

Hydrol. Process. 15, 2363–2366 (2001)DOI: 10.1002/hyp.474

Hydrologic inferences from comparisons among smallbasin experiments

J. A. Jones1 andF. J. Swanson2

1 Department of Geosciences,Oregon State University, Corvallis,OR 97331-5506, USA2 USDA Forest Service, PacificNorthern Research Station,Corvallis, OR 97331, USA

Correspondence to:J. A. Jones, Department ofGeosciences, Oregon StateUniversity, Corvallis, OR97331-5506, USA.E-mail: [email protected]

The hydrologic community is poised to make important advancesin basic hydrology through comparative analysis of small basinexperiments around the world. Existing long-term records fromsmall basins have already enriched our knowledge of fundamen-tal processes and important societal issues, and yet they contain awealth of untapped information about hydrologic and biogeochem-ical responses to climate change, natural disturbance and humanactivities over a wide range of climate, geophysical and vegetationsettings.

BackgroundSince near the start of the 20th century, small experimental basinstudies in a wide variety of environments have contributed to basicunderstanding of hydrology, but their role has declined in the pastseveral decades. Small basin studies have been criticized for hav-ing a parochial, management-oriented focus, lacking emphasis onprocess, and having outlived their relevance to the managementtreatments. New scientific tools and issues have shifted hydrolo-gists’ focus away from small basins to coarser and finer spatialscales, and from themes such as forestry impacts to environmen-tal change themes, such as alterations of biogeochemical cycles byatmospheric deposition. Also, many of the scientists who champi-oned the early small basin studies have retired, and many smallbasin experiments have been abandoned or are at risk as agencypriorities shift.

Studies at a small subset of the ongoing basin experiments havegrown in scope. These studies have been relevant to environmen-tal change issues such as acid rain and nitrogen deposition, andhave involved the ecology community, e.g. through the UnitedStates National Science Foundation’s Long-Term Ecological (LTER)network and the US Geological Survey’s(USGS) Water, Energy and Biogeochemical Budgets programme( Although research at each inten-sively studied small basin site has produced many valuable insights,it has been difficult to derive general hydrologic principles becausethe sites represent diverse hydro-ecosystems undergoing distinctivetypes of environmental change at different paces. This diversity canbe an asset when viewed in terms of the potential it represents

This article is a US Government work and is Received 15 March 2001

in the public domain in the US. 2363 Accepted 13 April 2001


for drawing general insights from comparativeanalysis (Post et al., 1998).

Current developmentsA renaissance is occurring among small basin stud-ies, in response to contemporary science and policyissues, new technology and the acknowledged valueof sites with strong research histories and use-ful temporal and geographic contexts. New dataanalysis techniques applied to accumulated longrecords (30 to over 60 years) from experimentalbasin studies allow inferences about hydrologicmechanisms and their geographical variation. Theessence of the method is to examine the tempo-ral behaviour of differences in streamflow at a

given temporal resolution (days, storms, season,years) among two or more basins that are knownto differ in one or more respects over at leastpart of the record. We have compared basins onthe basis of different treatments, such as forestcanopy removal and/or road construction (Jonesand Grant, 1996; Jones, 2000), or different vege-tation, hillslope residence times or snowpacks (Postet al., 1998; Post and Jones, 2001; Jones and Post,in preparation, Perkins, in preparation). Findingsinclude the following.

Small basin streamflow records embody vari-ability across multiple time and space scales thatare indicative of hydrologic process controls; theseprocesses are revealed by statistical analyses of






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Figure 1. Conceptual model of multiple time scales at which stramflow interacts with various factors: 1, succession, climate change;2, seasonality of climate, evapotranspiration; 3, hillslope residence times; 4, diurnal water use by vegetation, Data from Andrews

LTER control basin (WSZ)

