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Income Restoration Program February 2015

VIE: Central Mekong Delta Connectivity Project Can Tho City Prepared by Ministry of Transport, Cuu Long Corporation for Investment, Development and Project Management of Infrastructure for the Asian Development Bank. This is an updated version of the draft originally posted in April 2013 available on

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In this report, "$" refers to US dollars. This final detailed income restoration program is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. Your attention is directed to the “terms of use” section of this website. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. Some information have been removed as they fall within exceptions to disclosure specified in paragraph 97(x) of ADB’s Public Communications Policy (2011).

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Cuu Long Corporation for Investment, Development and

Project Management of Infrastructure (Cuulong CIPM)

Central Mekong Delta Region Connectivity Project (CMDCP)

Detailed Design, Procurement and Implementation Support Services TA 7822-VIE

Contract No.: 720A/CIPM-HDKT



Joint Venture: CDM Smith, Inc., WSP Finland Limited &

Yooshin Engineering Corporation

Group 5, Tan Tich Hamlet, Tinh Thoi commune, Cao Lanh City, Dong Thap province Tel: (84) 067-3881-255 ; Fax: (84) 067-3881-256

February 2015

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Central Mekong Delta Region Connectivity Project (CMDCP)

Detailed Design, Procurement and Implementation Support Services TA 7822-VIE

Contract No.: 720A/CIPM-HDKT


February, 2015

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ADB - Asian Development Bank

AEC - Agricultural Extension Centre

AP - Affected person

CIPM - Corporation for Investment, Development and Project Management of Infrastructure

CLFD - Centre for Land Fund Development

CMDCP - Central Mekong Delta Connectivity Project

DARD - Department of Agriculture and Rural Development

DDIS - Detailed Design and Implementation Support

DMS - Detailed Measurement Survey

DOLISA - Department of Labour, Invalids and Social Assistance

FU - Farmers’ Union

GOV - Government of Vietnam

HH - Households

IRP - Income Restoration Program

MOT - Ministry of Transport

MOU - Memorandum of Understanding

ROW - Right-of-way

RP - Resettlement Plan

SAVH - Severely Affected and Vulnerable Households

SC - Steering Committee

SCCP - Southern Coastal Corridor Project

SES - Socio-economic survey

USD - United States Dollar

VND - Vietnamese dong

VS - Veterinary Services

VTC - Vocational Training Centre

WU - Women’s Union


For this report, the rate of $1 USD: VND 21,335 has been used.

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TABLE OF CONTENT 1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................. 1

1.1 Central Mekong Delta Connectivity Project ........................................................................ 1

1.2 Scope of land acquisition and the impact level of the project ............................................ 1

1.3 The Objective and General Principles of the Income Restoration Program ........................ 1

1.4 Eligible Households to the IRP ............................................................................................. 2

1.5 Participatory Approach ........................................................................................................ 4

1.6 Gender Sensibility ................................................................................................................ 5

1.7 Combination with Existing Program .................................................................................... 5

1.8 Completed Preparatory Activities ........................................................................................ 6

2. THE SUPPORT LEVEL AND THE SUPPORT ACTIVITIES UNDER THE IRP ................................... 7

2.1 Support Level ....................................................................................................................... 7

2.2 Income Restoration Activities .............................................................................................. 7

2.2.1 Criteria for Income Restoration Activities ........................................................................... 7

2.2.2 Support from the Project ..................................................................................................... 8

2.2.3 Use of Remaining Support Amount ................................................................................... 10

3. INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENTS FOR IRP IMPLEMENTATION ........................................... 11

3.1 Steering Committee ........................................................................................................... 11

3.2 Working Groups ................................................................................................................. 11

3.3 Office to Manage the IRP ................................................................................................... 17

4. DETAILED NEEDS ASSESSMENT ......................................................................................... 20

4.1 Preparation of DNA with Steering Committees and Working Groups .............................. 20

4.2 Organization of Workshops ............................................................................................... 20

4.3 Confirmation of Choices..................................................................................................... 22

5. IMPLEMENTATION ............................................................................................................ 23

5.1 Funding of the IRP .............................................................................................................. 23

5.1.1 Signing Contracts for Implementation of Detailed IRP ...................................................... 23

5.1.2 Transfer of Fund for Implementation of the Detailed IRP ................................................. 23

5.2 Training, Purchase and Delivery of Inputs ......................................................................... 24

5.2.1 Agriculture Activities .......................................................................................................... 24

5.2.2 Vocational Training ............................................................................................................ 24

5.2.3 Small Business .................................................................................................................... 25

5.3 Building Groups of Interest ................................................................................................ 25

5.4 Follow-up ........................................................................................................................... 25

5.5 Evaluation and Monitoring of the IRP ................................................................................ 28

5.5.1 Evaluation Workshops ....................................................................................................... 28

5.5.2 Internal Monitoring ............................................................................................................ 28

5.5.3 External Monitoring ........................................................................................................... 28

6. SCHEDULE FOR THE IRP ............................................................................................. 30

7. COSTS ESTIMATES ..................................................................................................... 31

7.1 Costs for Income Restoration Activities ............................................................................. 31

7.2 Costs for Implementation .................................................................................................. 32

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7.3 Costs for DDIS ..................................................................................................................... 33

7.4 Total Costs .......................................................................................................................... 33

8. DISBURSEMENT & LIQUIDATION ...................................................................................... 34


Table 1: Scope of Land Acquisition ........................................................................................................... 1

Table 2: Determination of Eligible Households ........................................................................................ 3

Table 3: HH Eligible to IRP (Losing Productive Land & Relocated Business) ............................................ 4

Table 4: HH Eligible to IRP (Vulnerable HH) .............................................................................................. 4

Table 5: Summary of HH Eligible to IRP .................................................................................................... 4

Table 6: Support Level Based on Impacts and Vulnerability for Can Tho City .......................................... 7

Table 7: Activity, Input Supported by the Project ..................................................................................... 9

Table 8: Use of Remaining Support Amount .......................................................................................... 10

Table 9: Tasks of Steering Committee during IRP Implementation ........................................................ 11

Table 10: Tasks of the Stakeholders during IRP Implementation ........................................................... 12

Table 11: Staff Involved for the IRP Implementation ............................................................................. 18

Table 12: Results of the Workshops ....................................................................................................... 21

Table 13: List of Different Income Restoration Activities Chosen .......................................................... 22

Table 14: Activities Planned for Steering Committees and Working Groups during Implementation .. 26

Table 15: Monitoring Indicators of IRP Activities ................................................................................... 29

Table 16: Regulations Used to Prepare Costs Estimates ........................................................................ 31

Table 17: Costs for Income Restoration Activities .................................................................................. 32

Table 18: Salary and Allowance for Staff and Expenses for IRP Implementation .................................. 32

Table 19: Total Costs for IRP Implementation in Can Tho City ............................................................... 33

Table 20: Distribution of Costs for IRP Implementation by Semester .................................................... 34


Figure 1: Organization of IRP .................................................................................................................. 15

Figure 2: Roles and Responsibilities of Stakeholders in IRP Implementation ........................................ 16

Figure 3: Choice of Income Restoration Activities by Participants ......................................................... 21

Figure 4: Schedule for the Implementation of the IRP ........................................................................... 30

Figure 5: Distribution of Budget for the IRP in Can Tho City .................................................................. 33

Figure 6: Process of Disbursement & Liquidation ................................................................................... 35

LIST OF BOXES Box 1: Example of Use of Support Amount............................................................................................ 10

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Annex 1: List of Eligible HH who Choose Agriculture Activities ................................................................ 1

Annex 2: List of Eligible HH who Choose Training .................................................................................... 5

Annex 3: List of Eligible HH who Choose Small Business .......................................................................... 8

Annex 4: List of Eligible HH who didn’t Want to Join the Program ........................................................ 11

Annex 5: Photos Taken during Workshops ............................................................................................. 13

Annex 6: Template for Confirmation of the Households on the Support Received ............................... 14

Annex 7: Action Plan by Commune/Ward .............................................................................................. 15

Annex 8: Detailed Costs for Agriculture Activities .................................................................................. 16

Annex 9: Detailed Costs for Vocational Training .................................................................................... 19

Annex 10: Detailed Costs for Small Business .......................................................................................... 21

Annex 11: Costs for Staff Involved in IRP ................................................................................................ 23

Annex 12: Expenses for IRP Operation ................................................................................................... 27

Annex 13: Approval of Costs for Activities by Can Tho City PC .............................................................. 29

Annex 14: Approval of Implementation Costs by Can Tho City PC ......................................................... 37

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1.1 Central Mekong Delta Connectivity Project

1. The Central Mekong Delta Connectivity Project (CMDCP) will improve connectivity in the Mekong Delta Region and provide efficient access from Ho Chi Minh City to the Southern Coastal Region through construction of two cable stayed bridges across the Mekong River and associated roads: Component 1 – Cao Lanh Bridge (2.4 km) and approach roads (5.4 km); Component 2 – Interconnecting Road (15.7 km); and Component 3 – Vam Cong Bridge (2.97 km) and approach roads (4.08 km).

1.2 Scope of land acquisition and the impact level of the project

2. The project will affect 223.5 ha of land (195 ha in Dong Thap province and 28.5 ha in Can Tho City. Mainly agriculture land will be affected.A total of 257 HHs will be affected by the project in Can Tho City.

Table 1: Scope of Land Acquisition

Commune/ward Affected Area

(ha) Affected HH

Thoi Thuan 18.8 190

Vinh Trinh 9.7 67

Total Can Tho City 28.5 257

1.3 Income Restoration Program Prepared in 2013

3. An Income Restoration Program (IRP) was prepared as part of the Resettlement Plan for Can Tho City and approved by ADB/DFAT on 5 April 2013.

4. In the first IRP a total of 171 AHs were considered as eligible to the IRP. Following changes in the land acquisition (i.e. reduction of construction yard) and extension of eligibility to new categories of HH (near-poor and new poor HH), the number of eligible HH was changed to 157.

5. New criteria for assistance were also determined in this detailed IRP. In the first IRP HHs losing more than 50% of land were entitled to additional assistance. In the detailed IRP, following discussion with Steering Committees and Working Groups, it was agreed to base the support on the extent of losses. HH losing from 30 to 50%, from 50% to 70% and more than 70% of their productive land will receive additional support (up to 2.5 times the amount received by HH losing less than 30%).

1.4 The Objective and General Principles of the Income Restoration Program

6. The Income Restoration Program (IRP) is part of the Resettlement Plan prepared for Can Tho City. The IRP is additional to compensation and support already received by AHs under the Resettlement Plan for the CMDCP. The objective of the IRP is to stabilize, if not improve, the livelihood and income of severely affected and vulnerable households entitled to the Program. This objective will be achieved through a number of programs and activities:

Improving the productivity of the remaining land through provision of agricultural/husbandry training courses for affected households.

Developing household economies through provision of support for inputs to establish small businesses, agricultural or husbandry activities.

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Improving skills and employment opportunities through provision of vocational training courses and vocational support.

7. The general principles of the IRP planning and implementation are as follows:

Transparency: information that relates to IRP planning and implementation (eligibility,entitlements, level of supports, contributions of the households, etc.) shall be properly disseminated to the IRP participants.

Participatory planning and implementation: IRP eligible households are facilitated to participate in all the IRP processes (planning, implementation, monitoring).

Gender sensibility: IRP planning, implementation and monitoring activities shall be with participation of women.

Combinations with existing and planned programs/projects in the local: The IRP shall combine with but shall not overlap with the existing and planned governmental and non-governmental financed programs/projects.

Suitable income restoration activities: the income restoration activities shall be doable, affordable and suitable with the needs of the eligible households, particularly the vulnerable households. Risks assessment and mitigation measures shall be developed for each income restoration activities.

Compliant with Government Regulations on Financial Management. Cost estimations, disbursement and liquidation shall be compliant with Government’s regulations on financial management.

Flexibility: the programs shall have some flexibility since it is known that there are many variables that can influence the effectiveness of IRP during design and implementation. Such flexibility shall ensure that risks and needed resources and improvements are identified and adjustments are made to respond to feedbacks from various groups and due to changing conditions.

8. Other characteristics of the program are presented below:

IRP is based on voluntary adherence from participants. HH not willing to participate will sign a form confirming they non-participation;

No Cash Support to AH. IRP support are through provision of farm inputs (animals, materials), training, and not provision of cash to AHs.

No Return of Investment. AHs are not required to return the investment to the Project in accordance with the contract signed between AH and Project.

IRP is non-transferable. AH cannot transfer to other HHs the IRP. AH also cannot sell the inputs received from the Project unless it comes to the end of the production cycles and they have to reinvest and practice the selected models during the duration of the IRP (2 years).

1.5 Eligible Households to the IRP

9. The list of HHs entitled to the Income Restoration Program are:

Severely Affected HHs.These are:

- HHs who are losing 10% or more of their productive land and their main source of income is from agriculture, and

- Relocated business: building, where business take place, totally affected and needs to relocate at another location (stand alone business or business located in a house)

Vulnerable Households: These are people on account of their position in society and/or

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their physical and economic situation are less capable of re-establishing themselves than the others and, therefore, face greater risks of hardship or impoverishment; they are:

- Female-headed households with dependents;

- Household heads with disabilities;

- Poor HH registered at the commune level;

- Landless households;

- Social policy HH (Heroic Vietnam Mother, Hero of the people’s armed force, Hero of labor, war invalids)

10. In addition to this list, it was agreed by ADB-DFAT(ADB’s letter dated 25 August 2014)to include in the list of eligible HH, the near poor HH. We should note that at the time of the DMS, this category didn’t exist. The HH with a certificate of near-poor HH issued in 2014 are eligible to the IRP.

11. HH who became poor in 2014 after the DMS and who have a certificate of poor HH at the time of the DNA were also included in the list.

Table 2: Determination of Eligible Households

Category of Entitled HH Source of Information Agency in Charge

- Severely affected HH (loss of 10% or more of their productive land and their main source of income is from agriculture;

- Compensation Plan approved by the city People’s Committee of Can Tho with reference to the % of loss;

- Center for Land Fund Development (CLFD) of Can Tho City

- Relocated business (building, where business take place, totally affected and needs to relocate at another location, stand alone business or business located in a house)

- Compensation Plan approved by the city People’s Committee of Can Tho;

- It includes registered and non registered business;

- CLFD of Can Tho City

- Poor households - Certificate of poor HH issued by district authorities (stamped and signed) at the time of DMS and AHs who became poor after DMS (having a certificate a poor HH at the time of DNA in 2014);

- CLFD of Can Tho City; - District People’s Committee (who

issue certificate)

- Near-Poor households - Certificate of near-poor HH issued by district authorities (stamped and signed) in 2014;

- CLFD of Can Tho City; - District People’s Committee (who

issue certificate)

- Female headed Households; - Disabled head of Households; - Landless HH

- Compensation Plan approved by the city People’s Committee of Can Tho;


- CLFD of Can Tho City; - Women’s Union;

- Social policy households: HH with specific social

situation (headed by elderly, orphans, disabled);

War heroes (heroic

Compensation Plan approved by city People’s Committee of Can Tho;

- CLFD of Can Tho City; - Commune/ward People’s


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Category of Entitled HH Source of Information Agency in Charge

Vietnamese mothers, wounded soldiers etc. );

12. In Can Tho City, the number of HH entitled to the IRP is 157 which represent 61% of the total HH affected. We should note that in Can Tho around 50 HH are affected by loss of graves only and therefore are marginally affected.

13. Among the eligible HH, a total of 105 HHs are affected through loss of productive land, 15 HH have their business relocated and 52 HH are classified as vulnerable. 15 HH losing productive land are also vulnerable or have their business relocated. The total number of eligible HH in Can Tho City is 157 (See Table 5).

Table 3: HH Eligible to IRP (Losing Productive Land & Relocated Business)

Loss of Productive Land Relocated Business 10-30% 31-50% 51-70% > 71% Sub-Total

Thoi Thuan 15 14 12 31 72 10

Vinh Trinh 14 10 2 7 33 5

TOTAL 29 24 14 38 105 15

Table 4: HH Eligible to IRP (Vulnerable HH)

Vulnerable HHs

Poor HH


Landless+ WHHH

Woman HHH

Landless+ Disabled


Landless + near

poor HH


poor HH Disabled

HHH Social Policy



Thoi Thuan 1 30 2 0 1 4 1 0 1 39

Vinh Trinh 0 8 1 1 0 0 0 3 0 13

TOTAL 1 38 3 1 1 4 1 3 1 52

Table 5: Summary of HH Eligible to IRP

HH Losing Productive Land

Relocated Business

Vulnerable HH


Thoi Thuan 72 10 39 121

Vinh Trinh 33 5 13 51

TOTAL 105 15 52 1722

1.6 Participatory Approach

14. As indicated in the general principles, the project is participatory. The following actions have been taken to ensure participation of HH:

Prior to the workshops, WG met all HH individually to explain IRP principles and assess their preliminary choices; therefore HH could start to discuss with their family before workshops;

15 near poor HH have been identified in Thoi Thuan ward an 0 in Vinh Trinh commune; the 5HH were already eligible to the IRP (4 are landless and 1 lost 30% of his productive land); 215 HH, affected by loss of productive land, are also vulnerable or have their business affected. Total of eligible HH is 157.

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2 workshops were organized to explain in more details the IRP and to answer to questions and concerns of HH; a letter of invitation was sent to all HH. HH made a choice for an income restoration activity; however, this choice was not definitive and HH could change their mind;

The list of HH with their choice was approved by Can Tho PC on 11 August 2014 (Decision 2176/QD-UBND). This listed will be posted at commune and ward PC office. HH will be informed that they have 3 weeks at the date of the posting to make a final choice;

For HH who choose agriculture and small business activities, groups of interest (i.e. HH who choose cow raising, pig breeding, small business etc.) will be organized at the village level. The groups will provide peer support and cooperate with each other for better market prices. A leader for each group will be identified. The leader will have experience in the activity and will act as resource person for the group to liaise with extension workers. The leader will also be the representative of HH to participate in monitoring and evaluation process.

Evaluation workshops are planned after 1 year and at the end of the project. After 1 year, following results of the evaluation workshop, a new work plan will be prepared.

