
H u m a n Re s o u r c e s D e ve l o p m e n t

HRD Conference 2009

Pre-conference Workshop and Two-day Conference 12 - 14 August 2009

Sandton Convention Centre



Human Resources Development

HRD Conference 2009

For more information contact:Zia Attlee +27 11 880 8540 or [email protected]

12 - 14 August 2009Sandton Convention Centre

Pg 2

In current economic tough times, training budgets are often cut. But with a severe skills shortage facing South Africa, cutting down on training is not the answer. Instead organisations should look at the benefits of training and human resource development and how this can help organisations to survive these challenging times.

It is imperative that organisations focus on attracting, retaining and training knowledgeable, skilled and loyal staff. Skilled staff means higher productivity and lower turn-over, and when the economy improves your organisation should be ready to move forward.

Knowledge Resources has put together the HRD Conference 2009 specifically aimed at assisting you as HR and Training professionals in updating your skills and knowledge.

With various international and local speakers this is a conference you cannot miss. Hear expert insight from companies such as MTN; Coca-Cola SA; Volkswagen SA; Medi-Clinic; Nedbank; First National Bank; Bowman Gilfillan; Nike SA; Unilever; Momentum; New Clicks SA; South African National Defence Force; South African Police Service and MANY more.

International industry leaders that will be presenting at this conference include:

Ajay Pangarkar and Teresa Kirkwood, international authors of The Trainer’s Balanced Scorecard (2009) and The Trainer’s Portable Mentor (2008). Lance Dublin, independent management consultant, international speaker and author based in San Francisco, California.Amma Benneh-Amponsah, Human Resource Executive: Human Resource Division of MTN Ghana

By attending you will not only gain up-to-the-minute knowledge on various topics, but have ample opportunity to network and build professional relationships with delegates from industries. Have a look at the programme for a detailed outline of the different topics that will be covered during the two-day conference.

There are also two pre-conference workshops scheduled for the 12th of August to give you added learning opportunity. Choose between The Trainer’s Balanced Scorecard: Linking Learning to Organisational Strategy, facilitated by Ajay Pangarkar; or Practical Guidelines for High Impact Skills Development, facilitated by Suzanne Hattingh.

You will also be provided with the opportunity to visit this year’s The Star Human Resources Development Expo where you will be able to view the different stalls and see the latest trends and developments, products, systems and services.



For more information contact:Zia Attlee +27 11 880 8540 or [email protected]

We have scheduled two great pre-conference workshops: Choose between

The Trainer’s Balanced Scorecard: Linking Learning to Organisational Strategy

Practical Guidelines for High Impact Skills Development

ADDED VALUE: The HRD Conference 2009 is running alongside The Star Human Resources Development ExpoYou will be provided with free entrance to this year’s The Star Human Resources Development Expo (HRDE), 12-14 August 2009.

HRDE is the premier forum at which companies and institutions at the cutting edge of this industry sector converge to do business and where visitors are given the opportunity of seeing the latest trends and developments, products, systems and services, ensuring that HR departments are at the cutting edge of HR skills, systems and technology.

Who Should Attend?

HR Directors and ManagersTraining Directors and Managers Learning and Development ManagersHRD PractitionersOrganisational Development Professionalse-Learning DevelopersTraining Consultants


Dates12 August 2009 Pre-conference workshops13-14 August 2009 Two-day conference

VenueSandton Convention Centre

Registration fees12 August 2009 R3 850 (including VAT)13 OR 14 August 2009 R3 500 (including VAT)13 AND 14 August 2009 R6 900 (including VAT)

The above registration fees include lunch and refreshments, parking and workshop/ confer-ence material.

Special OfferRegister 3 delegates and the 4th delegate attends for FREE!


Human Resources Development

HRD Conference 2009

For more information contact:Zia Attlee +27 11 880 8540 or [email protected]

12 - 14 August 2009Sandton Convention Centre

Pg 3

The Trainer’s Balanced Scorecard: Linking Learning to Organisational Strategy

12 August 2009Sandton Convention Centre

In this one-day interactive session you will learn the techniques to effectively integrate and align your learning initiatives within the context of your organisational or corporate strategy. You will apply the skills you learn to align and incorporate your training plan with specific strategic goals ensuring organisational buy-in and success.

Workshop Overview

The Balanced Scorecard (BSC) is the strategic business tool of choice for many organisations. The objective of the BSC is to link the organisation’s strategic objectives to tangible measures that encompass four strategically focused areas. One of the four components misunderstood, underutilised, and ineffectively applied is “learning and growth.” The BSC is an opportunity for the senior management and those responsible for workplace learning and performance to communicate through a common language, establish tangible measures and targets, and contribute to attaining the organisation’s strategic objectives. Training is viewed as a business investment and is being held accountable for employee development efforts. This is why management applies the learning and growth component , and why it is necessary for learning professionals to possess a clear understanding for and be able to directly contribute to the business.

What will you gain?

Participants will receive a comprehensive learning guide. Other benefits include:

Develop tangible measures for learning and growth within the balanced scorecard. Communicate to management expected results in terms that management understands.Build a common business and learning strategy to meet strategic objectives.Develop a learning and performance scorecard that connects to the organisational objectives.

Who should attend?

Training/Learning Managers/Directors/Coordinators, BU Managers, Chief Learning Officers, HR Managers/ Directors/Coordinators, Trainers, Performance Consultants, HR professionals.





Topics covered in the workshop

Defining Organisational Strategy: Recognising what management is focused on and concerned aboutWrapping Your Mind Around the BSC: Defining the BSC and how the elements work togetherWhat Does Management Want: The ROI myth and recognising the culture clash between management and T&D Developing Learning & Growth: Developing the metrics and initiatives that contribute to strategy Ensuring stakeholder involvement in the skills planning processMeasuring Learning Connection to Strategy: Creating a BSC for the T&D department as part of a cascading strategy








08:00 – 08:30 Registration and refreshments08:30 Workshop commences10:00 – 10:30 Morning tea break12:30 – 13:30 Lunch15:00 – 15:15 Afternoon tea break16:30 Wrap-up and closure

Registration fee

R 3 850.00 (inclusive of VAT)

The above registration fee includes lunch and refreshments, parking, and workbooks

Facilitator Ajay M. Pangarkar, CTDP

Ajay Pangarkar is President and Lead Learning Strategist of CentralKnowledge Inc., leaders in developing measurable strategic learning solutions and delivering innovative assessment systems. He is a leading learning strategist in the world, published author, a foremost authority on integrating learning strategies into the Balanced Scorecard,

developing the Business Acumen for trainers, and is an industry-recognised speaker on strategic employee development, blended learning, and learning measurement Ajay’s passion is to align learning infrastructure and deliverables with an organisation’s strategic objectives.

