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    La lutte contre le CAFTA au Costa Rica a vraiment t un combat contre le brevetage de la richesse unique dupays en biodiversit et contre lUPOV elle-mme. (Source: Fighting FTAs)

    Novembre 2014A CONTRE COURANT



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    Quoi de plus normal que de conserver les semences dune saison lautre ? Aprs tout,

    cest bien comme a que nous faisons pousser les plantes dans nos fermes et nos jardins.

    Et pourtant, du Guatemala au Ghana, du Mozambique la Malaisie, cette pratique

    courante est transforme en dlit, pour permettre une demi-douzaine de grandes

    multinationales de faire des semences une proprit prive et den tirer de largent.

    GRAIN prsente un set de donnes actualis qui illustre comment les accords de soi-

    disant libre-change (les ALE) sont en train de privatiser les semences dans le monde

    entier. Mais les gens ragissent et dans plusieurs pays, la mobilisation populaire force dj

    les gouvernements mettre les plans de privatisation des semences en attente.

    Les accords commerciaux sont devenus loutil idal

    pour les gouvernements, qui travaillent main dansla main avec les lobbies des grandes entreprises,pour faire passer les nouvelles rgles destines res-treindre le droit des paysans se servir des semences.Jusqu relativement rcemment, le plus importantde ces accords tait lAccord de lOrganisation mon-diale du Commerce (lOMC) sur les aspects des droitsde proprit intellectuelle qui touchent au commerce(ADPIC). Adopt en 1994, laccord sur les ADPIC tait,et cest encore le cas, le premier trait international tablir des normes mondiales pour les droits de pro-prit intellectuelle concernant les semences.1 Le butest de garantir que des socits comme Monsanto ouSyngenta, qui dpensent de largent pour la slectionvgtale et le gnie gntique, puissent contrler cequi arrive leurs semences en empchant les agricul-teurs de les rutiliser, ce qui ressemble fort aux proc-ds employs par Hollywood ou Microsoft pour essayerdempcher les gens de copier ou de partager les filmsou les logiciels en attachant des verrous juridiques outechnologiques leurs produits.

    Mais les semences ne sont pas des logiciels. Lidemme de breveter le vivant suscite une normecontestation. Pour cette raison, laccord de lOMCformait une sorte de compromis mondial entre gou-vernements. Laccord stipule que les pays ont le droitdexclure les vgtaux et les animaux (autres que les

    1. La proprit intellectuelle est un droit de monopole exerc parles gouvernements. Il sert garantir que les gens paient le droit duti-liser quelque chose pendant un certain temps, de faon que linven-teur puisse rcuprer son investissement. Une obtention vgtalefait rfrence des semences qui vont voluer en une espce spci-fique de plante qui prsente des caractristiques spcifiques.

    microorganismes) de leurs lois sur les brevets, mais

    quils doivent fournir une forme de protection de la pro-prit intellectuelle sur les obtentions vgtales, sanstoutefois spcifier comment faire.

    Les accords commerciaux ngocis en-dehors delOMC, en particulier ceux qui manent des puissantesconomies du Nord, ont tendance aller beaucoup plusloin. Ils exigent souvent que les pays signataires bre-vtent les plantes et les animaux, ou suivent les rglesde lUnion pour la protection des obtentions vgtales(UPOV), base Genve, qui cre des droits similaires un brevet sur les obtentions vgtales. Que ce soit sousla forme de lois sur les brevets ou lUPOV, ces rglesdcrtent gnralement quil est illgal pour les paysansde conserver, changer, vendre ou modifier les semencesquils ont gardes quand elle proviennent de varitssoi-disant protges.2 En fait en 1991, la Conventionde lUPOV a t modifie pour donner encore plus demonopole aux entreprises dagrobusiness, aux dpensdes communauts de petits agriculteurs et des popu-lations autochtones. Cest cette version 1991 de lUPOVque promeuvent aujourdhui largement les accords


    2. Dans le cadre du systme de lUPOV, les paysans peuvent quel-quefois conserver des semences de varits protges pour les ru-tiliser. Cela dpend de la version de la Convention UPOV qui a tsigne par le pays et de la volont du gouvernement de choisir ounon cette option. Lautorisation se limite parfois laisser le paysanreplanter les semences sur ses propres terres ou certaines culturesseulement ou peut tre soumise au paiement dune licence. Avecle systme des brevets, il est tout simplement illgal dutiliser dessemences brevetes sans les payer, mme si elles ont t lchesdans votre champ par un oiseau !
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    Lattaque implacable des ALEVers lpoque o laccord sur les ADPIC tait en voie

    dtre conclu, lAccord de libre-change nord-amricain sign par le Mexique, le Canada et les tats-Unis futlun des premiers accords commerciaux tre ngo-ci hors de larne multilatrale pour resserrer ltauautour de la privatisation des semences. Il obligeait leMexique rejoindre le club UPOV des pays qui accor-daient des droits exclusifs aux entreprises semencirespour empcher les agriculteurs de recycler et de rutili-ser les semences vendues par les entreprises. Le prc-dent tait tabli pour tous les accords de libre-changeamricains qui allaient suivre, tandis que lUnion euro-

    penne, l Association europenne de libre-change etle Japon sempressaient de prendre le mme chemin.3Un systme incessant de pressions diplomatiques et

    financires pour amener en coulisse les pays pri-vatiser les semences (ces accords commerciaux sont eneffet ngocis en secret) est en place depuis. Les enjeuxsont importants pour lindustrie des semences. Auniveau mondial, 10 entreprises contrlent elles seules55 % du march des semences commerciales.4

    3. LAELE (EFTA) comprenait lIslande, le Lichtenstein, la Norvgeet la Suisse.4. ETC Group, qui appartient la nature ?, 2008.http://www.