1.7 Gender Sensibility

15. Gender sensibility is a component of the Project. The following actions have been taken to ensure participation of women and to take into account their needs and concerns:

Women were specifically invited to participate to workshops in the invitation letters. Women joined the workshops and express their needs; during workshops individual cases involving women were discussed (i.e. elderly women);

WU organized focus-groups in April 2014 with women and vulnerable HH on various issues (including IRP) and assess their needs and concerns regarding in particular the choice of an income restoration activity;

Many HH choose small business and these businesses will be mainly managed by woman; as it is convenient for women to operate small business within their house. WU will manage the small business activities. They will givetraining course on “business management skills”, on HH budget management andwill provide follow-up support to help women in this group to set up businesses;

Women’s Union at the village level will coordinate with extension workers, vocational training centres to organize training courses taking into account the specific needs of women. They will also counsel on management of the family budget.

1.8 Combination with Existing Program

16. Can Tho City implements existing training programs such as the Program 1956 targeting rural workers implemented by the Vocational Training Center under DOLISA. There are similarities between the proposed training program and Program 1956.

17. The main differences between the existing national and city training programs and the proposed IRP are:

- City training programs cover farmers only.

- Existing national and city training programs proposes training or allowance only;

- No input (animals, equipment, material) is provided to trainees by the National and City Programs;

18. Combination with existing programs is desirable to avoid duplication of budget and

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activities. Combination could take the following forms:

- HH who have already been trained under a similar City’s training program, will not be entitled to training under the IRP; they could however use the total support amount to buy equipment/tools related to the training program followed;

- HH who have been trained under the City’s program but who couldn’t find a job will be eligible to refresh training; refresh training will be a more advanced training;

- Agencies will continue follow-up after the 2 years duration of the program, they will continue to follow-up with trainees;

1.9 Completed Preparatory Activities

19. Up to February 2015, the following preparatory activities have been completed in Can Tho City.

Income Restoration Programs(IRP) has been approved by ADB/DFAT on 5 April 2013.

ToR & budget for Detailed Needs Assessment (DNA) were approved by ADB/DFAT on 22 July 2013 and by MOT on 2 October 2013; additional budget was approved by MOT on 10 December 2013.

Steering Committeewas established on 24 December 2013 (Decision No. 4554/QD-UBND).

Working Groups established on 20 January 2014 (Decision No. 198/QD-UBND).

Workshops with HH eligible to the IRP conducted on 6 March in Thoi Thuan ward and on 17 March in Vinh Trinh commune.

Costs of IRP implementation have been approved by Can Tho City PC in August 2014 and February 2015;

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2.1 Support Level

20. In Can Tho City, the basis to determine the support amounts were: - Support amounts already agreed for the Southern Coastal Corridor Project (SCCP1);

- Cost of IRP activities for Can Tho City. Proposed lowest support level is 8 M VND based

on the cost of training for car driving (7.750.000 M VND); a large number of HH with the

lowest support level chose this activity; numerous HH losing more than 50% of their

productive land chose cow raising (15 M VND);

- Unit costs/cost norms approved and applied in Can Tho city;

- Additional support of 2 M for poor HH losing productive land;

21. The agreed support levels by SC & WG in Can Tho City are presented in the table below.

Table 6: Support Level Based on Impacts and Vulnerability for Can Tho City

Category of Eligible HH Number of cases Support Amount

- 10% to 30% of total production land holding affected; 29

8 M VND/HH - Vulnerable households (including near-poor HH) 52

- Relocated Business 15

- 313 % to 50% of total production land holding affected; 24 10 M VND/HH

- 51% to 70% of total production land holding affected; 14 15 M VND/HH

- > 70% of total production land holding affected; 37 20 M VND/HH

- Poor HH losing more than 70% of total production land holding affected;

1 22 M VND/HH

22. If AH fell into several categories, AH was entitled to the highest level of support.

23. If AH chose an activity which is higher than the support AH is entitled to, AH will contribute to the difference.

2.2 Income Restoration Activities

2.2.1 Criteria for Income RestorationActivities

24. Agriculture activities implemented under the IRP should meet the following criteria: - Few risk of disease;

- Generating quick (within 6 months) and good income;

- Suitable with local market conditions;

- Compatible with support amounts agreed;

- Activity which can be implemented by elderly and illiterate persons should also be


25. Proposed training/small business activities should meet the following criteria: - Training to be job oriented (suitable with local job market);

3Percentage will be rounded up to the next unit number (i.e. 30.64% to 31%)

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- Consistent with HH education background to ensure the best work opportunities;

- Compatible withsupport amounts agreed;

26. Working groups identified income restoration activities based on above criteria. These activities were presented during workshops to participants by members of the WG (see Chapter 4). WG also presented during workshops:

- Requirement to implement activities (i.e. basic skills, land requirement etc.);

- Expected income (for agriculture activities);

- Expenses to carry out activity (for agriculture activities);

- Costs of the activity (in order for the AH to choose an activity corresponding to the

support amount he/she will benefit);

27. If a household wants to perform other income restoration activity, the AH proposed this activity to the Working Group. Working Group discussed with the households to determine if this activity can be supported. Activities were supported if they met the following criteria:

a) Activity is feasible: household meet conditions to perform the proposed activity: (enough remaining land, sufficient manpower…);

b) Activity will bring quick income (within one year) to the household;

c) Activity has little risk of failure;

d) Activity complies with land use plans; and

e) Activity is sustainable, the household will continue to perform/or to expand the activity after Income Restoration Program ending.

2.2.2 Support from the Project

28. Table 7 indicates what type of support is providedunder the CMDCP, what is included in the support amount, what additional support is provided and what contribution is requested from the participant.

Activities/Items supported by the project and included in the support amount

29. For agriculture activities, activities/items supported by the project and included in the support amount are: animals/plants/equipment to perform the agriculture model. In some cases (eel) facilities will be under the support amount when it requires specific equipment (i.e. plastic lined tank for eels). Industrial food can also be included.

30. For training, provided by the Vocational Training Center, costs of training courses are included in the support amount. The cost of vocational training should follow existing vocational training programs being implemented locally.

31. For small business,equipment to operate the business is included in the support amount.Training courses provided by WU on business management skills, HH business management, microfinance are not included in the support amount.

Additional support (in addition to the support amount)

32. Additional support for agriculture activities: - Cost of training on agriculture activities;

- Allowance for meals and travel during the training period;

- Vaccine

33. Additional support for training and small business: - Allowance for meals and travel during the training period;

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- Refresh training; after being trained if trainees cannot find a job after one year, he/she

will be eligible for another training session. Refresh training will be done only one time.

Activities/Items not-supported by the project

34. Normal care of animals/plants, daily food for animals will not be supported by the project.

35. Construction of basic facilities for raising animals (chicken, ducks etc.) will be funded by theAH if the support amount istotally used to provide inputs (animals);

Table 7: Activity, Input Supported by the Project

Activity/Items Supported by the Project

Contribution of HH4 Included in the support amount (8M, 10 M etc.)

Additional support

Agriculture Activities

a) Raising/breeding animals (pigs,chickens, ducks,buffalo, cow,eels, shrimp,fish…);

- Animals (number according to support amount level);

- Facilities in some case (i.e. plastic-lined tank for eel raising);

- Industrial food in some case; - Other (see Table 8)

- Vaccine; - Training to enhance

capacity for AH;

- Facilities if support amount is used totally to provide animals;

- Food in general; - Normal care of


b) Planting(ornamentalflowers, bonsaimushroom etc.)

- Plants (number according to support amount)

- Partially support for fertilizer;

- Training to enhance farming capacity for AH;

- Normal care of plants

c) Agricultureextensionactivities

- Seedling (rice, beans, fruit…); - Partially support for fertilizer.

- Training to enhance farming capacity for AH;


d) Machinery foragriculturaldevelopment

- Earth working machinery, machinery for processing food for domestic animals….

- Training to enhance farming capacity for AH;

- Normal maintenance of equipment

Training & Small Business Vocational,

Training - Cost of vocational training

course; -

- Refresh training - Travel and meal

allowance for participants during the training period;

- Participation to training course;

Small business - Equipment to operate small business (i.e. for beauty shop, armchairs, mirror, shelves, hair dryer etc.)

- Travel and meal allowance for participants during the training period;

- Training course on business management;

- Additional equipment if equipment bought with support amount is not sufficient;

36. Support from the project, use of support amount and use of remaining support amountwere presented to participants during workshops.

4If activity chosen is higher than support amount, HH will contribute for the difference;

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Box 1: Example of Use of Support Amount

If a HH is entitled to a support level of 8 M VND and choose small business activities with training.

The support level for equipment will be calculated as follow:

- Cost of training course (i.e. body care) = 1 M VND;

- Remaining budget ( 8M - 1 M = 7 M VND) will be used to buy equipment;

If a HH is entitled to support of 20 M VND and choose cow breeding activity

- Cost of a cow is 15 M VND;

- Remaining amount(5 M) could be used to buy industrial food or materials to build facilities.

If a HH is entitled to support of 10 M VND and choose cow breeding activity

- Cost of a cow is 15 M VND;

- He will have to contribute for 5 M VND;

If a HH is entitled to support of 10 M VND and choose growing flowers or ornamental plants

- The number of flower/plants to be provided will be calculated based on the unit rate of a

flower/plant and the support amount; HH can also receive a lower number of flowers and the

remaining could be to buy fertilizer.

2.2.3 Use of Remaining Support Amount

37. The activities proposed are generally lower than the support amount the HH is entitled. Use of the remaining amount will be discussed with each HH after approval of the detailed IRP at the start of implementation. Examples of use of remaining support amount are presented in the table below.

Table 8: Use of Remaining Support Amount

Type of Activity Example Use of remaining support amount

Agriculture activities

Cow Industrial food;

Material to build facility;

Pigs Number of pigs adjusted to support amount;

Industrial food;

Material to build facility;

Chicken/ducks Number of units adjusted to support amount;

Industrial food;

Flowers Adjust packages of flowers to support amount;



Add some HH members in working age for another training course;

HH can buy equipment related to his training (i.e. brick layer, electric equipment etc.);

Small business Buy equipment

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3.1 Steering Committee

38. As indicated above, a Steering Committee (SC) has been set-up, to implement the IRP in Can Tho City.

39. The SC is responsible for the coordination with all agencies involved for the implementation of the IRP. The Swill help to solve any problems which may occur.

40. Members of the SC are: - Chairman is the Vice Chairman of Can Tho city PC’s; - Representative of DOLISA;

- Representative of DARD;

- Representative of Farmer’s Union;

- Representative of Center for Land Fund Development;

- Representative of Women ‘s Union;

- Vice chairman of affected districts (Thot Not and VinhThanh);

41. The main tasks of the SC regarding IRP activities are summarized in the Table below:

Table 9: Tasks of Steering Committee during IRP Implementation


Overall Management

Direct CLFD &WG to implement IRP tasks;

Chair quarterly meetings;

Approve all documents issued for the IRP (working plans, contracts, costs and procedures)

Review and endorse quarterly reports to City PC and CIPM.

Monitoring and Evaluation

42. During IRP implementation, the SC of each province/city will held regular meetings (see section 5.9) with CIPM, DDIS and Working Groups to give instructions and to deal with various issues reported.

3.2 Working Groups

43. As indicated above, two Working Groups, one to manage agriculture activities and one to manage training and small business activities, have been set-up in Can Tho City. While Steering Committees have a management role, Working Groups have a more technical role.

44. Working Groups gathered representatives of various agencies as presented below:

- Working Group for Agriculture Activities

- Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (DARD);

- Agriculture Extension Center (AEC) under DARD;

- Farmer’s Union (FU)

- Women’s Union (WU)

- Center for Land Fund Development (CLFD);

- Working Group for Training and Small Business Activities


- Vocational Training Center

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- Women’s Union

- Center for Land Fund Development (CLFD);

45. The tasks of the Working Groups during IRP implementation are summarized in the Table below:

Table 10: Tasks of the Stakeholders during IRP Implementation




Responsible for overall implementation and supervision of IRP;

Review all IRP documents (reports, plans, costs, procedures etc.)before their submission to SC;

Assists and monitor the IRP Contract Implementation

Funding/ Contract

Transfer funds through bank account acceptable by ADB and MOF;

Signs IRP Contract with SC (through CLFD)


Assist CLFD to ensure accounting documents are in accordance with Vietnamese Law and ADB guidelines.

Support to CLFD and WG to prepare working plan, technical

advice especially to WU, monitoring plan, reports;

CLFD (Reset-tlement Subproject Owner)

Coordination and IRP secretary

Organize IRP meetings, issue invitations to the meeting participants, prepare minutes of meeting;

Submits plans, cost estimates and procedures to SC and PC for review and approval;

Coordinate study tours to visit other livelihood models within or outside Can Tho City;


Prepare drafts of subcontracts with relevant agencies and input providers and submit to SC for approval;

On behalf of SC the CLFD signs Sub-contracts and transfer money in accordance with approved subcontracts

Accounting, auditing& liquidation

Responsible for maintaining accounting documents;

Management of IRP financial system, regularly reports to SC and WGs about the financial issues of IRP

Comply with inspection, auditing and liquidation procedures etc.

Data collection

Maintain database on participants and disbursement;

Collect socioeconomic information on participants (income generated by activity etc.)

Group of interest

Supervise establishment of groups of interest;

Monitoring &Evaluation

Organize evaluation workshops;

Monitor, evaluate IRP and report to SC;


Review monthly reports prepared by WG;

Prepare quarterly reports and submit reports to SC for review and approval;

Proper filing & archiving of documents

Keep and maintain all documents related to the IRP;

Make documents available for CIPM/DDIS and external monitor;

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Working Groups

Assistance/ support

Confirm choices of participants;

Assist HH to decide the use of the remaining support amount;

Check how the HH plan to implement the activity (i.e. adequate location and equipment etc.) and propose adjustment if needed;

Purchase inputs in collaboration with participants (i.e. seedlings, breeds, tools for agriculture extension, equipment for small business etc.) and deliver these inputs to participants;

Contact with businesses and enterprises to get information on the job vacancy and assist trainees to find a job;

Organize study tours to visit other livelihood models within or outside Can Tho City

Groups of interest

Establish and manage groups of interest for agriculture activities;


Conduct technical training; preparation of training courses, organization of class, selection of trainer;

Conduct refresh training after 1 year if AH cannot find a job;

Follow-up Prepare monitoring plan;

Conduct regular field visit to meet households participating in the IRP to ensure the IRP is implemented effectively and as planned and to provide technical support and advices.


Cooperate with the SC, CIPM and DDIS to solve outstanding issues in the community during IRP implementation.

Prepare monthly report on activities conducted;

Send monthly reports to CHFLD (for their quarterly reports to the CIPM/DDIS) and provide relevant data, report outstanding issues, report on progress implementation, etc.

Women’s Union

Training for small business

Conduct technical training on small business (basis tools for developing feasible small enterprise)

Follow-up, support & assistance to women and vulnerable

Support woman and vulnerable to confirm choice and to choose remaining support (i.e. equipment for small business);

Conduct regular field visit with women and vulnerable to ensure the IRP is implemented effectively and as planned and to provide support and advices

Manage small business activities

Follow-up HH who implement small business activities;

Counsel HH on family budget planning;

Part time of follow-up;

Coordinate with agriculture extension workers and VTC to organize training courses taking into account women needs;

Groups of interest

Establish and manage groups of interest for small business where appropriate;

Reporting Send monthly reports to SC (for their quarterly reports to the CIPM/DDIS) and provide relevant data, report outstanding

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issues, report on progress implementation, etc.

46. The figures below present the organization of the IRP and the roles and responsibilities of agencies involved in the implementation of the IRP.

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Figure 1: Organization of IRP


Management of Small-Business,

Training on small business; Follow-up

and assistance to women and



Follow-up and assistance to

women and vulnerable




Coordination; Funding & Subcontracts;

Accounting, Auditing & Liquidation; Evaluation

& Reporting


Vocational & Refresh Training; Technical Support &

Consultation, Follow-up, Assistance to find jobs &



Training; Technical Support & Consultation,

Follow-up & Reporting






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Figure 2: Roles and Responsibilities of Stakeholders in IRP Implementation

HH eligible to IRP

Women's Union

Manage small business

activitiesSupport & Assistance to

women & vulnerableTraining on small business and on HH finance

managementManage groups of

interest for small business

Working Groups

for Agriculture

Technical training

Technical support & Assistance Follow-up

Purchase farm-inputsManage groups of interest for agriculture

Working Groups for

Training & Small Business


Technical training

Technical support & AssistanceFollow-up

Assistance to find jobPurchase non-farm inputs






Solve issues

Management Management

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47. The staffs involved in the IRP implementation have been identified by the Steering Committee of Can Tho City and are presented in the table below. A total of 19 persons will be involved; most of them part-time. They are currently permanent staff of their respective organization.

48. Each position has been assessed in terms of time required to perform the listed tasks identified in Table 10. Most of the staff will be part time; only 2 staff from CLFD will be full time(see Annex 11).

49. The IRP will be managed mainly by the Center for Land Fund Development (CLFDwho is the Resettlement Sub-Project Owner)of Can Tho City. CLFD already leaded the implementation of the Detailed Needs Assessment (DNA).

3.3 Office to Manage the IRP

50. An office will be set-up in Thoi Thuan ward, (Thot Not District) to implement the IRP. All permanent staff mobilized (3) for the implementation of the IRP will be located at this office.

51. Can Tho city is far from Thot Not districtand the head office of CLFD in Can Tho city has limited space; therefore SC & WG prefer to have an office in Thoi Thuan ward (Thot Not district) close to the affected HH to facilitate follow-up of the IRP. Due to the duration of the IRP (2 years) it is necessary to have a specific office; AH,representatives of various departments, agencies, input providers etc. may come to the Office for resolving IR issues. Thus, it is necessary to set up a small office with a small meeting room to implement the IRPin Thoi Thuan ward.

52. All documents related to the IRP will also be gathered at the same place. This will ensure a better efficiency and coordination for the implementation of the IRP. IRP meetings can be held here. CIPM and DDIS can also come to work with SC and WG there.

53. Efforts will be made to rent an office within an IRP partner office. The office will be managed by the IRP Team of the CLFD.

