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{grace} magazine

{2}  ISSUE  


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philosophy believe in miracles

release your skin’s

full potential dual-action restoring cream for volume and lift

philosophy: like you, your skin is full of natural promise. release its potential for visibly firmer, fuller, uplifted skin. our advance dual action restoring cream features a unique protein recycling complex that works to breathe new life into existing proteins,* supporting natural collagen and elastin for visibly improved volume and lift. in 4 weeks** 90% saw visibly lifted skin, 88% felt firmer, more resilient skin and 82% noticed fuller cheekbones and more defined contours. now that’s promising.

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on the COVER  

Model : Lindsey Allen Photographer : Amanda Vargas

I pray that from his glorious, unlimited resources he will empower you with inner strength through his Spirit. Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him. Your roots will grow down into God’s love and keep you strong.  And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is.

Ephesians  3:16-18

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from the EDITOR  

 …  a  few of my favorite things



Eliza Beerbower, Editor in Chief [email protected]

‘m learning very quickly that when you begin to rely on God’s timing its funny the way your stress levels strangely rise. Initially that is, and then there is a moment where things just level out and you realize all you can say is “Lord, if you are in this work it out please.” As soon as I finished the first issue I was on fire to finish the next, ideas swirling, wish list created for all of the content “I” wanted to see. As the month passed challenge after challenge came, the “I’s” quickly became “your will Lord”. I continued to stay “in THE Word” and prayed believing that what God wanted on the pages would come into fruition and they did, with the timing perfect.

Earlier this evening I was talking about this issue, and my comment was not that I was arrogantly proud or unjustifiably boasting of all the hard work put into the issue that was created but rather just simply excited. Excited to see the way God was going to continue to work and the lives He would touch. I’ve been reading a lot about coincidences lately and they are laced throughout this issue. Is it a coincidence that Passion 2013 and the End It Movement is what introduced us with our gorgeous cover? Is it coincidence that when contacting a photographer to capture the images for Christian Fashion Week that his response was “Oh, I know Jose, he is my neighbor.”? I could go on and on, God is an amazing powerful being greater than anyone can fathom and I don’t see a day going by that I won’t joyfully sing His praises for all the amazing things he does. I have no idea where all of this is going to go, or frankly some days how we are going to get there. But I do know one thing, God is in control, and he gets the entirety of the credit. For without him I would be nothing and {grace} would definitely not exist.

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the CAUSE  


Over 27 Million have disappeared due to modern day slavery. If you are like us, it is hard to even imagine what 27 Million people would begin to look like… Instead of highlighting a global map to show you the effects, we have chosen to tighten up the microscope a little and introduce you to 2 women who have survived human trafficking… Their stories speak louder than we ever could begin to do.

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the CAUSE  

Fourteen-­‐year-­‐old  Eliza  came  from  a  deeply  unstable  home  and  was  desperate  for  a  job  so  she  could  survive  on  her  own  –  heavy  burdens  for  a  young  girl  to  carry  alone.  Eliza  was  pleased  when  she  was  hired  at  an  upscale  club  in  metro  Manila  as  a  waitress.  But  instead  of  waitressing,  the  owner  sold  and  forced  Eliza  to  have  sex  with  paying  customers  in  the  back  room  of  the  club.  Eliza’s  innocence  was  stolen  from  her.  She  was  raped,  beaten  and  used  over  and  over  again.  This  nightmare  con9nued  un9l  a  rescue  team,  working  with  local  authori9es,  coordinated  rescue  opera9ons  at  10  different  bars  in  Manila  where  children  were  being  sold  for  sex.  Eliza  was  finally  free  and  safe  for  the  first  9me  in  her  life.  Now  Eliza  is  living  a  full  life  with  a  bright  future.  For  3  years,  she  received  counseling,  educa9on,  and  physical  care  at  an  aYercare  home.  The  rescue  team  brought  the  case  against  the  bar  owner  to  court.  AYer  a  long  trial  spanning  4  years  with  many  twists  and  turns  through  the  judicial  system,  the  bar  owner  was  convicted  of  Qualified  Trafficking,  the  most  serious  trafficking  crime  under  local  law.  He  was  sentenced  to  life  in  prison.  The  number  of  people  just  like  Eliza  who  are  ruthlessly  enslaved  around  the  world  is  heartbreaking.  Sadly,  most  of  their  stories  do  not  end  with  FREEDOM.  From  factories  to  brothels  to  private  homes  to  fields,  more  than  27  million  people  are  living  as  modern-­‐day  slaves  with  lible  hope  of  rescue.  