Pre-conference Workshop


Human Resources Development

HRD Conference 2009

For more information contact:Zia Attlee +27 11 880 8540 or [email protected]

12 - 14 August 2009Sandton Convention Centre

Pg 4

12 August 2009Sandton Convention Centre

This one-day workshop will provide you with practical, step-by-step guidelines on how to conduct a Skills Audit and Training Needs Analysis, and implement a Skills Planning process for developing the skills needed to achieve your organisation’s business goals.

Workshop Overview

The workshop will guide participants to establish a comprehensive skills planning process that results in high impact skills development interventions, which make a measurable contribution towards improving the competence of employees. Your internal staff Training and Development plan – and the Workplace Skills Plan (WSP) – should be derived from and integrated into other human performance improvement processes for developing the human capital needed to achieve your organisation’s business goals and objectives, such as talent management, succession planning, the retention of scarce skills and employment equity.

In this tough economic situation, Return on Investment (ROI) in training is critical. Therefore, organisations must ensure that training is clearly focused and results in improved performance.

What will you gain?

Participants will receive a comprehensive handout with implementation tools. Other benefits will be:

Step-by-step guidelines on how to conduct a Skills Audit and a Training Needs AnalysisThe process for planning high impact learning and other development programmesGuidelines for ensuring that your organisation qualifies for Mandatory and Discretionary Grants from your SETAHow to use skills development to improve Employment Equity and gain points on the BBBEE Scorecard.

Who should attend?

HRD and Training & Development Managers and practitioners, Skills Development Facilitators (SDFs), Training Committee members, Consultants, Shop stewards and union representatives, and others involved in training and skills development.





Topics covered in the workshop

Integrating skills planning into human capital development and other organisational processes for improving human performanceThe Skills Audit process to determine your organisation’s current and future competence needsThe Training Needs Analysis processSelecting the most appropriate learning programmes to address identified skills needsCriteria to qualify for SETA Mandatory and Discretionary GrantsNQF aligned learning programmes and the Learning Programme Matrix used by SETAsWorking with the new occupational codes – the OFOEnsuring that the WSP adds value to your organisation, while meeting all the SETA requirementsMonitoring and Evaluating the impact of skills development to ensure Return on Investment.









08:00 – 08:30 Registration and refreshments08:30 Workshop commences10:00 – 10:30 Morning tea break12:30 – 13:30 Lunch15:00 – 15:15 Afternoon tea break16:30 Wrap-up and closure

Registration fee

R 3 850.00 (inclusive of VAT)

The above registration fee includes lunch and refreshments, parking, and workbooks

Facilitator Suzanne Hattingh

Suzanne Hattingh has managed the HRD consultancy, Learning for Performance Improvement (LPI) for ten years. LPI specialises in Human Capital Development directed at improving individual and organisational performance. She consults to corporate and public sector clients, business schools, other institutions of learning

and the SETAs, and advises the Department of Labour on the national skills development system. Suzanne is the author of many publications on Human Resource Development, learnerships, the NQF, skills development, impact evaluation to improve Return on Investment and the learning organisation.

Practical Guidelines for High Impact Skills Development

Pre-conference Workshop

Human Resources Development

HRD Conference 2009

For more information contact:Zia Attlee +27 11 880 8540 or [email protected]

12 - 14 August 2009Sandton Convention Centre

Pg 5

10:15 – 10:45 Morning Break


07:30 – 08:30 Registration

08:30 – 08:45 Welcome and introduction Chairperson: Khosi Matshitse, Executive Head: Human Resources, WesBank

Plenary session08:45 – 09:30

Ten workable strategies to make HRD survive and strive during these tough timesAjay M. Pangarkar, President and Lead Learning Strategist, CentralKnowledge Inc.

Track sessions09:30 – 10:15

TRACK AChairperson for this track: Khosi Matshitse,

Executive Head: Human Resources, WesBank

TRACK BChairperson for this track: Dr Linda Chipunza,

Manager – Learnerships: Learning and Development, FNB Shared Services

TRACK CChairperson for this track: Simone Zanetti,

Co-founder and CEO, Allos Consulting (Pty) Ltd, South Africa

From learning organisation to performance improvement: Creating the positive learning climateAmma Benneh-Amponsah, HR Executive, MTN Ghana

During this presentation Amma will share a case study on the recently launched MTN Learning Academy for West and Central Africa in Ghana. She will discuss their corporate university initiative and what the impact has been on learning and development, and how MTN Ghana is creating a positive learning climate.

Managing a corporate university with global and local application: A Coca-Cola University case studySharon Boretti, Capability & Development Director, Coca-Cola University

Impact of Web 2.0 on training: Is it delivering?Mike Stopforth, CEO, Cerebra

Professional speaker and Social Media expert, Mike Stopforth has spoken at over 100 conferences, industry events and corporate functions both locally and abroad in the last two years on the subjects of Web 2.0, Enterprise 2.0, New / Social Media and consumer behaviour.

During this presentation Mike will combine hard-hitting facts about cutting-edge web trends and innovations and their impact on training.

Delegates will be left with a wealth of information and insights into this emerging space.

10:45 – 11:30


Using Human Performance Improvement to identify and address performance challengesBelia Nel, Founder and CEO, Leaders of Learners

The world is becoming highly competitive and this also applies to HRD professionals. Information through technology is flattening the world and we need a way through our work, to distinguish ourselves from other HRD practitioners. We are ultimately responsible with management to drive and improve performance in the organisation. We also need to be credible and provide performance solutions that are backed by solid identification of gaps and misalignments through a methodology which will ensure we view performance from a complete performance perspective. In this session you will learn how to apply the methodology of Human Performance Improvement to identify and address performance challenges.

The role of skills development in creating a learning organisation: A Volkswagen South Africa case studyDr. Lesley Lee, Head: VWSA Learning Academy, Volkswagen of South Africa

Although the Motor Manufacturing industry is facing a huge economic challenge, Volkswagen South Africa (VWSA) has invested in their people development by providing state of the art production training centres as well as ensuring that the employees at VWSA are developed. A strong vision and leadership brand exists that everyone ascribes to. During an economic recession, training departments are often told to cut back on their training budgets. However VWSA has taken the initiative to train employees at all levels to meet world class standards.

The presentation will look at the VWSA model, and describe what each aspect of the model entails. The Learning organisation will show case what a company can deliver despite the economic tough times, and what the rewards have been for its employees.

