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Celebrate Dick Gregory’s 80th Birthday

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Friday, June 29, 2012

Harwood 609 Restaurant and Jazz Club

6:00pm Red Carpet

7:00pm DINNER and SHOW

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I MESSENGERCheryl Smith, Publisher

Established 2011

IMESSENGER is a tribute to Le Messager, founded by Cameroonian journalist Pius Njawe and The Messenger, an independent magazine, founded by labor activist A . Philip Randolph and economist Chandler Owen.IMESSENGER is committed to informing, inspiring, enlightening and provoking thought in a forum that is international. Submissions for publication consideration may be submitted to


June 1, 2012

Message to the people... Every June 6 since I was a little girl, I would remember to call my Godmother and wish her a happy birthday. Lizzie Braswell was her name, but I called her Liz. She was one of the very few adults who I grew up calling by her first name. Although I did not use a courtesy title when addressing her, you had better believe that I had the utmost respect for her. When my mother moved to New Jersey from Florida, she was on her own for the first time, even though she was also under the watchful eye of her big brother, Robert. She was fortunate to meet several young ladies and they became friends, working, living and partying together. The friendships last still today. Three of those friends became Godmothers to my parents’ children. I am so glad that my mother chose Liz for me. I got the greatest Godmother one could have! Now over the years, I have met several men and women who are Godparents and when I was still in high school, a close friend named me the Godmother of her son. Unfortunately, however, I didn’t get to be the type of Godmother that Liz was to me. Liz was always there for me. She took her position seriously and attempted to be at every pivotal point in my life--the good, the bad and the big and small. She was there at the high school, college and grad school commencements. She also attended FAMU’s homecoming games with me several times. We both enjoyed bowling, sewing, cooking, shopping and eating Chinese food and when I was a child we spent quite a bit of time doing it all.I was the daughter she never had and believe me when I tell you that at times I was that source of contention for the boys--Champ, Chucky and Demetris. When I would spend weekends with the family, her sewing room was transformed into my bedroom. The boys were cool with that, but something else happened that they weren’t pleased about--their family pet was exiled to the backyard for the duration of my stays. Now, if there was one thing the boys disliked about my visits, the removal of their beloved pet had to be it. They didn’t care that I was terribly afraid of that giant mongrel, all they knew is that the place they called home was not home when Cheryl was there. The boys and hubby Charles also knew that the two “ladies” were going to be on the go and we might as well had been in a two-seater because no one else was invited! We were doing girly things! After I graduated from college, and all of the fellas were gone from their house in Plainfield, NJ; Liz and Charles moved south to Charles’ hometown of Cairo, Ga.--which is also the birthplace of baseball great Jackie Robinson and is a little under an hour from Tallahassee, Fl. It was a beautiful home they settled in on about five acres of land where there were about four other neighbors whose property shared a lake as part of their backyard experience. I would jokingly tease my Godparents because they kind of reminded me of Oliver and Lisa of the old 60s show, Green Acres. They were at peace in Cairo and while Charles would still take trips with the church choir from time to time, the two were completely comfortable enjoying the peaceful existence of “country living.” I thought it was cute that Liz would spend hours planting in her garden only to go to bed and wake up the next morning and find that deer and other animals had a feast! She didn’t grumble at all. Instead she would just start over, like it was the first time. Charles and Liz would get such a thrill when I came to town. Everyone they knew in Cairo would know that I was there and that we were going to the game. As was par for the course in New Jersey, when we weren’t at the game, Liz and I were on the road shopping, eating and hanging out. On game day, they would beat me getting up and getting dressed and after the game, they would wait patiently while I got together with my sorority sisters to sing and do a few steps. In 2005 Charles died and it was a difficult time for the family. Just a month prior I saw him and Liz at my Father’s funeral in Crawfordville, Ga. Although Charles was recovering from an illness, when they heard of my father’s passing, just like in the past they showed up to be a source of support. Every year thereafter it was just Liz and I going to the Homecoming games. While attending Homecoming 2008, Liz informed me that she had cancer and that the doctor gave her about four years to live. I asked when did she receive that diagnosis and she said, “about 3 1/2 years ago.” I was devastated. I immediately wanted to cancel my plans for the rest of the weekend. It was the 30th anniversary celebration for my sorority sisters who I pledged with, but this was my Godmother who had been with me long before I knew about Delta Sigma Theta Sorority and Florida A&M University. I told her that I wish she had told me sooner and I then asked if there was anything she wanted to do or anything I could do to make her life better. I needed to know if there was something that she always wanted to do and if I could make it happen. She told me that she couldn’t think of anything that she wanted to do because she looked forward to many years of doing things with Charles. Now that he was gone, she had good memories and she was happy. I felt totally helpless. Here was someone who had done so much for me, giving of herself without any expectation of anything and we were at a point where there was nothing I could do for her. The next morning we went to a FAMU Alumni Brunch and as always she was gracious and I had no idea of the level of her suffering. That would be her last real public outing. On the day that I returned home we stopped at one of my favorite restaurants to have shrimp and apple pie. Then she drove me to the airport and we hugged goodbye--it would be the last time that I would see her. The next day she was admitted into the hospital where she stayed until her death. Her oldest son, Champ, told me that she was so excited about me coming, as usual, and she knew that she wouldn’t be able to hang as much as she did in the past but she was committed to attending a few functions with me, like the president’s reception. Even during her last days she was thinking about me A day does not go by that I don’t think about her. Today, some might call her a mentor because she did what so many people who work with youth in the boys and girl clubs or other groups. She had her own children but she saw fit to honor that commitment when she said “yes,” to Cheryl Smith. Liz was proud of me. Why don’t you think about finding a child to say “yes” to?


Hon. Eddie Bernice Johnson discusses “Saving the American Dream” 14

Rev. Childress tells Church to wake up 5

Cheryl Smith

Teacher of the Year



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Come on PEOPLE! Don’t you CARE?

POLICE have not apprehended Pookie the serial rapist. Aren’t you concerned? Do you care?We know he has attacked members of

Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. and there is a $5,000 reward offered by Crime Stoppers.

If you have ANY information, PLEASE call Crime Stoppers


Also, if you want extra protection,

check out Street Safe at

“We will have to repent in this generation not merely for the vitriolic words and actions of the bad people, but for the appalling silence of the good people.” . Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.


SILENTJoin I Messenger in the call for justice. Turn Pookie in today!


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(WASHINGTON)—House Jud ic i a ry Committee Ranking Member John Conyers, Jr. (D-Mich.) opposed H.R. 3541, the “Prenatal Nondiscrimination Act of 2012.” Formerly known as the “Susan B. Anthony and Frederick Douglass Prenatal Nondiscrimination Act,” the bill jeopardizes women’s access to safe, legal medical care and undermines the constitutional right to privacy guaranteed by Roe v. Wade.

“This legislation does nothing to empower women to make life choices free from family or community pressures they may face. The right to choose is not limited to the right to end a pregnancy, but includes the right to become pregnant and to bring a healthy child into the world. While sex-selective abortions are not a widespread problem in the United States, experience from around the world indicates that providing women with the tools to become independent and to be safe from violence is the best means of enabling them to resist coercive pressures to have a son.

“Congress should do more to give women access to resources that allow them to make what they believe is the right choice for themselves and their children, not pass a law that makes doctors criminals and jeopardizes women’s access to medical care.

“This bill assigns physicians the impossible

task of trying to read women’s minds. And by threatening health care professionals with prison time and lawsuits, it is inevitable that doctors will begin treating their patients with suspicion. It will chill doctor-patient relations by requiring physicians to police their patients. In short, this legislation will effectively destroy the doctor-patient relationship by pitting the legal interests of health care providers against their patients’ right to privacy. It does nothing to meaningfully address its purported purpose and instead constitutes an attack on the constitutional right guaranteed by Roe v. Wade.

“Despite its lofty name upon introduction, this bill is not a civil rights bill. It is just the latest in a long series of measures intended to chip away at a woman’s right to seek safe, legal medical care.”