Eliza !meet  

*This  photograph  is  being  used  for  illustra>ve  purposes  only.  Names  and  faces  have  been  changed  in  order  to  protect  the  iden>ty  of  the  former  slaves.  

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*This  photograph  is  being  used  for  illustra>ve  purposes  only.  Names  and  faces  have  been  changed  in  order  to  protect  the  iden>ty  of  the  former  slaves.  

Summer  was  from  a  neighboring  African  country  before  she  was  trafficked  from  Johannesburg  to  Cape  Town.  Once  in  Cape  Town,  her  traffickers  gang  raped  her,  forced  her  to  take  drugs  and  began  to  forcefully  sell  Summer’s  body  to  paying  customers.  Over  and  over,  day  aYer  day,  Summer  was  abused,  raped  and  used.  In  despera9on,  she  reached  out  to  a  volunteer  of  a  local  shelter,  who  helped  Summer  escape  from  her  dire  situa9on.  Summer  was  brought  to  a  local  hospital,  where  she  spent  9me  recovering  and  geeng  the  appropriate  medical  care  she  so  desperately  needed.  Once  released  from  the  hospital,  the  volunteer  helped  Summer  acquire  shelter,  ongoing  care  and  basic  necessi9es  to  help  her  thrive  in  her  new  freedom  and  con9nue  the  long  road  of  recovery.  The  number  of  people  just  like  Summer  who  are  ruthlessly  enslaved  around  the  world  is  heartbreaking.  Sadly,  most  of  their  stories  do  not  end  with  FREEDOM.  From  factories  to  brothels  to  private  homes  to  fields,  more  than  27  million  people  are  living  as  modern-­‐day  slaves  with  lible  hope  of  rescue.  


To sign the pledge to be!

in it to end it!visit!!

the CAUSE  

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i find myself here on my knees again caught up in grace like an avalanche,

nothing compares to this

burning in my heart..

love  love  


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the GUIDE  

Bright  bold  lips  are all the rage for spring

How would you know which color will work best for your skin tone? Surprisingly most shades will compliment most skin tones if you are able to first determine if you are a cool or warm palette. Meaning if you generally look better in blues and greens you would be considered a cool. While as those who tend to wear the colors pink and orange will be a warm. An example would be choosing a cool red such as a raspberry as opposed to the warmth of a tomato red will enhance the pop of color you will be looking for in this trend.

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the GUIDE  

Many (women) tend to give their all to others, but let their own health suffer in the long-run. I encourage you to put your own health and well-being in the forefront. It may seem difficult at first, but the healthier you are, the better role model, friend, spouse, parent, mentor and caregiver you can be to those you care about most. Heart health is especially important for women because the symptoms are different and are often not recognized as heart conditions at first. The good news is national campaigns are working to bring awareness to the issues. You’ve heard it many times- eat healthy, exercise, don’t smoke, sleep more, reduce your stress and the list goes on and on. Sounds like the same old story, right? Here’s another way to look at it. Focus on positives that improve your life, so you can continue to help those around you. If your health and well-being aren't up to par, you can’t be your best self. My suggestion for your new motto: “Be well for me”. As a person who gives, you probably feel rewarded when those around you are happy and healthy. Emphasize health goals on activities that make your life rewarding (and that usually including other people too), and keep it simple.