    Pour ces grandes entreprises toutefois, cette part demarch nest encore pas suffisante. Partout en Asie, enAfrique et en Amrique latine, quelque 70 80 % dessemences utilises par les paysans sont des semencespaysannes, quils obtiennent dans leurs propres fermes,chez des voisins ou auprs de communauts avoisi-nantes. Dans ces territoires qui restent conqurir, lesgants de lagrobusiness veulent remplacer la sauve-garde des semences par des marchs des semences etprendre le contrle de ces marchs. Pour se faciliter latche, ils rclament aux gouvernements des protectionslgales, pour crer et renforcer le monopole des grandessocits sur les semences. Cest l que les accords de

    libre-change interviennent comme linstrument parfaitpour forcer les pays changer leurs lois.

    Dernires tendancesGRAIN a men lenqute pour dmontrer comment

    depuis 15 ans, les accords commerciaux signs horsde la sphre multilatrale forcent les pays se confor-mer aux souhaits de lindustrie concernant les droits deproprit intellectuelle pour les semences et ce faisant,renforcent les normes internationales. Une mise jour

    Manifestation de septembre 2013 contre les ALE : en Thalande, les mouvements populaires sopposent ce queles ngociations relatives un accord de libre-change entre la Thalande et lUE aboutissent limposition delUPOV aux paysans du pays. (Photo: FTA Watch)
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    rcente de notre set de donnes montre que cette ten-dance est loin de se calmer. En ralit, des signes trsinquitants apparaissent lhorizon.

    Rcemment, les bnfices les plus importants engran-gs par Monsanto, Dupont, Limagrain et Syngenta les plus gros semenciers mondiaux proviennent desnouveaux accords commerciaux accepts par les paysdAmrique latine. En 2006, les tats-Unis (patrie deMonsanto et de Dupont) ont conclu des accords majeursavec le Prou et la Colombie, obligeant lun comme

    lautre adopter lUPOV 9. Les tats de lAELE ont faitla mme chose en 2008 et lUE (patrie de Limagrain)

    en 2012.5 En Amrique centrale, le mme scnario sestdroul : Les tats-Unis ont russi mettre en place en2007 un Accord de libre-change trs important aveclAmrique centrale, qui force tous les pays adhrer lUPOV 91. LAELE a fait de mme lan dernier.

    LAfrique a rcemment fait un pas de plus vers lerenforcement des march de semences propritaires.Aprs dix ans de pourparlers, des Accords de partenariat

    5. Lquateur est actuellement aussi en pourparlers avec lUE, surla base du texte sign avec la Colombie et le Prou.

    conomique (APE) ont t conclus entre lUE et les paysdAfrique subsaharienne en 2014. La plupart ne font que libraliser le commerce des biens pour linstant,mais ils contiennent galement un engagement ngo-cier des normes de proprit intellectuelle communesavec Bruxelles. Lide est que ces normes seront fon-des sur ce que les tats caribens ont dj acceptdans leur APE de 2008, savoir lobligation dau moinsconsidrer la possibilit de rejoindre lUPOV. Ceci est unpoint important car jusqu prsent, les tats africains

    navaient aucune obligation dadopter lUPOV commenorme et ont rellement essay de mettre au pointleurs propres systmes de protection des obtentionsvgtales.6 Et sil est vrai que des organismes africainscomme lOrganisation rgionale africaine de la propritintellectuelle (lARIPO, anglophone) et lOrganisationafricaine de la proprit intellectuelle (lOAPI, franco-phone) sont dj en train de rejoindre lUPOV, ce seraitcette fois, dans le cadre des accords commerciaux avec

    6. LOrganisation de lUnit Africaine, par exemple, a mis au pointson propre modle juridique de protection des obtentions vgtalessur la base des droits des communauts.

    Mme les Colombiens qui vivent loin du pays ont t choqus de voir comment les accords commerciaux avecles tats-Unis et lUE ont pouss Bogot criminaliser les semences des paysans et sont descendus dans les ruesde Melbourne en signe de solidarit. (Photo: Erik Anderson/Flickr)

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    lUE, les pays eux-mmes qui rejoindraient lUPOV. unpeu plus long terme, lharmonisation en Afrique se faitde lintrieur, avec la fusion et la runion des blocs com-merciaux subrgionaux pour former une seule zone delibre-change sur le continent, prvue en principe pour2017. Cette volution devrait provoquer en mme tempsune harmonisation interne des lois de proprit intellec-tuelle sur tout le continent, ce qui risque de resserrerencore davantage ltau.

    LAccord de partenariat transpacifique (TPP) est

    trs probablement le plus effrayant des ALE en coursde ngociation, si lon considre les consquencesquil peut avoir sur les droits des paysans contrlerles semences en Asie et dans les pays du Pacifique.Les tats-Unis qui mnent les discussions avec 11autres pays riverains du Pacifique ont en effet dciddemployer la manire forte. Une fuite montre, dans undocument de ngociation de mai 2014, que les tats-Unis rclament non seulement lapplication de lUPOV91 dans tous les pays concerns par le TPP, mais aussicarrment le brevetage des plantes et des animaux.

