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International Journal of Zoological Investigations Vol. 2, No. 2, 244-266 (2016)


ISSN: 2454-3055

Combined Effects of Liquid Biofertilizer with Plant-Derived Biopestcides

on Growth, Flowering and Productivity of Pigeon pea and Pest Infestation

of Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) (Noctuidae: Lepidoptera)

Keshav Singh* and Shesh Nath

Vermibiotechnology Laboratory, Department of Zoology, D. D. U. Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur, India.

*Corresponding Author

Received: 3rd November 2016 Accepted: 6th December 2016 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Abstract: Pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan) is the main source of protein and also contain rich amount of fats, carbohydrate and minerals. Helicoverpa armigera is a serious pest of pigeon pea which initially bore into pod and feed on seeds later. The aim of the present study was to observe the growth, productivity of pigeon pea and pod infestation of H. armigera after foliar spray of vermiwash of buffalo dung, gram bran and water hyacinth with combination of aqueous extract of neem leaf, neem oil, garlic bulb and neem based biopesticides Achook and Nimbicidine. The foliar application of different combination of vermiwash of buffalo dung, gram bran and water hyacinth with biopesticides have significant effect on plant growth, early flowering and the productivity of pigeon pea crop as well as decrease in per cent pod pest infestation of H. armigera. The maximum growth, early flowering, productivity and reduction in per cent pod pest infestation was observed in vermiwash of buffalo dung, gram bran and water hyacinth (1:2:1) with aqueous extract of garlic bulb in respect to control. The vermiwsah obtained from buffalo dung, gram bran and water hyacinth wastes with garlic extract and neem oil were more effective for better plant growth, early flowering and productivity as well as reduction of infestation of H. armigera.

Key words: Biological wastes, biopesticides, Eisenia fetida, growth, Helicoverpa armigera, pigeon pea, productivity, vermicomposting, vermiwash. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Indiscriminate use of chemical fertilizers affect the soil texture and cause various ill- effect on human, animal as well as environment (Gupta,2005). Organic farming is a system of natural farming which helps to fulfill requirement of the food and nutrition of society without depleting the essential natural resources of agriculture (Sundararasu and Jeyasankar, 2014). Around 3600 types of earthworms are found in the world and are signified from every

soil type of the globe (Verma and Prasad, 2005). They feed on dead organic substances present in soil that is ingested together and after digestion, along with the undigested food is finally egested in the form of worm castings in which the nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and magnesium are present in very rich amount (Subbarao, 2002). The earthworms assimilate nutrients and energy from a wide range of ingested materials with variable

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efficiency; it depends on the species and the nature of the ingested materials (Curry and Olaf, 2007). Vermiwash is a wonderful economic and eco-friendly gift from the earthworms to boost up plant growth and yield safely.

Vermiwash is liquid manure, extracted from vermicomposts (Sundaravadivelan et

al., 2011). It has more micro and macro nutrients, microorganisms along with several enzyme, plant growth hormones like cytokinins, gibberlines and vitamins (Ismail, 1997; Buckerfield and Webster, 1998; Buckerfield et al., 1999). Its foliar spray significantly increases the growth and productivity of crop (Sobha et al., 2003, Weerasinghe et al., 2006; Nath and Singh, 2016). Vermiwash has excellent growth promoting biofertilizer besides serving as a pesticide (Poorni et al., 2014). Nath and Singh (2012) reported that the vermiwash of different combination of animal, agro and kitchen waste is one of the useful byproduct for foliar spray on the crops of paddy, maize and millet, which give significant increase in the growth, productivity and early flowering.

Pulse crops occupy a unique position in Indian agriculture. Among all the pulse crops, tur or red gram or pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan) which belongs to the family Fabaceae is an important pulse crop in Indian subcontinent (Singh and Swarup, 1982; Young et al., 2003). This crop represents about 5% of world legume production with more than 70% being produced in India (Hillocks et al., 2000). Among different pulse crops in the country pigeon pea is the second most important pulse crop only after chickpea. It is a protein rich chief food and used up in the form of split pulse as Dal. In Asia the countries like India, Nepal, China and Myanmar are the major producers of this crop and interestingly Myanmar's major reason behind producing pigeon pea is to export it

to India (Devi et al., 2013). The major pigeon pea growing states in India are Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Haryana, Punjab, Tamil Nadu, Orissa and Bihar (Patil, 2015).

Biopesticides have potential for pest management and they are being used across the world (Sucharita, 2014). Biopesticide is a botanical pesticide extracted directly from the plants that contain toxic compound which is used for pest control. It is slow acting crop protectants which provide an alternative to the synthetic pesticides (Akhtar et al., 2008; Martin and Gopalakrishnan, 2005).

Azadirachta indica (Neem) commonly called ‘Indian Lilac’ or ‘Margosa’ belongs to the family Meliaceae. Neem is the most versatile, multifarious trees of tropics, with huge potential. It possesses maximum useful non-wood products (leaves, bark, flowers, fruits, seed, gum, oil and neem cake) than any other species of tree (Roxburg, 1874; Girish and Bhat 2008; Singh and Chauhan, 2015). The nimbidin has anti-inflammatory, antiarthritic, antipyretic, hypoglycaemic, antigastric ulcer, spermicidal, antifungal, antibacterial, diuretic assets whereas, nimbin has spermicidal, antimalarial, antifungal properties (Biswas et al., 2002; Tiwari and Singh, 2015). Pavela et al. (2004) suggested that azadirachtin significantly increases the mortality but decreases the development and fecundity of cabbage aphid (Bravicoryne brassicae).