Heart of the Matter The    

By Anna Shlachter MS, RD, LDN

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the GUIDE  

  Cook together for health. Even the littlest person can stir or play with their kitchen toys while others cook. Families that cook and eat together tend to be healthier and talk more openly about life issues. Make small changes that lead to bigger changes. Less fried foods, more vegetables, whole grains, less processed and packaged foods, etc. You do not have to overhaul your diet all at one time. Adding on several small changes helps you adapt a new diet pattern and lifelong nutrition habits.  

make eating well and physical activity a family affair…

Have themed nights to keep everyone excited about meal time. Think of healthy themes- for February use heart shaped cookie cutters, pans, etc. Another idea is an “eat the rainbow night". There are a lot of fun ways to enjoy food.

Plan activities as a family. For example, we have “dog park days” to make sure that the dog and humans get moving. You’ll enjoy the time together and it will benefit everyone. You can bring friends too.

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the GUIDE  Put your workouts, stress relieving activities, and “you time” in your calendar like you do any other appointment. If it is an electronic calendar you can have a reminder 30 and 15 minutes before, so you don’t lose track of time. It makes it hard to skip the sweat session.

Prep food to make your week easier. You can chop veggies for easy meal starters, hard-boil eggs, make casseroles and soups that can last for several days and more. Use your smart phone for grocery shopping lists and nutrition and activity apps. Try different ones to see what works best for your life. Make your life easier

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the GUIDE  

Try to put screens away an hour or two before bed. It helps you snooze better, but it also gives you more “you time”. Some families do tv free nights. This can allow for other bonding activities which are more rewarding (once the family gets used to the idea). Enjoy the beauty and wonder. Take some time to become aware of the beauty around you. When is the last time you enjoyed a sunset, the wonder of a night sky, sky, freshly fallen snow, flowers, or the sounds of kids playing and laughing? Find your wonder and take advantage of those moments.


turn it off… Hopefully these ideas spark your own thoughts as how to take care of yourself in the way that you care for others. These small changes can lead to a healthier lifestyle and heart. Make time for you (and put it in your calendar so it is official). Anna is a registered dietitian with a passion for good tasting food and nutrition. During her day job she works as the Program Manager- Nutrition Research and Communications for the Egg Nutrition Center, the research arm of the American Egg Board.

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celebrate  you

The psychology behind why a woman should take the time to take care of herself has always been interesting. When finding that there is more stress on our plate, more weight gained, less money in our checkbook become reasons why we don’t deserve to take care of ourselves. Well, the reality is that, so many times as women, we find ourselves trying to take care of so many other people or things that we have convinced ourselves that it is ok that we have left ourselves behind. The real truth is actually that we are the most deserving. Carrying the added weight of stress & worry can take a toll on you both mentally and physically. To take just an hour or two out of your week to pamper yourself is something that is really more of a necessity than you might realize. Even if you aren’t in a place financially where you can visit a salon or spa, Jessica, of “jessicalee422” on YouTube can teach you some wonderful tutorials. She will keep you trendy, while simplifying some of the most difficult looks out today. A great way to start would be to intentionally schedule “me time” into your calendar and don’t waiver from it. Treat is as you would any other appointment.

the GUIDE  

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connect WITH  us

-  we  love  engaging  with  our  readers,  if  you  have  a  story  to  be  considered  by  us  to  inspire  our  community  you  can  find  

us  at  the  following…  


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happiness is . wearing  your  heart  on  your  sleeve  

marvelous things!

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the GUIDE  

BUDGET Beauty  on  a    Don’t think you won’t get amazing results from drugstore brands? In fact, one of the most recommended cleansers regardless of budget is Cetaphil. The non-drying soap free formula is going to both clean your skin in the morning as well as improve your staying power of your makeup throughout the day.

A great way to save money is to invest in multi-purpose beauty products. Olive Oil is a great example of a product that is extremely versatile. The oil can be used as both a scalp and deep hair conditioner, as well as an eye makeup remover. Also using cream based color cosmetics that can be either a blush, shadow, or lipstick are great ways to expand your product use without draining your wallet.  

Eyeshadow palettes are all the rage in both drug & department stores these days. Learning how to make some your shades work for you entire face can be another great way to cut corners in your budget. Urban Decay’s Naked Palettes have both matte and neutral shades which can double as highlighter, eyeliner and brow filler.

