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Page 1: Kinh Do Assignment

Table of Contents

I. INTRODUCTION:.........................................................................................................................3

1.1. Background:...........................................................................................................................3

1.2. Visions, missions and goals....................................................................................................3

Visions: Kinh Do enriches people's lives by providing products and services which immediately realize the needs and desires for Living Fine. Applying our dynamism, creativity, foresight and other core values, we create products and services which deliver consumers what they want and make us all proud. People trust Kinh Do companies, products and services so much they rely on them for Fine Living every day. Kinh Do generates bonus personal, economic and commercial value and pride for staff, partners and stakeholders............................................................................3

II. SCENARIO ANALYSIS...............................................................................................................4

2.1. Organization structure:...........................................................................................................4

2.2. Management level:.................................................................................................................4

2.3. Decisions at Kinh Do:.............................................................................................................5

2.4. Information and knowledge of Kinh Do.................................................................................8

2.5. Stakeholders of Kinh Do......................................................................................................10

III. RESEARCH FINDINGS..........................................................................................................14

In order to find out information on the Kinh Do, I made survey to understand the influence of Kinh Do the market and customer comments to help improve the company's operations. I research on customers as consumers in Big C supermarket. I will show the detail of survey below......................14

Survey question 1: Gender of respondents...........................................................................................14

I. RECOMMENDATION................................................................................................................22


Apendix 1 – Survey form......................................................................................................................25

Apendix 2 – Organization chart..............................................................................................................1


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I.1. Background:Kinh Do Corporation is a business group of Vietnam with an emphasis on food production, including baked goods, confections, snacks and soft drinks. The corporate group also includes companies in the fields of financial services, real estate and a retail bakery chain. Kinh Do Corporation manages a wide variety of brand names, distributes imported brand name snack and candy goods, and manufactures food for export from Vietnam. Main offices of the company are located in Ho Chi Minh City.

I.2. Visions, missions and goals

Visions: Kinh Do enriches people's lives by providing products and services

which immediately realize the needs and desires for Living Fine. Applying our

dynamism, creativity, foresight and other core values, we create products and

services which deliver consumers what they want and make us all proud. People

trust Kinh Do companies, products and services so much they rely on them for

Fine Living every day. Kinh Do generates bonus personal, economic and

commercial value and pride for staff, partners and stakeholders.

Missions: Kinh Do enriches people's lives by providing products and services

which immediately realize the needs and desires for Living Fine. Applying our

dynamism, creativity, foresight and other core values, we create products and

services which deliver consumers what they want and make us all proud. People

trust Kinh Do companies, products and services so much they rely on them for

Fine Living every day. Kinh Do generates bonus personal, economic and

commercial value and pride for staff, partners and stakeholders.


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Goal: Become both Vietnam’s and the Asia Pacific region’s leading company in

the food category.


II.1. Organization structure:

II.2. Management level:

The top management performs strategic planning and the other two levels provide

support in the form of processed information. This level develops the strategy for

deciding the objectives of the organization, planning resources to be used in order

to attain those objectives, formulating policies to govern, use and disposition of the

resources. The middle management level performs tactical planning and control,

and needs information to discharge these managerial functions. This level

develops the strategy for deciding the objectives of the organization, planning

resources to be used in order to attain those objectives, formulating policies to

govern, use and disposition of the resources. The supervisory level is involved in

day-to-day operational control and needs information for its working. It is the





- Chairman- CEO- Directors

- Marketing Manager -  Human Resources

Manager- Customer Development

Manager- Supply Chain Manager

- Supervisors

- Controllers

Page 4: Kinh Do Assignment

process of ensuring that operational activities are carried out to achieve optimum

use of resources. It makes use of pre-established procedures and decision rules.

II.3. Decisions at Kinh Do:In order to becoming a successful corporation, managers of Kinh Do are the most

important people who make the right decisions to help company’s production

developing increasingly. They are from top – level, who give visions, missions,

objectives and business strategy in short term or long term to company.

The decisions investing in technology to improve the production is one of the first

steps of the company. In first years, after a period of operation as a small food

company, managers of company decision research survey of market demand.

Later, they decided to develop the legal capital of 14 billion VND and import

production line of snack with Japanese technology valued at 750,000 USD to

manufacture and launch of Kinh Do snack flavorful products at low prices.

