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How do I write my report, assessment task 2 for Manage Personal Work Priorities and Professional Development?

Use the report numbering format.

Include sources using the Harvard Referencing system.

If you have no or minimal exposure to the workforce, focus on your own personal goals for the next 3-5 year as discuss in class.

Feel free to change the headings i.e. – Role modelling in the workplace.

1. Introduction

1.1. Purpose

The purpose of this report….

1.2. Background

Professional development is an important function in all workplaces. Effective well planned professional development linked to organisational goals provides a valuable opportunity for workers and organisations…..

1.3. Scope

This report will cover:

Include the six criteria listed in the ATI.

1.4. Methodology

Information for this report was gathered from relevant text books, professional journals and….

1.5. Authorisation

This report was authorised by…….

2. Discuss role modelling in the workplace in areas of work planning and organisation.

Cole (2010, p.930) suggests that role modelling is a person whose actions and behaviours others

emulate or copy in order to develop those skills and attributes in themselves. Young people can

grow and develop by adopting the behaviours and attitudes of their role models. For the

purposes of this report I personally prefer role models who live out and practice personal

attributes such as honesty, self-confidence, good decision making, integrity and the ability and

strength to admit mistakes. I firmly believe that we can all learn valuable lessons from our

mistakes. In relation to professional development, Cole (2010, p.930) implies that employees

take their cues from you the manager including your attitudes, and the way you do things.

BSBWOR501B Manage Personal Work Priorities and Professional DevelopmentAssessment task Student name and number

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Manager’s should always behave the way they expect their subordinates to behave and always

remember that others are probably modelling their behaviour themselves.

3. Discuss why personal work goals and professional development should reflect organisational or work goals.

4. Discuss how you prioritise and facilitate competing demands to achieve personal, team and organisational goals

5. How do you use technology efficiently to manage work priorities?

6. Discuss the concept of managing and maintaining an appropriate life-balance to ensure stress is effectively managed.

BSBWOR501B Manage Personal Work Priorities and Professional DevelopmentAssessment task Student name and number

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