54. All IRP documents can be kept in this office until full completion of IRP program and handed over to CLFD of Can Thocity

55. Costs of renting office and expenses for operation are included in the budget (see Annex 12).

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Table 11: Staff Involved for the IRP Implementation

Name Organization Main Tasks Status

WG for agriculture

1 Director Agriculture extension Center

- Responsible for WG on agriculture; - Training preparation; - Reporting; - Supervision of follow-up; - Organization of study tours; - Organization of evaluation workshops;

Part time

2 Huznh Anh Tuấn Agriculture extension Center Thot Not District

- Training and assistance in Thot Not District; - Follow-up in Thot Not District Part time

3 Trần Văn Trắt Agriculture extension Center Thot Not District

- Training and assistance in Vinh Thanh District; - Follow-up in Vinh Thanh District Part time

4 Phan Phước Sang Farmer’s Union Thoi Thuan ward - Follow-up and assistance in Thot Not District Part time

5 Nguyễn Văn Tươi Farmer’s Union Vinh Trinh Commune - Follow-up and assistance in Vinh Thanh District Part time

WG for training and small business

1 Trần Quang Khải DOLISA Can Tho

- Responsible for WG on training & small business; - Training preparation; - Supervision of follow-up; - Reporting; - Organization of evaluation workshops;

Part time

2 Lê Thanh Nghị Vocational Training Center Thot Not District

- Training follow-up and assistance in Thot Not District;

Part time

3 Lê Thị Bạch Tuyết Vocational Training Center Vinh Thanh District

- Training follow-up and assistance in Vinh Thanh District;

Part time

Women’s Union

1 Lưu Thị Hòa Women’s Union Thoi Thuan Ward - Training and assistance in Thot Not District; - Follow-up in Thot Not District

Part time

2 Trần Thị Thơi Women’s Union Vinh Trinh Commune - Training and assistance in Vinh Thanh District; - Follow-up in Vinh Thanh District

Part time

3 To be named (5 persons) Women’s Union at Village level - Daily follow-up and assistance; Part time

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Name Organization Main Tasks Status

Center for Land Fund and Development

1 Hồ Văn Mẫn Vice Director

- Responsible for coordination and supervision of IRP;

- Responsible for contract, disbursement, accounting, liquidation and auditing;

- Responsible for reporting

Part time

2 Nguyen Thi Thanh Van Chief Accountant - Supervision for contract, disbursement,

accounting, liquidation and auditing Part time

3 Nguyen Huu Phuc CLFD staff Daily coordination and supervision of IRP;

- Reporting and database;

Part time

4 Phan Thanh Tung CLFD staff - Daily coordination and supervision of IRP; - Reporting and database;

Full time

5 Lê Tuấn Vũ Accountant

- Preparation of contract, disbursement, accounting, liquidation and auditing documents;

- Check all bills and prepare invoices; - Assist WG for all financial documents;

Full time

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4.1 Preparation of DNA with Steering Committees and Working Groups

56. A first meeting was conducted, in Can Tho City on 12 February 2014, with both SC and WG in order to:

- Explain DNA and IRP objectives, principles and characteristics;

- Explain support amount principle;

- Explain role of SC & WG;

- Discuss on income restoration activities to be proposed;

- Schedule DNA activities;

57. A second meeting was then conducted on 28 February 2014 with each of the working groups in order to:

- Agree on support level;

- Agree on proposed income restoration activities;

- Discuss process of workshops;

- Agree on proposed schedule (workshops etc.); 58. For DNA, the Working Groups prepared the following activities:

- Identify income restoration activities to be proposed to beneficiaries as presented in section 3.2.

- Prepare writing or visual material to be presented to beneficiaries during the workshops, in order for HH to make a choice; costs of activities will also be presented;

- Present the proposed activities during the workshops;

- Assist beneficiaries in their choice based on education and skills background;

- Make recommendations to each beneficiary’s choice and confirm this choice;

59. As indicated in Section 3.2.2 HH could also propose their own activity. The questionnaire has a row for HH to identify his own activity. Working groups assessed and confirmed the proposed activity based on criteria identified.

4.2 Organization of Workshops

60. A pilot workshop was conducted in Thoi Thuan ward on 6 March 2014 and a second workshop was held in Vinh Trinh commune on 17 March 2014.

61. Households were informed at least 1 week in advance through written invitation. Invitation letters were addressed to both husbands and wives. A statement was included stating that women members of the HH are encouraged to attend and to participate in the IRP.

62. During these workshops, the types of activities proposed were explained by the Working Groups. Working Groups presented a limited choice for agriculture activities and training to minimize the risks. Some specific demands of HH, regarding the type of activity to be implemented, were considered based on criteria identified in section 3.2.1.

63. Eligibility, entitlements, level of support, contribution of HH, and responsibilities of HH were clearly explained to participants.

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64. Participants filled a questionnaire during the workshop to choose an activity. They received assistance, to fill the questionnaire, from DDIS, women’s union and other stakeholders.

65. HH entitled to the IRP who didn’t join the workshop were contacted by the Working Groups to identify the reason why they couldn’t join (i.e. Interested to join but couldn’t join due to any reason; not interested to join the program; other).

66. If an eligible HH wanted to join the workshop but couldn’t be present, Working Groups contacted him/her, explain the proposed activities and filled thequestionnaire with him/her.

67. If an eligible HH didn’t join the workshop because he didn’t want to participate to the IRP, he/she was met to sign a document confirming he doesn’t want to join.

68. The following tables and figure summarize the results of the DNA. Among the 157 HH eligible to the IRP, 52 choose agriculture activities, 48 training and 37 small business activities. 20 HH didn’t want to join the IRP.

69. The final list of participants with the activity chosen was prepared and is presented in Annex 1, 2 and 3 for respectively HH who choose agriculture activities, training and small business. The list of HH who didn’t want to join the IRP is presented in Annex 4. Photos of the workshops are presented in Annex 5.

Table 12: Results of the Workshops

Agriculture Activities

Training Small

Business Total

participants HH didn’t want to join the IRP

Total Eligible HH

Thoi Thuan 34 36 28 98 17 115

Vinh Trinh 18 7 14 39 3 42

Total 52 43 42 137 20 157

Figure 3: Choice of Income Restoration Activities by Participants

Agriculture Activities



Small Business


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70. The final lists of participants with the activity chosen are presented in Annex 1, 2 and 3 for respectively HH who choose agriculture activities, training and small business.

71. Regarding the activities chosen by participants, for agriculture activities, 34 HH among 52 chose breeding cows; for training, 27 HH among 43 chose car or truck driving.

Table 13: List of Different Income Restoration Activities Chosen

Thoi Thuan Vinh Trinh Total

Agriculture Activities 33 19 52

Breeding cow 22 12 34

Raising pigs 3 2 5

Raising chicken 1 0 1

Flowers cultivation 7 2 9

Planting high quality rice 0 1 1

Support for equipment 0 1 1

Planting guava 0 1 1

Training 36 7 43

Driving license B2 19 2 21

Driving license C 4 2 6

Body care 7 2 9

Sewing 3 1 4

Masonry 3 0 3

Small business 28 14 42

Support for equipment 3 0 3

Lottery shop 0 1 1

Repair shop 0 3 3

Other 25 10 35

TOTAL 97 40 137

4.3 Confirmation of Choices

72. The choice of an income restoration activity is an important decision and HH need time and consultation with relatives and stakeholder for this choice.

73. The following steps are in place in order for HH to take an informed decision:

Prior to the workshops, working groups met HH individually all HH to assess their preliminary choices; therefore when they came to the workshops, preliminary family discussions already took place;

During workshops, HH who were not able to make a choice and wanted to discuss more with their families were met individually later; 20 HH were in this case and were met by representatives of WU &CLFD to assess their choice after further discussion;

Some HH who made a first choice during workshop, contacted WG to make a new choice; these new choices, when found suitable, have been accepted;

SC will post the list of HH with their choice at the People’s Committee office of Thoi Thuan ward and Vinh Trinh commune. HH will be informed that they will have 3 weeks to respond after the posting to make a final choice;

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5.1 Funding of the IRP

74. As confirmed during the November 2014 ADB/DFAT review mission, funds for the IRP will be sourced from the ADB loan proceeds.

75. Costs for consulting services of DDIS for assistance to implement the IRP for 2 years, will be funded through a variation order of the DDIS Contract for Part B it directly related to consulting services. These costs will be taken from Contingency or the remainder of Provisional Sum for SAP of DDIS Contract.

76. Budget under the ADB Loan will be disbursed to Cuu Long CIPM Imprest Account.

5.1.1 Signing Contracts for Implementation of Detailed IRP

77. CIPM will sign IRP Contract with the Center for Land Fund Development (CLFD) based on the costs approved by PC and ADB. Can Tho City People’s Committee is the Sub-project Owner and delegated responsibility for resettlement and IRP to respectively Center for Land Fund and Development (CLFD). CLFDis also member of the Steering Committees and Working Groups.

78. CLFD will open a sub-account at the Can Tho City State Treasury specifically for the IRP as soon as the IRP is acceptable to ADB.

79. If necessary and with agreement of PCs &SCs, CLFDwill sign Sub-contracts with various agencies in charge of implementation (DOLISA, AEC, FU, WU etc.), and with other services providers for IRP implementation.

5.1.2 Transfer of Fund for Implementation of the Detailed IRP

80. As indicated above, for IRP implementation the budget will come from the ADB Loan (except for DDIS consulting services). ADB will transfer the money to the Imprest Account established by Cuu Long CIPM.

81. CLFD will open a separate sub-account for IRP; this sub-account has not yet been set up (Can Tho city-Component 3 of CMDCP does not receive ADB Loan funds for resettlement so they don’t have a sub-account). This Sub-account will be opened once IRP approved by ADB/DFAT.

82. The IRP contract between CIPM and CLFD will include:

- Costs for non-consulting services (i.e. costs for inputs for livelihood assistance, trainings and other expenses to be directly received by the beneficiaries);

- Costs for implementation and management for local agencies in charge of the implementation (PC, SCs, WGs, DOLISA, DARD/AEC, FU, WU, CLFD), and costs for appraisal, auditing etc.)

83. After the contracts for implementation of the IRP signed, the Working Groups and CLFD, with the assistance of the SC and CIPM/DDIS, will prepare a financial plan for each affected commune/ward.

84. The plan shall identify the activities planned and the budget needed for each participant in each commune/ward.

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85. Based on the plan for each commune/ward, Working Groups and CLFD will estimate the cost for implementation based on the template prepared (see Annex 7).

86. Working Groups and CLFD will send the plan and the implementation cost estimate to SC, CIPM and DDIS.

87. SC, CIPM and DDIS will review the plan and discuss the problems (if any) directly with the Working Groups and CLFD. After agreement on the plan and cost estimate, CIPM will transfer the fund to CLFD/CHFLD sub-account.

5.2 Training, Purchase and Delivery of Inputs

5.2.1 Agriculture Activities

88. Members of the Working Groups from the Agriculture Extension Center will carry out training for participants who choose agriculture activities. Participants will be informed in advance of the duration and location of the training course for the activity chosen. The project will pay allowance for meals and travels as per province/city regulations.

89. Once the training completed, Working Groups for agriculture activities will check how the HH plan to implement the activity (i.e. area, facilities etc.) to ensure the requirements for the implementation of the activity are met. The Working Group will re-inform the households on their contribution (labor, food and in-situ materials).

90. Members of WG will first get information on where farm inputs can be purchased and at what cost. Members of WGs will then go with participants to purchase farm inputs.

91. The households will sign and confirm they received the assistance by filling and signing the receipt presented in Annex 6. Once the receipt signed, the WG will hand over the inputs (animal, equipment, seedlings etc.) to the households.

5.2.2 Vocational Training

92. For vocational training and small business, the vocational training center will be in charge of the vocational training. Participants will be informed in advance of the duration and location of the training course chosen.

93. During training courses, the Working Groups will also conduct the following tasks:

- Establish and maintain linkages with the management of construction projects; commercial, industrial and institutional establishments within the Province with the intention of identifying their manpower requirements (i.e. number, qualification, schedule of deployment, etc.) and securing agreements (quota for hiring) for deployment of qualified SAH members to fill job vacancies.

- Establish a program to provide information to the affected communes/wards on the availability of jobs through posting of job vacancies in the commune/ward offices and through commune’s local radio.

- Close coordination and establish linkages with the project contractors and consultants to recruit local labors, especially the affected households, on a priority basis. Labor standards will be maintained and will incorporate applicable workplace occupational safety norms.

- During job fairs,provide specific assistance to participants to find a job.

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94. If the beneficiaries cannot find a job within six months after the training course, one refresh training session will be provided to them by the Vocational Training Centers.

5.2.3 Small Business

95. For small business, the Women’s Union will be in charge of the training (small business skills, HH budget management, saving and credit etc.). Participants will be informed in advance of the duration and location of the training course chosen.

96. If a HH who have already followed a training course related to the small business or has enough experience, it will not be necessary for this participant to follow the training course. The participant could use the entire supportamount he is entitled, to buy equipment.

97. The HH with the assistance of members of the Working Groups will select the equipment needed from the list of equipment the province with official costs. Once chosen the Working Groups will purchase and provide the equipment to the households.

98. The households will sign and confirm their receipt of equipment as presented in Annex 5. Once the receipt signed, the WG will hand over the inputs (equipment, etc.) to the households.

5.3 Building Groups of Interest

99. For agriculture and small business activities, group of interest will be established. These groups of interest will gather, at the village level, participants which implement the same activity (i.e. cow raising, pig breeding etc.) or HH involved in small business.

100. Each group of interest will be led by an experienced member. The purpose of these groups is to provide peer support, share experience, success and to improve skills. The group members can coordinate with each other and between groups for between market prices. Groups of interest also provide strong support which increases the success of the implementation of the activity

101. Women’s Union will be in charge to establish such groups for small business and the AEC the one for agriculture activities.

5.4 Follow-up

102. Working Groups for Agriculture and for Training and Small Business will prepare and carry out a monitoring plan in order to provide technical support to the households and identify any problem which may occur.

103. During the first 6 months of implementation, follow-up should be at least every month. For every site visit a short report will be prepared by the WG to record the results of the follow-up visit (i.e. difficulties met if any, capacity of the HH to implement activity, additional training needed etc.).

104. Women’s Union, at village level, will be in charge of day to day follow-up for small business but also for HH who are involved in agriculture activities with special focus on the vulnerable HH. They will report any problems needing attention to the WG.

105. The following table summarizes the activities to be undertaken once the budget will be approved by ADB/DFAT and Can Tho City PC.

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Table 14: Activities Planned for Steering Committees and Working Groups during Implementation


for activities

Steering Committee Working Groups Agriculture Working groups for Training & Small Business

Weeks 1-4

- Meeting of SC and WG with DDIS/CIPM to start implementation and to identify all steps; - Prepare and sign contract between CIPM & SC/WG through Can Tho CLFD - CLFD to open its Sub-account5. - Advance payment to CLFD in accordance with Vietnamese regulations; - In collaboration with CIPM/DDIS, complete organization arrangements and task assignment

for each Member of SC and WG. - Prepare work plan for implementation of IRP in Thoi Thuan and Vinh Trinh commune in

coordination with CIPM/DDIS.

Week 5-6

- Confirm costs of inputs

- Confirmation of choices of AHs

- Identify costs of inputs in the market (i.e. cow, pigs) based on Vietnamese regulation

- Confirmation of choices of AHs - Get list of prices of equipment

materials from PPC (i.e. armchairs, dryer etc.)

Weeks 7-11

- - Preparation of training course;

- Organization of class, selection of trainer;

- Training on agriculture activities

- Preparation of training courses; - Organization of class, selection

of trainer; - Training on small business -

Week 12-14

- - Check how the HH plan to implement the activity (i.e. sufficient area, adequate facilities etc.) and propose adjustment if needed

- Check how the HH plan to implement the activity (i.e. adequate location and equipment etc.)and propose adjustment if needed;

- Start of vocational training courses (following existing programs)

Weeks 15-17

- - Meet every HH to determine use of remaining support amount (i.e. facilities for animal, industrial food etc.)

- Meet every HH to determine use of remaining support amount (i.e. type of equipment for small business etc.)

Start of activity Weeks 18

- Review signed form and approve contract with HH;

- Buy input/equipment with HH and handover input/equipment to HH; sign attached form

- Build groups of interest

- Buy equipment with HH and handover equipment to HH; sign attached form;

- Build groups of interest

Weeks 19-… (intermitte

- Approve working plan

- Prepare working plan by commune/ward

- Prepare working plan by commune/ward

5DDIS will inform SC, WG and CLFD about the applied accounting procedures and will provide necessary forms for accounting procedures;

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Timeline for


Steering Committee Working Groups Agriculture Working groups for Training & Small Business


- Confirm HH can start activity

- -

Follow-up Week 20 to the end

- - Prepare monitoring plan in collaboration with CIPM/DDIS

- Prepare monitoring plan in collaboration with CIPM/DDIS

- - Every month for every HH for the first year;

- Every 2 months for every HH for the second year; year

- Every month for every HH for the first year;

- Every 2 months for every HH for the second year; year

Reporting - Prepare quarterly report

- Prepare monthly report on activities conducted (i.e. difficulties met if any, capacity of the HH to implement activity, additional training needed, disbursement conducted etc.).

- Prepare monthly report on activities conducted (i.e. difficulties met if any, capacity of the HH to implement activity, additional training needed, disbursement conducted etc.).

Meetings - Meeting every 3 months with CIPM/DDIS (8 meetings)

- Meeting with CIPM/DDIS every 2 months for the first year (12 meetings); every 3 months the second year (8 meetings) with CIPM/DDIS for review and discuss issues

- Meeting every 2 months for the first year (12 meetings); every 3 months the second year (8 meetings) with CIPM/DDIS for review and discuss issues

Workshops - Participation to the 2 workshops

- Organize 1 workshop at the end of the first year in Thoi Thuan commune to assess difficulties and problems met during the first year; to share information and lessons learnt; and to identify any additional assistance needed to meet project objectives; some representatives of participants will also be invited

- Organize 1 workshop at the end of the second year in Thoi Thuan to make a final valuation;


Assist HH to find a job

- - - Assist HH to find a job through contact with companies (especially with Thoi Thuan Industrial Zone) to identify their job requirement

Job fair - - - Prepare job fair every year and provide consultation to AHs;

Liquidation - Review and approve liquidation documents

- Prepare liquidation document with assistance of CIPM/DDIS

- Prepare liquidation document with assistance of CIPM/DDIS

Final Report

- Final Report to be submitted to PC, MOT, ADB/DFAT

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5.5 Evaluation and Monitoring of the IRP

5.5.1 Evaluation Workshops

106. An evaluation workshop will be organized at the end of the first year of implementationin Thoi Thuan ward.

107. The purpose of the workshop is to assess difficulties and problems met during the first year; to share information and lessons learnt; and to identify any additional assistance needed to meet project objectives. Representatives of participants (i.e. leader of groups of interest).

108. Based on the results of the first year evaluation workshop, a second year work plan will be prepared. This second work plan will identify all the changes to the IRP with a re-evaluation of the staffing and budget.

109. Final workshop will take place after the two years of implementation. As per first workshops the workshop will be organized in Thoi Thuan ward.