By Rev. Dr. Clenard H. Childress, Jr.

Nationwide ( -- Dr. Martin Luther King's book, "A Str ide Toward Freedom," was considered the handbook of the Civil Rights movement of the fifties and sixties. It was in this writing Dr. King expressed the necessity for the Church to be engaged and informed about the social injustices plaguing the country. Dr. King said, "It is not enough for the Church to be active in the realm of ideas; it must move out to the area of social action." As I have related repeatedly, America is not at the crossroads, it has all ready gone down the wrong road and it's all happened while the Church in America has stood amicably by.

Race is not found in heaven but certainly plays a major role here on earth and certainly in America. It is quite ironic, no, just down right insidious that it would be the first Black president to draw the line in the sand' demanding the Black Church to follow in complete allegiance, in complete lockstep. Drawing the line in the sand' does not adequately describe the challenge to the Church, since the president has now declared his open support for Homosexual marriage; it is more like walking the plank, and just before you step into oblivion, Obama removes the blindfold.

Being fair, the president inherited Roe Vs Wade. Abortion has been a scourge on the land for nearly 40 years. Unfortunately the Black Church ignored Obama's deplorable record on the moral issues, his heartless, calloused voting record on abortion, and his ever advancing abortion agenda with many of the key Church leadership knowing the decimating effect abortion is having on the Afr ican-Amer ican communi ty. Moreover, these last few years, much of the Black Leadership - some well meaning with good intentions - have been blindly following and supporting the president's policies but last Tuesday, Obama lifted the blindfold.

If you didn't know where Barack Obama was going all along, you should most assuredly know now. You

excused his Klan-like relationship with Planned Parenthood and blatant disregard for the Judeo-Christian ethic you claim as your own. Yes, Church, he's been cheating on you all along, but you ignored the signs because, you just wanted to work it out. You were hoping you could make him love you and take care of home. Well, we ignored the late nights coming home... the missing cufflinks... the strange numbers on his cell phone... and calls made when you were not around. Now the president has let you know, he is in bed with someone else, and demands you must go along with it. And when you asked him why he cheated on you, he said he "talked it ove r w i th h i s daugh te r s and Michelle," and to add insult to injury, hoping he'd fooled all of us, had the audacity to claim it was teachings he learned from the One who built and founded you..

Wake Up Church!In a further effort to blur the lines

between truth and falsehood, Nancy Pelosi is emailing America telling you how wonderful it is for the president to stand up for marriage equality, and Al Sharpton has written you letters literally asking you to not let this effect your - voting - allegiance to the president, cause he's counting on you' this November. And no doubt, Roland

Martin of CNN - appealing to your vanity - is on the phone right this minute, burning up the wires, trying to get the biggest names in Christendom to do another interview with the sole purpose of damage control and further bewitching the minds of the saints so you stay enthralled with the color of the president's skin and not the content of his character.

Let's go back to Dr. Martin Luther King's Stride Toward Freedom' and hear what he says about the preacher...

"It is impossible to speak about the role of the Church without referring to the ministers. Every minister of the Gospel has a mandate to s tand up courageously for righteousness, to proclaim the eternal

verities of the Gospel, and to lead men from the darkness of falsehood and fear to the light of truth and love."

One of the "eternal verities" of the Gospel is that, marriage is between one man and one woman; another "eternal verities" of the Gospel is, Thou shalt not kill.

Some who are reading this may say, “The Christian is supposed to forgive and go on and stay together.' Well, first let me say in reply, we are to always forgive, but that does not mean I am to follow and support what is patently untenable and undeniably unconscionable. Others may say, Just as a wife or husband should forgive due to infidelity, we should forgive Barack Obama for his.' That would be fine, Church, but in the spirit of John the Baptist, I declare unto you, it is not lawful for you to have him, for you are not married to him. Obama is not your husband! You must go back to your first love - JESUS - and ask for His forgiveness. He will take you back, for he is married to the backslider and stands at the gate waiting for the Prodigal....

We must be free to stand up for righteousness as Dr. King charged and we must be bold in our positions, for a man cannot serve two masters.' We cannot walk in support of ideologies which are destroying the social fabric

of the African-American community, this country, and diminish and demean the Gospel we preach.

In closing, let's look at Dr. King's Stride Toward Freedom' once again for insight:

"Any discussion of the role of the Christ ian minister today must ultimately emphasize the need for prophecy. Not every minister can be a prophet, but some must be prepared for the ordeals of his high calling and be willing to suffer courageously for righteousness."

A line in the sand - or - walking the plank... brethren, which is it?

Rev. Dr. Clenard H. Childress, Jr. is the founder of - a website designed to reach the Afro-American community with the truth about abortion.



Is there something on your mind? Is there something we should be thinking about? Your thoughts, which are yours only, are welcomed on the opinion pages of I MESSENGER!We would love to hear from you. Send your thoughts to us at along with your photo, a contact number and a brief

A line drawn in the sand -- or -- walking the plankSeeking safe, legal

medical care

Not every minister can be a prophet, but

some must be prepared for the ordeals of

his high calling and be willing to suffer

courageously for righteousness."

“Congress should do more to give women access to resources that allow them to make what they believe is the right choice for themselves and their children, not pass a law that makes doctors criminals and jeopardizes women’s access to medical care.


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Lois-Louise Donaldson Washington Miller


Family and friends gathered to celebrate a “life well-lived” of Mrs. Lois-Louise Donaldson Washington Miller on Saturday, May 26 at the St. Luke “Community” United Methodist Church in Dallas, Texas. Born in 1929 in Corsicana, TX to Louis and Willie (Stephenson) Donaldson, Lois-Louise came with her family to Dallas in the early 1940s, settled into the vibrant Mill

City community and enrolled in Lincoln High School. After graduation she enrolled in the newly established Wiley Extension, later transferring to the Wiley College campus in Marshall, Texas where she completed her studies, graduating in 1952.

While at Wiley, she met and married Garland L. Washington, and upon graduation, they moved to west Texas where they began their career as educators in Ranger and Eastland Texas. In 1959 they returned to Dallas and purchased a home in the historic Hamilton Park neighborhood. There they were active in the newly established Hamilton Park Methodist Church and Lois-Louise began teaching in the Dallas Public School System at J.P. Starks Elementary and Sequoyah Junior High. While in the Hamilton Park community, Lois-Louise also used her creative and organizing skills in the community, initiating and coordinating the Wiley College Alumni gatherings along with church picnics at her church.

In 1967 Lois-Louise retired from the local school classroom and began another teaching career in the National Teacher Corps (NTC), one of President Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society programs. As a master teacher with NTC, Lois-Louise worked throughout Texas desegregating independent school systems and training young racially diverse teams of teachers how to educate in the newly desegregated Texas ISDs. Many of these school districts were less than receptive to the efforts of the National Teacher Corps, and especially not to a master teacher in the

person of Lois-Louise Donaldson Washington. The 1967-68 school year spent in Dayton, Texas was filled with tense and trying racially charged situations.

In 1969 Lois-Louise followed her creative and entrepreneurial passions and opened Dallas’ first African clothing shop, The Dashiki House located on Oakland Avenue @ Peabody in the heart of South Dallas. She was the sole proprietor and designer. Her custom dashiki fashions were worn by The Isley Brothers, The O'Jays, Rahsaan Roland Kirk and other entertainers. In addition to clothing the shop featured art work by artists such as Arthello Beck and Bobby Norman. Lois-Louise married for the second and final time to Tommy Miller.

While directing the operation of her Dashiki Shop, Lois-Louise served as the Curriculum Developer with Dallas OIC, Opportunities Industrialization Center, a job training and job placement program for the unemployed and under employed in the Black community. Founded in Philadelphia by Rev. Leon Sullivan, Dallas OIC afforded Lois-Louise another opportunity to do what she loved; help her community. When the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) opened its Dallas office, Lois-Louise expanded her work with the disenfranchised and poverty-laden by regular participation with SCLC and Operation Breadbasket, a forerunner to Rev. Jesse Jackson’s PUSH-People United to Save Humanity.

