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Slide 2 Slide 3 Intgration des sciences de lenvironnement, de la politique et de la gestion des ressources La 39e Assemble annuelle de l'Union gophysique canadienne Au 66e Congrs de l'Association canadienne des ressources hydriques Slide 4 Bridging Environmental Science, Policy and Resource Management 39th Annual Canadian Geophysical Union Meeting 66th Annual Canadian Water Resources Association Conference Slide 5 Bridging Environmental Science, Policy and Resource Management Importance of managing our resource rich province and country Photo: Wittrock Photo: AECom Photo: SK Ministry of Education Significance of policy related decision making Relevance of science behind those decisions Slide 6 The Prairie Provinces represent the major region of Canada with the driest and most variable climate. (Sauchyn, Diaz and Kulshreshtha 2010) Bridging Environmental Science, Policy and Resource Management Photo: Wittrock Photo: SWA Photo: Wittrock Slide 7 We never know the worth of water till the well is dry. (Fuller 1732) Bridging Environmental Science, Policy and Resource Management Photo: Environment Canada Photo: AAFC Photo: SWA Photo: Wittrock Photo: Environment Canada Photo: Wittrock Slide 8 Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces up, snow is exhilarating; there is no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather. (Riskin 1819-1900) Bridging Environmental Science, Policy and Resource Management Photo: Wittrock Photo: SaskPower Photo: SWA Photo: Tourism Saskatoon Slide 9 Seven bridges crossing the South Saskatchewan River 300 acres of riverbank trails and parks Home to more than 260,000 people Sunniest City in Canada Saskatoon is known as the Paris of the Prairies Slide 10 Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Home of the Canadian Light Source, University of Saskatchewan, and Canadian head office of numerous international companies. Photo: AECom Home of numerous research chairs including Canada Excellence Research Chair in Water Security, Canadian Research Chair in Water Resources and Climate Change, Canada Research Chair in Predictive Aquatic Ecotoxicology plus others. Home of numerous research chairs including Canada Excellence Research Chair in Water Security, Canadian Research Chair in Water Resources and Climate Change, Canada Research Chair in Predictive Aquatic Ecotoxicology plus others. Photo: Tourism Saskatoon Slide 11 Conference Location Photo: Tourism Saskatoon Photo: Hilton Slide 12 Expected over 1,000 attendees with mixture of meteorologists, hydrologists, climatologists, mathematicians, social scientists, teachers, policy makers, managers, industry leaders, municipal leaders, engineers, politicians, etc. Photo: CMOS/CGU 2010 14 concurrent sessions to take place including CANCID, CSHS, MOPE, Weather/Climate Impacts, Water Security Issues, CSAFM plus many others 14 concurrent sessions to take place including CANCID, CSHS, MOPE, Weather/Climate Impacts, Water Security Issues, CSAFM plus many others Slide 13 Things to do around the City Photo: Tourism Saskatoon A vibrant, culturally diverse city to explore Photo: Tourism Saskatoon Slide 14

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