110. The purpose of the final workshops will be to make a final evaluation of the IRP program.

5.5.2 Internal Monitoring

111. CIPM/DDIS consultant will develop a set of monitoring indicators at the beginning of the IRP implementation. Monitoring forms will be developed accordingly. The SC will prepare quarterly progress report on IRP implementation based on their respective coverage areas.

112. Issues identified for immediate action will be referred to the Steering Committee and CIPM/DDIS. Modifications in the program based on the progress and lessons learned in the course of IRP implementation and additional funds to cover additional activities and support to vulnerable households will be provided as and when necessary.

113. The monitoring and evaluation will continue for each activity of the IRP. Monitoring indicators are presented in Table 15. When possible these indicators will be disaggregated by gender. 5.5.3 External Monitoring

114. IRP will be also subject to external monitoring. All data, reports will be made available for the external monitor.

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Table 15: Monitoring Indicators of IRP Activities

No. Activity Description Indicator Verification (Monitoring tools) 1 Agriculture

Extension Models - Providing a sustainable livelihood alternative

to HHs who have sufficient conditions and motivation for conducting the models;

- Improving income of the agriculture-based HHs who have viable land;

- Creating immediate works to agriculture-based HHs;

- Economic efficiency: added income per remained land, profit/cost,

- Income/month; save cost (in cases of finding other job)

- No. of HH’s member involved, - Successfulness of the model (increased

income, implementation skills and lessons-learned)

- Survey, interview with participants - Survey, interview with participants - Workshops and HHs surveys;

2 Technical trainings and outputs of agricultural models

- Providing HHs with technical trainings to conduct agriculture extension models successfully;

- Supporting HHs to find outputs for agricultural products

- No. of trainings, workshops/meetings, No. of participants;

- Skills of participated HHs - Number and/or quantity of outputs

sold by the HHs

- Review by Working Group for agriculture activities and Minutes of meetings,

- Participating training courses as observer and interview the HHs;

3 Vocational trainings - Improve knowledge and skills - Support to find new alternative job

- No. of participants - Skills after training and capability in

finding job - No. of trainees who found new job - Income generating from the new job;

- List of participants - Report from Working Groups for training

& Small Business and discuss with trainees - Work contract with recruiting companies - Interview with trainees

4 Consultations: Job creating and introduction

- Affected persons are expected to find a new job or have orientation of their future career.

- No. of consultations and no. of trainees participating

- No. of participants who are introduced new job

- List of participants - Report from WG on Training & Small

Business - Interview APs

5 Small business/service

- Providing a sustainable livelihood alternative to SAVHs who have sufficient conditions and motivation for conducting this model

- Other SAVHs will be benefited thanks to the replication of the model.

- Economic efficiency: added income per remained land, Profit/cost,

- No. of HH’s member involve - Successfulness of the model (increased

income, implementation skills & experience)

- Survey, interview with participants; - Workshops and HHs surveys;

6 Support to women and vulnerable HH

- Women and vulnerable HH are supported in selection and implementation of IRP activities

- Organization of training activities take into account specific needs of women.

- No. of women involved in IRP activities - Women and vulnerable HH increase

income as a result of the IRP

- Survey, interview with participants;

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115. The IRP will be implemented for a period of 2 years. The schedule provided below is designed for one production cycle to be implemented within 2 years. The DDIS Consultants will assist in the continuous implementation of the IRP and will provide back-stop support as and when necessary.

116. The proposed schedule for both agriculture activities and vocational training operating small business is presented in the Figure below. The IRP is expected to start in March 2015.

Figure 4: Schedule for the Implementation of the IRP

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4

1 Approval of budget by Can Tho City PC

2 Approval of detailed IRP by ADB/DFAT

3 Sign Contract with CFLD

4 Transfer of fund to CFLD

5 Identify costs of inputs

6 Prepare working plan

7Meet every HH and determine use of

remaining support

8 Sign contract with participants

9 Build groups of interest

10 Training

11 Purchase inputs

12 Start of activity

13 Follow-up

14 Mid term workshop

15 Prepare new work plan

16 Final workshop

17 Quarterly Report

18 Quarterly meetings

19 Liquidation

2016 20172015

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117. Preparation of costs estimates are based on the regulations presented in Table 16 and existing cost norm approved by the Government of Vietnam. Cost estimates are divided into:

Cost of activities (include inputs and training course to be provided to participants);

Cost of implementation by local agencies;

Cost of implementation of DDIS;

118. Costs have been prepared in collaboration with Steering Committee of Can Tho City.

Table 16: Regulations Used to Prepare Costs Estimates

Regulation applied Content Issuance date Issued by

1 Circular 219/2009/TT-BTC Limit of expenditure applying for ODA projects and programs

19/11/2009 Ministry of Finance

2 Circular 192/2011/TT-BTC Amendments of some articles of Circular 219

26/12/2011 Ministry of Finance

3 Decree 66/2013/NĐ-CP Minimum wage level for government staff;

27/06/2013 Prime Minister

4 Decree 204/ND-CP Salary and wage coefficient and wage level for government staff

14/12/2004 Prime Minister

5 Decision 1111/2009/QD-BHXH

Social, health and unemployment insurance to be included in salary

25/10/2011 General Director of Vietnam Social Security

6 Decision 40/2010/QD-UBND

Per diem for staff 31/12/2010 Dong Thap Province6

7.1 Costs for Income Restoration Activities

119. The costs of activities include the support amount to each participant and the additional support (cost of training for agriculture activities, allowances for training vaccine etc.) as presented in Table 7.

120. The costs of activities are 1,820,032,000 VND equivalents to 85,665 USD. Table 17 summarized the costs of activities. Detailed costs of activities are presented in Annex 8, 9 and 10.

121. Costs of activities have been first approved by Can Tho City PC on 11 August 2014 (Decision No. 2176/QD-UBND). Can Tho City PC also approved an additional budget of 32,782,000 VND on 7 October 2014 (Decision No. 2901/QD-UBND) to cover the costs of training for small business. These costs were not included in the first budget. An adjustment of (-19,000,000) was also approved by Can Tho City PC on 7 October 2014 (Decision No. 2902/QD-UBND).

122. Decisions on approval of costs of activities by Can Tho City PC are presented in Annex 13.

6In DNA budget, MOT approved use of Dong Thap regulation on per diem for Can Tho City.

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Table 17: Costs for Income Restoration Activities

Agriculture Activities Training Small Business Total

Approval Decision

Support amount 636 000 000 578 000 000 402 000 000 1 616 000 000

Additional Support

92 000 000 81 750 000 16 500 000 190 250 000

Sub-Total 728 000 000 659 750 000 418 500 000 1 806 250 000

Decision 2176/QD-UBND of Can Tho City (Annex 13)

Decrease adjustment of allowance level

-19 000 000 -19 000 000

Decision 2902/QD-UBND of Can Tho City PC (Annex 13)

Training for small business

32 782 000 32 782 000 Decision 2901/QD-UBND of Can Tho City PC (Annex 13)

TOTAL VND 709 000 000 659 750 000 451 282 000 1 820 032 000

Total USD7 33 232 30 923 21 152 85 307

7.2 Costs for Implementation

123. Steering Committees of Can Tho City has identified specific persons to implement the IRP (see Table 11). The staffs to implement the IRP are permanent staff of the various agencies and will mostly be involved part time in the IRP implementation.Payment for staff involved in the implementation of IRP will be made on the actual mobilization.Total costs for staff involved in IRP implementation, expenses and contingencies 1,288,253,242 VND equivalents to 60,382 USD.

124. Costs of implementation have been approved by Can Tho City PC on 14 February 2015 (Decision No. 588/QD-UBND).This decision is presented in Annex 14.

Table 18: Salary and Allowance for Staff and Expenses for IRP Implementation

items VND USD Approval Decision

WG for Agriculture 171 078 648 8 019 Decision 588/QD-UBND of Can Tho City (Annex 14)

WG for Training & Small business 90 764 064 4 254

Women’s Union 43 743 780 2 050

CLFD 630 229 320 29 540

Allowances for Steering Committee 30 000 000 1 406

Other Allowances (including WU at village level)

15 000 000 703

Contingencies 40 000 000 1 875

Sub-Total Salary & Allowances 1 020 815 512 47 847

7Exchange rate of Vietcombank issued on 24/02/2015 is 21,335 VND/1USD

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Expenses for agriculture activities 45 130 000 2 115

Office renting, stationary, equipment 209 572 600 9823

Contingencies 5% 12 735 130 597

Sub-Total Expenses 267 437 730 12 535

GRAND-TOTAL 1 288 253 242 60 382

7.3 Costs for DDIS

125. The implementation costs (Consultant’s fees and expenses) are not included in these costs. DDIS implementation costs will need a variation order and will be submitted to MOT and ADB for approval in a separate document. The variation order will be submitted to MOT and ADB in March 2015.

126. Implementation costs for DDIS will also include costs for organizing mid-term and final evaluation workshops.

7.4 Total Costs

127. The total cost estimate for the Income Restoration Program in Can Tho City is 3 108 285 242 VNDequivalents to 145 690 USD as presented in the Table below. Detailed costs are presented in Annexes 11, 12 & 13. These costs are significantly lower than the costs estimates prepared for the IRP for Can Tho City in April 2013 (7. 3 billion VND and 350,000 USD).

Table 19: Total Costs for IRP Implementation in Can Tho City

No contents Amount in VND Equivalent to USD

1 Cost for Activities 1 820 032 000 85 307

2 Cost for IRP implementation 1 288 253 242 60 382

2.1 Cost for local staffs 1 020 815 512 47 847

2.2 Expenses for agriculture activities 45 130 000 2 115

2.3 Office renting 222 307 730 10 420

Grand total ( 1+2) 3 108 285 242 145 690

128. As indicated in section 5.1.1, costs and staff requirement will be reviewed after year 1, following the mid-term evaluation workshop.

Figure 5: Distribution of Budget for the IRP in Can Tho City

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129. Table 20 presents the distribution of the budget by semester; 70% of the budget will be needed during the first 6 months mainly to purchase the inputs and for the costs of training.

Table 20: Distribution of Costs for IRP Implementation by Semester

2015 2016 Total

Half 1 Half 2 Half 1 Half 2 VND USD

Costs for Activities

1 820 032 000

1 820 032 000 85 307

Costs for staff 255 203 953 255 203 953 255 203 953 255 203 953 1 020 815 512 47 847

Expenses for agriculture activities

45 130 000

45 130 000 2 115

Office& contingencies

55 576 933 55 576 933 55 576 933 55 576 933 222 307 730 10 420

Total 2 175 942 886 310 780 886 310 780 886 310 780 886 3 108 285 242 145 690

% 70% 10% 10% 10% 100%


130. The budget disbursement for the IRP implementation phase will be carried out based on the following basis:

Remuneration/Allowance of the members of the Steering Committees and

Working Groups. Payment should be based on the following basis: a) the

approved Detailed Plan, Cost Estimate and time sheet; (b) payment confirmation

of members of Steering Committees and Working Groups, (c) reporting from

Steering Committees and Working Groups in compliance with the Vietnamese

and ADB provisions.

Costs for activities


Cost for staff33%


Office renting7%

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Payment of training courses: The payment of the expenses related to the

training courses will need: (a) training program has been agreed with CIPM/DDIS

(content, the number of households to be trained, trainers, training location ...), (

b) a list of signature of households involved in the training program, (c) stationery

bills and training aids (in accordance with the items to buy has been agreed with

the CIPM) in accordance with Vietnam Provisions, and (d) report on the results of

the training organization of the Working Groups or Certificates.

Payment of expenses for animals seed, fertilizer, tools for starting jobs to

support families...will need the following supporting documents: (a) the detailed

IRP was approved by ADB/DFAT/PCs (b) a contract to supply goods/services

signed between Working Groups/CLFD and providers of goods/services (c) the

VAT invoice, (d) a list of households who received inputs, and (e) report on the

implementation of providing support by Working Groups/CLFD.

Payment of other expenses: The expenses such as stationery, fuel, food expenses

and accommodation will be supported by receipts according to Vietnam

Provisions and based on the implementation plan which has been agreed with


131. CLFD will provide a professional accountant for the IRP; this accountant will be supported by Experienced National IRP Specialist/Accountant of DDIS. DDIS Consultant is well aware of Vietnamese and ADB procedures.DDIS will assist the CLFD’s accountant to prepare Contract and Subcontracts,check bills, vouchers, invoices etc.

132. The liquidation for IRP will be carried out periodically (i.e. liquidation for training; liquidation for providing breeds, seedlings and tools for carrying out a job; liquidation for IRP by commune/ward). Process for liquidation will be indicated in the contract between CIPM and CLFD/CHFLD.

133. Documents requested for liquidation include: (i) a summary of management expenses;(ii) a summary of costs for training and (iii) a summary costs for inputs provided top HH to implement IR activities in compliance with ADB and Vietnamese procedures.

134. Forms for each of these activities will be prepared by DDIS in collaboration with SC & WG during preparation of the detailed IRP. In addition to these forms, SC and Working Groups also need to include documents and forms as described in Section 6.2 (disbursement) and other documents in compliance with Vietnamese provisions.

135. Disbursement and liquidation are subject to external monitoring.


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Figure 6: Process of Disbursement & Liquidation

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CMDCP Annex 1

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Annex 1: List of Eligible HH who Choose Agriculture Activities

Name Address Commune/

ward Eligibility Support level

Income restoration activity chosen

1 NGUYỄN VĂN NHU KV Thới Bình, phường Thới Thuận, quận

Thốt Nốt, thành phố Cần Thơ. Thới Thuận

loss productive land: 52%

15 000 000 Breeding cow

2 PHAN NGỌC TRINH KV. Thới Bình, P. Thới Thuận, Q. Thốt

Nốt, TP. Cần Thơ. Thới Thuận

Loss of productive land: 63,05%

15 000 000 Breeding cow

3 NGUYỄN THỊ LIẾN KV. Thới Bình, P. Thới Thuận, Q. Thốt

Nốt, TP. Cần Thơ. Thới Thuận

Loss of productive land: 83,99%

20 000 000 Breeding cow

4 NGUYỄN VĂN BO KV. Thới Bình, P. Thới Thuận, Q. Thốt

Nốt, TP. Cần Thơ. Thới Thuận

Loss of productive land: 45,05%

10 000 000 Breeding cow

5 NGUYỄN VĂN NHÀN KV Thới Hòa 2, phường Thới Thuận, quận Thốt Nốt, thành phố Cần Thơ.

Thới Thuận Landless 8 000 000 Breeding cow

6 NGUYỄN VĂN TRIỆU KV. Thới Thạnh 1, P. Thới Thuận, Q.

Thốt Nốt, TP. Cần Thơ. Thới Thuận

Loss of productive land: 24,3%

8 000 000 Breeding cow

7 HỘ: TRẦN VĂN KHÁNG KV. Thới Bình, P. Thới Thuận, Q. Thốt

Nốt, TP. Cần Thơ. Thới Thuận

Loss of productive land: 65,15% +

Relocated business. 15 000 000 Breeding cow

8 PHẠM VĂN HẬU P. Thới Thuận, Q. Thốt Nốt, TPCT. Thới Thuận Relocated business.

Landless 8 000 000 Breeding cow


KV Thới Hòa 2, phường Thới Thuận, quận Thốt Nốt, thành phố Cần Thơ.

Thới Thuận Loss of productive

land: 33% 10 000 000 Breeding cow

10 NGUYỄN THANH PHIM KV Thới Thạnh 1, phường Thới Thuận,

quận Thốt Nốt, thành phố Cần Thơ. Thới Thuận

Loss of productive land: 9,73%

8 000 000 Breeding cow

11 HỘ NGUYỄN VĂN BẢY KV. Thới Thạnh 1, P. Thới Thuận, Q.

Thốt Nốt, TP. Cần Thơ. Thới Thuận

Loss of productive land: 61,59%

15 000 000 Breeding cow


Số 1392, KV Thới Thạnh 1, phường Thới Thuận, Q. Thốt Nốt, TP. Cần Thơ.

Thới Thuận Loss of productive

land: 64,66% + Relocated business.

15 000 000 Breeding cow

13 HỘ NGUYỄN VĂN HUẾ Số 1402, KV Thới Thạnh 1, P. Thới Thuận, Q. Thốt Nốt, TP. Cần Thơ.

Thới Thuận Loss of productive

land: 50,88% 15 000 000 Breeding cow

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Name Address Commune/

ward Eligibility Support level

Income restoration activity chosen

14 HỘ: NGUYỄN VĂN VÂN 343/12 KV. Thới Bình, P. Thới Thuận, Q.

Thốt Nốt, TP. Cần Thơ. Thới Thuận

Loss of productive land: 25,46%

8 000 000 Breeding cow

15 NGUYỄN VĂN ĐƯỢC KV Thới Thạnh 1, phường Thới Thuận,

Q. Thốt Nốt, TP. Cần Thơ. Thới Thuận Landless 8 000 000 Breeding cow

16 NGÔ THỊ THUẦN KV. Thới Thạnh 1, P. Thới Thuận, Q.

Thốt Nốt, TP. Cần Thơ. Thới Thuận

Loss of productive land: 36,56%

10 000 000 Breeding cow


3A, đường Lê Thị Nhiên, phường Mỹ Long, thành phố Long Xuyên.

Thới Thuận Loss of productive

land: 36,52% 10 000 000 Breeding cow


344/12, KV. Thới Bình, P. Thới Thuận, Q. Thốt Nốt, TP. Cần Thơ.

Thới Thuận Loss of productive

land: 21,47% 8 000 000 Breeding cow

19 NGUYỄN VĂN LẸ 346/12, KV. Thới Bình, P. Thới Thuận,

Q. Thốt Nốt, TP. Cần Thơ. Thới Thuận

Loss of productive land: 27,62%

8 000 000 Breeding cow

20 NGUYỄN VĂN CHÂU 347/12, KV. Thới Bình, P. Thới Thuận,

Q. Thốt Nốt, TP. Cần Thơ. Thới Thuận

Loss of productive land: 100%

20 000 000 Breeding cow

21 DƯƠNG THỊ DUYÊN KV. Thới Thạnh 1, P. Thới Thuận, Q.

Thốt Nốt, TP. Cần Thơ. Thới Thuận

Loss of productive land: 76,16%

20 000 000 Breeding cow


KV. Thới Thạnh 1, P. Thới Thuận, Q. Thốt Nốt, TP. Cần Thơ.