Allium sativum (garlic) of family Amaryllidaceae is a vegetable species that can be classified as either a food or a medicinal herb. It is a widely used plant product that is cultivated all over the world (Valente et al., 2014). Garlic produced a variety of volatiles sulphur compound which are used as insect repellent and insecticide (Gareth et al., 2006; Park et al., 2006). Different products of garlic which are recognized as insecticide are also used

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against mites, nematodes and mosquitoes larvae affecting a variety of crop (Gupta and Sharma, 1993; Romeis et al., 2004).

Helicoverpa armigera is a serious pest of many crops in many parts of the world and is reported to attack more than 60 plant species belonging to more than 47 families (Zalucki et al., 1994; Naseri et al., 2014; Mishra et al., 2014). This noctuid pest is distributed eastwards from southern Europe and Africa through the Indian subcontinent to Southeast Asia, and then to China, Japan, Australia and the Pacific Islands (Reed and Pawar, 1982). Direct damage caused by the larvae of this pest to fruiting structures together with extensive insecticide spraying resulted in low crop yield and high costs of production (Fitt, 1989).

Materials and Methods

Collection of the earthworm:

The cultured earthworm Eisenia fetida

were used for the experiment.

Collection of animal dung and agro-wastes:

The buffalo dung and agro-wastes were collected from different part of Gorakhpur City and water hyacinth collected from Ramgardh Lake, Gorakhpur.

Collection and preparation of bio-pesticides:

The dry weight (mg/ml) of neem oil, neem leaf, garlic bulb, Nimbecidine and Achook were used in experiment. Table- 1 demonstrates the dry weight of biopesticides.

Neem Oil:

Neem oil consisted of 0.03% azadirachtin, 90.57% neem oil and 5.00% hydroxyl, 0.50% epichlorohydrine and 3.9% Aromax (Multiplex Agricare Pvt. Ltd., City, India).

Neem Leaf:

Neem (Azadirachta indica) leaf, were collected from local area of Gorakhpur city

and. 100 gm leaves were crushed with 100 ml water and aqueous extract was dried and weighted . The aqueous extract of neem leaf (mg/ml) mixed with vermiwash (w/v) in 1:10 ratio and further diluted ten times with water for foliar application on experimental plant.

Neem based biopesticides:

Neem based biopesticides Achook and Nimbicidine were purchased from market


The Achhok powder contains azadirachtin 300 ppm; azadiradione 500 ppm; nimbocinol and epinimbocinol 2000 ppm; manufactured by Godrej Soaps Ltd., Mumbai, India. The Achook was mixed with vermiwash (w/v) in 1:10 ratio and further diluted 10 times with water for experiment.


The Nimbecidine (manufactured by T. Stanes and Co. Ltd, India) contains 0.03% Azadirachtin, 90.57% neem oil, 5.0% hydroxyl, 0.50% epichlorohydrate and 3.0% aromax. The nimbecidine was mixed with vermiwash (w/v) in 1:10 and further diluted 10 times with water for experiment.

Garlic Extract:

The 100 gm garlic bulbs were crushed with 100 ml water, dried and then aquous extract (w/v) was prepared. The aqueous extract of garlic bulb was mixed with vermiwash (v/v) in 1:10 ratio and further diluted ten times with water for foliar application on experimental plant.

Experimental setup for vermiwash:

The experiment was conducted by the method of Nath et al., (2009). Two kg of different combinations of buffalo dung with agro-wastes and water hyacinth in different ratio were kept on pot of size 30 × 30× 10 cm in bed form at room

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temperature in dark. Dung was used as control. The vermicomposting beds were turned over manually every 24 h for 10 days in order to eliminate volatile substances. Vermiwash was obtained from prepared vermicompost with abundant earthworms with help of vermiwash collecting device. Liquid vermiwash was dried and weight and used in experiment (Table-2). Then vermiwash were mixed with bio-pesticides in different ratio and then diluted with water for foliar application on pigeon pea.

Experimental setup for measurement of

growth, productivity and pest infestation of

pigeon pea crops:

For the measurement of the effect of vermiwash with bio-pesticides on the growth (m.), flowering (days) and productivity (kg/m2) of pigeon pea crops, the seeds of pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan) were sown in month of July in the agricultural field. In the cultivated field, randomly selected six spots (each square meter area) were used for sowing the pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan) crops. After germination of seed the different combinations of vermiwash with biopesticides (w/v) were sprayed over the crops after every 60 days interval for the measurement of growth whereas, at the time of starting of flowering after every 7days interval of the spray, the per cent pod infestations were observed. The control has no treatment. The plant growth was measured with help of Auxanometer. The productivity (kg/m2) of pulse crops were measured after harvesting of crops.

Statistical Analysis:

All experiments were replicated six times. Significant variance (p<0.05) determined by one way analysis of variance (ANOVA) in between flowering and productivity whereas, two way analysis of variance (ANOVA) in between growth and pest infestation (Sokal and Rohlf, 1973).


The combinations of vermiwash of buffalo dung, gram bran and water hyacinth wastes with biopesticides viz-neem (Azadirachata

indica) oil, neem leaf, aqueous extract of garlic (Allium sativum) and neem based biopesticide achook and nimbicidine have significant effect on plant growth, early flowering and the productivity of pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan) crop as well as reduction in per cent per plant pod pest infestation of Helicoverpa armigera. The vermiwash of buffalo dung, gram bran and water hyacinth wastes with different biopesticides cause significant (P< 0.05) growth of pigeon pea plant (Tables 3-8, Figs.1-3). The maximum growth of pigeon pea (2.21±0.10 m) was observed in the plants treated with the vermiwash of buffalo dung, gram bran and water hyacinth wastes (1:2:1) with garlic extract followed by vermiwash of buffalo dung, gram bran and water hyacinth wastes (1:2:1) with neem oil (2.09±0.45).