Addition, with the importance of information technology investment, from 2007,

besides the investment in production, Kinh Do’s managers also interested in

Information Technology investment. The investment is not only equipped with an

Information Technology background such as computer systems, office application:

email system, internet, internal network... which are continuously enhanced with

the application of modern Information Technology to the corporation. For this

decision, the top - level wmake strategic investments in technology for the

company. Then they decide which technology investments and how much

investment companies, investment which benefits the company. This decision is

unstructured and in long-term plans of the company for the purpose of promoting

the development of production for the company. Next, the middle level, namely

production manager, will start to search for and select the appropriate technology

to the requirements of top level. They plan to invest, put into execution, and assign

tasks to subordinates continue to perform. These decisions are semi structured.

And short-term decisions are also influential to the company because they

determine the success of the strategy. Finally, the decisions made by junior level.

They will execute the tasks required of their superiors. They supervise the


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construction and decide how much labor for the project. These tasks must be done

in a day. The project will take place for how long. The mission made their short-

term, structured and less influential to the company because they only monitor the

work was planned in advance.

Besides the investment in innovative of modern technology, managers continued

to set the strategic merger to expand the company. In 2003, Kinh

Do officially acquired Vietnam Wall’s ice cream company from British Unilever

Corporation and replaced with Kido's ice cream brands. The following year,

managers continued to merge with other food companies such as Vinabico and

Tribeco. Addition, Kinh Do also decided to invest in Nutrifood and Eximbank. In

the strategy of becoming a multi-industry conglomerate, the system of Kinh Do

expanded operations into the field of real estate business investment, financial –

stock investment. About joint venture strategy and affiliate system, Mr. Tran Kim

Thanh, chairman of Kinh Do said, in this strategy, if the cooperation brings results

will continue, otherwise stop. The important is to reach the new technology, the

experience of business partners, especially the international partners. Following

the success of 2010, in 2011, a banner year transition from a Kinh Do Company to

Kinh Do Corporation, is the time that Kinh Do will improve the corporation

operating model to take advantage resonance between member companies,

accelerated pace of mergers and acquisitions. In addition, Kinh Do will continue

investment Kinh Do branding, market expansion and coverage through the list of

products in various forms joint venture and cooperation. Moreover, exportation is

also in the expanding strategy of the organization. 2001 is the year which was

determined in exports of Kinh Do Corporation. The managers determined to

further boost the export to the U.S. market, France, Canada, Germany, Taiwan,

Singapore, Cambodia, Laos, Japan, Malaysia, and Thailand. Firstly, the top - level

will provide the strategic expansion of the company's business in the country and

abroad. These long-term decisions are made in steps and continuing the mission

of making the Kinh Do Group becoming a growth industry for the region and

internationally. This decision is seen as one of the decisions have tremendous

impact on Kinh Do. Next, the middle level will be market research and selection


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of business and consistent with market strategy. The semi-structured long-term

decisions have great impact to the company as it helps to plan to go on a right

path. Then the junior level will receive tasks from the middle level and execute it.

They plan to approach the business or the market is indicated and to make

agreement with Kinh Do. This is the short-term decision and it belongs to the

structure of the plan. These decisions create linkages between businesses. In short,

these decisions have being helped the company gradually expanding to reach the

target growth markets around the country, becoming the largest multi – sector

corporation in Vietnam and being influential in the international food market.

For short-term plan, managers maked strategic sales in the holiday, and perform

charity work. The collection of Kinh Do Bakery sale at fixed prices and longitude

specified discount for autumn products. Before the market place these days peak,

near Mid-Autumn Festival, especially the problem of reducing the price the dealer

misleading to consumers, Mr. Le Van Thinh, Vice President of Kinh Do

Corporation stated that Kinh Do cake products sale at fixed prices and regulations

Kinh Do absolutely no "great discount sale" policy and no policy can facilitate the

implementation of retail "higher discounts", "50%" or "buy one get one" for the

Kinh Do cakes. In particular we always follow the market demand progress daily

and hourly should always control the supply of bread adequate response, so the

surplus of goods and lower prices to sell college never happened. At peak period,

managers of middle level had to mobilize the entire workforce to keep running at

full capacity to meet new customer orders. The leaders of Kinh Do also enhanced

staff agencies serving blocks, factories to produce high sales of the company

increased revenue and exceeded the plan.

