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Headline 18 July 2014

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Email: [email protected] @ilkleygrammar


Keep in touch!Keep in touch!Keep in touch!

18 July 201418 July 201418 July 2014

Heading off! Twelve years on, this is my last Headline. As I face my own ‘Grand Depart,’ forgive me for a backward glance and a trip down memory lane!

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Email: [email protected] @ilkleygrammar

In 2001-2 as I was about to join IGS, we were wrestling with reorganisation, Post-16 curriculum, Performance Management and Threshold Assessment, and a budget that had turned out ‘not to be quite the bundle of joy for which we hoped’ – a glorious understatement in the Headteacher’s Report to Governors, when there was in fact a £300k budget deficit! The school roll was 1499, with 292 in Post-16.

2002: I arrive with everything to play for, advocating in Michelangelo’s words that ‘The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it.’

The main tests of the first year were firstly the reorganisation onto one site following the move from an upper school to 11-18, and opening the new building, which was, of course, new (in 2003!). Then it was a few hundred students following a Look North camera man down Cowpasture Road in protest at the war in Iraq in March 2003, the cleaning contract, and the lack of ICT. A time of (in song titles), ‘I believe in miracles’, through ‘When the going gets tough’ to ‘Simply the best’!

By early 2004, Specialist School bidding had begun in earnest; it was a considerable sponsorship challenge: only £3400 towards the required £50k in the first few months. Without an anonymous local benefactor with a connection to the school donating £25k, we would never have managed an application at all. It took two attempts to secure Specialist Status, but the extra funding and kudos were gratefully received.

Elsewhere on the education front, nothing was particularly scrutinised or measured; few pigs if any were weighed, though Ofsted had visited in May 2002. We continued, however, to up the momentum, bringing in Positive Behaviour (now Personal Best), not for discipline reasons, more for ensuring students received rewards, making inroads into the budget deficit, achieving Specialist Status in Science and Humanities in 2005, and raising the profile of learning and teaching. We always kept an eye, though, on enrichment, and celebrated, among other opportunities, a Coutances exchange that was started in 1946.

The Dfes also kept us on our toes, though with not quite such a relentless assault as now: Workforce Remodelling (no money), PPA time (no money), new Ofsted, the advent of the SEF, TLRs, SIPs, ECM…even more acronyms and shrinking funding.

2007 heralded our 400th anniversary and a visit from HRH Princess Anne, an Anniversary Ball, a Thanksgiving Service at St Margaret’s, and a joint Ilkley Playhouse – IGS production of ‘Twelfth Night,’ and later a book: ‘Olicana’s Children’ (copies still available!)

It wasn’t only the winds of change either we had to bother about – the January 18th winds blew off one of our four large chimney cowlings on the new building and tested us on our draft emergency plan, (a success, phew!). Ofsted also ‘blew in’ (May) and pronounced that, ‘Students, parents, teachers and inspectors all agree that Ilkley Grammar is a good school. Not only that, it has some aspects that are outstanding, not least the superb way in which students are cared for and their personal development and well-being enhanced.’

Late 2008 I went to China and although the anticipated link with a school in Shanghai for various reasons could not be formalised, it was a fascinating glimpse into another (national) education system.

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Email: [email protected] @ilkleygrammar

2009 saw us with our highest ever school roll (1590) and embark on the BSF dream, (with Bradford’s blessing), take up the challenge of Rarely Cover, the latest in the Workforce Reform juggernaut, and welcome Ofsted for an English subject inspection. In my report of July 2009 I wrote:

FUTURE PERFECT? Another academic year draws to a close. If someone had said to me this time last year that we would be looking towards a new build on a new site, I would have glanced upwards to catch sight of the flying pig! Now from the advent of Bradford’s Phase 3 BSF programme in late October, the dream is step by step nearer. After Bradford Council’s executive agreed to submit the outline business case for the final thirteen schools, the application goes to DCFS and Partnership for Schools this week.

It did, of course, end up being a flying pig, courtesy of the 2010 election, but we still dare to dream, even though Michael Gove’s visit here in June 2010 made all the right noises but ended in a deafening funding silence.