The earliest flowering period of pigeon pea plant was 202.33±0.88 days observed after spray of vermiwash obtained from buffalo dung, gram bran and water hyacinth wastes with garlic extract (Table 8, Fig. 4). The combination of buffalo dung, gram bran and water hyacinth wastes with garlic extract have maximum productivity of pigeon pea 3.07±0.013 (Table 8, Fig. 5) with respect to all other combinations of buffalo dung, gram bran and water hyacinth wastes with different biopesticides.

The significant reduction in per cent pod infestation was observed in all combinations of vermiwash of buffalo dung, gram bran and water hyacinth wastes with respect to all the treatments (Table 3-8, Figs. 6-8). Among all the used biopesticides the aqueous extract of garlic and neem oil with combination of vermiwash of buffalo dung, gram bran and water hyacinth wastes caused significant per cent reduction of pod pest infestation by Helicoverpa armigera.

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Pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan)


Combinations of feed materials










(m) a



day s

Vermiwash V+NL V+NIMBI


Fig 1: Effect of combinations of vermiwash of buffalo dung, gram bran and water hyacinth with

Bio-pesticides on the growth of Pigeon pea at 60 days. V=Vermiwash, NL=Neem leaf,

ACH=Achook, GA= Garlic, NO=Neem oil, NIMBI= Nimbecidine.A= Control, B=Buffalo dung,

C=Buffalo dung+ Gram bran (1:1), D= Buffalo dung+ Water hyacinth (1:1)E= Buffalo dung+ Gram

bran+ Water hyacinth1:1:1, F= Buffalo dung+ Gram bran+ Water hyacinth1:2:1, G= Buffalo

dung+ Gram bran+ Water hyacinth1:1:2, H= Buffalo dung+ Gram bran+ Water hyacinth 2:1: 1

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Pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan)


Combinations of feed materials













(m) a





Vermiwash V+NL V+NIMBI


Fig 2: Effect of combinations of vermiwash of buffalo dung, gram bran and water hyacinth with

Bio-pesticides on the growth of Pigeon pea at 120 days. V=Vermiwash, NL=Neem leaf,

ACH=Achook, GA= Garlic, NO=Neem oil, NIMBI= Nimbecidine.A= Control, B=Buffalo dung,

C=Buffalo dung+ Gram bran (1:1), D= Buffalo dung+ Water hyacinth (1:1)E= Buffalo dung+ Gram

bran+ Water hyacinth1:1:1, F= Buffalo dung+ Gram bran+ Water hyacinth1:2:1, G= Buffalo dung+

Gram bran+ Water hyacinth1:1:2, H= Buffalo dung+ Gram bran+ Water hyacinth 2:1: 1

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Pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan)


Combinations of feed materials









(m) a

f ter




Vermiwash V+NL V+NIMBI


Fig 3: Effect of combinations of vermiwash of buffalo dung, gram bran and water hyacinth with

bio-pesticides on the growth of Pigeon pea at 180 days. V=Vermiwash, NL=Neem leaf,

ACH=Achook, GA= Garlic, NO=Neem oil, NIMBI= Nimbecidine.A= Control, B=Buffalo dung,

C=Buffalo dung+ Gram bran (1:1), D= Buffalo dung+ Water hyacinth (1:1)E= Buffalo dung+ Gram

bran+ Water hyacinth1:1:1, F= Buffalo dung+ Gram bran+ Water hyacinth1:2:1, G= Buffalo dung+

Gram bran+ Water hyacinth1:1:2, H= Buffalo dung+ Gram bran+ Water hyacinth 2:1: 1

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Pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan)


Combinations of feed materials







f low


g (d



Fig 4: Effect of combinations of vermiwash of buffalo dung, gram bran and water hyacinth with bio-

pesticides on the flowering periods (days) of Pigeon pea. V=Vermiwash, NL=Neem leaf, ACH=Achook,

GA= Garlic, NO=Neem oil, NIMBI= Nimbecidine.A= Control, B=Buffalo dung, C=Buffalo dung+ Gram

bran (1:1), D= Buffalo dung+ Water hyacinth (1:1)E= Buffalo dung+ Gram bran+ Water hyacinth1:1:1,

F= Buffalo dung+ Gram bran+ Water hyacinth1:2:1, G= Buffalo dung+ Gram bran+ Water hyacinth1:1:2,

H= Buffalo dung+ Gram bran+ Water hyacinth 2:1: 1

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Pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan)


Combinations of feed materials










duc t



m2 )


Fig 5: Effect of combinations of vermiwash of buffalo dung, gram bran and water hyacinth with bio-

pesticides on the productivity of Pigeon pea. V=Vermiwash, NL=Neem leaf, ACH=Achook, GA= Garlic,

NO=Neem oil, NIMBI= Nimbecidine.A= Control, B=Buffalo dung, C=Buffalo dung+ Gram bran (1:1), D=

Buffalo dung+ Water hyacinth (1:1)E= Buffalo dung+ Gram bran+ Water hyacinth1:1:1, F= Buffalo

dung+ Gram bran+ Water hyacinth1:2:1, G= Buffalo dung+ Gram bran+ Water hyacinth1:1:2, H=

Buffalo dung+ Gram bran+ Water hyacinth 2:1: 1

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Pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan)

Helicoverpa armigera

Fig 6: Effect of combinations of vermiwash of buffalo dung, gram bran and water hyacinth with bio-

pesticides on the pest infestation of Helicoverpa armigera on Pigeon pea at 235 days. V=Vermiwash,