Thới Thuận Loss of productive

land: 76,28% 20 000 000 Breeding cow

23 MAI THỊ THỦY 131, Ấp Vĩnh Long, xã Vĩnh Trinh, huyện

Vĩnh Thạnh Vĩnh Trinh Landless 8 000 000 Breeding cow


Ấp Vĩnh Long, xã Vĩnh Trinh, huyện Vĩnh Thạnh

Vĩnh Trinh Loss of productive

land: 90,02% 20 000 000 Breeding cow

25 TẠ THỊ TƯỞNG Ấp Vĩnh Long, xã Vĩnh Trinh, huyện Vĩnh

Thạnh, TP. Cần Thơ. Vĩnh Trinh

Loss of productive land: 100%

20 000 000 Breeding cow

26 TRẦN VĂN THANH 129, Ấp Vĩnh Long, xã Vĩnh Trinh, huyện

Vĩnh Thạnh Vĩnh Trinh Landless 8 000 000 Breeding cow

27 TRƯƠNG KIM PHƯỢNG ấp Vĩnh Long, xã Vĩnh Trinh, huyện Vĩnh

Thạnh Vĩnh Trinh

Loss of productive land: 48,04% + Woman

head of HH 10 000 000 Breeding cow

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CMDCP Annex 1

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Name Address Commune/

ward Eligibility Support level

Income restoration activity chosen

28 TRƯƠNG NHỰT SƠN 120, Ấp Vĩnh Long, xã Vĩnh Trinh, huyện

Vĩnh Thạnh, thành phố Cần Thơ. Vĩnh Trinh

Loss of productive land: 81,11%

20 000 000 Breeding cow


Ấp Vĩnh Tiến, thị trấn Vĩnh Thạnh, huyện Vĩnh Thạnh, TPCT

Vĩnh Trinh Loss of productive

land: 17,9% 8 000 000 Breeding cow


63/1 Thoại Ngọc Hầu, Khóm 6, Mỹ Long, TPLX

Vĩnh Trinh Loss of productive

land: 40,45% 10 000 000 Breeding cow

31 NGUYÊN VĂN PHƯỚC Ấp Vĩnh Long, xã Vĩnh Trinh, huyện Vĩnh

Thạnh, TP. Cần Thơ. Vĩnh Trinh

Loss of productive land: 99,62%

20 000 000 Breeding cow

32 LƯƠNG VĂN TÁM Ấp Vĩnh Long, xã Vĩnh Trinh, huyện Vĩnh

Thạnh Vĩnh Trinh Relocated business 8 000 000 Breeding cow

33 LÊ VĂN QUANG Ấp Vĩnh Long, xã Vĩnh Trinh, huyện Vĩnh

Thạnh, thành phố Cần Thơ. Vĩnh Trinh

Loss of productive land: 39,45%

10 000 000 Breeding cow

34 PHẠM VĂN RI KV Thới Hòa 2, phường Thới Thuận, quận Thốt Nốt, thành phố Cần Thơ.

Thới Thuận Loss of productive

land: 60,89% 15 000 000 Breeding cow

35 NGUYỄN THỊ NHIỄN Ấp Long Thạnh A, P. Long Thạnh, TX.

Tân Châu, T. An Giang Thới Thuận

Loss of productive land: 47,86%

10 000 000 Cultivation of ornamental


36 TRẦN THỊ BÉ KV Thới Hòa 2, phường Thới Thuận, quận Thốt Nốt, thành phố Cần Thơ.

Thới Thuận Loss of productive

land: 11,73% 8 000 000

Cultivation of ornamental flowers

37 NGUYỄN VĂN MẾT KV Thới Hòa 2, phường Thới Thuận, quận Thốt Nốt, thành phố Cần Thơ.

Thới Thuận Loss of productive

land: 12,98% 8 000 000

Cultivation of ornamental flowers

38 TRẦN THỊ NHI KV. Thới Bình, P. Thới Thuận, Q. Thốt

Nốt, TP. Cần Thơ. Thới Thuận

Loss of productive land: 85,48%

20 000 000 Cultivation of ornamental


39 HỘ NGUYỄN THỊ YẾN Số 1122, KV Thới Thạnh 1, P. Thới Thuận, Q. Thốt Nốt, TP. Cần Thơ.

Thới Thuận Relocated business 8 000 000 Cultivation of ornamental


40 HỘ: PHAN THÁI THỐC KV. Thới Thạnh 1, P. Thới Thuận, Q.

Thốt Nốt, TP. Cần Thơ. Thới Thuận

Loss of productive land: 42,4%

10 000 000 Cultivation of ornamental



P. Thới Thuận, Q. Thốt Nốt, TPCT. Thới Thuận Landless 8 000 000 Cultivation of ornamental



Ấp Vĩnh Long, xã Vĩnh Trinh, huyện Vĩnh Thạnh, thành phố Cần Thơ.

Vĩnh Trinh Loss of productive

land: 36,99% 10 000 000

Cultivation of ornamental flowers

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Name Address Commune/

ward Eligibility Support level

Income restoration activity chosen

43 ĐOÀN VĂN SANG 196, ấp Vĩnh Long, xã Vĩnh Trinh,

huyện Vĩnh Thạnh Vĩnh Trinh

Loss of productive land: 18,24%

8 000 000 Cultivation of ornamental


44 LÂM THỊ NGA Số 376, KV Thới Bình, phường Thới

Thuận, quận Thốt Nốt. Thới Thuận Landless 8 000 000 Raising pigs

45 NGUYỄN TRƯỜNG AN số 1166,KV Thới Hòa 2, phường Thới

Thuận, quận Thốt Nốt, thành phố Cần Thơ.

Thới Thuận Loss of productive

land: 30,24% 8 000 000 Raising pigs

46 NGÔ THỊ RÍT 1148, KV Thới Hòa 2, P. Thới Thuận, Q.

Thốt Nốt. Thới Thuận

Loss of productive land: 18,45%

8 000 000 Raising pigs

47 LƯƠNG HỒNG PHÁT Ấp Vĩnh Long, xã Vĩnh Trinh, huyện Vĩnh

Thạnh Vĩnh Trinh

Loss of productive land: 100%

20 000 000 Raising pigs

48 NGUYỄN HỒNG ĐÀO Ấp Vĩnh Lợi, xã Vĩnh Trinh, huyện Vĩnh

Thạnh, TP. Cần Thơ. Vĩnh Trinh

Loss of productive land: 72,79%

20 000 000 Raising pigs

49 HỘ NGUYỄN VĂN GÀN KV. Thới Thạnh 1, P. Thới Thuận, Q.

Thốt Nốt, TP. Cần Thơ. Thới Thuận

Loss of productive land: 30,2%

8 000 000 Raising chicken

50 NGUYỄN THỊ THE Ấp Vĩnh Long, xã Vĩnh Trinh, huyện

Vĩnh Thạnh Vĩnh Trinh

Loss of productive land: 11,94%

8 000 000 Guava cultivation

51 NGUYỄN VĂN EM Ấp Vĩnh Long, xã Vĩnh Trinh, huyện Vĩnh

Thạnh Vĩnh Trinh

Loss of productive land: 9,75%

8 000 000 Support for agriculture


52 LÊ THỊ BÊ Ấp Vĩnh Long, xã Vĩnh Trinh, huyện Vĩnh

Thạnh Vĩnh Trinh

Loss of productive land: 21%

8 000 000 High quality rice production

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Annex 2: List of Eligible HH who Choose Training

Name Address Commune/

ward Eligibility Support level

Income restoration activity chosen

1 PHAN THÁI NHÂN KV Thới Thạnh 1, phường Thới Thuận, Q.

Thốt Nốt, TP. Cần Thơ. Thới Thuận Landless 8 000 000 Driving car - License B2

2 CAO THỊ NĂM KV Thới Thạnh 1, phường Thới Thuận, Q.

Thốt Nốt, TP. Cần Thơ. Thới Thuận Landless 8 000 000 Driving car - License B2

3 HỘ CHÂU NGỌC THẢO 1250, KV. Thới Thạnh 1, P. Thới Thuận, Q.

Thốt Nốt, TP. Cần Thơ. Thới Thuận

Loss of productive land: 100%

20 000 000 Driving car - License B2

4 LÊ THỊ NHIỂN KV Thới Hòa 2, phường Thới Thuận, quận

Thốt Nốt, thành phố Cần Thơ. Thới Thuận

Loss of productive land: 100%

20 000 000 Driving car - License B2

5 LÊ TẤN TÀI KV Thới Hòa 2, phường Thới Thuận, quận

Thốt Nốt, thành phố Cần Thơ. Thới Thuận

Loss of productive land: 21%

8 000 000 Driving car - License B2

6 NGUYỄN THỊ MAI KV Thới Hòa 2, phường Thới Thuận, quận

Thốt Nốt, thành phố Cần Thơ. Thới Thuận Landless 8 000 000 Driving car - License B2

7 HUZNH HỬU SIÊU KV. Thới Bình, P. Thới Thuận, Q. Thốt Nốt,

TP. Cần Thơ. Thới Thuận

Loss of productive land: 87,37%

20 000 000 Driving car - License B2

8 TRẦN VĂN DŨNG 1391,Tổ 47, KV. Thới Thạnh 1, P. Thới

Thuận, Q. Thốt Nốt, TP. Cần Thơ. Thới Thuận

Loss of productive land: 100%

20 000 000 Driving car - License B2

9 TRƯƠNG THỊ LUYẾN KV Thới Thạnh 1, phường Thới Thuận,

quận Thốt Nốt, thành phố Cần Thơ. Thới Thuận

Loss of productive land: 11,93%

8 000 000 Driving car - License B2

10 NGUYỄN VĂN CHÍNH KV. Thới Bình, P. Thới Thuận, Q. Thốt Nốt,

TP. Cần Thơ. Thới Thuận

Loss of productive land: 19,95%

8 000 000 Driving car - License B2

11 PHẠM VĂN MINH 162, KV. Thới Bình, P. Thới Thuận, Q. Thốt

Nốt, TP. Cần Thơ. Thới Thuận

Loss of productive land: 38,7%

10 000 000 Driving car - License B2

12 NGUYỄN QUỐC TRUNG Số 1249, KV Thới Thạnh 1, phường Thới

Thuận, Q. Thốt Nốt, TP. Cần Thơ. Thới Thuận Landless 8 000 000 Driving car - License B2

13 LÊ HOÀI NGUYỄN KV Thới Thạnh 1, phường Thới Thuận, Q.

Thốt Nốt, TP. Cần Thơ. Thới Thuận Landless 8 000 000 Driving car - License B2

14 VÕ VĂN CẤP KV. Thới Bình, P. Thới Thuận, Q. Thốt Nốt,

TP. Cần Thơ. Thới Thuận

Loss of productive land: 100%

20 000 000 Driving car - License B2

15 NGUYỄN NGỌC TRAI KV. Thới Thạnh 1, P. Thới Thuận, Q. Thốt

Nốt, TP. Cần Thơ. Thới Thuận

Loss of productive land: 99,16%

20 000 000 Driving car - License B2

16 PHẠM THỊ LỆ THỦY KV Thới Hòa 2, phường Thới Thuận, quận

Thốt Nốt, thành phố Cần Thơ. Thới Thuận

Loss of productive land: 43,31%

10 000 000 Driving car - License B2

17 PHAN VĂN THÂM KV. Thới Thạnh 1, P. Thới Thuận, Q. Thốt Thới Thuận Loss of productive 10 000 000 Driving car - License B2

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Name Address Commune/

ward Eligibility Support level

Income restoration activity chosen

Nốt, TP. Cần Thơ. land: 47,39%


KV. Thới Thạnh 1, P. Thới Thuận, Q. Thốt Nốt, TP. Cần Thơ.

Thới Thuận Loss of productive

land: 100% + Relocated business

20 000 000 Driving car - License B2

19 NGUYỄN PHÚ NHUẬN KV. Thới Bình, P. Thới Thuận, Q. Thốt Nốt,

TP. Cần Thơ. Thới Thuận

Loss of productive land: 100% + poor

HH 22 000 000 Driving car - License C

20 NGUYỄN THỊ BẢY P. Thới Thuận, Q. Thốt Nốt, TPCT. Thới Thuận Loss of productive

land: 12,5% 8 000 000 Driving car - License C

21 TRẦN VĂN TOÀN KV Thới Bình, P. Thới Thuận, Q. Thốt Nốt,

TPCT Thới Thuận

Landless. Relocated business

8 000 000 Driving car - License C

22 HỘ: NGUYỄN THANH BIÊN KV. Thới Thạnh 1, P. Thới Thuận, Q. Thốt

Nốt, TP. Cần Thơ. Thới Thuận

Loss of productive land: 100%

20 000 000 Driving car - License C

23 LÊ BẰNG PHI Ấp Vĩnh Long, xã Vĩnh Trinh, huyện Vĩnh

Thạnh, thành phố Cần Thơ. Vĩnh Trinh

Loss of productive land: 86,73%

20 000 000 Driving car - License B2

24 PHẠM THANH TÙNG Ấp Vĩnh Long, xã Vĩnh Trinh, huyện Vĩnh

Thạnh Vĩnh Trinh

Loss of productive land: 22,87%

8 000 000 Driving car - License B2

25 PHAN KIẾN ĐỨC KV Thới Hòa 2, phường Thới Thuận, quận

Thốt Nốt, thành phố Cần Thơ. Thới Thuận

Loss of productive land: 53,92%

15 000 000 Driving car - License B2

26 ĐỖ VĂN MINH Ấp Vĩnh Long, xã Vĩnh Trinh, huyện Vĩnh

Thạnh, thành phố Cần Thơ. Vĩnh Trinh

Loss of productive land: 38,52%

10 000 000 Driving car - License C

27 ĐOÀN CHÍ LINH ấp Vĩnh Long, xã Vĩnh Trinh, huyện Vĩnh

Thạnh Vĩnh Trinh

Loss of productive land: 16,76%

8 000 000 Driving car - License C

28 NGUYÊN VĂN CHÂU KV Thới Thạnh 1, P. Thới Thuận, Q. Thốt

Nốt, TPCT. Thới Thuận Landless 8 000 000 Body care

29 NGUYỄN THANH SƠN KV Thới Thạnh 1, phường Thới Thuận, Q.

Thốt Nốt, TP. Cần Thơ. Thới Thuận Landless 8 000 000 Body care

30 TRẦN THANH TRÍ 1174, KV Thới Hòa 2, phường Thới Thuận,

quận Thốt Nốt, thành phố Cần Thơ. Thới Thuận

Loss of productive land: 56,12%

15 000 000 Body care

31 HỘ TRẦN VĂN CHÍNH KV. Thới Thạnh 1, P. Thới Thuận, Q. Thốt

Nốt, TP. Cần Thơ. Thới Thuận

Loss of productive land: 76,56%

20 000 000 Body care


1379, KV Thới Thạnh, P. Thới Thuận, Q. Thốt Nốt, TPCT.

Thới Thuận Loss of productive

land: 67,38% 15 000 000 Body care

33 NGUYỄN VĂN TƯ Huyện Tân phú, tỉnh Đồng Nai. Thới Thuận Relocated business 8 000 000 Body care

34 LÊ THANH TÙNG KV Thới Hòa 1, phường Thới Thuận, quận

Thốt Nốt, thành phố Cần Thơ. Thới Thuận Landless 8 000 000 Body care

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Name Address Commune/

ward Eligibility Support level

Income restoration activity chosen

35 TRẦN VĂN DU Ấp Vĩnh Long, xã Vĩnh Trinh, huyện Vĩnh

Thạnh, thành phố Cần Thơ. Vĩnh Trinh

Loss of productive land: 13,31%

8 000 000 Body care

36 TRẦN CHÍ HIẾU 126 Ấp Vĩnh Long, xã Vĩnh Trinh, huyện

Vĩnh Thạnh Vĩnh Trinh Landless 8 000 000 Beauty salon

37 NGUYỄN THỊ TUYẾT LOAN KV Thới Hòa 2, phường Thới Thuận, quận

Thốt Nốt, thành phố Cần Thơ. Thới Thuận Landless 8 000 000

Industrial and domestic sewing.

38 VÕ THÀNH DƯƠNG KV Thới Thạnh 1, phường Thới Thuận, Q.

Thốt Nốt, TP. Cần Thơ. Thới Thuận

Landless. Relocated business.

8 000 000 Industrial and domestic


39 PHẠM NGỌC MƠ KV Thới Thạnh 1, P. Thới Thuận, Q. Thốt

Nốt, TPCT. Thới Thuận

Landless and close to poor

8 000 000 Industrial and domestic




Ấp Vĩnh Long, xã Vĩnh Trinh, huyện Vĩnh Thạnh, TP. Cần Thơ.

Vĩnh Trinh Loss of productive

land: 10,34% 8 000 000

Industrial and domestic sewing.