Saturday mornings Lois-Louise would bring her family to gather with other committed community activists for rallies held at Warren Methodist Church, to mobilize, strategize, and energize for the important work in the week ahead. By working on picket lines, attending political rallies, marching in police brutality protests, participating in economic boycotts and voter registration drives Lois-Louise interceded economically, politically and spiritually for the community, while making sure that her offspring stayed connected and committed to the community.

In the 1970s Lois-Louise continued to create her fashions and met with Stanley Marcus for a wider distribution of her creations. She began to pursue the field of marketing and sales, working with Tony Davis of the Dallas Weekly, the Dallas Express, and the Wall Street Journal. She simultaneously pursued her creative side through acting, broadcast and theatre; appearing in national print ads for Church’s Chicken, and as a featured extra in Walker Texas Ranger, in the films On Any Given Sunday and Raymond Saint Jacques’ Book of Numbers. She was represented by Kim Dawson, Peggy Taylor and Joy Wyse talent agencies, performed on stage at Theatre Three in Vehicle, a one woman show based on her life; Sister-Sister at Dallas Children’s Theatre; and worked with Young Audiences of Greater Dallas, and the Junior Black Academy of Arts and Letters with QEI Productions.

In the 1980’s Lois-Louise began to use another of her God-given gifts, that of deep intuition and spiritual insight. Through numerology, hypnotherapy, and spiritual counseling, she helped many, many people with advice, life-coaching, and spiritual direction. She continued that work until her health began to fail.

A deeply spiritual woman of God, Lois-Louise was intensely dedicated to her family and the community. She leaves to cherish her memory her children, Douglas Washington, Vickie Washington-Nance (Norvis), Cheryle Washington, all of Dallas; grandchildren, Djore’ Nance (Harlem, NY), Terence and Nelson-Mandela Nance (Brooklyn, NY), Classi Nance (Dallas); great grandchild, Malakai Nance-Moka (Dallas); sister, Chilishia Avery (Pomona, CA)and a host of nieces, nephews, cousins, and friends.

As a living memorial and lasting tribute, the family is pleased to announce the establishment of the Lois-Louise Donaldson Washington Scholarship. These monies will be provided to a deserving young woman bound for education at Wiley College. Someone like Lois-Louise in the late 1940's: first generation college, Black-American, female, single and Texan. Lois-Louise frequently discussed her love of education, her love and appreciation of Wiley College and how that entire experience enriched her life, giving her immeasurable direction to fulfill many of her passions in life. She loved the idea of her name being used to further the lives of other young women who were starting their lives in this new Millennium. Please help her continue to help others. Donations of any amount may be made by check to Wiley College and place in the memo line: Lois-Louise Donaldson Washington Scholarship. Please mail donations to: The Lois-Louise Scholarship - P.O. Box 836404 – Richardson, TX 75083-6404. Your donations will be forwarded to the Wiley College Endowment Department for dispersal.

Kathryn JoostenDecember 20, 1939 – June 2,

2012Kathryn Joosten was an American television actress best known for her regular role as Karen McCluskey in Desperate Housewives, for which she

won two Emmy Awards, and for her recurring role in The West Wing as Dolores Landingham.

Ms. Joosten's first career was as a psychiatric nurse at Michael Reese Hospital in Chicago, living in nearby Lake Forest, Illinois, where she married and raised two sons. Following her divorce, she started acting in community theater, at age 42

Richard Dawson November 20, 1932 – June 2, 2012

.Richard Dawson was an English-born American actor, comedian, game show

host and panelist in the United States. He was best known for his role as Corporal Peter Newkirk on Hogan's Heroes, being the original host of the Family Feud game show from 1976–1985 and 1994–1995, and for being a regular panelist on the 1970s version of Match Game on CBS from 1973 to 1978.

LeRoy Ellis March 10, 1940 – June 2, 2012

A 6'10" center from St. John's University, Leroy Ellis was selected by the Los Angeles Lakers in the first round (8th pick overall) of the 1962 NBA Draft. He played in 1,048 games over 14 seasons (1962–1976) in the NBA with the Lakers, Baltimore Bullets, Portland Trail Blazers, and Philadelphia 76ers, and was a member of the 1971–72 Los Angeles Lakers championship team,which also won a then-record 69 games in the regular season, and recorded the longest winning streak in NBA history with 33 wins. The following season, Mr. Ellis was traded to the 76ers, who had an NBA-worst 73 losses in an 82-game season. At the close of his NBA career 1976, he had amassed career totals of 10,176 points and 8,709 rebounds.

Mr. Ellis was on the first Portland Trail Blazers team in 1970–71, selected from Baltimore in the 1970 expansion draft. He was in the starting lineup for

the Trail Blazers' inaugural game. He was their third leading scorer (15.9 points per game) and the leading rebounder, averaging 12.3 per game, the third-best average in the Blazers’ first three decades. He continued playing basketball long after his professional career ended, including being a part of several Senior Masters Games national championship teams in Portland.

Mr. Ellis and his family settled in Portland, Oregon, while he played professional basketball. He later entered the tire industry during his retirement and moved to Southern California to operate a tire store in Orange County. LeRoy Ellis was accompanied by his son, LeRon, and the two moved to the city of Anaheim, California while waiting for the rest of their family to


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join them at a later time. Mr.Ellis and his wife eventually returned to Portland.

Three of Mr. Ellis' children have gone on to play college basketball: his daughter Lisa played women's basketball for California State University, Long Beach and the University of Kentucky; his eldest son LeRoy Jr. played NCAA Division I men’s basketball for the University of the Pacific and was a member of the 1990 NCAA Division II National Champion Kentucky Wesleyan College;[2] and another son, LeRon, played at the University of Kentucky and Syracuse University before playing two and a half seasons in the NBA. LeRoy Ellis' youngest son, Lee Christopher Ellis, was shot to death on a Los Angeles street in 1998 at age 19.

Mr. Ellis died of prostate cancer on June 2, 2012, at the age of 72.

Dr. H. B. BellApril 13, 1938 - May 25, 2012

Dr. H.B. Bell a loving husband, father, grandfather and educator passed away on Friday May 25, 2012. Dr. Bell was born on April 13, 1938 in Smith County Texas to the union of John Henry and Pauline Bell. Dr. Bell was the second child of six children.

He attended Prairie View A&M University where he majored in Biology and English. Dr. Bell returned to Prairie View A&M University where he earned his Master’s degree in Administration/Supervision. Dr. Bell continued his educational pursuits and received a Doctorate of Education degree in 1981 from Texas A&M University-Commerce (Formally, East Texas State University).

He began his career in education by serving as the Assistant Dean of Men and Professor in English at Rust College in Holly Springs, Mississippi. After leaving Mississippi in 1963, he secured a teaching position at James Madison High School and Pinkston High School. He advanced through the administrative ranks of the Dallas Independent School District serving as a campus administrator at Boude Story Junior High School and North Dallas High School. One of his more notable accomplishments was serving as The Executive Director for the Yvonne Ewell Townview Magnet Center which now serves as a flagship school for others across the nation. He had the distinction to serve as the administrator of the first graduating class from this esteemed institution. Additionally, he served as an Educational Planner with the primary responsibility to examine, conceptualize, describe, and forecast the futures of secondary schools. This experience prepared him to assist others with the initial leadership and direction that made the magnet center the gift that it is to the children and youth of this community, as well as the nation.

After his tenure as a campus administrator, Dr. Bell transitioned into central administration. He served in senior executive level positions in numerous departments inclusive of:

Director of Teacher Education Centers, Deputy Associate Superintendent of Personnel Development, Deputy Associate Superintendent of Special Funds Acquisition & Monitoring, Superintendent Sub-District II, Assistant Superintendent Elementary Instruction, Special Assistant to the General Superintendent and Associate

Superintendent of Alternative Programs. He also served as an Adjunct Professor at Texas A&M University-Commerce and CEO of his own educational consulting company. His career spanned over forty-two years, retiring in 2005.