In addition to the investment plan development company, Kinh Do also oriented

company to engage in social activities, and charity activities. For example, in

order to contribute to social care for children, to bring joy and encouragement of

children can be disadvantaged conditions please welcome festival for children, the

occasion of International Children holiday, the company directly visited and gave

1,500 gifts worth 110 million disabled children and studious pupils who are


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disadvantaged. In mid-autumn festival this year, the managers also decided to

visit and donated 5,000 gifts totaling 300 million VND to welcome autumn with

the children. In this strategy, from top level managers will be appointed to plan

the annual charity. This is a long-term decisions and influence on society, to help

the poor. However, these activities also bring benefits to the company. Firstly,

these are the intention of the company towards its employees to a work ethics as

well as in society. Secondly, this activity is to promote the image of Kinh Do

more widely. After the decision of the top - level, middle level will plan the timing

of implementation, execution sites, and other related units. They then decide how

much to pay for this activity. The decision from the middle level of short-term

nature and semi structured. Finally, the Supervisory level implementation plan,

associated with the units and staff assigned to prepare the necessary elements and

monitoring the implementation process. Role of these decisions are small and

short-term it is done.

II.4. Information and knowledge of Kinh Do

Strategic information is used at the very top level of management within an

organization. These are chief executives or directors who have to make decisions

for the long term. Strategic information is broad based and will use a mixture of

information gathered from both internal and external sources. In general a

timescale may be from one to five years or even longer depending on the project.

Strategic plans will have little or no detail in them and more detailed strategic

plans will be made slightly lower down the managerial ladder. For example, on

information and knowledge needed in the investment decisions of modern

technology for Kinh Do, top – level needs information from the primary

information such as statistical information about the company's operations. The

external information includes Vietnam's food market and current competitors Kinh

Do business. This information helps top - level know the development status of

the company to make decisions for innovative companies. They can be derived

from the official information such as newspapers, television and internet. The

information is on secondary information such as employee surveys. Through the


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above information, to make decisions, top - level need the explicit knowledge as

production, innovation necessaries of production and tacit knowledge like

efficiency and investment.

The next level down is the tactical level, and tactical planning and decision-

making takes place within the guidelines set by the strategic plan. Tactical

information will be mostly internal with a few external sources being used.

Internal information is likely to be function related: for example, how to choose

the suitable technology for the process. Tactical information is used by me and

employees from middle level when managing or planning projects. The timescale

is usually at least between 6 months and 5 years. Circumstances vary but a small

project may have a tactical timescale of between one and six months. Tactical

plans have a medium level of detail and will be very specific; they deal with such

matters as who is doing what and within what specific budgets and timescales.

These plans have medium scope and will address details at the operational level.

They will generally have specific objectives and be geared towards

implementation by operational level employees. For example, in 2003, Kinh Do

acquired Wall’s ice cream company. As a middle level manager, I need to know

information about Wall Company. Before choosing this company, I had to know

if the company is suitable to the requirements of the plan. Besides, internal

information such as cooperation law, and financial information on investment are

also necessary. In order to make decision, we had to have knowledge about

market research and statistical analysis. In this decision, we also need tacit

knowledge. Face to face communication is the skill used to meet the customer,

Wall Company. We also have to know how to cooperate to other firm.

The lowest level is operational and operational planning takes place based on the

tactical plans. The lowest level of management or workers in an organization

implements operational plans. The timescale is usually very short, anything from

immediately, daily or at most a week or month. Results of operational work will

usually be passed upwards to let the tactical planners evaluate their plans. The

sales strategy right price in the Moon holiday, supervisory level needs the


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information about products selling in the holiday, when do them sale, and where

do they sale. These are internal information. The information is unofficial and

secondary sources as indicated from the top. Supervisory level has to know the

explicit knowledge such as accounting - to account the profit per day, marketing -

the intention to promote and sell products, reporting - to report the results to upper


II.5. Stakeholders of Kinh Do

Figure 2.5.1 Stakeholders diagram











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- Government - Managers- Employees

- Competitors - Customers- Banks- Shareholders- Distributors- Suppliers


Figure 2.5.2 Power/Interest Grid

Firstly, managers, who are internal stakeholder, are the most important people of

the group. They decide the successful of Kinh Do. These people are from the top

level managers. Managers’ main role is to achieve effective utilization of resources

in Kinh Do Corporation. They achieve so through coordinated human efforts. They

have a very important role to play in achieving organizational objectives. They are

responsible for aligning the individual's objectives with the organizational

objectives. This is very essential for achieving long-term organizational success.