The presentation will address the following:

Learning frameworkContent developmentFacilities and methodologyLeadership branding


Piloting an electronic training support tool (RWD uPerform), in a call centre environment and formulating a business case demonstrating direct business benefitsEsmari Wium, Training Technology Consultant, Sanlam Personal Finance: HR: Training and Development

Companies in the Financial Services Industry are faced with many regulatory requirements, challenging the way employees are trained and kept up to date with the ever-changing financial environment. Sanlam Personal Finance has invested in a blended learning strategy to ensure that training is delivered in the most effective method.

This presentation will focus on:

Context of the Financial Services IndustryBlended Learning ModelRapid elearning strategyBusiness requirementsRWD Technology OverviewHow does RWD fit into Sanlam’s training model?Proof of Concept

Stakeholders requirements/ SurveyExperience from trainersFeedback from project team

Implementation strategyGovernance and standards across businessesPotential usage/Business benefits






Human Resources Development

HRD Conference 2009

For more information contact:Zia Attlee +27 11 880 8540 or [email protected]

12 - 14 August 2009Sandton Convention Centre

Pg 6

11:30 – 12:15


Training and developing creative peopleLerato Ndoro, Group HR Director, Draftfcb

Draftfcb is one of the largest global advertising agency networks, with headquarters worldwide.

Care that creates confidence through competence: A Medi-Clinic case studyAvril Stroh, General Manager: Training, Medi-Clinic

During this presentation, the following will be discussed:

Historical overview of training at Medi-Clinic, and how nursing training has evolvedProgramme development: the determination of the types of programmes to be offered ; the mode and method of presentation; and how programmes are put together Impact of training on retention and recruitmentGrowth

An overview of the growth in programme offerings between 1997 and 2009Student numbersResources

Personnel development: opportunities offered to personnel in the training departmentThe future of training and development at Medi-Clinic







Mentoring, coaching and counselling as a HRD toolAndre Van der Bijl, Senior Lecturer: Faculty of Education and Social Sciences, Cape Peninsula University of Technology

This presentation will differentiate between the various concepts and provide models for the implementation of each.

Key outlines of presentation:

Background – the development of terms and concepts in the business environmentDescriptions and the use of the termsInformal HRD processes

CoachingMentoring ApprenticeshipCounsellingOther related terms

Key success factors when implementing informal HRD tools





12:15 – 13:30 Lunch Time to view stalls at The Star Human Resources Development Expo

13:30 – 14:15


How to develop and move employees from knowledge sharing to creating orgsanisational wisdomLou-Anne Lubbe, Senior Manager, Accenture

This presentation will address the following:

Knowledge Management – the change in maturity and move to organisational wisdomWisdom on an individual levelThe link to leadership, programmes, strategies, etcNurturing the knowledge culture and encouraging a thirst for wisdomGrandfathers/Wisdom Workers vs NetGens





Building social capital in South African organisations: The role of the HRD practitionerMark Turpin, Founding South African Partner and Consultant, Kessels and Smit The Learning Company

This presentation will review definitions of social capital, examine social capital in the South African context and set out a possible framework for supporting social capital formation in the workplace.

There is growing interest in the concept of developing social capital as a way of enhancing human capital, learning and knowledge productivity in the workplace. This interest is in the context of the growth of the knowledge economy, the need for companies to be increasingly competitive, and the changing nature of employer-employee relationships.

A deliberate focus on building social capital can increase learning and knowledge application within organisations, and a framework is proposed that HRD practitioners can apply to create the conditions for social capital growth.

Green learning: The HRD department’s contribution towards sustainabilityFrancois Cloete, Head: Learning Technology & Reporting, Nedbank

We live in a world where we are under pressure to relook our impact on the environment, how do we as learning professionals contribute towards sustainability and calculate our impact/cost saving contribution towards the environment.

e-Learning is not only cost effective but it is also a way through which one can contribute towards saving costs and assist in saving the environment.

A few guidelines to aid you in calculating the cost and impact of your training. This session will promote an opportunity for attendees to participate in a discussion around ways to calculate the cost of various training initiatives and determining the potential impact on the environment.

Human Resources Development

HRD Conference 2009

For more information contact:Zia Attlee +27 11 880 8540 or [email protected]

12 - 14 August 2009Sandton Convention Centre

Pg 7

14:15 – 15:00


Building business acumen for training professionals: Skills to empower the learning functionAjay M. Pangarkar, President and Lead Learning Strategist, CentralKnowledge Inc. and Teresa Kirkwood, Founding Partner, CentralKnowledge Inc.

Through an interactive and practical approach this session will provide training professionals and learning managers with the steps required to develop the essential business skills as they relate to training and development.

Increasingly, learning professionals are expected to communicate within their environment and with management in the language of business. C-level decision-makers expect to see results from investment made in all parts of the business and learning and development is no exception. Learning must be accountable and communicated to management in terms they understand. This presentation is a practical and instructional approach to developing the business and communication skills of learning and training staff.

Participants will benefit by:

Demonstrating why business acumen is neededLearning about management’s expectationsGetting to know your financial toolboxEvaluating your training in business terms Communicating learning results to



South African Police Service and skills developmentDirector Nobubele Mbekela, SAPS

Evaluating training: Using active engagement to achieve learner participation and performanceMarius Meyer, Senior Lecturer: Department of Industrial Psychology & People Management, University of Johannesburg and Ronnie Phillips, Head of FNB 2010 Employee Game, First National Bank

FNB decided to use its sponsorship of the FIFA 2010 World Soccer Cup as an opportunity to leverage employee learning. A competitive employee game was introduced on an electronic learning platform, thereby allowing employees to learn and improve their knowledge, and become winners of prizes being awarded. The high level of learner engagement contributed to the success of the intervention. The FNB employee game showed what a company can achieve when learning is directly linked to strategic business initiatives, in this case a major corporate social investment project. A thriving learning organisation integrating both technology and people was created and nurtured.

Key points:

Employee engagement and assessmentSound learning principles and practicesOptimising an e-learning employee game to create a learning organisationEvaluation for continuous improvement




15:00 – 15:15 Afternoon Break

15:15 – 16:15

16:15 End of Day One


Training games and activities: Designing for successFiona Ronquest-Ross, Co-founder, Learn to Lead

Learning through playBenefits & challenges of using different kinds of learning gamesTips on developing and delivering experiential learning that stimulates all the senses The best of blended learning in SA today – case-studies

Introducing some uniquely SA board-based games: Leaders in Action & Culture Wise

The process and rigour of creative design and development





Developing an effective e-Learning strategy: WebEx sessionLance Dublin, Chief Solution Architect, Dublin Consulting

This session will cover current topics within e-Learning, and by attending this session you will take away real-time examples and practical tips, tools to immediately apply in your job.

e-Learning is no longer an option. Management requires it. Learners expect it. Most organisations have gotten their ‘feet wet’ in one way or another, but, most often, without any true strategy. In this interactive workshop, you’ll learn a nine-stage approach to develop, implement, and/or refresh your e-learning strategy to ensure your organisation’s return on its e-learning investment.