41 NGUYỄN NHỰT RI KV. Thới Bình, P. Thới Thuận, Q. Thốt Nốt,

TP. Cần Thơ. Thới Thuận

Loss of productive land: 56,35%

15 000 000 Masonry

42 HUZNH CÔNG BE KV. Thới Bình, P. Thới Thuận, Q. Thốt Nốt,

TP. Cần Thơ. Thới Thuận

Loss of productive land: 100%

20 000 000 Masonry

43 HUZNH CÔNG HIẾU 378 KV Thới Bình, P. Thới Thuận, Q. Thốt

Nốt, TPCT. Thới Thuận Landless 8 000 000 Masonry

44 NGUYỄN THỊ GÁI KV Thới Thạnh 1, P. Thới Thuận , Q. Thốt

Nốt, TPCT. Thới Thuận

Landless and close to poor

8 000 000 Equipment for masonry

45 NGUYỄN VĂN LIÊM Vĩnh Tiến , thị trấn Vĩnh Thạnh, huyện

Vĩnh Thạnh Vĩnh Trinh

Loss of productive land: 100%

20 000 000 Repair auto - opening


46 LÊ TRUNG TÍN Ấp Vĩnh Long, xã Vĩnh Trinh, huyện Vĩnh

Thạnh. Vĩnh Trinh

Landless. Relocated business

8 000 000 Repair autos and machine

47 NGUYỄN THANH DỰ KV Thới Hòa 2, phường Thới Thuận, quận

Thốt Nốt, thành phố Cần Thơ. Thới Thuận Landless 8 000 000 Support 1 motorbike

48 NGUYỄN VĂN KHÊ KV Thới Hòa 2, phường Thới Thuận, quận

Thốt Nốt, thành phố Cần Thơ. Thới Thuận Landless 8 000 000 Support 1 motorbike

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Annex 3: List of Eligible HH who Choose Small Business

Name Address Commune/

ward Eligibility Support level

Income restoration activity chosen

1 NGUYỄN NHỰT NHƠN KV. Thới Bình, P. Thới Thuận, Q. Thốt

Nốt, TP. Cần Thơ. Thới Thuận

Loss of productive land: 96,7%

20 000 000 Small business

2 NGUYỄN TRUNG DŨNG KV. Thới Bình, P. Thới Thuận, Q. Thốt

Nốt, TP. Cần Thơ. Thới Thuận

Loss of productive land: 11,6%

8 000 000 Small business

3 NGUYỄN THỊ THU HƯƠNG Tổ 47, KV Thới Thạnh 1, phường Thới

Thuận, Q. Thốt Nốt, TP. Cần Thơ. Thới Thuận Landless HH 8 000 000 Small business

4 NGUYỄN VĂN DŨNG Số 1401, KV Thới Thạnh 1, phường Thới

Thuận, Q. Thốt Nốt, TP. Cần Thơ. Thới Thuận Landless HH 8 000 000 Small business

5 NGUYỄN PHƯỚC HẢI KV Thới Hòa 2, phường Thới Thuận, quận

Thốt Nốt, thành phố Cần Thơ. Thới Thuận Landless HH 8 000 000 Small business

6 TRƯƠNG THỊ CHI KV Thới Hòa 2, phường Thới Thuận, quận

Thốt Nốt, thành phố Cần Thơ. Thới Thuận Landless HH 8 000 000 Small business

7 HUZNH LONG HẢI 379 KV Thới Bình, P. Thới Thuận, Q. Thốt

Nốt, TPCT. Thới Thuận Landless HH 8 000 000 Small business

8 HUZNH THỊ NGỌC NGA KV Thới Hòa 2, phường Thới Thuận, quận

Thốt Nốt, thành phố Cần Thơ. Thới Thuận

Loss of productive land: 40,06%

10 000 000 Small business

9 NGUYỄN THỊ ÚT Kv Thới Bình, Q. Thốt Nốt, TP CT Thới Thuận Loss of productive

land: 100% 20 000 000 Small business


KV. Thới Thạnh 1, P. Thới Thuận, Q. Thốt Nốt, TP. Cần Thơ.

Thới Thuận Loss of productive

land: 100% 20 000 000 Small business

11 NGUYỄN KINH LUÂN P. Thới Thuận, Q. Thốt Nốt, TPCT. Thới Thuận Landless HH 8 000 000 Small business

12 NGUYỄN VĂN HÙNG KV Thới Hòa 2, phường Thới Thuận, quận

Thốt Nốt, thành phố Cần Thơ. Thới Thuận

Loss of productive land: 11,71%

8 000 000 Small business

13 LÊ THỊ NĂM KV Thới Hòa 2, phường Thới Thuận, quận

Thốt Nốt, thành phố Cần Thơ. Thới Thuận Landless HH 8 000 000 Small business

14 HỘ NGUYỄN THỊ L[ Số 1248, KV Thới Thạnh 1, P. Thới Thuận,

Q. Thốt Nốt, TP. Cần Thơ. Thới Thuận

Loss of productive land: 100%

20 000 000 Small business

15 HỘ HUZNH THỊ HUỆ KV. Thới Thạnh 1, P. Thới Thuận, Q. Thốt

Nốt, TP. Cần Thơ. Thới Thuận

Loss of productive land: 100%

20 000 000 Small business

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Name Address Commune/

ward Eligibility Support level

Income restoration activity chosen

16 NGUYỄN QUỐC THÁI Tổ 42, KV Thới Thạnh 1, phường Thới

Thuận, Q. Thốt Nốt, TP. Cần Thơ. Thới Thuận Landless HH 8 000 000 Small business

17 TRƯƠNG THỊ THANH KV Thới Hòa 2, phường Thới Thuận, quận

Thốt Nốt, thành phố Cần Thơ. Thới Thuận

Landless HH, Woman Head of HH

8 000 000 Small business

18 PHẠM VĂN HOÀNG 1484 KV Thới Thạnh 1, P. Thới Thuận, Q.

Thốt Nốt, TPCT. Thới Thuận

Landless HH and close to poor

8 000 000 Small business

19 CAO THỊ HOA P. Thới Thuận, Q. Thốt Nốt, TP. Cần Thơ. Thới Thuận Loss of productive

land: 100% +Relocated business

20 000 000 Small business

20 NGUYỄN THỊ MINH CHI KV Thới Bình, P. Thới Thuận, Q. Thốt Nốt,

TPCT Thới Thuận

Loss of productive land: 40,96%

10 000 000 Small business

21 LÊ THỊ BÃNH KV Thới Hòa 2, phường Thới Thuận, quận

Thốt Nốt, thành phố Cần Thơ. Thới Thuận

Loss of productive land: 90,56%

20 000 000 Small business

22 NGUYỄN THỊ HẠNH KV Thới Thạnh 1, P. Thới Thuận, Q. Thốt

Nốt, TPCT. Thới Thuận

Loss of productive land: 100%

20 000 000 Small business

23 ĐOÀN NGỌC ĐIỀM KV Thới Thạnh 1, P. Thới Thuận, Q. Thốt

Nốt, TPCT. Thới Thuận

Hộ mua bán kinh doanh

8 000 000 Small business

24 NGUYỄN THỊ DỠ KV Thới Thạnh 1, P. Thới Thuận, Q. Thốt

Nốt, TP. Cần Thơ. Thới Thuận

Landless HH and close to poor

8 000 000 Support to sell cakes

25 LƯƠNG HOÀNG NAM TƯỚC 119, Ấp Vĩnh Long, xã Vĩnh Trinh, huyện

Vĩnh Thạnh Vĩnh Trinh Landless HH 8 000 000 Small business


118, áp Vĩnh Long, xã Vĩnh Trinh, huyện Vĩnh Thạnh, TP. Cần Thơ.

Vĩnh Trinh Loss of productive

land: 23,05% 8 000 000 Small business

27 LÊ VĂN HÁT Ấp Vĩnh Long, xã Vĩnh Trinh, huyện Vĩnh

Thạnh. Vĩnh Trinh

Landless HH.Relocated business

8 000 000 Small business


180, Ấp Vĩnh Long, xã Vĩnh Trinh, huyện Thốt Nốt (cũ), thành phố Cần Thơ.

Vĩnh Trinh Loss of productive

land: 36,13% 10 000 000 Small business

29 NGUYỄN THỊ NHƯ NGỌC Ấp Vĩnh Long, xã Vĩnh Trinh, huyện Vĩnh

Thạnh. Vĩnh Trinh

Landless HH, phụ nữ đơn thân làm chủ hộ

8 000 000 Small business

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CMDCP Annex 3

Page 10 of 38

Name Address Commune/

ward Eligibility Support level

Income restoration activity chosen


Ấp Vĩnh Long, xã Vĩnh Trinh, huyện Vĩnh Thạnh.

Vĩnh Trinh Loss of productive

land: 49,8% 10 000 000 Small business

31 LÊ VĂN MƯỜI Ấp Vĩnh Long, xã Vĩnh Trinh, huyện Vĩnh

Thạnh. Vĩnh Trinh

Loss of productive land: 18,3%

8 000 000 Small business

32 PHẠM VĂN LẠC Ấp Vĩnh Long, xã Vĩnh Trinh, huyện Vĩnh

Thạnh. Vĩnh Trinh

Loss of productive land: 16,52%

8 000 000 Small business

33 VÕ ANH DUY Ấp Vĩnh Long, xã Vĩnh Trinh, huyện Vĩnh

Thạnh. Vĩnh Trinh

Loss of productive land: 34,74%

10 000 000 Small business

34 NGUYỄN HỒNG SƠN 122A hẻm 3, Trần Hưng Đạo, Mỹ Xuyên,

TP. Long Xuyên Vĩnh Trinh

Loss of productive land: 15,36%

8 000 000 Small business

35 LƯƠNG TRỌNG THÁI Ấp Vĩnh Long, xã Vĩnh Trinh, huyện Vĩnh

Thạnh. Vĩnh Trinh Landless HH 8 000 000 Lotery shop

36 TRẦN THỊ BÉ EM 127, áp Vĩnh Long, xã Vĩnh Trinh, huyện

Vĩnh Thạnh, TP. Cần Thơ. Vĩnh Trinh

Hộ mua bán kinh doanh

8 000 000 Support to sell fish

37 LƯƠNG BÁ TƯỚC 109, ấp Vĩnh Long, xã Vĩnh Trinh, huyện

Vĩnh Thạnh Vĩnh Trinh

Loss of productive land: 29,25%

8 000 000 Repair shop (electricity,


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CMDCP Annex 4

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Annex 4: List of Eligible HH who didn’tWant to Join the Program

Name Adress Location Eligibility Support amount Reason why HH didn’t want to join

1 HỘ: NGUYỄN VĂN TIẾN KV. Thới Thạnh 1, P. Thới Thuận, Q.

Thốt Nốt, TP. Cần Thơ. Thới Thuận

100% productive land affected

20 000 000 Not interested to join theprogram

2 HỒ THỊ TUYẾT HẠNH KV. Quy Thạnh 2, P. Trung Kiên, Q. Thốt

Nốt, TP. Cần Thơ. Thới Thuận

46,47% productive land affected

10 000 000 Not interested to join the program

3 PHÙNG NAM HƯNG KV. Thới Thạnh 1, P. Thới Thuận, Q.

Thốt Nốt, TP. Cần Thơ. Thới Thuận

61,53% productive land affected

15 000 000 Not interested to join the program

4 NGUYỄN MINH KIỆN KV. Thới Thạnh 2, P. Thới Thuận, Q.

Thốt Nốt, TP. Cần Thơ. Thới Thuận

89,63% productive land affected

20 000 000 Not interested to join the program

5 MAI THỊ XUÂN PHƯƠNG 1148, KV Thới Hòa 2, P. Thới Thuận, Q.

Thốt Nốt. Thới Thuận

100% productive land affected

20 000 000 Don’t need training

6 NGUYỄN THỊ DUYÊN KV. Thới Bình, P. Thới Thuận, Q. Thốt

Nốt, TP. Cần Thơ. Thới Thuận

24,63% productive land affected

8 000 000 Not interested to join the program

7 NGUYỄN VĂN MINH KV Thới Hòa 2, phường Thới Thuận, quận Thốt Nốt, thành phố Cần Thơ.

Thới Thuận 100% productive

land affected 20 000 000 Not interested to join the program

8 PHAN THẾ LỘC KV. Thới Bình, P. Thới Thuận, Q. Thốt

Nốt, TP. Cần Thơ. Thới Thuận

81,28% productive land affected

20 000 000 Want support for children

9 NGUYỄN VĂN SỬA KV Thới Thạnh 1, P. Thới Thuận, Q. Thốt

Nốt Thới Thuận

60,74% productive land affected

15 000 000 Not interested to join the program

10 NGUYỄN VĂN BIẾT KV Thới Thạnh 1, phường Thới Thuận,

Q. Thốt Nốt, TP. Cần Thơ. Thới Thuận Landless HH 8 000 000

Not interested to join the program

11 LÊ HOÀI THANH KV Thới Thạnh 1, phường Thới Thuận,

Q. Thốt Nốt, TP. Cần Thơ. Thới Thuận Landless HH 8 000 000

Not interested to join the program

12 PHẠM TẤN SĨ NGHĨA P. Thới Thuận, Q. Thốt Nốt, TPCT. Thới Thuận Landless HH 8 000 000 Not interested to join the program

13 PHẠM THỊ TUYẾT VÂN KV Thới Thạnh 1, P. Thới Thuận, Q. Thốt

Nốt, TP. Cần Thơ. Thới Thuận

Landless HH 8 000 000

Not interested to join the program

14 HUZNH THỊ KIM MÃNH 677/34 Bình Khánh 1, P Bình Khánh,

TPLX Thới Thuận

60,03% productive land affected

15 000 000 Family has stable source of income

15 NGUYỄN QUANG LUÂN KV Thới Thạnh 1, phường Thới Thuận,

quận Thốt Nốt, thành phố Cần Thơ. Thới Thuận

100% productive land affected

20 000 000 Not interested to join the program

16 HỘ NGUYỄN HỮU SƠ 636/42 KV Thới Thạnh 1, P. Thới Thuận,

Q. Thốt Nốt, TPCT. Thới Thuận

Cắt xén lớn hơn trên GCN

20 000 000 Not interested to join the program

17 HỘ: TRẦN THỊ KIM XUÂN KV. Thới Thạnh 1, P. Thới Thuận, Q.

Thốt Nốt, TP. Cần Thơ. Thới Thuận

41,6% productive land affected

10 000 000,0 No time to participate in IRP

18 NGUYỄN THỊ LỆ HÀ 204, Ấp Vĩnh Long, xã Vĩnh Trinh, huyện

Vĩnh Thạnh Vĩnh Trinh

42,56% productive land affected

10 000 000 Family don’t need agriculture training

19 TRẦN THỊ THU Ấp Vĩnh Long, xã Vĩnh Trinh, huyện Vĩnh Vĩnh Trinh Landless HH 8 000 000 Not interested to join the program

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CMDCP Annex 4

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Thạnh, thành phố Cần Thơ. Relocated business

20 LÊ BỬU VINH 56/4 Ấp Vĩnh Long, xã Vĩnh Trinh, huyện

Vĩnh Thạnh Vĩnh Trinh

11,69% productive land affected

8 000 000 Older children have stable jobs

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CMDCP Annex 5

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Annex 5: Photos Taken during Workshops

Participants to the Workshop in Thoi Thua ward Presentation of activities during workshop in Thoi

Thuan ward

Participants to the Workshop in Vinh Trinh Commune Participants are filling questionnaire in Vinh Trinh


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CMDCP Annex 6

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Annex 6: Template for Confirmation of the Households on the Support Received

Socialist Republic of Vietnam Independence - Freedom – Happiness

Central Mekong Delta Connectivity Project

I. Affected households:

Household name : _____________________________________

Address :________________________________________

Household I.D card:____________________________________

Family book No. (If available) __________________________________

II. Supporting items received


Items (Households clearly identify what kind of support he received)

Unit Quantity

1 Example: Ornamental plants (type of flower/plant) Pcs 400

2 Fertilizer SH9010-8 Huminrich Package (25 kg/package)



III. Confirmation

Date/Month/Year ……………………………….. Affected households (Sign & full name )

Confirmation of Working Group

Support given by (Sign & full name)

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CMDCP Annex 7

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Annex 7: Action Plan by Commune/Ward

Example: Training course for cow breeding/ raising in Vinh Trinh Commune


Duration for implementation

Trainers Place for training

Start/End Date for training

Output of activity

Training course for cow raising/breeding

3 days 1 expert of Working Group Agriculture Extension Centre)

Vinh Trinh Commune

12/6 – 14/6 Participants understand thefollowing information: (i) ... (ii) ..... (iii), (iv) .... Each household receives a summary document onraising/breeding cow (feeding, technical requirements) Each household received a document regarding common illnesses of cows...

Checking stables 2 days 3 members of Working Groups

Vinh Long Hamlet

14/6-15/6 Check the preparation of stables of xx households


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CMDCP Annex 8

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Annex 8: Detailed Costs for Agriculture Activities

Name Commune/

ward Support


Income restoration

activity chosen

Days of training

Additional Support (VND) TOTAL COSTS

Cost of training


Meals Allowance

Transport allowance

Total additional


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11=

(7+8+9+10)) 12= 4+11

1 NGUYỄN VĂN NHU Thới Thuận 15 000 000 Breeding cow 45 886 000 50 000 675 000 200 000 1 811 000 16 811 000

2 PHAN NGỌC TRINH Thới Thuận 15 000 000 Breeding cow 45 886 000 50 000 675 000 200 000 1 811 000 16 811 000

3 NGUYỄN THỊ LIẾN Thới Thuận 20 000 000 Breeding cow 45 886 000 100 000 675 000 200 000 1 861 000 21 861 000

4 NGUYỄN VĂN BO Thới Thuận 10 000 000 Breeding cow 45 886 000 50 000 675 000 200 000 1 811 000 11 811 000

5 NGUYỄN VĂN NHÀN Thới Thuận 8 000 000 Breeding cow 45 886 000 50 000 675 000 200 000 1 811 000 9 811 000

6 NGUYỄN VĂN TRIỆU Thới Thuận 9 000 000 Breeding cow 45 886 000 50 000 675 000 200 000 1 811 000 9 811 000

7 HỘ: TRẦN VĂN KHÁNG Thới Thuận 15 000 000 Breeding cow 45 886 000 50 000 675 000 200 000 1 811 000 16 811 000

8 PHẠM VĂN HẬU Thới Thuận 8 000 000 Breeding cow 45 886 000 50 000 675 000 200 000 1 811 000 9 811 000


Thới Thuận 10 000 000 Breeding cow 45 886 000 50 000 675 000 200 000 1 811 000 11 811 000

10 NGUYỄN THANH PHIM Thới Thuận 8 000 000 Breeding cow 45 886 000 50 000 675 000 200 000 1 811 000 9 811 000

11 HỘ NGUYỄN VĂN BẢY Thới Thuận 15 000 000 Breeding cow 45 886 000 50 000 675 000 200 000 1 811 000 16 811 000


Thới Thuận 15 000 000 Breeding cow 45 886 000 50 000 675 000 200 000 1 811 000 16 811 000

13 HỘ NGUYỄN VĂN HUẾ Thới Thuận 15 000 000 Breeding cow 45 886 000 50 000 675 000 200 000 1 811 000 16 811 000

14 HỘ: NGUYỄN VĂN VÂN Thới Thuận 8 000 000 Breeding cow 45 886 000 50 000 675 000 200 000 1 811 000 9 811 000

15 NGUYỄN VĂN ĐƯỢC Thới Thuận 8 000 000 Breeding cow 45 886 000 50 000 675 000 200 000 1 811 000 9 811 000

16 NGÔ THỊ THUẦN Thới Thuận 10 000 000 Breeding cow 45 886 000 50 000 675 000 200 000 1 811 000 11 811 000


Thới Thuận 10 000 000 Breeding cow 45 886 000 50 000 675 000 200 000 1 811 000 11 811 000