Published in 2001 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 2364 Hydrol. Process. 15, 2363–2366 (2001)


selected combinations of locations and time scales.We find that four ‘natural’ time scales capturepotential interactions among vegetation, soil, snowand streamflow: interannual, seasonal, storm anddiurnal (Figure 1). The relative amounts of vari-ation, and the degree of coupling and lag timesbetween precipitation and streamflow, at each ofthese different time scales provide a signature ofeach basin (Post and Jones, 2001). This signaturemay predict a basin’s response to particular kindsof environmental changes (Jones and Post, unpub-lished data). When long-term records are exam-ined at multiple sites, there is great potential forinsights into hydrologic processes in small basinsfrom autocorrelations and cross-correlations (Postand Jones, 2001), spectral analysis (e.g. Kirch-ner et al., 2000) and cross-spectral analysis. Com-parative analyses may involve multiple (treatedand/or control) basins within a site (Jones andGrant, 1996), within a region (the Pacific North-west USA, e.g. Jones, 2000), or across regions(Andrews, Coweeta, Hubbard Brook and LuquilloLTER sites, USA; Post and Jones, 2001; Jones andPost, unpublished data). Here, we draw inferencesfrom these analyses about three hydrologic pro-cesses (and corresponding reservoirs): evapotran-spiration (vegetation), moisture storage and releasefrom hillslopes, and moisture storage and releasefrom snowpacks.

1. Streamflow response to vegetation is greatestduring periods when water use by vegetationis high relative to storages in soil and snow;these periods are revealed by comparing smallbasins with contrasting vegetation due to dif-ferences in biogeographic region or modifica-tion by humans. Increases in peak dischargesafter conifer forest canopy removal are largein relative terms, but rather small in absoluteterms during the moisture-limited fall period inthe Pacific Northwest (Jones and Grant, 1996;Jones, 2000). Streamflow responses to experi-mental forest canopy removal indicate that veg-etation water use is relatively high almost year-round in conifer forests of the Pacific NorthwestUSA, but relatively low and seasonally limitedin deciduous forests in the northeast and south-east USA. Thus, we hypothesize that vegetationwater use interacts with climate so as to damp

variability in the streamflow hydrograph rela-tive to climate in some cases (e.g. conifer forest)or magnify it in other cases (e.g. deciduous for-est). This hypothesis merits testing in basins witha wider range of vegetation types and amounts,across a broader range of climate.

2. Streamflow differs among basins according tothe distribution of hillslope residence times, orflowpath lengths, in the basin, and streamflowresponds to modification of these flowpaths, forexample by road construction. Hence, road con-struction combined with small amounts of for-est canopy removal produced similar increasesin peak discharges as those from 100% for-est canopy removal, during wet, winter periods(Jones and Grant, 1996). Increases attributableto hillslope flowpath modification in the north-west USA are small in relative terms, but largein absolute terms, because they occur duringthe winter period of large peak discharges. Wehypothesize that basins most sensitive to hills-lope flowpath modification are those with shal-low, subsurface flowpaths; this produces con-trasting responses to road construction in basinswith steep hillslopes and shallow soils versusgentle slopes and deep soils. More intersite com-parative work on hillslope hydrology has thepotential to reveal basin characteristics that con-tribute to disruption of flowpaths from hills-lope modifications such as road construction andreconnection of ‘natural’ flowpaths from e.g.road removal.

3. Streamflow response to snow reservoirs is medi-ated by vegetation and hillslopes, with the great-est response during periods when (or in placeswhere) vegetation water use is low and soilshave limited moisture storage capacity rela-tive to water stored in, or melted from, snow-packs. These periods are revealed by compar-isons among basins with contrasting snowpacksand hillslopes, with and without vegetation mod-ification. Increases in rain-on-snow peak dis-charges after forest canopy removal are greaterin basins with large snowpacks (Perkins andJones, unpublished data). Streamflow responseto forest canopy removal was large and concen-trated during a very short (two-week) snowmeltperiod in the northeast USA where soil moisturestorage capacity is low, but it was protracted

Published in 2001 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 2365 Hydrol. Process. 15, 2363–2366 (2001)


and difficult to separate from spring evapotran-spiration effect in the northwest USA wheresoil moisture storage capacity is high (Jones,2000; Jones and Post, unpublished data). Thus, asnowpack has the potential to amplify a basin’sstreamflow response to a natural climate event(as in a rain-on-snow event) or damp it (as inrain stored in snow). Further comparative stud-ies of small basin records no doubt will reveal awider set of interactions among the snowpack,hillslope hydrology and vegetation that amplifyor damp a basin’s streamflow response to nat-ural or anthropogenic inputs (as in snowmeltrelease of stored atmospherically deposited N;Shanley et al., 2000).