Managers are the people who communicate organizational vision to the employees

of the corporation. They ensure that there is effective communication flow in the

organization and that there should no misinterpretations taking place. They also

crucial role to play in decision making process in the organization. They decide

how to bring and communicate organizational changes. They play major role in

setting organizational goals. They are in close contact with the employees of the

organization. They are the people who understand them and motivate them. They

also encourage them so that they can perform effectively. They praise them when

they show brilliant performance and on bad performance, and they give them

constructive feedback rather than negative feedback. This would improve

employees work quality as well as performance. Thus, managers’ role is very


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important so as to improve employees’ productivity as well as organization's

productivity. They also understand that organizational success depends on

employees. Thus the more satisfied and happy the employees are the more success

the organization will show. Secondly, employees are one of Kinh Do’s greatest

assets. What they say about Kinh Do, how they act in the workplace, and how

happy they are in their roles all impact on Kinh Do’s brand, Kinh Do’s image,

Kinh Do’s levels of service and ultimately Kinh Do’s customers’ satisfaction. If

managers are important people to make decisions for development of company,

employees are the one who follow that decision, and based on that decision to

personally making Kinh Do’s operation. Although being the important factor,

bringing high interests to Kinh Do, employees have not high power in the firm.

The second is external stakeholders who bring high interest to Kinh Do. Customers

are the main factor bringing the highest interest. Customers include retail and

corporate customers. Retail customers are consumers. They buy goods at the

retailer across the country and oversea countries. This is a major source of profit

for the company and determines the existence of Kinh Do. Besides, the enterprise

is also a source of huge profits Kinh Do. The business is working with Kinh Do.

Kinh Do offers expanded company strategy, cooperation and mergers with other

companies to put together huge profits. Suppliers play an important role in the

production. They provide raw materials to manufacture products. After

production, distributors do the task of distributing goods throughout the country

and oversea. They deliver those products to many customers, in a timely fashion.

They are distinct from brokers, who neither take delivery or nor title to the

material, and surplus buyers, who typically buy aged material or overage and resell

it at a discount. The next stakeholder is shareholder. This stakeholder also brings

profits to the corporation. Shareholders make a financial investment in the

corporation, which entitles those with voting shares to elect the directors.

Shareholders do not normally have any rights to be involved directly in company

management. Their connection to company management is typically via the Board

of Directors as described above. If shareholders are not satisfied with the

performance of the directors, they may remove the directors or refuse to re-elect


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them. Addition, banks are important factor which help Kinh Do in loan

investment or saving. Bank provides money to Kinh Do for big projects basing on


Besides beneficially external stakeholders, there are the stakeholders having no

benefit for KinhDo including government and competitors. Firstly, government

have high power to the operation of Kinh Do, however, it does not bring interests

to the firm. Business must comply with government’s regulations. Kinh Do that

takes a proactive stance toward understanding and complying with federal

regulatory agencies will minimize their chance of fines, prosecution, or other

regulatory action. However, it is in the best interest of businesses to maintain

healthy relationships with regulatory agencies at all levels of government. The

second stakeholder is competitors. Kinh Do does not get any interest from this

object. However, competitor plays the role of promoting the organization growth

to a healthy competition together.


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In order to find out information on the Kinh Do, I made survey to understand the influence of Kinh Do the market and customer comments to help improve the company's operations. I research on customers as consumers in Big C supermarket. I will show the detail of survey below.

Survey question 1: Gender of respondents

Gender Frequency

M 13 0.43 43.3F 17 0.57 56.7

Relatice Frequency

Percent Frequency

Table 4: Gender of respondents





Figure 1: Gender of respondents

Out of 30 customers, 56.7% of them are female, and 43.3% of our customers are male. There might be more housewives purchase Kinh Do products probably because of Vietnamese culture. In Vietnam, female are the people who care more about food products than male, therefore, they also buy Kinh Do’s products more than male.


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Survey question 2: Age of respondents

Age FrequencyRelatice


Frequency< 20 4 0.13 13.3

21 - 30 11 0.37 36.731 - 40 8 0.27 26.741 - 50 4 0.13 13.3

> 50 3 0.10 10.0TOTA

L 30 1 100Table 2: Age of respondents

< 20

21 - 30

31 - 40

41 - 50

> 50

0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 40.0






Percent Frequency

Percent Frequency

Figure 2: Age of respondents

This above bar chart shows some age group, which are participated in the survey. In

terms of age, group 21 – 30 appeared to be the largest group with 36.7% (11 people) of

the total respondents. The second largest group is 31 – 40 by 26.7%. less than 20 and

41 – 50 with 13.3% for each group whereas people who aged less than 20 and 41 -50

account for 13.3% for each group. More – than – 50 is the lowest group in this survey

with 10%.


