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    PowerPoint Lecture Notes PresentationChapter 1

    Introduction andHistorical Review

    Abnormal Psychology, Eleventh Editionby

    Ann M. Kring, Gerald C. Davison, John M. Neale,& Sheri L. Johnson

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    Study of the nature, develo!ent, and

    treat!ent of sy"hologi"al disorders

    Challenges to the study of


    $ Maintaining ob%e"tivity

    $Avoiding re"on"eived notions$ edu"ing stig!a

    Copyright 2009 John Wiley & Sons, NY 2

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    Figure 1.1FourCharacteristics of Stiga

    Copyright 2009 John Wiley & Sons, NY 3

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    Figure 1.# $ey Characteristics in the "S!%I&%'R "e(nition of !ental "isorder

    Copyright 2009 John Wiley & Sons, NY 5

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    History of Psychopathology

    De!onology$ 'ossession by evil beings or sirits

    ) (/or"is!

    (arly 0iologi"al (/lanations$ 1io"rates 23th"entury 0C4

    ) Mental disturban"es have natural 2notsuernatural4 "auses

    5hree "ategories# !ania, !elan"holia, & hrenitis 6our hu!ors# blood, bla"+ bile, yello7 bile, & hleg!

    Copyright 2009 John Wiley & Sons, NY 6

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    History of Psychopathology)"ar* +ges

    Dar+ Ages$ Mon+s "ared and rayed for !entally ill

    -it"hes$ 5orture so!eti!es led to bi8arre delusional

    sounding "onfessions, e.g., "on"ourse 7ithde!ons.) 1istorians "on"luded !any of the a""used 7ere

    !entally ill.) Little suort for that "on"lusion.

    Copyright 2009 John Wiley & Sons, NY 7

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    History of Psychopathology)Lunacy 'rials

    Luna"y 5rials

    $ 5rials held to deter!ine sanity

    ) 0egan in 9:th"entury (ngland

    $ Muni"ial authorities assu!ed

    resonsibility for "are of !entally ill


    $Attribues insanity to !isalign!ent of !oonand stars

    Copyright 2009 John Wiley & Sons, NY 8

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    History of Psychopathology)+sylus

    Asylu!$ (stablish!ents for the "onfine!ent and "are of !entally


    $ 'riory of St. Mary of 0ethlehe! 29;e/istent or har!ful at asylu!s

    (arly !edi"al treat!ent "ould be har!ful$ 0en%a!in ush re"o!!ended dra7ing "oious a!ounts

    of blood?

    Copyright 2009 John Wiley & Sons, NY 9

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    History of Psychopathology) Pinel,sRefors and !oral 'reatent

    'hilie 'inel 29@9;B4$ 'ioneered hu!anitarian treat!ent at LaBicetre

    Moral 5reat!ent

    $ S!all, rivately funded, hu!anitarian !entalhositals

    ) 6riends Asylu! 299@4

    ) 'atients engaged in uroseful, "al!ing a"tivities 2e.g.,


    ) 5al+ed 7ith attendants

    Copyright 2009 John Wiley & Sons, NY 10

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    History of Psychopathology)"orothea "i-

    Dorothea Di/ 29;>9@4

    $ Crusader for risoners and !entally ill

    $ rged i!rove!ent of institutions

    $ -or+ed to establish :; ne7, ubli"


    $ 1ositals staffed 7ith hysi"ians

    Copyright 2009 John Wiley & Sons, NY 11

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    arly Foundations) /iological+pproaches

    General paresis$ Degenerative disorder 7ith sy"hologi"al


    $ Caused by syhilis

    Sin"e general aresis had biologi"al "ause,other !ental illness !ight also.

    Copyright 2009 John Wiley & Sons, NY 12

    l F d ti

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    arly Foundations)0enetics

    GaltonEs 7or+ lead to notion that !entalillness "an be inherited

    Behavioral genetics

    $ (/tent to 7hi"h behavioral differen"es are due togeneti"s

    (ugeni"s$ 'ro!otion of enfor"ed sterili8ation to eli!inate

    undesirable "hara"teristi"s fro! the oulation

    $ Many state la7s reFuired !entally ill to besterili8ed

    Copyright 2009 John Wiley & Sons, NY 13

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    arly /iological treatents

    *nsulin>"o!a theray$ Sa+el, 9:s

    (le"tro"onvulsive 5heray 2(C54

    $ Cerletti and 0ini 29:4$ *ndu"e eileti" sei8ures 7ith ele"tri" sho"+

    'refrontal loboto!y$ Moni8 29:34

    $ =ften led to listlessness, aathy, and la"+ of so!e"ognitive abilities

    Copyright 2009 John Wiley & Sons, NY 14

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    arly Foundations) il$raepelin 1234%15#46