Dr. Bell presented papers at many educational conferences throughout the United States. He served as a National Blue Ribbon school evaluator where he traveled throughout the country evaluating schools and their educational programs. He served as a consultant for the National Association of Secondary School Principals.

Dr. Bell was a member of Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity, Inc, Alpha Epsilon Boule and a life member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. He also belonged to the National Alliance of Black School Educators, NAACP, the Dallas SET club and served as a past president of the Cotillion Idlewild Club.

Dr. Bell earned numerous awards during his educational career. Dr. Bell was inducted into the Dallas School Administrators Association Hall of Fame. Other awards included Outstanding Administrative Leadership in Education Award and the NAACP Outstanding Educator Award. He was recognized by the Texas House of Representatives as an Outstanding Educator. He was also recognized as the Distinguished Alumnus by both Prairie View A&M University and Texas A&M University-Commerce. Dr. Bell was engaged in many civic organizations throughout the city and supported his community through volunteering and service.

Dr. Bell will be best remembered for his long and sustained contributions and interests in education and the community’s children and youth. Dr. Bell lead with a steady hand, competent

scholarship and leadership in nudging, directing, and encouraging students, parents and educators to be serious about their education as a pathway to a successful future.

Dr. Bell is survived by his wife Susie and beloved daughters, Diedrae Carron Bell-Hunter, Dionica Britte Bell, Halice Jaquelyn Furtado (Kenneth) and his granddaughter Peyton Elise Bell-Hunter, sisters, Polly Ann Williams, Verna Carroll, brothers Matthew Bell (Tina), Timothy Bell (Trina), nieces, nephews and a host of family and friends.

Dr. Bell is preceded in death by his parents, John Henry and Pauline Bell; brother John Henry Bell, Junior.

Family visitation will be held on May 31, 2012 from 6:30 - 8:30 pm at Sparkman Hillcrest Funeral Home, 7405 West Northwest Highway, Dallas, Texas 75225.

A celebration of Dr. Bell’s life will be held on June 1, 2012 at 11:00am at Northway Christian Church, 7202 West Northwest Highway, Dallas, Texas 75225.

In lieu of flowers memorials may be made to:

Dr. H. B. Bell Scholarship FundIn lieu of flowers, memorials may

be made to one of the following organizations:

Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity, Incorporated

Dr. H. B. Bell Scholarship FundAlpha Epsilon Boule Foundation Sigma Pi Phi ScholarshipDr. Yondell Moore6637 Putting Green DriveDallas, TX 75232

Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Incorporated

Dr. H.B. Bell Scholarship FundAlpha Merit Group Incorporated

Alpha Sigma Lambda Chapter Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.P. O. Box 153123

Dallas, Texas 75315

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CHISD Teachers of the Year

Cedar Hill, TX. - The Cedar Hill ISD Elementary and Secondary Teacher of the Year award winners were announced at the CHISD Educator Awards Banquet.

Kimberly Butler-Watkins, a pre-kindergarten teacher at High Pointe Elementary was named the Elementary Teacher of the Year.

Kimberly Butler-Watkins Ashley Duncan, a chemistry teacher

at Cedar Hill Collegiate High School was honored as the Secondary Teacher of the Year.

Ashley Duncan

Also honored at the banquet were the 2011-2012 Campus Teacher of the Year winners:

Elementary Teacher of the Year


Brandi Olmstead - 3rd Grade Teacher at Bray ElementaryKimberly Butler-Watkins - Pre-K Teacher at High Pointe ElementaryToshia Lee - 4th Grade Teacher at Highlands ElementaryMyron Courtney - Physical Education Teacher at Lake Ridge ElementaryRachel Kelton - 1st Grade Teacher at Plummer ElementaryBrandy Manning - 4th Grade Teacher at Waterford Oaks ElementaryMisti Mays - 5th Grade Math Teacher at Joe Wilson Intermediate

Candice Isaac - Physical Education Teacher at West Intermediate

Secondary Teacher of the Year Nominees

Rayton Kamhuka - Math Teacher at Coleman Middle School Megan Gordon - English Teacher at Permenter Middle School La'Tanya Spragin - Biology Teacher at Cedar Hill Ninth Grade CenterAshley Duncan - Chemistry Teacher at Cedar Hill Collegiate High School Jacqueline Fields - Business Teacher at Cedar Hill High School

Founders Golf Tourney Southern University Alumni

Federation, Dallas Chapter, is hosting the Dallas Chapter FOUNDERS golf tournament on JUNE 23, 2012 at the Eastern Hills Country Club, 3000 South Country Club Road, Garland, Texas 75043 [972.278.3051]. The event celebrates the establishment of the Dallas Chapter on April 10, 1955 by sixteen graduates: Walter Berry, Lila Bradley, Vasti Bradley, Abner Coit, Emmit Conrad, Marion Henry, Mary Henry, Joseph Lewis, Joseph Lockridge, Dorothy Meshack, Judson Meshack, Elston Miles, Ballard Mitchell, Althea Simmons, Betty Tanner, and Clyde Williams.

The format is four-person scramble. All registered golf teams are expected to arrive at the course on June 23, 2012 not later than 11:00 AM to check in and use practice range. Shotgun start @ 1:00 PM. Golfers will be able to purchase mulligan and raffle tickets. Prizes include 2012 RocketBallZ driver, RocketBallz 3 wood, RocketBallZ 3 Hybrid, two-night hotel lodging, ProV1 golf balls, etc. The tournament will also feature special individual and team competitions including closest-to-pin, longest drive, and “move-it-up for an eagle” hole. Practice rounds @ Eastern Hills Country Club at reduced rate are available on June 19, 20, 21, and 22 for registered golfers.

Golfer registration forms are available from SUAF-Dallas Chapter members, the Chapter website, and at the Eastern Hills Country Club in Garland, Texas. The registration fee is $320 per four-person team. Teams must register not later than JUNE 9, 2012. The tournament field is limited to the first 36 registered teams (144 golfers). Registration fees include green and cart fees, range balls and post-tournament meal in air-conditioned dining room. Individuals, golf associations, churches, sororities, fraternities, companies and other community-oriented organizations may also sponsor holes @ $50 per hole and purchase ads in the Jaguar Tournament Souvenir Journal (Full Page $100; Half Page $50; Business Card $35; Patron $5). JAGUAR Supporters may also select Corporate Sponsorships and/or make donations to the Lagniappe “Quest For Excellence” Scholarship Fund.

Dallas Chapter operates under the Southern University Alumni Federation [501(c)(3) non-profit organization]. The Chapter has been proactive in channeling the individual and collective

energies of its members to raise funds for academic scholarships and other financial assistance to Dallas Metroplex students who attend or who are accepted to attend Southern University. Donations and net tournament proceeds will benefit the chapter’s Lagniappe “Quest For Excellence” and CHAPTER FOUNDERS Scholarships.

Southern University alums throughout the Nation, Chapter members, friends of Southern, golfers, golf associations, churches, sororities, fraternities, companies, and other community-oriented organizations are encouraged to support this event that honors the Chapter Founders.


Annual Basketball and Life Skills Enrichment Camp June 4-8, 2012

9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Faith Bible Church Gymnasium 1437 W Pleasant Run Rd Desoto, TX

Boys & Girls - Grades 3-8

Cost: $85 Pre-Registration/ $100 On-Site Registration (after May 18th)

(Includes daily instructional lessons, motivational speakers, camp t-shirt, lunch, admission to Heads Up! Celebrity Game

The Heads Up! Foundation ! PO Box 763767 Dallas, Texas 75376 ! call 214.339.1400

Congratulations to the Class of 2012 --Have a productive



Page 9: I Messenger 38


Cheryl Smith’s

Don’t Believe the Hype Celebrity Bowl-a-thon

Saturday June 30,


6p Reception8-10p Bowling

8:30p Dick Gregory

speaksRegister your team or get your vendor booth today at or call 972.572.0088

I MESSENGERBringing you enlightening, educational, empowering, inspiring and thought-provoking information from around the world!