By the end of this workshop, you will be able to:Use a nine-stage approach to develop, implement, and/or refresh an effective and actionable e-learning strategyPlan the specific actions and deliverables in each stageApply proven tips and tricks to avoid common problems and pitfalls




Keys to make learning stickAlinda Nortje, Executive Chairperson, Free To Grow

Research shows that up to 90% of what has been learned during a training programme, is normally forgotten within a month of the training. In this presentation Alinda Nortje, will explore 4 keys to help people understand and remember what they have learned so that return on training can be maximised. Alinda will explore the use of the following techniques to make learning stick: metaphor, imagery, discovery and outstandingness. She will illustrate each technique with practical examples, drawing from her close to 20 years of experience in programme development.


Human Resources Development

HRD Conference 2009

For more information contact:Zia Attlee +27 11 880 8540 or [email protected]

12 - 14 August 2009Sandton Convention Centre

Pg 8

10:15 – 10:45 Morning Break

07:30 – 08:30 Registration

08:30 – 08:45 Welcome and introduction Chairperson: Khosi Matshitse, Executive Head: Human Resources, WesBank

Plenary session08:45 – 09:30

An Odyssey: use the storm to gain your competitive advantage Simone Zanetti, Co-founder and CEO, Allos Consulting (Pty) Ltd, South Africae-Learning, Knowledge, Performance, the ocean of Human Capital Development is full of proposals, initiatives, new suppliers, new golden solutions, fix-it-all software, alternative strategies.....Whether you are an experienced professional in this field or an executive that has to decide a new HR strategy, you’ll land up in an Odyssey of sharks, submarines, sunny tropical islands and pirates. While all this might seem quite dangerous, there is a way in which you can turn all this confusion into a competitive advantage. The truth about what really works. With examples and case studies.

Track sessions09:30 – 10:15

TRACK AChairperson for this track: Khosi Matshitse,

Executive Head: Human Resources, WesBank

TRACK BChairperson for this track: Dr Linda Chipunza,

Manager – Learnerships: Learning and Development, FNB Shared Services

TRACK CChairperson for this track: Simone Zanetti,

Co-founder and CEO, Allos Consulting (Pty) Ltd, South Africa

The journey of cultural change in a law firmJane Waters, HR Director, Bowman Gilfillan

The nature of professional services is changing. Our staff are changing and their demands are changing. They often have development needs that aren’t being met, and the traditional carrot of entry into the partnership may not be as appealing. Clients are also becoming more and more demanding and commercially savvy.Leadership in law firms have traditionally relied on old style leadership models to run their organisations and, because of their significant commercial success, there is no burning platform to change. Learn how Bowman Gilfillan is tackling:

employee engagement;skills (aside from legal knowledge) development;personal development, in a culture where traditionally only technical knowledge development is valued;

and understand how HR is facilitating and guiding this process – where their challenge is to find a pragmatic commercial solution - and not to take themselves so seriously!


Raising the bar: Training Generation YMignon Botha, Founding Member, Redpoint Consulting

Traditional learning methods have fast become outdated across all generations, and the arrival of Generation Y has catapulted the training environment into a different stratosphere. This generation with its need for instant gratification and action has brought a refreshing dimension to training workshops in South Africa. Based on experience with generation X and Y workers in numerous corporate workshops the speaker will share a few critical lessons:

How does Generation Y learn – and are they so different?How to engage them in organisational learning?What training environment would ‘tune them out’?How to use them as a conduit for change with new learning interventions.Management’s role in facilitating the learning of their young workers.




The Sita/ South African National Defence Force (SANDF) Learning Management System (LMS) pilot project: An evaluation to determine the longevity of a LMS in the SANDFLt Col Marie Venter, SANDF and Maryke Meter, LMS Project Coordinator, SITA

This presentation provides background information relevant to the initial start of the LMS pilot project. All the reporting information regarding the LMS in operation refers to the SA Army College, the primary pilot unit. The history and approach of the College are mentioned. Thereafter the success factors, lessons learnt, LMS attributes and learner feedback are discussed. Challenges within the SANDF as well as pilot evaluation feedback are discussed. The future envisaged will also be explained.

Delegates will be left with a wealth of information and insights into this emerging space.


10:45 – 11:30


Aligning HRD strategy to organisational strategy for optimal results - Just Do It!Nhlanhla Qwabe, HR Director, Nike SA

Developing self-esteem in the workplaceSamantha Layton-Matthews, Training and Development Consultant, Layton-Matthews Consulting

We work in a constantly changing environment. People in organisations are no longer attached to static jobs – the changing nature of the economy requires a constantly changing workforce. Low self-esteem can have an impact on low staff morale. An ideal world would be where everyone’s self-esteem is balanced and everyone lives in great self-awareness so that they can manage their self-esteems in the context of the changing world that they find themselves in. This presentation explores how this can be achieved and will address: the face of self-esteem; how the self-esteem of our workforce impacts the culture of our organisations; dealing with unwanted baggage; the primary ingredients for a healthy self-esteem; organisational shifts that impact the self-esteems within our workforce; bringing out the best in people; tips for managers; and creating a culture of self-awareness.

Implementing a global learning portalLara Suddes, Learning Technology Analyst, MTN Academy

The StrategyChallenges with cultural diversity, language, e-Learning content, technology, learning management systemsSkills levels and computer literacy for elearningAssessment of audiences before development or procurementChange management & Communication campaignSuccesses




Human Resources Development

HRD Conference 2009

For more information contact:Zia Attlee +27 11 880 8540 or [email protected]

12 - 14 August 2009Sandton Convention Centre

Pg 9

11:30 – 12:15


Leadership development: A simpler way - A Momentum case studyLosh Naidoo, HR Consultant, Momentum

Momentum’s perspectiveDriven from the topImpact on businessDiversity – cultural differences, varied developmental approachesFormal vs informalRetention and rewardOrder out of ChaosEvaluating



Independent consultants: Dealing with common challengesCecilee Phatudi, Managing Director, Eternal Peak Consulting

This presentation is specifically formulated for ‘new’ independent consultants or people who would like to move into the role of independent consultant. It will focus on the following key points:

An Employee mindset and an Entrepreneurship mindsetBuilding a brand as a consultantThe perils of flying soloSetting up a business systemNetworkingGetting and keeping clients



Building organisational capability to achieve current and future business goals: A New Clicks SA case studyGerminah Nyikana, Group Skills Development Manager, New Clicks SA

Building functional competenceFocus on strategic capabilitiesBuilding partnershipsDriving transformation


12:15 – 13:30 Lunch Time to view stalls at The Star Human Resources Development Expo

13:30 – 14:15


The Argument for integrated feedback and developmentBrandon Pleaner, Senior Consultant & Industrial Psychologist, SHL South Africa

Changes in international markets have necessitated a reexamination of many human resource practices. Moratoriums on selection and recruitment have forced a shift to internal development and training. Too often organisations sit on an enormity of employee data without using this in an integrated manner, and as a foundation for employee development and, ultimately, talent management.

