  • 8/7/2019 Ideas Into Laws 02.04.2011


  • 8/7/2019 Ideas Into Laws 02.04.2011


  • 8/7/2019 Ideas Into Laws 02.04.2011


    ` May contact legislator directly in person` Phone` Email` Letters

    Contact information provided for all legislators onwebsite -

  • 8/7/2019 Ideas Into Laws 02.04.2011


    ` 1. Idea is developedMany different organizations can bring ideasBest if early

    A good idea/suggestion hasx Credible informationx Personal storiesx Research to back it upx Statistical data if availablex

    Provide a possible solution to the problem

  • 8/7/2019 Ideas Into Laws 02.04.2011


    ` Kids ages 5-8 should be in a booster seat as thisdecreases serious injuries and deaths in car crashes

  • 8/7/2019 Ideas Into Laws 02.04.2011


    ` 2. Idea is then submitted to Office of LegislativeResearch and General Counsel

    Nonpartisan agency

    Attorney assigned tox Review existing lawsx Research the issuex Prepare bill in proper technical formx Check for statutory or constitutional problems

  • 8/7/2019 Ideas Into Laws 02.04.2011


    ` 41-6a-1803. Driver and passengers -- Seat belt or child restraint device required.(1) (a ) The operator of a motor vehicle operated on a highway shall:(i) wear a properly adjusted and fastened safety belt;(ii) provide for the protection of each person younger than eight years of age by using a child restraint

    device to restrain each person in the manner prescribed by the manufacturer of the device; and(iii) provide for the protection of each person eight years of age up to 16 years of age by securing, or

    causing to be secured, a properly adjusted and fastened safety belt on each person.(b) Notwithstanding the requirement under Subsection (1)( a )(ii), a child under eight years of age who

    is 57 inches tall or taller:

    (i) is exempt from the requirement in Subsection (1)( a )(ii) to be in a child restraint device; and(ii) shall use a properly adjusted and fastened safety belt as required in Subsection (1)( a )(iii).(2) A passenger who is 16 years of age or older of a motor vehicle operated on a highway shall wear

    a properly adjusted and fastened safety belt.(3) If more than one person is not using a child restraint device or wearing a safety belt in violation of

    Subsection (1) , it is only one offense and the driver may receive only one citation.(4) For a person 19 years of age or older who violates Subsection (1)( a )(i) or (2) , enforcement by a

    state or local law enforcement officer shall be only as a secondary action when the person has beendetained for a suspected violation of Title 41 , Motor Vehicles, other than Subsection (1)( a )(i) or (2) , or for another offense.

  • 8/7/2019 Ideas Into Laws 02.04.2011


    FISCAL NOTE:Title :Sponsor:

    Section 2: State government

    Revenues ( for current and 2yrs in the future )

    Local Governments:

    Direct Expenditures by Utah Residents:

    Lead Analyst:

  • 8/7/2019 Ideas Into Laws 02.04.2011


    ` 3. First Reading -> assigned to subcommitee` 4. Bill debated in open session within subcomittee

    Subcommittees to Knowx H ealth and H uman Services Subcommitteex

    Transportation SubcommitteeContact staff policy analyst to be added to list of speakersPrepare information in advancex W ritten and oral summary of presentation ( oral approx 1 min ) x Very formal see instructions on website if desiredx Know your audience Utah has a citizen legislature

    Dr. Pavia Immunizations for teenage mothers and their children` 5. Second Reading` 6. Third Reading

  • 8/7/2019 Ideas Into Laws 02.04.2011


    Voted on by H ouse -> sent to Senate` H as similar process in the Senate` If Passes both H ouse and Senate->

    Signed by Senate president and Speaker of the H ouse infinal form

  • 8/7/2019 Ideas Into Laws 02.04.2011


    ` Sent to Governor SignVetoAllow into law without signing

    ` Bills go into law 60 d after being signed bygovernor unless otherwise specified in the bill

  • 8/7/2019 Ideas Into Laws 02.04.2011


  • 8/7/2019 Ideas Into Laws 02.04.2011


    ` Car seat law took 3 years to pass` Now trying to be repealed

  • 8/7/2019 Ideas Into Laws 02.04.2011


    ` Utah H ealth ExchangeAlready in existence but needs workx Subsidiesx Comparisons between companies

    ` Immunizations for teen mothers and children` Keeping children from returning to play after head


  • 8/7/2019 Ideas Into Laws 02.04.2011


    ` W hat if current program is being cut?` Example: Social Services Appropriations


    Covers Medicaid funding` Appropriations Committees (8 total )

    Determine program effectivenessH ear Public testimonyH

    ear from Staff analysts and program managersDebate and vote on budgets

  • 8/7/2019 Ideas Into Laws 02.04.2011


    ` Subcommittee sends their decisions to executiveappropriations committee

    ` EAC then makes final decision and analyst makes

    the final budget` Total income for state determined by Legislative

    fiscal analyst, governor, and tax commission

  • 8/7/2019 Ideas Into Laws 02.04.2011


    ` Proposed 7% cuts across the board as this islarge portion of the state budget

    No more Medicaid interpreter servicesLimiting optional coverage of transplant surgeriesPossible creation of Accountable Care Organization similar to H MO with Medical H ome centerpiecePrivatizing eligibility systems for public programs

  • 8/7/2019 Ideas Into Laws 02.04.2011


    A bunch of people waiting in a lobby for thelegislator.

  • 8/7/2019 Ideas Into Laws 02.04.2011


    ` Talk to Kevin` Short sound bites` Careful phrasing

  • 8/7/2019 Ideas Into Laws 02.04.2011


    ` Placing mental health drugs onto state's preferreddrug list

    ` Incentivizing citizen who witness Medicaid fraud to

    come forward and help stop it` Amend Medicaid to cover legal immigrant children

    regardless of length of time in the USA` H ealth Reform amendments

  • 8/7/2019 Ideas Into Laws 02.04.2011


    `` 10 .html` 21 -2009 /jon-stewart-jizz-ams-in-front-of-children---cap-n-trade

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