
2. Reasonsfor the of Singapore 3. British vs Japanese Attitude Leadership War Equipment Strategies & Training 4. Attitude The Japanese The British Aggressive Wanted to gain power in Asia Gain access to natural resources Wanted to be rich and powerful Proud and arrogant Looked down on Japanese Underestimated the military strength of the Japanese 5. Leadership The Japanese The British General Tomoyuki Yamashita had fought the war in China Strong leadership General Percival was inexperienced in warfare. Generals could not agree with each other Weak leadership 6. War Equipment The Japanese The British Zero fighters Superior and modern Tanks Able to move easily in jungles Flying coffins Old and outdated Anti-tank guns Ineffective 7. Strategies and Training The Japanese The British Intelligence services Gather information about the British planning in defence system Poor assessment of the Japanese military strategies Not well-trained in jungle warfare 8. How did the Occupation change the lives of people in Singapore? 9. Life of the people in Singapore during the Japanese Occupation Political Economic Social 10. Political Impact 11. Singapore was renamed as Syonan-to Light of the South 12. Nippon Seishin The Japanese promoted this Japanese spirit in order to remove any Western influence. Nipponisation 1. Mass drills (Taisho) compulsory for everyone 2. Singing of the Japanese national anthem, Kimigayo is compulsory 3. Teachers & students have to learn Japanese 13. Propaganda To influence the minds of the people to show loyalty to Japan 14. Controlled radio stations and radio sets Showed only Japanese movies and propaganda in cinemas Controlled Chinese and English newspapers strictly by printing news that favoured the Japanese 15. Economic Impact 16. Disruption of trade during Japanese Occupation led to food shortage. Food rationing was introduced to solve food shortage. 17. Food Rationing Each household was given a Peace Living Certificate to obtain ration cards. Ration cards were used to buy basic necessities at the distribution centres. 18. Result Many people suffered from Malnutrition Gave rise to Black Markets 19. Black Market Illegal selling and buying of goods Sold food necessities at a high price that not many could afford 20. $120 21. $0.20 22. $80 1 kg 23. $0.80 1 kg 24. A Banana Note 25. Inflation of food prices Lowered the value of money The Japanese printed unlimited quantities of banana notes w/o serial numbers 26. Social Impact 27. The Allied POWs The Local Civilians Hardships and Suffering 28. The Allied POWs More than 50 000 British, Australian and Allied soldiers, including women and children, were imprisoned. 29. Became POWs in Changi Prison. Sent to work on the Death Railway in Thailand. Many died of infectious diseases/ harsh living conditions. 30. The Water Treatment ..our captors beat us up, subject us to electric shocks and pumped us up with water as part of the interrogation routine The feeling of having ones belly pumped full of water and then seeing the water gushing out of the body was hardly bearable. 31. Electric Shocks ..the electric shocks sent my whole body into spasms; my tears and mucus flowed uncontrollably. The pain was indescribable. A Shameful Past in Human Memory : A Verbal Account by Elizabeth Choy by Jane Thum Soon Kun in The Price of Peace 32. Bayonet Fighting Practice using Dummy 33. Bayonet Fighting Practice using Human 34. Kempeitai Japanese military police 35. Planted spies all over the island Encouraged people to supply them with information by giving rewards and privileges Anti-Japanese suspects were beaten and tortured until they revealed the information the Japanese wanted Often, people were punished for crimes they did not commit 36. Living the Days of Darkness Harsh action taken to establish control Looters were shot and beheaded, public display of heads Barbed wires to form road blocks Bowing as a sign of respect 37. FEAR 38. Treatment of the Chinese The Japanese regarded the Chinese as their arch enemies. Strong Chinese resistance during Japanese invasion of China Chinese in Singapore actively helped China in its fight against Japans attack In the Battle of Bukit Timah, the Chinese volunteers put up a fierce resistance against the invading Japanese troops 39. Mass Screening To identify Chinese who were believed to have anti- Japanese sentiments All 18 - 50-year- old Chinese men Report to Mass screening centres 40. Questioned by Japanese or singled out by hooded local informers More fortunate ones allowed to go home EXAMINED stamped on a small piece of paper Sometimes stamped onto shirts or arms Those accused of being anti-Japanese were brought to remote areas of Singapore and killed 41. Singapore under Japanese Rule 42. Treatment of Eurasians Suffered as they were related to Europeans Many belonged to the Singapore Volunteer Corps and fought against the Japanese. Those suspected of helping the British were shot while others were imprisoned. 43. Treatment of the Malays and Indians Did not see them as a threat. Tried to win the support of the Malays and convince them that Japan would free them from British rule Persuaded Indians that Japan would free India from Britain 44. But both races were not entirely spared especially if they did not obey Japanese orders. 45. Hardship and Suffering Local Civilians Serious shortage of food and other goods Essential foodstuffs like rice, salt and sugar were controlled Ration cards : Limit amount of food for each person Malnutrition and diseases Shortage of medicine 46. Did life return to normal after the Occupation? 47. Conditions in Post-War Singapore 48. Here are rows and rows of back-to-back houses crammed to the physical limit. Conditions are bad. Rooms contained several separate families. Those who cannot share rooms live underneath stairways or in cubicles which are in complete darkness at all hours of the day and without direct contact with sunlight. 49. Food Housing Water and Utilities Unemployment Shortage 50. Many houses have but one water-tap for the whole house and all the inmates share one bucket-type latrine. The dirt and stench are appalling. 51. British tried to solve the problems by Clearing the harbour Removing the shipwrecks & mines Rationing the food Opening Peoples restaurants Setting a law on rent control 52. It was not ENOUGH. 53. Change in Peoples Attitude 54. The attitude towards the British government changed after WWII. People of Singapore felt that the British had ruled Singapore for more than 100 years but had failed to protect it. They felt its time for the local people to run the country. 55. Created by Goh Bang Rui @gohbangrui Follow me on slideshare.

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