The presentation, using a number of practical examples, will focus on:

Context: Why integrated feedback and development. Aligning development to the overall business strategy.A model for integrated feedback and development. Personal Development Planning: changing responsibilities, new technologies. Feedback and Development as part of the Integrated Talent Management process.






How to develop Unit Standard-based learning programmes and have them Seta approvedRob Marsh, Programme evaluator, developer and assessor & published author

During this interactive session, Rob will explain:

How learning programmes are evaluatedHow to apply the practice and principle of outcomes-based learning when developing a learning programmeHow to develop a Learner GuideHow to develop a Facilitator GuideHow to develop an Assessment Guide



A journey through the lens of AI – Application of the Appreciative Inquiry methodology to boost employee morale and productivityNa’eemah Chothia-Salloo, HR Operations Manager, Unilever SA

This case study takes a look at the concept of culture journeys based upon an Appreciative Inquiry approach that was implemented at Unilever SA. The application, delivery, results and methodology of AI will be shared and discussed.

Key Points:Background of culture journeysWhy an intervention was requiredDelivery of AI within the journey methodologyOutcomes and measurables


Plenary session14:15 – 15:00

15:00 – 15:15 Wrap-up and closure Khosi Matshitse, Executive Head: Human Resources, WesBank

Think Differently: Creative and Innovative Thinking is a skill that can be learnt! Nicola Tylor, CEO, Business Results Group (Pty) Ltd

Misconceptions of Creativity and Creative ThinkingWhat are perceptions and how do they affect Creative Thinking AbilityHow can people learn to broaden perceptions and think more creatively


15:15– 16:00 Refreshments available before traveling home

Human Resources Development

HRD Conference 2009

For more information contact:Zia Attlee +27 11 880 8540 or [email protected]

12 - 14 August 2009Sandton Convention Centre

Pg 10

Ajay M. Pangarkar Learning Strategist, Speaker, and AuthorAjay Pangarkar is President of CentralKnowledge Inc., leaders in comprehensive strategic learning solutions and delivering innovative assessment systems. With over 18 years experience in learning and strategy development Ajay focuses on ensuring an organisation’s training investments deliver business results. He is a leading learning strategist in the world, published author, foremost authority on integrating learning strategies into the Balanced Scorecard, developing the Business Acumen skills for trainers, and is an industry-recognised speaker on strategic employee development, and learning measurement. Ajay, along with his partner Teresa Kirkwood, have recently published their third book with John Wiley & Sons titled, “The Trainers Balanced Scorecard: A Complete Resource for Linking Learning and Growth to Organizational Strategy” (March 2009) and have written “The Trainers Portable Mentor” (June 2008) and “Building Business Acumen for Trainers: Skills to Empower the Learning Function” (2006) through Pfeiffer (John Wiley & Sons). Ajay is actively involved in the learning community currently serving as the Vice Chair for the Canadian Society for Training and Development’s National Board of Directors.

Teresa Kirkwood, Founding Partner, CentralKnowledgeTeresa Kirkwood is founding partner of CentralKnowledge, brings over 18 years of industry and training experience, and is recognised for her experience in helping companies implement training evaluation and assessment strategies, training of new trainers and subject experts, and supporting those with responsibilities for managing the training function. Teresa is also the President of, the e-learning division of CentralKnowledge. Teresa is government accredited and delivers learning programs educational and business institutions. Teresa is a founding member and past Vice Chair for one of the fastest growing chapters of the Canadian Society for Training and Development (CSTD), Quebec chapter, and is involved in many CSTD development committees. Teresa, along with her partner Ajay Pangarkar, have recently published their third book with John Wiley & Sons titled, “The Trainers Balanced Scorecard: A Complete Resource for Linking Learning and Growth to Organizational Strategy” (March 2009) and have written “The Trainers Portable Mentor” (June 2008) and “Building Business Acumen for Trainers: Skills to Empower the Learning Function” (2006) through Pfeiffer (John Wiley & Sons).

Amma Benneh-Amponsah, HR Executive, MTN GhanaAmma heads the Human Resource Function at MTN Ghana; Ghana’s leading Telecommunication Company and rated the number one company in Ghana for five consecutive years. She holds an MBA in International Business from Coventry University in the UK and a degree in Human Resource Management. Throughout her career she has been involved in managing change, learning and evolving HR trends and practices. She has led the change process throughout the evolving growth of Scancom Ltd. current operators of MTN in Ghana.Amma is passionate about coaching and mentoring and takes up this role through lectures at the University of Ghana Business School, Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPA) and the Progress Intern & Mentor institute in Ghana.

Sharon Boretti, Capability & Development Director, Coca-Cola UniversitySharon Boretti is responsible for the Capability Development and Talent Management function at Coca-Cola South Africa. In this role, Sharon is responsible for providing thought leadership in the areas of Talent Management and Development including the successful implementation and management of the corporate Coca-Cola University locally. In addition to implementing strategies and initiatives that promote the performance (individual and team), retention and development of talent, Sharon also supports the development and implementation of change programs and broader organisational capability initiatives as required. This portfolio includes leveraging the Coca-Cola University and partnering on the development of capability across the bottling system in key areas identified through the Business Planning process. In addition to her responsibilities in South Africa, Sharon also has responsibility for supporting Franchise Leadership Capability across the Eurasia & Africa Group and provides Executive Coaching on The Coca-Cola Company’s global high potential leadership development program, Catalyst.

Mike Stopforth, CEO, CerebraMike heads up Cerebra, South Africa’s leading social media company, which enjoys relationships with local and global brands - Toyota, Standard Bank, Rand Merchant Bank, Samsung Mobile, ABSA, Converse, ASCO (Calvin Klein), Zurich and more. He is a technology commentator for popular business and marketing websites, lectures at the Vega School of Branding and features as a guest lecturer on executive programs at the Graduate School of Business in Cape Town, and the Gordon Institute of Business Science in Johannesburg. Mike also co-founded Web startup Afrigator, Africa’s social media aggregator, and the 27dinner social networking movement.