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Survey question 3: Job of respondents

JOB Frequency Relatice Frequency Percent Frequency

Students 4 0.13 13.3Businessmans 11 0.37 36.7White-collar workers 9 0.30 30.0Worker 6 0.20 20.0total 30 1 100.0

Table 3: Job of respondents



White-collar workers


0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 40.0


Percent Frequency

Figure 3: Job of respondents

The table and bar chart present the percentage of respondents’ job in the survey. The

largest job group is businessman with 36.7%. The second group includes the people who

are as white-collar workers with 30%. The percentage of worker reached 20%. And there

are 13.3% customer who are students.


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Survey question 4: Income of respondents

SALARY Frequency

Under 2 million Dong 6 0.2 202 million - 5 million Dong 15 0.5 505 million- 8 million Dong 6 0.2 20Over 8 million Dong 3 0.1 10total 30 1.0 100

Relatice Frequency

Percent Frequency

Table 4: Income of respondents

Under 2 million Dong

2 million - 5 million Dong

5 million- 8 million Dong

Over 8 million Dong

0 10 20 30 40 50 60


Percent Frequency

Firgure 4: Income of respondents

The table and the bar chart reveal the percentage of customer’s income in a month. It is very

interesting that 50% of total customers who are interviewed had income from 2 million to fewer than

5 million a month. Consumers who earn fewer than 2 million and from 5 million to 8 million

accounted for 20% for each. There are 3 people had a monthly income more than 5 million and they

make up 10% of total.


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Survey question 5: What food companies do you like the best?

Brand name Frequency

Bibica 7 0.23 23.3Hai Ha 6 0.20 20.0Biscafun 0 0.00 0.0Kinh Do 17 0.57 56.7

Relatice Frequency

Percent Frequency

Table 5: The popular of Kinh Do’s products

Bibica Hai Ha Biscafun Kinh Do0.0











Percent Frequency

Figure 5: The popular of Kinh Do’s products

The bar graph shows the percentage of brand which is selected by customers when they buy sport

products. From the graph, Kinh Do had a largest percentage with 56.7% of total customer selection.

The second largest was Bibica brand with 23.3% of total chooser. Besides that, customers also buy

food product from the brand Hai Ha with 20% whereas there is no one buying food products from

Biscafun brand.


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Survey question 6: How often do you buy Kinh Do’s products a year?

Purchase Frequency

< 3 times 18 0.60 60.03 - 5 times 9 0.30 30.05 - 8 times 1 0.03 3.3> 8 times 2 0.07 6.7

Total 30 1 100

Relatice Frequency

Percent Frequency

Table 6: The purchase frequency of Kinh Do’s products

< 3 times

3 - 5 times

5 - 8 times

> 8 times

0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0





Percent Frequency

Percent Frequency

Figure 6: The purchase frequency of Kinh Do’s products

From the graph, there is significant feature that more than half of total respondents use Adidas’s

products under 3 times a year. Besides that, customers who use our products 3 to 5 times per month

accounted for 30% of all respondents. One person uses products which were made by Kinh Do 5 to

8 times a year made up 3.3%. This percentage lower than the percentage of consumers, who use

Kinh Do food more than 8 times a month, is 5%.


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Survey question 7: What do you think about Kinh Do’s products?

Very good Good Average Poor Very Poor Total

Taste 9 14 7 0 0 30Quality 6 13 11 0 0 30Packing 3 15 12 0 0 30

Product's Opinion

Very good Good Average Poor Very Poor0.0










0.0 0.0




0.0 0.0




0.0 0.0







Table 7: The respondents’ opinions about Kinh Do’s products

Very good Good Average Poor Very Poor0.0










0.0 0.0




0.0 0.0




0.0 0.0










Figure 7: The respondents’ opinions about Kinh Do’s products

The table and bar chart shows the percentage of reviews by customers about Kinh Do’s

products. As you saw in the bar chart, almost customer chose Kinh Do’s products being good

in taste, quality and packing with nearby 50% each product whereas there was only 33.3 %

choosing price good. The second group is average with around 40% people thought that

quality, packing and price is normal and 23.3% thought that taste is normal. The number of

customers choosing Kinh Do’s products is good are less than two groups above with 30% of

taste, 20% of quality, 10% of packing and only 6.7% of price. Specially, there was no one

choosing poor and very poor for four factors but the price. There was 20% of customer

thinking that the price of Kinh Do’s product is poor. Therefore, we can see that the price of

Kinh Do’s products is slightly high for ordinary consumer.