    Nous ne savons pas encore si ces demandes appara-tront galement dans le Partenariat transatlantique de

    commerce et dinvestissement (TTIP) qui est actuel-lement en cours de ngociation entre les tats-Unis etlUE, car les textes ne sont pas la disposition du public.

    Tandis que les limites de tout ce qui doit tre privatisne cessent de saccrotre, les sanctions appliques encas de non-respect des normes se multiplient. Dans lecadre de nombreux ALE, les pays comme les tats-Unisexigent que les agriculteurs qui enfreignent ces nou-veaux droits de proprit intellectuelle sur les semencessoient poursuivis au pnal, et non selon le droit civil.

    Dans certains cas, tels lAccord conomique et com-mercial global (AECG, ou CETA en anglais) rcemmentconclu entre lUE et le Canada, un simple soupon din-fraction peut faire saisir les biens dun agriculteur ougeler ses comptes bancaires.7

    7. Voir lUnion nationale des fermiers (NFU) See National Farmers'Union, CETA + Bill C-18 = too much power for seed companies, juin 2014, En franais:, fvrier 2014

    Selon laccord commercial quil a sign avec les tat-Unis, le Guatemala est oblig dadhrer laConvention UPOV. Le gouvernement a rcemment mis au point une loi qui va dans ce sens. Maispour beaucoup de Guatmaliens, cest une manire de protger les intrts de Monsanto, la socittransnationale amricaine, devenue synonyme de destruction de la souverainet alimentaire et des droitsdes agriculteurs dans le monde. (Photo: Ral Zamora)
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    La mobilisation se durcitLa bonne nouvelle, cest que les mouvements sociaux

    ne se laissent pas faire. Ils sont de plus en plus actifs,se font beaucoup entendre, deviennent plus hardis etmieux organiss. En 2013, les Colombiens de toutesclasses sociales ont t choqus quand ils ont vu pareux-mmes comment les ALE amricains et europenspouvaient amener leur propre gouvernement dtruirebrutalement des tonnes de semences qui avaient t

    conserves par des agriculteurs ignorants des nouvellesrgles. Lindignation, arrivant au beau milieu dune grveagraire nationale, a t si forte que le gouvernement ade fait accept de suspendre temporairement la loi etde rexaminer la question directement avec les repr-sentants des mouvements paysans.8

    En 2014, cest au tour du Guatemala dtre boule-vers quand le grand public ralise que le gouvernement

    8. GRAIN, Soulvement des agriculteurs colombiens :lessemences sous les feux de lactualit, September 2013,

    essayait de faire passer de force ladoption de lUPOV91 sans vritable dbat, cause daccords commerciauxcomme le CAFTA.9 Les gens ont t furieux de voir queles communauts autochtones navaient pas t consul-tes, comme le veut la loi, surtout quand le but de cetteloi, en fin de compte, est de remplacer les semencesindignes par les semences commerciales dentreprisestrangres comme Monsanto ou Syngenta. Aprs desmois de pressions, le gouvernement a recul et annul

    la loi.10

    Cependant, de mme quen Colombie, le retraitna quune valeur temporaire, pendant que dautresmesures sont en examen. Dans dautres parties dAm-rique latine, au Chili et en Argentine par exemple, denouvelles lois visant mettre en place lUPOV 91 et que

    9. Laccord AELE-Amrique centrale de 2013 qui exprime lesmmes exigences que le CAFTA, ne semble pas avoir beaucoupattir lattention du public.10 Voir EFE, Guatemala repeals plant breeder rightslaw, 5 septembre, Voir aussi

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    les gens appellent souvent les lois Monsanto pro-voquent une rsistance farouche et qui porte ses fruits parmi les mouvements sociaux.

    De mme, en Afrique, des vagues de protestationpublique slvent contre les rgimes de protection desobtentions vgtales que les pays sont aujourdhui entrain dadopter. Au Ghana, une campagne trs dyna-mique est lance pour empcher le pays dadopter lalgislation UPOV 91.11 Dans dautres pays, des rseauxde mouvements civils tels que lAlliance pour la souve-rainet alimentaire en Afrique (ASAA), une coalitionqui runit des tendances trs varies, introduisent desrecours pour empcher l ARIPO dadopter une lgisla-tion fonde sur lUPOV et de rejoindre lUnion.12

    Les groupes de pression des grandes entreprises ontt trop loin dans leurs efforts de privatisation de ce que

    11. Voir le site Internet de Food Sovereignty Ghana et de Panafricanist International AFSA appeals to ARIPO, AU and UNECA for protection of far-mers rights & right to food, 2 juillet 2014, franais :

    les gens considrent comme un bien commun. Ils ne sesont pas limits aux semences. Le mme processus serpte avec la terre, les minraux, les hydrocarbures,leau, le savoir, lInternet, et mme certains microor-ganismes importants, comme la grippe aviaire il y aquelques annes ou le virus Ebola aujourdhui. Les popu-lations ragissent pour empcher que tout cela ne soitsoumis au contrle exclusif de quelques grandes entre-prises ou des ministres de la dfense. Un bon moyen departiciper cette lutte est de rejoindre les campagnesorganises pour mettre un terme aux nouveaux accordscommerciaux comme le TTIP, lAECG, le TPP et les ALE,et de faire abroger les anciens, comme les accords am-ricains et europens passs avec le Mexique, lAmriquecentrale, la Colombie et le Chili. Cest dans les accordscommerciaux que sont crites bon nombre de ces rgleset cest l quil faut les effacer.