Last year’s lineup was the bomb!Catered by Peaches Party Package and Off the Bone Barbecue!!!

Some of our past champions:

Skip Murphy & Team

Constable Derick Evans & Team

TXU Teams

Councilwoman Dorothy Burton’s Team

Judge Maryellen Hicks’ Team

High Bowlers:

Skip Murphy

Constable Derick Evans

Dr. Beverly Mitchell Brooks

Dr. Frederick D. Haynes III

Deitra Miles

Ken Bell

Some celebs who supported over the past 17 years:

Chuck D - Public EnemyMalik Farrakhan - PE

Rene SylerRoland Martin

Miles JayeRon & Matrice Kirk

Clarice TinsleyJohn McCaa

Tony Dixon - former CowboyJay Ratliff - Dallas CowboyRoy Tarpley, former MAV

Eric BenetPhyllis Yvonne Stickney

Miles JayeDISD Trustee Hollis Brashear

Hon. Tennell AtkinsHon. John Wiley Price

Brian CurtisBob Ray Sanders

Kristi NelsonShaun RabbBrian Custer

Ramona LoganCrystal Thornton

Susy SolisOmar Villafranca

Chief Ben ClickJudge Thomas Jones

Cheryl’s World on Blog Talk Radio


Page 10: I Messenger 38


There’s so much to Bishop Thomas Dexter (T.D.) Jakes. He’s a husband, father of five, grandfather, minister, adviser, author, actor, stage play producer, humanitarian, philanthropist, speaker and movie producer who has several honorary degrees and Grammy and Dove award nominations--and there’s so much more!

The Bishop is among the 25 Most Influential African Americans, Britain's 100 Most Influential Black People and EBONY's Power 150. “His worldwide impact can be felt through a media empire that spans film, television, radio, best-selling books, greeting cards and conference series.”

When folks began buzzing about a “new” pastor moving to the metroplex, the excitement level was high. That was in the mid 1990s and since then thousands have joined the

charismatic, straight-talking minister from West Virginia.

It was interesting to hear Bishop Jakes referred to as “new” because for decades he was laying a foundation for what today amounts to a ministry that is far larger and widespread than the reported 30,000 members, and includes several components.

As he prepares to celebrate his 55th birthday on June 9, a huge celebration is

happening on June 8. His wife, Serita A. Jakes, in conjunction with The Potter’s House and TDJ Enterprises, is hosting this black-tie gala at the new state-of-the-art Winspear Opera House.

Anything the Bishop does creates a buzz. He has created an environment and an atmosphere that is comfortable and engaging for society’s A-listers, like Oprah Winfrey, Tyler Perry, the Tom Joyners or the Emmitt Smiths.

A Man for These


Bishop T. D. Jakes’ impact is international

By Cheryl Smith - I MESSENGER

More than a photo op: President Barack Obama with Bishop T. D. Jakes.


Page 11: I Messenger 38


But there’s also room for the mother of six who I met after a service one warm summer day as she was asking for assistance to get her car repaired.

It was heartwarming to watch staff from the church assist the young mom and keep her children engaged and out of the heat.

For all the staff knew I could have been a random church-goer so I know they weren’t putting on an act in case I was writing a story. Their attention to her needs was genuine and they treated her with dignity, giving the impression that what I saw was the Potter’s House standard.

Over the years, the Bishop and I have had discussions about everything from abstinence and faith to financial literacy and family responsibility. He didn’t even shy away from discussing his critics.

He said that 50 families moved with him to Dallas where he founded the Potter’s House. That number grew rapidly as people came in huge numbers to hear his message and join the “movement.”

Although the Potter’s House is non-denominational, people of all faiths have visited, and joined.

Of course there were those who criticized “mega-churches” while also marveling at the rapid growth of the Potter’s House. Critics claim that the churches, like the Potter’s House, are too large and you can’t “reach out and touch” your pastor.

Bishop Jakes said he does not focus on the criticisms about the work he is doing at the Potter’s House, in the community and around the world. While there are local churches that experienced a drop in their memberships as folks checked out the “new” minister, The Potter’s House and Bishop Jakes also appealed to a segment that didn’t claim a home church.

Acknowledging that churches appeal to people for different reasons and everyone must find their own way and place, Bishop Jakes said there’s no need to fight over members because there are plenty of souls out there to save!

It appears Bishop Jakes message continues to resonate with many because of his no-nonsense candor and ability to apply the lessons in the Bible to the lives we are living.

Bishop Jakes is able to attract tens of thousands to convention centers and venues across the country. He also caused excitement

when he took his popular “family friendly” MegaFest on the road from Atlanta, GA to South Africa.  According to the Bishop, MegaFest International was the next logical step in the evolution of the event.  “At the previous MegaFest events, we had people attend from all over the world, all ethnicities, all religions; so many different cultures were in the room,” he acknowledged. “As I looked out, the feel was so much more aligned to an international event, than a US specific event.  I believe the true purpose of the

ministry is to go beyond your traditional walls and minister to the world.  MegaFest International provides us with that platform.”

The Potter’s House has an impressive 50-plus active outreach ministries and has four locations -- The Potter’s House of Dallas, The Potter’s House of Fort Worth, The Potter’s House of North Dallas, and The Potter’s House of Denver and a Spanish language church, Casa de Fe.

Whether he is talking about HIV/AIDs or providing resources following a natural disaster, Bishop Jakes is always on the move. It’s equally important to note that as busy as the Bishop is, a strong component in his life has to be the First Lady, who he has been married to since 1981.

Too often the great works of the wives are ignored, although those works are an integral part of their husbands’ success.

As she prepares to salute her husband’s accomplishments’ Mrs. Jakes is a confident in her roles as a wife, mother of five, grandmother, adviser, author, actress, speaker, stage play producer, magazine publisher, humanitarian, philanthropist, spokesperson and more.

Like her husband, there’s a message in all of her works. Talk about a busy schedule! She’s executive director of The Potter’s House Women’s Ministries, oversees Rahab International Ministries for survivors of domestic violence and God’s Leading Ladies Life Enrichment Program (GLL) for women who seek to lead excellent spiritual, personal and professional lifestyles--and that’s not all!

The Jakes are a real power couple because they are about empowering the masses.

The cameras will be focused on the Jakes again in August when their latest production Sparkle, featuring Whitney Houston, Jordin Sparks and Mike Epps hits the theaters.


Since inception of the church, The Potter’s House has developed and implemented outreach programs that address the full gamut of issues that many people face.

Here are just a few of the many ministries making a difference under the leadership of Bishop Jakes:

Texas Offenders Re-entry Initiative (T.O.R.I): Founded in December 2004 by Bishop T.D. Jakes,

T.O.R.I. is an intensive 12-month case management program that offers six core services that the majority of formerly incarcerated clients need, including: employment, housing, education, family reunification, health care and spiritual guidance. Since its inception, T.O.R.I. has served more than 7,000 formerly incarcerated individuals returning to Texas.

MegaCARE: MegaCARE is an international outreach and relief program that supports and initiates sustainable community development efforts through education, health care assistance, humanitarian service and empowerment. The humanitarian arm of The Potter’s House, MegaCARE was founded in 1997 by Bishop T.D. Jakes, and has implemented programs in the United States, Kenya, Zambia, South Africa, Swaziland, Egypt, India, Bulgaria, Mexico, Belize and Guyana by initiating sustainable development efforts through staff, volunteers and strategic partnerships. Through initiatives including clean water programs, construction of-more-shelter and distribution of food and medicines, MegaCARE has provided relief worldwide.

WoMan to Woman: The WoMan to Woman Women’s ministry was designed to touch, empower, include, involve, and encircle every woman of The Potter’s House. Through its signature programs, God’s Leading Ladies Life Enrichment Program, The Debutante Program and Rahab, Mrs. Serita Jakes and the leaders of WoMan to Woman, are empowering women and girls to rise above their past hurts and pain and walk into their God-given destinies.