Belia Nel, Founder and CEO, Leaders of LearnersBelia Nel is the founder and CEO of Leaders of Learners, a performance improvement consulting practice. She is an international member of ISPI (International Society for Performance Improvement) and also the founding member and past president of ISPI in South Africa. She is a regular speaker at conferences both internationally and locally. She is a recent recipient of an international leadership award from the ISPI in 2005 as well as a Service Award in recognition of her contribution in 2008. She achieved the Certified Performance Technologist accreditation in 2003 with the same professional body. She has published various articles and made contributions to academic textbooks on the subject of performance improvement and Human Performance Technology and Performance Consulting. She is a graduate from the University of Johannesburg.

Dr. Lesley Lee, Head: VWSA Learning Academy, Volkswagen of South AfricaDr. Lesley Lee is the Head of Volkswagen Learning Academy which comprises of 5 academies namely: Production, Commercial, Sales and Marketing, Technical and Leadership. These academies have been established to provide employees with various skills in order that we can become a global player. If a training module does not deliver a return on the impact on job performance, training may have deemed to fail. All learning academies follow the basic principles of adult learning, i.e. outcome based with a variety of different learning methodologies and learning pathways to meet the skills development needs that are required in the organisation.

Esmari Wium, Training Technology Consultant, Sanlam Personal Finance: HR: Training and DevelopmentEsmari Wium has 16 years extensive experience in training in Sanlam Personal Finance. She is a qualified Education & Training Development Practitioner, Assessor, Moderator and Skills Development Facilitator. She is responsible for the implementation and governance of elearning and training technologies in Sanlam Personal Finance.

Avril Stroh, General Manager: Training, Medi-ClinicAvril Stroh obtained a BSc nursing through the University of the Witwatersrand in 1984. She also obtained the following postgraduate diplomas: Operating Theatre Nursing Science; Nursing Education; and Nursing Administration. In 1998 she completed a B Com degree through UNISA, majoring in Industrial Psychology, Business Management and Economics.Avril worked at the Johannesburg hospital until 1988 and then joined Medi-Clinic as a Theatre Sister. She progressed to management in the theatre and then changed direction to become an educator in Medi-Clinic. In 2004, Avril became the Manager of Nursing Education in Medi-Clinic and she has been recently promoted to General Manager of Training.

Andre Van der Bijl, Senior Lecturer: Faculty of Education and Social Sciences, Cape Peninsula University of TechnologyAndre has 18 years experience in education, first at FET colleges and, since 1994, in teacher education. He is a Senior Lecturer and Programme Coordinator at CPUT’s Faculty of Education and Social Sciences. In the Faculty he is responsible for coordinating two programmes in the FET band, namely the Post Graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE:FET) and the National Professional Diploma in Education (NPDE:FET). He is currently also one of the Faculty’s Curriculum Officers, responsible for FET matters. He has a Masters and a Bachelors degrees in Education from Stellenbosch University, as well as a Bachelor of Arts and a Higher Diploma in Education (Commerce) Secondary from the University of Cape Town. He is currently completing his PhD.

About the speakers

Human Resources Development

HRD Conference 2009

For more information contact:Zia Attlee +27 11 880 8540 or [email protected]

12 - 14 August 2009Sandton Convention Centre

Pg 11

Lou-Anne Lubbe, Senior Manager, AccentureLou-Anne Lubbe is a Senior Manager with Accenture, she joined Accenture in June 2006. Lou-Anne leads the Talent Management domain within the Talent & Organisational Performance Service Line. She further co-ordinates all the Talent & Organisational Performance domains. Lou-Anne has served on Executive Boards. She has led numerous programmes and successfully developed & led Human Capital Solutions Consulting in SA for a global Management Consulting firm. Lou-Anne holds an MBA from Brunel University (UK).

Mark Turpin, Founding South African Partner and Consultant, Kessels and Smit The Learning CompanyMark Turpin is a founding South African partner and consultant with Kessels and Smit The Learning Company - a global learning network that supports organisational and individual learning processes. He currently consults on organisational learning with various organisations and also works as an individual coach and mentor.He has over 25 years management experience in Europe, the Middle East and Southern Africa with various local and international organisations, including OXFAM and CARE. He currently consults with a range of organisations in South Africa and Europe, and works as a coach and mentor for numerous individuals. Mark has an MBA from WITS Business School, and an MSc in Public Policy & Management from London University. He has been a member of the Emmarentia Primary School Governing Body and has served as a Trustee for various local organisations.

Francois Cloete, Head: Learning Technology & Reporting, NedbankFrancois has been active in the field of learning and e-Learning since 1992. His interest in the use of technology to aid learning started in the late 80’s while at university and stumbling upon a CBT module on Shakespeare. Francois has a keen interest in innovative delivery methods while maintaining a balance with local infrastructure constraints. He is passionate about measurement and tracking of e-learning projects from inception to delivery and is constantly evaluating new technologies and ideas with the view as to how these can be used in the field of learning. He contributes towards the CLO magazine as a member of the magazine’s Business Intelligence Board and he is also a contributor towards the research and design of new reporting solutions being developed by Questionmark.

Marius Meyer, Senior Lecturer: Department of Industrial Psychology & People Management, University of JohannesburgMarius Meyer is senior lecturer in human resource development at the University of Johannesburg. Marius Meyer is a co-founder and owner of Lemar Consulting and ROI ONLINE. He facilitated human resource development interventions for several South African organisations as well as abroad. He is a registered master human resource practitioner and mentor with the South African Board for Personnel Practice. Marius is a member of the American Society for Training and Development (ASTD) and serves on the ASTD Excellence in Practice Award expert review panel (USA) to assess training best practices world-wide. Marius is currently completing a doctorate degree on HR governance. He is a regular speaker at local and international conferences and author of numerous articles in the field of human resource management and development as well as author or co-author of 14 books. He has recently been nominated for the International Who’s Who of Professionals.

Ronnie Phillips, Head of FNB 2010 Employee Game, First National BankRonnie Phillips holds a BA (Economics) degree at Wits University, and has furthered his management studies at UCT, UNISA and the Wits Business School. He has also studied overseas, undertaking a Leadership Course at the Centre for Creative Leadership in Colorado (USA) and a marketing course at INSEAD (France).Throughout his career he has been involved in innovative projects, such as satellite-based training and education in both ABSA and Eskom; creative service delivery programmes in FNB, including the establishment of a Corporate Learning Academy and is currently involved in a very innovative knowledge-based initiative throughout FNB aligned to the 2010 World Cup.

Alinda Nortje, Executive Chairperson, Free To GrowAlinda Nortje is the founder and Executive Chairperson of Free To Grow, a company specialising in the design and facilitation of programmes that positively impact the lives of individuals, teams and organisations. Free To Grow has a client base of more than 500 organisations in Southern Africa and has trained over 52 000 people since 1996. With 25 years of experience in learning methodology and as the developer of all Free To Grow’s programmes, Alinda is recognised as an expert in this field. She is a former vice president of the IPM, and a recipient of the prestigious national IPM award for the sustained commitment to the development of people.