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the GUIDE  

One of my favorite brands to purchase when money is tight is E.L.F. ( eyes – lips – face). Admittedly there are some of the products that fair better than others but their brushes are phenomenal. All of the products pictured range from $1.00 - $3.00 so even if you pick up one that might not turn out to be what you were thinking, your investment isn’t too deep into your wallet that you will feel that awful feeling of buyers remorse we have all felt at some point in our makeup buying careers.

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the GUIDE  

1. Clarins – Rosewood Shadow Palette 2. Bobby Brown – Blue Raspberry Lipstick 3. Dior – Red Royalty Nail Lacquer 4. Nars – Orgasm Powder Blush 5. Elizabeth Arden – Crème Nectar 6. Maybelline – Red Revival Lipstick 7. Stila – Aspiring Lip Pencil

Finding a shade that works for your skin tone doesn’t have to be as difficult as the professionals will lead you to believe. If fact there are only about 3 simple rules to follow when heading out to a department or drug store to purchase your next set of cosmetics. Nudes aren’t the answer Finding shades of coral & pink will mimic the undertones of your skin far more simply than trying to match a flat nude. These colors can also wash you out, taking away from the effect you are trying to create. Yellow & Violet are your friend These tones are considered neutrals on the color wheel, meaning they blend and compliment any tone or shade. Even if you are new to selecting these colors for yourself you will find that they are fairly simple to detect even with the untrained eye. (i.e. purple & yellow) Select your colors in natural light When selecting perfect tones natural light will give you the best results. Something to keep in mind when shopping is that fluorescent lighting, reds appear blue and nudes appear more pale.  

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the GUIDE  

on the shelf  The monthly guide to books, music, & media we love and know you will too




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the TREND  

Growing up you always hear in Sunday School that you should always carry your Bible. As the years have passed and a lot of growing up has occurred, carrying The Word has swayed from something I never thought to grab on my way out the door, to one of the first things on the list. I’m sure you will understand then how excited I was when I heard that Zondervan had released an entire collection of Bibles crafted in the form of clutches for the trendy woman who want to keep the Scriptures close at hand. Their designs cover everything from a classic quilting pattern to safari zebra like prints. Keep an eye out for our review later this month with Zondervan’s entire Styleline Bible collection.

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If GOD brings you to it;

He will bring you through it.

{grace} m a g a z i n e

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connect WITH  us      

or  on  the  web  @

-  we  love  engaging  with  our  readers,  if  you  have  a  story,  photo,  praise,  or  prayer  request  you  would  like  shared  with  our  community  you  can  find  us  at  the  following…  

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the TREND  

boundaries  PUSHING!BOUNDARIES!with  

To be completely honest when I first heard there was going to be a Christian Fashion Week I was one of the skeptics. My first thought was pertaining to the date. I thought, “Its quite ambitious to set your show right in the center of the worlds biggest fashion event and expect to be noticed.” My second thought, as someone who has worked intricately in the fashion industry, was that words like modesty & boundaries don’t generally go hand in hand with trendy & avant garde. Fashion is all about creative expression and definitely drawing outside the lines how would one do that with guidelines to follow? These thoughts quickly changed when seeing what the nine designers who stepped up to the challenge this year in Tampa brought to the runway. There were definitely a lot more than frumpy unfashionable pieces showcased and my perception was definitely changed.

By Eliza Beerbower

Photos courtesy of Michael McCoy, MP Studios Tampa

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the TREND  

One of my favorite pieces from the show was this black Sandra Hagen piece. The lace over lay is beyond exquisite. Hagen can be quoted saying, “Fashion to me is empowering. When I create, I feel that there is nothing I cannot do. I love prints, textures, and color. I’m all about well crafted pieces done right, and anything feminine with a touch of vintage. I like to design for confident women who like to feel sexy, feminine, and sophisticated.” This statement definitely shows throughout her entire collection.

