Page 1: JOB PROLOGUE JOB 1-2. Setting Announced Earthly Setting: The land of Uz, in “the east.” –Most scholars place Uz in the land of Edom. Lam 4:21 Rejoice



JOB 1-2

Page 2: JOB PROLOGUE JOB 1-2. Setting Announced Earthly Setting: The land of Uz, in “the east.” –Most scholars place Uz in the land of Edom. Lam 4:21 Rejoice

Setting Announced Earthly Setting: • The land of Uz, in “the east.”

– Most scholars place Uz in the land of Edom.• Lam 4:21 Rejoice and be glad, O Daughter of Edom, you who

live in the land of Uz.

– Some place it in Aram/Syria. • Gen 10:23 The sons of Aram: Uz, Hul, Gether and Meshech.• Gen 22:21 Uz the firstborn, … Kemuel (the father of Aram)

– It is outside of Israel.

Page 3: JOB PROLOGUE JOB 1-2. Setting Announced Earthly Setting: The land of Uz, in “the east.” –Most scholars place Uz in the land of Edom. Lam 4:21 Rejoice

Setting Announced Earthly Setting: • May suggest time of the Patriarchs

– The setting is rural, with no hint of city life,– Job is responsible for the family, &– Job offers his own sacrifices

Page 4: JOB PROLOGUE JOB 1-2. Setting Announced Earthly Setting: The land of Uz, in “the east.” –Most scholars place Uz in the land of Edom. Lam 4:21 Rejoice

Land of Uz

Page 5: JOB PROLOGUE JOB 1-2. Setting Announced Earthly Setting: The land of Uz, in “the east.” –Most scholars place Uz in the land of Edom. Lam 4:21 Rejoice

Setting Announced Heavenly Setting (v. 6)• God’s heavenly council, when the “sons

of God came to present themselves before Yahweh.”

Page 6: JOB PROLOGUE JOB 1-2. Setting Announced Earthly Setting: The land of Uz, in “the east.” –Most scholars place Uz in the land of Edom. Lam 4:21 Rejoice

Characters Introduced Job• Character—Wisdom’s perfect man!

– “Blameless” ( 6 םָּת7 )—A man of integrity• The root is used 12 times in the Book of


– “Upright” (6ָׁש<6ר .A man of justice—(ָי– “Fearing God & turning away from evil”

• Job submits to God & serves Him only.

Page 7: JOB PROLOGUE JOB 1-2. Setting Announced Earthly Setting: The land of Uz, in “the east.” –Most scholars place Uz in the land of Edom. Lam 4:21 Rejoice

Characters Introduced Job• Possessions

– Family—• Seven sons & three daughters• 7000 sheep, 3000 camels, 500 yoke of oxen, 500

female donkeys, & many servants.

Page 8: JOB PROLOGUE JOB 1-2. Setting Announced Earthly Setting: The land of Uz, in “the east.” –Most scholars place Uz in the land of Edom. Lam 4:21 Rejoice

Characters Introduced God• He is proud of His servant, Job. • He has control & authority. • He is willing to have His prize pupil

tested by the Satan.– Why does he allow this?

Page 9: JOB PROLOGUE JOB 1-2. Setting Announced Earthly Setting: The land of Uz, in “the east.” –Most scholars place Uz in the land of Edom. Lam 4:21 Rejoice

Characters Introduced “The Satan” ( ןַהLָׁש67Kָט6 , hasatan) • “The accuser”—He is “going about

on the earth & walking around in it” (1:7).

• He is “among” the Sons of God at the heavenly council.

• How does “the Satan” relate to “Satan” of later Christianity?

Page 10: JOB PROLOGUE JOB 1-2. Setting Announced Earthly Setting: The land of Uz, in “the east.” –Most scholars place Uz in the land of Edom. Lam 4:21 Rejoice

Characters Introduced Job’s Wife

– What a woman!!!

 Job’s Friends, Eliphaz, Bildad, & Zophar.– From silent mourners to vocal friends.

Page 11: JOB PROLOGUE JOB 1-2. Setting Announced Earthly Setting: The land of Uz, in “the east.” –Most scholars place Uz in the land of Edom. Lam 4:21 Rejoice

Job’s Predicament • Job’s loss is presented as a test of

Job’s faith. How did he do?– “Naked I came out from my mother’s womb,

and naked I shall return to there.“The LORD has given and the LORD has taken,Blessed be the name of the LORD.” (1:21)

• This is only use of LORD (=YHWH) in a speech except 12:8, 28:28.

Page 12: JOB PROLOGUE JOB 1-2. Setting Announced Earthly Setting: The land of Uz, in “the east.” –Most scholars place Uz in the land of Edom. Lam 4:21 Rejoice

Job’s Predicament • The Satan is given the right to

afflict his body, but he could not kill him.

• “Skin for skin”– From trade language, “pelt for pelt” – “His skin for Your skin”

Page 13: JOB PROLOGUE JOB 1-2. Setting Announced Earthly Setting: The land of Uz, in “the east.” –Most scholars place Uz in the land of Edom. Lam 4:21 Rejoice

Job’s Predicament • “On the ashes”

– Perhaps in mourning.– Perhaps because of banishment.

• Job refuses to curse God, calling his wife a “foolish woman.”– “Shall we indeed receive the good from God and the

bad we will not accept” (2:10).

•  His 3 friends sit with him for 7 days.

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