Fiona Ronquest-Ross, Co-founder, Learn to LeadFiona Ronquest-Ross is the co-founder of Learn to Lead (customised experiential learning). She has 5 years instructional design and game development experience and more than 10 years marketing and facilitation experience. She acted as the project director at Added Value Marketing Agency after her starting her career in brand management at Unilever. She is inspired by many practices including Nancy Kline’s Thinking Environment, Dialogue practice, Creative idea generation, drama, improvisation, movement, free drawing, Visionquest, wilderness and outdoor facilitation. Fiona is passionate about developing young leaders and volunteers at Tsiba College of education as a mentor and serves on the Ons Plek Board.

Lance Dublin, Chief Solution Architect, Dublin ConsultingLance Dublin has been an advocate for innovative approaches to learning and change throughout his career. He went from designing a weeklong ‘Experiment in Free Form Education’ program in high school to co-founding one of the nations’ first fully accredited ‘University Without Walls’ in his twenties. Then recognising the impact of technology on the intersection of people, business and learning, he founded and built Dublin Group, a company which became a leader in providing solutions to improve individual and organisational performance, and implement large-scale change initiatives.Lance is now an independent management consultant, international speaker and author based in San Francisco, California and serving clients world-wide. He specialises in strategy development, program design, and implementation for corporate learning programs and organisational change management. He brings to his work more than 30 years’ experience in adult education and training, communication and change management, and organizational design and development.

Simone Zanetti, Co-founder and CEO, Allos Consulting (Pty) Ltd, South AfricaSimone Zanetti was born in Italy on 10 May 1971.He was the Sales manager for an Italian food-machinery corporation in South America in the mid-1990s, dealing with customers such as Nestlé and Pepsico. In 2000 Zanetti joined Allos, an innovative consulting and technology company that provides innovative services to global enterprises with 5000 employees and above as well as governments. In 2001 he was appointed International Vice President, expanding Allos’ client base to Europe and Africa. His mandate from Allos was to open a new branch in South Africa. Today Zanetti is co-founder and CEO of Allos Consulting (Pty) Ltd in South Africa, driving a successful business, leading the market sector of HR solutions on Learning Knowledge year of activity.He has addressed international events as keynote speaker (in San Francisco, Chicago, Paris, London, Amsterdam, Milan, Rome, Johannesburg, Gaborone, etc) and has organised corporate strategic workshops for global organisations in Africa, North and South America and Europe. He is also director of the Italian-South African Chamber of Trade and Industries.

Jane Waters, HR Director, Bowman GilfillanJane Waters is the HR Director of Bowman Gilfillan, one of the largest law firms in South Africa. She has chosen to spend virtually her entire career within Professional Services firms, beginning her career and completing her HR training at Ernst & Young in London. She joined Bowman Gilfillan after a long period at Allen & Overy, a global law firm. Jane has a BSC Hons in Anthropology and a post-graduate qualification in Human Resources Management.

Mignon Botha, Founding Member, Redpoint ConsultingMignon is a Business Psychologist who interacts with large South African companies focusing specifically on the young workforce - this includes skill enhancement in Call Centers, Customer Ethics and Team Leader development. Working with Senior Executives through coaching and partnering has highlighted the critical need to understand and engage the young workforce in South Africa today. Mignon is currently completing her doctorate on Managing and Retaining Generation Y in South Africa.

About the speakers

Human Resources Development

HRD Conference 2009

For more information contact:Zia Attlee +27 11 880 8540 or [email protected]

12 - 14 August 2009Sandton Convention Centre

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Nhlanhla Qwabe, HR Director, Nike SANhlanhla is the Human Resources Director at Nike SA.His career has covered all functional areas within Human Resources Management, with a large number of these years spent in the Organisational Development, Employee Relations and HR Strategic Planning. Nhlanhla began his working career at First National Bank as their Human Resources Consultant. He has also contributed to organisations like Mutlichoice where he worked as the Human Resources Manager. In addition to his demanding role at Nike, he lends his leadership expertise to several organisations. He is also a member of the Institute of People Management and Black Management Forum. Nhlanhla has completed the following qualifications: B.Admin (Honours) from University of Zululand; Advanced Labour Law Certificate with UNISA; Media Management Certificate from University of Stellenbosch; Master of Business Administration Milpark Business School.

Samantha Layton-Matthews, Training and Development Consultant, Layton-Matthews ConsultingSamantha Layton-Matthews heads up Layton-Matthews Consulting and is a partner in an organisation called New Contrasts. She is a training and development consultant, specialising in writing and facilitating training programmes, and facilitating development initiatives in line with the overall strategy of organisations. She has worked in numerous industries, including the waste management, small business, engineering, real estate and public sectors. She has been a consultant to SAQA (the South African Qualifications Authority) in which capacity she worked with expert Task Teams to draw up unit standards and qualifications for registration on the National Qualifications Framework. Samantha is also a business and life coach. Within New Contrasts, Samantha and her partner, Anne-Marie Moore, facilitate programmes for women, in which they provide tools for them to live their dreams and life purpose from their respective life contexts.

Lara Suddes, Learning Technology Analyst, MTN AcademyLara has 15 years extensive experience in training for information technology delegates and learning management systems analysis at MTN. She is currently the Learning Technology Anaylst for the MTN Academy. She is responsible for overseeing and serving as the administrator and super user for the Learning Management System (LMS) that serves the entire unified MTN Academy for MTN Systems, Inc.

Losh Naidoo, HR Consultant, MomentumLosh Naidoo has an Honnours Degree in Social Science, and a Diploma in Labour Law. She worked at the Mental Health Society for more than 14 years managing all aspects of Psychiatric Social Work Services. Losh then worked at Sibaya Casino for 7 years as HR Manager. Currently Losh is working at Momentum as an HR Consultant specialising in leadership development.

Cecilee Phatudi, Managing Director, Eternal Peak ConsultingCecilee Phatudi is the founder and managing executive of Eternal Peak consulting cc, a company that she started in 2007. Her company is uniquely positioned to provide organisational and personal transformation services to clients both in the public and private sector. Professionally she is a registered Industrial Psychologist who has established herself as an expert in organisational and personal transformation. In her work she helps individual leaders, groups and organisations to achieve sustainable growth and success through transforming mindset, changing behaviour and empowering for execution.In a short period that she has worked as a consultant she has consulted to companies such as Eskom, Transnet, Sasol, SABC, National Empowerment fund and Costa logistics. Cecilee is also a currently a group coach on women development programme at GIBBS Business School. She is also a speaker of note who speaks mainly on the subjects of leadership, organisational and personal transformation / change, managing talent, achieving sustainable growth / success.Before starting her own consulting company Cecilee has worked in the corporate world for 8 years in the following industries: management consulting, banking and private healthcare. She has mostly worked as an Organisational Development Specialist and Human Resources Manager at senior levels. Her last role in the corporate world was that of Head of Transformation and Talent Management.