    Pour examiner la situation actuelle des accordscommerciaux qui imposent la privatisation dessemences, vous pouvez tlcharger le set de donnesde novembre 2014 de GRAIN [en anglais]:

    Trade agreements privatising biodiversity[Lesaccords commerciaux qui privatisent la biodiversit]:

    Pour approfondir GRAIN, Lois sur les semences en Amrique latine : une offensive qui se poursuit, octobre 2013 (disponible aussi en anglais et en espagnol) Biodiversidad, Leyes de semillas y otros pesares, septembre 2014, (en espagnolseulement).

    Mises jour quotidiennes sur les accords commerciaux : ou @bilaterals_org ou (EN, ES, FR)
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    EFTA-Jordan FTA | 2001 | in forceJordan must join UPOV and accede to Budapest Treaty by 2006. Jordan must also ensure "adequate andeffective patent protection for inventions in all fields of technology on a level similar to that prevailing in theEuropean Patent Convention" which allows the patenting of transgenic plants and animals.5EFTA-Lebanon FTA | 2004 | in forceLebanon must join UPOV (1978 or 1991 Act) and accede to the Budapest Treaty by 2008.6EFTA-Morocco FTA | 2000 | in forceMorocco must join UPOV and accede to Budapest Treaty by 2000. Morocco must also provide "adequate andeffective patent protection for inventions in all fields of technology on a level similar to that prevailing in theEuropean Patent Convention" which allows the patenting of transgenic plants and animals.7EFTA-Palestinian Authority FTA | 1998 | in forcePalestinian Authority must implement the "highest international standards" of IPR protection.8EFTA-Tunisia FTA | 2004 | in forceTunisia must join UPOV (1978 or 1991 Act) and accede to the Budapest Treaty by 2010. Tunisia will also do itsutmost to accede to all IPR treaties to which EFTA states are party.9

    European UnionCotonou Agreement | 2000 | in force

    The parties recognise the need to ensure adequate and effective protection of patents on plant varieties and onbiotechnological inventions.10 EU-Algeria FTA | 2002 | in forceAlgeria shall accede to and implement UPOV (1991 Act) by 2010, although accession can be replaced byimplementation of an effective sui generis system if both parties agree.11 Algeria must accede to BudapestTreaty.12EU-Central Africa 13 EPA | under negotiationOnly Cameroon signed and ratified an interim EPA which establishes a basis for negotiation of rules on intel-lectual property rights.14 These are expected to be modelled on the EU-Caribbean EPA.EU-East African Community 15 EPA | 2007 | initialledUnder a rendezvous clause of a framework EPA initialled in 2007, but never signed, the EAC member states

    5. EFTA-Jordan Free Trade Agreement, Art 17, Annex VI, Trade Agreement EFTA - Republic of Lebanon, Annex V, EFTA-Morocco Free Trade Agreement. [Art 16] and [Annex V]8.Interim Agreement between the EFTA States and the PLO for the Benefit of the Palestinian Authority. [Art 15]9.Free Trade Agreement between the States of the European Free Trade Association and the Republic of Tunisia, 17 December 2004, Annex

    V. Agreement between the African, Caribbean and Pacific States and the European Community and its Member States, CE/TFN/GEN/23-OR, ACP/00/0371/00, 8.2.00. [Art 45]11.Euro-Mediterranean Agreement establishing an Association between the European Community and its Member States, of the one part,and the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria, of the other part Annexes 1 to 6 and Protocols Nos 1 to 7, Council of the European Union,Brussels, 12 April 2002, 6786/02 ADD1 AL1, Annex 6, Art 3, Annex 6, Art 1.13.Cameroon, Chad, Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon and So Tom and Prncipe14.Interim Agreement with a view to an Economic Partnership Agreement between the European Community and its Member States, of theone part, and the Central Africa Party, of the other part, 15 January 2009, [Art 3 and Chpt 3]15.Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda

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    Morocco must join UPOV (1991 Act) and accede to Budapest Treaty by 2004.26 This deal is to be expanded bya Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement, currently under negotiation, through which the EU aims tofurther "align" intellectual property rules.27EU-Palestinian Authority FTA | 1997 | in forcePalestinian Authority must implement the "highest international standards" of IPR protection.28EU-South Africa FTA | 1999 | in forceSouth Africa shall ensure adequate and effective protection for patents on biotechnological inventions. SouthAfrican must also implement "highest international standards" of IPR protection and undertake to go beyondTRIPS standards of IPR protection.29EU-Southern Africa Development Cooperation 30 EPA | 2014 | concludedThe SADC states may consider entering into negotiations on intellectual property with the EU at a laterstage.31EU-Syria FTA | 2004 | agreedSyria shall follow the "highest international standards" including, not limited to, the TRIPS Agreement. Syriashall also accede to the Budapest Treaty and the UPOV Convention (1991) within 5 years of applicability ofAnnex 6. However, Syria may replace accession to UPOV with implementation of an "adequate and effective"system for protection of plant varieties.32EU-Tunisia FTA | 1998 | in force