In summary, a basin’s streamflow may be pre-dicted by characterizing basin storage capacitiesin vegetation, soil and snow, the capacity of thesereservoirs to respond to inputs and demands forwater, and changes over time in the relative mag-nitudes of these storages. Basins with very highleaf area, such as old-growth conifer forests, mayhave larger, longer-lasting streamflow responses toforest canopy removal than basins with other veg-etation types. Basins with deep, subsurface flow-paths may be less responsive to variability inclimate and vegetation modification than thosewith shallow subsurface flowpaths. We expect thatmany further insights can be gained by extend-ing comparative analyses across a wider rangeof environmental gradients and disturbance types.Moreover, analyses could be expanded to involvemore in-depth examination of climate, water qual-ity (e.g. Johnson and Jones, 2000) and biogeochem-istry (Church, 1997; Kirchner et al., 2000), as wellas streamflow.

The futureWe envision a new phase of hydrologic science,invigorated by contributions from small basinexperiments. To facilitate and encourage theseefforts, several organizations (LTER, US ForestService, USGS) are developing electronic databasesfor hydrology and linked climate data for a sub-set of small basin experiments and making themavailable to the scientific community via data har-vester systems (Baker et al., 2000). Intersite and

interdisciplinary efforts involving new develop-ments in hydrology modelling, tracer and datingstudies of hydrologic processes and flow paths,and basin classification employed in the context ofexisting and nascent small basin studies can yieldgreat benefits for hydrological and ecological sci-ences.

AcknowledgementsThis comment benefited from discussions withD. Post, R. Perkins, J. McDonnell and G. Grant.Research described here was supported by USNational Science Foundation grants DEB-95-26987 (LTER Intersite Hydrology), DEB-80-12162,BSR-85-14325, BSR-90-11663 and DEB-96-32921(H.J. Andrews Long-term Ecological Research[LTER]); by NSF grants to the Coweeta, HubbardBrook and Luquillo LTER sites; and by the USForest Service support of long-term streamflowmonitoring at LTER sites and USFS sites in thenorthwest USA.


Baker KS, Benson BJ, Henshaw DL, Blodgett D, Porter JH,Stafford SG. 2000. Evolution of a multisite network informa-tion system: the LTER information management paradigm. Bio-Science 50(11): 963–978.

Church MR. 1997. Hydrochemistry of forested catchments.Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences 25: 23–59.

Johnson SL, Jones JA. 2000. Stream temperature responses toforest harvest and debris flows in western Cascades, Oregon.Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 57(Suppl.):1–10.

Jones JA. 2000. Hydrologic processes and peak dischargeresponse to forest removal, regrowth, and roads in ten smallexperimental basins, western Cascades, Oregon. Water ResourcesResearch 36: 2621–2642.

Jones JA, Grant GE. 1996. Peak flow response to clearcuttingand roads in small and large basins, western Cascades, Oregon.Water Resources Research 32: 959–974.

Kirchner JW, Feng X, Neal C. 2000. Fractal stream chemistryand its implications for contaminant transport in catchments.Nature 403: 524–527.

Post DA, Jones JA. 2001. Hydrologic regimes at four long-termecological research sites in New Hampshire, North Carolina,Oregon, and Puerto Rico. Advances in Water Resources , in press.

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Shanley J, Kendall C, Smith T, Wolock D, McDonnell JJ. 2001.Factors controlling old and new water partitioning in nestedcatchments in Vermont. Hydrological Processes , in press.

Published in 2001 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 2366 Hydrol. Process. 15, 2363–2366 (2001)

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