Guardians Program: The Guardians Ministry feeds, clothes and ministers to the homeless. Each Sunday, The Potter’s House provides transportation, food, a shower, grooming and clothing for about 50 people that they may worship God with dignity.

On the Trinity Broadcasting Network

Mrs. Serita Jakes at premiere of “Jumping the Broom.”

Page 12: I Messenger 38


These days it is not too often in our lives that we get to enjoy ourselves in a large group of people. Maybe a family or a class reunion can come close, but when it’s a concert that includes musical giants like Kurtis Blow, The Dazz Band, En Vogue, Babyface and the ageless Uncle Charlie Wilson, you can’t miss!

Seeing this line-up hosted by the one and only “Fly Jock” Tom Joyner at this year’s 94.5 Old School Summer Jam was all that, and then some. Good music has become extremely valuable in this day and time when radio has become so predictable. The songs that these artists have given to us still have great meaning and can rock any crowd!

When the legendary Kurtis Blow can come out on stage in an all white Adidas warm-up in Texas and still be cool singing “The Breaks,” then still bust a break dance move after 40 years of Hip-Hop, that’s music history!

Follow Mr. Blow up with R&B super-group “The Dazz Band” singing hits like “Joystick” and “Let It Whip.” This took me back to the days when bands could put you on the dance-floor for all the cardio you needed for a month!

We can’t forget that our ladies had super-groups too, En Vogue stood and delivered! Terry Ellis, Maxine Jones and Cindy Herron, minus the lovely Dawn Robinson proved they are more than poster models in heels! These women brought the heat singing “Giving Him Something He Can Feel” and “Hold On.” They still have amazing harmony and stage presence. Terry Ellis still has those pipes!

Now we get into the Super-Star status of Mr. Kenneth “Babyface” Edmonds, who will go down in history as one of the most successful songwriters of all times. The man has a true understanding of what a love song is! “Whip Appeal” is all I

need to say about his performance!The Headliner of this superb line-up

was the piercing voice of everybody’s favorite uncle, “Uncle Charlie” Wilson! I cannot express how much of a fan I am of this man! I grew up on the “Gap Band.” Tulsa, Oklahoma should always be proud to claim the Wilson brothers, Ronnie (R.I.P) Robert and Charlie. The hits they

put out “Early In The Morning,” “You Dropped A Bomb On Me,” “Burn Rubber On Me” to name a few, will never get too old to get a party started!

The journey of Charlie Wilson after the “Gap Band” was one of tremendous struggle. As he puts it, “I went from rags to riches then riches to rags then from rags to homeless.” His success and comeback

from alcoholism and drug-addiction to now 18 years clean and sober is a miracle for sure! He now claims a string of number one hits on the R&B charts and six Grammy nominations.

Old school music is here to stay and keeps us old folks young!

Aaron Hopkins is rhe President & CEO/BBNB Entertainment.

Old School is Never too Old By Aaron Hopkins

Kurtis Blow


Page 13: I Messenger 38




By Thomas A. Farrington, PHEN President & Founder

I was in Atlanta, Georgia the past few days attending the American Urological Association's (AUA) Annual Conference. While there we heard from the United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) that it had ignored the voices of prostate cancer specialist, patients and patient advocacy organizations and that it was dancing to its own music by issuing a final "D" recommendation for the PSA test. This recommendation is against the routine use of the PSA test for the early detection of prostate cancer; this news made headlines across the country.

Since the draft recommendation issued by the USPSTF in October 2011, I have communicated PHEN's opposition against the draft "D" recommendation. We stand firmly against this final recommendation and with many other organizations, prostate cancer specialists and some government agencies (see video at who accept data showing that the PSA test saves lives and is the major contributor to a decline of 49% in the prostate cancer death rate since the test has been used widely.

In a "Town Hall Meeting" held at the AUA conference that included a representative of the USPSTF it was clear that any argument made in opposition to the USPSTF recommendation was simply ignored by it. The moderator asked for a show of hands of those that disagreed with the USPSTF's position and nearly all hands were raised.

At the heart of the "scientific evidence" used by the USPSTF to render its recommendation is the PLCO study. However the leader of this study, Dr. Gerald Andriole who participated

on the panel for the Town Hall meeting has consistently stated his opposition to the conclusion that the USPSTF drew from this study and he supports the PSA test (see video at In addition, research experts emphatically point out that the PLCO data is too flawed to be used as the basis for a recommendation on the PSA test.

As I have pointed out since the PLCO study was released, African American men are not included in this study at a significant enough level that would allow the USPSTF to draw a conclusion on the effectiveness of the PSA test for Black men. However, the USPSTF has simply ignored this lack of data and included African American men and other high risk men in its final "D" recommendation. This action was taken in spite of calls from congressional leaders, medical specialists and patient advocates that such action would be reckless and without a scientific basis.

With its "D" recommendation, the USPSTF has issued a death sentence to those men that will need early detection of aggressive prostate cancer but will ignore their prostate health based on this recommendation.

PHEN will continue to focus on educating African American men about their prostate health and the importance of early detection of cancer. With a death rate 140% higher than for other men, Black men cannot simply ignore the killer within that is prostate cancer. PHEN will not be alone in its efforts as all of the organizations that focus on prostate cancer prevention, education and research that I have spoken with, strongly disagree with the USPSTF's "D" recommendation

African American men should ignore the USPSTF recommendation against the use of the PSA test. PHEN's guidance is based on the National Comprehensive Cancer Network "Prostate Cancer Early Detection Guidelines" which calls for a baseline PSA test for African American and other high risk men at age 40 following a discussion with their doctor about screening for the early detection of prostate cancer.

The National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) is an alliance of 21 of the world's leading cancer centers. The NCCN guidelines are widely recognized by oncology clinicians and payors. The prostate cancer early detection guidelines stress the importance of involving the patient and informing him of the implications and potential consequences that may arise from the decision to embark on an early detection pathway.

I am privileged to serve as the patient advocate member of the NCCN "Prostate Cancer Treatments Guidelines Committee" with the opportunity to work with some of the world's leading prostate cancer medical and research specialists. In consultation with these leaders and others I will continue to provide my thoughts, information, and

guidance to the families most impacted by prostate cancer.

Additional Information:Congresswoman Donna

Christensen Expresses Disappointment in the USPSTF Prostate Cancer Screening Recommendations - Calls the Final Recommendation a Step in the Wrong Direction

New PSA Recommendations from U.S. Preventive Services Task Force are a Disservice to

AUA Disputes Panel's Recommendations On Prostate Cancer

Urologists Outraged over Government Panel's Recommendation to Stop Life-Saving Prostate Cancer

About PHEN:PHEN is a non-profit 501c3 organization founded in 2003 by Thomas A. Farrington, a prostate cancer survivor and author of the books "Battling the Killer Within" and "Battling the Killer Within and winning." PHEN's mission includes eliminating the African American prostate cancer disparity and working towards a cure for the disease. Black men in the United States have a prostate cancer mortality rate 2.4 times higher than other men. Visit PHEN's website at

A Healthy You

Thomas A. Farrington

INTERNSHIP OPPORTUNITIESAre you detail-oriented, creative, and interested in

a career in journalism? Here’s an opportunity for you to work with award-winning journalists as you

learn convergence: radio, television, newspaper, magazine and online journalism.

Send your resume to [email protected]


Page 14: I Messenger 38


By Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson

The U.S. housing market is headed on a solid path to recovery. According to the Department of Housing and Urban Development, mortgage delinquencies have declined for the fourth consecutive month in April, while sales of existing homes in the first quarter of 2012 were 5.3 percent higher than the same period last year.

In Dallas County and North Texas, median home sales prices have

increased, property values are up, and the total number of homes for sale has consistently declined.

Yet, for thousands of existing homeowners in our area, these positive indicators do not show the complete picture. If you purchased a home before the housing bubble burst in 2008, your home value may still be well below the amount owed on an existing mortgage. Being “underwater” on your mortgage – or owing more on the loan than the home’s actual value – can prove costly and frustrating for families who have continued to fulfill their financial

obligations and made timely payments on their home loans.