    Tunisia must join UPOV (1991 Act) and accede to Budapest Treaty by 2002. Tunisia must also implement"highest international standards" of IPR protection.33 This deal is to be expanded, post-2012, by a Deep andComprehensive Free Trade Agreement through which the EU aims to further "align" intellectual propertyrules.34EU-West Africa 35 EPA | 2014 | agreedUnder a rendezvous clause, the West African states have agreed to further negotiate rules on intellectual

    26.Euro-Mediterranean Agreement establishing an association between the European Communities and their Member States, of the onepart, and the Kingdom of Morocco, of the other part, Official Journal of the European Communities (OJ) L 070 of 18 March 2000, p. 0002-0204. [Annex 7, Art 1]

    27.European Parliament resolution on the EU Trade and Investment Strategy for the Southern Mediterranean following the Arab Spring revo-lutions, 10 May 2012, [Para 30]28.Euro-Mediterranean Interim Association Agreement on trade and cooperation between the European Community, of the one part, andthe Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) for the benefit of the Palestinian Authority of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, of the other part,Official Journal L 187 of 16 July 1997, p. 0003-0135. [Title II, Art 33]29.Agreement on Trade, Development and Cooperation between the European Community and its Member States, of the one part, andthe Republic of South Africa, of the other part, Official Journal L 311 of 4 December 1999 p. 0003-0297. [Art 46]30.Southern Africa Development Community, involving Angola, Botswana, Lesotho, Mozambique, Namibia, Swaziland, Tanzania and SouthAfrica. See Section 10, Articles 10-11 of the draft EU-SADC Economic Partnership Agreement dated June 2007 at

    31.Economic Partnership Agreement between the European Union and its member states, of the one part, and the SADC EPA states, of theother part, text agreed to and under legal scrub as of September 2014, [Art 67-II.6]32. Proposal for a Council Decision on the conclusion of a Euro-Mediterranean Association Agreement between the EuropeanCommunity and its Member States of the one part, and the Syrian Arab Republic, of the other part, COM (2004) 808 final, Brussels, 17December 2004. Article 72 and Annex VI33.Euro-Mediterranean Agreement establishing an association between the European Communities and their Member States, of the onepart, and the Republic of Tunisia, of the other part, Official Journal L 097 of 30 March 1998 p. 0002-0183. [Annex 7]34.European Parliament resolution on the EU Trade and Investment Strategy for the Southern Mediterranean following the Arab Spring revo-lutions, 10 May 2012, [Para 30]35.Benin, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, C e d'Ivoire, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, SenegaSierra Leone and Togo. See Section 10, Articles 10-11 of the draft EU-ECOWAS Economic Partnership Agreement dated April 2007 in English( or in French (

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    EFTA-Colombia FTA | 2008 | in forceColombia must join the UPOV Convention (1978 or 1991 Act) and accede to the Budapest Treaty by July 2011.44EFTA-Mexico FTA | 2000 | in forceMexico must join UPOV and accede to the Budapest Treaty by 2002.45EFTA-Peru FTA | 2008 | in forcePeru must join the UPOV Convention (1978 or 1991 Act) and accede to the Budapest Treaty by July 2011.46

    European UnionCotonou Agreement | 2000 | in forceThe parties recognise the need to ensure adequate and effective protection of patents on plant varieties and onbiotechnological inventions.47EU-Andean Community FTA | 2012 | provisionally appliedColombia and Peru shall implement UPOV (1991), including the so-called farmers' privilege (to re-use pro-tected seed while respecting the rights of the breeder).48 (Extension of the agreement to Bolivia and Ecuadorbeing explored.)EU-Caribbean 49 EPA | 2008 | in forceObliges the Caribbean states to accede to the Budapest Treaty and to consider acceding to UPOV (1991 Act).Commits the parties to further develop legal protection of traditional knowledge and genetic resources within

    the frame of patent law.50

    EU-Mercosur 51 FTA | under negotiationEU-Mexico FTA | 2000 | in forceMexico must accede to Budapest Treaty within three years of entry into force. Mexico shall also provide "high-est international standards" of IPR protection.52EU-US FTA | under negotiation

    JapanJapan-Chile FTA | 2007 | in forceChile must join UPOV (1991) by 2009.53Japan-Colombia FTA | under negotiation

    pdf and Annex XII, Trade Agreement between the Republic of Colombia and the EFTA States, [Art 6.4.2]45.EFTA-Mexico Free Trade Agreement.[Art 16] and [Annex XXI]46.Free Trade Agreement between the Republic of Peru and the EFTA States [Chpt 6, Art. 6.4.2]47.Partnership Agreement between the African, Caribbean and Pacific States and the European Community and its Member States, CE/TFN/GEN/23-OR, ACP/00/0371/00, 8.2.00. [Art 45]