Photos courtesy of Michael McCoy, MP Studios Tampa

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the TREND  

It’s no secret that the color blocking trend is here to stay, so to see it paired with sparkling fun evening wear is right on point when it comes to the avant garde feel that a fashionista looks for when attending a runway show. The designer, Franco Montoro, of Venezuela who began his career designing jewelry, has been internationally recognized for his avant-garde designs. Montoro creates both collections as well as custom fitted designs for clients in the Miami area.

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the TREND  

Photos courtesy of Michael McCoy, MP Studios Tampa

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the TREND  

Alma Vidovic’s bridal collection was beyond amazing, and I was once again surprised that she was launching her first collection at this event. Vidovic’s eye for design comes from experience as a

celebrity fashion stylist at the Home Shopping Network. The IADT Fashion Design & Marketing graduate has lent her talents to HSN fashion shows for some of the top celebrity designers such as DKNY, Reem Ackra, Badgley Mischka, Naeem Khan, Rachel Roy, Adam Lippes, Vince Camuto,

Giuliana Rancic, Fern Mallis, Iman, Twiggy, Mariah Carey, and many more. Alma is passionate about helping others and has volunteered her time to a number of non-profit endeavors. She founded the Fashion Industry Association, a Florida non-profit organization with members in

fashion, beauty, photography and modeling.

Photos courtesy of Michael McCoy, MP Studios Tampa

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the TREND  

Menswear was not void on the runway during the evening which was again another pleasant surprise. Designer, Pat Mc Ghee , is a native of Florida. Working in the fashion industry for over 10 years, she is grateful and appreciative of the talent that God has given her. Her creative looks are works of art through using different colors and textures brings broad appeal to her clients and her collection.

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the TREND  

"I want all women to see they can feel beautiful and glamorous in my swimwear at the beach or the pool side, regardless of imperfections. ”

- Renee Scarborough – Designer Two Coconuts Swimwear

Before the shows, there was a private viewing for women only showcasing designer Renee Scarborough of “Two Coconuts Swimwear”. After the show (as pictured) the audience was able to have a more personal experience by being able to visit with the designer about both her vision and inspiration behind the collection.

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the TREND  

Jose & Mayra Gomez and Will & Tammy Lugo – Tampa, FL

Founders of Christian Fashion Week

Over two years ago, we envisioned a fashion week that would feature modest yet fashionable garments specifically designed with the Christian community in mind. Last Saturday, February 9, we made history as we put on the show of our lives. Nine designers from all walks of life and career showcased their collections for an audience of over 300 attendees and over 2,000 online viewers.

from  the  F O U N D E R S

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the TREND        

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the TREND  

FASHION for  a    


There is no doubt that Mercedes Benz Fashion Week is the mecca of fashion events. 1,000 travel to the Big Apple every February to the big tents in Bryant Park to scope out the hottest trends for the next year. Katie Martinez, owner/designer, of the brand Elegantees not only showed up in a big way with her designs, but with a voice for a cause that effects the fashion industry everyday. Elegantees’ graced the runway with their modest & affordable tops, tunics, and blouses, with a resounding message. All of Ellegantees designs are sewn buy women who are survivors of human trafficking. They give fair-trade sewing jobs through The Nepall Rescue Project and Restore NYC. We will be doing a full spread feature of their designs in the next issue.

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the TREND  

My favorite time to shop is around the end of January and early February, when stores begin their desperate twice, thrice markdowns trying to get rid of inventory to make space for the Spring merchandise. Of course this means sorting through a lot of items that come in ugly colors and prints or odd sizes. It also means being extra careful to look for damage. The blazer you’ve been wanting is right here, in your size, at 80% off? Oh wait, there’s a funny stain right on the front lapel. Sometimes it really is too good to be true. It also means the oh-so-alluring sales usually equate to “final sales” which I try my best to avoid unless it’s something I’ve been eyeing all season. Because sometimes, how something looks in the store just doesn’t look the same once you bring it home. Blame it on the blindingly bright lights or annoying skinny mirrors but nearly half the time I have buyer’s remorse once I get a good look at my purchase in normal daylight in front of my normal mirrors. Or when I’m showing Mr. Wonderful my new dress and he makes a comment like, “Hmm…you look…(insert colorful adjective)?” For example, on my recent visit to Zara, I picked up this olive velvet jacket. I was attracted to the motorcycle style and the plush softness. In the fitting room I loved how it was fitted around my torso ( a rarity) and so in my excitement I brought it home with me glowing from my find. Back at home the magic disappeared. What was I thinking? The sleeves were too long on me, and the shoulders too wide. What a mistake. Good thing Zara doesn’t have a final sale policy, so it went back pronto.