    'ioneered "lassifi"ation of !ental illnessbased on biologi"al "auses

    'ublished 9stsy"hiatry te/t 29:4

    Mental illness assyndrome$ Cluster of sy!to!s that "o>o""ur

    'roosed t7o !a%or syndro!es

    $ Dementia praecox$ Manic-depressive psychosis

    Copyright 2009 John Wiley & Sons, NY 15

    l F d i

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    arly Foundations)Psychological +pproaches

    Mes!er 29@:9934$ 5reated atients 7ith hysteriausing Hani!al


    $ (arly ra"titioner of hynosis 0reuer 299;34

    $ sed hynosis to fa"ilitate catharsis

    $ Catharsis)

    elease of e!otional tension triggered by relivingand tal+ing about event

    Copyright 2009 John Wiley & Sons, NY 16

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    arly Foundations) Freud

    'sy"hoanalyti" theory

    $ 1u!an behavior deter!ined by

    un"ons"ious for"es.

    $ 'sy"hoathology results fro! "onfli"tsa!ong these un"ons"ious for"es.

    Copyright 2009 John Wiley & Sons, NY 17

    Freud,s Structures of the

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    Freud s Structures of the!ind


    $ n"ons"ious$ leasure principle

    ) *!!ediate gratifi"ation

    $ Libido

    ) (nergy of *D (go

    $ 'ri!arily "ons"ious$ !eality principle

    ) Atte!t to satisfy *DEs de!ands 7ithin realityEs "onstraints


    $ 5he "ons"ien"e$ Develos as 7e in"ororate arental and so"iety values

    Copyright 2009 John Wiley & Sons, NY 18

    F d, St 'h f

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    Freud,s Stage 'heory ofPsychose-ual "evelopent

    "ral #tage $birth to %& mos'(

    $ 'ri!ary satisfa"tion fro! su"+ing & "he7ing

    Anal #tage $%& mos' to )(

    $ 'leasure derived fro! eli!ination

    hallic #tage $) to * or +($ 'leasure derived fro! se/ual organs

    Latency eriod $+ to %,(

    $ *d i!ulses not a fa"tor

    enital #tage $adulthood($ 1eterose/ual interests redo!inate

    Copyright 2009 John Wiley & Sons, NY 19

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    Fi-ation and Regression


    $ 5oo little or too !u"h gratifi"ation leads to

    fi/ation at that stage

    $ -hen stressed, individual regressestoearlier stage.

    ) 0ehaves in 7ays that 7ere aroriate at an

    earlier age

    Copyright 2009 John Wiley & Sons, NY 20

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    'a7le 1 1 Selected "efense

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    'a7le 1.1 Selected "efense!echaniss

    Copyright 2009 John Wiley & Sons, NY 22

    'a7le 1 # !a8or 'echni9ues of

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    'a7le 1.# !a8or 'echni9ues ofPsychoanalysis

    Copyright 2009 John Wiley & Sons, NY 23

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    Jung$Analyti"al sy"hology

    ) *n"ororates 6reudian and hu!anisti" sy"hology

    $ Collective unconscious Archetypes

    Adler$ *ndividual sy"hology

    ) 6ulfill!ent derived fro! 7or+ing for the so"ial good

    (go Analysis$ (!hasi8ed individualEs "ontrol of environ!ent

    Copyright 2009 John Wiley & Sons, NY 24

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    Rise of /ehavioris

    John -atson 29@>934


    $ (!hasis on learning rather than innate


    $ 6o"us on observable behavior

    Copyright 2009 John Wiley & Sons, NY 25

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    Classical Conditioning

    'avlov 299:B4$ Learning through asso"iation

    (le!ents of learning$ /nconditioned #timulus2/C#4$ Conditioned #timulus2C#4$ /nconditioned !esponse2/!4$ Conditioned !esponse2C!4

    -atson & aynor 29;4$ Classi"ally "onditioned fear in Little


    Copyright 2009 John Wiley & Sons, NY 26

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    Learning by i!itating othersE behavior

    $ Can o""ur 7ithout reinfor"e!ent

    0andura & Menlove 29B4

    $ Modeling redu"ed "hildrenEs fear of dogs

    0ehavior 5heray

    $ #ystematic Desensiti3ation

    $Aversive conditioning

    Copyright 2009 John Wiley & Sons, NY 28

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    !ental Health Professions

    Clini"al 'sy"hologist

    $ 'h.D. or 'sy.D.


    $ M.D.

    So"ial -or+ers

    $ M.S.-.

    Copyright 2009 John Wiley & Sons, NY 29

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    rerodu"ed or utili8ed in any for! or by any!eans, ele"troni" or !e"hani"al, in"luding

    hoto"oying, re"ording or by any infor!ation

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