NL=Neem leaf, ACH=Achook, GA= Garlic, NO=Neem oil, NIMBI= Nimbecidine.A= Control, B=Buffalo

dung, C=Buffalo dung+ Gram bran (1:1), D= Buffalo dung+ Water hyacinth (1:1)E= Buffalo dung+

Gram bran+ Water hyacinth1:1:1, F= Buffalo dung+ Gram bran+ Water hyacinth1:2:1, G= Buffalo

dung+ Gram bran+ Water hyacinth1:1:2, H= Buffalo dung+ Gram bran+ Water hyacinth 2:1: 1


Combinations of feed materials









t inf


t ion

(%) a






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Pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan)

Helicoverpa armigera


Combinations of feed materials









t inf



(%) a





Vermiwash V+NL V+NIMBI


Fig 7: Effect of combinations of vermiwash of buffalo dung, gram bran and water hyacinth with bio-

pesticides on the pest infestation of Helicoverpa armigera on Pigeon pea at 242 days. V=Vermiwash,

NL=Neem leaf, ACH=Achook, GA= Garlic, NO=Neem oil, NIMBI= Nimbecidine.A= Control, B=Buffalo dung,

C=Buffalo dung+ Gram bran (1:1), D= Buffalo dung+ Water hyacinth (1:1)E= Buffalo dung+ Gram bran+

Water hyacinth1:1:1, F= Buffalo dung+ Gram bran+ Water hyacinth1:2:1, G= Buffalo dung+ Gram bran+

Water hyacinth1:1:2, H= Buffalo dung+ Gram bran+ Water hyacinth 2:1: 1

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Pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan)

Helicoverpa armigera


Combinations of feed materials










t inf



(%) a

f ter




Vermiwash V+NL V+NIMBI


Fig 8: Effect of combinations of vermiwash of buffalo dung, gram bran and water hyacinth with bio-

pesticides on the pest infestation of Helicoverpa armigera on Pigeon pea at 249 days. V=Vermiwash,

NL=Neem leaf, ACH=Achook, GA= Garlic, NO=Neem oil, NIMBI= Nimbecidine.A= Control, B=Buffalo

dung, C=Buffalo dung+ Gram bran (1:1), D= Buffalo dung+ Water hyacinth (1:1)E= Buffalo dung+ Gram

bran+ Water hyacinth1:1:1, F= Buffalo dung+ Gram bran+ Water hyacinth1:2:1, G= Buffalo dung+ Gram

bran+ Water hyacinth1:1:2, H= Buffalo dung+ Gram bran+ Water hyacinth 2:1: 1

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Table 1: The dry weight of vermiwash of vermicompost of different combinations of animal and agro wastes with water hyacinth (Nath and Singh, 2016a).

Vermiwash Dried weight (mg/ml)

Buffalo Dung 72.2

Dung + Gram Bran (1:1) 74.2

Dung + water hyacinth (1:1) 74.1

Dung + Gram Bran + water hyacinth (1:1:1) 73.4

Dung + Gram Bran + water hyacinth (1:2:1 73.8

Dung + Gram Bran + water hyacinth (1:1:2) 72.6

Dung + Gram Bran + water hyacinth (2:1:1) 74.4

Table 2: The dry weight of different biopesticides (Nath and Singh, 2016a).

Biopesticides Dried weight (mg/ml)

Neem Leaf 80.05

Neem oil 95.00

Garlic Bulb 85.10

Nimbecidine 94.50

Table 3: Effect of foliar application of vermiwash of different combination of buffalo dung, gram bran and water hyacinth wastes on growth, flowering, productivity of pigeon pea crop and per cent pod pest infestation of Helicoverpa armigera.

Vermiwash (w/v)


Spray periods (days) 60 120

180 Growth ( m )

Flowering (days)

Productivity (Kg/m2)

Spray periods after flowering 235 242 249

% Pod pest infestation

Control -- 0.43± 0.12

0.87± 0.08


232.00±1.41 0.465±0.013 50.56±0.84 55.12±0.58 61.39±0.69

BD -- 0.52± 0.06

0.95± 0.07

1.49± 0.12

225.08± 1.20 0.860± 0.009 46.23± 0.61 32.12± 0.60 19.26± 0.66

BD+GB 1:1 0.59± 0.15

1.11± 0.04

1.61± 0.23

221.92± 1.01 1.21± 0.020 44.67± 0.63 28.11± 0.58 17.45± 0.71

BD+WH 1:1 0.57± 0.10

1.04± 0.24

1.56± 0.21

222.87± 1.27 1.12± 0.034 45.69± 0.60 30.19± 0.59 15.23± 0.55

BD+GB+WH 1:1:1 0.61± 0.09

1.12± 0.25

1.64± 0.10

220.32± 0.95 1.43± 0.055 44.16± 0.19 29.08± 0.19 12.01± 0.17

BD+GB+WH 1:2:1 *0.69± 0.30

*1.23± 0.10

*1.75± 0.12

$215.67± 1.15

$2.11± 0.049 *41.01± 0.76

*20.14± 0.84 *7.55± 0.67

BD+GB+WH 1:1:2 0.64± 0.17

1.19± 0.11

1.69± 0.15

217.33± 0.88 1.90± 0.012 42.31± 0.69 25.63± 0.77 10.19± 0.82

BD+GB+WH 2:1:1 0.63± 0.12

1.16± 0.16

1.66± 0.14

218.42± 0.82 1.76± 0.040 43.33± 0.60 27.71± 0.78 11.11± 0.58

Each value is mean with SE ± of six replicates.

2 way ANOVA significant (p< 0.05) *within column and within row.

$ Significant one way ANOVA (p< 0.05) within row .