    48.Trade agreement between the European Union and its member states, of the one part, and Colombia and Peru, of the other part, [Sec 7, Art 232]49.Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Grenada, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Montserrat, SaintLucia, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname and Trinidad and Tobago.50.Economic Partnership Agreement between the CARIFORUM states, of the one part, and the European Community and its member states,of the other part, as initialled on 16 December 2007 and signed on 15 October 2008. Southern Market: Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay and Venezuela.52.Economic Partnership, Political Coordination and Cooperation Agreement between the European Community and its Member States,of the one part, and the United Mexican States, of the other part, Official Journal L 276/45 of 28 October 2000. [Art 12.1]. Decision No 1/-- of the Joint Council. [Title IV, Art 36.2 and 36.4].53.Agreement between Japan and the Republic of Chile for an Economic Strategic Partnership, March 2007, [Art 162]

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    United StatesAndean Trade Promotion and Drug Eradication Act | 2002 | in forceUS trade benefits to Bolivia, Ecuador, Colombia and Peru unilaterally gauged on extent to which they go beyondTRIPS standards of IPR protection.54Free Trade Area of the Americas | negotiations suspendedUS negotiating position is "no exclusions" for plants or animals from patent law. Actual negotiating text con-tains many proposals to enforce UPOV, patent plants and animals and put traditional knowledge under IPRregimes.55North America Free Trade Agreement | 1994 | in forceMexico must implement and join UPOV within two years of entry into force.56Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement 57 | under negotiationAccording to the latest leaked draft, it is proposed that all parties be obliged to join UPOV (1991 Act) and theBudapest Treaty. The US, Japan and Singapore also propose that all parties shall make patents available forplants and animals, or alternatively for lant-related inventions (which would include plant varieties, although

    Australia wants that restricted to varieties not eligible for UPOV protection). The Agreement may also estab-lish legal restrictions on the circulation and use of genetic resources as well as traditional knowledge pertainingto biodiversity.58US-Caribbean Basin Trade Partnership Act | 2000 | in forceUS trade benefits for up to 24 eligible countries unilaterally gauged on extent to which they go beyond TRIPSstandards of IPR protection.59US-Chile FTA | 2003 | in forceChile must join UPOV (1991 Act) and provide patents on any invention in any field of technology withoutexception. "Each Party will undertake reasonable develop and propose legislation within 4 yearsfrom the entry into force of this Agreement that makes available patent protection for plants that are new,involve an inventive step, and are capable of industrial application".60US-Colombia FTA | 2006 | in forceColombia must join UPOV (1991 Act) by 2008 or entry into force, whichever later, and accede to the BudapestTreaty. Colombia must also make "all reasonable efforts" to provide patents on plants. Once it does, it cannotreverse this policy.61US-Dominican Republic-Central America FTA | 2004 | in forceCosta Rica, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua must join UPOV (1991 Act)or provide patents on plants. Those that do not provide patents on plants by the time of the agreement's entry

    54.Andean Trade Promotion and Drug Eradication Act, [Div C, Title XXI, Sec 3103]55.Free Trade Area of the Americas, Third Draft Agreement, 21 November 2003, Chapter on Intellectual Property Rights, http://www.ftaa- The US negotiating position as of early 2001: America Free Trade Agreement, Chapter 17, Intellectual Property. [Art 1701.2 and Annex 1701.3]57.Currently being negotiated between Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, US andVietnam.58.TPP Intellectual Property [Rights] Chapter, consolidated text, 16 May 2014,[Art Q.Q.A.8, Q.Q.E.1 and Q.Q.E.23]59.US-Caribbean Trade Partnership Act of 2000. [Sec B.211.5.b.ii]60.US-Chile Free Trade Agreement, 2003 [Art 17.1 and17.9]61.US-Colombia Trade Promotion Agreement, signed on 27 February 2006: [Chapter 16, Art

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    into force must make "all reasonable efforts" to do so. Once they do, they must maintain that policy.62 US-Ecuador FTA | negotiations suspendedUS-Ecuador IPR Agreement | 1993 | signed but not in forceEcuador must conform with UPOV if it does not grant patents on plant varieties.63US-Nicaragua IPR Agreement | 1998 | in forceNicaragua must join UPOV. Nicaragua may not exclude plants or animals from patent law.64US-Panama FTA | 2006 | in forcePanama must join UPOV (1991 Act) by 2010 or entry into force, whichever later, and accede to the BudapestTreaty. Panama must also make "all reasonable efforts" to provide patents on plants. Once it does, it cannotreverse this policy.65US-Peru FTA | 2005 | in forcePeru must join UPOV (1991 Act) by 2008 or entry into force, whichever later, and accede to the BudapestTreaty. Peru must also make "all reasonable efforts" to provide patents on plants. Once it does, it cannotreverse this policy.66US-Trinidad & Tobago IPR Agreement | 1994 | in forceTrinidad & Tobago must implement and make best effort to join UPOV.67

    ASIA & PACIFICEuropean Free Trade AssociationEFTA-China FTA | study to be launchedEFTA-Hong Kong FTA | 2011 | in forceHong Kong must implement UPOV (1978 or 1991 Act) and the Budapest Treaty.68EFTA-India FTA | under negotiationEFTA-Indonesia FTA | under negotiationEFTA-Korea FTA | 2005 | signedKorea is obliged to patent plants and animals.69EFTA-Malaysia FTA | under negotiationEFTA-Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan FTA | under negotiationEFTA-Thailand FTA | under negotiation

    European UnionCotonou Agreement | 2000 | in forceThe parties recognise the need to ensure adequate and effective protection of patents on plant varieties and on

