Page 1: Internet Marketing:You have to be in it for the long haul

Internet Marketing: You have to be in it for the long haul.


In Internet Marketing there is one thing you must keep in mind and that is being ready for the long haul. Too many people quit too early.

I think part of the problem is that people who have become successful sell the idea that their success came to them overnight. They sell you the dream rather than a how to method of building a business.

The latter is just not sexy whereas selling the dream is. People want to feel that the riches will come to them easily. They don't want to know about the hard work they will have to put in. Copywriters know this and write sales copy that talks to that desire.

Making money online is hard work, no doubt about it. You will have to put on long hours to get your website or blog ranked highly for the keywords you have targeted. The way to do this is to get back links to your site. This is where you write articles or leave comments on blogs in your niche and have a hyperlink back to your site.

The more back links you have the better and gradually you will move up search engine rankings. One way to monitor this is installing the Alexa toolbar on your browser and this will show where you site or any site for that matter ranks in the Alexa league table.

You are doing well if you are at the one million or less mark. The other tool you need is Google Analytics. Google will provide with code that you place on your index page.

Google will then give you stats on how many visitors you are getting and where they are coming from.

Work with the right people. As you start to make money you need to start leveraging your time. You will have so many new tasks that it will be impossible to do them all.

So you need to start outsourcing. There are people in countries who are very talented but will charge you a lot less to perform functions like managing your email, building web sites and keyword research. Sites such as and

Page 2: Internet Marketing:You have to be in it for the long haul

Elance have an army of people with all the expertise you need to grow your business.

You want people to start liking you on Facebook and you can outsource this function too.

So be aware that internet marketing is hard work. Yes you have the joy of working from home but you have to put in the hours. Plan your week and allocate time for your business otherwise it just won't happen.

For more help with internet marketing and to sign up for the awesome Six Figure Mentors 7 Day Internet Marketing Boot Camp go to

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