18 HỘ: NGUYỄN VĂN TRẠNG Thới Thuận 8 000 000 Breeding cow 45 886 000 50 000 675 000 200 000 1 811 000 9 811 000

19 NGUYỄN VĂN LẸ Thới Thuận 8 000 000 Breeding cow 45 886 000 50 000 675 000 200 000 1 811 000 9 811 000

20 NGUYỄN VĂN CHÂU Thới Thuận 20 000 000 Breeding cow 45 886 000 100 000 675 000 200 000 1 861 000 21 861 000

21 DƯƠNG THỊ DUYÊN Thới Thuận 20 000 000 Breeding cow 45 886 000 50 000 675 000 200 000 1 811 000 21 811 000

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CMDCP Annex 8

Page 17 of 38

Name Commune/

ward Support


Income restoration

activity chosen

Days of training

Additional Support (VND) TOTAL COSTS

Cost of training


Meals Allowance

Transport allowance

Total additional


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11=

(7+8+9+10)) 12= 4+11


Thới Thuận 20 000 000 Breeding cow 45 886 000 100 000 675 000 200 000 1 861 000 21 861 000

23 MAI THỊ THỦY Vĩnh Trinh 8 000 000 Breeding cow 45 886 000 50 000 675 000 200 000 1 811 000 9 811 000


Vĩnh Trinh 20 000 000 Breeding cow 45 886 000 50 000 675 000 200 000 1 811 000 21 811 000

25 TẠ THỊ TƯỞNG Vĩnh Trinh 20 000 000 Breeding cow 45 886 000 50 000 675 000 200 000 1 811 000 21 811 000

26 TRẦN VĂN THANH Vĩnh Trinh 8 000 000 Breeding cow 45 886 000 50 000 675 000 200 000 1 811 000 9 811 000

27 TRƯƠNG KIM PHƯỢNG Vĩnh Trinh 10 000 000 Breeding cow 45 886 000 50 000 675 000 200 000 1 811 000 11 811 000

28 TRƯƠNG NHỰT SƠN Vĩnh Trinh 20 000 000 Breeding cow 45 886 000 100 000 675 000 200 000 1 861 000 21 861 000


Vĩnh Trinh 8 000 000 Breeding cow 45 886 000 50 000 675 000 200 000 1 811 000 9 811 000


Vĩnh Trinh 10 000 000 Breeding cow 45 886 000 50 000 675 000 200 000 1 811 000 11 811 000

31 NGUYÊN VĂN PHƯỚC Vĩnh Trinh 20 000 000 Breeding cow 45 886 000 50 000 675 000 200 000 1 811 000 21 811 000

32 LƯƠNG VĂN TÁM Vĩnh Trinh 8 000 000 Breeding cow 45 886 000 50 000 675 000 200 000 1 811 000 9 811 000

33 LÊ VĂN QUANG Vĩnh Trinh 10 000 000 Breeding cow 45 886 000 50 000 675 000 200 000 1 811 000 11 811 000

34 PHẠM VĂN RI Thới Thuận 15 000 000 Breeding cow 45 886 000 50 000 675 000 200 000 1 811 000 16 811 000

35 NGUYỄN THỊ NHIỄN Thới Thuận 10 000 000 Ornamental

flowers 45 886 000 - 675 000 200 000 1 761 000 11 761 000

36 TRẦN THỊ BÉ Thới Thuận 8 000 000 Ornamental

flowers 45 886 000 - 675 000 200 000 1 761 000 9 761 000

37 NGUYỄN VĂN MẾT Thới Thuận 8 000 000 Ornamental

flowers 45 886 000 - 675 000 200 000 1 761 000 9 761 000

38 TRẦN THỊ NHI Thới Thuận 20 000 000 Ornamental

flowers 45 886 000 - 675 000 200 000 1 761 000 21 761 000

39 HỘ NGUYỄN THỊ YẾN Thới Thuận 8 000 000 Ornamental

flowers 45 886 000 - 675 000 200 000 1 761 000 9 761 000

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CMDCP Annex 8

Page 18 of 38

Name Commune/

ward Support


Income restoration

activity chosen

Days of training

Additional Support (VND) TOTAL COSTS

Cost of training


Meals Allowance

Transport allowance

Total additional


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11=

(7+8+9+10)) 12= 4+11

40 HỘ: PHAN THÁI THỐC Thới Thuận 10 000 000 Ornamental

flowers 45 886 000 - 675 000 200 000 1 761 000 11 761 000


Thới Thuận 8 000 000 Ornamental

flowers 45 886 000 - 675 000 200 000 1 761 000 9 761 000


Vĩnh Trinh 10 000 000 Ornamental

flowers 45 886 000 - 675 000 200 000 1 761 000 11 761 000

43 ĐOÀN VĂN SANG Vĩnh Trinh 8 000 000 Ornamental

flowers 45 886 000 - 675 000 200 000 1 761 000 9 761 000

44 LÂM THỊ NGA Thới Thuận 8 000 000 Raising pigs 45 886 000 100 000 675 000 200 000 1 861 000 9 861 000

45 NGUYỄN TRƯỜNG AN Thới Thuận 8 000 000 Raising pigs 45 886 000 200 000 675 000 200 000 1 961 000 9 961 000

46 NGÔ THỊ RÍT Thới Thuận 8 000 000 Raising pigs 45 886 000 150 000 675 000 200 000 1 911 000 9 911 000

47 LƯƠNG HỒNG PHÁT Vĩnh Trinh 20 000 000 Raising pigs 45 886 000 300 000 675 000 200 000 2 061 000 22 061 000

48 NGUYỄN HỒNG ĐÀO Vĩnh Trinh 20 000 000 Raising pigs 45 886 000 300 000 675 000 200 000 2 061 000 22 061 000

49 HỘ NGUYỄN VĂN GÀN Thới Thuận 8 000 000 Raising chicken 45 886 000 675 000 200 000 2 761 000 10 761 000

50 NGUYỄN THỊ THE Vĩnh Trinh 8 000 000 Guava

cultivation 45 886 000 - 675 000 200 000 1 761 000 9 761 000

51 NGUYỄN VĂN EM Vĩnh Trinh 8 000 000 Support for agriculture production

0,00 - - - - - 8 000 000

52 LÊ THỊ BÊ Vĩnh Trinh 8 000 000 High quality rice

production 0,00 - - - - - 8 000 000

TOTAL - 709 000 000

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CMDCP Annex 9

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Annex 9: Detailed Costs for Vocational Training


Commune/ ward

Support level

Income restoration activity chosen

Cost for training

Days of training

Additional Support TOTAL COSTS

Meals Allowance

Transport allowance

Total additional

support 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10=(8+9)) 11=(4+10) 1 PHAN THÁI NHÂN Thới Thuận 8 000 000 Driving car - License B2 7 750 000 90 1 350 000 200 000 1 550 000 9 550 000 2 CAO THỊ NĂM Thới Thuận 8 000 000 Driving car - License B2 7 750 000 90 1 350 000 200 000 1 550 000 9 550 000

3 HỘ CHÂU NGỌC THẢO Thới Thuận 20 000 000 Driving car - License B2 7 750 000 90 1 350 000 200 000 1 550 000 21 550 000

4 LÊ THỊ NHIỂN Thới Thuận 20 000 000 Driving car - License B2 7 750 000 90 1 350 000 200 000 1 550 000 21 550 000 5 LÊ TẤN TÀI Thới Thuận 8 000 000 Driving car - License B2 7 750 000 90 1 350 000 200 000 1 550 000 9 550 000 6 NGUYỄN THỊ MAI Thới Thuận 8 000 000 Driving car - License B2 7 750 000 90 1 350 000 200 000 1 550 000 9 550 000 7 HUZNH HỬU SIÊU Thới Thuận 20 000 000 Driving car - License B2 7 750 000 90 1 350 000 200 000 1 550 000 21 550 000 8 TRẦN VĂN DŨNG Thới Thuận 20 000 000 Driving car - License B2 7 750 000 90 1 350 000 200 000 1 550 000 21 550 000 9 TRƯƠNG THỊ LUYẾN Thới Thuận 8 000 000 Driving car - License B2 7 750 000 90 1 350 000 200 000 1 550 000 9 550 000

10 NGUYỄN VĂN CHÍNH Thới Thuận 8 000 000 Driving car - License B2 7 750 000 90 1 350 000 200 000 1 550 000 9 550 000 11 PHẠM VĂN MINH Thới Thuận 10 000 000 Driving car - License B2 7 750 000 90 1 350 000 200 000 1 550 000 11 550 000 12 NGUYỄN QUỐC TRUNG Thới Thuận 8 000 000 Driving car - License B2 7 750 000 90 1 350 000 200 000 1 550 000 9 550 000 13 LÊ HOÀI NGUYỄN Thới Thuận 8 000 000 Driving car - License B2 7 750 000 90 1 350 000 200 000 1 550 000 9 550 000 14 VÕ VĂN CẤP Thới Thuận 20 000 000 Driving car - License B2 7 750 000 90 1 350 000 200 000 1 550 000 21 550 000 15 NGUYỄN NGỌC TRAI Thới Thuận 20 000 000 Driving car - License B2 7 750 000 90 1 350 000 200 000 1 550 000 21 550 000 16 PHẠM THỊ LỆ THỦY Thới Thuận 10 000 000 Driving car - License B2 7 750 000 90 1 350 000 200 000 1 550 000 11 550 000 17 PHAN VĂN THÂM Thới Thuận 10 000 000 Driving car - License B2 7 750 000 90 1 350 000 200 000 1 550 000 11 550 000


Thới Thuận 20 000 000 Driving car - License B2 7 750 000

90 1 350 000 200 000 1 550 000 21 550 000

19 NGUYỄN PHÚ NHUẬN Thới Thuận 22 000 000 Driving car - License C 9 800 000 135 2 025 000 200 000 2 225 000 24 225 000 20 NGUYỄN THỊ BẢY Thới Thuận 8 000 000 Driving car - License C 9 800 000 135 2 025 000 200 000 2 225 000 10 225 000 21 TRẦN VĂN TOÀN Thới Thuận 8 000 000 Driving car - License C 9 800 000 135 2 025 000 200 000 2 225 000 10 225 000 22 NGUYỄN THANH BIÊN Thới Thuận 20 000 000 Driving car - License C 9 800 000 135 2 025 000 200 000 2 225 000 22 225 000 23 LÊ BẰNG PHI Vĩnh Trinh 20 000 000 Driving car - License B2 7 750 000 90 1 350 000 200 000 1 550 000 21 550 000 24 PHẠM THANH TÙNG Vĩnh Trinh 8 000 000 Driving car - License B2 7 750 000 90 1 350 000 200 000 1 550 000 9 550 000 25 PHAN KIẾN ĐỨC Thới Thuận 15 000 000 Driving car - License B2 7 750 000 90 1 350 000 200 000 1 550 000 16 550 000 26 ĐỖ VĂN MINH Vĩnh Trinh 10 000 000 Driving car - License C 9 800 000 135 2 025 000 200 000 2 225 000 12 225 000

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CMDCP Annex 9

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Commune/ ward

Support level

Income restoration activity chosen

Cost for training

Days of training

Additional Support TOTAL COSTS

Meals Allowance

Transport allowance

Total additional

support 27 ĐOÀN CHÍ LINH Vĩnh Trinh 8 000 000 Driving car - License C 9 800 000 135 2 025 000 200 000 2 225 000 10 225 000 28 NGUYÊN VĂN CHÂU Thới Thuận 8 000 000 Body care 3 820 000 165 2 475 000 200 000 2 675 000 10 675 000 29 NGUYỄN THANH SƠN Thới Thuận 8 000 000 Body care 3 820 000 165 2 475 000 200 000 2 675 000 10 675 000 30 TRẦN THANH TRÍ Thới Thuận 15 000 000 Body care 3 820 000 165 2 475 000 200 000 2 675 000 17 675 000 31 HỘ TRẦN VĂN CHÍNH Thới Thuận 20 000 000 Body care 3 820 000 165 2 475 000 200 000 2 675 000 22 675 000


Thới Thuận 15 000 000 Body care 3 820 000

165 2 475 000 200 000 2 675 000 17 675 000

33 NGUYỄN VĂN TƯ Thới Thuận 8 000 000 Body care 3 820 000 165 2 475 000 200 000 2 675 000 10 675 000 34 LÊ THANH TÙNG Thới Thuận 8 000 000 Body care 3 820 000 165 2 475 000 200 000 2 675 000 10 675 000 35 TRẦN VĂN DU Vĩnh Trinh 8 000 000 Body care 3 820 000 165 2 475 000 200 000 2 675 000 10 675 000 36 TRẦN CHÍ HIẾU Vĩnh Trinh 8 000 000 Beauty salon - - - - - 8 000 000


Thới Thuận 8 000 000 Industrial and domestic

sewing. 2 493 000

150 2 250 000 200 000 2 450 000 10 450 000

38 VÕ THÀNH DƯƠNG Thới Thuận 8 000 000 Industrial and domestic


2 493 000 150 2 250 000 200 000 2 450 000 10 450 000

39 PHẠM NGỌC MƠ Thới Thuận 8 000 000 Industrial and domestic

sewing. 2 493 000

150 2 250 000 200 000 2 450 000 10 450 000



Vĩnh Trinh 8 000 000 Industrial and domestic


2 493 000

150 2 250 000 200 000 2 450 000 10 450 000

41 NGUYỄN NHỰT RI Thới Thuận 15 000 000 Masonry 1 484 000 90 1 350 000 200 000 1 550 000 16 550 000 42 HUZNH CÔNG BE Thới Thuận 20 000 000 Masonry 1 484 000 90 1 350 000 200 000 1 550 000 21 550 000 43 HUZNH CÔNG HIẾU Thới Thuận 8 000 000 Masonry 1 484 000 90 1 350 000 200 000 1 550 000 9 550 000 44 NGUYỄN THỊ GÁI Thới Thuận 8 000 000 Yêu cầu hộ trợ máy trộn - - - - - 8 000 000 45 NGUYỄN VĂN LIÊM Vĩnh Trinh 20 000 000 Repair auto - - - - - 20 000 000 46 LÊ TRUNG TÍN Vĩnh Trinh 8 000 000 Repair autos & machine - - - - - 8 000 000 47 NGUYỄN THANH DỰ Thới Thuận 8 000 000 Yêu cầu hộ trợ 01 chiếc - - - - - 8 000 000 48 NGUYỄN VĂN KHÊ Thới Thuận 8 000 000 Yêu cầu hộ trợ 01 chiếc - - - - - 8 000 000

659 750 000

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Annex 10: Detailed Costs for Small Business

Name Commune/

ward Support level

Type of small business

Cost of training

Days of training

Additional Support (VND)


allowance Transport Allowance

Total Additional Support

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10=(8+9) 11= (4+6+10) 1 NGUYỄN NHỰT NHƠN Thới Thuận 20 000 000 Small business 886 000 20 300 000 200 000 500 000 21 386 000 2 NGUYỄN TRUNG DŨNG Thới Thuận 8 000 000 Small business 886 000 20 300 000 200 000 500 000 9 386 000


Thới Thuận 8 000 000 Small business 886 000 20 300 000 200 000 500 000 9 386 000

4 NGUYỄN VĂN DŨNG Thới Thuận 8 000 000 Small business 886 000 20 300 000 200 000 500 000 9 386 000 5 NGUYỄN PHƯỚC HẢI Thới Thuận 8 000 000 Small business 886 000 20 300 000 200 000 500 000 9 386 000 6 TRƯƠNG THỊ CHI Thới Thuận 8 000 000 Small business 886 000 20 300 000 200 000 500 000 9 386 000 7 HUZNH LONG HẢI Thới Thuận 8 000 000 Small business 886 000 20 300 000 200 000 500 000 9 386 000 8 HUZNH THỊ NGỌC NGA Thới Thuận 10 000 000 Small business 886 000 20 300 000 200 000 500 000 11 386 000 9 NGUYỄN THỊ ÚT Thới Thuận 20 000 000 Small business 886 000 20 300 000 200 000 500 000 21 386 000


Thới Thuận 20 000 000 Small business 886 000 20 300 000 200 000 500 000 21 386 000

11 NGUYỄN KINH LUÂN Thới Thuận 8 000 000 Small business 886 000 20 300 000 200 000 500 000 9 386 000 12 NGUYỄN VĂN HÙNG Thới Thuận 8 000 000 Small business 886 000 20 300 000 200 000 500 000 9 386 000 13 LÊ THỊ NĂM Thới Thuận 8 000 000 Small business 886 000 20 300 000 200 000 500 000 9 386 000 14 HỘ NGUYỄN THỊ L[ Thới Thuận 20 000 000 Small business 886 000 20 300 000 200 000 500 000 21 386 000 15 HỘ HUZNH THỊ HUỆ Thới Thuận 20 000 000 Small business 886 000 20 300 000 200 000 500 000 21 386 000 16 NGUYỄN QUỐC THÁI Thới Thuận 8 000 000 Small business 886 000 20 300 000 200 000 500 000 9 386 000 17 TRƯƠNG THỊ THANH Thới Thuận 8 000 000 Small business 886 000 20 300 000 200 000 500 000 9 386 000 18 PHẠM VĂN HOÀNG Thới Thuận 8 000 000 Small business 886 000 20 300 000 200 000 500 000 9 386 000 19 CAO THỊ HOA Thới Thuận 20 000 000 Small business 886 000 20 300 000 200 000 500 000 21 386 000

20 NGUYỄN THỊ MINH CHI Thới Thuận 10 000 000 Small business 886 000 20 300 000 200 000 500 000 11 386

000 21 LÊ THỊ BÃNH Thới Thuận 20 000 000 Small business 886 000 20 300 000 200 000 500 000 21 386 000 22 NGUYỄN THỊ HẠNH Thới Thuận 20 000 000 Small business 886 000 20 300 000 200 000 500 000 21 386 000 23 ĐOÀN NGỌC ĐIỀM Thới Thuận 8 000 000 Small business 886 000 20 300 000 200 000 500 000 9 386 000 24 NGUYỄN THỊ DỠ Thới Thuận 8 000 000 Selling cakes 886 000 - - - - 8 886 000

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Name Commune/

ward Support level

Type of small business

Cost of training

Days of training

Additional Support (VND)


allowance Transport Allowance

Total Additional Support


Vĩnh Trinh 8 000 000 Small business 886 000 20 300 000 200 000 500 000 9 386 000


Vĩnh Trinh 8 000 000 Small business 886 000 20 300 000 200 000 500 000 9 386 000

27 LÊ VĂN HÁT Vĩnh Trinh 8 000 000 Small business 886 000 20 300 000 200 000 500 000 9 386 000


Vĩnh Trinh 10 000 000 Small business 886 000 20 300 000 200 000 500 000 11 386 000


Vĩnh Trinh 8 000 000 Small business 886 000 20 300 000 200 000 500 000 9 386 000


Vĩnh Trinh 10 000 000 Small business 886 000 20 300 000 200 000 500 000 11 386 000

