Page 1: How to create a youtube marketing in google adwords by mahesh gangurde

How to Create a Youtube

Instream Video Ad Campaign

in AdWords

Page 2: How to create a youtube marketing in google adwords by mahesh gangurde

Benefits of advertising on YouTubeConnect with your audience. Video ads help you connect with potential customers in a unique and memorable way. You can be personal, share your expertise with the world, or put the camera on yourself and explain how your product or service can benefit your audience.Reach the right people. You can show ads to the right people based on who they are, where they're located, and what they're interested in. For example, you can shows ads to men between the ages of 18 to 34 who live in Boston or women who enjoy traveling.Pay for what you get. With AdWords for video, you pay when a viewer actively selects your video, or chooses to continue watching a video when it first loads as they browse video content.Measure your success. YouTube's free analytics tool helps you understand who's watching your ads and how people are interacting with them.

Page 3: How to create a youtube marketing in google adwords by mahesh gangurde

The three formats offered in TrueView are in-stream, in-search, and in-display. Each works a bit differently, and those differences are worth noting, as they influence how people come into contact with your ad and what they must do to access it.

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In-Stream: Ads play at the beginning, middle, or end of YouTube partner videos (partners are any YouTube user that has decided to make money by displaying ads in their videos). Viewers have the option to skip the ad after 5 seconds. If the video ad is 30 seconds or longer, you’re charged once the ad reaches the 30-second mark. With shorter ads, you’re charged only if the entire video runs.

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In-Search: Ads are displayed in search results when specific keywords are searched and aren’t played until someone selects the video. You’re charged once the user clicks to play the video.

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In-Display: Ads appear next to other videos on the YouTube Watch page and are labeled as an ad. You’re charged once the user clicks to play the video.

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