marks ) 8(Language 5.

)Marks ( 3 Choose the correct answer from a . b. c or dA.

1. I ……….. visit you tomorrow , but I am not sure. (will – shall – could – may )

2. I can see this ……………be a great evening . (will –going to –would - is going to )

3. The weather was bad , but we got home ……………… ( safe – safely –save - safety )

4. Omar always ………………. Swimming in summer . ( goes – does – plays-do )

5. I had ………….. some money yesterday . ( lose – lost – accepted – losing )

6. The children ……. been …….letters all morning (has /writing * have / written * have/ writing ).

Marks ) ( 5 Re write the following sentence using the words between brackets : B.

1. Tornado is more destructive than usual winds . [ not as…as ]


2.The old walls were too weak to stand a against that wind . [ not ..strong ]


3. It's necessary not to ride your bike very quickly . [ mustn't ]


4. Messi is a good football player . ....................................................................................[ well ]

5. Julia has been living here for seven years ................................................................. [ How long ]

Page 4: 1. Listening ( 2 Marks ) A. Listen to the following and

- 4 -

marks ) y days ( 66. Literature : Around the world in eight

Read the following quotations, then answer the questions below: ( 2 marks )

" the religion of India are protected by law. Because of what this man did ,he must go to prison"

1. 1.Who said it ? to Whom ?....................................... to ...........................................

2. Who is this man and What did he done ? ...................................................................................

Marks ) ( 1 : )Decide whether the following statements are true( T) or false ( F 3.

1.Detective Fix paid the priest some money to tell the police about Passepartout ( )

2. Fogg and the other weren’t able to rescue the young woman . ( )

Marks ) ( 1 Complete the following statements :

1. Fix could arrest Fogg in Bombay because it was a …………………..

2. The religions of Indian are protected ……………………..…

Marks ) ( 2the following questions : Answer

1. How much did Fogg pay to keep himself out of prison ?.........................................

2. How did Passep rescue the young woman ?...........................................................

Marks ) 4( Writing -7

1 Marks ) ( Write the short form of the underlined word :

love to buy a new flat ……………….. would1. I

forms at the end . Put the correct possessive2.

Write a short paragraph about car accident that happened in front of you: ( 4 Marks ) You can say the following words :

( accident – driver – injured – paramedic – ambulance – alive- survive – smash – police –luckily - unluckily - speed )


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انتهت الاسئلة Good luck

Larry parents names are john and Susan