BD=Buffalo dung; GB=Gram bran; WH= Water hyacinth

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Table 4: Effect of foliar application of vermiwash of different combination of buffalo dung, gram bran and water hyacinth wastes with neem leaf extract in ratio 10:1 on growth, flowering, productivity of pigeon pea crop and per cent pod pest infestation of Helicoverpa armigera.

Vermiwash (w/v)


Spray periods (days) 60 120 180

Growth ( m )

Flowering (days)

Productivity (Kg/m2)

Spray periods after flowering 235 242 249

% Pod pest infestation

Control -- 0.43±0.12 0.87±0.08 1.41±0.14 232.00±1.41 0.465±0.013 50.56±0.84 55.12±0.58 61.39±0.69

BD -- 0.58±0.08 0.99±0.23

1.55±0.26 223.58±0.78 0.956±0.015 45.55±0.82 19.32±0.60 13.89±0.74

BD+GB 1:1 0.68±0.10 1.15±0.08 1.67±0.25 220.67±0.79 1.44±0.069 44.14±0.59 17.89±0.65 11.93±0.55

BD+WH 1:1 0.66±0.07 1.09±0.13 1.62±0.16 221.75±1.01 1.24±0.103 44.97±0.88 18.01±1.00 12.91±0.62

BD+GB+WH 1:1:1 0.70±0.05 1.18±0.03 1.69±0.06 218.08±0.91 1.61±0.093 43.15±0.19 17.02±0.23 10.89±0.28

BD+GB+WH 1:2:1 *0.78±0.12 *1.29±0.22 *1.79±0.17 $212.17±1.03 $2.50±0.085 *39.53±0.71 *11.03±0.61 *6.01±0.72

BD+GB+WH 1:1:2 0.73±0.14 1.26±0.20 1.75±0.14 214.92±1.21 2.13±0.019 41.29±0.75 12.13±0.59 8.23±0.66

BD+GB+WH 2:1:1 0.72±0.13 1.22±0.11 1.72±0.09 216.25±0.95 1.92±0.010 42.98±0.82 13.33±0.68 9.78±0.81

Each value is mean with SE ± of six replicates.

2 way ANOVA significant (p< 0.05) * within column and within row.

$ Significant one way ANOVA (p< 0.05) within row.

BD=Buffalo dung; GB=Gram bran; WH= Water hyacinth

Table 5: Effect of foliar application of vermiwash of different combination of buffalo dung, gram bran and water hyacinth wastes with Nimbecidine in ratio 10:1 on growth, flowering, productivity of pigeon pea crop and per cent pod pest infestation of Helicoverpa armigera.

Vermiwash (w/v)


Spray periods (days) 60 120 180

Growth ( m )

Flowering (days)

Productivity (Kg/m2)

Spray periods after flowering 235 242 249

% Pod pest infestation

Control -- 0.43±0.12 0.87±0.08 1.41±0.14 232.00±1.41 0.465±0.013 50.56±0.84 55.12±0.58 61.39±0.69

BD -- 0.65±0.11 1.02±0.25 1.60±0.28 221.83±1.12 1.02±0.012 44.35±0.61 15.21±0.60 10.21±0.63

BD+GB 1:1 0.77±0.16 1.19±0.19 1.71±0.24 218.08±0.95 1.46±0.024 43.09±0.77 12.29±0.82 8.97±1.02

BD+WH 1:1 0.75±0.12 1.14±0.13 1.65±0.18 219.33±0.88 1.30±0.015 43.91±1.02 13.23±0.86 9.91±0.76

BD+GB+WH 1:1:1 0.79±0.08 1.25±0.07 1.74±0.05 217.50±0.76 1.66±0.013 42.93±0.28 11.39±0.22 9.19±0.25

BD+GB+WH 1:2:1 *0.87±0.33 *1.37±0.18 *1.84±0.19 $211.00±0.97 $2.57±0.014 *38.03±0.66 *9.01±0.59 *4.12±0.60

BD+GB+WH 1:1:2 0.83±0.16 1.32±0.11 1.80±0.16 213.17±0.95 2.18±0.019 40.9v5±0.75 10.15±0.60 7.21±0.62

BD+GB+WH 2:1:1 0.81±0.13 1.27±0.09 1.76±0.17 214.42±0.84 1.96±0.020 42.01±0.60 10.98±0.62 8.10±0.62

Each value is mean with SE ± of six replicates.

2 way ANOVA significant (p< 0.05) * within column and within row.

$ Significant one way ANOVA (p< 0.05) within row.

BD=Buffalo dung; GB=Gram bran; WH= Water hyacinth

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Table 6: Effect of foliar application of vermiwash of different combination of buffalo dung, gram bran and water hyacinth wastes with Achook in ratio 10:1 on growth, flowering, productivity of pigeon pea crop and per cent pod pest infestation of Helicoverpa armigera.

Vermiwash (w/v)


Spray periods (days) 60 120 180

Growth ( m )

Flowering (days)

Productivity (Kg/m2)

Spray periods after flowering 235 242 249

% Pod pest infestation

Control -- 0.43±0.12 0.87±0.08 1.41±0.14 232.00±1.41 0.465±0.013 50.56±0.84 55.12±0.58 61.39±0.69

BD -- 0.71±0.12 1.06±0.12 1.64±0.32 220.83±1.01 1.07±0.011 43.81±0.66 13.29±0.70 8.04±0.72

BD+GB 1:1 0.82±0.13 1.23±0.21 1.77±0.38 217.52±0.75 1.51±0.012 41.91±0.61 11.01±0.58 5.83±0.79

BD+WH 1:1 0.80±0.11 1.18±0.20 1.70±0.31 218.58±0.94 1.35±0.010 42.67±0.61 12.14±0.60 6.85±0.65

BD+GB+WH 1:1:1 0.85±0.03 1.30±0.06 1.79±0.06 215.83±0.95 1.73±0.012 40.91±0.24 10.24±0.20 5.09±0.18

BD+GB+WH 1:2:1 *0.94±0.12 *1.41±0.21 *1.90±0.54 $209.50±0.76 $2.65±0.011 *38.47±0.64 *6.79±0.78 *1.85±0.37

BD+GB+WH 1:1:2 0.91±0.13 1.35±0.10 1.85±0.20 211.67±0.88 2.17±0.075 39.45±0.75 8.51±0.77 3.69±0.78

BD+GB+WH 2:1:1 0.88±0.12 1.31±0.16 1.81±0.15 212.42±0.84 1.86±0.170 40.33±0.68 9.53±0.67 4.55±0.73

Each value is mean with SE ± of six replicates.