FINAL… All  sales  are  By Jen K

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styleline  | w w w . s t y l e l i n e b i b l e s . c o m

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“I am NEVER getting married!” so many people make the most of this little 5 word phrase because that is exactly their plan. For what ever reason, they have sworn off ever having a meaningful relationship that would lead to the “M” word. Whether because they’ve never seen a “good” marriage or they’ve really only witnessed or encountered “bad” relationships, in their mind, it’s just never going to happen. But really… they want it to. We all do. I don’t know that I’ve ever heard anyone say, “I never want a good, lasting relationship.” Because the truth is, we are people, people. We want to love and to be loved. That’s just how the Creator wired us. But it’s hard to know how to get it right. So we are apprehensive because we don’t want to get it wrong.

the WORD  

!andardHIGHEST #eBy Melody Hawks

So, what’s a girl to do? Often we go about setting a higher standard for ourselves. We are determined to, not put up with this or only date guys who look a certain way or say or do certain things. But we can’t just leave it at that. We cannot write out a list of goals and standards for the potential Mr. Right. I mean, if you meet someone nice and on your first date, you bust out your list of demands and requirements, you may just make the poor guy feel like he’s on a job interview. And if you ask me, dating is enough work as it is. If you’re not married yet or if you’re out on the dating scene, the good thing is you have a chance to get it right. But understand, getting it right doesn’t happen accidently.

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the WORD  Don’t get me wrong. I believe that setting standards for the kind of person you would want to be in a relationship is a great idea. You should set boundaries for yourself before you get into a relationship and realize that “this guy doesn’t fit my mold” but there’s more to it than just that. In his video series “The New Rules for Love, Sex and Dating”, Pastor Andy Stanley brings up a fabulous question. He asks, “Are you the person that the person you are looking for, is looking for?” in other words, you may be looking for the perfect date or the perfect mate, but are YOU who they are looking for? A guy who is out going, funny and a joy to be around might not be looking for a girl with a list of demands on a mission. The secret is, you yourself becoming what the person you are looking for is looking for.  

I Corinthians 13:11 says, “When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child and I reasoned like a child. But when I became a man, I put away childish things.” Children’s stories entertain us; it’s a great escape while we are in the moment. We see the princess, we see the prince and we know that if just the right situation were to occur, they would get together and they would live “happily ever after.” The problem is, we take these stories, these fictional characters and situations and try some how to plug them into our every day, not so story-book human-ness. Maybe this is one of the “childish things” Paul was talking about. When we are looking for the right person not only are we seeking but being sought.    So what does this look like? How can we put into practice? The way we dress, the attitude we have, looking at dating as a time to truly get to know a person through the qualities that will sustain a relationship…these are things to definitely consider. But as we work on ourselves, what steps are practical to take? For starters, look at Romans 12.  

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the WORD  


when you seek me.

If you look for me in earnest,  

The Apostle Paul gives great advice in how we can go about shaping who we are. He begins by saying, “I urge you to present your bodies as a living sacrifice” (my paraphrase) this can take many shapes but for this application I think it can mean to be careful what we do with our bodies, be careful how we dress and how we act. He goes on to say, “Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” This to me is simple. Garbage in, garbage out. Don’t fill your mind with images, music or other things that are destructive. They can be destructive to your self image, and your image of others. No, more importantly renew your mind by reading or viewing and listening to things that build people up and are encouraging. Get into the Word of God and find out His standards and do your best to abide by them, this way you will know what God wants you to do, and you will know how good and pleasing and perfect his will really is.