2011 saw even better results at GCSE: 89% 5+ A*-C and 80% including EM, the launch of the Red Kite Teaching School Alliance, Bradford Partnership and our Academy conversion. In 2012 we staged our first Ilkley production, showcasing Terry Pratchett’s ‘Amazing Maurice and his Educated Rodents’ at the King’s Hall, and drafted our first ADP (Academy Development Plan).

2013 saw a further step up in government ‘initiatives’ – Ofsted and the new RI, the advent of Computer Science, Appraisal not Performance Management, a new admissions code, the end of the GTC, and a school roll of 1551.

Nothing stands still in education and perhaps rightly so – though classrooms and schools haven’t altered much in over 100 years. Results matter even more, now, and not just for performance tables, but so do values and the social capital of our children. The governments of the day continue to want us to have autonomy but also continue to micro-manage everything from school meals to the curriculum. In just 5 months this year alone, there have been over 25 pronouncements!

Twelve years is a long time in education. In my time at the helm, we have raised the profile of learning and teaching, introduced iPads, hugely improved parent satisfaction, had two very positive Ofsted inspections (Good with outstanding features in 2007; Good with outstanding Achievement in 2011), two Ofsted subject inspections (a Good English and an Outstanding Maths), promoted student leadership, launched Learning Communities, engaged in the Bradford Partnership, been a key player in the Red Kite Alliance, achieved Academy status (July 2011) and seen press coverage rise from 90 in 2011-12 to 200+ in 2013-14.

Headship is a stressful challenge but also a huge joy. It is a privilege to have been trusted to lead IGS for the last 12 years, in times of turbulence and of calm. Thank you for all your support and encouragement, and necessary critical eyes: I have very much welcomed your confidence in me, particularly in more challenging times. The future is always uncertain, but this school is an impressive place to be, with a proud record and a confident future. I wish Helen, and all of you, if not plain, then very happy, sailing. It’s a big ship, but it has QE2 ambitions and deserves the very best!

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Email: [email protected] @ilkleygrammar

New Head’s Message to Students It will be an absolute privilege to be your new Headteacher, taking over from Mrs James in September. I am really looking forward to meeting you all in the first few days back, when I will be conducting your first assembly of the new academic year. I will talk to you about my expectations of you and what I hope we can all achieve at Ilkley Grammar School over the coming years, but my main aim will be to support and challenge you all to ensure that you achieve everything you are capable of whilst at IGS. I want you not only to work hard and always give of your best, but also to enjoy your time here, and to make the most of the many opportunities on offer to you whilst at school. I am keen to hear your views, and want to build more opportunities for student leadership and input across the school. For now, I hope you have a lovely summer holiday, and I will see you at the start of the new term, when we shall all set about doing the best we can, together!

Ms Williams While September and a new school year may be over 7 weeks away, do make a note of your return: Friday and Monday September 5th and 8th: Training Days, no students in school Tuesday 9th September: Years 7, 12 and 13 only in school Wednesday 10th September: all years in school In September we look forward to welcoming our new Headteacher, Ms Williams, as well as 18 new teachers and 2 other staff.

Our New Starters To help you put faces to names in September—here are our new starters:

We also welcome Diana Marklew (PPI) Maths teacher and two new Learning Support Assistants: Victoria Hepworth and Elizabeth Archer. I’m sure you will all join me in welcoming our new members of staff .

Neil Garrido


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Deborah Simmons


Elizabeth Crabtree


Hannah Whitley


Jaafar Abbas


Jennifer Hutchinson


Lisa Porritt


Mark Katz


Meredith Hansard


Nicola Breaks


Sarah Davies


Victoria Chapman


Zara Shah


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Email: [email protected] @ilkleygrammar


The final Car Boot Sale is this weekend Sunday 20th July and as always we need your help with setting up, marking out and helping to clear away. If you can give an hour or two of your time either on Saturday or Sunday – please email the PTA on [email protected]. The PTA are grateful to everyone who helps at and attends the events, they really do appreciate it and it would be lovely to see a few more faces at the meetings! You can get in touch with the PTA by emailing them [email protected] or follow them (as well as IGS!) on twitter

Take-a-Break...for the last time! We look forward to welcoming as many of you as possible for the final take-a-break of the year. Come in and chat over tea, coffee and a biscuit, Thursday 24th July 10am in the Lower Library.