2 way ANOVA significant (p< 0.05) * within column and within row.

$ Significant one way ANOVA (p< 0.05) within row.

BD=Buffalo dung; GB=Gram bran; WH= Water hyacinth

Table 7: Effect of foliar application of vermiwash of different combination of buffalo dung, gram bran and water hyacinth wastes with neem oil in ratio 10:1 on growth, flowering, productivity of pigeon pea crop and per cent pod pest infestation of Helicoverpa armigera. Vermiwash

(w/v) Combi-nation

Spray periods (days) 60 120 180

Growth ( m )

Flowering (days)

Productivity (Kg/m2)

Spray periods after flowering 235 242 249

% Pod pest infestation

Control -- 0.43±0.12 0.87±0.08 1.41±0.14 232.00±1.41 0.465±0.013 50.56±0.84 55.12±0.58 61.39±0.69

BD -- 0.78±0.11 1.09±0.14 1.71±0.35 217.83±0.95 1.13±0.013

42.59±0.77 9.41±0.72 5.01±0.58

BD+GB 1:1 0.86±0.11 1.27±0.16 1.83±0.42 214.17±1.17 1.59±0.018 41.19±0.78 8.01±0.78 3.29±0.66

BD+WH 1:1 0.84±0.09 1.22±0.15 1.78±0.30 215.92±1.07 1.42±0.015 41.98±0.73 8.97±0.81 4.09±0.59

BD+GB+WH 1:1:1 0.90±0.04 1.33±0.05 1.86±0.15 211.17±1.05 1.82±0.011 39.97±0.24 7.01±0.20 2.07±0.17

BD+GB+WH 1:2:1 *1.01±0.19 *1.48±0.27 *2.09±0.45 $205.00±0.97 $2.82±0.008 *36.85±0.8 *3.71±0.70 *0.49±0.09

BD+GB+WH 1:1:2 0.98±0.10 1.38±0.09 1.91±0.33 206.17±0.95 2.33±0.011 38.83±0.73 6.03±0.58 1.43±0.22

BD+GB+WH 2:1:1 0.95±0.09 1.36±0.20 1.88±0.32 208.17±0.99 2.13±0.014 39.52±0.75 6.19±0.61 1.91±0.25

Each value is mean with SE ± of six replicates.

2 way ANOVA significant (p< 0.05) * within column and within row.

$ Significant one way ANOVA (p< 0.05) within row.

BD=Buffalo dung; GB=Gram bran; WH= Water hyacinth

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Table 8: Effect of foliar application of vermiwash of different combination of buffalo dung, gram bran and water hyacinth wastes with garlic bulb extract in ratio 10:1 on growth, flowering, productivity of pigeon pea crop and per cent pod pest infestation of Helicoverpa armigera. Vermiwash

(w/v) Combi-nation

Spray periods (days) 60 120 180

Growth ( m )

Flowering (days)

Productivity (Kg/m2)

Spray periods after flowering 235 242 249

% Pod pest infestation

Control -- 0.43±0.12 0.87±0.08 1.41±0.14 232.00±1.41 0.465±0.013 50.56±0.84 55.12±0.58 61.39±0.69

BD -- 0.87±0.09 1.13±0.11 1.78±0.08 216.17±0.95 1.22±0.014 42.01±0.58 5.03±0.78 2.03±0.30

BD+GB 1:1 0.94±0.19 1.34±0.16 1.92±0.25 212.67±0.88 1.70±0.017 40.03±0.60 4.04±0.56 1.29±0.26

BD+WH 1:1 0.92±0.14 1.28±0.19 1.84±0.09 214.00±0.97 1.50±0.009 41.07±0.79 4.59±0.63 1.67±0.37

BD+GB+WH 1:1:1 0.99±0.06 1.38±0.02 1.95±0.03 209.75±0.87 1.93±0.015 39.85±0.78 3.91±0.20 1.01±0.09

BD+GB+WH 1:2:1 *1.08±0.14 *1.56±0.07 *2.21±0.1 $202.33±0.88 $3.07±0.013 *36.02±0.20 *1.23±0.31 *0±00

BD+GB+WH 1:1:2 1.05±0.30 1.45±0.06 1.99±0.11 204.42±0.82 2.44±0.019 38.03±0.79 2.19±0.41 0.47±0.10

BD+GB+WH 2:1:1 1.03±0.17 1.41±0.08 1.97±0.09 206.08±1.00 2.26±0.021 39.02±0.60 3.11±0.59 0.89±0.11

Each value is mean with SE ± of six replicates.

2 way ANOVA significant (p< 0.05) * within column and within row.

$ Significant one way ANOVA (p< 0.05) within row.

BD=Buffalo dung; GB=Gram bran; WH= Water hyacinth

Summary of computation of one way analysis of variance (ANOVA) of the data of flowering of pigeon pea crop.