Impacted communities in North Texas cannot idly stand by, and so I want to acknowledge a unique opportunity coming to Dallas that may bring immediate mortgage relief to families.

The Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America (NACA) will be coming to the Dallas Fair Park on June 7 – 11, 2012, every day from 8a.m. to 8p.m. NACA’s “American Dream” event will bring dozens of trusted lenders from the area to restructure the terms of existing subprime or predatory

mortgages directly with constituents. Thousands of homeowners may able to save money through reduced interest rates, lower monthly payments, and sometimes even principal reductions.

Homeownership is a fundamental pillar of the American Dream, and I am committed to keeping that dream alive by providing assistance to help Americans and their families stay in their homes. For more information, questions or concerns, you may contact NACA directly at 1-888-499-6222.

It’s your business

June is Black Music Month & more at SDCC!This month all across the USA Black music will be showcased as the nation celebrates Black Music Month. SDCC is teaming with Black Cinematheque Dallas to screen special films and have some lively conversation about hip hop and Nigerian superstar, the late Fela Kuti. In addition, a panel discussion sponsored by various groups will focus on hip-hop politics. And of course there'll be some live jazz so plan to join us!

Stage Band South Open Rehearsal.Ever wanted to sit in on a big band rehearsal? Are you just a little bit curious about how all those musicians get it together for a big concert? Well come sit in on the "behind the scenes" happenings with Stage Band South led by the inimitable Jason Davis. It's free but you have to promise to just listen and enjoy!

Tues. June 5, 2012 at 7:30 pm Free. South Dallas Cultural Center Theater

Fahamu Pecou in da House!If you're interested in hip hop and its role in shaping American politics, this panel discussion is for you! Hosted by Atlanta sensation, artist Fahamu Pecou, HIP HOP POLITICS is sponsored by South Dallas Cultural Center and Art-N-Lyrics, Pretty Guerilla Culture, The Dallas Weekly, Fahamu Pecou ART INC., Urban League of Greater Dallas Young Professionals, CultureLAB, DJ B NICE, Vibe Spot, Ubir,Group Excellence and Join us as we delve into the hip hop political phenomenon.

Friday, June 8, 2012 at 7 pm. Free.South Dallas Cultural Center Theater

Black Cinematheque Dallas celebrates Black Music MonthJune is Black Music Month and to acknowledge this Black Cinematheque Dallas and SDCC will screen "Say My Name" and Fela-NYC: Fresh from Africa. In a hip hop and R&B world dominated by men and noted for misogyny, the unstoppable female lyricists of Say My Name speak candidly about class, race, and gender in pursuing their passions as female MCs. This documentary takes viewers on a vibrant tour of urban culture and musical movement, from hip hop's birthplace in the Bronx, to London's Eastside, and points in between. Featuring interviews and musical performances from a diverse cast of women including true pioneers like MC Lyte, Roxxanne Shante, and Monie Love, these are women turning adversity into art. Also in this important film is Remy Ma, Rah Digga, Jean Grae, Erykah Badu, Estelle, as well as newcomers Chocolate Thai, Invincible and Miz Korona.

In the spirit and rich tradition of the African Griot, let I Messenger get your message out to the masses.

Send your information and events to [email protected]


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Hosted by Congresswoman

Eddie Bernice Johnson th District

Hosted by Congresswoman

Eddie Bernice Johnson th District

Saving the American Dream


Page 15: I Messenger 38


Support Black -owned bookstores

Send your books for review to: Cheryl Smith, P.O. Box

860 Grand Prairie, TX 75053

In our libraryReviewed by Cheryl Smith

NABJ Reads: Bring a Book to

ConventionPowered By BP

Calling all NABJ Convention attendees – bring books to New Orleans

NABJ is partnering with the New Orleans Public Library to collect books for New Orleans teenagers. On Saturday, June 23, we will have an outdoor party for high school students across New Orleans. Our event will include a book drive, live entertainment, and interaction with journalists and celebrities who will discuss the importance of reading and writing. Please help these efforts by bringing a book to convention to donate. Also feel free to make a monetary donation to this effort, visit here:

1,000 Books for 1,000 Kids. Become A Sponsor.- They will be what they can SEE -

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Page 16: I Messenger 38


INTERNSHIP OPPORTUNITIESAre you detail-oriented, creative, and interested in a career in journalism? Here’s

an opportunity for you to work with award-winning journalists as you learn convergence: radio, television, newspaper, magazine and online journalism.

Send your resume to [email protected]


Page 17: I Messenger 38



5th Annual Dallas Greek Picnic Weekend

2012: May 31 - June 3Weekend-long festivities set

to bring together members of the Noble NineGreek-letter organizations while giving back to the

community and registering new voters.DALLAS Calvin Whitaker & Charles City Gbadebo, Dallas area entrepreneurs and members of Alpha Phi Alpha® Fraternity Inc, are excited to announce the upcoming 5th Annual Dallas Greek

Picnic Weekend 2012.Taking place May 31 June 3, the four -day affair will bring

together over 5000-plus alumni, college members and friends of the Noble Nine Greek-letter organizations in the

Southwestern region of the United States. This tradition is part of a business initiative to revitalize the southern sector of Dallas

and its surrounding communities with high-profile events.

June 18th Annual Par for The Course Golf Tournament at the Lakes Course at Firewheel Golf Club and to a gourmet dinner featuring live music and three gourmet chefs at the Spring Creek Church in Garland. Funds from these two events will go to support the New Beginning Center’s shelter, educational programs, and transitional housing. For more info or to sign up your team or purchase tickets go to or e-mail [email protected]

June 2

Winning Grants and Funding Seminar For Non-Profits, Churches and Faith Based Organizations Are you ready to win grants? Let's get started!This dynamic training is designed to give faith based and community based organizations the tools required and empowering information to win grants and fund all types of non-profit organizations and ministries. Topics include:*Grant writing for foundations, corporations and government agencies *Current "hot" areas for funding nonprofits and ministries*New IRS requirements for 501 (c) (3) organizations*How to get your proposal to stand out and win funding*How to develop a strong board and build political support for your organization

*Basics of understanding the application,budget and proposal process 9 am-1 pm3507 Horne Street, Ft. Worth,Texas 76107For more info call: 214-417-7614------

African American Museum is hosting its 27th Annual Gala and Auction featuring WAR, at the Omni Hotel.

********S.W.A.G. Inc. - Singles CommunityCommunity OUTREACH 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.North Texas Food BankAs a part of Friendship-West’s continued Outreach efforts S.W.A.G. InC. Ministry will be volunteering at the North Texas Food Bank, anyone interested in participating can sign up after each service in the Narthex where you will also be able to order T-shirts. For further info contact [email protected].

June 3

The Texas Southern University National Alumni Association (TSUNAA) Dallas Chapter will host its 11th Annual Scholarship and Awards Luncheon 2:00 p.m. at the Omni Dallas Hotel.

June 6AT&T Performing Arts Center presents Wilson Phillips8:00PMWinspear Opera House

June 8

Bishop T.D. Jakes is celebrating 35 years in ministry and to honor him, Mrs. Serita A. Jakes, The Potter’s House and TDJ Enterprises will host a black-tie gala here in Dallas at the new state-of-the-art Winspear Opera House. This gala will provide an opportunity to celebrate Bishop Jakes for his accomplishments in ministry and entertainment, for his dedication to humanity and family, and his influence as a world leader. The star-studded red carpet will begin at 6 p.m. and the program will begin at 7 p.m.

June 9

“Fit 4 the King!” Day “Fit 4 the King!” is a collaborative event between the Martin Luther King, Jr. Family Clinic and the Ron Springs “Gift for Life Foundation.” It is a day of health and fun for the entire family and community._______3rd Annual Robert E.

“Popa Lou” Louis Men of Honor Father’s Day Awards Breakfast,”, from 9a-12 pm at 7929 Military Parkway, Dallas, Texas 75227. The office phone is 214-388-5497. This event is targeting single moms raising boys, who are having issues with their sons.