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Survey question 8: What is your opinion about Kinh Do’s services?

Survice Very good Good Average Poor Very Poor Total

Sale's attitute 4 13 13 0 0 30Promation program 4 15 11 0 0 30

Table 8: The respondents’ opinions about Kinh Do’s services

Very good Good Average Poor Very Poor0.0







Sale's attitutePromation programCustomer care

Figure 8: The respondents’ opinions about Kinh Do’s services

The table and bar chart shows the percentage of reviews by customers about Kinh Do’s

products. As you saw in the bar chart, almost customer chose Kinh Do’s products being good

in taste, quality and packing with nearby 50% each product whereas there was only 33.3 %

choosing price good. The second group is average with around 40% people thought that

quality, packing and price is normal and 23.3% thought that taste is normal. The number of

customers choosing Kinh Do’s products is good are less than two groups above with 30% of

taste, 20% of quality, 10% of packing and only 6.7% of price. Specially, there was no one

choosing poor and very poor for four factors but the price. There was 20% of customer

thinking that the price of Kinh Do’s product is poor. Therefore, we can see that the price of

Kinh Do’s products is slightly high for ordinary consumer.


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Through the survey, we found that Kinh Do has also drawbacks. The first is to limit the

price of the product. Most customers appreciated that the product of Kinh Do have high

price. In most of that customers have average incomes. Therefore, Kinh Do needs to

invest in products with affordable, consistent with low-income people. Also, the middle-

aged subjects are less interested in products of Kinh Do, therefore, Kinh Do should also

invest in the production of quality products suitable to the health of the elderly.

Organizations constantly encounter forces driving them to change. Because change means

doing something new and unknown, the natural reaction is to resist it. Extension

programme managers must overcome this resistance and adopt innovative and efficient

management techniques to remain high performers. They must improve their personal,

team, and cultural management skills if they hope to adapt themselves to a changing

world. Overwhelmingly, current management wisdom touts the goal of getting decisions

made as low down in the organization as possible.

The basic idea is that since people closest to the work are likely to know the most about

solving problems in their areas, they should be involved in the decisions concerning those

areas. An added benefit is that they are more motivated if they have some control over

their work and over their own destinies.

To carry out their responsibilities, managers need to obtain recent, relevant information

that exists in books, journals, and people's heads who are widely scattered within and

outside the organization. They have to make decisions based on information that is both

overwhelming and incomplete. In addition, managers need to get cooperation from

subordinates, peers, superiors, and people over whom they may have no formal authority.

Factors that affect managers include level of management, size of the organizational unit,

and function of the unit, lateral interdependence, crisis conditions, and stage in the

organizational life cycle.


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They have to have a choice in what aspects of the job to emphasize and how to allocate

their time. Generally managers are engaged in four types of activities: building and

maintaining relationships, getting and giving information, influencing people, and

decision making.


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REFERENCESKinh Do. (2010). KinhDo - Help Children in Difficult Circumstances. Available: Last accessed 24th October.

Kinh Do. (2010). The application of modern information technology at Kinh Do. Available: Last accessed 24th October. Last accessed 10th November.


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I am from Management Information System department at Kinh Do Corporation. This survey

is to find out the influence of Kinh Do’s product on customers. I will be happy if you agree to

spend a few minutes for this. Thanks for your consideration!

Please tick (cross) and answer the questions below:

1. What is you gender?

Male Female

2. How old are you?

< 20 21 – 30 31 – 40 41 – 50 > 51

3. What is your job?

Student Businessman Worker White-collar worker (people who do office work)

4. What is your salary?

< 2 million Dong 2 million – 5 million Dong 5 million – 8 million Dong > 8 million Dong

5. What food companies do you like the best?

Bibica Hai Ha Biscafun Kinh Do

6. How often do you buy Kinh Do’s products a year?

< 3 times 3 – 5 times


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5 – 8 times > 8 times


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7. What do you think about Kinh Do’s products?

Very good Good Average Poor Very poor





8. What is your opinion about Kinh Do’s services?

Very good Good Average Poor Very poor

Sales’ attitude

Promotion programs

Customer care

9. Do you have any suggestion on Kinh Do’s Product?








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Apendix 2 – Organization chart



Sale Director

Service Manager



Supply Chain Manager



Customer Development







Customer Development




Marketing Manager



Finance Director

Account Manager






HR Director

HR Manager




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