Tab 1 of flowering

Tab 2 of flowering

Tab 3 of flowering

Source of variation d.f. S.S. Variance F-ratio d.f. S.S. Variance


Between treatment 7 1122.3 160.3 23.0 7 1591.5 227.4 37.2 7 1779.2 254.2 44.2

Within/ Interaction 42 292.3 7.0 42 256.5 6.1 42 241.3 5.7

Total 49 1414.6 49 1848.0 49 2020.5

Summary of computation of one way analysis of variance (ANOVA) of the data of flowering of pigeon pea crop.

Tab 4 of flowering

Tab 5 of flowering

Tab 6 of flowering

Source of variation d.f. S.S. Variance F-ratio d.f. S.S. Variance

F-ratio d.f. S.S.



Between treatment 7 2093.0 299.0 56.2 7 3159.0 451.3 73.9 7 3675.5 525.1 93.9

Within/ Interaction 42 223.4 5.3 42 256.4 6.1 42 234.8 5.6

Total 49 2316.5 49 3415.4 49 3910.2

Summary of computation of one way analysis of variance (ANOVA) of the data of Productivity of pigeon pea crop.

Table 1 Table 2

Table 3

Source of variation

d.f. S.S. Variance F-ratio d.f. S.S. Variance F-

ratio d.f. S.S. Varian




Between treatment 7 12.0 1.7 33.2 7 18.1 2.6


6 7 18.9 2.7 106.


Within/ Interaction 42 2.2 0.1 42 1.0 0.0 42 1.1 0.0

Total 49 14.2 49 19.1 49 19.9

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Summary of computation of one way analysis of variance (ANOVA) of the data of Productivity of pigeon pea crop. Table 4

Table 5 Table 6

Source of variation

d.f. S.S. Variance F-ratio d.f. S.S. Variance F-

ratio d.f. S.S. Varian




Between treatment 7 26.8 3.8


9 7 22.8 3.3 3283

.6 7 18.9 2.7 170


Within/ Interaction 42 0.1 0.0 42 0.0 0.0 42 0.1 0.0

Total 49 26.8 49 22.8 49 19.0

Summary of computation of two way analysis of variance (ANOVA) of the data of growth of pigeon pea crop.

Table 1 Table 2 Table 3

Source of variation d.f. S.S. Variance

F-ratio d.f. S.S. Variance

F-ratio d.f. S.S. Variance


Between treatment 7.0 0.2284 0.032629

1.92844 7.0 0.325163 0.046452

1.961839 7.0

0.450733 0.06439


Between Time 2.0 3.903125 1.951563

115.343 2.0 3.598246 1.799123

75.98392 2.0

3.175075 1.587538


Error 14 0.236875 0.01692 14 0.331488 0.023678 14 0.460125 0.032866

Total 23 4.3684 23 4.254896 23 4.085933

Summary of computation of two way analysis of variance (ANOVA) of the data of growth of pigeon pea crop.

Table 4 Table 5 Table 6

Source of variation d.f. S.S.


F-ratio d.f. S.S. Variance

F-ratio d.f. S.S. Variance


Between treatment 7.0 0.561467


1.974475 7.0 0.748383 0.106912

1.962008 7.0




Between Time 2.0 2.995342


36.86736 2.0 3.007525 1.503763

27.59649 2.0




Error 14 0.568725 0.040623 14 0.762875 0.054491 14



total 23 4.125533 23 4.518783 23 4.807533

Summary of computation of two way analysis of variance (ANOVA) of the data of pest infestation of pigeon pea crop.

Table 1 Table 2 Table 3

Source of variation d.f. S.S.


F-ratio d.f. S.S. Variance

F-ratio d.f. S.S.



Between treatment 7.0 2158.415


1.465672 7.0 2926.644 418.092

1.531754 7.0 3284.202



Between Time 2.0 442.023


1.050545 2.0 550.2223 275.1111

1.007918 2.0 682.1337



Error 14 2945.291 210.3779 14 3821.297 272.9498 14 4257.823


total 23 5545.729 23 7298.164 23 8224.159

Summary of computation of two way analysis of variance (ANOVA) of the data of pest infestation of pigeon pea crop.

Table 4 Table 5 Table 6

Source of variation d.f. S.S.


F-ratio d.f. S.S. Variance

F-ratio d.f. S.S.



Between treatment 7.0 3644.956


1.555213 7.0 4071.854 581.6934

1.565554 7.0 4455.107



Between Time 2.0 670.8315


1.001796 2.0 743.5206 371.7603

1.000545 2.0 869.1848



Error 14 4687.403 334.8145 14 5201.807 371.5577 14 5668.192


total 23 9003.191 23 10017.18 23 10992.48

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It is evident from the present study that the vermiwash obtained from buffalo dung; gram bran and water hyacinth in different combinations with biopestcides have significant effect on growth, early flowering as well as productivity of pigeon pea and minimize the per cent pod pest infestation of Helicoverpa armigera. The maximum growth of pigeon pea was observed in the plants treated with the vermiwash of buffalo dung, gram bran and water hyacinth wastes with garlic extract followed by vermiwash of buffalo dung, gram bran and water hyacinth wastes with neem oil. The vermiwash with aqueous extract of neem plant parts showed significant germination of Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) plant may be due to presence of different plant hormones and micro-macro nutrients in vermiwash (Singh and Chauhan, 2015). The use of combination of vermiwash with biopesticides protect the plant from the pathogens and help in better growth of cauliflower, brinjal and tomato plant (Nath and Singh, 2011; Mishra et al., 2014; Tiwari and Singh, 2016). Vermiwash is a rich source of nitrogen, phosphorus, Ca+2, potassium, enzymes, vitamins and plant growth regulators such as IAA (Indole-3-acitic-acid), gibberellin, cytokinine along with micro- and macro- nutrient which promote the plant growth (Koushik and Garg, 2003; Suthar, 2008; Nath and Singh, 2009; Nath et al., 2009).