Lost Property Ties, socks, blazers, hoodies, full PE kits and shoes...all are currently lurking in the bottom of the lost property box in the Key Stage 3 Hub and all will be cleared out by 22nd July. We are encouraging students to go and have a rummage and claim their items before they and you

lose them forever!

Thank you! The following page celebrates our Year 8 cricket success this week at Headingley. What could have been a logistical nightmare turned into a real celebration of parent and school co-ordination. School funded coaches were arranged to rush the students off to London as part of their Challenge and Celebration Week straight after the win at Headingley. Thanks to Mr Sykes who gave us fantastic, ball by ball, twitter commentary for the match right up to the final ball, even with 6% battery left on his phone.! Thanks also to all parents and students involved: we hope it was a real highlight to your Challenge and Celebration Week!

Alison Hughes


Andrew Hinchcliffe


Anna Blane-Hernadez


Antony Denison


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Email: [email protected] @ilkleygrammar

They came, they saw and they conquered!

Our Year 8 cricketers sealed their second Yorkshire Post Schools’ Challenge win in three years with this week’s thrilling success at Headingley Carnegie. Tuesday’s Under-13s final was a repeat of the Yorkshire Schools indoor final that Ilkley edged in the winter, Richmond again settling for silver. Marked as favourites we started a little shaky with Matthew Revis (7SP) out for just seven after being clean bowled by Richmond to leave his side on 13-1. That left Oliver Burton (8ALC) and Matthew Spencer (8JP) at the crease and the duo proved rather fluent with the willow themselves, especially Burton who carried his bat for an unbeaten 42. With opener Spencer weighing in with 29 before being caught, we amassed a respectable 117-7. With the game seemingly in the balance, in went Richmond openers who had their side ticking along nicely at 30-0. Matthew Revis proved his effectiveness with the ball by clean bowling Richmond batters for 10 and adding another for a duck next ball. From there on the pendulum swayed one way then the other with Richmond edging closer to their target only for Oliver Burton, Dan Rowe (8ADM) and Sam McKinnon-Evans (8ADM) to take key wickets for Ilkley. Richmond surely sensed victory when 92-7 – just 25 runs short – with five overs remaining and also when they were 106-7, just 12 shy of victory, with three overs remaining. Particularly tight bowling from McKinnon-Evans suddenly left Richmond needing nine from the final over. Rowe took over for the final over and more hostile bowling left Richmond needing seven from the last two balls for victory, only two boundaries would do it and Richmond’s first bold attempt for a four was stopped for a single on the boundary leaving them on 15, needing a six to win. But as he sought lift off, the ball whizzed past his bat before sending the bails flying – out on the final ball!

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Email: [email protected] @ilkleygrammar

There’s no news like good

news...what a week of celebrating!

Well done to GU16 Yorkshire Fell bronze medallist Jemima

Elgood (10VEB) and silver medallist Lucy Haines (10VEB) silver.

They both competed at Kettlewell on 13th July.

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Year 7—The Big Top

The circus came to town for Year 7 for their Challenge and Celebration Week; with sessions in diablo, juggling, tightrope walking, tumbling, samba band, trapeze and clowning alongside an insight into circus art and history, they all became entertainers for the week. The show under the big top on Thursday was fantastic...they all then deserved the day at Lightwater Valley on the Friday! To view the week’s pictures in full via storify click here.

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Year 8—London What a week Year 8 had...Wicked, the London Eye, the Natural History Museum, Chessington World of Adventure, the Globe, the Science Museum and a Thames boat trip...all squashed into 4 days in London! Not only did you enjoy yourselves but your behaviour was impeccable. To view the week’s pictures in full via storify click here.

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Email: [email protected] @ilkleygrammar

Year 9—The Big Outdoors Year 9 braved the elements this week in the Lakes, experiencing a Lakeland journey day, Hill Navigation day, orienteering, creative community challenges, whaler rowing, wacky games and all that the Brathay site could offer it was an action packed week! To view the week’s pictures in full via storify click here.