The bottom line is, we don’t have to reinvent the wheel when it comes to relationships. God already has the plan written out for us, it’s up to us to follow it. If we focus on being someone desirable in our hearts, God will create a song in you to the right someone will hear. And if we would just stop, reset our standards as Christ centered and prepare for who GOD has in store for you, you’re sure to find that things work out better than you ever imagined.

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"What was that moment when you knew he was 'the one' for you?"

I knew he was the one for me when I first met him at karate class. I was teaching. –  Heather

God placed him shortly after I was saved. - Donna

I knew he was the one just because I had this feeling that we would always be together. We are willing to do anything for each other. – Ashley

My husband taught me that the resume I had put together for the "right guy" was not what was best for me or who I really should be looking for. I knew he was right for me when he accepted me for who I was completely! - Savina

I was going through a really trying time and I was trying to hold it together. He hugged me then whispered to me that I didn't have to be strong for everybody else. No one had ever told me that before. I just knew.... - Chris

The first argument we ever had. Rather than making low blows and sharp jabs (like I do), he listened, cared and really wanted us to grow together. - Jessica

in                              words      HER

the WORD  

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the WORD  

You know that moment when it finally hits you that you don't recognized the person in the mirror? I mean, yeah, the outer shell looks familiar but the person inside is a complete stranger. Well that is a feeling, for a while, that I became entirely too familiar with. I grew up in a great Christian home and was the "good girl" in high school. After a bad relationship followed by a downward spiral, I was faced with the feeling of not knowing who I should be or at least who I want to strive to be but like Paul talks about in Romans 7: 15-17, I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do. And if I do what I I do not want to do. I agree that the law is good. As it is, it is no longer myself who do it, but sin living in me.” Paul goes on in the passage to basically say that good does not dwell in us. Since the fall of man we have been born of sinful nature. Therefore, without our constant focus and attention being on the Lord we will fall into a “rut” per say. That rut is where we lose sight of purpose and our joy. We are all created with a divine purpose, chosen by God. How cool is it to think that God, the creator of the Universe, has a purpose for you? Sometimes we get so comfortable that we think things are going so well that we allow our focus to stray and begin to give our self more credit than we might deserve. That is when we slop into whatever that temptation may be that we struggle with. Mostly for girls I think our failing point is acceptance. Whether it be a group of people such as the “popular” crowd, other girls, and of course BOYS.  

By Britney Reynolds Losing  sight…  

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As women, we have a natural want for affection and love. We want someone to want a passionate and intimate relationship with us. When we lose sight of where our focus should be we try to fill the void with earthly relationships without our divine purpose in mind. We do things we know we shouldn’t and feel even emptier. The problem is our starting point. Yes, God can put the desire for relationships in us but I think we lose sight of why. The relationships in our lives should always bring glory to God and we should be in constant search and prayer for a spouse that will bring us closer to God and that through a marriage we would be glorifying God. The problem is we search for these friendships and relationships without first growing and nurturing what should be closest, most important, and intimate relationship.

Our relationship with our creator, our Savior. We must strive for the deepest intimacy in that relationship if we ever hope to have to have the friendships and eventually marriage that God designed for us to have. We are created in the image of God, which is the reason why things become cloudy when we are not living with an intimate relationship with him and are constantly striving to be like Jesus. We don’t recognize ourselves or feel any joy. So finally I say, live for the Lord, strive to be like Him and continuously work to be intimately close to him. That is where you will find your joy and purpose. And in that you will find yourself the true woman God intends you to be.

the WORD  

Photo Courtesy of Three Little Birds LLC

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the WORD  

When out for a night, focus your attention on those who are with you in the flesh. Taking time to unplug and really connect keeps those who have taken the time from their schedule left feeling appreciated and a little more loved.

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-  we  love  engaging  with  our  readers,  if  you  have  fashion,  trends,  or  tutorials  you  would  like  shared  with  our  community  you  can  find  us  at  the  following…  




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