Germinah Nyikana, Group Skills Development Manager, New Clicks SAGerminah Nyikana joined New Clicks SA as the Group Skills Development Manager in May 2007. New Clicks is a specialist retail group which operates market-leading retail brands Clicks, Musica and The Body Shop, the group has 500 stores across Southern Africa. The group has a growing presence in the healthcare market through wholesale pharmaceutical distributor, New United Pharmaceutical Distributors (UPD).Prior to joining New Clicks, Germinah worked as the National Training and Development Manager for Markham, a division of the Foschini Group. Germinah has 10 years experience in Training and Development in the retail industry and is currently a member of the Wholesale and Retail SETA’s Standards Generating Body (SGB). Germinah serves on the W&RSETA/FET Institution Forum and the Western Cape Education Department-Business Skills Communication Forum. Germinah holds a Honours Bachelor of Arts (Information Science) degree from the UNISA, and she is currently completing her Masters Degree in Knowledge Management through the Stellenbosch University.

Brandon Pleaner, Senior Consultant & Industrial Psychologist, SHL South AfricaBrandon Pleaner is a registered Counselling Psychologist who obtained his Masters Degree in Social Science (Counselling Psychology) from the University of Natal in 2001. During his career Brandon has gained experience in the areas of psychometric testing; recruitment and selection; assessment centers; project management; performance management, integrated talent management, feedback and coaching and organisational development. His exposure of approx 10 years has been gained at universities, commercial businesses, and consulting companies within South Africa. Brandon joined SHL South Africa in January 2007. Currently he manages various assessment-related projects, conducts detailed job analysis and develops competency models, advises clients on the optimal use of assessment tools in staff selection and development, and is responsible for the management and development of the SHL 360 portfolio.

Rob Marsh, Programme evaluator, developer and assessor & published authorRob Marsh holds a B.Ed degree from Manchester University and has been a full-time writer/materials developer for 16 years. He helped design and implement the Programme Evaluation template that is currently used by the ETDP Seta to assess Unit Standard-based training programmes and is a consultant Programme Evaluator for the ETDP Seta.He has produced a wide range of outcomes-based educational and training material for – amongst others – the South Africa Parliament, the Gauteng Department of Education, Johannesburg City Council, Maskew Miller Longman, Edgars, the New Clicks Group, Project Literacy, Nedbank/The National Parks Board and the World Bank. Rob is the author of over 30 published books, more than 300 radio programmes and a number of newspaper and magazine articles.

Na’eemah Chothia-Salloo, HR Operations Manager, Unilever SANa’eemah is currently employed with Unilever, as the HR Operations Manager for South Africa. Her previous roles include HR Business Partner for Unilever’s home care site at the Boksburg factory, as well as Talent Officer assisting with graduate recruitment. Na’eemah is currently completing her Masters in Industrial Psychology with the University of Johannesburg.

Nicola Tylor, CEO, Business Results Group (Pty) LtdNicola Tyler is considered South Africa’s local expert in the field of lateral thinking. She has been personally trained by Dr. Edward de Bono in his creative and lateral methodology and is a master at applying the techniques in real business situations. As Chief Executive Officer of Business Results Group (Pty) Ltd Nicola has facilitated workshops across a variety of industries including mining, healthcare, manufacturing, financial services and professional services.Prior to starting Business Results Group, she was Managing Director of Competitive Thinking Company, the official South African provider of Edward de Bono’s Thinking Methods. Nicola has travelled the world, working alongside Dr de Bono. She is a Master Trainer in Dr. de Bono’s Six Thinking Hats® and Lateral Thinking and Direct Attention Thinking Tools, as well as an accredited facilitator in Ned Herrmann’s Brain Dominance Instrument.

About the speakers

Human Resources Development

HRD Conference 2009

For more information contact:Zia Attlee +27 11 880 8540 or [email protected]

12 - 14 August 2009Sandton Convention Centre

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SETA accreditationMany of our delegates enquire after our accreditation status. There is a misguided opinion that organisations can only claim their levies back if they use accredited training providers only. This is not entirely correct. In the Government Gazette (No.20865 of 7 February 2000), it clearly states that the Skills Development Levies Act provides for recovery of a levy payment based on the submission of Workplace Skills Plans (WSPs), Workplace Skills Implementation Plans (WSIPs), and the submission of the names of Skills Development Facilitators (SDFs), and not on the basis of making use of accredited providers or NQF-aligned training and development events only.

About Knowledge Resources

Our focus is to bring you high-quality conferences, seminars and skills-building workshops that will add value in terms of knowledge and skills. The aim is to provide extremely good value for the time and money clients have invested.

Our expertise lies in knowledge about the various disciplines within business and management as well as the knowledge needs of the tertiary, public and private sectors. Event topics are carefully selected to cater for South African needs, without discarding international standards.

Our event titles are researched, practical and case study-related, ensuring we bring our clients up-to-the-minute information, at the same time providing first-rate networking opportunities with leading business colleagues and executives. We surpass on providing our clients with a business knowledge experience!

Added value to enhance your knowledge… Each delegate will be entitled to 25 % discount off the subscription rate for the following online magazines:

This online magazine offers articles that are authoritative and strategic by nature and they will provide fresh and original viewpoints to HR professionals. Focus will be shifted to International perspectives with specific implications for the HR practitioner in Africa. www.humancapi ta l

This online magazine focuses specifically on the Education, Training and Development fields and it features articles that are current and original. Articles are written by leaders in the ETD field and, although the articles are in depth, the emphasis will be on practical application. www.etdonl

Human Resources Development

HRD Conference 2009

For more information contact:Zia Attlee +27 11 880 8540 or [email protected]

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Please note: Payment must be received before the event takes place. Knowledge Resources reserves the right to refuse admission where evidence of payment cannot be shown.

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Registration fee 12 August 2009 R3 850 (incl. VAT)The Trainer’s Balanced Scorecard

12 August 2009 R3 850 (incl. VAT)Practical Guidelines for High Impact Skills Development

13 August 2009 R3 500 (incl. VAT)

14 August 2009 R3 500 (incl. VAT)

13 - 14 August 2009 R6 900 (incl. VAT)




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13 - 14 August 2009Sandton Convention Centre

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