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Email: [email protected] @ilkleygrammar

Year 10—The Big Mix Where didn’t Year 10 go this week? Walking the Wharfe, Aerial Extreme, National Coal Mining Museum, Yorkshire Sculpture Park, an afternoon on Enterprise Challenge and to top it off a day at Blackpool Pleasure Beach! You have all really worked very well together. The guides from the mining museum said lovely things about our students as did the staff at Aerial Xtreme. To view the week’s pictures in full via storify click here.

Fantastic Fundraising Following the non-uniform day on Friday 11th July you raised the grand total of £684.93. Mr Goodbold presented St Johns Ambulance with a cheque for £284.93 (two members of St John’s Ambulance accompanied the Year 10s on ‘Walking the Wharfe’.

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Email: [email protected] @ilkleygrammar

Year 12—The Big Choice Whether the students chose to be an iLeader, or selected the subject enrichment option (English, Chemistry, Biology Fieldwork or Honduras) or chose to organise their own work experience, the Post 16 students truly got involved in Challenge and Celebration Week! To view the week’s pictures in full via storify click here.

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Email: [email protected] @ilkleygrammar

Part-time work at Burley Oaks Primary: Opportunities available to work 3.30-5.30 2 or 3 days

per week with the after school club or cleaning roles 3.30-6.00, 7½ hours per week. Both term time

only roles. Contact Caroline Jones on 01943 862642 or call in for an application form

Part & Full-time job opportunities at Devonshire Hotels & Restaurants: Variety of roles

available. Must be over 16 years. If interested contact Stacy Kenealy, HR Manager on 01756 718137 or

email [email protected]

Recruitment at Skipton Building Society: Currently recruiting over 70 into their telephony

team. More information at email [email protected] or

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Email: [email protected] @ilkleygrammar

With the summer holidays approaching please remind your son or daughter that they are responsible for the iPad’s care over the break. iPads should be checked for damage before the holidays. If there is any damage it must be reported within 1 week of the damage occurring as we have a small window for insurance. Further information can be found here.

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Available daily…

There is also a range of cold meals, sandwiches and pizzas available every day and remember the meal deal is still only £2.15. This includes a hot meal and a pudding or drink. The same price covers a choice from the cold selection and a juice and a small dessert.

SCHOOL MENU What a choice! Lasagne or Bean burger, curry or pasta bake...decision, decisions!

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Get in touch and stay in touch! We would be interested in any feedback on these bulletins. Also, if you would like further information on anything within them or, wish to request other information items, please get in touch! It is really important we can stay in touch with you; if you need to change your contact details please email [email protected] or contact the school office.

Email: [email protected]

Telephone: 01943 608424




Monday 21 Celebration Assembly Super Tutor Group Visits to the Lido or Shipley Bowl. Tuesday 22 Celebration Assembly Wednesday 23 Celebration Assembly Thursday 24 10am Take-a-Break School closes 12.45pm


Tuesday 9 Years 7, 12 and 13 start Wednesday 10 School opens for all years Monday 15 Photographer in School Wednesday 17 Year 7 I Band at Nell Bank Thursday 18 Year 7 G Band at Nell Bank Friday 19 Year 7 S Band at Nell Bank Tuesday 23 Year 12 Parents’ Meeting (Tutors)


Thursday 2 Open Morning and Evening Friday 3 Ilkley Literature Festival starts


Thursday 24 July Close (1.15pm)

Summer holiday: Friday 25th July


Friday 5 Sep Training Day (School

closed to students)

Monday 8 Sep Training Day (School

closed for students)

Tuesday 9 Sep Years 7 12 13 start

Wednesday 10 Sep School opens fully to all


Friday 24 Oct School closes

Half term: Monday 27th—Friday 31st October

Monday 3 Nov School re-opens

Friday 19 Dec School closes 1.15pm

Christmas Holiday: Monday 22nd December—Friday 2nd January


Monday 5 Jan Training Day (School

closed to students)

Tuesday 6 Jan School re-opens

Dates for the Diary Term Dates

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