Esakkiammal et al. (2015) reported that the combination of vermicompost and vermiwash of organic wastes enhance the growth and yield of Dolichous lablab. During vermicomposting process the more conversion of mineral nutrients (total Kjeldahl nitrogen and total potassium) into more plant available forms which improve the flowering period of plants (Atiyeh et al., 2002; Arancon et al, 2006). Zambare et al. (2008) observed that the vermiwash supplemented with enzyme of proteases,

amylases, urease, phosphatases, nitrogen fixing bacteria like Azotobacter sp, Agrobacterium species and Rhizobium sp may be important for Okra growth.

Nath and Singh (2011) reported that foliar application of vermiwash of animal dung with agro and kitchen wastes have significant growth of cauliflower. The hormone auxins promotes the plant growth and gibberellins stimulate the early flowering in long photo-period plant (Krishnamoorthy and Vajranbhiah, 1986; Edwards, 1998). Vermiwash/vermicompost enriched with certain metabolites and vitamins are important for plant growth and productivity (Lalitha et al., 2000; Ansari, 2008). Absorption of essential nutrients by plants which were present in vermiwash increases the metabolic rate and enhances the crop productivity (Edwards et al., 2006).

Sundararasu and Jeyasankar (2014) reported that the yield of brinjal after spraying of vermiwash was highly significant in experimental plots which may be due to increased availability of more exchangeable nutrients in the soil. The foliar application of vermiwash of municipal solid wastes causes preserve of water droplet on the leaves surface which promotes the leaf succulence, increase photosynthetic activity, internodes elongation, improved plant physiology and ultimately increases the yield and quality of plant (Gamaley et al., 2006; Astaraei and Ivani, 2008). Large amount of TKN and TP caused early flowering in Daucus carota and tomato plant (Muscolo et al., 1999; Satpal and Saimbhi, 2003).

Vermiwash with different biopesticide like neem (Azadirachta indica) oil, aqueous extract of garlic (Allium sativum) bulb and leaf extract of custard apple (Annona

squamosa) caused significant reduction in economically harmful insect pest from various agricultural crops ultimately

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enhancing the growth, early flowering and productivity of gram crop (Rajput et al., 2003; Nath et al., 2011; Nath and Singh, 2011). The aqueous extract obtained from neem plant part and garlic bulb causes significant reduction in per cent pod damage and promotes the growth, early flowering and productivity of gram plant (Arora et al., 2005). Neem extract obtained from different plant parts have bio-active compound Azadirachtin, a limnoid (Tri-terpenoid) which has potent anti-feedant, growth regulator, antifungal, bactericidal, antiviral effect on animals (Champagne et al.,1992; Wondafrash et al., 2012). Wondafrash et al. (2012) observed that the water extract obtained from neem leaf caused significant decrease in feeding and survival behavior of insect pest. The neem leaves contain numerous chemical with insecticidal property (Siddiqui et al., 2004). Tri-terpenoids of neem showed growth regulating effects on many species of insect (Schmutterer, 1990; Amtul, 2014). Neem based insecticide was effective against different immature life stages of Asian Leaf miner Liriomyza sativae (Diptera: Agromyzidae) on tomato plant (Hossain and Poehling, 2006).

Mordue and Nisbet (2000) reported that the Azadirachtin from neem affects the insects in different ways: as an antifeedent, insect growth regulator and sterilant. In Liriomyza sativae the antifeedant effects are highly correlated with the sensory response of chemoreceptors on the insect mouthparts (Mordue et al., 1998). Feeding behavior of insects depend upon both neural input from the insects chemical senses and central nervous integration. Azadirachtin stimulates specific ‘deterrent’ cells in chemoreceptors and also blocks the firing of ‘sugar’ receptor cells, which normally stimulate feeding (Mordue and Nisbet,2000; Simmonds et al., 1990) and results in starvation and death of insects by feeding deterrence alone (Tiwari and Singh, 2015). Garlic is effective against

wide range of insects at different stages in their life cycle (Mishra et al., 2013). Leaf lectins of Allium sativum have been found to minimize the pupal weight, pupal period, pupation and adult emergence of the pod borer H. armigera (Hubner) (Arora et al., 2005). Major components of fresh garlic extract is diallyl di-sulphide and diallyl tri-sulphide which have antagonistic properties against pests of economic importance such as potato tuber, red cotton bug, red palm weevil, houseflies and mosquitoes (Amonkar and Banerji, 1971). Garlic produces a pungent alliaceous compound, allyl-propyldisulphide, which may be responsible for its pest repellent characteristic (Mishra et al., 2014). Nath and Singh (2016a) reported that the combination of vermiwash with biopesticides have significant growth, early flowering and productivity of gram crop as well as significant reduction in pod pest infestation of H. armigera.


It is evident from the present results that the vermiwash with biopestcides is better alternative of chemical fertilizer and synthetic pesticides. This innovation helps the farmers to increase the growth and productivity of their crops after foliar application of vermiwash with biopesticides. The vermiwash has all the necessary nutrients for plant and after foliar application enhanced the growth, early flowering and productivity of pigeon pea whereas the biopestcides are more effective against Helicoverpa armigera larvae and caterpillar and minimize the pod borer population. It is easily pre-parable, biodegradable, less- expensive, eco-friendly and most acceptable among farmers.


Authors are thankful to UGC, New Delhi, F1-17.1/ 2016-17/ RGNF- 2016-17- SC- UTT-5971 (SA-III/ website) for financial assistance.

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