10:30 am 6211 Denton Dr.Dallas, Texas 75235

Join speaker, author, trainer and entrepreneur, James Bird Guess for a morning of inspiration and conversation on overcoming life's obstacles, starting a business when you're broke, circumventing circumstances and making the impossible, possible. The special guests include those formerly incarcerated. DCCCD also will serve as one of several co-sponsors for the second annual BooksmART Festival from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. The free, one-day BooksmART Festival will offer families and children of all ages a chance to celebrate literature and the arts. The day will feature authors, artists, illustrators, workshops, music, gallery tours, story time, games and other activities at the Dallas Museum of Art. For details, visit

 June 10The Richard M. Brodsky Foundation will be sponsoring its 5th annual 5K AIDS Cancer Run Walk on 8 AM, Cedar Creek Park, Seaford, Long Island.

*****The Honorable Olly Neal will be the keynote speaker at My Very Own Book’s third annual dinner, to be held at the Eisemann Center in Richardson

June 11

Summer Scalp Checkup1-4pm

La’s Hair & Scalp Clinic2304 W. Pioneer Parkway #6

Arlington, TX 76012817-265-8854

2-day Technology Seminar for Certified Trichologists

June 16

LARFELL 4th ANNUAL ALL WHITE YA C H T T I C K E T S f o r @ L A K E LEWISVILLE 8pm-1am & the AFTER PARTY(TBA). ONLY a 100 tickets will be sold so get yours now make a appointment now between 1pm-4pm today 214-994-3968

MARIO BROWN TO TOUR WITH FRED H A M M O N D O N M C D O N A L D ’ S INSPIRATION OF GOSPEL TOUR. Mario will be joining and opening the McDonalds Inspiration of Gospel Tour that features Fred Hammond at the Potter's House.

The City of Balch Springs 4th Annual Juneteenth Celebration at the Balch Springs Civic Center 12400 Elam Rd., Balch Springs TX 75180

Mark your calendar


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Hosted by Congresswoman

Eddie Bernice Johnson th District

Hosted by Congresswoman

Eddie Bernice Johnson th District


Page 18: I Messenger 38


Friday, June 8

Join Cheryl and Lady T• Black Economic History

Fact of the Day

Thursday, June 7

Join Cheryl and Lady T• Black Economic History

Fact of the Day

Wednesday, June 6

Join Cheryl and Lady T• Black Economic History

Fact of the Day• LIVE from Harwood 609

Tuesday, June 5

Join Cheryl and Lady T• Black Economic History

Fact of the Day

Monday, June 4

Join Cheryl, and Lady T• Black Economic History

Fact of the Day

NEW TIME! Cheryl’s World on at 6p.m.

Call in to 646-200-0459

Activities Include:Parade, Buffalo Soldiers History, BBQ Cook-off, Live Entertainment 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament, Pig Wrestling, Food, Door Prizes And Much More! For More Information call: 972-557-6070

June 17

Real Men Cook at Gilley’s in Dallas

June 22

2012 Oak Cliff Chamber GalaOAK CLIFF ROCKS!


Live Band ~ Auction ~ Raffle Go to

June 23

Southern University Alumni Federation, Dallas Chapter, is hosting the Dallas Chapter FOUNDERS golf tournament on JUNE 23, 2012 at the Eastern Hills Country Club, 3000 South Country Club Road, Garland, Texas 75043

June 24

The North Dallas Suburban Foundation for Life Development and Community Involvement will host their Annual Fashion Extravaganza on

June 24, 2012 from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. at the Brookhaven Country Club in Dallas, Texas.  The cost of tickets is $35 per person.

June 28

2012 FraserNet PowerNetworking Conference will be held in Dallas, June 28-30! This is billed as Black America’s largest Powernetworking conference for business professionals and is headed up by the renowned speaker and author George Fraser.

June 29

80th birthday celebration for Mr. Dick Gregory. Log on to for tickets

June 30

18th annual Cheryl Smith’s Don’t Believe the Hype Celebrity Bowl -a - thon 6p .m. -11p.m. at USA Bowl,

10920 Composite Drive in Dallas.

July 3









July 11

2012 Southern University National Alumni Conference in Atlanta, Georgia, July 11-15 at the Loews AtlantaCall 1.888.563.9736 for reservations


Co-Chaired by :Her Excellency AMINA ALI, African Union Ambassador to the United States. andHer Excellency SHEILA SEWALA, The Ambassador of Zambia

Cheryl Smith’s

Don’t Believe the Hype Celebrity Bowl-a-thon

Saturday June 30,


6p Reception8-10p Bowling

8:30p Dick Gregory

speaksRegister your team or get your vendor booth today at or call 972.572.0088

I MESSENGERBringing you enlightening, educational, empowering, inspiring and thought-provoking information from around the world!

Last year’s lineup was the bomb!Catered by Peaches Party Package and Off the Bone Barbecue!!!

Some of our past champions:

Skip Murphy & Team

Constable Derick Evans & Team

TXU Teams

Councilwoman Dorothy Burton’s Team

Judge Maryellen Hicks’ Team

High Bowlers:

Skip Murphy

Constable Derick Evans

Dr. Beverly Mitchell Brooks

Dr. Frederick D. Haynes III

Deitra Miles

Ken Bell

Some celebs who supported over the past 17 years:

Chuck D - Public EnemyMalik Farrakhan - PE

Rene SylerRoland Martin

Miles JayeRon & Matrice Kirk

Clarice TinsleyJohn McCaa

Tony Dixon - former CowboyJay Ratliff - Dallas CowboyRoy Tarpley, former MAV

Eric BenetPhyllis Yvonne Stickney

Miles JayeDISD Trustee Hollis Brashear

Hon. Tennell AtkinsHon. John Wiley Price

Brian CurtisBob Ray Sanders

Kristi NelsonShaun RabbBrian Custer

Ramona LoganCrystal Thornton

Susy SolisOmar Villafranca

Chief Ben ClickJudge Thomas Jones

Cheryl’s World on Blog Talk Radio

July 18

The Sheila B Ministries is hosting the S.T.A.N.D Conference and Annual Ladies Luncheon scheduled for Wednesday, July 18 at 12

noon at the Fairmont Hotel. The guest speaker is our 22nd National President, Gwendolyn Boyd. The tables are $500 for seating of eight.

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Donna P. Charles

5/20/1958 - 3/23/2012Elusive Lady #22

Spring 1978Beta Alpha Chapter of

Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., FAMU



Page 19: I Messenger 38


INTERNSHIP OPPORTUNITIESAre you detail-oriented, creative, and

interested in a career in journalism? Here’s an opportunity for you to work with award-

winning journalists as you learn convergence: radio, television, newspaper,

magazine and online journalism.Send your resume to [email protected]

Welcome to TBANN

TBANN - Timely. Trusted. True. The Black American News Network

I started TBANN because I felt in my heart that there were more stories to be told about black America. For far too long have our stories been either ignored or treated as a sidebar. TBANN is here to change all of that.

TBANN will focus on news and issues that affect black Americans. All of black America. Rich or poor, famous or blue collar, natural or permed, dark skin, light skin or whatever makes us unique - we all have one thing in common.

We are black America!

I need you to help TBANN change the face of black news in America and across the world.

• Where ever you are, tell someone about Even if you're not next to a computer, tell them anyway, our mobile website is awesome.

• Last but certainly not least - PRAY FOR US! I want to positively impact peoples lives through TBANN.



CLASS of 2012


Page 20: I Messenger 38



Donna P. Charles

5/20/1958 - 3/23/2012

Elusive Lady #22Spring 1978

Beta Alpha Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority,

Inc., FAMU

Sunday, at 8:00a.m., turn on your computer & log on to Blog Talk Radio, or

call 646-200-0459 to listen to

Cheryl’s World and her guests:Live from the National Conference of Black Mayors 38th

Annual Convention in Atlanta, GA

And don’t forget

fitness guru Jay, sports guy Andrew

and an inspiring word from Father

JeMonde Taylor




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