Page 1: L**9jf^, THE d**aklag ap lbs aaaaa. Sacb depravity ll asses* hwoacetvahle. In tba Grass Moaaiata 8tata,

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TJTZUTT—MTk« Qremt*«t Oood at the) O r M t M t Mi <S?




Ma. fcrJuua»Sri*rr*ii will tfve a concert ooasaKiag largely of old Irish u d English

to Ftottaaavf h Theatre aext Tbaraday •aa. It, esateledby J. R. Bagto, of T t , « B i « H W « l taw beet loci tal-• H b M Is so w i i f to Platts-

taal too* have a "ml-MltkklWMMt.

ftaBetta of the State Board i f t t M ebewe aha* there were SW deaths

la the Adirondack end Kara Dajtrtet, of watch 111 were ofper-af I t years or ever; 3f died of eld age;


s l M f m to • lonr time to stand the teat of daily life In a pontic poaitioo, and none Ii more trying then tbat of a dergyaisa. Yet we firmly bolter* no on* can charge the memory of the Rev. Mr. HaU with ona elngle net tbat coe'd ba other than aa hooor to lha ministry ba represented. Hit whole course of Ufa was ooa of self-devotion to tba good of all whom ba might serve In Christ, which ba considered a privilege.

We cea bat deplore tba fact tbat a eiogle standard lifted against ain and evil in this city should ba removed, by tha closing of

of tba drcalstery system; this church, but lot oa hop* tbat tba wide­st tba narroaa ayataai; 41 apread infloeoos It baa bad in toe promotion ; 31 from aeata dtarrbcssl of para rettgtoa nay not be forgotten.

»troai oeata respiratory diseases; What tale aseana to thoaa who met year of the digestive system; 20 after yaar In simple, cbeerfnl worship with

._ 4 c oar beloved Pastor, none but onrseives can A rALxrci-raasor comes from tba rjJoaaMt know or understand. We try to accept

Oily ©I St. Albaoa, across tba lake. Tba God's will aa our'*, and wait to know Its wie-iatiwatae tbat soaie evil-minded _ dom in the darkness of this great calamity,

have braaktng Into tba city liquors were kept,

by l e a s e of dspHceSe keys, or otherwise, art d**aklag ap lbs aaaaa. Sacb depravity ll asses* hwoacetvahle. In tba Grass Moaaiata 8tata, too, which to poaalily aap-Bosed to bo a kind of Bdeo lato wbteh sia baa sot yet entered.

A BEAT reprint of Hon. George Cbaboon's article so tba "Adiroadack Black Bear" from tba seventh report of Forest, Fish and Game Commission has been made, and It toron a mot attractive art uaoJj bnXBiro,


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Alec Bsavea plead guilty Dae. ? before City Judge Tleney to being drank and dis­orderly, aad was sentenced to 1ft days in JaiL

DatrifK AKD DBJOBBKELT. Jobs Blair plead goilty, Dec. 9, before

CtqrJMgoTlernsy. to bstag draek and die-to toa days ka

a*s art Al-stealing coal

maksDae,&. goJRf before Otty Jadge

tee f » art

Cltixens'* H o s e . I At the aansal meeting of the Citiseoa' noes and Hook and Ladder Co. held Dec. 8, the following offlcars were elected:

President—J. B. Hagerty. F o r e m a n H o w — R a l p h l » Surnor. Aon. Foreman Hoee-J. N. Landry. Foreman Hook and Ladder — B. G.

Haynee. Asat Foreman Hook and Ladder—*/. H.

Fltagsraid. Secretary—E. C. Langdon. Treasorei—T. P. Sbedden. Sorgeon—A. P. Gaotbler. Qiartermaster—J alios Mendeiaohn. Kxecntire Committee -A. SharfOO, M. L.

Rockweil. J. L. Kash, J. M. Stodbolme, S. L. Wheeler.

H o r i c o n E n g i n e a n d H o s e C o . At the annnal meeting, Dec 7, 1003, the

following officers were elected: Foreman—George E. Raby. First Asst. FVesnan—Frank Bonvia. 8ecood Aott. Foreman—Wm. Gebo. Secretary—Frank Latonr. Traasuruf E. L. Baker. Delegate to State Convention— L. C.

Tromblv. Standing Committee—Fred Raby, Robert

Dnmas, Joseph Charbonean. Janitor—Silas Boovla,

HISTORICAL DEPARTMENT. Contributions relstln* to the sarlrMstory of

Clinton County and the Chaamlam Valley are soiiolted.


of Co. D, JIM U. S.