    62.US-Dominican Republic-Central America Free Trade Agreement, 2004, [Chapter 15, Art 15.1 and 15.9]63.Agreement between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of Ecuador Concerning the Protection and

    Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights. [Art 6.1(c)]64.Agreement between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Republic of Nicaragua ConcerningProtection of Intellectual Property Rights. [Art 1.2 and Art 7.2]65.US-Panama Free Trade Agreement, draft of December 2006. [Art 15.3 and 15.9.2]66.US-Peru Trade Promotion Agreement, draft of 6 January 2006 (subject to legal review), Articles 16.1.2, 16.1.3 and 16.9.2. of Understanding between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of Trinidad and TobagoConcerning Protection of Intellectual Property Rights. [Art 1.2]68.EFTA-Hong Kong China Free Trade Agreement, 21 June 2011, [AnnexXII, Art 2]69.Free Trade Agreement between the EFTA States and the Republic of Korea, 15 December 2005, [Annex XIII, Article 2(a)]

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    biotechnological inventions.70 EU-ASEAN 71 FTA | under negotiationEU-Bangladesh Cooperation Agreement | 2001 | in forceBangladesh must endeavour to join UPOV (1991 Act) and to accede to the Budapest Treaty by 2006.72EU-India FTA | under negotiationLeaks of negotiating drafts show the parties seeking agreement on providing protection for plant varieties asper their respective domestic laws.73EU-Korea Trade and Cooperation Agreement | 2001 | in forceKorea shall make efforts to accede as soon as practicable to the UPOV Convention (1991 Act) and to theBudapest Treaty.74 EU-Korea FTA | 2011 | in forceKorea shall comply with UPOV (1991).75EU-Malaysia FTA | under negotiationEU-Pacific 76 EPA | under negotiationEU-Singapore EPA | 2013 | initialledThe parties reaffirm their commitment to UPOV 1991, including the so-called armers' privilege (to re-useprotected seed while respecting the rights of the breeder).77EU-Sri Lanka Cooperation Agreement | 1995 | in force

    Sri Lanka shall implement the "highest international standards" of IPR protection.78

    EU-Thailand FTA | under negotiationEU-Vietnam FTA | under negotiation

    JapanJapan-Brunei FTA | 2007 | in forceBrunei shall endeavour to become party to UPOV and the Budapest Treaty.79Japan-Malaysia FTA | 2005 | in forceMalaysia must "recognise the importance of protecting new plant varieties in a manner consistent with inter-nationally harmonised system. For this purpose, [Malaysia] shall ensure that rights relating to new plantvarieties are adequately protected."80

    70.Partnership Agreement between the African, Caribbean and Pacific States and the European Community and its Member States, CE/TFN/GEN/23-OR, ACP/00/0371/00, 8.2.00. [Art 45]71.Association of South East Asia Nations: Brunei, Burma, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam72.Cooperation Agreement between the European Community and the People's Republic of Bangladesh on partnership and development,OJ C143 of 21 May 1999. [Art 4.5] Cooperation Agreement between the European Community and the People's Republic of Bangladesh onpartnership and development, Official Journal L 118 , 27/04/2001 P. 0048 0056. texts available at Agreement for Trade and Cooperation between the European Community and its Member States, on the one hand, and theRepublic of Korea, on the other hand, Brussels, 30 March 2001,, Article 9 and Annex 1.

    75.Free Trade Agreement between the European Union and its Member States, of the one part, and the Republic of Korea, of the other part, 6October 2010, [Art10.39]76.Cook Islands, Fiji, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru, Niue, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvaluand Vanuatu.77.Free Trade Agreement between the European Union and the Republic of Singapore, 20 September 2013, [Chpt 11, Art 11.35]78.Council Decision of 27 March 1995 concerning the conclusion of the Cooperation Agreement between the European Community and theDemocratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka on Partnership and Development. [Art8.1.a]79.Agreement between Japan and Brunei Darussalam for an Economic Partnership, 16 June 2007, [Art 97c]80.Agreement between the Government of Japan and the Government of Malaysia for a Free Trade Agreement, December 2005, http://

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    Japan-Thailand FTA | 2007 | in forceThailand shall "recognise the importance of protecting new varieties of plants in a manner based on interna-tional standards. For this purpose, [Thailand] shall ensure that rights relating to new varieties of plants areadequately protected." Furthermore, Thailand "shall ensure that any [Japanese patent] application shall not berejected solely on the grounds that the subject matter claimed in the application is related to a naturally occur-ring micro-organism."81Japan-Indonesia FTA | 2007 | in forceIndonesia shall comply with and endeavour to join UPOV (1991).82Japan-Mongolia FTA | under negotiationJapan-Vietnam FTA | 2011 | in forceVietnam shall endeavour to provide intellectual property protection for all plant species in accordance withUPOV (1991).83

    SwitzerlandSwitzerland-Viet Nam IPR Agreement | 1999 | in forceViet Nam must join UPOV (1991 Act) by 2002.84

