
from openness to abundance

glyn moody

openness is winning

against what?against being closed

against refusal to share digital artefacts

against artifical scarcity of information

the history of scarcity

once upon a time, ideas and known facts were scarce...

...because humans were scarce2,000 years ago 200 million

1,000 years ago 400 million

700 years ago 450 million

600 years ago 350 million

...because humans were busytrying to survive

mercantilist mindset

scarcity meant people viewed the economic system as a zero-sum game, in which any gain by one party required a loss by anotherinvasions

monopolies key policy instrument

informational scarcitypirating ideas/skills by enticing foreign master craftsmen that knew them with national monopolies

letters patent

issued by English monarch to grant monopoly for particular industrycalled patent because not sealed early open source law

first English patent granted a 20-year monopoly to Flemish stained- glassmaker (1449)

afterwards, knowledge released

formalised in the Statute of Monopolies (1624)

17th-century invention

very few inventors

very few inventions

trade secrets easy to keep (trade guilds)

in an age of inventive scarcity, patent monopolies made sense as a mercantilist incentiveto encourage new inventions

to get them revealed for wider use, rather than hoarded

21st-century invention

today, we have an abundance of inventors and invention, as the creaking patent system showsin 2009, 482,871 patent applications filed with USPTO; 135,000 in Europe

abundant monopolies impede progress, rather than promoting itindependent invention problem

patent thickets

software patent problems

most litigated causing much of the backlog of cases in US3% in 1984, 26% in 2002

total US profit annually was $100 million for 1996-1999

the total cost of litigating in US was $3.9 billion per year

software patents = overall net loss of $3.8 billion per year

gene patent problems

4,000 of 24,000 human genes have been patented in US (2004)

3,000,000 genome-related patents filed

patent-stacking allows single DNA sequence to be patented in several ways

whole-genome scan: impossible with the huge number of gene patents

copy right

key invention: movable type (1457)

in 16th and 17th century England, the Stationers' Company had exclusive and perpetual state monopoly over producing printed copies of every registered book (their copy right)

aim was to *control* what was printed by establishing responsibility - instrument of censorship

Statute of Anne (1710)

An Act for the Encouragement of Learning

gave limited monopoly (14 years + 14 year extension)

text became freely available after that period created modern public domain

strongly influenced US copyright law

18th-century publishing

hardwriters were scarce

typesetting slow

printing presses were expensive

binding was slow

distribution slow

sales limited

major investment of time, energy money

18th-century book piracy

*also* hardsomebody to typeset the text

somebody to print the sheets

somebody to bind the book

somebody to distribute the book

somebody to sell the book

main saving was not paying author

in an age of scarcity, copyright made infringement even more risky

21st-century e-publishing

trivially easycreate it

upload it

sell it globally

21st-century e-piracy

also trivially easyobtain digital content (DRM-free)

upload it

people download it globally

e-piracy is powered by Moore's Lawtoday: 1 Terabyte hard disc 50

tomorrow: 1 Exabyte hard disc 50

implicit *abundance*: 150,000 MP3 files today, 150,000,000,000 MP3 tomorrow

towards abundance

10 million articles on Wikipedia

13 million tracks on Spotify

100 million blogs

hundreds of millions videos on YouTube

5 billion pictures on Flickr

one trillion URLs (2008)

but...this is only a part of today's abundance

dark abundance

the online materials that may be infringing on copyright, and as such form unofficial abundance

by definition, dark abundance negates the scarcity that lies at the heart of copyright

challenges 18th-century business models built on scarcity

like dark matter, dark abundance has visible consequences

war on abundance

HADOPI; Digital Economy Act; Ley Sinde


PROTECT IP Act; voluntary Website blocking

places protection of intellectual monopolies and their scarcities above protection of human rights

rather break the Internet than allow it to be used for sharing

war on developing world

4 billion have no access to the Internet

thanks to intellectual monopolies they have double obstacle to overcome to improve their lot:they must get connected

they must then pay for access to most of the world's knowledge, often at near-Western rates even though the marginal cost is practically zero

fair abundance

means giving 24x7 access to all today's knowledge, to anyone with a digital access device mobile, computer, TV

means access for all humanity not just the developed world, or the richer classes elsewhere

sounds socialist or worse: actually conservative

back to basics

copyright not about preserving the West's grip on knowledge

copyright not about protecting old business models

copyright not about enshrining authors' or publishers' rights

copyright is about the Encouragement of Learningexplicit in Statute of Anne, US copyright acts

the virtuous circle

today, the optimum way of encouraging learning is to free it up for the billions who currently have little access to it

educating them through access to knowledge will generate even more creativity in the system

self-fuelling, positive feedback


nobody has the right to diminish my copyright in this way

however, society *does* have that right - just as it had the right to strengthen copyright, repeatedly, by extending its range and its term, diminishing public domain

not necessarily one-way

society decides which direction and the quid pro quo

the precedent (1)

for those who deny that it is impossible to do this, there is a historical precedent: the first-sale doctrine

rights to control the change of ownership of a particular copy end once that copy is sold

society decided this was a fair limitation on copyright

the precedent (2)

those who talk of IP compare copyright infringement with trespass

in 20th century, law on trespass radically limited by taking away airspace rights"every transcontinental flight would subject the operator to countless trespass suits"

digital airspace

we need to allow copies to pass freely through the abundant digital space that surrounds analogue objects, just as planes/satellites can pass freely through infinite airspace above private property

if not, the war on digital sharing becomes a war on the ability of the mind to take flight through knowledge

coming to terms

copyright was originally 14 years + 14 years; the copyright ratchet has been moving it up to 70 years + life

the ratchet went the wrong way should have decreased the term of copyright as more creators arrived, less incentive needed

for analogue content, could bring it back to 14 years + 14 years with renewal

Internet time

what about digital content?

famously, one calendar year is seven Internet years

digital content lives on Internet time, so for that, should measure copyright on Internet time

14 Internet years = 2 calendar years

patently obvious?

what about patents?

as for copyright, there are two kinds of patents: analogue and digital

analogue patents operate on calendar time, so could leave the current term (typically 20 years)

digital patents software patents, gene patents just don't scale, so abolish them

it won't work

there will inevitably be infringing content online

copyright industries will cling to scarcity by waging war on sharing

if analogue patents still exist, clever lawyers will employ the computer-implemented invention/purified gene trick, yoking digital and analogue together

abundance and freedom

to stop the war on sharing, to allow all humanity to build on all knowledge, need to abolish both copyright and patents, for all domains

there is only one non-arbitrary term for an intellectual monopoly: zero years

beyond mercantilism

copyright and patents were rational and necessary incentives for an age of analogue scarcity

in an age of digital abundance, no longer rational or necessary

should no longer put up with the high price that intellectual monopolies exact - hindering progress, holding back billions of lives and the loss of fundamental freedoms

against intellectual monopoly

323-page book by Michelle Boldrin and David Levine, free download

We show through theory and example that intellectual monopoly is not necessary for innovation and as a practical matter is damaging to growth, prosperity and liberty.

from openness to abundance

getting from here to there is non-trivial task

how would open projects function without copyright?

what would the key issues be in a world without intellectual monopolies?

what new roles might open projects play in such a world of abundance?

Abundant Knowledge Conference

[email protected]

@glynmoody on

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