1 H

CliOavtol [The leOowlog are salrasrs from 'TBWmj

Mlnntca of the Cooncll of Appofastaeat of the State of Saw Tetb^Utt-lttt." oaarngf ***

BHawr Barmaa Hoble, CkW Clerk, sad pab-Bsbsd by the State, 1001.]

IV. 18M.

Elerentb dltMoa of infaatry: YaieatJne W. B. Sattaftoo art BeraMa

Cody, aids de caasp t o the ssajor fsaorsL Fiflsusth regiment of csTalry: Hoary Grareo, eapUun, vies Price, ro-

•ajoed; Trsmaa 9yo, ftrat Ueatenant, ales Graves, ptosMssw; Bsav* Gregory, aeesao

• EjniB^assa , t«viaww^vf ,

Walter Mclatoab, agoi It, of BsBnoa, to ci»is*»^hytMpsr»Mtaos>to bo rao wOJot boy in the Stats. Bo bssbssa la Jet, t i e Truant's Howe art tba todvatt«al BOMMI, and ba waa aneafea 6aa. 4 b r barn, and a few days bastes he wo tor throwing a DOS Of •cbootbooee Move.

The plank taH rao* and Lake George toil miles long, and waftvj ago. It w Warren coosty Conrt appointed a Its valae at f la\ON, fM.OM. A Stab BOW bo balit ateag no Baa.

Tba new past bosss wWeb Matooo has i been baUdiag oa tba fiaaHlii eaaaty poor

farm, was barosd to tasgrasad Dae 1. Tbs bonding was approasblag ooaipiettoB art the Ore caught from tbs hot-air. fttrnace, oa the wooden eold-aJr box. Aboat fS.SOtof the 93.600 appropriated by tba town bad been expended. Application had been made for f 2,500 innraoc*, bat no poDcy had bora issaetl.

GENEMAL MBW8. John Snyder, of Marion, Iowa, died Dec.

7 from injuries received in a football game. Foor persons were killed ins freight wreck

at Worcester, Mass., early last Saoday aton­ing.

Hogb Schofield, aged IS, died at Flsbkill Landing Dec. 3, ffom fajorieo received in a football game soars days betes.

L. ShiodbebB, >• aswliah l i innui . •_! inatantly kUtsdlamB««'alab«ggaa aUdo at MoatBMreaey ~ "^

k,ags«70,ebot _ . r .. aaofaVoB totted

bimeeiC: ;____. ^__^_

4 . t o * are vMBb •ho started white paying wBa aaatiboi.

Fosr Chinamea who were batag ssaag-gied into this ooantry ware Unpad near tana the Erie OA04 and (ij(raTiMd;l»Bt.ittBBi' lalo.

Lores SbesWood, aged ftS, a farmer, uving new Ithaca, H. T -self, Dee. 4. p s ' '

Visitor—Was* s i s yoe paayhag.. Johasy—War. I save tba ba arttbranhaMtTowIaaToUtoi

SflmSBaSSBBBMMai SBBm gJBhfk _ ^ - ^ ^ > _ ^^^^^^^ ^ —

Mm fakasr—Haas yea thosght of say v^awbaiaBaBBssliiaBBBW

Mrs. Boeksr—Tea, ladood, I abaUgrvsalai dgara. HsBndssacb a faaa last year be won't expect tbasa agabs.

Proseeatlag anornsy—Wat tba i tbehaMtofatoglBf; waeabewssi

PatMeGsirs(wibMas)-Shsre,aB i any, for 01 waa aaver wttft aba waoi

iilinui (absestHsisde4l>)-tsM bisi to ttattaBBto^ooam.

tfaat natiflL i

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•a tbsoaaof 1 Of • BSM geaeratiea—

ftotoerteoe." sad Dioo Mooctcaalt be, art there is ptaoty of gaol

tk tor aaa la tbs ptay, the seeas of which It brt m tbstiasaaof Napotaoo taoQroat.

sad sis compan* will ai->IB riatisbargnT

Ta» aaasUsa that to aow agitating Ksftts Ooaaty vours is wbatbsr the coaaty oaat saaB ba a»s«a4 frssi BtisabetMswa t s West-post. Msts> ess sod will doabUeeaa* so bath aMaa el Csaaly waa orgaataad March I, ITtt, ar t

taa Mack bosss ka Beaex (tbaa

»)was aaadasaooartaeaasartJauV tbat* was the ctianij aaat soul 1814,

tt wsa moved to Eitiaaatbswn. Maay < woatd mseh dislike to see "Pisasaat

Tabsa," wtth tueaatrst poatiion, sopsraaoad bar k aasbttiosB aeigkbar on the lake.

Twa racRal of Scottish aesga art seottiah fsfVssfo by Mttf Aeaa •array it Coart tfireet TBOslia 00 Friday eveoiag of last

lataraaaad itoa

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