    United States

    Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement85

    | under negotiationAccording to the latest leaked draft, it is proposed that all parties be obliged to join UPOV (1991 Act) and theBudapest Treaty. The US, Japan and Singapore also propose that all parties shall make patents available forplants and animals, or alternatively for lant-related inventions (which would include plant varieties, althoughAustralia wants that restricted to varieties not eligible for UPOV protection). The Agreement may also estab-lish legal restrictions on the circulation and use of genetic resources as well as traditional knowledge pertainingto biodiversity.86US-Cambodia IPR Agreement | 1996 | in forceCambodia must join UPOV.87US-Korea FTA | 2007 | in forceKorea must join both UPOV (1991) and the Budapest Treaty, and may not exclude plants, plant varieties oranimals from patent protection.88US-Korea IPR Agreement | 1986 | in force [Art 123]81.Japan-Thailand Economic Partnership Agreement, as signed on 3 April 2007, [Art 135.1 and 130.3] A side letter signed by both governments attempts to "clarify" that Art 130.3 does not oblige eitherparty to patent naturally-occurring microorganisms and their components. See between Japan and Indonesia for an Economic Partnership, as signed on 20 August 2007.

    asia-paci/indonesia/epa0708/agreement.pdf [Art 106.3 and 116]83.Agreement between Japan and the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam for an Economic Partnership, 25 December 2008, [Art 90]84.Abkommen zwischen dem Schweizerischen Bundesrat und der Sozialistischen Republik Vietnam ber den Schutz des geistigen Eigentumsund ber die Zusammenarbeit auf dem Gebiet des geistigen Eigentums. [Art 2 and Annex 1]85.Currently being negotiated between Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, US andVietnam.86.TPP Intellectual Property [Rights] Chapter, consolidated text, 16 May 2014,[Art Q.Q.A.8, Q.Q.E.1 and Q.Q.E.23]87.Agreement between the United States of America and the Kingdom of Cambodia on Trade Relations and Intellectual Property RightsProtection. [Art XI.1]88.Free trade agreement between the United States of America and the Republic of Korea, 30 June 2007, [Art 18.1.3 and 18.8].

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    Korea must join Budapest Treaty.89US-Laos BTA | 2003 | in forceLaos must join UPOV (1978 or 1991 Act) "without delay". Laos must also provide patents for inventions in allfields of technology, without exclusion for plants or animals.90US-Malaysia FTA | under negotiationUS-Mongolia TRA | 1991 | in forceNo exclusions for plants or animals from patent law permitted.91US-Singapore FTA | 2003 | in forceSingapore must join UPOV (1991 Act) within six months of entry into force or by end 2003, whichever sooner.Singapore must also allow patents on all forms of plants and animals ("each Party may exclude inventions frompatentability only as defined in Articles 27.2 and 27.3(a) of the TRIPS Agreement").92US-Sri Lanka IPR Agreement | 1991 | in forceNo exclusions for plants and animals from patent law permitted.93US-Thailand FTA | under negotiationUS-Vietnam BTA | 2000 | in forceVietnam must implement and make best effort to join UPOV. Vietnam must also provide patent protection onall forms of plants and animals that are not varieties, as well as on inventions that encompass more than onevariety.94


    European Free Trade AssociationEFTA-Bosnia and Herzegovina FTA | 2013 | signed but not in forceBosnia and Herzegovina must join the UPOV Convention (1991 Act) by end of 2013.95EFTA-Macedonia FTA | 2000 | in forceMacedonia must join the Budapest Treaty by 2001 and the UPOV Convention by 2002.96EFTA-Montenegro FTA | 2011 | in forceMontenegro must join the UPOV Convention (1991 Act) by end of 2012.97EFTA-Serbia FTA | 2009 | in forceSerbia must join the UPOV Convention (1991 Act) by end of 2010.98

    89.Record of Understanding on Intellectual Property Rights. [Sec. B.6]90.Agreement between the United States of America and the Lao People's Democratic Republic on Trade Relations. [Art 13 and 18]91.Agreement on Trade Relations between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Mongolian People'sRepublic. [Art 9(c)i]92.US-Singapore Free Trade Agreement, May 2003. [Art 16.1 and Art 16.7]

    93.Agreement on the Protection and Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights between the United States of America and the DemocraticSocialist Republic of Sri Lanka. [Sec 2c]94.Agreement between the United States of America and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam on Trade Relations. [Chpt II: Art 1.3 and Art 7.2(c)]95.Free Trade Agreement between the EFTA States and Bosina and Herzegovina, 24 June 2013, [Annex VII, Art 2.3.d]96.Free Trade Agreement between the EFTA States and the Republic of Macedonia,, [Annex V, Art 2.2 and 2.3]97.Free Trade Agreement between the EFTA States and Montenegro, 14 November 2011, [Annex 6, Art 2.1.3.d]98.Free Trade Agreement between the EFTA States and the Republic of Serbia, 17 December 2009, [Annex VI, Art 2.3.d]

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    European UnionEU-Macedonia FTA | 2004 | in forceMacedonia must join the UPOV Convention (1991 Act) by end 2009.99EU-Moldova FTA | 2014 | under provisional applicationMoldova must implement the UPOV Convention, noting the optional farmers' privilege (to re-use protectedseed while respecting the rights of the breeder).100

    United StatesEU-US FTA | under negotiation

    99.Stabilisation and Association Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the formerYugoslav Republic of Macedonia, of the other part, 1 May 2004, [Art 71.3]100.Association agreement between the European Union and the European Atomic Energy Community and their Member States, of the onepart, and the Republic of Moldova, of the other part, 27 June 2014, [Art 317]

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