31 LÊ VĂN MƯỜI Vĩnh Trinh 8 000 000 Small business 886 000 20 300 000 200 000 500 000 9 386 000 32 PHẠM VĂN LẠC Vĩnh Trinh 8 000 000 Small business 886 000 20 300 000 200 000 500 000 9 386 000 33 VÕ ANH DUY Vĩnh Trinh 10 000 000 Small business 886 000 20 300 000 200 000 500 000 11 386 000 34 NGUYỄN HỒNG SƠN Vĩnh Trinh 8 000 000 Small business 886 000 20 300 000 200 000 500 000 9 386 000 35 LƯƠNG TRỌNG THÁI Vĩnh Trinh 8 000 000 Lotery shop 886 000 - - - - 8 886 000 36 TRẦN THỊ BÉ EM Vĩnh Trinh 8 000 000 Capital 886 000 - - - - 8 886 000

37 LƯƠNG BÁ TƯỚC Vĩnh Trinh 8 000 000 Repair shop

(electricity, water) 886 000 - - - - 8 886 000

451 282 000

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Annex 11: Costs for Staff Involved in IRP

No. Full Name Agency













Per diem











No. of





I. Cost estimate (for working group on agriculture) 171,078,648

1 Nguyễn Hiền Trung Can Tho City

AEC 6.54 1,150,000 0.2 1,504,200 450,000 - 1,954,200 24 46,900,800 Part time

2 Huznh Anh Tuấn Thot Not

AEC 5.58 1,150,000 0.2 1,283,032 450,000 - 1,733,032 24 41,592,768 Part time

3 Trần Văn Trắt Vinh Thanh

AEC 5.28 1,150,000 0.2 1,214,400 450,000 - 1,664,400 24 39,945,600 Part time

4 Phan Phước Sang

Thoi Thuan

Ward Farmer


1.9615 1 150 000 0,2 451,145 450,000 - 901,145 24 21,627,480 Part time

5 Nguyễn Văn Tươi Vinh Trinh

FU 1.85 1,150,000 0.2 425,500 450,000 - 875,500 24 21,012,000 Part time

II. Cost Estimate (for working groups: training Vocation and small business) 90,764,064

1 Trần Quang Khải DOLISA 5.4282 1,150,000 0.2 1,248,486 450,000 - 1,698,486 24 40,763,664 Part time

2 Lê Thanh Nghị

Thot Not




2.67 1,150,000 0.15 460,575 450,000 - 910,575 24 21,853,800 Part time

3 Lê Thị Bạch Tuyết

Vinh Thanh




4.19 1,150,000 0.15 722,775 450,000 - 1,172,775 24 28,146,600 Part time

III. Cost estimate (for Women's Union) 43,743,480

1 Lưu Thị Hoa Thoi Thuan

WU 2.1615 1,150,000 0.2 497,145 450,000 - 947,145 24 22,731,480 Part time

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No. Full Name Agency













Per diem











No. of





2 Trần Thị Thơi Vinh Trinh

WU 1.85 1,150,000 0.2 425,500 450,000 - 875,500 24 21,012,000 Part time

IV. Cost Estimate (for CoLFD of Can Tho city ) 630,229,320

1 Hồ Văn Mẫn CoLFD of Can

Tho city 5.9282 1,150,000 0.5 3,408,715 1,650,000 - 5,058,715 24 121,409,160 Part time

2 Nguyen Thi Thanh Van CoLFD of Can Tho city

2,67 1,150,000 0.4 1,228,200 1,650,000 - 2,878,200 24 69,076,800 Part time

3 Nguyen Huu Phuc CoLFD of Can Tho city

5,38 1,150,000 0.4 2,474,800 1,650,000 - 4,124,800 24 98,995,200 Part time

4 Phan Thanh Tung

CoLFD of Can Tho city 2.34 1,150,000 2 5,382,000 980,000 736,920 7,098,920 24 170,374,080 Full time

5 Lê Tuấn Vũ

SC of IRP Mobilized during 2 yeras

2.34 1,150,000 2 5,382,000 980,000 736,920 7,098,920 24 170,375,080 Full time

V. Allowance for Steering Committee (VND) 30,000,000


Đào Anh Dũng - Vice-

Chairman of People’s

Committee of Can Tho


500,000 10 5,000,000


Nguyễn Hữu Thắng -

Vice-chairman of

People’s Committee of

Thot Not District

500,000 10 5,000,000


Trần Ngọc Hải - Vice-

chairman of People’s

Committee of Vinh

Thanh District

500,000 10 5,000,000

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No. Full Name Agency













Per diem











No. of






Nguyễn Anh Thùy -

Vice-Director of

Department of

Agriculture and Rural


500,000 10 5,000,000

5 Châu Hồng Thái -

DOLISA 500,000 10 5,000,000


Võ Kim Thoa - Vice

Chairwomen of

Women’s Union of Can

Tho City

500,000 10 5,000,000

VI Allowance for hamlet staffs ( including: Women’s Union of hamlet, hamlet staffs, hamlet heads… participation ) 15,000,000

50,000 đ/



Contingencies 40,000,000

Total 1,020,815,512

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Sub-Total Summary of Implementation

items VND USD

WG for Agriculture 171 078 648 8 019

WG for Training & Small business 90 764 064 4 254

Women’s Union 43 743 780 2 050

CLFD 630 229 320 29 540

Allowances for Steering Committee 30 000 000 1 406

Other Allowances (including WU at village level) 15 000 000 703

Contingencies 40 000 000 1 875

Sub-Total Salary & Allowances 1 020 815 512 47 847

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Annex 12: Expenses for IRP Operation



1. Field visit to cow farming models in Tra Vinh, Ben Tre 10,800,000 Legal basis

1 Rental for 14-seat car: 3,000,000 VND x 01 car 3,000,000 Reference to market price and payment based on

actual expenditure

2 Rental for 29-seat car: 4,000,000 VND x 01 car 4,000,000 Reference to market price and payment based on

actual expenditure

3 Meal: 100,000 VND x 38 people 3,800,000 Circular 219/2009/TT-BTC

2. Survey to identify price of cows 13,800,000

1 Rental for 7-seat car: 2,000,000 VND x 4 days 8,000,000

Reference to market price and payment based on

actual expenditure

2 Meal: 100,000 VND x 4 people x 4 days 1,600,000 Circular 219/2009/TT-BTC

3 Hotel: 350,000 VND x 3 nights x 4 rooms 4,200,000 Circular 97/2010/TT-BTC

3. Organize AHHs to go Places in order to choice cow 18,400,000

1 Rental for 29-seat car: 4,000,000 VND x 01 car 4,000,000 Reference to market price and payment based on

actual expenditure

2 Rental for 14-seat car: 3,000,000 VND x 01 car 3,000,000 Reference to market price and payment based on

actual expenditure

3 Meal: 100,000 VND x 38 people 3,800,000 Circular 219/2009/TT-BTC

4 Rental car for cow transport cows to Thot Not: 200,000 VND x 38 cows 7,600,000 Reference to market price and payment based on

actual expenditure

4. Organization to hand-over cows to AHHs 2,130,000

1 Rental meeting hall: 1,000,000 VND x 01 day 1,000,000

Provisional sum - payment based on actual


2 Banner: 250,000 VND x 01 banner 250,000

Provisional sum - payment based on actual


3 Drinking water: 20,000 VND x 44 people x 01 day 880,000 Circular 219/2009/TT-BTC

Sum 45,130,000

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Description Quantity Unit price(VND) Unit Amount (VND) Legal basis

1 Laser printer canon 2900 1 2,990,000 item 2,990,000 Price Quotation

2 Laptop Lenovo G5070 5420G50G 2 12,490,000 item 12,490,000 Price Quotation

3 Telephone Panasonic KX TG1102

Fax Panasonic KX-FP 701 1 2,490,000 item 2,490,000 Price Quotation

4 Electric fan Asia D16009 1 1,400,000 item 1,400,000 Price Quotation

5 Wall/ceiling fan Lifan TE1689 1 519,000 item 519,000 Price Quotation

6 Refrigerator Fanasomic Mini 1 4,090,000 item 4,090,000 Price Quotation

9 Meeting table 1,2m x 2,4m 1 1,980,000 item 1,980,000 Price Quotation

10 Foldable chair GG04 12 374,000 item 4,488,000 Price Quotation

11 Desk 1,4m x 0,7m 2 1,485,000 item 2,970,000 Price Quotation

12 Chair G216H 2 905,000 item 1,810,000 Price Quotation

13 Steel filing cabinet with 4 doors 1 2,420,000 item 2,420,000 Price Quotation

14 Fire extinguisher 5 kg 2 580,000 item 1,160,000 Price Quotation

15 Tea pot & cups 1 765,600 item 765,600 Price Quotation

16 Office renting cost 24 4,000,000 month 96,000,000 Reference to market price and payment based on

actual expenditure

17 Water fee 24 200,000 month 4,800,000 Reference to market price and payment based on

actual expenditure

18 Power fee 24 1,000,000 month 24,000,000 Reference to market price and payment based on

actual expenditure

19 Information Panel 1 2,000,000 month 2,000,000 Reference to market price and payment based on

actual expenditure

20 Internet + Telephone fee 24 800,000 month 19,200,000 Reference to market price and payment based on

actual expenditure

21 Stationary + office maintenance 24 1,000,000 month 24,000,000 Reference to market price and payment based on

actual expenditure

Sub-Total 209,572,600

Contingency 5% 12,735,130

Sum (B+C) 267,437,730

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Annex 13: Approval of Costs for Activities by Can Tho City PC

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Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No: 2176/QD-UBND Can Tho, dated on August 11, 2014


Ref: Approval cost for Income Restoration Activities to affected households by Component 3 Project - Vam Cong Bridge Construction and additional road sections 1.5 Km


Based on the Law on Organization of People's Council and People's Committee dated on November 26, 2003;

Based on Land Law dated on November 29, 2013;

Based on Decree No.47/2014/ND-CP dated on May 15, 2014 issued by Government on compensation, support, resettlement upon land recovery by the State;

According to proposal of Appraisal Committee of Can Tho City at the document No.1732/TTr-HDTD dated on August 04, 2014,


Article 1. Approval cost for Income Restoration Activities to affected households by Component 3 Project - Vam Cong Bridge Construction and additional road sections 1.5 Km with amount of 1,806,250,000 VND (One billion, eight hundred and six million, two hundred and fifty thousand VND), as follows:

- Cost for activities: 1,616,000,000 VND.

- Cost for training: 44,300,000 VND.

- Cost for vaccine and antiseptic chemicals: 3,950,000 VND.

- Cost for meal: 117,000,000 VND.

- Cost for traveling: 25,000,000 VND

(Attached the detailed cost for Income Restoration Activities to affected households by Component 3 Project - Vam Cong Bridge Construction and additional road sections 1.5 Km).

Article 2. Assign Compensation, Support and Resettlement Committee to incorporate Center for Land Fund Development of Can Tho City, People’s Committee of Thot Not district and Investor to implement support cost for above households accordance with regulations.

Article 3. Office Manager of People’s Committee of Can Tho City, Director of Department of Natural Resources and Environment, Director of Finance Department, Director of State Treasury of Can Tho City, Chairman of People’s Committee of Thot Not district, Director of Center for Land Fund Development of Can Tho City, Investor and households mentioned in Article 1 are responsible for implementation of this decision from the date of signing.

Recipients: - As Article 3;

- Office of People's Committee of Can Tho City (3D);

- Filed at VT, BN.



Dao Anh Dung

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Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No: 2901/QD-UBND Can Tho, dated on October 07, 2014


Ref: Approval additional cost for training courses of 37 households chose small business activities in the Income Restoration Program (IRP) of Component 3 Project - Vam Cong Bridge

Construction and additional road sections 1.5 Km


Based on the Law on Organization of People's Council and People's Committee dated on November 26, 2003;

Based on Land Law dated on November 29, 2013;

Based on Decree No.47/2014/ND-CP dated on May 15, 2014 issued by Government on compensation, support, resettlement upon land recovery by the State;

According to proposal of Appraisal Committee of Can Tho City at the document No.2359/TTr-HDTD dated on September 30, 2014,


Article 1. Approval additional cost for training courses of 37 households chose small business activities in the Income Restoration Program (IRP) of Component 3 Project - Vam Cong Bridge Construction and additional road sections 1.5 Km with amount of 32,782,000 VND (Thirty-two million, seven hundred and eighty-two thousand VND).

(Attached list of households approved additional cost for training courses in small business activities in IRP of Component 3 Project - Vam Cong Bridge Construction and additional road sections 1.5 Km)

Article 2. Assign People’s Committee of Thot Not district, People’s Committee of Vinh Thanh district, Steering Committee of IRP to incorporate Center for Land Fund Development of Can Tho City, Cuu Long Corporation for Investment, Development and Project Management of Infrastructure (Cuu Long CIPM - the Investor) to implement accordance with regulations.

Article 3. Office Manager of People’s Committee of Can Tho City, Director of Department of Natural Resources and Environment, Director of Finance Department, Director of State Treasury of Can Tho City, Chairman of People’s Committee of Thot Not district, Chairman of People’s Committee of Vinh Thanh district, Head of Steering Committee of IRP, Investor, Director of Center for Land Fund Development of Can Tho City, Head of related agencies and households mentioned in Article 1 are responsible for implementation of this decision from the date of signing.

Recipients: - As Article 3;

- Office of People's Committee of Can Tho City (1AD);

- Filed at VT, DTM.



Dao Anh Dung

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Independent – freedom- Happiness No: 2902/QĐ-UBND

Can tho city ,date 07/October/2014

DECISION For: adjustment approval of allowance budget for 2 households in income restoration program

(IRP) belong component 3 project- Vam Cong bridge construction project and additional section of 1,5 km


Based on law of people council organization and people’s committee dated 26/November/2003; Based on land law dated 29/November/2013; Based on Decree No 47/2014/ND-CP dated 15/May/2014 of Government :of Regulations on compensation, support and resettlement when Government acquires land According to proposal by assessment council of city in statement No 2360/TTr-HDTD dated 30/September/2014

DECISION Article 1.

1. Adjustment budget of allowance to 2 households as after:

a- Household: Nguyen Van Trieu (Sequence No: 06. Agricultural activities ):adjusted from

15.000.000 đ to decrease 8.000.000 đ ( decreased level: 7.000.000 đ)

b- Household: Nguyen Thi Yen. (Sequence No:39. Agricultural activities ):adjusted from

20.000.000 đ to decrease 8.000.000 đ ( decreased level: 12.000.000 đ)

2. Concurrently adjustment of allowance budget to Households of income restoration program

belong component 3 project – Vam cong Bridge construction project and additional section of 1,5

km approved by People’s Committee of Can Tho city at Decision No 2176/QD-UBND dated

11/Agust/2014 from 1.806.250.000 to decrease 1.787.250.000 đ ( decrease : 19.000.000 đ)

Article 2. Assignment to People’s committee of Thot Not district and People’s committee of Vinh Thanh district, Steering committee of income restoration program co-operates with Centre of land fund development of Can tho city, Cuu Long CIPM ( Owner of project investment) organizes to implement as regulation Article 3. Office manager of People’s committee of can tho city, director of DONRE, Director of DOF, Director of Treasury of can tho city, Chairman of Thot Not PC, Chairman of Vinh Thanh PC, Chairman of steering committee of income restoration program ( IRP); Director of Co LFD. Owner of project investment , Leader of related agencies and the 2 households written as in the article 1 having responsibility to execute this decision mentioned from signed time Recipient : PEOPLE’S COMMITTEE OF CAN THO CITY As at article 3 CHAIRMAN OF CITY Chairman and vice chairman of city VICE CHAIRMAN ( Signed ) File …


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Annex 14: Approval of Implementation Costs by Can Tho City PC

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Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No: 588/QD-UBND Can Tho, dated on February 14, 2015


Ref: Adjustment on item 7 of article 1 in Decision No 3417/QĐ-UBND dated November 14

,2014 of Chairman of Can Tho city PC of Budget estimation approval for managing Income

Restoration Program (IRP) of Component 3 Project - Vam Cong Bridge Construction and

additional road sections 1.5 Km


Based on the Law on Organization of People's Council and People's Committee dated

on November 26, 2003;

Based on Decision No.3058/QD-BGTVT dated on October 25, 2010 issued by

Ministry of Transport (MOT) regarding on approval Component 1 Project - Vam Cong

Bridge belonged Vam Cong Bridge Construction and interconnecting roads;

Based on Decision No.2546/QD-BGTVT dated on November 07, 2011 issued by

Ministry of Transport (MOT) regarding on adjustment name of component projects

belonged Central Me Kong Delta Region Connectivity Project;

According to proposal of Director of Finance Department at Statement No.413/TTr-

STC dated on Ferbuary 12, 2015,


Article 1.Adjustment on item 7 of article 1 in Decision No 3417/QĐ-UBND dated

November 14 ,2014 of Chairman of Can Tho city PC of Budget estimation approval for

managing Income Restoration Program (IRP) of Component 3 Project - Vam Cong Bridge

Construction and additional road sections 1.5 Km as after:

“ 7. Budget Estimation for managing IRP: 1,288,253,242 VNĐ ( One billion, two

hundred and eighty-eight million, two hundred and fifty three thousand, two hundred and

forty two VND)

Article 2. This decision will come into effect from date of signing, other contents of

Decision No 3417/QĐ-UBND dated November 14, 2014 of Chairman of People’s

committee of Can Tho city are not change

Article 3. Office Manager of People’s Committee of Can Tho City, Director of Finance

Department, Director of State Treasury of Can Tho City, Director of Planning and

Investment Department, Investor, Head of Steering Committee of IRP, Director of Center

for Land Fund Development of Can Tho City and Head of related agencies are responsible

for implementation of this decision from the date of signing.

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Recipients: - As Article 3;

- Chairman and Vice chairman of People's Committee of Can Tho City (1A,D);

- Office of People's Committee of Can Tho City (3D); - Filed at VT, DTM.



Dao Anh Dung


Budget for implementing the IRP of Component 3 project - Vam Cong Bridge Construction and additional road sections 1.5 Km

(Attached Decision No.588/QD-UBND dated on February 14, 2015 of People‘s Committee of Can Tho city

Unit: VND



1 Budget for local staff participating the IRP implementation

Spreadsheet 1,020,815,512

2 Budget for agricultural activities, renting office, buying stationery. equipments

Spreadsheet 267,437,730

Total 1,288,253,242

(One billion, two hundred and eighty-eight million, two hundred and fifty three thousand, two hundred and forty two VND)

Top Related